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Synthetic rubber from LANXESS – making your projects work and

speeding up your business.


LANXESS is a globally operating supplier of specialty elastomers for the rubber-processing industry
with a broad product range, tailored to meet the requirements of a wide variety of applications:
in automotive engineering, electronics, construction, mechanical engineering, industrial plants,
oil exploration, aviation, domestic goods and many other industries.

Resistance to abrasion, heat and aggressive environmental influences are just a few of the excellent
properties which make our products so attractive to our international customers.

This brochure gives information on our portfolio of Technical Rubber Products. The rubber gra-
des belonging to one category are listed in the same table. The tables give data on the chemical
composition, supply form, standard packaging, the most important characteristic data, the basic
properties and the main fields of application for each product.

For further or more detailed information please do not hesitate to contact our local experts. You will
find their addresses at the end of this brochure.

For information on food contact applications, please contact the Health, Safety, Environment
and Quality Department (HSEQ) of LANXESS Germany or, for business in the USA, the LANXESS
Product Safety and Regulatory Affairs Department in Pittsburgh, PA.

Further literature is availaable giving detailed information on the individual products. And, of course,
information can be found on our internet site:

Please note:
The information contained in this publication is current as of 2012-03. Please contact
LANXESS Deutschland GmbH or Lanxess Corporation to determine if this publication has
been revised.

n Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber 04 NBR CHOICE

04 Krynac®
Three brands, raising standards in NBR-applications: Krynac® is ideal for technical rubber products
06 Perbunan®
that are exposed to mineral oil based fluids and gases. Perbunan® is preferably used for molded
07 Baymod®N
rubber parts. Baymod®N modifiers have excellent chemical, oil and hydrolysis resistance.

n Hydrogenated
acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber

The high-performance Therban® vulcanizates have a number of excellent properties.

08 Therban®

n Ethylene-vinyl acetate rubber 10 EVM EFFICIENCY

10 Levapren®
These grades impress with a very good cost/benefit ratio. Levapren® is recommended for technical
11 Levamelt®
moldings and extrudates. Levamelt® is ideal suitable for processing on extruders. Baymod®L – used
12 Baymod®L
as high impact modifiers or plasticizers e.g. for PVC.

n Fluoroelastomers 13 FKM PEAK POWER

13 Levatherm®F
Levatherm®F is characterized by outstanding heat, media, UV and ozone resistance.

n Ethylene-propylene rubber
14 Keltan®
The elstomer Keltan® is proven in technical moldings of all kinds. Tried and tested in thousands of

n Butadiene/butadiene-styrene 16 SBR CROSSLINKING


The products have particles with diameters in the ~50nm range. Due to a high degree of
16 Nanoprene®
crosslinking, the particle morphology of Nanoprene® is stable even under high shear.

n Chloroprene rubber 17 CR ROBUSTNESS

17 Baypren®
Because of its excellent set of properties Baypren® is used for the production of high stressed rubber
articles in many sectors.

n Information 18 NOTES FOR PRACTISE

18 Contact data
19 Disclamer

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Properties Further areas of application are: roll covers, coated fabrics (e.g. membranes,
Provided that the compounds are formulated and processed correctly, printing blankets and flexible containers), sheets, thermoinsulation tubes and
the vulcanizates have very good resistance to liquid fuels, mineral oils and sheets, gloves and footwear, conveyor and transmission belts. If Krynac® is
greases, good resistance to aging, high resistance to wear and abrasion, low fluxed with PVC in a suitable way, the blend can be applied in hose covers,
permeability to gases and good physical properties (e.g. low compression cable covers and sponged articles like thermoinsulation with good ozone
set). resistance.

Applications Food contact

Krynac® is a base polymer for technical rubber articles that are exposed to Information concerning compliance with FDA and BfR regulations can
mineral oil based fluids and gases: e.g. hoses, seals (including rubber-to- be obtained on request from the Health, Safety, Environment and Quality
metal composites), membranes. Department (HSEQ) of LANXESS Deutschland GmbH.

Grades produced by LANXESS Emulsion Rubber, France

Product range and typical properties
Product Acrylonitrile Mooney Density Stabilizer Physical Standard Remarks
content (%) viscosity(1) (g/cm3) form packaging
ML (1+4) 100°C
Krynac® 2645 F 26.0 45 0.96
Krynac® 2840 F 28.0 38 0.96
Krynac® 2850 F 27.5 48 0.97
Krynac® 2860 F 28.0 60 0.97
Krynac® 2865 F 28.0 65 0.97
Krynac® 2950 F 30.0 47 0.97
Krynac® 3330 F 33.0 30 0.97
Krynac® 3345 F 33.0 45 0.97 non 25 kg bales on pallets,
Krynac® 3360 F 33.0 57 0.97 staining bales contents: 900 kg or
Krynac® 3370 F 33.0 70 0.97 1050 kg
Krynac® 33110 F 33.0 110 0.97
Krynac® 3950 F 38.5 50 0.99
Krynac® 4045 F 39.0 45 0.99
Krynac® 3980 VP* 39.0 75 0.99
Krynac® 4450 F 43.5 50 1.00
best fuel resistance
Krynac® 4975 F 48.5 75 1.01
Krynac® M 3340 F** 22.0 33 0.98 for low hardness
(52 phr Mesamoll®) (base polymer 34%) compounds

unmassed (ISO 289)
* Trial product (VP=Versuchsprodukt), please see page 19.
** plasticizer-extended, 52 phr Mesamoll, base polymer 33% ACN

4 Page 4 of 16: This document contains important information and must be read in its entirety.

Precrosslinked grades
Product Acrylonitrile Mooney Density Physical Standard Remarks
content (%) viscosity(1) (g/cm3) form packaging
ML (1+ 4) 100°C

Krynac® XL 3025 29.5 70 0.98 bales 25 kg bales on pallets, excellent surface

contents: 750 kg available on request

Krynac® XL 3470 34.0 70(2) 0.99 bales 25 kg bales on pallets,

contents: 900 kg

Carboxylated grades
Product Acrylonitrile Mooney Density Carboxylic Physical Standard Remarks
content (%) viscosity(1) (g/cm3) acid (%) form packaging
ML (1+ 4) 100°C

