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Medical Research vs Cosmetic Testing

Heidi, Victoria, Cathy, Vincy, Phoebe

01 Introduction 02 Is animal testing acceptable? 03 Why is animal research necessary?

% of participants who thought or believed that animal
testing was acceptable by circumstances Animal testing is required by law to ensure the safty of potential
new medicines before beginning clinical trials in people
Vaccines for dozens of infectious diseases, including diphtheria,
tetanus, tuberculosis, measles, mumps and rubella, have been
developed through animal testing
Biopharmacrutical companies like Pfizer have utilized animal
research to develop products, such as the BioNTech COVID-19
vaccine during the COVID-19 pandemic

Animal Testing refers to procedures performed on

living animals for purposes of research
04 Should we ban testing makeup
on animals?
The evaluation of the effectiveness of medicine
All European Union countries,
and the safety of consumer and industry products New Zealand, South Korea,
The procedures often cause suffering to animals Online survey: 100 participants (50 female and 50 male) Taiwan, and Turkey have banned
and most animals are killed during the A majority of the participants agreed that testing on animal testing on cosmetics since
experiments animals is okay if it is done for medical research and 2013, emphasizing the need for
drug testing cruelty-free alternatives.

Animal testing is necessary for assessing Only 12.44% of respondents said it is not okay to test
Department stores prominently
the efficacy and safety of new medicines, on animals
display the "Leaping Bunny" logo
but NOT for cosmetics. Around 18% of respondents agree that animal testing
to signify these products.
for cosmetics is acceptable Many countries have banned animal-tested cosmetics.

05 Conclusion Other alternatives to minimize harm to animals :

Reducing the number of animals used in studies
06 Suggestions
Animal testing is crucial for life-saving
Employ professional technicians for animal care Scientists: Working towards mininizing harm to animanls
medicine development, but it should be
banned for non-essential cosmetic products.
Provide specialized diets and comfortable during experimentation.
environments for animals
A variety of non-animal testing methods and
Refine research procedures to minimize animal Consumers: Not to purchase products that have been
ingredients can be used for cosmetic
pain and distress tested on animals.

Companies: To develop new products by using

References: ingredients with a long history of safe use.

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