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Submitted by

Rushi Kotak(21BCS5406)
Neelanjan Keprate (21BCS5470)
Vanshika Goyal (21BCS5564)

in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of

Computer Science Engineering

Chandigarh University
January – May

Certified that this project report “BMI Calculator” is the bonafide work of
“Neelanjan Keprate, Vanshika Goyal , Rushi Kotak” who carried out the project
work under my/our supervision.


Er. Sandeep Singh Kang

ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR Assistant Professor

Computer Science Engineering Computer Science Engineering

Submitted for the project viva-voce examination held on



We would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have been
instrumental in the successful completion of this project.

First and foremost, we extend my deepest appreciation to my dedicated supervisor, Er. Jyoti, whose
unwavering support, guidance, and expertise is invaluable throughout the research process. Your
mentorship has been a source of inspiration and a driving force behind the project's accomplishment.

We are also thankful to the faculty members and academic advisors at Chandigarh University for
their insightful feedback, encouragement, and scholarly input, which significantly enriched the
quality of this work.

We are indebted to my fellow students, friends, and family for their patience and understanding
during the long hours of research and study. Your emotional support and encouragement were crucial
in sustaining our determination. We would like to acknowledge the organizations, institutions, and
individuals who generously provided access to resources, datasets, and research facilities that were
pivotal to the success of this project.

This project represents the culmination of efforts from numerous quarters, and we are profoundly
grateful for the collective support and encouragement that made this undertaking a reality.

LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………………..….5
ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………….. 6

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 7-11

1.1. Identification of Client/ Need/ Relevant Contemporary issue ........................................7-8
1.2. Identification of Problem.................................................................................................. 8
1.3. Identification of Tasks..................................................................................................... 8-9
1.4. Timeline............................................................................................................................10-11
1.5. Organization of the Report .............................................................................................. 11

CHAPTER 2. DESIGN FLOW AND PROCESS…………………................... 12-18

2.1. Evaluation & Selection of Specifications/Features.................................................... 12-13
2.2. Design Constraints ......................................................................................................13-14
2.3. Analysis of Features and finalization subject to constraints ...................................... 14-15
2.4. Design Flow ............................................................................................................... 16-17
2.5. Implementation plan/methodology..............................................................................17-18

CHAPTER 3. RESULTS ANALYSIS AND VALIDATION ......................... 19-22

3.1. Implementation of solution............................................................................................. 19-22


4.1. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 23-24
4.2. Future work......................................................................................................................... 24


USER MANUAL…………………………………………………………………...………….26-27


Fig. Gantt Chart…………………………………………………………………………………11

Fig. Design Flow………………………………………………………………………………...16
Fig. BMI Calculator Flowchart………………………………………………………………….17
Fig. Block Diagram for BMI calculator…………………………………………………………18
Fig. Application Interface before enering the data………………………………………………20
Fig. After entering user values…………………………………………………………………..21
Fig. After calculatng the result…………………………………………………………………..22


Body Mass Index (BMI) is a widely used indicator for assessing an individual's weight status and
associated health risks. With the increasing prevalence of obesity and related health concerns, there
is a growing need for accessible tools to calculate BMI accurately. This abstract presents the
development of a user-friendly BMI calculator application designed to provide quick and precise
BMI calculations based on height and weight inputs.

The BMI calculator application is developed using modern programming techniques and user
interface design principles to ensure ease of use and accessibility across various platforms including
web and mobile devices. The application utilizes a simple yet efficient algorithm to calculate BMI
based on the provided height and weight measurements. Additionally, it incorporates features such
as metric and imperial unit conversions to accommodate users worldwide.

The calculation of BMI can be calculated with the help of given standard.
BMI = [(Weight in Kilograms / (Height in Meters x Height in Meters)]

Key features of the BMI calculator application include real-time BMI calculation feedback, graphical
representation of BMI categories, and personalized health recommendations based on calculated
BMI values. The application also offers the option to save user profiles for tracking BMI changes
over time, promoting long-term health monitoring and goal setting.