Krynac® X 146 32.5 45 0.97 1 for best abrasion/wear

25 kg bales on
Krynac® X 160 32.5 58 0.97 1 resistance, high modulus
bales pallets, contents:
Krynac X 740
26.5 38 0.99 7 compounds, good
1050 kg
Krynac X 750
27.0 47 0.99 7 adhesion

unmassed (ISO 289)

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Properties Applications
Perbunan® is a fast curing NBR rubber. Vulcanizates are characterised by Perbunan® is preferably used for molded rubber parts such as seals (inclu-
a high modulus and good sealing force retention when formulated and ding rubber-to-metal composites), membranes, vibration dampers and hoses.
processed correctly. Perbunan grades are available in the range of 18 % to
They are also used for rubberized fabrics (printing blankets, flexible contai-
44 % acrylonitrile content (ACN). ners), roll covers, sheets, conveyor and transmission belts, shoe soles, other
Perbunan® is used for oil resistant rubber articles in general. They are footwear rubber parts, thermoinsulation articles and other applications.
especially suitable for mineral oil based hydraulic fluids, natural fats and If Perbunan® is fluxed with PVC, the blends are base polymers for colored
oils. Vulcanizates based on high ACN grades are also used for fuel-related ozone resistant articles such as hose covers, cable sheathing and spinning
applications. Rubber aprons.
articles based on Perbunan® are suitable for extreme low temperature
flexibility (low ACN con-tent) and in general for heat resistance up to 120 °C Food contact
depending on the time of exposure. Further properties are good abrasion and Information concerning compliance with FDA and BfR regulations can be
wear resistance, low gas permeability and good physical properties. obtained on request from the Health, Safety, Environment and Quality
Perbunan® CHM grades are especially designed for molding applications to Department (HSEQ) of LANXESS Deutschland GmbH.
reduce the tendency of mold fouling tremendously.

Grades produced by LANXESS Emulsion Rubber, France

Product range and typical properties
Product Acrylonitrile Mooney Density Stabilizer Physical Standard Remarks
content (%) viscosity(1) (g/cm3) form packaging
ML (1+4) 100°C
Standard grades
Perbunan® 2255 VP* 22.0 57 0.94
Perbunan® 2845 F 28.0 45 0.96 good elasticity and low
Perbunan® 2870 F 28.0 70 0.96 temperature flexibility
Perbunan® 2895 F 28.0 95 0.96 25 kg bales good elasticity and low
polyethylene temperature flexibility,
Perbunan® 28120 F 28.0 120 0.96 non- wrapped on high viscosity and good
staining bales non-returnable compression set behavior
Perbunan® 3430 F 34.0 32 0.97 box pallets, for a favorable compromise be-
Perbunan® 3445 F 34.0 45 0.97 contents: 1050 kg tween oil and fuel resistance
Perbunan® 3470 F 34.0 70 0.97 or 900 kg and low temperature flexibility
Perbunan® 3945 F 39.0 45 0.99 for optimal oil and fuel
Perbunan® 3965 F 39.0 65 0.99 resistance
CHM standard grades (CHM = Clean-High-Modulus, all CHM-grades are designed for low mold fouling process
Perbunan® 1846 F 18.0 45 0.93 optimal low temperature flexibility,
25 kg bales optimal compression set behavior
Perbunan® 2831 F 28.6 30 0.96 polyethylene good elasticity and low
Perbunan® 2846 F 28.6 42 0.96 non- wrapped on temperature flexibility
Perbunan® 3431 F 34.7 29 0.97 staining bales non-returnable for a favorable compromise be-
Perbunan® 3446 F 34.7 42 0.97 box pallets, tween oil and fuel resistance
contents: 1050 kg and low temperature flexibility
Perbunan® 3481 F 34.7 78 0.97 or 900 kg
Perbunan® 4456 F 44.0 55 1.01 for optimal oil and fuel resistance

* Trial product (VP=Versuchsprodukt), please see page 19.

6 Page 6 of 16: This document contains important information and must be read in its entirety.
Properties Applications
These modifiers are supplied as powders and have excellent chemical, oil In addition to typical rubber applications, suitable as polymeric plasticizers
and hydrolysis resistance. Thermoplastics modified with Baymod® N remain particularly for modifying flexible and semi-rigid PVC, EVA, PU, ABS and
permanently flexible and elastic. They exhibit good low-temperature flexibi-lity, phenolic resins. Solutions of the uncrosslinked grades are used in adhesives,
low fatigue and high abrasion resistanc and improved oil resistance. seals, coatings and friction materials.
In friction materials, Baymod® N is a modifier for resins and improves the
coefficient of friction. The range includes grades in a variety of viscosities and Food contact
degrees of crosslinking. Information concerning compliance with FDA and BfR regulations can be
obtained on request from the Health, Safety, Environment and Quality
Department (HSEQ) of LANXESS Deutschland GmbH.

Product range and typical properties

Product Acrylonitrile Mooney Density Average Partitioning Standard
content (base viscosity(1) (g/cm3) particle size agent packaging
polymer) (%) ML (1+4) 100°C (mm)
Powdered linear grades
Baymod® N 34.52 33.0 45 0.98 0.7 25 kg boxes
calcium (polyethylene-
Baymod® N 34.82 33.0 70 0.98 0.7 stearate lined) on pallets,
contents: 750 kg
Baymod® N 34.112 VP* 33 .0 110 1.01 0.5 silicia 25 kg boxes (poly
ethylene-lined) on
pallets, contents: 750 kg
Powdered pre-crosslinked grades
Baymod® N XL 32.32 31.5 50 1.01 0.4 PVC 25 kg boxes (poly-
ethylene-lined) on
pallets, contents: 750 kg
Baymod® N XL 32.12 31.5 50 1.01 0.4 silica 25 kg boxes (poly-
ethylene-lined) on
pallets, contents: 750 kg;
500 kg big bags

Baymod® N XL 38.43 38.0 115 1.04 0.12 CaCO3 22 kg boxes

(polyethylene-lined) on
pallets,contents: 660 kg

unmassed (ISO 289)
* Trial product (VP=Versuchsprodukt), please see page 19

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Properties Applications
Provided that the compounds are formulated and processed correctly, the Heavily stressed rubber goods used in oil exploration and production, e.g.
vulcanizates have outstanding mechanical properties, very good resistance to seal components, hose, stators, and rubber goods for drill pipes. Also suita-
abrasion, very good compression set behavior, excellent resistance to weathe- ble for high quality gaskets, membranes, V-belts and timing belts for motor
ring, ozone and hot air and very good resistance to technical oils, even in the vehicles, cable sheathing, hydraulic hose and special couplings.
presence of hydrogen sulfide and amines.
Food contact
Information concerning compliance with FDA and BfR regulations can be
obtained on request from the Health, Safety, Environment and Quality
Department (HSEQ) of LANXESS Deutschland GmbH.

