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2022‐ シ

ル が
を あ
破 る
い ま
て で

実用英語技能検定 ま
主催:公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会 せ
後援:文部科学省 ん

2022 年 6 月 5 日(日)実施 筆
試験時間 記

リスニングテスト(約24分) な
注意事項 ど

1. 合図があるまでシールを破いてはいけません。ミシン目に沿って 英検ウェブサイト上での合否結果閲覧について 使
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2. 試験開始まで,この問題冊子を開いてはいけません。 否閲覧サービスをご案内します。従来のサービスより快適に


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6. 他の受験者に迷惑をかける行為を禁じます。 【準会場で受験の方】
7. リスニングテストの準備時間,およびリスニングテスト中に教 合否結果閲覧には,個人番号と暗証番号が必要です。

室外へ出た場合は,その後教室に戻りテストを受けることはで ◆個人番号は解答用紙に記載されています。
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の一部または全部を協会の許可なく他に伝えたり,漏えい(イン ※本人確認票は二次試験でも使用します。試験後も大切に

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A1­ 2 5­ 1 0 6 1 A 暗証番号
Grade Pre-2

次の ( 1 ) から (20) までの ( ) に入れるのに最も適切なものを 1,2,

1 3,4 の中から一つ選び,その番号を解答用紙の所定欄にマークしなさい。

(1) Lisa read a ( ) on the side of the road. It said to watch out for
falling rocks.
1 warning 2 channel 3 shade 4 variety

(2) Tomoko wants her ( ) with Yuji to continue even after they go to
different junior high schools next year.
1 knowledge 2 supply 3 friendship 4 license

(3) Andrew was having trouble in Spanish class, so his teacher gave him some
( ) homework. He learned a lot by spending more time making
sentences in Spanish.
1 peaceful 2 talented 3 additional 4 negative

(4) Michael’s parents ( ) him to become a teacher, but Michael wanted

to be an artist. In the end, he became an art teacher.
1 celebrated 2 filled 3 pushed 4 escaped

(5) A : We’ve been driving for a long time, Dad. When will we get to Grandma’s
B : It’s not far now, Beth. We’ll ( ) her house in about 10 minutes.
1 measure 2 count 3 reach 4 promise

(6) A : I can’t believe Naomi Jones won the tennis championship this year!
B : Yes, it’s a great ( ), especially since she lost her first two matches of
the season.
1 achievement 2 retirement 3 treatment 4 equipment

(7) When Victoria started typing on the computer for the first time, she was very
slow. However, she practiced every day and ( ) became able to type
very fast.
1 rarely 2 heavily 3 brightly 4 eventually

(8) At first, Bob felt nervous about performing a guitar solo in the school
concert. But he found the ( ) to do it after talking to his guitar teacher.
1 courage 2 fashion 3 education 4 average

(9) Melissa ( ) when she saw a mouse on the kitchen floor. Her husband
ran to the kitchen to find out why she had made so much noise.
1 decorated 2 harvested 3 graduated 4 screamed

( 10 ) Clark’s little brother likes to dress up in black clothes and ( ) to be a

1 expect 2 explode 3 pretend 4 protest

2022年度第1回検定一次試験(準2級) !2! copyright2022 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-2

