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Important Monthly Current Affairs Capsule – February 2024

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Indian Coast Guard Day 2024: 01st February
• The ICG Day or Indian Coast Guard Day is celebrated on 01st February every year.
• The Indian Coast Guard is a multi-mission organization, conducting round-the-year real-life
operations at sea.
• Despite being relatively small, it has a wide range of task capabilities for both surface and air
• The Indian Coast Guard was initially established on 1 February 1977 due to an emergency.
World Wetlands Day 2024: 2nd February
• World Wetlands Day is celebrated on 2nd February every year.
• Aims to raise global awareness about the vital role of wetlands for people and the planet.
• On this day, The Convention on Wetlands was adopted in 1971.
• The day is celebrated to mark the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on
February 2, 1971, in the Iranian city of Ramsar on the shores of the Caspian Sea.
• World Wetlands Day was first celebrated in 1997.
World Cancer Day 2024: 4th February
• World Cancer Day is celebrated on 4th of February every year.
• It is celebrated annually as a global uniting initiative led by the Union for International Cancer
Control (UICC).
• World Cancer Day originated in 2000 at the first World Summit Against Cancer, which was held in
• The Day was founded by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) to support the goals of
the World Cancer Declaration, written in 2008.
International Development Week 2024: 4th to 10th February
• International Development Week is celebrated every year in the first full week of February (4th to
10th February).
• The aim of International Development Week (IDW) is to draw attention to international
development and shine a spotlight on the important contributions that Canadians are making
through partnerships around the world.
• International Development Week is a national event promoted by the Canadian International
Development Agency (CIDA).
National Day Of Sri Lanka 2024: 4th February
• The National Day Of Sri Lanka is celebrated on 4th February every year.
• Sri Lanka’s Independence Day is celebrated on the 4th of February to commemorate its internal
political independence from British rule on that day in 1948.
• Every year, February 4 is celebrated as National Day in Sri Lanka.
• It existed as a dominion within the British Empire, and its first Prime Minister was Don Stephen
Safer Internet Day 2024: 6th February
• Safer Internet Day 2024 is observed on the 6th of February 2024.
• The inaugural Safer Internet Day was observed globally in 2003, and since then, it has been
observed annually.
• On this day, numerous organizations and stakeholders from various nations can demonstrate
their support for a safer online environment.
• In 2004 the EU SafeBorders project launched it, and in 2005 the Insafe network of European
Safer Internet Centers (SICs) adopted it.
International Day Against Female Genital Mutilation: 6th February
• International Day Against Female Genital Mutilation 2024 is observed on the 6th February 2024.
• The Joint Programme on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting was initiated by UNFPA and UNICEF
in 2007 to accelerate the abandonment of the practice.
• In 2008, WHO and 9 other United Nations partners released a declaration titled "Eliminating
Female Genital Mutilation: An Interagency Statement" regarding the abolition of FGM.
National Deworming Day: 10th February
• National Deworming Day 2024 is observed on the 10th of February 2024.
• Worms can create long-term health issues in Children and interfere with their health, education,
and overall well-being, even if their effects might not be visible immediately.
• Without knowing, children can carry worms for a long time and the only visible symptoms might be
their hindered physical and mental health.
• National Deworming Day was launched first on 10th February 2015.
World Pulses Day: 10th February
• World Pulses Day 2024 is observed on the 10th of February 2024.
• Building on the success and momentum of the I.Y.P., and recognizing the potential of pulses to
further achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Burkina Faso, a landlocked West
African nation, proposed the global observance of World Pulses Day.
• On December 20, 2018, the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed February 10 as
World Pulses Day through resolution (A/RES/73/251), and the day has been celebrated as a global
event since 2019 and supported by many member nations.
World Day of the Sick 2024: 11th February
• World Day of the Sick is a Catholic Church awareness day, or observance, on February 11, aimed
at praying and sharing, sacrificing one’s suffering for the welfare of the church, and urging
everyone to see the face of Christ in his or her ailing brother or sister.
• On February 11, 1993, the first World Day of the Sick was observed.
International Day of Women and Girls in Science: 11th February
• International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2024 is observed on 11th February.
• The Commission on the Status of Women adopted a report on March 14, 2011, with the goal of
encouraging girls and women to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math.
National Productivity Day: 12th February
• National Productivity Day 2024 is observed on the 12th of February 2024.
• National Productivity Day is commemorated to promote India's productivity culture.
• On February 12, 1958, the National Productivity Council of India was Registered under the
Societies Registration Act XXI, 1860.
• To mark the council's establishment, its members decided to observe National Productivity Day
every year on the same day.
International Epilepsy Day: 12th February
• International Epilepsy Day 2024 is observed on the 12th of February 2024.
• International Epilepsy Day is the brainchild of the International Bureau for Epilepsy and the
International League Against Epilepsy.
• The two organizations have put together various events on the day since their inception.
Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday 2024: 12th February
• Abraham Lincoln's birthday is celebrated every year on February 12th to honour the 16th president
of the United States.
• Abraham Lincoln, who led the nation during the Civil War and advocated for the abolition of
slavery, remains a crucial figure in American history.
• The history of Lincoln's Birthday in 2024 dates back to February 12, 1809, when Abraham Lincoln
was born in Hardin County, Kentucky.
World Radio Day 2024: 13th February
• World Radio Day is celebrated on 13 February, a date proclaimed by UNESCO to celebrate radio
broadcasts, improve international cooperation among radio broadcasters and encourage decision-
makers to create and provide access to information through radio, including community radios.
• World Radio Day was first proposed by Spain in September 2010.
• With backing from broadcasting associations worldwide, it was unanimously accepted by the
UNESCO Member States in November 2011.
Sarojini Naidu’s Birth Anniversary 2024: 13th February
• Sarojini Naidu’s birth anniversary, which falls on 13 February, is observed as National Women’s
Day across the country.
• Sarojini Naidu’s birthday is celebrated as National Women’s Day in India. She actively worked for
the empowerment of women. She spoke about women’s rights and fought for them. She urged
women to take part in the freedom struggle.
• National Women’s Day is observed on 13 February to celebrate the social, cultural, political, and
economic achievements of women.

Arunachal Pradesh Foundation Day: 20th February

● Arunachal Pradesh Foundation Day 2024 is observed on the 20th of February 2024.
World Day of Social Justice 2024: 20th February
● The United Nations (UN) World Day of Social Justice is annually observed on February 20 to
encourage people to look at how social justice affects poverty eradication.
● 20th February was declared the annual World Day of Social Justice by the United Nations on
November 26, 2007.
● The International Labour Organization (ILO) is the first specialized agency of the United Nations
formed on October 29, 1919.
● ILO is also credited with proposing the observance of February 20th as World Day of Social Justice
adopting the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalisation at the International Labour
Conference on June 10, 2008.
● The guiding principles behind this declaration are the Philadelphia Declaration of 1944 and the
Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of 1998.
● The contemporary vision of the ILO’s mandate in the era of globalization and the free-market
economy is guided by the Declaration of 2008.
International Mother Language Day 2024: February 21
● Every year February 21 is celebrated as International Mother Language Day 2024 all over the world.
● It is a worldwide annual observance to bring awareness among people about linguistic and cultural
● UNESCO declared February 21st as International Mother Language Day in the year 1999 and has
been witnessed all throughout the world since 2000.

World Thinking Day 2024: 22nd February

● World Thinking Day 2024 is observed on the 22nd of February 2024.
● In 1999, during the Dubai Conference, the name of Thinking Day was changed to ‘World
Thinking Day.’
World Scout Day 2024: 22nd February
● Each year on February 22nd, we honour Robert Baden-birth Powell's anniversary by celebrating
World Scout Day.
● Baden-Powell maintained a testing centre on Brownsea Island, Poole, Dorset, in 1907.
● In 1908, ‘Scouting for Boys’ was published by Baden Powell for the first time.
Central Excise Day 2024: February 24
● Every year February 24 is celebrated as the central Excise Day all over the world.
● The day is being celebrated to honour the service of the Central Board of Excise and Customs
(CBEC) to the country.
● The Central Excise Department was one of the oldest departments in India which was
established in the year 1855, under the British Raj.
● “The Central Excise Act” or “The Central Excise and Salt Act” was regulated in the year 1944, in
which year for the first time Central Excise Day was celebrated but later in the year 1996 these
acts got some changes.
World NGO Day: 27th February
● World NGO Day 2024 is observed on the 27th of February 2024.
● World NGO Day was originally founded in 2009 by Marcis Liors Skadmanis, a social
● However, it was observed for the first time on February 27, 2014.
● The holiday was officially declared back in 2010 by the 12 member countries of the Baltic Sea
NGO Forum, recognized as a partner of the Council of the Baltic Sea States.
National Science Day 2024: February 28
● Every year, National Science Day is celebrated on February 28 all over India.
● It is celebrated every year to mark the discovery of the “Raman effect”.
● The Raman effect was discovered by the Indian scientist Sir C.V. Raman.
● On this day, Sir C.V. Raman got the Nobel prize for his discovery.
● Sukumar Chandra Sirkar (1898-1983) invented science day.

India nominates ‘Maratha Military Landscapes’ for 2024-25 UNESCO World Heritage List
• The Ministry of Culture announced that India is nominating the 'Maratha Military Landscape' for
inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List for the 2024-25 cycle, with a total of 12
components included in this nomination.
• Suvarnadurg Fort is a part of the historic 'Maratha Military Landscape'.
• 'Maratha Military Landscapes' represents extraordinary fortification and military system
envisioned by the Maratha rulers, showcasing the vibrant history of India.
• Twelve components of this nomination are -- Salher fort, Shivneri fort, Lohgad, Khanderi fort,
Raigad, Rajgad, Pratapgad, Suvarnadurg, Panhala fort, Vijay durg, and Sindhudurg in
Maharashtra, and Gingee fort in Tamil Nadu.
Cabinet approves Signing and ratification of Bilateral Investment Treaty between India and the United
Arab Emirates
• The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has given its approval for
signing and ratification of the Bilateral Investment Treaty between the Government of the
Republic of India and the Government of the United Arab Emirates.
• The Treaty is expected to improve the confidence of the investors, especially large investors,
increasing Foreign Investments and Overseas Direct Investment (ODI) opportunities and this
may have a positive impact on employment generation.

Cabinet approves extension of Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund

