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Class II English Grammar Noun-Naming Words

English Grammar Class 2

Noun - Naming Words

In this article, we'll discuss nouns the naming words. Nouns are a fundamental
component of all languages and are important for effective communication.
Let’s begin the journey on this amazing topic.

Image: Introduction to Grammar.

• A noun is a term that designates a specific entity, such as a person, place,
thing, event, or quality.
• Nouns are the fundamental units of sentences and can be used to form
more detailed words.
• There are three genders: neuter, female, and male.
• Articles, suffixes, and prefixes can all be used to change nouns (un-, de-,

English Grammar 1

Class II English Grammar Noun-Naming Words

Noun - The Naming Words Examples

Nouns with names Ram and Seetha

Nouns with Birds and Animals Parrot and Kangaroo

Nouns with names of objects Electronics

Nouns with names of Places Home

Nouns with names of fruits and flowers Banana and Sunflower

Nouns with Names

• Personal names are typically nouns because they represent unique
• Personal names are also regarded as special because they signify an
individual's identity and place in the world.
• They provide information about who you are and where you come from.
For Example,
1. John
2. Mary
3. Jacks
4. Jill
5. Harry

English Grammar 2

Class II English Grammar Noun-Naming Words

Image: Noun with names

Nouns with Birds and Animals:

• we say, "I saw an animal," as opposed to actually referring to a specific
• Because all birds of a species have characteristics like feathers and a
strong beak, they are frequently categorized as belonging to the same
• As a result of that it is a particular name, "animals" is a noun.
For Example,
• Butterflies
• Nightingale
• Owls
• Dogs
• Tiger

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Class II English Grammar Noun-Naming Words

Image: Noun with Birds and animals

Nouns with Names of Objects:

• An object is anything that has physical form, such as a chair or a table.
• It can also refer to any possession that you have, be it something tangible
like jewellery or an appliance, or something less tangible like happiness
or love.
• The object usually follows the verb and is a noun group or pronoun.
• For instance, the phrase "I've promised the children new bicycles" has
two objects: the direct object, "new bicycles," and the indirect object, "the
• synonyms and words that are similar. various word, phrase, and sentence
For example,
• Chair
• Table
• Furniture
• Computer

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Class II English Grammar Noun-Naming Words

• Laptop

Image: Noun with names of objects

Nouns with Names of Places:

• A place is a noun that designates a space or a place,
• A specific location, region, or portion of a surface, especially one that is
occupied by someone or something.
• It can be either inanimate (like a room, house, or store) or animated (like
a city, state or country).

For Example,
• Tripura
• Hong Kong
• Classroom
• Airport
• Station

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Class II English Grammar Noun-Naming Words

Image: Noun with names of places

Noun with Items

An item is a piece of news, a unit, an article, or slang for a piece of gossip. A
carton of milk is an example of an object.

An item consists of two people who are a pair.

1. A sentence with a specific legal or other significance;
2.A distinct detail in an account.
3. These include a table, book, pizza, pen, flower, ring, and many more.

Categories of Nouns
There are different categories of nouns, including proper, common, abstract, and
concrete nouns.

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Class II English Grammar Noun-Naming Words

A noun is a term that identifies a specific person, location, animal, item, or

1. Common Noun:
Most nouns are common nouns. Common nouns, such as chair or dog, are used
to refer to persons, places, and objects in general. A common noun is any noun
that is not a name.
Example: teacher, vehicle, music, risk, and receipt
Do you recognise my dog?
Your workstation is where the books are.
The effort to find happiness.

2. Proper Noun:
Proper nouns are the names of individuals, places, or organisations. A proper
noun is your name. A proper noun is "London." A proper noun is "United
Proper nouns must always begin in capital letters.
Jane, Thailand, Sunday, James Bond, Albert Einstein, Superman, Game of
Thrones, and Shakespeare are other examples.
1. I'd like to introduce Mary to you.
2. Rome serves as Italy's capital.
3. He oversees the British Broadcasting Corporation as its chairman.
4. In November, I was born.

3. Concrete Noun:
Concrete nouns are tangible objects you can touch.
Examples include a man, a head of rice, a car, furniture, and a cellphone.
1. In the universe, how many stars are there?

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Class II English Grammar Noun-Naming Words

2. I don’t have a cell phone.

3. Fill the drain with water.

4. Abstract Noun:
Concrete Nouns Contrary to concrete nouns are abstract nouns. They are items
you are not allowed to touch. Ideas, concepts, and sentiments are abstract nouns.

Examples: joy, bravery, peril, and truth

1. He is quite powerful.
2. It remains a mystery as to who killed President Kennedy.
3. Telling the truth requires bravery sometimes.
4. Their existence was miserable.

We have now finished our discussion of the significance of nouns and names in
language. Knowing the rules will make it easier for you to use good grammar.
The key element in a sentence is the nouns. Nouns are used to describe the
individuals, objects, ideas, and other components of our environment. They act
as the language's building blocks. The most significant of the many speech
elements may be nouns.

Practice Questions
1. The terms used for naming are
a) People
b) Place
c) Animals
d) Things
e) All of these

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Class II English Grammar Noun-Naming Words

2. Choose the place names.

a) Home
b) Computer
c) Lotus
d) Daisy
e) Father
3. Choose the animals' names.
a) Father
b) Mother
c) Grandfather
d) Elephant
e) Hospital
4. Pick out the objects' names.
a) Table
b) Apple
c) Strawberry
d) Hospital
e) Home
5. Pick the name word that goes with the sentence "I lie on a bench".
a) I
b) Lie
c) On
d) A
e) Bench
1. The correct answer is option D, All of these.
The terms used for naming are People, Place, Animals, and Things.
2. The correct answer is option A, Home
“Home” is a place.
3. The correct answer is option D, Elephant
“Elephant” is an animal.

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Class II English Grammar Noun-Naming Words

4. The correct answer is option A, Table

“Table” is an object.
5. The correct answer is option E, Bench.
“Bench” is the name word in the sentence "I lie on a bench".

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