( 11 ) Jane trained every day for a marathon in summer. In the end, she ( )
finishing the race in fewer than four hours.
1 complained of 2 came into
3 stood by 4 succeeded in
( 12 ) Mike looked when the tour guide pointed and said that there were elephants
( ). However, he could not see them because they were too far away.
1 on air 2 as a rule
3 in the distance 4 at most
( 13 ) A : Why do you want to go on a date to the mall, Jenny? ( ) shopping,
what else can we do there?
B : Well, there are some great places to eat in the mall. There’s a movie theater,
1 Aside from 2 Compared with
3 Based on 4 Close to
( 14 ) Emma enjoyed sitting on the beach and watching the sun go down and the
stars come out. ( ), it began to get cold, so she decided to go back to
her hotel.
1 After a while 2 In a word
3 For the best 4 By the way
( 15 ) Spencer does not like to ( ) when he uses his bicycle. He always
wears his helmet and rides carefully.
1 make efforts 2 make progress
3 take place 4 take risks
( 16 ) Bobby saw smoke coming out of his neighbor’s kitchen window. He realized
that his neighbor’s house was ( ), so he went and told his mother right
1 with luck 2 on fire 3 at sea 4 for sale
( 17 ) A : I heard Randy dropped his cell phone in the river.
B : Yeah. He said it was an accident, but I think he did it ( ) because he
wanted his parents to buy him a new one.
1 with help 2 for free 3 in place 4 on purpose
( 18 ) Jason’s parents were in the drama club together during high school. That is
( ) they first got to know each other.
1 how 2 what 3 whose 4 who
( 19 ) Last night, Rick’s mom would not let him ( ) TV until he had
finished cleaning his room.
1 to watch 2 watch 3 watching 4 watched
( 20 ) A : Did you enjoy your trip to Bali?
B : Yes, very much. It’s such a beautiful place, and the people there are very
kind. It was worth ( ).
1 visit 2 visiting 3 to visit 4 visited

2022年度第1回検定一次試験(準2級) !3! copyright2022 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-2

次の四つの会話文を完成させるために, (21) から(25) に入るものとして最も

2 適切なものを 1,2,3,4 の中から一つ選び,その番号を解答用紙の所定欄

( 21 ) A : Hello. My name is Peter Mason. I have ( 21).

B : Please let me check, Mr. Mason. Yes, I see. We have a nonsmoking, double
room for you. Is that OK?
A : Yes. That will be fine.
B : Thank you, sir. Here’s your key. Your room is number 404, which is on the
fourth floor.
1 a reservation for two nights
2 an appointment with the doctor
3 a meeting with Ms. Grant at four
4 a package to pick up

( 22 ) A : Hi, Eric. Where’s Mandy? I thought she would be with you.

B : She called me earlier to say that ( 22 ) this evening.
A : Oh. Did she say why?
B : Yes. Her boss asked her to come to work because one of her co­workers is
1 there’ll be a full moon 2 it might rain
3 she can’t come 4 her car won’t start

( 23 ) A : Welcome to Drawlish Tourist Information Center. How can I help you?

B : ( 23 ) in Drawlish?
A : I’m sorry, sir. There used to be one, but it closed several years ago.
B : That’s too bad. I think that watching fish swim can be very relaxing.
1 Are there any rivers 2 How many museums do you have
3 What’s the best gift shop 4 Is there an aquarium

A : Dad, I made a sandwich earlier, but I don’t see it anywhere. Do you know
where it is?
B : Did it ( 24 )?
A : Yes, it did. They’re my favorite things to put in a sandwich.
B : Sorry! I thought your mother made it for me. I ate it just now for breakfast.
A : What? Oh no! I won’t have anything to eat for lunch today.
B : Don’t worry. I’ll make you another one.
A : But the school bus will be here in three minutes.
B : It’s OK. I’ll ( 25 ) today.
( 24 ) 1 have tuna and mayonnaise in it 2 come from the sandwich shop
3 take a long time to make 4 taste like strawberry jam
( 25 ) 1 be at home all day 2 go to the supermarket
3 take you in my car 4 eat at a restaurant

2022年度第1回検定一次試験(準2級) !4! copyright2022 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-2

次の英文 A , B を読み,
その文意にそって (26) から (30) までの ( )
3 A
に入れるのに最も適切なものを 1,2,3,4 の中から一つ選び,その番号を

Good Friends
Hiroko and three of her friends have been working on a project for school.
They have been doing research on the history of their town, and they must give
a presentation about it in class next week. Every day after school, they have
been getting together in the school library. They have been discussing what
information to use and how to make a great presentation. They had some good
ideas, and they were looking forward to ( 26 ).
However, Hiroko broke her leg during volleyball practice yesterday. Now,
she must stay in the hospital for five days. She called her friends and said that
she was sorry for not being able to do anything more to help them with the
presentation. They told her not to worry. They said that their teacher is going to
make a video of their presentation. That way, Hiroko will be able to
( 27 ). Hiroko thanked her friends and wished them good luck.