Fully and partially saturated grades

ACN Mooney Residual Density Standard Remarks
cont. viscosity(1) double bond (g/cm3) packaging
(%) ML (1+4) content
100 °C (%)
Fully saturated (suitable for peroxide crosslinking)
Therban® 3406 34.0 63 max. 0.9 0.95 similar to Therban® 3407, but with improved flow behavior(2)
Therban 3407
34.0 70 max. 0.9 0.95 or 25 kg bales individually packed in boxes for lifetime belts, O-rings, gaskets and seals requiring maxi-
mum heat resistance and dynamic performance combined
with an optimal compromise of low-temperature properties
each wrapped in polyethylene film
Bulk-Box with 20 bales of 25 kg

and oil resistance

Therban® 3607 36.0 66 max. 0.9 0.95 lower swelling compared to Therban® 3407
Therban® 3907 39.0 70 max. 0.9 0.96 further improved oil swelling resistance compared to
Therban® 3607, excellent for fuel-resistant hoses, belts,
seals, O-rings and gaskets
Therban® 4307 43.0 63 max. 0.9 0.98 very high temperature resistance combined with minimal
swelling in oils and fuels; optimal sour gas resistance; ideal
for severe application conditions in hoses, diaphragms,
O-rings and seals for automotive and oil field applications
Therban® 4309 43.0 100 max. 0.9 0.98 similar to Therban® 4307 for special compounds with high
filler and plasticizer loads
Therban® 5008 VP* 49.0 80 max. 0.9 1.00 similar to Therban® 4307 with optimized oil and fuel
Partially saturated grades (suitable for peroxide and sulfur crosslinking)
Therban® 3446 34.0 61 4.0 0.95 optimal combination of heat resistance, dynamic proper-
ties and processing
Therban® 3467 34.0 68 5.5 0.95 recommended standard grade for sulfur cure; excellent
or 25 kg bales individually packed in boxes

dynamic properties
Therban® 3496 34.0 55 18.0 0.96 optimal compromise between low-temperature compres-
each wrapped in polyethylene film
Bulk-Box with 20 bales of 25 kg

(formerly Therban® sion set and oil swell resistance; especially suited for rolls
KA 8837 VP*) and dynamic oil field components
Therban® 3627 36.0 66 2.0 0.96 special low RDB type, comparable to Therban® 3607 (per-
oxide cure recommended) to increase crosslink density for
high modulus and/or low compression set applications
Therban® 3629 36.0 87 2.0 0.96 special low RDB type, similar to Therban® 3627 for higher
filler load capacity (peroxide cure recommended)
Therban® 3668 VP* 36.0 87 6.0 0.95 high RDB, high Mooney grade similar to Therban® 3627
for higher filler and plasticizer load capacity
Therban® 4367 43.0 61 5.5 0.98 excellent resistance to oils; should be used instead of
Therban® 4307 in case improved dynamic and bonding
properties are required
Therban® 4369 43.0 97 5.5 0.98 similar to Therban® 4307 with capacity for higher filler

unmassed (DIN 53523; ASTM D 1646)


see Therban® AT for maximum flow


* Trial product (VP=Versuchsprodukt), please see page 19.

8 Page 8 of 20: This document contains important information and must be read in its entirety.
Specialty grades
ACN Mooney Residual Density Standard Remarks
cont. viscosity(1) double (g/cm3) packaging
(%) ML (1+4) bond
100 °C content (%)
Low Temperature Technology – LT
Therban® LT 21.0 70 5.5 0.96 optimal low-temperature flexibility balanced with good oil
2157 resistance for use in low-temperature belts, seals, O-rings
and gaskets
Therban® LT 21.0 74 max. 0.9 0.96 similar to Therban® LT 2157 with optimal combination
2007 of heat and low-temperature resistance, designed for
extreme service conditions (peroxide curable)
Therban® LT 21.0 67 5.5 0.96 similar to Therban® LT 2157 with outstanding low mold
2057 fouling properties (sulfur and peroxide curable)
Therban® LT 25.0 77 5.5 0.96 similar to Therban® LT 2157 low mold fouling grade
2568 with improved oil resistance
Low Mooney – Advanced Technology – AT
Therban® AT 34.0 39 max. 0.9 0.95 similar to Therban® 3406 with extra low Mooney viscosity
3404 for outstanding processing properties for use in O-rings,
(formerly Therban® or 25 kg bales individually packed in boxes seals, spread compounds or as viscosity modifier for high-
KA 8966 VP*) viscosity compounds (peroxide curable)
each wrapped in polyethylene film
Bulk-Box with 20 bales of 25 kg

Therban® AT 34.0 39 4.0 0.95 similar to Therban® 3446 combined with processing
3443 VP* advantages of new Advanced Technology (sulfur and
peroxide curable)
Therban® AT 39.0 39 max. 0.9 0.95 similar to Therban® 3907 combined with processing
3904 VP* advantages of new Advanced Technology (peroxide
Therban® AT 43.0 39 5.5 0.98 similar to Therban® 4367 combined with processing
4364 VP* advantages of new Advanced Technology (sulfur and
peroxide curable)
Therban® AT 49.0 55 max. 0.9 1.00 optimized oil and fuel resistance; excellent heat resistance
5005 VP* for high nitrile grades; improved process ability; optimized
for biofuel applications
Therban® AT 49.0 55 6.0 1.00 optimized oil and fuel resistance; improved processability;
5065 VP* optimized for biofuel applications; should be used in case
improved dynamic and bonding properties are required
Therban® AT 21.0 39 max. 0.9 0.96 similar to Therban® LT 2007 combined with process-
LT 2004 VP* ing advantages of new Advanced Technology (peroxide
(Low Temperature / Low Mold Fouling) curable)

Carboxylated Technology – XT
Therban® XT 33.0 77 3.5 0.97 maximum wear resistance and adhesive properties;
KA 8889 VP* in combination with Therban® ART strong synergies
observed; use for belts, rolls, oil field applications and
as adhesive promoter for fabrics and cords (sulfur and
peroxide curable)
Acrylate Reinforced Technology – ART
Therban® ART 34.0(2) 22(3) 5.5(2) 1.14 20 kg boxes enhanced stiffness, abrasion and load bearing properties,
KA 8796 VP* on pallets excellent adhesion to metal; use where extreme dynamic
contents: performance is warranted e.g. lifetime belts, paper and
800 kg steel rolls (peroxide curable)

unmassed (DIN 53523; ASTM D 1646)
of base polymer
compound Mooney
* Trial product (VP=Versuchsprodukt), please see page 19.