• The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi approved the continuation of
the Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF) to be implemented under the
Infrastructure Development Fund (IDF) with an outlay of Rs.29,610.25 crore for another three
years up to 2025-26.
• The Government of India will provide 3% interest subvention for 8 years including two years of
the moratorium for loans up to 90% from the scheduled bank and National Cooperative
Development Corporation (NCDC), NABARD and NDDB.
Cabinet approves marketing margin for supply of Domestic gas to Fertilizer (Urea) for the Period
May 2009 – November 2015
• The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given its approval for
determination of Marketing Margin on supply of domestic gas to Fertilizer (Urea) Units for the
period from May 1, 2009 to November 17, 2015.
• This approval is a structural reform. Marketing Margin is charged by gas marketing company
from consumers over and above the cost of gas for taking on the additional risk and cost
associated with marketing of gas.
Cabinet approves Scheme of Sugar Subsidy for AAY Families under PDS
• The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narender Modi approved an extension of
scheme of sugar subsidy for Antyodya Anna Yojna (AAY) families distributed through the Public
Distribution Scheme (PDS) for two more years i.e. 31 March 2026.
• Under the Scheme, the Central Government gives subsidy of Rs.18.50 per kg per month of sugar
to AAY families of participating States.
• The approval is expected to extend benefits of more than Rs.1850 crore during period of 15th
Finance Commission (2020-21 to 2025-26).
Cabinet approves continuation of Scheme for Rebate of State and Central Taxes and Levies for
export of Apparel/Garments
• The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi approved the continuation of
the Scheme for Rebate of State and Central Taxes and Levies (RoSCTL) for the export of
Apparel/Garments and Made ups upto 31st March 2026.
• Continuation of the Scheme for proposed two (2) years will provide stable policy regime which is
essential for long term trade planning, more so in the textiles sector where orders can be placed
in advance for long term delivery.
Union Minister of Coal, Mines and Parliamentary Affairs Shri Pralhad Joshi launches C-CARES, web
portal of CMPFO
• Union Minister of Coal, Mines and Parliamentary Affairs Shri Pralhad Joshi launched a web portal
of CMPFO namely C- CARES developed and designed by the Centre for Development of
Advanced Computing (C-DAC), an R&D organization under the Ministry of Electronics and
Information Technology on 31st January, 2024.
• This marks a significant leap in the digitization journey of CMPFO aiming to address the long-
standing issue of digitizing its records and work process.
• Coal Mines Provident Fund Organization (CMPFO) is an autonomous organization under the
aegis of the Ministry of Coal established in the year 1948 to administer Provident Fund and
Pension schemes to provide social security to the coal sector workers.
Union Minister of Coal, Mines and Parliamentary Affairs, Shri Pralhad Joshi inaugurated three CSR
initiatives of Coal India Limited
• Union Minister of Coal, Mines and Parliamentary Affairs, Shri Pralhad Joshi inaugurated three
initiatives being undertaken as Corporate Social Responsibility of Coal India Limited (CIL) in
collaboration with Educational Consultants Limited (EDCIL), National Skill Development
Corporation and TATA STRIVE on 31st January,2024.
• It marks a watershed step to fulfil Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s vision of ‘Viksit Bharat’
and ‘Digital Bharat’.
Shri Dharmendra Pradhan launches MoE - AICTE Investor Network
• Union Minister for Education and Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Shri Dharmendra
Pradhan launched ‘Ministry of Education - AICTE Investor Network’ in New Delhi.
• The MoE - AICTE Investor Network is a ground-breaking initiative jointly established by AICTE
and the Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell (MIC) with a vision to foster innovation and
entrepreneurship in the education sector.
• The Interim Union Budget for the financial year 2024-25 was tabled in the Parliament by Finance
Minister Nirmala Sitharaman.
• This was the sixth budget presented by the current FM and the last one of Prime Minister
Narendra Modi-led government's second term.
• The budget focused on fiscal consolidation, infra, agri, green growth, and railways.
Prime Minister to inaugurate and lay foundation stones of various developmental initiatives in Guwahati
• Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate and lay the foundation stones of various
developmental initiatives worth 11,599 crore rupees in Assam.
• The Assam Chief Minister Dr. Himanta Biswa Sarma informed that the Prime Minister will reach
Guwahati for a two-day visit.
• Mr. Sarma informed that the Prime Minister will inaugurate and lay the foundation stones of several
projects virtually from the public meeting at the Veterinary College Play Ground in Guwahati.

The Ministry of Coal has several projects that the Prime Minister will inaugurate for Mahanadi Coalfields
• PM GatiShakti's National Master Plan for providing multi-model connectivity and reducing logistics
costs by enhancing efficiency, the Ministry of Coal has undertaken large-scale infrastructure
augmentation to further step up the efficient evacuation of coal.
• To augment the railway network in coal-producing areas, Joint Venture of CIL, IRCON and the
Government of Odisha have been formed as “Mahanadi Coal Rail Ltd”.

ASCI issues guidelines to ensure honest environmental claims in ads

• The Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) has finalised guidelines to prevent deceptive or
unsubstantiated environment-related claims by brands in advertising often referred to as
• These guidelines which will come into effect from February 15, state that absolute claims such as
“environment friendly”, “eco-friendly”, “planet friendly” or “sustainable” must be substantiated with
robust data backed by credible accreditations.
About ASCI
• ASCI is working closely with the Department of Consumer Affairs on the issue of prevention of
greenwashing in ads.
• Manisha Kapoor, CEO and Secretary-General, ASCI.
PM Modi lays foundation stone for projects worth Rs 68,000 crore in Odisha
• The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated, dedicated to the nation and laid the
foundation stone for projects worth more than Rs 68,000 crore in Sambalpur, Odisha
• It aimed at boosting the energy sector involving natural gas, coal and power generation apart from
important projects of road, railway and higher education sector.
• Shri Modi also took a walkthrough of the IIM Sambalpur model and a photo exhibition showcased
on the occasion.
Shri Narendra Modi Unveils Projects Worth Rs 11,000 Cr In Assam
• The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated and laid the foundation stone for projects
worth Rs 11,000 crores in Guwahati, Assam.
• The key focus areas in Guwahati include projects to boost sports & medical infrastructure and
• Providing world-class amenities to people visiting pilgrimage sites has been a key focus area of the
Prime Minister.
India’s UPI Formally Launched In France At Paris’ Iconic Eiffel Tower
• India formally launched the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) at the iconic Eiffel Tower in Paris.
• Making the announcement, the Indian Embassy in France termed it as part of Prime Minister
Narendra Modi's vision of taking UPI, global.
• The UPI was formally launched at the Republic Day reception held in France.
• The UPI is India's mobile-based payment system developed by the National Payments Corporation
of India (NPIL) in 2016.
Indian Institute of Mass Communication declared as a deemed to be University
• The Indian Institute of Mass Communication, a leading institution for Journalism and Mass
Communication, has been declared by the Ministry of Education, on the advice of UGC, as a
deemed to be university under a distinct category.
• The declaration extends to IIMC New Delhi and its five regional campuses located in Jammu
(Jammu & Kashmir), Amravati (Maharashtra), Aizawl (Mizoram), Kottayam (Kerala), and
Dhenkanal (Odisha).

CMFRI to develop lab-grown fish meat for the first time in India
• An Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) institute has signed a first-of-its-kind agreement
in India with a start-up to develop lab-grown fish meat.
• The Kochi-based Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) has entered into a
collaborative research agreement with Neat Meatt Biotech, a start-up working on cultivated meat.
• Israel is a frontrunner, followed by Singapore, the United States, and China.
Shri Nitin Gadkari inaugurates flyover built for Rs 300 crore at Uttar Pradesh
• Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari inaugurated the flyover built for 300
crore rupees in Lakhimpur Kheri district of Uttar Pradesh through video conferencing.
• The construction of ROB and flyover will bring more ease in traffic between Lakhimpur and
Sitapur districts.
• These projects will prove to be a milestone in the industrial development of Lakhimpur district
and the produce of local traders and farmers will be easily accessible to the markets.
Retain defamation as offence in criminal law: Law Commission Report
• The 22nd Law Commission of India led by Justice Ritu Raj Awasthi has recommended that the
offence of criminal defamation should be retained in the new criminal laws.
• The first pre-independence law commission was established in 1834 by the British Government
in India.
• It was established by the Charter Act of 1833 and was chaired by Lord Macaulay.
• The first Law Commission of independent India was established in 1955 under the chairmanship
of the former Attorney General for India C. Setalvad.
• The 22nd Law Commission of India has submitted its Report No. 284 titled “Revisiting The Law
On Prevention of Damage to Public Property” to the Government of India.
Centre merges 4 Home Minister's medals into one as 'Kendriya Grihmantri Dakshata Padak'
• Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) introduced a new medal, Kendriya Grihmantri Dakshata
• Kendriya Grihmantri Dakshata Padak has been created after merging four existing medals –
Union Home Minister’s Special Operation Medal, Union Home Minister’s Medal for Excellence in
Investigation, Asadharan Aasuchana Kushalata Padak and Union Home Minister’s Awards for
Meritorious Service in Forensic Science.
Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar Inaugurates Digital India FutureLABS at IIIT in New Delhi
• Union Minister of State for Electronics and IT, Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, and Jal
Shakti, Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar launched the "Digital India FutureLABS” and delivered the
keynote address at the ‘Digital India FutureLABS Summit 2024,’ focused on ‘Catalyzing the Next-
generation Electronics System Design through Digital India FutureLABS.’
• The Summit also witnessed an announcement of 22 MoUs of C-DAC with Industry for
implementation in the futureLABS.
The first-ever BIMSTEC Aquatic Championship in New Delhi has been inaugurated by Union Minister
Anurag Thakur
• Sports Minister Anurag Thakur inaugurated the first-ever BIMSTEC Aquatic Championship in New
• The championship features the seven BIMSTEC member nations from South and Southeast Asia
competing in distinct aquatic events.
• The sports meet serves as a platform for shared prosperity, fairness, and mutual respect for the
BIMSTEC nations.
• The BIMSTEC consists of India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand.
Union Minister G Kishan Reddy has laid the foundation stone for the country's first digital National
Museum of Epigraphy in Hyderabad.
• Union Culture Minister, G Kishan Reddy laid the foundation stone for the country's first digital
National Museum of Epigraphy at the Salar Jung Museum in Hyderabad.
• The Archaeological Survey of India is establishing the museum and about one lakh ancient
inscriptions of various languages and periods of time will be placed in it.
• Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitaraman announced last year, the establishment of the Bharat
Shared Repository of Inscriptions (BharatSHRI) with the digitisation of one lakh ancient
Prime Minister inaugurates projects worth over Rs 1330 crores in Goa.
• The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated and laid the foundation stone for development
projects worth over Rs 1330 crores in Viksit Bharat, Viksit Goa 2047 program in Goa.
• Shri Modi also took a walkthrough of the exhibition showcased on the occasion. The development
projects include a boost to infrastructure in the education, sports, water treatment, waste
management and tourism sectors.
• The Prime Minister also distributed appointment orders to 1930 new Government recruits across
various departments under Rozgar Mela and also handed over sanction letters to beneficiaries of
various welfare schemes.
Indian Prime Minister has inaugurated India Energy Week in 2024.
• The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated India Energy Week 2024 in Goa.
• India Energy Week 2024 is India’s largest and only all-encompassing energy exhibition and
conference, bringing together the entire energy value chain to catalyze India's energy transition
• The Prime Minister also held a roundtable with Global oil & gas CEOs and experts.
• India Energy Week 2024 is taking place at a significant period when India’s GDP rate crossed 7.5
per cent in the first six months of the financial year, the Prime Minister said that the growth rate is
higher than the global growth estimate making India the fastest growing economy in the world.
Union Minister Nitin Gadkari approves ₹2,248.94 crore for the construction of the Lada-Sarli section of
NH-913 in Arunachal Pradesh.
• Union Minister of Road Transport & Highways, Shri Nitin Gadkari has approved a fund of Rs.
2,248.94 crores for the construction of the Lada-Sarli section of NH-913 (Frontier Highway) in
Arunachal Pradesh on EPC mode, spanning 105.59 km across Packages 1, 2, 3, & 6.
• This vital project, dedicated to providing a swift communication network for security forces, is
poised to stimulate economic activities, fostering reverse migration towards vibrant border areas.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Commonwealth Attorneys and Solicitors General
Conference (CLEA) in New Delhi.
• Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated the Commonwealth Legal Education Association
(CLEA) - Commonwealth Attorneys and Solicitors General Conference in New Delhi.
• The theme of this conference is Cross-Border Challenges in Justice Delivery.
• During the conference, important issues of law and justice will be deliberated.
• Some of these issues are judicial transition and the ethical dimensions of legal practice, executive
accountability and revisiting modern-day legal education.
Uttarakhand Cabinet clears Uniform Civil Code bill, to be tabled in Assembly
• The government-appointed panel to draft the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) handed over an important
document to Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami.
• The draft will be examined, studied, and discussed before presenting it in the Assembly.
• The five-member committee was headed by retired Supreme Court judge Ranjana Prakash Desai.