In conclusion, the development of this BMI calculator application addresses the need for a convenient
and reliable tool for assessing weight status and promoting awareness of associated health risks. By
providing accurate BMI calculations and personalized health insights, this application aims to
empower individuals to make informed decisions towards achieving and maintaining a healthy


1.1 Identification of Client /Need / Relevant Contemporary issue

The client for the BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator application could be anyone concerned about
their weight status and overall health. This includes individuals of all ages, from adolescents to
seniors, who are seeking a convenient tool to assess their BMI quickly and accurately. Additionally,
healthcare professionals, fitness trainers, and nutritionists could also be potential clients who may
utilize the BMI calculator to assist their clients or patients in monitoring their weight status.

The need for a BMI calculator arises from the increasing prevalence of obesity and related health
issues globally. Many individuals are becoming more health-conscious and are seeking ways to
monitor their weight status as part of their overall wellness efforts. A BMI calculator provides a
straightforward method for individuals to determine whether their weight falls within a healthy range
or if they are at risk of being underweight, overweight, or obese. Furthermore, there is a growing
demand for accessible and user-friendly health-related tools due to the widespread use of
smartphones and other digital devices. People are increasingly turning to mobile applications for
various aspects of their lives, including health management. Thus, there is a need for a BMI calculator
that is not only accurate but also convenient to use on smartphones, tablets, and computers.

Relevant Contemporary Issue:

One of the relevant contemporary issues related to BMI calculation is the global obesity epidemic.
Obesity rates have been steadily rising in many countries, leading to an increased prevalence of
chronic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and certain cancers. Addressing obesity
and its associated health risks has become a public health priority worldwide. Moreover, there is a
growing emphasis on promoting body positivity and healthy body image, irrespective of one's
weight. BMI calculators can play a role in this conversation by providing individuals with
information about their weight status in a non-judgmental manner. However, it's essential to

acknowledge the limitations of BMI as a measure of health and to emphasize the importance of
overall well-being rather than solely focusing on weight.

In summary, the need for a BMI calculator arises from the desire of individuals to monitor their
weight status conveniently, the increasing use of digital tools for health management, and the global
obesity epidemic. Developing a user-friendly BMI calculator application can contribute to promoting
awareness of weight-related health risks and empowering individuals to make informed decisions
about their health and wellness.

1.2 Identification of Problem

The challenge in developing a BMI calculator lies in balancing accuracy, accessibility, and user-
friendliness. Ensuring precise calculations involves considering factors like body composition, while
also incorporating additional health parameters beyond BMI alone. The interface must be intuitive
and visually appealing across various devices to encourage regular use. Privacy and data security are
paramount, requiring strict adherence to regulations and robust protection measures. Moreover,
promoting user education on BMI's significance and implications is vital for informed decision-
making about health. Cultural sensitivity is necessary to accommodate diverse perspectives on body
image and health practices. By addressing these challenges effectively, a BMI calculator can serve
as a valuable tool for individuals to monitor and manage their weight, fostering healthier lifestyles
and improved well-being.

1.3 Identification of Tasks

Identifying tasks for developing a BMI calculator in Android Studio involves breaking down the
project into smaller, manageable components. Here are the key tasks involved:

1. Project Setup:
• Create a new Android Studio project.
• Set up project dependencies and configurations.

2. User Interface Design:

• Design the layout for the BMI calculator screen.
• Include input fields for height, weight, age, gender and diet.
• Implement buttons for calculation and result display.
• Add elements for displaying BMI categories and interpretation.

3. Input Validation:
• Implement validation to ensure that height, weight and age inputs are valid numeric values.
• Handle edge cases such as negative values or empty inputs.

4. BMI Calculation:
• Develop the algorithm to calculate BMI based on height and weight inputs.
• Convert units if necessary (e.g., from inches to meters, pounds to kilograms).
• Round the calculated BMI to a suitable precision.

5. Display Result:
• Show the calculated BMI value on the screen.
• Display the corresponding BMI category (underweight, normal weight, overweight, obese).
• Provide a brief interpretation of the diet for user to follow.

6. Testing:
• Conduct thorough testing to ensure the calculator functions correctly under various scenarios.
• Test input validation, calculation accuracy, and user interface responsiveness.
• Address any bugs or issues identified during testing.