( 26 ) 1 talking in front of their classmates

2 making food for their teachers
3 performing their musical in public
4 seeing their book in bookstores

( 27 ) 1 get well soon 2 watch it afterwards

3 take part as well 4 play other sports

2022年度第1回検定一次試験(準2級) !5! copyright2022 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-2


Getting to Know New Orleans

New Orleans is a city in the southern United States. In the past, people
from France, Spain, Africa, and the Caribbean came to live there. As a result, it
has a unique culture. This can be seen in the design of the city’s buildings and
heard in the city’s music. Visitors can also experience this culture by
( 28 ) that come from New Orleans and the area around it. For example,
visitors can get to know the city by eating foods like jambalaya. This is made
from meat, seafood, vegetables, rice, and spices.
New Orleans is also famous for cakes called beignets. A beignet is like a
doughnut without a hole. Beignets are normally eaten for breakfast. However,
they are served all day in cafés in an area of the city called the French Quarter.
Café du Monde is the most famous of these. It has ( 29 ). In fact, it only
sells beignets and drinks.
People in New Orleans usually drink a kind of coffee called café au lait
with their beignets. They use warm milk and a special type of coffee to make
this. Long ago, coffee beans were very expensive. People looked for cheaper
things that tasted like coffee, and they discovered a plant called chicory. The
roots of this plant ( 30 ) coffee. Over time, the people of New Orleans
came to love the taste of coffee made from a mixture of coffee beans and dried
chicory roots.

( 28 ) 1 hearing the stories 2 meeting the people

3 driving the cars 4 tasting the dishes

( 29 ) 1 the highest prices 2 special tables and chairs

3 a simple menu 4 only one waiter

( 30 ) 1 contain more vitamins than 2 have a similar flavor to

3 grow well in bags of 4 can be used as cups for

2022年度第1回検定一次試験(準2級) !6! copyright2022 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-2

次の英文 A , B の内容に関して,(31) から (37) までの質問に対して最

4 A
も適切なもの,または文を完成させるのに最も適切なものを 1,2,3,4

From: Jenny Smith <[email protected]

To: Ai Tanaka <[email protected]
Date: June 5
Subject: Visit to museum

Hi Ai,
How are things in Japan? I hope that you had fun by the ocean last month. I know
how much you love swimming and playing in the sand with your friends. I had a
great vacation, too. Last week, I stayed with my aunt and uncle in Pennsylvania.
They live on a farm about 50 kilometers from a city called Pittsburgh. My brother and
I enjoyed playing outside in nature.
One day, it rained, so we decided to go into the city and see the natural history
museum there. The museum was cool because it has many dinosaur bones. It also
has an amazing collection of colorful rocks. My favorite part was the “PaleoLab,”
though. There, scientists prepare old bones from dinosaurs and other animals for the
museum. The scientists work in a special room with a large window, so museum
visitors can watch them.
My mom says there is a natural history museum here in Chicago, too. She said that
she would take you, me, and my brother there when you come to visit the United
States next month. We can spend the whole day at the museum if we go early. Let
me know if you’re interested. I can’t wait to see you!
Your pen pal,

( 31 ) Last month, Ai
1 spent some time at a beach.
2 started taking swimming lessons.
3 visited her family in Pittsburgh.
4 played outside with her brother.

( 32 ) What did Jenny like best about the museum?

1 Watching scientists get bones ready for the museum.
2 Listening to a cool talk about some dinosaur bones.
3 Its amazing collection of colorful rocks.
4 Its windows were large and let in a lot of light.

( 33 ) What is Ai going to do next month?

