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lead Designer: Christopher Perkins A simple question began rattling around in my head
Designers: James J. Haeck, James lntrocaso, Adam Lee, over two yea rs ago as I was bidding fareweJJ to Barovia,
Matt Sernett
Rules Development: Jeremy Crawford, Ben Petrisor, Kate Welch dragging myself out of the depths of Maelstrom, and
Story Consultants: Matthew Mercer, Charles Sanders planning a yearlong expedition to Chult. Where do we
go next? After mulling over several options. we decided
Managing Editor: Jeremy Crawford it would be refreshing to return to civilization.
lead Editor: Christopher Perkins
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist is a treasure hunt with an
Editors: Michele Carter, Scott Fitzgerald Gray, Kim Mohan
urban backdrop. We've visited Watcrdeep before, but
Art Director: Kate Irwin not like this. Clever heroes will respect the city's rules.
Additional Art Direction: Shauna Narciso, Richard Whitters Those who get on the city's bad side are in for a rough
Graphic Designer: Emi Tanji time, as the City of Splendors is home to some of the
Cover Illustrator: Tyler Jacobson
Interior Illustrators: Mark Behm, Eric Belisle, Zoltan Boros, Clint
most powerful figures in the Forgotten Realms.
Cearley, Sidharth Chaturvedi, Daarken, Eric Deschamps, Olga Charlie Sanders. a lifelong D&D player. brought his
Drebas, leesha Hannigan, Ralph Horsley, Tyler Jacobson, Sam experience writing for television to the project by help-
Keiser, Julian Kok, Alayna Lemmer, Christopher Moeller, Scott ing flesh out the story bible months before work on the
Murphy, Jim Pavelec, Claudio Pozas, Vincent Proce, Ned Rogers, adventure was scheduled to begin. Matthew Mercer,
Craig J Spearing, Jason Thompson, Cory Trego-Erdner, Richard
Whitters. Mark Winters, Shawn Wood, Bayard Wu, Kieran Yanner whom you might know from the livestreamed show
Interior Cartographer: Dyson logos Critical Role, lent us his boundless imagination and
Poster Map: Jason Engle helped flesh out the villains and their motives. A D&D
adventure is only as good as its villains, and Waterdeep:
Producers: Daniel Tovar, Matt Warren, Stan!
Product Engineer: Cynda Callaway
Dragon Heist has multiple baddies to choose from.
Imaging Technicians: Carmen Cheung. Kevin Yee Before I pull back the curtain and lead you into the
Art Administration: David Gershman heart of Waterdeep, I wish to thank Ed Greenwood for
Prepress Specialist: Jefferson Dunlap making the City of Splendors what it is: the kind of mag-
ical place you wish in your heart was real.
Other D&D Team Members: Bart Carroll, Pelham Greene, Ari
Levitch, Chris Lindsay, Jeremy Martin, Shelly Mazzanoble, Mike
Chris Perkins
Mearls, Hilary Ross, Liz Schuh, Nathan Stewart, Greg Tito, Trish
Yochum December 2017

Gratitude to Elliott Zastrow for his extensive research.

Special thanks to the hundreds of playtesters whose feedback made

this adventure more fun at every turn.

In Waterdeep, a gold coin is called a dragon, and someone has
hidden half a million dragons in the City of Splendors. Tyler
Jacobson illustrates the villains hunting for the treasure. May the
gods protect any adventurer who stands in their way!

Olscloim•t: The Lords ofWot<rdeep eonno• be h•ld responsibl• for th• flogging, ban·
iskment, ir1carceraelort. or execution ofadventurers who violaie the Code legal, nor arc
th• Lords responsible for 1he 0<1ions ofbeholder erime lordi, unserupulous nobles, draw
swoshbueklers. and e•il clones. Also, don'1 be alorm1d by 1he colouol notues scouered
thro11ghoui 1he city. They·,, q"1te safe and hoven·s gone btrJerk in rears.

620C4658000001 EN
ISBN: 978-0-7869-6625·7
First Printing: September 2018


OUNCEONS & ORACONS, 0&0, W1urds of the Coast, Forgouen Realms. the dragon ampersand, Playtr's Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Moster's Cu1de. 111 other Wizards of
the Coas1 product namts. and their rtsptctive logos art trademarks ofWtzards of the Cout 1n the USA and other counlriU All characters and their d1st1nct1vt likenesses are property
of Wizards of the Cont, This maitertal ts prot«:ted under the copyright laws o( the United States of Amenca. Any reproduct•on or use of the mattnal or artwork contained
herein •S prohibited without the upress wntteo permission ofWlzards of the Coast.

Printed in the USA C2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Bor 707, Renton, WA 98057·0707. USA Manvfactured by Hubro SA, Rue Em1le-Boecha131 , 2800 Oellmont, CH.
Represented by Hubro Eyrqpc 4 The Square Stockley Park lhbrtdec Middlesex UBJl JET Uk

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