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Properties Applications
Provided that the compounds are formulated and processed correctly, Technical moldings and extrudates, seals, cable sheathing and insulation,
the vulcanizates have very good resistance to weathering, ozone and light, cellular rubber goods, footwear soles, waterproofing sheets, strips etc.
very good hot air resistance, very low compression set at high temperatures Specific compounds meet DIN 4102 B1 for flooring, cables and profiles
and good physical properties. (FRNC).

Food contact
Information concerning compliance with FDA and BfR regulations can be
obtained on request from the Health, Safety, Environment and Quality
Department (HSEQ) of LANXESS Deutschland GmbH.

Product range and typical properties

Product Vinyl acetate Mooney Density Physical Standard Remarks
content (%) viscosity(1) (g/cm3) form packaging
ML (1+4) 100°C

Levapren 400
40 20 ±4 0.98 25 kg polyethylene used in cable manufacture and
Levapren® 450 45 20 ±4 0.99 granules bags** on pallet, rubber goods
Levapren 500
50 27 ±4 1.00 1000 kg net
Levapren® 600 60 27 ±4 1.04
Levapren® 650 VP* 65 27 ±4 1.06 25 kg polyethylene bags** used in cable manufacture and
Levapren® 700 70 27 ±4 1.08 granules in cardboard boxes on rubber goods
Levapren 800
80 28 ±6 1.11 pallet, 1000 kg net
Levapren® 900 90 38 ±6 1.15

Trial products, precrosslinked

Levapren® 500 XL VP* 50 55 approx. 1.00 25 kg polyethylene bags***
granules in cardboard boxes on
pallet, contents: 750 kg
Levapren® 600 XL VP* 60 55 approx. 1.04 25 kg polyethylene bags*** similar to Levapren® 500,
Levapren® 700 XL VP* 70 60 approx. 1.08 granules in cardboard boxes on 600, 700 and 800 with
pallet, contents: 750 kg improved processing
Levapren® 800 XL VP* 80 55 approx. 1.11 25 kg polyethylene bags*** properties
granules in cardboard boxes on
pallet, contents: 750 kg

unmassed (DIN 53523; ASTM D 1646)
* Trial product (VP = Versuchsprodukt), please see page 19
** Vicat 93 °C, thickness 170 µm
*** Vicat 100 °C, thickness 180 µm

10 Page 10 of 20: This document contains important information and must be read in its entirety.

Properties Applications
Because of its free-flowing granular form, Levamelt® is suitable for process- Multilayer systems (laminated sheets) and thin sheet extrusions for surface
ing on standard single or twin-screw extruders. The range includes hot melt adhesion can be tailor-made for specific applications. These can be used in
and pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA) grades that are suitable for the protective films, food packaging, bookbinding, labels, adhesive tapes etc.
production of cast and blown films.
Food contact
Information concerning compliance with FDA and BfR regulations can be
obtained on request from the Health, Safety, Environment and Quality
Department (HSEQ) of LANXESS Deutschland GmbH.

Product range and typical properties

Product Vinyl acetate Melt flow index Density Physical Standard Remarks
content (%) (g/10 min.) (g/cm3) form packaging
(190°C/21.1 N)

Levamelt 400
40 1–5 0.98 25 kg polyethylene bags** on

Levamelt ®
450 45 1–5 0.99 granules pallet, 1000 kg net hot melts(1)
Levamelt 452
45 5–15 0.99 25 kg polyethylene bags** in cardboard hot melts(1)
Levamelt 456
45 15–35 0.99 granules boxes on pallet, 1000 kg net PSA
Levamelt ® 500 50 1–4 1.00 granules 25 kg polyethylene bags** in cardboard PSA
boxes on pallet, 1000 kg net
Levamelt ® 600 60 1–4 1.04
Levamelt ® 650 VP* 65 1–4 1.04 25 kg polyethylene bags** in cardboard
Levamelt ® 686 68 15–35 1.08
granules PSA
Levamelt ® 700 70 2–6 1.08
Levamelt ® 800 80 2–6 1.11 boxes on pallet, 1000 kg net
Levamelt ® 900 VP* 90 1–7 1.15

reduced adhesive properties at r.t. but products exhibit excellent cohesive strength, which implies that either Z-blade mixers or closed mixing equipment is recommended.
* Trial product (VP=Versuchsprodukt), please see page 19.
** Vicat 93 °C, thickness 170 µm

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Properties Applications
The Baymod®L grade consists of high molecular ethylene-vinyl acetate In addition to typical rubber applications, suitable for production of graft
copolymers (EVM) which are used as high impact modifiers or plasticizers for polymers, modifiers for rigid PVC and as plasticizing polymers in semi-rigid
PVC and other polymers. to flexible PVC compounds.
The impact strength achievable using Baymod®L depends on the vinyl
acetate content and the molecular weight. Baymod®L grades containing Food contact
about 45 % VA give the highest notched impact strength. Information concerning compliance with FDA and BfR regulations can be
obtained on request from the Health, Safety, Environment and Quality
Department (HSEQ) of LANXESS Deutschland GmbH.

Product range and typical properties

Product Vinyl acetate Melt flow index Density Physical Partitioning Standard Remarks
content (%) (g/10 min.) (g/cm3) form agent packaging
(190°C/21.1 N)


Baymod® L 2450 45 ≤ 6(1) 1.00 powder PVC + 25 kg polyethylene bags* impact modification
average silicia/talc in cardboard boxes on
grain size: (5-7 %) pallet, 1000 kg net
620 µm

determined on base polymer Levapren 450
* Vicat 93 °C, thickness 170 µm

12 Page 12 of 20: This document contains important information and must be read in its entirety.

Properties Applications
Provided that the compounds are formulated and processed correctly, the Rubber goods used in high temperature environments such as O-rings,
vulcanizates have outstanding resistance against hot air, hot oils, fuels, gaskets, oil seals, membranes, processing rolls, valve stem seals, tubes and
solvents and hydraulic oils in combination with very good mechanical hoses, cable sheathing and special couplings. Used in automotive, general
properties. They have good resistanceto abrasion, very good compression industry, aerospace industry, oil, gas production and geothermal exploration.
set, excellent resistance to weathering, ozone and inorganic acids or concen-
trated hydrogen peroxide. Food contact
They can be used in compression, transfer or injection moulding and further Information concerning compliance with FDA and BfR regulations can be
in extrusion or calandering of preforms. obtained on request from the Health, Safety, Environment and Quality
Department (HSEQ) of LANXESS Deutschland GmbH.

