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Live well, study well videos

Introduction A2
The six Live well, study well lessons in each New Close-up SB Unit Topic Challenge
Student’s Book focus on skills that help equip students
Unit 3 Managing Think of three ways to use a
with the competencies they need to successfully manage
screen time screen to practise English. Think
their academic and personal lives. Students engage with
of three things to do that don’t
texts and useful tips on thought-provoking topics such
use screens.
as managing stress, social media and friendships. The
activities are designed to promote independent thought Unit 5 Eating well Make and share a video about a
and stimulate discussion. Each lesson culminates in a healthy breakfast idea.
project that encourages learner autonomy and provides Unit 7 Get fit, Find an online video to teach
opportunities for students to practise presentation skills feel well you a new physical activity.
and working in a team.
The Teacher’s Book provides step-by-step instructions for B1
teaching the Live well, study well lessons as well as teaching SB Unit Topic Challenge
tips, extension activities and definitions of useful vocabulary.
Unit 1 Being a Work in a team to complete an
team player online treasure hunt.
What are the Live well, study well
Unit 4 Dealing Write / Record a conversation
videos? with difficult suggesting a solution to a
The Live well, study well videos are short, conversational situations problem.
videos which extend some of the themes from the Live well,
Unit 8 Using social Find out about ‘oversharing’ and
study well lessons in the Student’s Book. There are three
media write your own definition.
short videos per level – a total of fifteen across the five
levels – and they are presented by series author Katherine
Stannett. B1+
The videos are carefully graded, age-appropriate, and SB Unit Topic Challenge
provide additional language exposure in a more informal Unit 3 Forming Start your own blog in English.
context. There are plenty of visual aids to help students positive
understand any new vocabulary, and each video has habits
captions which can be turned on or off as required. Unit 5 Managing Find and play an online game
At the end of each video, Katherine sets students a your money that teaches you how to manage
Challenge they can complete at home or in the classroom, your money.
encouraging the direct application of the practical tips and
Unit 9 Dealing Research a fake photo online.
advice she provides.
with online
How long are they?
Each video is 3–7 minutes long. B2
SB Unit Topic Challenge
Who are they for?
Unit 3 Time Find out about the Pomodoro
Students! Katherine addresses students directly and coaches
management technique.
them on strategies for wellbeing and effective life and study
skills. Unit 5 Making Research ways to make
good use of attractive presentations and
How can they be accessed? technology create a presentation about
your favourite app.
The videos can be viewed on the New Close-up companion
site and are found in both the Teacher Resources and Unit 7 Using your Find a video tutorial and learn
Student Resources. The videos are also available in the free time how to do something new.
Resources section of the Online Practice (OLP). The video
scripts can be found in the Teacher Resources section of the B2+
companion site. SB Unit Topic Challenge
Unit 1 Managing Research ways to deal with
How can they be used? stress stress.
The videos have been developed as a flexible resource
Unit 5 Giving a Create your own presentation
and they can be used in several different ways – for self-
presentation and record yourself.
study or homework, as part of a flipped classroom or as
part of a lesson – depending on the needs of the students Unit 7 Getting Play the ‘What if ...’ game.
and teacher. creative
Teacher’s Notes Activity
Here are some useful ideas for fun and engaging activities • Students watch the video. Using their list of
that will help both students and teachers make the most of brainstormed vocabulary, students tick the words
the videos, however they are used. that are actually used in the video. Ask students to
choose one of the words that they ticked and write a
SELF-STUDY/HOMEWORK sentence about something they learned from the video,
Students can watch the videos at home after they using the word.
have finished the related Live well, study well lesson in • Students complete the Challenge.
the classroom. The videos provide practical tips and
suggestions, extension activities and more exposure to Assessment
the topic language. • Ask students to do some independent research online
and write one extra tip or piece of advice on the topic
Set-up covered in the video. In the following lesson, they can
• Tell students that they are going to watch a video check to see if their idea is included in the Live well,
at home/for homework to find out some more study well lesson in the Student’s Book.
information about the topic covered in the Live well, • Invite students to discuss the Challenge in the video.
study well lesson. This could be done individually, in pairs or in groups.
• Ask them to work in pairs or groups and predict what What did they find easy or difficult about the
extra tips or advice may be on the video. Have each Challenge? Do they have anything they would like
pair/group of students prepare some bullet points to show or present to the class?
with their predictions.
• Alternatively, have a class brainstorming activity,
writing all students’ predictions on the board. Take IN THE CLASSROOM
a photo of the board and tell students that they can Students can watch the videos in the classroom after
revisit their predictions and check which were correct they have studied the related Live well, study well lesson.
after they have watched the video. The videos can be used to consolidate the themes and
Activity ideas from the lesson.
• Students watch the video and write three sentences Set-up
about what they learned. Two of the sentences • Before class, read through the script and highlight
should be true and one should be false. In the next any vocabulary which students may find challenging.
lesson, students work in pairs and read out their Choose a maximum of five words and pre-teach
sentences to each other. Their partner has to spot these by asking students to match the words to their
the false sentence. dictionary definitions.
• Students complete the Challenge.
Assessment • Play the video. Stop the video three or four times
• Remind students of the predictions they made before at key points and ask some general comprehension
watching and ask them to check whether any of their questions to check that students are following the
ideas were included in the video. main points, e.g. What food does Katherine suggest
• Ask students to work in pairs and agree the most for breakfast? (From A2– Eating well.)
useful/interesting thing they learned from the video. • Be prepared to play the video several times if
• Invite students to discuss the Challenge in the video. necessary.
This could be done individually, in pairs or in groups.
What did they find easy or difficult about the Assessment
Challenge? Do they have anything they would like • Ask students to work in groups and discuss some of
to show or present to the class? the questions or issues raised in the video, e.g. Think
of one more positive point and one more negative
point about using social media. (From B1 – Using
FLIPPED CLASSROOM social media.)
The videos can be used as part of a flipped classroom • If appropriate, ask students to complete the
approach, in which students do their own research and Challenge in the video. Alternatively, this could
learning independently before studying the related be assigned as homework. Check that students
lesson in the Student’s Book. The videos will help to understand what they need to do. Review in the
engage students with the topic and introduce some of following lesson and ask students to share their
the new vocabulary.
• As this will be a new topic for students, write the
video heading on the board and ask students, in
groups, to brainstorm any vocabulary related to that
topic. Write students’ suggestions on the board. Have
students copy the words from the board or take a
photo and share it with students.
As well as taking on the Challenge suggested in each
video, students can work together on projects and
extension activities.
Make your own video
• Ask students to choose something interesting they’ve
learned from the Live well, study well lesson or from
the video and to create their own video about it.
Students can work individually, in pairs or in groups.
Encourage them to include images, illustrations or
diagrams in their video.
Suggest another topic
• Ask students to think of another topic for a Live well,
study well video. They could choose a topic from the
other Live well, study well lessons in the Student’s
Book or come up with their own idea. Students can
then present their suggestions to the class and the
class can vote for their favourite idea.
Hold a debate
• Many of the topics covered in the Live well, study
well lessons and videos are suitable for debates. For
example, possible debate topics from A2 include:
Unhealthy food should not be allowed in schools.
Sport at school should be optional. Parents should
set limits on screen time for under-16s. You can
also search online to find a large range of debate
questions, organised by topic or age-appropriateness.
Choose a topic related to the Live well, study well
lesson and organise a class debate.
Make a poster
• Ask students to work in pairs and prepare a poster
on the video topic. The poster should include some
of the ideas from the video but should also include
further suggestions from students.

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