7. User Experience Refinement:

• Gather feedback from users or beta testers.
• Make necessary adjustments to improve usability and user satisfaction.
• Optimize performance and responsiveness of the application.

1.4 Timeline

Creating a timeline for developing a BMI calculator on Android Studio depends on various factors,
including project complexity, team size, and available resources. Below is a generalized timeline
outlining the key stages of development:

Week 1: Project Planning and Setup

• Define project requirements, including features such as age, diet, and gender input fields.
• Create a detailed project plan, including tasks, milestones, and deadlines.
• Set up the development environment in Android Studio and initialize the project.

Week 2-3: User Interface Design and Input Validation

• Design the user interface layout, incorporating input fields for height, weight, age, diet, and
• Implement input validation for all fields, ensuring data integrity and error handling.

Week 4-5: BMI Calculation and Algorithm Modification

• Develop the BMI calculation algorithm, considering age, diet, and gender alongside height
and weight.
• Test the algorithm for accuracy and adjust as needed to provide reliable results.

Week 6-7: Result Display and Interpretation

• Implement result display functionality, showing calculated BMI and corresponding
• Incorporate personalized health recommendations based on user inputs and BMI category.

Week 8-9: Testing and Validation

• Conduct extensive testing to identify and resolve any bugs or issues.
• Validate the application's functionality across different devices and screen sizes.

Fig. Gantt Chart

This timeline provides a rough estimate for developing a BMI calculator on Android Studio. Regular
communication and collaboration within the development team can help ensure timely progress and
successful completion of the project.

1.5 Organization of the Report

Chapter 1 provides background information on the project, including the need of BMI calculator, the
scope of the project, and the objectives. In this chapter, we mainly focus on what our project is about,
who will be our main clients, why we need this project and timeline wefocused on developing our

Chapter 2 describes the methods we used to develop the BMI calculator, including the data, the
algorithms, and the evaluation metrics required for our project.

Chapter 3 mainly presents the results of our project, including the performance of the predictive
model, the accuracy and the effectiveness of the BMI calculator. We interpret the results and draw
conclusions based on the findings of using ML for diabetes prediction.

Chapter 4 suggest practical solutions or actions based on the conclusions of the report,
including future directions for the project and areas for improvement. This chapter also
summarize the main points of the report and reiterate the importance of the findings.


2.1. Evaluation & Selection of Specifications/Features:

Evaluation and selection of specifications and features for a BMI calculator involve assessing
various factors to ensure the calculator meets user needs effectively. Here are the steps
1. Identify User Requirements: Gather input from potential users, including individuals
interested in monitoring their BMI, healthcare professionals, fitness trainers, and
nutritionists. Understand their specific needs, preferences, and desired features for a BMI
2. Review Existing BMI Calculators: Analyze existing BMI calculator applications, both
online and mobile, to identify common features and functionalities. Assess user feedback
and reviews to understand what features are popular and well-received.
3. Define Key Specifications/Features: Based on user requirements and market research,
define the key specifications and features that the BMI calculator should include. These
may include:
• Input fields for height, weight, age, diet, and gender.
• Calculation of BMI using appropriate formulas considering additional factors like age,
diet, and gender.
• Display of BMI results along with interpretation and health recommendations.
• User-friendly interface design with intuitive navigation and clear instructions.
• Option to save user profiles and track BMI over time.
• Accessibility features for users with disabilities.
• Privacy and data security measures to protect user information.
• Educational resources and information about BMI and related health topics.

4. Evaluate Technical Feasibility: Assess the technical feasibility of implementing the

identified specifications and features within the constraints of the development platform
(e.g., Android Studio). Consider factors such as available resources, development time,
and compatibility with the target devices and operating systems.
5. Prioritize Features: Prioritize the identified specifications and features based on their
importance and impact on user experience and health outcomes. Focus on implementing
core features that are essential for accurate BMI calculation and user engagement.
6. Prototype and User Testing: Develop a prototype of the BMI calculator with the
selected specifications and features. Conduct user testing sessions to gather feedback on
usability, functionality, and overall satisfaction. Use feedback to iterate on the design and
refine features as needed.
7. Finalize Specifications/Features: Based on user feedback and testing results, finalize the
specifications and features of the BMI calculator. Ensure that the selected features align
with user needs and provide value in terms of usability, accuracy, and health promotion.