Product range and typical properties

Product Fluorine Mooney viscosity(1) Density Physical Standard Remarks
content (%) ML (1+10)121°C (g/cm3) form packaging
Copolymers (suitable for bisphenolic and amine curing)
Vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene Copolymer, standard
Levatherm® F 6623 66-67 32+/-5 1.83 two 12.5 kg fluoroelastomer for best compression set and high strength for
general molded goods, special grade for injection molding
PE-bags in Vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene Copolymer, standard
Levatherm® F 6625 66-67 50+/-5 1.83 pellets cardboard box; fluoroelastomer for best compression set and high strength for
general molded goods
20 cardboard
Vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene Copolymer, high vis-
Levatherm® F 6620 HV 66-67 140+/-10* cosity
1.83 boxes on 500 kg
fluoroelastomer for best compression set and high
strength for molded goods, especially for goods used in oil,
*ML (1+10) 150°C gas and geothermal applications - best possible explosive

decompression resistance

Terpolymers (suitable for bisphenolic and amine curing)

Vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene - tetrafluoroethylene
Levatherm® F 6833 68-69
1.87 two 12.5 kg
Terpolymer, fluoroelastomer with improved resistance against
PE-bags in chemicals and fluids, special grade for injection molding
Vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene - tetrafluoroethylene
cardboard box; Terpolymer, fluoroelastomer with improved resistance against
Levatherm® F 6834 68-69 45+/-5 1.87 pellets
20 cardboard chemicals and fluids. Can be used in injection and compressi-
on molding
boxes on
Vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene - tetrafluoroethylene
Levatherm® F 6836 68-69 63+/-7 1.87 500 kg skid Terpolymer, fluoroelastomer with improved resistance against
chemicals and fluids

High fluorine containing terpolymers with cure site monomer (CSM) (suitable for peroxide curing)
Vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene - tetrafluoro-ethylene -
cure site monomer Terpolymer, high fluorine containing fluoro-
Levatherm® F 7043 70-71 35+/-5 1.91 two 12.5 kg elastomer for extremely high solvent resistance and extremely
low permeation rates. Optimized for injection molding and
PE-bags in extruded goods
cardboard box; Vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene - tetrafluoroethylene -
cure site monomer Terpolymer, high fluorine containing fluoro-
Levatherm® F 7044 70-71 45+/-5 1.91 pellets 20 cardboard elastomer for extremely high solvent resistance and extremely
boxes on low permeation rates. Optimized for extruded goods

500 kg skid Vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene - tetrafluoro-ethylene -

cure site monomer Terpolymer, high fluorine containing fluoro-
elastomer for extremely high solvent resistance and extremely
Levatherm® F 7046 70-71 65+/-5 1.91 low permeation rates

Vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene Copolymer with incor-
porated cure, standard fluoroelastomer for very good compres-
Levatherm® F 66F3 66-67 28+/-7 1.83 (2) sion set and high strength for general molded goods, special
grade for injection molding, medium state of cure
Vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene Copolymer with incor-
porated cure, standard fluoroelastomer for very good compres-
Levatherm® F 66J3 66-67 28+/-7 1.83 (2) sion set and high strength for general molded goods, special
grade for injection molding, fast, high state of cure
Vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene Copolymer with incor-
25 kg porated cure, standard fluoroelastomer for very good compres-
Levatherm® F 66J5 66-67 40+/-5 1.83 (2) sion set and high strength for general molded goods, special
grey cardboard grade for injection molding, fast, high state of cure
sheets box; on Vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene Copolymer with incor-
500 kg skid porated cure, standard fluoroelastomer for very low compressi-
Levatherm® F TP 66M4 66-67 35+/-7 1.83 (2) on set and high strength for general molded goods, special
grade for injection molding, fast, high state of cure
Vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene -
tetrafluoroethylene Terpolymer with incorporated cure, fluoro-
elastomer with improved resistance against chemicals and
Levatherm® F 68F3 68-69 30+/-5 1.87 (2) fluids, special grade for
injection molding and medium state of cure
Vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene -
tetrafluoroethylene Terpolymer with incorporated cure, fluoro-
elastomer with improved resistance against chemicals and
Levatherm® F 68J3 68-69 30+/-5 1.87 (2) fluids, special grade for
injection molding and high state of cure

unmassed (ISO 289-1)


based on GUM

TP = Trial Product
Page 13 of 20: This document contains important information and must be read in its entirety. 13
Ethylene-propylene rubber EP(D)M

Properties Applications
Provided that the compounds are formulated and processed correctly, Technical moldings of all kinds; extrusions, e.g. profiles used in the
the vulcanizates have excellent resistance to weathering and ozone, good construction and automotive industries; hose, sheet, open and closed
to very good aging resistance and low temperature flexibility, low electrical cell sponge rubber; roll covers; low to medium voltage cable insulation.
conductivity and satisfactory resis-tance to polar chemicals.
Food contact
Information concerning compliance with FDA and BfR regulations can be
obtained on request from the Health, Safety, Environment and Quality
Department (HSEQ) of LANXESS Deutschland GmbH.