1 Move to Chicago with her family.
2 Take a trip abroad to see Jenny.
3 Get up early to attend an event.
4 Start working in a history museum.

2022年度第1回検定一次試験(準2級) !7! copyright2022 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-2


The Return of the Wolves

Wolves are intelligent animals that live in groups called packs. Long ago,
packs of wolves could be found in many European countries, including Germany.
However, farmers hunted wolves because they sometimes killed the farmers’ sheep.
Other people hunted wolves for sport. By the 19th century, there were no wolves
left in Germany. In the last 20 years, though, wolves have started to return to the
In the 1980s and 1990s, European countries made laws to protect wildlife and
created special areas for wild animals. At the same time, many people left their
farms in eastern Europe to take jobs abroad. The result was that there were fewer
people and more safe places for deer and other animals that wolves like to eat. As
the number of these animals increased, the number of wolves increased, too. The
wolves spread west, and in 2001, they were found living in Germany again.
There are now over 120 packs of wolves in Germany, but not all of them live
in the special areas for wild animals. A lot of wolves prefer places that the army
uses for training. Experts think this is because these places are safe for the wolves.
It seems that some people have been hunting wolves in Germany, even though they
are not allowed to. However, these people are afraid of entering army training
centers because they might get caught.
Other animals, including rare birds, have also been protected by army training
centers. There used to be many army training centers in Europe. However, some of
them are no longer needed. In 2015, the German government created parks for
wildlife from 62 old army training centers. This increased the total size of such
parks in the country by 25 percent. Now, there are plans to bring back horses,
bison, and other wild animals to these parks, too.

2022年度第1回検定一次試験(準2級) !8! copyright2022 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-2

( 34 ) What is one reason that wolves disappeared from Germany?

1 They were hunted to stop them from killing farm animals.
2 The animals that wolves ate were all killed by farmers.
3 Farmers in Germany started keeping cows instead of sheep.
4 People made farms in the places where the wolves lived.

( 35 ) Why did many people in eastern Europe leave their farms in the 1980s and
1 Their farms were bought to create areas for wild animals.
2 The number of wolves and other animals suddenly increased.
3 New laws in European countries said that they had to leave.
4 They had chances to go and work in other countries.

( 36 ) Many wolves prefer living in army training centers because

1 the soldiers at the centers give them food from the kitchens.
2 people who hunt them are too scared to go in the centers.
3 a lot of people visit the special areas for wild animals.
4 there are fewer roads than in other parts of Germany.

( 37 ) The German government

1 plans to open 62 new army training centers.
2 moved some rare birds to protect them.
3 brought horses and bison to parks in 2015.
4 has provided more land for wild animals.

2022年度第1回検定一次試験(準2級) !9! copyright2022 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-2

5 ライティング

● あなたは,外国人の知り合いから以下の QUESTION をされました。

● QUESTION について,あなたの意見とその理由を2つ英文で書きなさい。
● 語数の目安は5
● 解答は,解答用紙のB面にあるライティング解答欄に書きなさい。なお,解答欄の
● 解答が QUESTION に対応していないと判断された場合は,0点と採点されることが
あります。QUESTION をよく読んでから答えてください。

Do you think it is a good idea for people to learn how to cook by using
the Internet?

2022年度第1回検定一次試験(準2級) ! 10 ! copyright2022 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-2

2022年度第1回検定一次試験(準2級) ! 11 ! copyright2022 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-2
Listening Test


!このリスニングテストには,第 1部から第 3 部まであります。


第 1部……対話を聞き,その最後の文に対する応答として最も適切なものを,放送される
1,2,3 の中から一つ選びなさい。
その質問に対して最も適切なものを 1,2,3,4 の中から一つ選びなさい。
第 2部……対話を聞き,
その質問に対して最も適切なものを 1,2,3,4 の中から一つ選びなさい。
第 3部……英文を聞き,

" No. 30 のあと,1


第 1部

No. 1 ∼ No. 10 (選択肢はすべて放送されます。)

第 2部

No. 11 1 Write a history report for him.