Shri Pashupati Kumar Paras launches 'SUFALAM', a ground-breaking launch for food processing
• Union Minister of Food Processing Shri Pashupati Kumar Paras emphasised the pivotal role of
startups in the food processing sector.
• Inaugurating "SUFALAM: Start-Up Forum for Aspiring Leaders and Mentors Startup Conclave
2024" he highlighted the significance of events like SUFALAM, emphasizing their potential to
enhance networking, facilitate knowledge sharing, and enable startups to leverage various
government schemes.
Shri Nitin Gadkari inaugurated and laid foundation stones for 30 National Highway projects worth Rs
4,755 crore in Haridwar, Uttarakhand.
• Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways Shri Nitin Gadkari inaugurated and laid
foundation stones of 30 National Highway projects worth Rs 4,755 crore in Haridwar, Uttarakhand
in the presence of Chief Minister Shri Pushkar Singh Dhami, MP Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank,
former Chief Minister and MP Shri Tirath Singh Rawat, Rajya Sabha MP Smt. Dr. Kalpana Saini,
MP Shri Naresh Bansal, Uttarakhand ministers and MP-MLAs, officials and other dignitaries.
• The projects inaugurated include the widening of a 2-lane paved shoulder from Lameri to
Karnaprayag in Rudraprayag and Chamoli and Dudhdhari elevated flyover in Haridwar.
• These projects will not only ease transportation but will also provide better connectivity from
Rishikesh to the India-China border.
Shri Nitin Gadkari has sanctioned Rs. 1742.11 crore for the construction of a 4-lane section on NH-6 in
the Aizawl and Kolasib districts of Mizoram.
• Union Minister of Road Transport & Highways, Shri Nitin Gadkari sanctioned Rs. 1742.11 crore for
the construction of the 4-lane N. Kawnpui (N.Mualvum) – Sairang section on NH-6, situated along
the Silchar –Valrengte – Sairang road in the Aizawl and Kolasib districts in Mizoram
• Shri Gadkari said this 24.41 km project will be executed under the Engineering, Procurement, and
Construction (EPC) mode as part of National Highway
(Original) – North East (NH(O)-NE).
Shri Pashupati Kumar Paras launches 'SUFALAM', a ground-breaking launch for food processing
• Union Minister of Food Processing Shri Pashupati Kumar Paras emphasised the pivotal role of
startups in the food processing sector.
• Inaugurating "SUFALAM: Start-Up Forum for Aspiring Leaders and Mentors Startup Conclave
2024" he highlighted the significance of events like SUFALAM, emphasizing their potential to
enhance networking, facilitate knowledge sharing, and enable startups to leverage various
government schemes.
UPI services from India have been introduced in Sri Lanka and Mauritius:
• India's Unified Payment Interface (UPI) services have been rolled out in Sri Lanka and Mauritius.
• Prime Minister Narendra Modi, President of Sri Lanka Ranil Wickremesinghe and Prime Minister of
Mauritius Pravind Jugnauth witnessed the launch of UPI services in the island nations.
• The RuPay card services were also launched in Mauritius.
• Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe informed, for thousands of years, payments have
taken place between India and Sri Lanka.
Ahmedabad's development projects will be inaugurated and laid out by the Home Minister
• Union Home Minister Amit Shah will inaugurate and lay the foundation of various developmental
projects of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation worth over 1,500 crore in Ahmedabad.
• The developmental works include projects of water distribution, housing, urban health centers and
urban infrastructure.
Nirmala Sitharaman presents 'White paper' on Indian economy in Lok Sabha
• Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman tabled a White Paper in Parliament.
• The paper called the tenure of Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister during UPA regime (2004-
14), as a “lost decade”.
• It said that Manmohan Singh’s tenure failed to capitalise on the strong foundational economy.
• The paper reiterated that the Amrit Kaal (25 years period) and next destination is making India a
developed nation by 2047.
• According to the white paper, the average annual inflation rate between 2004 and 2014 was
around 8.2%.
Microsoft plans to train more than 2 million individuals in India with generative AI skills by the year 2025:
• Chairman and CEO of Microsoft Satya Nadella has announced that the company will train over 2
million people in India in generative Artificial Intelligence skills by 2025.
• At an event organised by the company in Mumbai, Mr Nadella talked about the cooperation
between the United States and India on AI.
• The Indian-origin Microsoft chief said that AI can help boost GDP growth in the country.

Shri Dharmendra Pradhan has launched the EdCIL Vidyanjali Scholarship Programme in New Delhi.
• Minister of Education, Skill Development, and Entrepreneurship Dharmendra Pradhan launched
the EdCIL Vidyanjali Scholarship Programme in New Delhi.
• Addressing the event, Mr. Pradhan, as envisioned in the New Education Policy 2020, the
Vidyanjali Scholarship Program symbolises a whole-of-society approach to empowerment through
access and educational opportunities.

The 2024 theme for National Science Day, unveiled by Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh, is "Indigenous
Technologies for Viksit Bharat."
• Union Minister of Science and Technology Dr Jitendra Singh today released the theme for the
"National Science Day 2024", titled "Indigenous Technologies for Viksit Bharat" in New Delhi.
• The theme reflects a strategic focus on promoting public appreciation for Science, Technology and
Innovation and the accomplishments of Indian scientists to address challenges through home-
grown technologies for overall well-being.
• The National Science Day is celebrated every year on 28 February to commemorate the discovery
of the ‘Raman Effect’.
Government allocates Rs 455 crore for green hydrogen pilot projects in the steel sector
• The government has allocated Rs 455 crore of Central Financial Assistance till the financial year
2029-30 (FY30) for the usage of green hydrogen in the steel industry sector.
• The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy released scheme guidelines for implementations of
pilot projects for the use of green hydrogen in the sector under the National Green Hydrogen

IRMA, NCDEX launch centre in Gujarat to promote commodity derivatives market

• The National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX) and Institute of Rural Management
Anand (IRMA) launched a centre of excellence in Anand, Gujarat, for the growth of the commodity
derivatives market.
• A national workshop on strategizing the establishment of Cooperative Economic Zones (CEZs) in
India was jointly organized by IRMA, NCDEX- Investor Protection Fund Trust (IPFT) and the World
Cooperation Economic Forum (WCopEF).
PMFBY framework is being governed by Union Minister Arun Munda's launch of LMS, Krishi Rakshak
Portal, helpline, and SARTHI initiative.
• Union Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister Arjun Munda launched LMS, Krishi Rakshak
Portal and helpline and SARTHI initiative under Prime Minister Fasal Bima Yojana, PMFBY in New
• Through these initiatives insured farmers will benefit and their risk will be also reduced.
• The Krishi Rakshak Portal and Helpline is an integrated grievance redressal mechanism having a
digital portal and a call centre that has been developed to enable farmers to lodge their grievances,
concerns and queries.
The government has approved 64 applicants who have committed investments worth over 6,700 crore
rupees under the PLI Scheme for White Goods.
• The government has approved a committed investment of 6 thousand 766 crore rupees to the 64
Applicants under the Production Linked Incentive Scheme (PLI) for White Goods containing Air
Conditioners and LED lights.
• The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has informed us that all those companies who opted for
the Gestation Period 2021-22 have been commissioned. It added they have achieved 234% of
their total threshold investment.
• The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade is currently implementing the PLI
Scheme for White Goods as one of the PLI Schemes out of the 14 PLI Schemes of the
Government of India.
A proposal to provide free cashless treatment to all road crash victims has been finalized by the Ministry
of Road Transport.
• The Ministry of Road Transport has finalized a proposal to provide free cashless treatment to all
victims of road crashes.
• Under this scheme, road crash victims will receive medical care at Ayushman Bharat-empanelled
hospitals across the country.
• The upper limit for the treatment will be Rs 1.5 lakh, covering up to 10 days of hospitalization.
• The cost of the treatment will be borne by insurance companies.
• This initiative aims to ensure timely medical assistance to road crash victims within the first 60
minutes, also known as the 'golden hour'.
India, Turkey, and Qatar were named Guests of Honor at the 2024 World Governments Summit in
• India, Türkiye, and Qatar have been declared the guests of honour at the 2024 World
Governments Summit which is set to take place in Dubai from February 12-14.
• The summit, themed 'Shaping Future Governments,' will see the participation of over 25
government and state heads worldwide.
• The delegations from Türkiye, India, and Qatar will be led by their respective leaders: President
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and Prime Minister and Foreign Minister
Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani.
About Turkey
• Capital: Ankara
• Currency: Turkish lira
About Qatar
• Capital: Doha
• Currency: Qatari Riyal
“Doubling of Motumari - Vishnupuram” and "Rail Over Rail at Motumari: Approval is given by the
Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs.
• The Cabinet Committee of Economic Affairs approved “Doubling of Motumari - Vishnupuram” and
"Rail Over Rail at Motumari ”.
• Both projects have been approved at an estimated cost of nearly 1,740 crore rupees.
• The Projects falling in the States of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh are likely to boost the
socioeconomic development of the region.
• Union Minister of Education and Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan
inaugurated the New Delhi World Book Fair at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi.
• Inaugurating the 52nd edition of the New Delhi World Book Fair Shri Pradhan highlighted that this
year's theme of the fair ‘Multilingual India: A Living Tradition’ is celebrating India’s linguistic
diversity and global literary traditions.
• Shri Dharmendra Pradhan launched the app of the National Digital Libraries for All, announced in
the Budget 2023-34.

India set to transition to hyperlocal extreme weather forecasting

• The Union Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India, has initiated the
weather information network and data system (WINDS) to generate long-term, hyper-local weather
• WINDS Portal is a promising step forward by the Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
launched in July 2023.
• In India, the Indian Meteorology Department (IMD) is the principal government agency in all
matters relating to meteorology.

