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Haguilanan, Catigbian, Bohol


NAME:_____________________________________ GRADE & SECTION:________________ DATE: _____
Score: _____
I. Read each statement carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. To cook food in a dry heat method inside an oven.

a. Bake b. knead c. mix d. steam
2. Consists of beaten eggs sometimes mixed with a liquid, usually water or milk , which is
brushed onto the bread or pastry.
a. Fermentation b. egg wash c. knead d. dough
3. A mixture used as a dessert or topping made of beaten egg whites and sugar until
smooth, light and fluffy, usually added with cream of tartar to make it stable.
a. Mix d. dough c. whip d. meringue
4. Microorganisms that produce carbon dioxide gas when it mixes with carbohydrates,
causing the dough to rise.
a. Whip b. yeast c. mix d. grease
5. To brush pan with shortening.
a. Foaming b. knead c. grease d. yeast
6. What is the proper way to measure flour accurately?
a. Level off with the use of the tines of a fork
b. Shakes the measuring cup before levelling
c. Shovel the flour
d. Sift it before measuring
7. Which of the following flour is thick enough to be rolled and kneaded?
a. Batter b. cream c. crust d. dough
8. What is the basic ingredient in baking that improves aroma, flavour, and nutrition in
baked products?
a. Baking powder b. flour c. shortening d. sugar
9. It is a finely meal obtained by grinding and milling cereal grains or other root crops.
a. Cereal b. rice c. flour d. sugar
10. A sweet, soluble organic compound that belongs to the carbohydrate group of food.
a. Sugar b. flour c. yeast d. butter
11. Considered a complete protein, containing all the essential amino acids humans use to
build other proteins needed by the body.
a. Sugar b. flour c. yeast d. eggs
12. Made from plant products such as corn, cottonseeds, soybeans, peanuts, and other
a. Bread b. eggs c. flour d. oil
13. Made of fat from pork.
a. Lard b. oil c. butter d. vanilla
14. It is also known as bicarbonate of soda, or Sodium Bicarbonate. It is a chemical salt with
diverse practical uses.
a. Cream of tartar b. baking powder c. baking soda d. shortening
15. Transparent cup calibrated to indicate the amount of liquid.
a. Dry-measuring cup b. liquid-measuring c. spoon d. cup
16. A tool with a sharp edge to cut dough.
a. Grater b. spatula c. dough cutter d. scraper
17. A hollow dish where ingredients for baking are mixed.
a. Egg beater b. mixing bowl c. mixer d. rolling pin
18. Used for mixing and stirring flour mixtures.
a. Spatula b. scraper c. spoon d. wooden spoon
19. An aluminium or tempered glass dish, rectangular or square I form used for baking
a. Baking sheet b. baking pan c. oven d. muffin pan
20. This method combines all the ingredients together at one time to make the dough.
a. Straight method b. sponge & dough method c. kneading d. creaming
21. A combination of two motions cutting vertically through the mixture and turning over
and over by gliding the spoon or rubber scraper across the bottom of the mixing bowl at
each turn.
a. Beating b. stirring c. whipping d. cut and fold
22. It is done to incorporate air in a mixture by mechanical agitation.
a. Beating b. stirring c. creaming d. folding

23. Beating egg and creaming to fill with air and make them thick and fluffy.
a. Sifting b. whipping c. creaming d. whipping
24. It is known as the most popular and best sold baked products, not only in our country
but in other countries as well.
a. Flour b. shortening c. bread d. knead
25. Solid elongated wood with handles at both ends that is used to flatten dough o pastry.
a. Grater b. spoon c. mixer d. rolling pin
26. Mixing all ingredients together usually with a spoon in a circular motion.
a. Whisking b. beating c. rolling d. stirring
27. Introducing air into the mixture through mechanical agitation as in beating eggs.
a. Stirring b. beating c. whisking d. rolling
28. Working with the dough using the heels of hands, accompanied by pressing, stretching
and folding in order to develop its gluten.
a. Laminating b. creaming c. kneading d. whisking
29. What kind of sugar is primarily used in preparing icing?
a. Refined sugar b. brown sugar c. confectioner’s sugar d. granulated sugar
30. Which kind of flour contains more gluten and less starch?
a. All-purpose flour b. bread flour c. cake flour d. soft-flour

II. Give what is asked.

1. Write down the complete recipe including the procedure of the following:


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