Grades portfolio
Keltan® grade slate Viscosity Monomer content Other properties
New grade name Previous grade name test conditions Values Ethylene Third monomer Oil MAH MWD
MU content type content content content
g/ 10 min. wt. % - wt. % wt. % wt. % -
Keltan® 2070P Buna® EP G 2070P VP ML(1+4) 125°C 25 73 - M
Keltan 2450
Buna® EP G 3440 ML(1+4) 125°C 28 48 ENB 4,1 N
Keltan® 2470 Buna® EP G 2470 ML(1+4) 125°C 24 69 ENB 4,2 N
Keltan® 2470L Buna® EP G 2470 LM ML(1+4) 125°C 22 69 ENB 4,2 CLCB
Keltan® 2650 Keltan® 2340A ML(1+4) 125°C 25 53 ENB 6,0 CLCB
Keltan® 2750 Buna® EP G 3850 ML(1+4) 125°C 28 48 ENB 7,8 N
Keltan 3050
Keltan® 3200A ML(1+4) 100°C 51 49 - N
Keltan® 3960Q Buna® EP T 3950 ML(1+4) 100°C 54 56 ENB 11,4 N
Keltan 3973
Buna® EP G 3963 ML(1+4) 125°C 34 66 ENB 9,0 23,1 N
Keltan® 4450 Buna® EP G 5450 ML(1+4) 125°C 46 52 ENB 4,3 N
Keltan® 4455 Buna® EP G 5455 ML(1+4) 125°C 46 55 ENB 4,3 33,3 M
Keltan® 4577 Buna® EP G 5567 ML(1+4) 125°C 46 66 ENB 5,1 42,9 N
Keltan® 4869 Keltan® 4551A ML(1+4) 125°C 48 64 ENB 8,7 50,0 *) M
Keltan® 5170P Buna® EP G 6170P ML(1+4) 125°C 59 71 ENB 1,5 N
Keltan 5260Q
Buna® EP T 6250 ML(1+4) 125°C 55 62 ENB 2,3 N
Keltan® 5465Q Buna® EP T 6465 CL VP ML(1+8) 150°C 37 64 ENB 4,0 33,3 *) N
Keltan® 5469 Keltan® 5531A ML(1+4) 125°C 52 63 ENB 4,5 50,0 *) N
Keltan® 5469Q Buna® EP T 5459 CL ML(1+8) 150°C 38 59 ENB 4,0 50,0 *) N
Keltan 5470
Keltan® 5508 ML(1+4) 125°C 55 70 ENB 4,6 N
Keltan® 5470P Buna® EP G 6470P ML(1+4) 125°C 55 70 ENB 4,6 N
Keltan 5470Q
Buna® EP T 6470 ML(1+4) 125°C 57 68 ENB 4,7 N
Keltan® 6160D Keltan® 740 ML(1+4) 125°C 63 64 DCPD 1,2 M
Keltan® 6471 Keltan® 6531A ML(1+4) 125°C 65 67 ENB 4,7 13,0 *) N
Keltan 6750
Buna® EP G 6850 ML(1+4) 125°C 60 51 ENB 7,7 M
Keltan® 6950 Keltan® 4703 ML(1+4) 125°C 65 48 ENB 9,0 M
Keltan® 6951 Keltan® 6251A ML(1+4) 125°C 63 48 ENB 9,0 13,0 *) CLCB
Keltan 7450
Buna® EP G 8450 ML(1+4) 125°C 76 53 ENB 4,3 N
Keltan® 7752 Keltan® 7341A ML(1+8) 150°C 53 53 ENB 7,5 16,7 *) CLCB
Keltan® 8550 Keltan® 8340A ML(1+4) 125°C 80 55 ENB 5,5 CLCB
Keltan 8570
Keltan® 8642A ML(1+4) 125°C 80 70 ENB 5,0 CLCB
Keltan® 9650Q Buna® EP T 9650 ML(1+8) 150°C 60 53 ENB 6,5 N

Keltan® 0500R Keltan® 1200A MFI 190°C/2.16 kg 11,0 49 - N
Keltan 1500R
PA1305 MFI 190°C/2.16 kg 2,6 49 - N
Keltan® 2708R Buna® EP XT 2708 MFI 230°C/10 kg 8,0 73 - 0,8 M

ENB = Ethylidenenorbornene MAH = maleic anhydride grafted

DCPD = Dicyclopentadiene MWD = Molecular Weight Distribution
M = Medium
N = Narrow
CLCB = Controlled Long Chain Branching
*) Clear / colourless oil

14 Page 14 of 20: This document contains important information and must be read in its entirety.
Previous grade name New grade name
Same grades like previous Suggested replacement grades
Buna ® EP G 2050 Keltan ® 2050 *
Buna ® EP G 2070P VP Keltan ® 2070P
Buna ® EP G 2170P VP Keltan ® 2070P
Buna ® EP G 2440 Keltan ® 2650 Keltan ® 2450
Buna ® EP G 2470 Keltan ® 2470
Buna ® EP G 2470 LM Keltan ® 2470L
Buna ® EP G 2470 LM P Keltan ® 2470L
Buna ® EP G 2470P Keltan ® 2470
Buna ® EP G 3440 Keltan ® 2450
Buna ® EP G 3473 Keltan ® 6471 Keltan ® 8570
Buna ® EP G 3850 Keltan ® 2750
Buna ® EP G 3963 Keltan ® 3973
Buna ® EP G 5450 Keltan ® 4450
Buna ® EP G 5455 Keltan ® 4455
Buna ® EP G 5567 Keltan ® 4577
Buna ® EP G 5962 Keltan ® 3963
Buna ® EP G 6170 Keltan ® 5170P Keltan ® 5470
Buna ® EP G 6170P Keltan ® 5170P
Buna ® EP G 6470 Keltan ® 5470 Keltan ® 5470Q
Buna ® EP G 6470P Keltan ® 5470P
Buna ® EP G 6850 Keltan ® 6750
Buna ® EP G 8450 Keltan ® 7450
Buna ® EP G 8460 Keltan ® 8570
Buna ® EP G 8850 Keltan ® 6951 Keltan ® 8550
Buna ® EP G 8950 VP Keltan ® 6951
Buna ® EP G 9650 Keltan ® 8550 Keltan ® 9650Q
Buna ® EP T 3950 Keltan ® 3960Q
Buna ® EP T 4969 CL Keltan ® 4869
Buna ® EP T 5459 CL Keltan ® 5469Q
Buna ® EP T 6250 Keltan ® 5260Q
Buna ® EP T 6465 CL VP Keltan ® 5465Q
Buna ® EP T 6470 Keltan ® 5470Q
Buna ® EP T 6861 CL VP Keltan ® 7752
Buna ® EP T 9650 Keltan ® 9650Q
Buna ® EP XT 2708 Keltan ® 2708R
Keltan ® 1200A Keltan ® 0500R
Keltan ® 21 Keltan ® 2660 *
Keltan ® 2340A Keltan ® 2650
Keltan ® 27 Keltan ® 7550 *
Keltan ® 312 Keltan ® 2450
Keltan ® 314 Keltan ® 2750
Keltan ® 3200A Keltan ® 3050
Keltan ® 378Z Keltan ® 2470L Keltan ® 2470
Keltan ® 4331A Keltan ® 4455
Keltan ® 4551A Keltan ® 4869
Keltan ® 4703 Keltan ® 6950
Keltan ® 4903 Keltan ® 6951
Keltan ® 512 Keltan ® 4450
Keltan ® 520 Keltan ® 4460D *
Keltan ® 5508 Keltan ® 5470
Keltan ® 5531A Keltan ® 5469
Keltan ® 578Z Keltan ® 5470 Keltan ® 5470Q
Keltan ® 6251A Keltan ® 6951
Keltan ® 6531A Keltan ® 6471
Keltan ® 720Z Keltan ® 6460D *
Keltan ® 7341A Keltan ® 7752
Keltan ® 740 Keltan ® 6160D
Keltan ® 778Z Keltan ® 8570 Keltan ® 5470
Keltan ® 8340A Keltan ® 8550
Keltan ® 8642A Keltan ® 8570
Keltan ® 96 Keltanv 6675 *
PA1305 Keltan ® 1500R