A new portal has been launched by the Union Minister for the Animal Husbandry Infrastructure
Development Fund.
● Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying Shri Parshottam Rupala launched a
renewed portal of the Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF) and also
released its Radio Jingle at a function in New Delhi.
● The AHIDF is a Credit Guarantee Scheme to support the livestock sector's Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises without the need of collateral.
● The government has approved the continuation of AHIDF with an outlay of around 30 thousand
crore rupees for another three years up to 2025-26.
The PM-SVANidhi increased street vendors' yearly income by Rs 23,000:
● According to a study, the first tranche of 10,000 provided under the PM-SVANidhi has increased the
annual income of Rs. 23,460 street vendors.
● This study was carried out by the Centre for Analytical Finance of the Indian School of Business
● PM SVANidhi was launched in 2020 to help street vendors resume their livelihoods impacted by the
Covid-19 lockdown.
● PM-SVANidhi portal shows that 60.65 lakh first-term loans, 16.95 lakh second-term loans and 2.43
lakh third-term loans have been disbursed.
● PM SVANidhi was launched in 2020 to help street vendors resume their livelihood impacted by the
Covid-19 lockdown, by offering them affordable working capital loans.
● To begin with, a beneficiary can avail `10,000 and, upon its repayment, `20,000.
● On timely/ early repayment of the loan, an interest subsidy @ 7% per annum will be credited to the
bank accounts of beneficiaries through Direct Benefit Transfer every quarter.
● Implementation agency: Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI).
● It is a Central Sector Scheme i.e., fully funded by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs.
NITI Aayog launches GROW initiative to transform India's wastelands through agroforestry
● Greening and Restoration of Wasteland with Agroforestry (GROW) report and portal was launched
by Prof Ramesh Chand, Member, NITI Aayog at NITI Aayog.
● This multi-institutional effort led by NITI Aayog utilized remote sensing and GIS to assess
agroforestry suitability across all districts in India.
● Using thematic datasets, an Agroforestry Suitability Index (ASI) was developed for national-level
● The report provides state-wise and district-wise analysis, supporting government departments and
industries for greening and restoration projects.
● The "Greening and Restoration of Wasteland with Agroforestry (GROW)-Suitability Mapping" portal
Bhuvan allows universal access to state and district-level
● The GROW initiative aligns with national commitments, aiming to restore 26 million hectares of
degraded land by 2030 and create an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of carbon
dioxide equivalent.
Unemployment rate drops to 6.5% in Oct-Dec 2023: NSO
● India recorded a decline in the unemployment rate in urban areas, dropping from 7.2% to 6.5%
between October–December 2022 and October–December 2023 for individuals aged 15 years and
above, the latest Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) by the National Sample Survey Office
(NSSO) shows.
● Considering the importance of the availability of labour force data at more frequent time intervals, the
National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) launched the Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) in April
● The objective of PLFS is primarily twofold to estimate the key employment and unemployment
indicators (viz. Worker Population Ratio, Labour Force Participation Rate, Unemployment Rate) in
the short time interval of three months for the urban areas only in the ‘Current Weekly Status’
● The present Quarterly Bulletin is the twenty-first in the series for the quarter October –December
● Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR) in urban areas increased from 48.2% in October –
December 2022 to 49.9% in October – December 2023 for persons aged 15 years in above.
● While for male LFPR increased from 73.3% to 74.1% during this period, for females, LFPR
increased from 22.3% to 25.0% during this period.
● Worker Population Ratio (WPR) in urban areas increased from 44.7% in October – December 2022
to 46.6% in October – December 2023 for persons of age 15 years in above. For male, it increased
from 68.6% to 69.8% during this period and for females, it increased from 20.2% to 22.9% during
this period.
● Unemployment Rate (UR) in urban areas decreased from 7.2% in October – December 2022 to
6.5% in October – December 2023 for persons of age 15 years in above.
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting is organising a two-day regional Community Radio Sammelan
at Anna University in Chennai
● The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting is organising a regional Community Radio Sammelan
(South) at Anna University Chennai celebrating 20 years of Community Radio in India.
● All the 117 Community Radio Stations of southern States/UT’s will be participating in the event.
● The journey of Community Radio in India, started in the year 2002, when the Government of India
approved a Policy for the grant of licenses for setting up of Community Radio Stations.
● As a result, the first Community Radio Station was inaugurated by Bharat Ratna Shri. L.K Advani on
1st February 2004.
In Rewari, Haryana, Prime Minister Modi lays the groundwork for a number of development projects
valued at over nine hundred crore.
● Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone of several developmental projects worth
more than nine thousand seven hundred crore rupees at Rewari in Haryana.
● These projects are related to urban transport, health, rail, and tourism sectors.
● In line with the Prime Minister's vision to strengthen public health infrastructure across the country,
the foundation stone of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Rewari, Haryana, was laid
● Another project is the Gurugram Metro Rail project, which will be built at a cost of around five
thousand 450 crore rupees.
The Prime Minister will introduce numerous development initiatives and discuss the "Viksit Bharat Viksit
Rajasthan" program.
● Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of multiple development
projects worth over Rs 17,000 crore in Rajasthan under the ‘Viksit Bharat Viksit Rajasthan’
programme via video conferencing.
● These projects cater to a number of important sectors including Roads, Railways, Solar Energy,
Power Transmission, Drinking water, and Petroleum & Natural Gas.
The Indian government has strengthened the agriculture sector by increasing the Food Corporation of
India's authorized capital from Rs 10,000 crore to Rs 21,000 crore.
● In a landmark decision aimed at bolstering the agricultural sector and ensuring the welfare of
farmers nationwide, the Government of India (GoI) has announced an increase in the authorized
capital of the Food Corporation of India (FCI) from Rs 10,000 Crore to Rs 21,000 Crore.
● This strategic move shows the government's steadfast commitment to supporting farmers and
fortifying India's agrarian economy.
● The increase in authorized capital is a significant step towards enhancing the operational capabilities
of FCI in fulfilling its mandate effectively.
India's gas demand to rise 6% in 2024: IEA
● India's natural gas demand is expected to rise by 6 per cent in 2024 with a rise in consumption in
fertiliser units, power generation and industrial sectors, according to the International Energy Agency
● India's natural gas demand had risen to 64 billion cubic meters in 2023.
● India to increase its LNG imports in 2024 by 7 per cent, fuelled by demand from the power and
fertiliser sectors, as the country plans to stop importing urea by 2025.
About IEA
● The International Energy Agency is a Paris-based autonomous intergovernmental organisation,
established in 1974.
● The 31 member countries and 13 association countries of the IEA represent 75% of global energy
● Headquarters: Paris, France
The Prime Minister will essentially open the fourth round of the Khelo India University Games.
● Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will virtually inaugurate the 4th edition of Khelo India University
Games - 2023, Ashtalakshmi at Sarusajai Sports Complex in Guwahati, Assam.
● A total of 16 sporting disciplines are being held in Guwahati of the total 20 sporting disciplines
and the remaining 4 disciplines in other North Eastern states.
● The event is being organised at 18 venues in 7 cities during 11 days duration where around 4500
athletes are participating in 20 sporting disciplines.
● Over 215 universities are participating in this mega university event.
● The Khelo India University Games - 2023, Ashtalakshmi will conclude on 29th February, 2024.
Initiatives totalling Rs. 254 crores will be launched at Pandu Port in Guwahati by Shri Sarbananda
● In a significant push towards revitalizing the Inland Water Transport (IWT) sector and bolstering
connectivity in the North Eastern Region, Union Minister of Ports, Shipping, and Waterways, Shri
Sarbananda Sonowal will inaugurate pivotal projects of more than Rs. 254 crore at Pandu Port,
● Shri Sonowal will inaugurate Passenger-cum-Cargo Terminal at Bogibeel worth Rs. 46.60 crore,
Inland Water Transport Terminal at Sonamura worth Rs. 6.91 crore, upgraded Terminal at Karimganj
and Badarpur worth Rs. 6.40 crore.
● During the event he will also announce six Jetties at various locations on River Brahmaputra worth
Rs. 8.45 crore, 19 passenger vessels for National Waterway-2 and National Waterway-16 worth Rs.
25 crore, and an Extension of Jetty, Integrated Office and Bank Protection worth Rs. 30 crore.
The ninth iteration of the RAISINA Dialogue will be launched in Delhi by Prime Minister
● Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the 9th edition of Raisina Dialogue in Delhi.
● Prime Minister of Greece, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, will join the inaugural session as the Chief Guest, and
deliver the keynote address.
● The three-day Raisina Dialogue will witness the participation of representatives from over 100
countries including Ministers, former Heads of State and Heads of Government, Military
Commanders, Captains of Industry, Technology Leaders, Academics, Journalists, and Scholars on
Strategic Affairs.
● The Raisina Dialogue is India’s flagship conference on geopolitics and geo-economics.
● It is committed to addressing the most challenging issues facing the international community.
● The theme of this edition is "Chaturanga: Conflict, Contest, Cooperate, Create”.
India donates one million US dollars to the Poverty and Hunger Alleviation Fund.
● India has contributed 1 million US Dollars to the Poverty and Hunger Alleviation Fund established by
India, Brazil, and South Africa, IBSA.
● The fund is aimed at alleviating poverty and hunger. India’s Permanent Representative to the UN,
Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj handed over the cheque to the Director of the UN Office for South-
South Cooperation (UNOSSC) Dima Al-Khatib.
● The IBSA Facility for Poverty and Hunger Alleviation (IBSA Fund) was established jointly by
grouping in March 2004 and it became operational in 2006.
● The purpose of the fund is to identify replicable and scalable projects that can be disseminated to
developing countries on a demand-driven basis.
Indian Prime Minister inaugurates and places the cornerstone for many development projects in Jammu
& Kashmir valued at over Rs 32,000 crore.
● The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated, dedicated to the nation and laid the foundation
stone of multiple development projects worth over Rs 32,000 crores in Jammu.
● The projects relate to several sectors including health, education, rail, road, aviation, petroleum, and
civic infrastructure among others.
● The Prime Minister also distributed appointment orders to about 1500 new Government recruits of
Jammu and Kashmir.
Centre constitutes a Committee to draft guidelines to address pesky, unsolicited commercial calls
● The Central government has set up a committee to formulate guidelines to address the issue of
pesky, promotional or unsolicited commercial calls received by consumers.
● The Department of Consumer Affairs (DoCA) has constituted a committee in this regard.
Prime Minister inaugurates and lays the foundation stone of projects worth over 13,000 crore at Tarabh,
● Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of projects worth over 13
thousand crore at Tarabh in Mesana.
● These include the launch of Bharat Net Phase-II - Gujarat Fibre Grid Network Limited, which will
provide high-speed internet to more than 8000 gram panchayats.
● During the program, the Prime Minister laid the foundation stone of several important projects
including multiple road projects in Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad, Banaskantha, and Mahesana; the
Runway of Air Force Station, Deesa, Gujarat Biotechnology Research (GBRC)’s new building at
GIFT city among others.
The WHO's Global Initiative on Digital Health was launched by Union Minister Mansukh Mandaviya.
● Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare Dr Mansukh Mandaviya virtually addressed the public
launch event of the World Health Organization’s Global Initiative on Digital Health (GIDH).
● The GIDH is a WHO-managed network which was unanimously adopted by all G20 countries,
invited countries and international organizations.
● It was collectively launched as a key deliverable of India’s G20 Presidency during the Health
Ministers’ Meeting in Gandhinagar last year.
Women's Safety Scheme should be extended until 2025–2026, according to the Union Government
● The Union Government has approved the proposal of the Ministry of Home Affairs of the
continuation of the implementation of the Umbrella Scheme on ‘Safety of Women’ at a total cost of
around one thousand 180 crore rupees during the period from 2021-22 to 2025-26.
● The decision was taken at a Union Cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
● Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Singh Thakur said 24-hour emergency helpline
service 112 will be scaled up under it.
● He also informed that for scientific and timely investigation, six cyber forensic science laboratories
are being set up at Pune, Chandigarh, Kolkata, Delhi, Kamrup, and Bhopal.
In Gujarat, Prime Minister Modi will unveil many development initiatives valued at 55,500 crore rupees.
● Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate and lay the foundation stone of multiple development
projects worth 55,500 crore rupees in Gujarat.
● During his day-long visit to Gujarat, PM will attend programs at Ahmedabad, Mahesana, and Navsari
and will launch several projects related to road, rail, energy, health, internet connectivity, urban
development, water supply, and tourism sectors.
● The PM will participate in the Golden Jubilee celebration of the Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing
Federation popularly known as Amul at Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad.
18 National Highway Projects totalling Rs 7,290 crore are inaugurated and the foundation stone is laid
by Shri Nitin Gadkari at Belagavi, Karnataka.
● In a significant stride towards advancing modern road connectivity in Karnataka, Union Minister for
Road Transport and Highways Shri Nitin Gadkari inaugurated and laid the foundation stone for 18
National Highway Projects with a total investment of ₹7,290 crore.
● The ceremony took place in the presence of Karnataka PWD Minister Shri Satish Jarkiholi Ji,
Members of Parliament, MLCs, MLAs, and Senior Officials in Belagavi, Karnataka.
● These transformative road initiatives are poised to integrate the region into a world-class network,
fostering economic growth and generating employment.
The Global Textile Expo-Bharat Tex 2024 will be opened by Prime Minister
● Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate Global Textile Expo-Bharat Tex 2024 on 26th February
in New Delhi.
● Ministry of Textiles, Secretary, Rachna Shah said that the four long day long Bharat Tex will be
spread over a 22 lakh square feet exhibition area across Bharat Mandapam and Yashobhoomi.
● Being organised by a consortium of 11 Textile Export Promotion Councils and supported by the
Ministry of Textiles.
● 46 Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs) will be signed during the event including international
Prime Minister sanctions INR 492 crore Puri-Konark new rail line in Odisha
● Prime Minister Narendra Modi has sanctioned a new railway line project to connect the holy city of
Puri with Konark.
● The Union Minister said that Rs 492 crore has been sanctioned for the construction of this 32-km-
long railway line to connect Puri Jagannath temple and the Sun Temple of Konark.
● Shri Vaishnaw also released five Commemorative Postage Stamps on Legendary Poets of Odisha
and the Cultural Heritage of Western Odisha through video conferencing from Bhubaneswar.
● He also inaugurated 42 branch post offices in seven districts of western Odisha.
In Varanasi, the Prime Minister sets the groundwork for several development projects totalling over Rs
13,000 crores for the nation.
● Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated and laid the foundation stone for multiple
development projects worth more than Rs 13,000 crores in Varanasi.
● The Prime Minister also visited Banas Kashi Sankul, a milk processing unit of Banaskantha District
Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd built at UPSIDA Agro Park, Karkhiyaon, Varanasi and
interacted with cow beneficiaries.
The first-mile connectivity projects of South Eastern Coalfields Limited in Chhattisgarh will be
inaugurated by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.
● Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is scheduled to inaugurate three key First Mile Connectivity
Projects of South Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL), a Coal India Subsidiary under the Ministry of
Coal, in Chhattisgarh.
● These projects, valued at over Rs 600 crore, mark a significant step towards faster, eco-friendly, and
efficient mechanized coal evacuation.
● The Dipka OCP Coal Handling Plant, located in SECL's Dipka Area, stands out as a key project
constructed at a cost exceeding Rs. 211 Crore.
● With an annual coal handling capacity of 25 MT, the project features an above ground bunker
capacity of 20,000 tons and a 2.1 km long conveyor belt, facilitating the rapid loading of 4,500 –
8,500 tons of coal per hour.
Gujarat's "Sudarshan Setu," the nation's longest cable-stayed bridge, was opened by Prime Minister
● Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated India’s longest cable-stayed bridge, Sudarshan Setu,
in Gujarat’s Devbhumi Dwarka district.
● On the second day of his Gujarat visit, PM Modi cut the ceremonial ribbon and dedicated the
4.77-km-long Sudarshan Setu, also known as Signature Bridge, to the nation.
● Constructed at Rs 978 crore, it connects Okha town in the Devbhumi Dwarka district with Bet
Dwarka island in the Gulf of Kutch.
The Defence Security Corps commemorates its 77th Raising Day.
● The Defence Security Corps (DSC) is celebrating its 77th Raising Day on 25th February.
● The Corps was raised on this day in 1947 as ‘Defence Department Constabulary’.
● DSC troops have been providing security to various sensitive defence and civil installations
across the length and breadth of the Country since 1947.
In Chhattisgarh, Prime Minister Modi unveils many development initiatives valued at over Rs 35000
● Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually dedicated, inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of 10
projects worth about Rs 34,400 crore in Chhattisgarh.
● The prime minister officially opened the Lara Super Thermal Power Project Stage-I by the
National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) and laid the foundation stone for Stage-II in
Raigarh district.
● The first stage of the project cost Rs 15,800 crore, while the second stage involves an investment
of Rs 15,530 crore.
● Half of the power generated from both stages will go to Chhattisgarh, benefiting other states like
Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Goa, Daman and Diu, and Dadra and Nagar Haveli.
● In efforts to promote renewable energy, the Prime Minister also inaugurated a solar PV project in
Rajnandgaon costing Rs 900 crore, and a 50MW solar power plant in Bhilai, enhancing the use
of solar energy for trains.
● Additionally, the Prime Minister inaugurated three 'First Mile Connectivity (FMC)' projects by
South Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL), costing over Rs 600 crore collectively.
Union Minister V. Muraleedharan attends the Rio de Janeiro G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting.
● Minister of State for External Affairs V. Muraleedharan participated in the G20 Foreign Ministers’
Meeting (FMM) held under the Brazilian G20 Presidency in Rio de Janeiro.
● At Session I, the Minister of State expressed India’s steadfast support to Brazil’s G20 Presidency
and noted that four developing countries - Indonesia, India, Brazil and South Africa - are holding
the G20 Presidency in a row.
● Recalling the inclusion of the African Union (AU) in the G20 last year, he welcomed the AU to its
first G20 FMM as a permanent G20 Member.
● At the Session-II, Mr. Muraleedharan noted that the global order has undergone dramatic
changes since the creation of the present multilateral governance architecture in the 20th
● The Minister of State also participated in the India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA) Foreign Ministers’
● IBSA Ministers emphasized the importance of IBSA solidarity and convergence, and agreed on
the need to boost functional cooperation in areas of shared interest.
The 23rd Inter-CPSU Cricket Tournament for Power Sector PSUs is hosted by NHPC.
● NHPC has successfully hosted the 23rd Inter Central Public Sector Unit T-20 Cricket tournament
under the aegis of the Power Sports Control Board (PSCB) in Gurugram.
● The final match of the tournament was played between POWERGRID and NTPC.
● In an exciting final, NTPC defeated POWERGRID by three runs and emerged victorious as
champions of the 23rd Inter CPSU Cricket tournament 2024.
● The Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB) team finished as Second Runner-up.
● A total of 14 teams including teams from the Ministry of Power, NHPC, THDC, NEEPCO, BEE,
DVC, CEA, NTPC, Grid Controller of India, Powergrid, PFC, SJVNL, BBMB and REC had
participated in the tournament.
ESIC extends medical benefits to superannuated insured persons with relaxed norms
● The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) decided to extend medical benefits to
superannuated insured persons with relaxed norms.
● The decision was taken at the 193rd meeting of ESIC under the chairmanship of Union Minister
Bhupender Yadav.
● The ESIC approved a proposal to provide medical benefits to the insured superannuating
workers who went out of the ESI Scheme coverage due to exceeding the wage ceiling, if the
worker was under insurable employment for at least 5 years before superannuation/ voluntary
India and Bangladesh collaborate for transboundary tiger conservation in Sunderbans
● A cross-border initiative, focused on harmonious coexistence with tigers in the Sunderbans,
seeks to preserve biodiversity in both India and Bangladesh.
● The people-centric engagement took place at Joymoni, Bagerhat District, Bangladesh on
February 4 to 8 , under the Integrated Tiger Habitat Conservation Program supported by IUCN
(International Union for Conservation of Nature) and Germany’s KfW Development Bank.
● The WTI partnered with the Lokamata Rani Rashmoni Mission, Joynagar (West Bengal), and
WildTeam, Bangladesh, on the initiative.
Global meet urges India to augment pulses production to meet nutritional needs
● The Global Pulses Conference, an annual meeting of pulses producers, processors and traders,
suggested that India augment the production of pulses to meet the nutritional requirements.
● The two-day conference is jointly organised by the National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing
Federation of India Ltd. (NAFED) and the Global Pulse Confederation (GPC) in New Delhi.
● Last decade pulses production had grown by 60% from 171 lakh tonnes in 2014 to 270 lakh tonnes
in 2024.
● Global Pulse Confederation (GPC) membership includes 24 national associations and over 500
private sector members.
● It is based in Dubai and licensed by the Dubai Multi Commodity Centre (DMCC).
● India is the largest producer (25% of global production), consumer (27% of world consumption) and
importer (14%) of pulses in the world.
India hikes windfall tax on petroleum crude, diesel
● The Indian government has increased the windfall tax on the sale of domestic crude oil marginally
from ₹3,200 to ₹3,300 per tonne and has also reintroduced a ₹1.5 per litre special additional excise
duty (SAED) on the export of diesel.
● The revised rates shall come into force on the 16th day of February 2024.
● Earlier this month, the government had hiked windfall tax on domestically produced crude oil to
₹3,200 per tonne from ₹1,700 per tonne.
Prime Minister Modi unveils around 2,000 railway development projects worth more than Rs 41,000
● The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone and inaugurated and dedicated to
the Nation around 2000 railway infrastructure projects worth more than Rs. 41,000 crores via video
● Lakhs of people connected with the Viksit Bharat Viksit Railways event from 500 railway stations and
1500 other venues.
● The railways budget has increased manifold in the last ten years and a record two lakh 50 thousand
crore rupees were allocated this year, which were only 45 thousand crore rupees in the year 2014.
● Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone and dedicated around two thousand railway
infrastructure projects worth more than 41 thousand crore rupees to the nation through video
● During the programme, Mr. Modi laid the foundation stone for redevelopment of 553 railway stations
under the Amrit Bharat Station Scheme. These stations, spread across 27 States and Union
Territories, will be redeveloped at a cost of over 19 thousand crore rupees.
● The Prime Minister also inaugurated redeveloped Gomti Nagar station in Uttar Pradesh.