2 Visit his sister with him.
3 Study for the test alone.
4 Go to a soccer game with him.

No. 12 1 Make a reservation.

2 Wait in the waiting area.
3 Order his meal.
4 Call another restaurant.

No. 13 1 Return his library books.

2 Work on a report with Carol.
3 Go to his hockey game.
4 Record a TV show.

No. 14 1 He had an accident.

2 He took the wrong bicycle.
3 He lost his jacket.
4 He got sick.

2022年度第1回検定一次試験(準2級) ! 12 ! copyright2022 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-2

No. 15 1 He cannot see the movie he wanted to see.

2 He could not rent a DVD for his grandson.
3 Bubbles the Dancing Bear was boring.
4 The Showtime Theater is closing soon.

No. 16 1 By giving him directions to another shop.

2 By telling him how he can get a discount.
3 By ordering a copy of Sporting Life.
4 By contacting other stores.

No. 17 1 It is Friday night.

2 DVDs are on sale.
3 It has just opened.
4 A famous singer will be there.

No. 18 1 He does not have any medicine.

2 He cannot get an appointment.
3 He has been having headaches.
4 He has a lot to do this afternoon.

No. 19 1 Buy a doll for her friend.

2 Look for another gift.
3 Borrow some money.
4 Go on a long trip.

No. 20 1 Take money out of the bank.

2 Look for a green blanket.
3 Buy the red sofa.
4 Go to a different store.

2022年度第1回検定一次試験(準2級) ! 13 ! copyright2022 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-2

Listening Test

第 3部

No. 21 1 She saw one in a store’s magazine.

2 A friend showed her some online.
3 The bookstore near her had one.
4 There was a cheap one at a café.

No. 22 1 Eat leaves instead of small animals.

2 Hide inside tall trees.
3 Make their hearts stop.
4 Move to warmer areas.

No. 23 1 He liked the sound of the engine.

2 He thought the color was great.
3 The height of the front light looked perfect.
4 The salesman gave him a discount.

No. 24 1 Her bus was late again.

2 Her test score was not good.
3 She could not do her homework.
4 She studied for the wrong test.

No. 25 1 A bag has been found near the entrance.

2 New staff members are wanted.
3 Fruit is being sold cheaply.
4 The store will close soon.

2022年度第1回検定一次試験(準2級) ! 14 ! copyright2022 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-2

No. 26 1 The dog was very young.

2 The dog ran to her.
3 The dog took her ball.
4 The dog was big.

No. 27 1 Meet his friends on Sunday.

2 Start taking jazz lessons.
3 Teach people to play the piano.
4 Perform at a restaurant.

No. 28 1 Aztec children played games with rules.

2 Aztec women ate much more than men did.
3 The Aztecs had a kind of chewing gum.
4 The Aztecs made simple toothbrushes.

No. 29 1 By calling and answering questions.

2 By hurrying to a stadium’s ticket office.
3 By sending an e­mail to an announcer.
4 By singing a song by the Boaties.

No. 30 1 Ask his grandparents for a gift.

2 Buy a new game.
3 Record a video message.
4 Make a birthday card.

2022年度第1回検定一次試験(準2級) ! 15 ! copyright2022 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

1)英検ウェブサイトでの解答速報(https:/ / 6月6日 13:00以降
部分が二次受験票になります) 。未着の場合は6月28 日以降に英検サービスセンター 03(3266)8311(平日 9:30
∼17:00)までお問い合わせください(お問い合わせの際には個人番号もお知らせください) 。
一次個人成績表は6月28日までに申込責任者あてに送付します(個人あてには送付しません) 。

■二次試験について(一次試験合格者のみ)■ ※試験日程は必ずご自身で事前にご確認ください。
1)試験日 A日程:7月3日(日) B日程:7月10日

■二次試験受験地番号表■ ※東京・大阪は下記,島部・海外は右記参照 ※受験地は周辺エリアを含む


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