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Inside the Box

This column will provide practical

basic guidelines for the strength
and conditioning coach in a
number of common training
Kraemer, PhD, CSCS*D, FNSCA
and Mike Nitka, MS, CSCS*D,

Preparing to Perform a
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Resistance Training
William J. Kraemer, PhD, CSCS*D, FNSCA and Mike Nitka, MS, CSCS*D, RSCC*E, FNSCA

ABSTRACT theories, practice, and implementation. body, so it will allow a full range of
This column is dedicated to this prin- movement?
Strength and conditioning profes-
ciple.Working with Coach Jerry Mar-  Do you know the spotting technique
sionals need to remember the funda-
tin, our late friend who was the required for the exercise movement,
mental principles of designing a
strength and conditioning coordinator and do you have “competent” spot-
resistance training workout. Designing
at the University of Connecticut for 29 ter(s) who know how to spot the
a workout involves a host of decisions
years, all workouts started by making exercise using either free weights or
based on acute program variables.
sure every athlete was ready to perform a machine, and can handle the resis-
Choices made within each of these
each exercise in a daily workout cor- tance load being used and properly
variables will impact the stimuli that the
rectly and with confidence (1). So, let spot you if you fail in a repetition?
workout provides and the resulting  Have you practiced the movement
us take a look at the questions you as a
adaptations. with your spotters so as to enhance
coach, or as an athlete, must answer for
optimal performance of exercise in a communication so that you all know
As strength and conditioning coaches, what will be done if you fail during a
we are always trying to discover the  Are you mentally focused on the repetition?
next big idea or find the “silver bullet”  Do you understand the proper
exercise you are about to perform?
that will make the difference between  Do you understand the proper grip breathing technique; breathe in
winning and losing. The development and starting position for the exercise? when lowering the weight and
of athletes in the weight room is no  Do you understand and can you per- breathe out when pushing the
different. Yet, in reality, most of the form the exercise with proper weight to the full range of motion?
answers to questions start “Inside the  Will the coach or training partner
Box.” They are based on proven fun-  Do you know the full range of move- give you feedback on your tech-
damental principles and best practice ment for the exercise? nique? Do they provide positive
operating procedures. This column is  Do you start with a warm-up set encouragement during the perfor-
anchored in this concept. As any good with lighter loads to reacquaint your- mance of repetitions in a set? For
strength and conditioning coach will further detail as a coach, you can read
self with the technique and check
know, one should return to the funda- NSCA guidelines by Sands et al. (2).
that you can go through the exercise
mentals and the basics for a review. If movement, pain free? Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:
effective, you will notice that your pro-  If performing a machine lift, do The authors report no conflicts of interest
gram has a strong basic foundation in you adjust the machine to fit your and no source of funding.

122 VOLUME 43 | NUMBER 1 | FEBRUARY 2021 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Director of Strength and Conditioning 1956-2015. J Strength Cond Res 30: 301–
William J. Kraemer is a professor in the 304, 2016.
and Instructor of Physical Education at
Department of Human Sciences at The
Muskego High School and is an Adjunct 2. Sands WA, Wurth JJ, Hewit JK. The National
Ohio State University and was the former Strength and Conditioning Association’s
Instructor in Exercise Science at Carroll
Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Strength (NSCA) Basics of Strength and
and Conditioning Research for 30 years. Conditioning, 2006. p. 105. Available at:
REFERENCES 116c155d164e1343d1342b1264
Mike Nitka is the Emeriti-Founder 1. Kraemer WJ. In memoriam: Coach Gerard e1305aaf1158a1391/basics_of_strength_
Human Performance Center and “Jerry” Martin: A modern pioneer in our field: and_conditioning_manual.pdf.

Strength and Conditioning Journal |

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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