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ACT I – The Birth of Pinocchio

Narrator: Once upon a time, there was a sweet old carpenter named
Geppetto, who liked to make toys and dolls out of wood, with sweet love and
dreaming that they were toys for his son, the son who he never had.

Geppetto: Oh, how happy I am among all these dolls, but how happy I would
be if one of them were a child of mine.

Narrator: He continued to work on this beautiful doll, while working he fell

asleep, imagining the face of that wooden child, "A child, a son of mine, how
happy I would be with a real child" Geppetto dreamed.

Pepe Cricket: Ah! Poor Geppetto. If only his wish would be granted.

Narrator: A few seconds later the Blue Fairy took place on the scene, moved
by Geppetto's desires and having been a good man all his life, deserving a
wish, the fairy approached Pinocchio and sang him a magical song that gave
life to Pinocchio's wooden body. The next day Geppetto woke up and got a
huge surprise that filled him with joy, he found his beautiful wooden Pinocchio
but full of life.

Pinocho: Hello dad

Geppetto: Who's talking?

Pinocchio: It's me, Pinocchio, Dad, don't you recognize me?

Geppetto: Are you Pinocchio? It seems that I am dreaming, how happy I am, I
finally have a real child!

Geppetto: Oh but Pinocchio, now that you're a kid, you'll have to learn things,
have little friends, know about life, you'll have to go to school.

Narrator: So Geppetto decided to take him to the school so that Pinocchio

would grow up as a normal child, study and learn to read, write and meet new

Geppetto: Come on, Pinocchio. Hurry up, my son, you had to go to school.

Pinocchio: Goodbye Daddy Geppetto. I promised to behave.

Pepe Cricket: I'll take care of you, Pinocchio.

ACT II – Pinocchio in the Circus

Narrator: Pinocchio left on his way to school with his new friend Pepe Grillo,
who would take care of him during the journey. Like any child, Pinocchio didn't
always like to go to school, so from time to time he would sneak out of class,
on one occasion he went to the circus to see a puppet show, and the circus
owner was amazed to see him and thought that Pinocchio would undoubtedly
be the best attraction in his circus.

Fox: Hello Pinocchio, I'm a friendly fox Why are you going to school, to waste
your time? Better come to the puppet circus to have fun, you can make a lot of
money, jojojo.

Pepe Cricket: Pinocchio, don't Pinocchio, don't go, you promised to behave!

Pinocchio: Shut up, Pepe cricket! A day that you miss school will be fine.

Narrator: When Pinocchio arrives at the circus, the owner, who had already
planned to kidnap him to have him as a show, immediately thought an
interested way of make money with the talking puppet and how much money it
could leave to the circus.

Pinocho: I did not see Gepetto.

Pepe Cricket: Do you see what happen when you break your promises?

Blue Fairy: What's up with Pinocchio? Why are you crying so inconsolably?

Pinocchio: – Oh beautiful Fairy, walking through the woods a horrible monster

caught me and locked me in this cage for no reason.

Narrator: After Pinocchio's lie, his nose began to grow and grow without
Pinocchio understanding.

Blue Fairy: You're lying Pinocchio, and your nose will stay that way so you'll
always remember not to tell lies. But I'll give you a chance to prove you're a
good boy, and I'll let you out.

ACT III – Pinocchio in Toyland

Narrator: Pinocchio was ashamed of the huge nose
He decided to go on adventures and not go to school, forget about his studies
and go to the nearest island, the island called Toyland, an island where there
were no schools and where the childrens only play games.

Pinocchio: With this nose I'm very sad that my dad Geppetto sees me like
that, I'd better go on adventures in Toyland, there I won't have to go to school,
I'll forget about my classes and get ready to play.

Pepe Cricket: Pinocchio, please! You only get one chance to prove to the
Blue Fairy that you are a good boy and that you become a real boy.

Narrator: What Pinocchio wanted most in life was to be a real boy, with floppy
fingers, a smile with white teeth, legs and knees so he could run everywhere,
and long black hair like other childrens. Pinocchio thought about it for a
moment, but in the end he went to Toyland, what Pinocchio didn't know was
that in this place childrens turned into donkeys. As soon as he arrived on the
island, he got a big donkey’s ears, nose and tail.

Pepe Cricket: But Pinocchio, now you're no longer a

wooden boy, now you're a donkey boy, you've grown ears, you've grown a tail!

Pinocchio: Pepe cricket, how sad I am, now I'll never see Daddy Geppetto
again, now I won't be able to look at him.

Narrator: Then, full of pain, Pinocchio burst into tears in the sand, ashamed
of his nose, embarrassed by his ears and donkey's tail, Pinocchio asked for
forgiveness, truly repentant, he asked that those beings who loved him so
much would be happy without him.

Pinocchio: O beautiful Blue Fairy! I don't ask anything for myself, I ask your
forgiveness for my lie and for leaving my home like this, I only ask you to
please make Daddy Geppetto happy, to forgive my departure. I pray that he
and my cricket friend will be happily ever after without me.

ACT IV – Pinocchio and the Whale

Narrator: Then far out in the sea Pinocchio saw a familiar figure, it was his
father Geppetto who was coming on a raft struggling with the waves trying to
reach the shore next to Pinocchio.

Pepe Cricket: But oh, what's that?! It's a whale, it's coming for Geppetto trying
to eat it.
(Pinocchio hurried to get a better look and noticed that the whale was coming
for Geppetto and without a second thought went to meet it.)

Pinocchio: Daddy, Daddy Geppetto! I will save.

Geppetto: Oh Pinocchio, my child, don't come near to me, my child, it’s really
dangerous for you.

Narrator: When they arrived with Geppetto the huge whale swallowed
Geppetto and Pinocchio in one bite without letting them react, they were both
swallowed and without a trace the Blue Fairy arrived and said:

Blue Fairy: Huge whale, blue whale, by my powers I demand that you
release them right now!

Narrator: And in a wave of her wand the Blue Fairy freed Pinocchio and
Geppetto, she needed nothing more than touching the whale to move her
heart and free them both immediately.

ACT IV – Pinocchio, a real child

Blue Fairy: Pinocchio, you have been a good, generous, and brave child. Now
you know that love is the best way to happiness.

Pinocchio: Dad, Dad, I'm a real kid! Look at me, I'm a real kid!

Geppetto: oh, but how happy I am, my son, how happy I am Pinocchio in my

Narrator: Filled with joy, Pinocchio, Papa Geppetto and Pepe Cricket went
back home together singing.
And then Pinocchio, Papa Geppetto and Pepe Cricket lived happily ever after,
Pinocchio learned his lesson, understood that it is not good to tell lies and
followed the advice of Papa Geppetto and Pepe Cricket.

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