Shri Nitin Gadkari sanctioned Rs 438.34 crores for the building of a two-lane road for Giridih on National
Highway-114 in Jharkhand.
● Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways, Shri Nitin Gadkari in a post said in Jharkhand,
approval has been given for the construction of 2-lane bypass road with paved shoulders around
Giridih town on National Highway- 114 at a cost of Rs 438.34 crore.
● Shri Gadkari said the proposed Giridih Bypass will reduce the travel time from Ranchi to Deoghar.
India's weightage climbs to record high on MSCI Global Standard index
● Index provider MSCI raised India's weightage in its Global Standard (Emerging Markets) index to a
historic high of 18.2% following its February review, and the changes will come into effect after
market close on Feb. 29.
● India's weightage in the index has nearly doubled since November 2020.
● India has the second-highest weightage in the MSCI Global Standard index, after China.
● There is potential for India to surpass a 20% weight in the MSCI Global Standard index by early
● Since January 2021, India's weight in the MSCI Standard Index has more than doubled from 8.9% to
18.2%, whereas China's weight has declined from 40.1% to 25.4% during the same period.
Government branches out: One highly beneficial neem tree for 10 Indians
● The central government plans to increase the number of highly beneficial neem trees in the country
from the existing one tree for every 50 Indians to one tree for every 10 Indians to meet the rising
demand from different sectors for neem oil.
● Presently, India has 18-20 million neem trees in the country, of which 40-45 per cent are in Uttar
Pradesh, followed by Maharashtra, Rajasthan, and Tamil Nadu, among others.
CCPA releases draft guidelines for the prevention of greenwashing
● The Central Consumer Protection Authority has released draft guidelines on the prevention and
regulation of greenwashing for public consultation.
● The Central Consumer Protection Authority has released draft guidelines on the prevention and
regulation of greenwashing for public consultation.
● The draft guidelines state that all green claims must be backed by “verifiable” evidence and full
disclosures regarding claims should be made either directly or through QR code or web links The
draft guidelines state that all green claims must be backed by “verifiable” evidence and full
disclosures regarding claims should be made either directly or through QR code or web links.
Prime Minister dedicates many development projects at Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, totalling over Rs
17,300 crores and places the foundation stone for them.
● The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone and dedicated to the nation
multiple development projects worth more than Rs 17,300 crores in Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu.
● The Prime Minister laid the foundation stone of Outer Harbor Container Terminal at
V.O.Chidambaranar Port.
● The Prime Minister also launched India's first indigenous green hydrogen fuel cell inland waterway
vessel under the Harit Nauka initiative.
● He dedicated tourist facilities in 75 lighthouses across 10 States/UTs.
● He also dedicated rail projects for doubling of Vanchi Maniyachchi - Nagercoil rail line including the
Vanchi Maniyachchi - Tirunelveli section and Melappalayam - Aralvaymoli section.
● The Prime Minister dedicated four road projects in Tamil Nadu, developed at a total cost of about Rs
4,586 Crore.
Shri Narendra Modi to inaugurate two Coal India first-mile connectivity projects worth Rs 1,400 crores
● Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi will inaugurate two significant First Mile Connectivity Projects
(FMC) of Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL), a subsidiary of Coal India Limited (CIL) under the
Ministry of Coal, virtually.
● These projects, valued at Rs 1393.69 Crore and spearheaded by Northern Coalfields Limited,
represent a notable step towards faster, efficient mechanized Coal evacuation contributing to the
reduction of carbon emission.
● The Jayant OCP CHP-SILO boasts a capacity of 15 Million Tonnes Per Annum (MTPA) and has
been developed with an investment of Rs. 723.50 Crore.
● Similarly, the Dudhichua OCP CHP-SILO, with a capacity of 10 Million Tonnes Per Annum (MTPA),
has been constructed with an investment of Rs. 670.19 Crore.
CCS approves ₹19,000 cr deal for 200 BrahMos missiles for Navy
● The Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) has given its nod for acquiring over 200 BrahMos
Extended Range (ER) supersonic cruise missiles for deployment on Indian Navy warships.
● The deal worth ₹19,000 crore was cleared by CCS.
● The Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) is headed by the Prime Minister.
● The move comes after the Indian Navy successfully tested the supersonic cruise missile, which has
an extended range of 400 to 500 km, from a Rajput class frigate in the Bay of Bengal on November
● All the three variants of extended versions of BrahMos, a joint venture between India and Russia,
have been successfully test launched from land, air, ship and submarines successfully since last
● In January 2022, India sealed a USD 375 million deal with the Philippines for supplying three
batteries of the missile.
New portal for PSBs to check borrower background
● The Central Economic Intelligence Bureau (CEIB) has launched an “Automated Search Portal” to
help public sector banks (PSBs) with antecedent verification of prospective borrowers and non-
performing assets (NPAs).
● The portal, which has been developed by the Bureau in collaboration with the State Bank of India
(SBI), will help PSBs obtain mandatory intelligence clearance from CEIB in a prompt manner, which
in turn will facilitate timely disbursement of funds.
● As per the “Framework for timely detection, reporting, investigation etc. relating to large value bank
frauds” (May 13, 2015 and November 6, 2019) issued by the Department of Financial Services,
Ministry of Finance, PSBs seek report from the Bureau before sanction of loan exceeding ₹50 crore
and above in case of new borrowers and if the existing borrower’s accounts turn NPA.
Golden Jubilee Celebration Of The Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation In The Esteemed
Presence Of PM Shri Narendra Modi And CM Shri Bhupendra Patel
● The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi participated in the Golden Jubilee celebration of the Gujarat
Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) at Narendra Modi Stadium in Motera, Ahmedabad.
● The Prime Minister took a walkthrough of the exhibition showcased on the occasion and also
unveiled the Golden Jubilee Coffee Table Book.
● The Indian dairy sector is growing by 6 percent per year as compared to the global average of 2
● The co-operative, which began operations in 1973-74, saw its revenues touch Rs 72,000 crore in
● It has its sights set on becoming a Rs 1 trillion company by FY25-26, and currently exports to more
than 50 countries.
● At present, Amul (GCMMF) is the world's eighth-biggest dairy sector company. Currently, the
GCMMF has 18 member unions with more than 3.6 million farmers across 18,600 villages in

