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 Vernier Calipers:

 The vernier, dial, and digital calipers give a direct reading

of the distance measured to high accuracy.
Parts of a vernier caliper:
1. Outside jaws: used to measure external diameter or
width of an object.
2. Inside jaws: used to measure internal diameter of an
3. Depth probe: used to measure depths of an object or a
4. Main scale: scale marked every mm.
5. Main scale: scale marked in inches and fractions.
6. Vernier scale: gives interpolated measurements to
0.1 mm or better.
7. Vernier scale: gives interpolated measurements in
fractions of an inch.
8. Retainer: used to block movable part to allow the easy
transferring of a measurement.
 Least Count of Vernier Calliper:
 Micrometer:
 It is one of the most accurate mechanical devices in
common use.
 Micrometer works on the principle of screw and nut. We
know that when a screw is turned through a nut through
one revolution, it advances by one pitch distance i.e. one
revolution of the screw corresponds to linear movement
of a distance equal to pitch of the thread.
 U-shaped steel frame: The outside micrometer has U or
C shaped frame. It holds all the parts of micrometer
together . The frame is generally made of steel, cast steel,
malleable C. I. of light alloy. It is desirable that the frame
of Micrometer be provided with conveniently placed finger

 Anvil and Spindle: The Micrometer has fixed anvil

protruding 3 mm fro the left hand side of the frame. The
diameter of the anvil is the same as that of the spindle.
Another movable anvil is provided on the front of the
spindle. The anvil are accurately ground and lapped. The
spindle engages with the nut.
 Lock nut: A lock nut is provided on the micrometer
spindle. It is used to lock the spindle when the
micrometer is at its correct reading.

 Sleeve or Barrel: The sleeve is accurately divided and

clearly marks in 0.5 mm division along its length, which
serves as main scale. It is chrome platted and adjustable
for zero setting.

 Thimble: Thimble can be moved over the barrel. It has

50 equal division around its circumference. Each division
having a value of 0.01mm.

 Ratchet: The ratchet is provided at the end of thimble.

It is used for accurate measurement.
 Vernier height gauge:

 This is also a sort of vernier caliper equipped with a

special base block & other attachments which makes the
instruments suitable for height measurements.

 Along with the sliding jaw assembly, arrangement is

provided to carry a removable clamp.

 The vernier height gauge is mainly used in the

inspection of parts and layout work. This can also be
used as scribing instrument.
 Vernier Depth Gage:
 Measures depths of holes, slots and recesses.
 Vernier height gauge:
 Slip gauges: also known as Gauge blocks or Johannson
gauges are cuboidal-shaped blocks of high-grade steel
with a high finish. They are used mainly used as
measuring standards in the engineering field.

 Wringing: The two slip gauges in precision

measurement are joined by the process
called “wringing”.
 Step 1: This is accomplished by pressing the faces into
contact keeping them perpendicular such that it appears
as a cross from the top.
 Step 2: And then imparting a small twisting motion
whilst maintaining the contact pressure. The contact
pressure is just sufficient in order to hold the two slip
gauges in contact and no additional intentional
 Step 3: It is found that the phenomenon of
wringing occurs due to molecular adhesion between
a liquid film (whose thickness may be between 6 to 7 x
10^-6 mm) and the mating surfaces.

 The accuracy of micrometers, vernier calipers, dial

indicators can be checked by a slip gauge
 Grades or classes of slip gauges:
 There are five grades or classes of slip gauges:

 1. Grade 2: This is the workshop grade. Typical uses

include setting up machine tools, positioning milling
cutters, and checking mechanical widths.

 2. Grade 1: Used for more precise work, such as that

carried out in a good-class toolroom. Typical uses include
setting up sine bars and sine tables, checking gap
gauges, and setting dial test indicators to zero.

 3. Grade 0: This grade is used in a confined toolroom or

for machine shop inspection. This means that it is the
Inspection Department only who has access to this grade
of slips.
 4. Grade 00: Grade 00 also known as inspection
grade is kept in the Standard Room and for work of the
highest precision only.

 5. Calibration grade: This is a special grade, with

the actual sizes of the slips stated or calibrated on a
special chart supplied with the set.
 “Limit gauging is a method of checking dimensions in
which a fixed gauge is applied to the work in order to
determine whether a given component lies within its

 Gauges are inspection tools of rigid design, without a

scale, which used to check the dimensions of
manufactured components.

 Gauges do not indicate the actual value of the

dimensions of the component. They are only used to
check whether the inspected part has been made within
the specified limits.
 Thus, a limit gauge, unlike a conventional measuring
tool, simply determines whether, the part is inside or
outside the tolerance zone.
 The gauge neither measures a value of dimensions, nor
shows the value of error evolved in the component. It
simply checks that part is correct or not.
 Advantages of Limit Gauges:
 Quicker Inspection Method: It is quicker than direct
measurement. The time to inspect on shop-floor is minimized.

 Used In-Mass Production: Limit gauges are conveniently

used in mass production for checking and controlling various

 Ensure Interchangeability: A Limit gauge ensures

interchangeability and hence components can be assembled
without difficulty.

 Need Semiskilled Operator: Limit gauges can easily be

used by semi-skilled operators.

 Check both Linear and Geometric Features: A proper

designed limits gauge can check both linear and geometric
features simultaneously.

 Economical: Limit gauges are economical in their own cost

as well as in inspection cost.
 Disadvantages of Limit Gauges:

 Do not Indicate Exact Size: Limit gauges do not

indicate exact size of the component. They only indicated
whether the component is within the tolerance zone or

 Errors due to Wear: Limit gauges are subjected to

errors due to wear of gauges during use.

 Difficulty in Checking of Finer Tolerance: It is

generally uneconomical to manufacture a limit gauge
with 0-0.0013 mm tolerance, to check the work tolerance
of about 0.013mm. Such fine limit gauges are also
difficult to use in shop-floor, due to wear.
 Optical flats can be described as an optical grade glass,
which is polished and made extremely flat on both surfaces.
They are used for determining the flatness of various optical
surfaces. Optical flats determine the flatness of surfaces by

 Working Principle: Interference is the principle behind the

working of optical flats. An optical flat is placed on a surface,
in order to measure its flatness, before a monochromatic light
is made to pass through the area of contact.

 In cases where the test surface is perfectly flat, there will be

no gap between the two surfaces. In cases where the test
surface is not flat, interference fringes will be formed, and will
be visible in the form of dark and light bands.
 Construction: Most optical flats are made out of
quartz. Some are made out of glass. Optical flats made
of quarts are often coated on one side, to give higher
reflectivity. Optical flats are in the shape of discs,
having parallel surfaces.

 Applications:
 Calibration of flatness of various optical surfaces

 Inspection of gauge blocks

 Testing of filters, mirrors, and prisms

 Spectrophotometry (is a method to measure how much a chemical

substance absorbs light by measuring the intensity of light as a beam of
light passes through sample solution).
Optical Flat

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