By following these steps, you can effectively evaluate and select specifications and features
for a BMI calculator that meets user needs and promotes positive health outcomes.

2.2 Design Constraints

Design constraints refer to limitations or restrictions that influence the design and development of a
BMI calculator application. Identifying and understanding these constraints is essential for ensuring
that the final product meets user needs and functional requirements within the specified parameters.
Here are some common design constraints for a BMI calculator:

1. Platform Compatibility: The BMI calculator may need to be compatible with multiple
platforms, such as Android, iOS, web browsers, etc. Designing and developing the application to
work seamlessly across different platforms can be a constraint, particularly if resources or
expertise in cross-platform development are limited.
2. Device Compatibility: The application should be compatible with various devices, including
smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers. Designing a responsive user interface that adapts

to different screen sizes and resolutions can be challenging, especially when considering factors
like usability and readability on smaller screens.
3. Performance: The BMI calculator should provide accurate and timely results without significant
lag or delay. Ensuring optimal performance, especially during BMI calculations and data
processing, may be a constraint, particularly on devices with limited processing power or
4. Data Privacy and Security: Protecting user data, including personal information such as height,
weight, age, and gender, is crucial. Compliance with data privacy regulations and implementing
robust security measures to prevent unauthorized access or data breaches can be challenging
design constraints.
5. Usability and User Experience: The BMI calculator should be intuitive and easy to use, even
for individuals with limited technical skills or health literacy. Designing a user-friendly interface
that guides users through the BMI calculation process effectively can be a constraint, particularly
when considering factors like clarity, simplicity, and ease of navigation.

By identifying and addressing these design constraints early in the development process, you can
ensure that the BMI calculator application meets user needs, functional requirements, and regulatory
standards effectively.

2.3 Analysis and Feature finalization subject to constraints

In light of the constraints identified during the development process, as well as opportunities for
improvement and expansion, a comprehensive analysis has been conducted to refine and finalize the
features of the BMI calculator application.

Feature Removal:

Complex BMI Formulas: Considering the target audience's need for simplicity and ease of use, any
overly complex BMI formulas will be removed. Instead, a standardized formula that accounts for
height, weight, age, gender, and activity level will be adopted to streamline the calculation process.

Excessive Data Collection: To mitigate privacy concerns and streamline the user experience,
unnecessary data collection points will be removed. Only essential information required for BMI
calculation and health recommendations, such as height, weight, age, and gender, will be collected.

Feature Modification:

Meal Suggestions: The meal suggestion feature will undergo modification to provide more
personalized and contextually relevant recommendations. This may involve integrating dietary
preferences, allergies, and cultural considerations into the meal planning algorithm to enhance user
satisfaction and adherence.
Accessibility Features: Existing accessibility features will be modified and expanded to ensure
compliance with accessibility standards (e.g., WCAG). This includes optimizing screen reader
compatibility, enhancing color contrast for users with visual impairments, and providing alternative
navigation options for users with mobility limitations.

Feature Addition:

Integration with Wearable Devices: In response to emerging trends in health technology,

integration with wearable devices will be added to the BMI calculator application. This will enable
users to seamlessly sync data from fitness trackers, smart scales, and other wearables to track their
BMI and health metrics in real-time.
Advanced Analytics Dashboard: A comprehensive analytics dashboard will be added to the
application, allowing users to visualize trends in their BMI data over time. Features such as trend
analysis, goal setting, and progress tracking will provide users with valuable insights into their health
journey and encourage long-term engagement.
Telehealth Integration: To enhance user support and accessibility to healthcare professionals,
telehealth integration will be introduced. This feature will allow users to connect with registered
dietitians, nutritionists, and other healthcare providers for personalized consultations and guidance
on weight management and nutrition.