India-Singapore committed to strengthening cooperation in the field of Personnel Management and
Public Administration
• India-Singapore committed themselves to strengthening cooperation in the field of Personnel
Management and Public Administration.
• The bilateral meeting discussed the contours of collaboration for 2024.
• The areas of collaboration envisage sharing of good governance practices, exchange of
information in the field of Personnel Management and Public Administration, cooperation
between the two countries on using technology in governance and timely convening of the Joint
Working Group meetings.
4th India and Portugal Foreign Office Consultations held in New Delhi
• The fourth Foreign Office Consultations between India and Portugal was held in New Delhi, with
a focus on political relations, deepening of trade and investment, cooperation in defence, science
and technology, and energy.
• External Affairs Ministry said both sides stressed on early implementation of the pilot project on
the Recruitment of Indian Citizens to work in the Portuguese Republic, as well as the holding of
the first India - Portugal Consular Dialogue.
• The two sides also exchanged views on global and regional issues including Gaza and Ukraine
and agreed to continue the existing close cooperation in multilateral fora, including at the UN
India and Oman review defence cooperation during the 12th Joint Military Cooperation Committee
meeting in Muscat
• Defence Secretary Giridhar Aramane co-chaired the 12th Joint Military Cooperation Committee
meeting with the Secretary-General, Ministry of Defence, Oman Dr. Mohammed Bin Naseer Bin
Ali Al Zaabi in Muscat.
• During the meeting, both sides reviewed and appreciated the robust defence cooperation
between India and Oman.
• The meeting delved into many new areas of cooperation in the fields of training, Joint exercise,
Information sharing, Oceanography, and Ship Building that would build mutual trust and
interoperability between militaries of both nations.
China overtook Japan as the world's biggest vehicle exporter 2023
• China's global dominance in electric cars helped it overtake Japan as the world's biggest vehicle
exporter last year, official data confirmed.
• Japanese giants such as Toyota and Nissan have been much more cautious than their Chinese
counterparts like BYD on electric vehicles (EVs), banking instead on hybrid models.
• Figures released by the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association showed shipments of cars,
trucks and buses rising 16 percent to 4.42 million last year.

EU Leaders Agree to $54 Billion Ukraine Aid Package as Hungary’s Orban Backs Down
• All 27 EU leaders have agreed on a $54bn aid package for Ukraine after Hungary stopped
blocking the deal.
• Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky welcomed the new funding, saying it would strengthen
the country's economic and financial stability.
• Ukraine's economic ministry stated it expects the first tranche in March.
• There had been fears Hungary's PM would again block the package as he did at a European
summit in December.

India, and Greece agree to soon firm up migration & mobility pact; boost anti-terror cooperation
● India and Greece will soon sign a mobility and migration partnership agreement to ease skilled
migration between the two countries and aim to double bilateral trade by 2030, stated Prime
Minister Narendra Modi.
● The Indian PM and his Greek counterpart, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, in their bilateral meeting in New
Delhi, discussed strengthening of cooperation in multiple areas, including defence, security,
education, start-ups, shipping, trade, investment, agriculture and tourism.
● Modi stated that the visit of the Greek PM to India after 16 years was a historic occasion.
● India-Greece bilateral trade in 2022-23 was about $2 billion, with India’s exports at $785.72
million and imports at $1.16 billion, per government data.
About Greece:
● Prime Minister: Kyriakos Mitsotakis
● Capital: Athens
Philippines Makes History as First Asian Nation to Ratify International Labour Organisation Convention
Addressing Workplace Violence and Harassment
● The Philippines has made history by becoming the first Asian country to ratify the Violence and
Harassment Convention 2019 (No. 190) announced by the International Labour Organisation
● Instrument of Ratification Deposited: The Philippines deposited the instrument of ratification with
ILO Deputy Director-General Celeste Drake, indicating its formal commitment to implementing
the provisions of Convention No. 190.
● Comprehensive Approach to Address Workplace Violence and Harassment: Convention No. 190
addresses workplace violence and harassment comprehensively, marking a significant step
towards ensuring safe and respectful work environments globally.
● First International Labour Standard: Convention No. 190 is the first international labor standard
specifically designed to address violence and harassment in the world of work comprehensively,
according to the ILO.
About International Labour Organisation :
● Headquarters : Geneva, Switzerland
● Director General : Gilbert Houngbo
● The ILO is a United Nations agency whose mandate is to advance social and economic justice
by setting international labour standards.
● It became the first specialised agency of the United Nations (UN) in the year 1946.
● The organization got the Nobel Peace Prize in 1969, for its efforts to improve peace amongst the
classes, and for promoting justice and fair work for the workers.
● The ILO is the only tripartite U.N. agency.
About Philippines :
● President : Bongbong Marcos
● Capital : Manila
● Currency : Philippine peso
Malta Joins International Solar Alliance as 119th Member Country
● Malta has become the 119th country to join the International Solar Alliance (ISA).
● Christopher Cutajar, Permanent Secretary of the Maltese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, signed the
ISA Framework Agreement.
Note :
● In December 2023, Romania became the 118th signatory country to join ISA.
● The platform seeks to develop and deploy cost-effective and transformative energy solutions
powered by the sun to help member countries develop low-carbon development trajectories.
● It has a special focus on making an impact in countries classified as Least Developed
Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
About ISA :
● Headquarters : Gurugram, Haryana
● Director-General : Ajay Mathur
● Member Countries : 97
● International Solar Alliance (ISA) was co-founded by India and France.
● India and France jointly launched the International Solar Alliance (ISA) on 30 November 2015
at COP21 in Paris, France.
● Its main objective is to reduce the use of conventional energy by using solar energy
About Malta :
● President : George Vella
● Prime Minister : Robert Abela
● Capital : Valletta
● Currency : Euro
Dubai Launches 5-Year Multiple Entry Visa for Indian Tourists to Boost Travel and Economic Relations
● In a bid to promote economic collaborations and encourage tourism and business ties, Dubai has
introduced a five-year multiple-entry visa for Indian tourists.
● The introduction of the multiple-entry visa aims to strengthen the relationship between Dubai and
India, making Dubai a more accessible and appealing destination for Indian nationals.
● According to the Dubai Department of Economy and Tourism (DET), the visa issued within 2 to 5
working days, allows a 90-day stay, extendable once for a similar period, with a total stay not
exceeding 180 days in a year.
● According to DET, Dubai experienced a surge in tourism from India, welcoming 2.46 million
overnight visitors in 2023.
● India, with a remarkable 34% year-on-year growth, maintains its position as the leading source
market for Dubai.
World Health Organization Unveils Global Initiative on Digital Health (GIDH)
● The World Health Organization (WHO) introduced the Global Initiative on Digital Health (GIDH),
aimed at fostering collaboration and sharing digital health knowledge and products among
● Priority Area During India's G20 Presidency: The initiative was identified as one of the three
priority areas during India's G20 presidency in 2023.
● Components of GIDH: The GIDH comprises four main components: country needs tracker,
country resource portal, transformation toolbox, and knowledge exchange.
● Objective of GIDH: The initiative aims to democratize digital health technologies, particularly
benefiting countries in the Global South, by facilitating knowledge sharing and collaboration.
● Launch Event: The Global Initiative on Digital Health (GIDH) was launched jointly by the WHO
and the Government of India during the G20 Health Ministerial Meeting held in Gandhinagar,
India, on August 19, 2023.
About WHO :
● Established : 7 April 1948
● Headquarters : Geneva, Switzerland
● Director General : Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
NABARD Proposes Setting Up Meat and Egg Processing Units in Gujarat
● In the State Focus Paper for the financial year 2024-25, the National Bank for Agriculture and
Rural Development (NABARD) has recommended establishing meat and egg processing units in
Gujarat to produce value-added products like chicken samosa, patties, and momos.
● The focus paper was formally unveiled at Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
● Meat Production in Gujarat: The paper indicates that Gujarat's total meat production has
remained stagnant at 0.35 lakh kilograms for the last two years (2021-22 and 2022-23).
● Egg Production in Gujarat: Egg production in Gujarat witnessed a marginal decline of 3.6% in
About NABARD :
● Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
● Chairman : Shri. Shaji K V
● It was established on the recommendations of B. Sivaraman Committee (by Act 61, 1981 of
Parliament) on 12 July 1982 to implement the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development Act 1981.
● NABARD is an apex regulatory body for the overall regulation of regional rural banks and apex
cooperative banks in India.
● It is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance (MoF), Government of India (GoI).
About Gujarat
● Capital: Gandhinagar
● Chief minister: Bhupendrabhai Patel
● Governor: Acharya Devvrat
● NP: Gir National Park, Marine National Park, Velavadar National Park, Jambughoda
● Wildlife Sanctuary: Barda Wildlife Sanctuary, Vansda National Park, Purna Wildlife Sanctuary,
Gaga Wildlife Sanctuary
Government of Karnataka announces a digital detox initiative to bring in a responsible gaming
• The Government of Karnataka, in collaboration with the All India Game Developers Forum
(AIGDF) will launch a digital detox initiative, with special emphasis on gaming and social media.
• Announcing this at the valedictory function of GAFX2024, Minister for Rural Development and
Panchayat Raj and ITBT, Priyank Kharge, informed.
• Through this initiative, both online and offline Digital Detox Centers will be set up across the state
of Karnataka offering personalised guidance where trained professionals will provide counselling
and support to individuals seeking to navigate their relationship with technology, stated an official
About Karnataka :
• Governor: Thawar Chand Gehlot
• Chief minister: Siddaramaiah
• Capital: Bengaluru
• National Park : Bandipur NP, Kudremukh NP, Bannerghata NPRajiv Gandhi NP
• Wildlife Sanctuaries : B R Hills Wildlife Sanctuary, Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary, Gudavi Bird
Sanctuary, Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary
• Tiger Reserve : Nagarhole Tiger Reserve, Bhadra Tiger Reserve
• Festival : Hampi, Mahamastakabhisheka (Shravanabelagola)
• Dance : Yakshagana, Dollu Kunitha Bolak-aat (Bolak Dance)

Khelo India concludes, Tamil Nadu announces new sports scheme ‘Kalaignar Sports Kit’
• Tamil Nadu Youth Welfare and Sports Development Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin announced that a
new scheme ‘Kalaignar Sports Kit’ will be introduced to foster sports talent at the village level.
• He was speaking at the valedictory function of Khelo India Youth Games 2023.
• The initiative, dedicated to commemorating the birth centenary of Kalaignar Karunanidhi, will
provide sporting kits to 12,000 village panchayats in the state.
About Tamil Nadu:
• Governor: R. N. Ravi
• Chief minister: M K Stalin
• Capital: Chennai
• National Park : Mudumalai National Park, Guidy National Park, Mukurthi National Park, Indira
Gandhi National Park.
• Wildlife Sanctuaries: Kalakad Wildlife Sanctuary, Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary, Karikili Bird
Sanctuary, Anamalai Tiger Reserve
Uttarakhand Police Introduce Self-Balancing E-Scooters for Enhanced Smart Patrols
• Abhinav Kumar, Director General of Police, Uttarakhand, launched four cutting-edge self-balancing
electric scooters for patrol in Haridwar.
• Safety Measures: The initiative aims to enhance the safety of tourists and local citizens in
Haridwar, with police utilizing self-balancing scooters for patrols.
• Donation by Utkarsh Small Finance Bank: The eco-friendly electric scooters were donated by
Utkarsh Small Finance Bank for efficient and sustainable policing.
About Uttarakhand:
• Capital: Dehradun
• Chief Minister: Pushkar Singh Dhami
• Governor: Gurmit Singh
• National Parks: Govind National Park, Nanda Devi National Park, Gangotri National Park, Rajaji
National Park, Jim Corbett National Park