* limited availability, contact your LANXESS account manager

Page 15 of 20: This document contains important information and must be read in its entirety. 15

Nanoprene® consists of spherical particles with diameters in the ~ 50 nm The major benefit of Nanoprene® is in the improvement of silica dispersion
range. Due to a high degree of crosslinking, the particle morphology is stable and the reduction of silica/silica interactions. As a consequence, hysteresis
even under high shear. Owing to a high crosslink density, the particles will is significantly reduced. For hysteresis reduction (reduction of rolling resist-
not dissolve, but will swell in appropriate solvents. ance), the best choice is Nanoprene® B M75OH. The use of Nanoprene® B
Nanoprene is produced by emulsion polymerization which allows for the
M75OH is also recommended for winter tyre treads as it results in a reduction
efficient control of particle size. By this process a Nanoprene® latex is ob- of the storage modulus (E‘) in the temperature range -50°C to 0°C. As a
tained which is subsequently finished by a standard working up procedure. consequence, the grip on ice and snow is remarkably improved.
At the end of the process Nanoprene® bales are obtained.
Nanoprene® M10 VP with Tg=-10°C is best used to balance rolling resist-
At present, two Nanoprene® grades are available which differ in the glass ance and wet skid performance of a tyre tread. For the adjustment of these
transition temperature (Tg). The Tgs of these two grades are at -77°C and at two conflicting properties a combination of Nanoprene® B M75OH and
-10°C, respectively. Both Nanoprene grades are hydroxyl modified and have
Nanoprene® M10 VP is recommended. In addition, the use of Nanoprene®
the same content of hydroxyl groups (see attached table on product range in combination with a functionalized Solution-SBR can result in positive
and typical properties). The hydroxyl groups are located on the surface of the synergisms.
Nanoprene particles. As a consequence of hydrogen bonding between the

particles, aggregates are formed and the formation of nano dust is avoided. Probably as a consequence of improved silica dispersion, the use of
Nanoprene® results in the improvement of abrasion resistance. This positive
Applications effect does not necessarily show in laboratory tests but is consistently found
The use of Nanoprene is particularly beneficial in silica loaded compounds,
in tyre tests. The improvement in abrasion resistance is not influenced by the
which are particularly used for the production of tyre treads and different tyre Tg of the Nanoprene® grade.
parts. In silica compounds, Nanoprene is not used as a partial replacement

for silica or rubber. Nanoprene® is rather added on top of the other com- More than 30 patent applications have been filed, which cover the manufac-
pounding ingredients the loading of which is not changed. Nanoprene is ®
turing process, the use of Nanoprene® in thermoplastic materials as well as in
used as an „additive“. Also, Nanoprene containing silica compounds need
rubber compounds and other application areas.
to be silanized. For this purpose the conventional silanes known in the indus-
try are used.

Product range and typical properties

Product P d50 Ospec TG OH-cont.
(g/cm3) (nm) (m2/g) (°C) (mg KOH/g)
Nanoprene® M10 VP* 1.02 60 120 -10 25
Nanoprene® B M75OH VP* 0.95 60 120 -77 25

* Trial product (VP=Versuchsprodukt), see page 19

16 Page 16 of 20: This document contains important information and must be read in its entirety.

Properties Applications
Provided that compounds based on Baypren® are formulated and pro- Thanks to the excellent set of properties, Baypren® is used for the production
cessed correctly, the vulcanizates are highly resistant to weathering and of highly stressed rubber articles in many sectors, primarily in the automotive
ozone, have good resistance to aging, hot air and chemicals and display industry, mechanical engineering, plant construction, ship-building, mining
moderately good resistance to oils and gasoline. They also show a low and mineral oil production. Typical Baypren® products are (reinforced) hoses,
gas permeability and good mechanical/physical properties as well as belts (power transmission and conveyor), bellows, axle boots, air springs,
an excellent abrasion resistance. If suitable formulations are chosen, the dampers, cables and insulation for low voltage cables, sponge rubber, corro-
flame retardancy and combustion behaviour of Baypren vulcanizates can
sion-resistant linings, roll covers and wiper blades.
be tailored to meet special requirements. The properties of Baypren® vul-
canizates are influenced by the type of modification of the raw polymer Food contact
(e.g. pre-crosslinking, sulphur or xanthogendisulfide modification). Information concerning compliance with FDA and BfR regulations can be
obtained on request from the Health, Safety, Environment and Quality
Department (HSEQ) of LANXESS Deutschland GmbH.