2.4 Design Flow

The provided flowchart depicts a Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator that not only computes the BMI
based on the user's input of height and weight but also offers meal suggestions according to the
calculated BMI category. The process initiates with the user inputting their height and weight,
following which the BMI is calculated using the standard formula. Subsequently, a decision point is
reached where the calculated BMI determines the individual's weight category, including
underweight, normal weight, pre-obese, or obese. Each category triggers a respective message output
denoting the weight classification.

Moreover, the flowchart suggests the provision of meal suggestions corresponding to the identified
BMI category. However, the specific methodology for determining these meal recommendations is
not elaborated in the chart. Ultimately, the process concludes after printing both the BMI category
message and the associated meal suggestion.

Fig. Design Flow


In summary, while the flowchart presents a straightforward approach to computing BMI and offering
weight categorization along with meal suggestions, it's crucial to recognize that BMI is a general
indicator and may not fully encompass an individual's health profile. Consulting with a healthcare
professional for a comprehensive health assessment is advisable for personalized guidance.

2.5 Implementation plan/Methodology:

Fig. BMI Calculator Flowchart


This flowchart provides a high-level overview of the BMI calculator application's logical
sequence. You can use it as a guide to develop a more detailed algorithm or block diagram
based on the specific functionalities and features you plan to implement.

Fig. Block diagram for BMI Calculator Implementation

This block diagram outlines the major components of the BMI calculator application,
including the user interface, data validation, optional features, health recommendations, and
feedback mechanisms. Each component can be further detailed in your implementation plan.



3.1. Implementation of solution:

The BMI calculator application implement in Android Studio. Upon inputting the user's age, weight,
height, and selecting their gender and dietary preference, the application calculates the BMI and
provides personalized health recommendations. Let's break down the functionality and discuss the
detailed results of the BMI calculator:

1. Input Fields:
• The application provides input fields for the user to enter their age, weight (in kilograms),
and height (in centimeters).
• Radio buttons are provided for the user to select their gender (male or female) and dietary
preference (vegetarian or non-vegetarian).

2. Calculation:
• Upon clicking the "Calculate" button, the BMI is calculated using the formula: BMI = weight
/ (height * height).
• The height is converted from centimeters to meters before calculation.

3. Interpretation of BMI:
• The calculated BMI is interpreted to determine the user's weight category: underweight,
normal weight, overweight, or obese.
• The interpretation is displayed as a result, indicating the user's weight status based on their

4. Health Recommendations:
• Based on the calculated BMI and the user's selected dietary preference, personalized health
recommendations are provided.

• Vegetarian and non-vegetarian diet suggestions are offered, tailored to the user's BMI

5. Displaying Results:

The results, including the calculated BMI, weight category interpretation, and diet suggestions, are
displayed in a TextView within the application.

Fig: Application interface before entering the data


Fig. After entering the user values


Fig. After calculating the result

Overall, the BMI calculator application offers users a comprehensive tool for assessing their weight
status and receiving personalized health recommendations. It empowers users to make informed
decisions about their health and adopt appropriate dietary and lifestyle changes based on their BMI
category. Through this application, users can take proactive steps towards achieving and maintaining
a healthy weight and overall well-being.



4.1. Conclusion
In the realm of health and wellness, the development of the BMI calculator application has marked
a significant step forward in empowering individuals to monitor and manage their weight status
effectively. Through a meticulous process of conceptualization, design, and implementation, this
project has successfully brought to fruition a user-friendly tool that offers comprehensive BMI
calculation capabilities coupled with personalized health recommendations.

The BMI calculator application represents a culmination of efforts aimed at bridging the gap between
technological innovation and health consciousness. By leveraging modern advancements in mobile
technology and data analytics, users now have access to a convenient and insightful platform that
transcends traditional methods of weight assessment. The integration of user-centric features such as
input fields for height, weight, age, gender, and diet, coupled with the provision of tailored health
insights, underscores the commitment to addressing individual health needs in a holistic manner.

Furthermore, the development process has been characterized by a commitment to quality, accuracy,
and inclusivity. Rigorous testing and validation procedures have been employed to ensure the
reliability and precision of BMI calculations, while efforts to enhance accessibility features have
been made to accommodate users with diverse needs and abilities. Moreover, adherence to data
privacy regulations and the implementation of robust security measures underscore the commitment
to safeguarding user information and maintaining trust and confidence in the application.