Uttar Pradesh to Achieve Milestone as First Indian State with 21 Airports, Reflecting Rapid Aviation
• Uttar Pradesh is on the verge of becoming the first state in India to boast 21 airports, highlighting
the rapid development of the aviation sector within the state.
• Over the past 9 years, Uttar Pradesh has witnessed significant expansion in its aviation
• From having only 6 airports in 2014, Uttar Pradesh's airport count has now reached 10, with the
recent inauguration of the Ayodhya airport.
About UP :
• Governor : Anandiben Patel
• Chief Minister : Yogi Adityanath
• Capital : Lucknow
• National Park : Dudhwa National Park
• Wildlife Sanctuary : Bakhira Wildlife Sanctuary, Chandraprabha Wildlife Sanctuary, National
Chambal Wildlife Sanctuary
Sikkim Achieves Milestone as First Northeastern State to Revert to Old Pension System for
Government Employees
• Sikkim Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang has announced the restoration of the Old Pension
System (OPS) for state government employees appointed on or after April 1, 2006.
• Sikkim becomes the first state in the Northeast region to implement the restoration of the Old
Pension System, marking a significant milestone.
• The announcement was made during the State Level Temporary Employees’ Convention held at
Public Ground Rangpo, ahead of the state assembly elections.
About Sikkim :
• Governor : Lakshman Acharya
• Chief Minister : Prem Singh Tamang
• Capital : Gangtok
• National Park : Khangchendzonga National Park (KNP)
• Wildlife Sanctuaries : Barsey Rhododendron Sanctuary, Fambonglho Wildlife Sanctuary

Telangana State Wildlife Board Approves Tadoba-Kawal Conservation Reserve

• The Telangana State Board for Wildlife has approved the establishment of the Tadoba-Kawal
conservation reserve.
• The Forest Department's proposal to declare the corridor area between Tadoba-Andhari Tiger
Reserve and Kawal Tiger Reserve as a conservation reserve has been approved by the
Telangana State Board for Wildlife.
• Now, the proposal will be sent to the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change.
About Telangana:
• Capital: Hyderabad
• Governor: Tamilisai Soundararajan
• Chief minister: K. Chandrashekar Rao
Uttarakhand Assembly passes UCC Bill; becomes India's 1st state to implement Uniform Civil Code
• The Uttarakhand state Assembly passed the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) Bill, marking it as the first
state in India post-independence to adopt a UCC.
• Committee and Report Submission : The report on the UCC was submitted to the Chief Minister by
Ranjana Desai, a retired judge of the Supreme Court and chairperson of the Committee.
About Uttarakhand :
• Governor : Gurmit Singh
• Chief Minister : Pushkar Singh Dhami
• National Park : Corbett National Park, Rajaji national Park, Gangotri National Park, Nanda Devi
National Park
• Wildlife Sanctuary : Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary, Govind WildLife Sanctuary, Binsar WildLife

Tamil Nadu Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Minister TM Anbarasan Launches 'Smart Card'
Initiative for Startups
• Tamil Nadu (TN) Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Minister TM Anbarasan launched
the 'Smart Card' initiative for startups.
• Discounted Products and Services : The Smart Card offers a wide selection of products and
services at discounted rates, specifically tailored to meet the needs of startups in their early
• Categories of Products and Services : The products and services are broadly classified into 6
different categories: Legal & Compliance, Marketing/Business Consulting, Finance & Insurance,
HR & Smart Workspace, Software, and IT/ITES.
About Tamil Nadu :
• Governor: R. N. Ravi
• Chief minister: M. K. Stalin
• Capital: Chennai
• Dance : Bharatnatyam, Karakattam
• National Park: Mudumalai National Park, Mukurthi National Park, Guindy National Park, Gulf of
Mannar Marine National Park
• Wildlife Sanctuaries: Kalakad Wildlife Sanctuary, Karikili Bird Sanctuary, Vedanthangal Bird
• Tiger Reserve: Anamalai Tiger Reserve
• Biosphere Reserve : Agasthyamalai Biosphere Reserve
Chhattisgarh BJP Government to Introduce Mahatari Vandan Yojana, a Monthly Cash Assistance
Scheme - Mahatari Vandan Yojana for Married Women
• The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government in Chhattisgarh will roll out the Mahatari Vandan
Yojana - a monthly cash assistance scheme for married women - from March 1.
• Aim : To eliminate discrimination against women and improve their health and nutrition levels,
while also promoting women empowerment and economic self-reliance.
• Benefit Amount: Eligible beneficiaries will receive ₹12,000 per year, transferred to their bank
accounts in monthly instalments of ₹1,000 under the scheme.
About Chhattisgarh :
• Governor : Biswabhusan Harichandan
• Chief Minister : Vishnu Deo Sai
• National Park : Indravati (Kutru) National Park, Kanger Valley National Park
• Wildlife Sanctuary : Achanakmar Wildlife Sanctuary, Barnawapara Wildlife Sanctuary

Bihar State Disaster Management Authority Introduces Device Named After CM to Alert Farmers and
Public on Various Natural Disasters
• Bihar State Disaster Management Authority has launched a device named after the Chief Minister
(CM) to alert farmers and common people about natural disasters like lightning, floods, heatwaves,
and cold waves.
• The initiative, termed "Novel Initiative Technological Intervention for Safety of Human Lives
(NITISH)," is a collaborative effort between the disaster management authority and the Indian
Institute of Technology (IIT), Patna.
• Description of Device: The NITISH device is pendant-shaped and provides voice message alerts
for lightning, floods, heatwaves, and cold waves. It is synchronized with the Bihar meteorological
service center.
About Bihar :
• Governor : Rajendra Arlekar
• Chief Minister : Nitish Kumar
• Capital : Patna
Maharashtra Government to Launch 'Chief Minister Vayoshree Yojana'
• The Maharashtra Government has decided to introduce the 'Mukhyamantri Vayoshri Yojana' aimed
at benefiting around 15 lakh senior citizens with physical or mental disabilities.
• Eligibility and Benefits: Citizens above 65 years of age suffering from disabilities will be screened,
and eligible individuals will receive Rs 3,000 under the scheme.
• Implementation and Cost: The scheme, costing approximately Rs 480 crore, will be implemented
across all districts of Maharashtra.
About Maharashtra
• Governor: Ramesh Bais
• Chief Minister: Eknath Shinde
• Capital: Mumbai
• National Park: Tadoba National Park, Navegaon National Park
• Wildlife Sanctuaries: Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary, Karnala Bird Sanctuary, Nagzira Wildlife
• UNESCO Heritage Sites: Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus, The Victorian and Art Deco
Ensemble of Mumbai, Ajanta Caves, Elephanta Caves, Ellora Caves

Assam Designates 'Kaji Nemu' Lemon as Official 'State Fruit' to Promote Local Agriculture
● The Assam government declared ‘Kaji Nemu’ (Citrus Lemon) as the state fruit.
● “The 'Kaji Nemu' has been approved as the state fruit of Assam during the Cabinet meeting
underscoring the fruit’s cultural, traditional, and nutritional significance to the state and its people.
● Kaji Nemu has a Geographical Indication (GI) label and is well-known for its distinct scent and
medicinal properties.
What is Geographical Indication?
● Geographical indication (GI) is a sign used on products that have a specific geographical origin
and possess qualities or a reputation that is due to that origin, as explained by the World
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
About Assam :
● Governor : Gulab Chand Kataria
● Chief Minister : Himanta Biswa Sarma
● Capital: Guwahati
● National Park: Kaziranga National Park, Manas National Park, Nameri National Park
● Wildlife Sanctuary: Garampani Wildlife Sanctuary, Laokhowa Wildlife Sanctuary, Bornadi Wildlife
Assam Cabinet Passes Assam Healing (Prevention of Evil) Practices Bill, 2024
● The Assam Healing (Prevention of Evil) Practices Bill, 2024, has been passed by the Assam
● It has banned magical healing practices in the name of treatment.
● The bill prohibits the use of magical healing practices under the guise of medical treatment.
● This includes treatments for conditions such as deafness, dumbness, blindness, physical
deformities, and autism.
Arunachal Pradesh Attains 100% Saturation in 'Har Ghar Jal' Scheme, Emerges as 1st State in
Northeast India under Jal Jeevan Mission
● Arunachal Pradesh has achieved 100% saturation in 'Har Ghar Jal' scheme under the Centre's
Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM).
● Arunachal Pradesh has become the first in the northeast and 10th in the country to achieve a
cent per cent saturation under the central government sponsored scheme.
● The Central government allocated Rs 396,541.22 lakh, and the State government contributed Rs
45,551.18 lakh to ensure clean and safe piped water to every household in Arunachal Pradesh.
About JJM :
● Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi had announced the ‘Jal Jeevan Mission - Har Ghar Jal’ on
15th August, 2019.
● The mission aims at improving the ‘quality of life’ and enhanced ‘ease of living’ in rural areas by
making a provision of assured tap water supply to every rural household in the country by 2024.
About Arunachal Pradesh :
● Governor : Kaiwalya Trivikram Parnaik
● Chief Minister : Pema Khandu
● Capital : Itanagar
● National Park : Mouling National Park, Namdapha National Park
● Wildlife Sanctuaries : Dibang Wildlife Sanctuary, Sessa Orchid Wildlife Sanctuary
Haryana Chief Minister Khattar Initiates 'Van Mitra' Scheme to Promote Engagement in Tree Planting
● Haryana Chief Minister Shri Manohar Lal Khattar launched the ‘Van Mitra’ scheme and its portal
to encourage community participation in tree planting activities in non-forest areas.
● Objective : To directly involve the local public in increasing forest areas across the state,
ensuring an increase in the survival rate of afforestation, and promoting tree planting in non-
forest areas.
Eligibility Criteria :
● Individuals from families with an annual income below Rs 1.80 lakh are eligible to register as 'Van
● Each Van Mitra can plant a maximum of 1,000 saplings and will receive incentives based on the
maintenance of the planted trees.
● Any individual aged between 18 and 60 years can enroll as a Van Mitra.
About Haryana :
● Governor : Bandaru Dattatreya
● Chief Minister : Manohar Lal Khattar
● Capital : Chandigarh
● National Park : Kalesar National Park, Sultanpur National Park
● Wildlife Sanctuary : Chhilchhila Wildlife Sanctuary, Bir Shikargah Wildlife Sanctuary, Nahar
Wildlife Sanctuary
Odisha Government Introduces 'Swayam' Scheme, Offering Interest-Free Loans to Youth
● Odisha Agriculture Minister Shri Ranendra Pratap Swain announced the implementation of the
'Swayam' scheme during a recent cabinet meeting.
● Aim of the Scheme : To promote self-employment among youth in Odisha by offering interest-
free loans of up to Rs 1 lakh to eligible individuals in both rural and urban areas.
● Beneficiaries : The scheme targets 1 lakh eligible rural and urban youth aged between 18-35
● Loan Conditions : Rural unemployed youth aged 18-35 years, without outstanding loans for the
same purpose from any central or state government-supported schemes, are eligible for interest-
free bank loans of up to Rs 1 lakh.
● A special category of individuals aged 18-40 years also qualifies for the scheme.
● The state cabinet also approved the umbrella scheme Mukhyamantri Maschyajibi Kalyan Yojana
(MMKY), which will be implemented during the 2023-24 fiscal year.
About Odisha :
● Governor : Ganeshi Lal
● Chief Minister : Naveen Patnaik
● Capital : Bhubaneswar