Product range and typical properties

Product Crystallization Mooney Density Physical form Packaging Remarks
viscosity(1) (g/cm3)
ML (1+4) 100°C

General purpose grades

M-modified grades
Baypren® 110 very low 41 +/– 5 1.23 25 kg paper bags with PE inner bags
Baypren® 110 very low 49 +/– 5 1.23 (0.05 mm thick, Vicat softening point
Baypren® 110 very low 65 +/– 7 1.23 DIN 53 460, ca. 75°C); 40 bags pallet =
Baypren® 112 low 41 +/– 8 1.23 ivory-colored 1.000 kg net / 35 bags pallet = 875 kg
Baypren® 210 medium 43 +/– 4 1.23 chips net. Also available only on request: 20 kg
Baypren® 210 medium 48 +/– 4 1.23 PE bags; 50 bags per pallet = 1.000 kg
Baypren® 211 medium 39 +/– 4 1.23 net / 40 bags per pallet = 800 kg net /
Baypren® 230 medium 100 +/– 8 1.23 25 kg PE bags 40 bags per pallet =
Baypren® 230 medium 108 +/– 10 1.23 1000 kg net
XD-modified grade
Baypren® 116 very low to low 43 +/– 5 1.23
Baypren® 116 very low to low 49 +/– 5 1.23 excellent mechanical
Baypren® 126 very low to low 70 +/– 7 1.23 ivory-colored see above properties due to
Baypren® 216 medium 43 +/– 5 1.23 chips formation of perfect
Baypren® 216 medium 49 +/– 5 1.23 network
Baypren® 226 medium 75 +/– 6 1.23
Special grades
Precrosslinked grades
Baypren® 114 very low 62 +/–10 1.23 ivory-colored see above especially designed for
Baypren® 214 medium 55 +/–6 1.23 chips extrusion application
Baypren® 215 medium 50 +/–6 1.23
Sulfur-modified grades
Baypren® 510 low to medium 42 +/–5 1.23
Baypren® 510 low to medium 50 +/–5 1.23
Baypren® 611 low to medium 35 +/–5 1.23
Baypren® 611 low to medium 43 +/–6 1.23 ivory-colored see above suitable for mastication;
Baypren® 611 low to medium 48 +/–6 1.23 chips easy to process; for
Baypren® 711 low to medium 43 +/–6 1.23 dynamic applications
Baypren® 711 low to medium 48 +/–6 1.23
Baypren® 712 medium 46 +/–6 1.23

unmassed (ISO 289)

Page 17 of 20: This document contains important information and must be read in its entirety. 17

EMEA Sales offices worldwide:

LANXESS Deutschland GmbH
Technical Rubber Products
Sales & Technical Marketing
51369 Leverkusen,
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 (0) 214 30 24119

LANXESS Chemical (China) Co., Ltd.
Technical Rubber Products
16/F, Park Place,
NO.1601 Nan Jing Road (West),
Shanghai, 200040, P.R. China
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +86 21 6109 6666
Fax: +86 21 6109 8217

Lanxess Pte. Ltd. Singapore
Technical Rubber Products
Countries: Japan, India, Korea, ANZ, ASEAN
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +65 6725 5888
Fax: +65 6725 4862

Business Unit: Technical Rubber Products
1-6-5, Marunouchi
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100 8215
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +81 (0) 3 5293 8028

LANXESS Corporation
111 RIDC Park West Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15275 1112
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 001 (412) 809 4759

LANXESS Ind. de Prod. Quimicos e Plásticos Ltda.
Av. Maria Coelho de Aguiar, 215 - Bloco B - 2º andar
05804-902 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil
E-mail : [email protected]
Phone : +55 11 3741 5948

18 Page 18 of 20: This document contains important information and must be read in its entirety.

* Trial product Product safety:

(VP = Versuchsprodukt = trial product). The information contained herein Relevant safety data and references as well as the possibly necessary warning
is merely preliminary data. Testing as to properties and applications is not labels are to be found in the corresponding safety data sheets.
final. Further information, including data which could change or add hazards
with use, may be developed. Such information may be needed to properly Health and Safety Information:
evaluate or use this product. Use is undertaken at the sole risk of the user. Appropriate literature has been assembled which provides information
concerning the health and safety precautions that must be observed when
handling the LANXESS products mentioned in this publication. For materials
mentioned which are not LANXESS products, appropriate industrial hygiene
and other safety precautions recommended by their manufacturers should
be followed. Before working with any of these products, you must read and
become familiar with the available information on their hazards, proper use
and handling. This cannot be overemphasized. Information is available in
several forms, e.g., material safety data sheets and product labels. Consult
your LANXESS representative in Germany or contact the Health, Safety,
Environment and Quality Department (HSEQ) of LANXESS Germany or - for
business in the USA - the LANXESS Product Safety and Regulatory Affairs
Department in Pittsburgh, PA.

Regulatory Compliance Information:

Some of the end uses of the products described in this publication must
comply with applicable regulations, such as the FDA, BfR, NSF, USDA,
and CPSC. If you have any questions on the regulatory status of these
products, contact your LANXESS Corporation representative, the LANXESS
Regulatory Affairs Manager in Pittsburgh, PA or the Health, Safety, Environ-
ment and Quality Department (HSEQ) of LANXESS Germany.

The manner in which you use and the purpose to which you put and utilize
our products, technical assistance and information (whether verbal, written or
by way of production evaluations), including any suggested formulations and
recommendations, are beyond our control. Therefore, it is imperative that you
test our products, technical assistance and information to determine to your
own satisfaction whether they are suitable for your intended uses and applica-
tions. This application-specific analysis must at least include testing to deter-
mine suitability from a technical as well as health, safety, and environmental
standpoint. Such testing has not necessarily been done by us. Unless we
otherwise agree in writing, all products are sold strictly pursuant to the terms
of our standard conditions of sale. All information and technical assistance is
given without warranty or guarantee and is subject to change without notice.
It is expressly understood and agreed that you assume and hereby expressly
release us from all liability, in tort, contract or otherwise, incurred in connec-
tion with the use of our products, technical assistance, and information.
Any statement or recommendation not contained herein is unauthorized and
shall not bind us. Nothing herein shall be construed as a recommendation
to use any product in conflict with patents covering any material or its use.
No license is implied or in fact granted under the claims of any patent.

Buna® EP, Krynac®, Levamelt®, Levapren®, Levatherm® F, Nanoprene®,

Perbunan® and Therban® are registered trademarks of LANXESS Deutsch-
land GmbH.
Keltan® is a registered trademark of LANXESS Buna GmbH.
Baymod® and Baypren® are registered trademarks of Bayer AG, Germany.

Page 19 of 20: This document contains important information and must be read in its entirety. 19
Eleven strong brands, dozens of grades, thousands of tailored solutions.

Extensive portfolio: EVM, FKM,


Order no: LXS-TRP 011 / Edition 2012-03 / Printed in Germany © 2012 LANXESS. All rights reserved.
LANXESS Deutschland GmbH, 51369 Leverkusen, Germany.

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