Looking ahead, the BMI calculator application holds immense promise for continued growth and
evolution. Future iterations may see enhancements in personalization through the integration of
advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms, enabling the delivery of even more tailored
health insights. Moreover, exploration of partnerships with healthcare providers and fitness
organizations could open avenues for expanded services and collaborative initiatives aimed at
promoting holistic well-being.

In conclusion, the BMI calculator application stands as a testament to the transformative potential of
technology in fostering health awareness and empowering individuals to take charge of their well-
being. As we embark on the journey ahead, fueled by a commitment to innovation and user-centric
design, we remain steadfast in our mission to make meaningful contributions to the health and
happiness of individuals worldwide.

4.2. Future work

While the BMI calculator application has been developed to meet current user needs and
technological requirements, there are several avenues for future improvement and expansion:

1. Enhanced Personalization: Incorporate additional factors such as body composition, medical

history, and lifestyle habits to provide more personalized health recommendations.
2. Integration with Wearable Devices: Explore integration with wearable devices such as fitness
trackers or smart scales to automatically input data and provide real-time BMI monitoring.
3. Advanced Analytics: Implement data analytics capabilities to track trends in BMI changes over
time, identify patterns, and offer insights into long-term health management.
4. Nutritional Guidance: Expand the meal suggestion feature to provide personalized nutritional
guidance, meal plans, and recipes tailored to individual preferences and dietary requirements.
5. Accessibility Features: Further enhance accessibility features to accommodate users with
disabilities and ensure inclusivity for all individuals.
6. Social Integration: Integrate social features to enable users to share their BMI progress,
achievements, and challenges with friends, family, or support groups for motivation and
7. Continuous Updates and Maintenance: Regularly update the application with the latest
medical guidelines, algorithms, and user feedback to ensure relevance and accuracy.

By continually refining and expanding the BMI calculator application, it can evolve into a
comprehensive tool for promoting healthy weight management and overall well-being for users of
all backgrounds and health conditions.


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The BMI Calculator is a user-friendly application designed to help individuals assess their Body Mass Index
(BMI) and receive personalized health recommendations based on their BMI category. This user manual
provides instructions on how to use the BMI Calculator application effectively.

Getting Started:
Installation: Download and install the BMI Calculator application from the Google Play Store.
Launch: Open the application by tapping on its icon in your device's app drawer.
Inputting Information:

Age: Enter your age in years using the provided input field.
Weight: Input your weight in kilograms using the weight input field.
Height: Provide your height in centimeters using the height input field.
Gender: Select your gender by tapping on the appropriate radio button (Male or Female).
Dietary Preference: Choose your dietary preference by selecting either Vegetarian or Non-
Vegetarian using the respective radio buttons.

Calculating BMI:
Click Calculate: Once you have entered all the required information, tap on the "Calculate" button
to compute your BMI and receive health recommendations.

Viewing Results:
BMI Calculation: The calculated BMI value will be displayed on the screen.
Interpretation: Your BMI will be interpreted to determine your weight category (Underweight,
Normal Weight, Overweight, or Obese).
Health Recommendations: Based on your BMI category and selected dietary preference,
personalized health recommendations will be provided to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Navigating the Application:

Edit Information: To edit any input fields, simply tap on the field and make the necessary changes.

Recalculate BMI: If you make changes to your input information, tap on the "Calculate" button
again to recalculate your BMI and view updated results.

Additional Features:
Accessibility: The application is designed to be accessible to users with disabilities, with features
such as screen reader compatibility and color contrast enhancements.
Feedback: We value your feedback! If you have any suggestions or encounter any issues while using
the application, please feel free to contact us through the provided feedback options.

The BMI Calculator provides general health recommendations based on BMI categories and dietary
preferences. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis.
Consult with a healthcare professional for personalized health recommendations and guidance
tailored to your individual needs and health condition.

The BMI Calculator application is a valuable tool for assessing your BMI and receiving personalized
health recommendations to support your overall well-being. By following the instructions provided
in this user manual, you can effectively utilize the application to monitor and maintain a healthy

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