Burhanpur, Central India's 'Banana City,' Prepares for Annual Banana Festival
● The banana city of central India, Burhanpur in Madhya Pradesh (MP), is all set to organise its
annual Banana Festival.
● The two-day Banana festival is being organised in collaboration with district administration and its
various departments under the one-district one-product programme (ODOP).
● The festival is serving as a platform to showcase Burhanpur's agricultural prowess, inviting
companies, experts, and scientists from across the nation to explore investment opportunities in
the region.
About MP :
● Governor: Mangubhai C. Patel
● Chief Minister: Mohan Yadav
● Capital: Bhopal
● National Park: Satpura National Park, Kanha National Park, Bandhavgarh National Park
● Wildlife Sanctuary: Nauradehi Wildlife Sanctuary, Bori Wildlife Sanctuary
Karnataka to Integrate Multiple Agricultural Schemes into New Initiative to Enhance Sustainability and
Profitability for Farmers
● Karnataka plans to consolidate various agri schemes to launch a new one to help farmers make
agriculture sustainable and lucrative.
● Various schemes related to the agricultural sector will be consolidated and a new scheme called
Karnataka Raitha Samruddhi Yojane will be started this year.
● An Agriculture Development Authority will be created under the chairmanship of Chief Minister to
facilitate effective implementation of policies related to agriculture and allied activities.
● The Authority will also work towards achieving better coordination between the Department of
Agriculture, Horticulture, Sericulture, Fisheries, Cooperation, and Animal Husbandry.
● Due to the prevailing drought in the State, the agriculture sector has been impacted and has
shown a negative growth of 1.8 per cent in the current year.
● Water Bodies Creation : About 5,000 water bodies will be created over five years to promote
sustainable agriculture in drought-affected and rainfed areas of the State.
● Revival of Krishi Bhagya Yojane : Krishi Bhagya Yojane which had become extremely popular
during the earlier tenure of our Government has been reintroduced and grants of ₹200 crore
were provided during 2023-24.
● Food Processing Directorate : A separate Food Processing Directorate will be constituted under
the Agriculture Department which will focus on avoiding wastage of agricultural produce and help
farmers in earning a reasonable price for their crops.
● Food Parks Establishment : Further, to promote processing, value addition and export of
agricultural and horticultural produce, food parks will be established near airports under public-
private partnership.
● In the current year, food parks will be established at Sogane in Shivamogga district, Ittangihala in
Vijayapura District and Pujenahalli village in Bengaluru rural district.
● Commercial Floriculture Market : Also to promote sales and exports of floriculture crops, a well-
equipped commercial floriculture market of international standards will be set up in Bengaluru city
under PPP mode.
About Karnataka :
● Governor : Thawar Chand Gehlot
● Chief Minister : Siddaramaiah
● Capital : Bangalore
Union Education Minister inaugurates 211 PM SHRI schools in Chhattisgarh
● Union Minister of Education and Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Dharmendra Pradhan,
along with Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh, Vishnu Deo Sai, inaugurated 211 PM SHRI schools in
About PM SHRI:
● The PM SHRI School is a centrally sponsored scheme initiated by the Government of India.
● The Cabinet has approved a newly central sponsored scheme called PM SHRI on 7 September,
● Its objective is to establish over 14,500 PM SHRI Schools, overseen by the Central Government,
State/UT Governments, local bodies, as well as Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
(KVS) and Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS).
About Chhattisgarh:
● Governor: Biswabhusan Harichandan
● Chief Minister: Vishnu Deo Sai
● Capital: Raipur
● National Park: Indravati National Park, Kanger valley, Guru Ghasi das (sanjay) National Park
● Wildlife Sanctuaries: Achanakmar Wildlife Sanctuary, Barnawapara Wildlife Sanctuary,
Badalkholsanctuary, Bhairamgarh Wildlife Sanctuary, Bhoramdeo Wildlife Sanctuary, Gomarda
Wildlife Sanctuary, The Pamed Wildlife Sanctuary,Sitanadi Wildlife Sanctuary, TamorPingla
Wildlife Sanctuary
Medaram Jatara, India's Largest Tribal Festival Begins In Telangana
● Sammakka Saralamma Jathara, also known as Medaram Jathara, is a tribal festival dedicated to
honouring the goddesses celebrated in the southern state of Telangana.
● Telangana Minister for Panchayat Raj & Rural Development (including Rural Water Supply),
Women & Child Welfare, Dansari Anasuya Seethakka, inaugurated the tribal dance
performances in Medaram village.
● “Samakka Saralamma Jatara” is expected to witness a record turnout of around 15 million tribals
from across the country including Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar and West Bengal.
About Telangana:
● Governor: Tamilisai Soundararajan
● Chief Minister: Revanth Reddy
● Capital: Hyderabad
● National Park: Kasu Brahmananda Reddy National Park, Mahavir Harina Vanasthali National
Park, Mrugavani National Park
● Wildlife Sanctuaries: Kinnerasani Wildlife Sanctuary, Eturnagaram Wildlife Sanctuary, Kawal
Tiger Reserve, Manjira wildlife sanctuary, Pocharam Wildlife Sanctuary, Pranahita wildlife
Banking Business in Uttar Pradesh increased to Rs 27 Lakh Crore
● During a recent meeting of the State Level Bankers Committee, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath
urged banks to not hesitate in providing loans to those in need.
● The government will offer training to beneficiaries of its schemes and ensure that banks receive
all necessary security and assistance.
● Adityanath expressed satisfaction with the credit deposit ratio (CD ratio) of banks in the state,
which currently stands at 58.59%.
● However, he set a target of increasing it to 65% in the next financial year.
● The Chief Minister highlighted the growth of the banking sector in the state, with banking
business worth Rs 12.80 lakh crore in 2016-17, which has now risen to Rs 26.80 lakh crore.
● The Chief Minister highlighted the growth and strength of the banking sector in Uttar Pradesh,
citing that in 2016-17, banks provided loans amounting to Rs 1.37 lakh crore in the state.
● This figure increased to over Rs 3 lakh crore in 2022-23, and by December 2023, banks had
already given loans amounting to Rs 2.98 lakh crore.
About Uttar Pradesh:
● Governor: Anandiben Patel
● Chief Minister: Yogi Adityanath
● Capital: Lucknow
● National Park: Dudhwa National Park (Lakhimpur-Kheri District)
Madhya Pradesh Launches 'Bagless School' Initiative to Alleviate Student Stress
● The Madhya Pradesh (MP) government has announced 'bag less school' day once a week for
students in classes 1 to 12, starting from the upcoming academic session in 2024-25.
● This decision applies to all government and private schools operating in the state.
● The state government, aiming to alleviate the burden on students, has issued a notice outlining
the maximum permissible weight of school bags for different classes.
Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami Unveils 'Himalayan Basket' Initiative
● Uttarakhand Chief Minister (CM) Shri Pushkar Singh Dhami inaugurated the 'Himalayan Basket'
initiative, introduced by local entrepreneurs Sumit and Sneha Thapliyal.
● Objective: The initiative, initiated in 2018, aims to enhance local employment opportunities by
utilizing the abundant agricultural resources of the region.
● Focus Areas: The project concentrates on procuring milk, turmeric, and mint from local farmers to
manufacture and export high-demand products such as 'Churpi' (a hard cheese) and ghee.
About Uttarakhand :
● Governor : Gurmit Singh
● Chief Minister : Pushkar Singh Dham
Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar Initiates 'Savera' Initiative for Early Detection of Rising
Breast Cancer Cases in Women
● Haryana Chief Minister Shri Manohar Lal, inaugurated the 'Savera' program initiated by the
Medanta Foundation in collaboration with the Health Department in Gurugram, aimed at early
detection and prevention of breast cancer, a growing concern among women.
● This groundbreaking initiative marks the first of its kind in the country, focusing on detecting
breast cancer in its early stages among women.
● In its initial phase, the program will be launched at the Civil Hospital in Sector-10 of Gurugram,
the Polyclinic in Sector-31, and the Primary Health Center in Wazirabad.
About Haryana :
● Governor : Bandaru Dattatreya
● Chief Minister : Manohar Lal Khattar
● Capital : Chandigarh
● National Park : Kalesar National Park
● Wildlife Sanctuary : Bhindawas Wildlife & Bird Sanctuary, Chhilchhila Wildlife Sanctuary

Index of Eight Core Industries increases by 3.8 per cent (provisional) in Dec 2023 as compared to Dec
• The combined Index of Eight Core Industries (ICI) increased by 3.8 per cent (provisional) in
December 2023 as compared to the Index of December 2022.
• The production of Coal, Natural Gas, Steel, Fertilizers, Refinery Products, Cement and Electricity
recorded positive growth in December 2023.
• The details of annual and monthly indices and growth rates are provided in Annex I and Annex II
• The Eight Core Industries comprise 40.27 percent of the weight of items included in the Index of
Industrial Production (IIP).
• The final growth rate of Index of Eight Core Industries for September 2023 is revised to 9.4 cent.
Fiscal deficit in 2024-25 is estimated to be 5.1 percent of GDP
• Fiscal deficit in 2024-25 is estimated to be 5.1 percent of GDP.
• This is in adherence to the path of fiscal consolidation to reduce the fiscal deficit below 4.5
percent by 2025-26.
• States will be encouraged to take up comprehensive development of iconic tourist centres,
branding and marketing them at a global scale.
• ‘Direct Benefit Transfer’ of 34 lakh crore rupees into PM-Jan Dhan accounts has led to the
savings of 2.7 lakh crore rupees for the Government.
• The PM-SVANidhi scheme has provided credit assistance to 78 lakh street vendors.
Indian sugar mills body second estimate pegs output at 33 million tonnes, down 10%
• India’s sugar production (including the quantity diverted for ethanol) is estimated to decline 10 per
cent to 33.05 million tonnes (mt) in the current season that began from October 1, 2023 from 36.62
mt in the previous season.
• It is mainly due to a likely drop in output in Maharashtra and Karnataka, according to industry body
Indian Sugar Mills’ Association (ISMA).
• Releasing the second advance estimates of sugar production for the 2023-24 season, ISMA said
the gross production in Maharashtra is estimated to fall to 9.99 mt from 11.85 mt and in Karnataka
to 4.97 mt from 6.58 mt.
• However, mills in Uttar Pradesh are likely to produce 11.99 mt (11.89 mt).

Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd. becomes BSI Certified 1st ISO 27001:2022 Petrochemical Company in India
• Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd (HPL), a leading petrochemicals company in India, announced its
achievement of becoming the first ISO 27001:2022 certified petrochemical organisation in the
industry by BSI (British Standards Institution), a renowned certification body.
• This milestone showcases HPL's commitment to maintaining a robust and secure information
security governance structure throughout its digital transformation journey.
• ISO 27001:2022 is the standard of the ISMS (Information Security Management System) program
to protect the information asset of the organization.
• British Standards Institution (BSI) is the world's first Standards Body and founding member of ISO
from the United Kingdom.
The Coal Ministry has achieved a production of 99.73 million tonnes in January 2024.
• The Ministry of Coal has achieved a significant upswing in overall coal production during January
2024, reaching 99.73 Million tonnes (MT).
• This surpasses the figures of 90.42 MT of the corresponding month during the previous year,
representing an increase of 10.30 %.
• The production of Coal India Limited (CIL) has risen to 78.41 MT in January 2024 marking a
growth of 9.09 % as compared to 71.88 MT in January 2023.
In December 2023, the coal sector grew by 10.6% among eight core industries, which was impressive.
• The coal sector has showcased highest growth of 10.6 % (provisional) among the eight core
industries for December 2023 as per the Index of Eight Core Industries (ICI)) (Base Year 2011-12)
released by the Ministry of Commerce & Industries.
• The index of the coal industry has reached 204.0 points during Dec’23 as compared to 184.4
points during the same period of last year and its cumulative index has increased by 12.5% during
April to December, 2023-24 over the corresponding period of previous year.
HPCL’s Rs 73,000-crore Rajasthan refinery likely to start operations by January 2025
• Public sector refiner and fuel retailer Hindustan Petroleum Corporation (HPCL) plans to start
commercial production of fuels at India’s newest refinery in Rajasthan’s Barmer city by January
• The refinery-cum-petrochemicals complex, being built at a cost of nearly Rs 73,000 crore, will
have a crude processing capacity of 9 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) and is expected to cater to
the rapidly rising fuel demand in the northern parts of India.
• The refinery has achieved 76 per cent mechanical completion and the first refined products are
likely to start flowing from the facility by December 2024 or January 2025.
Tata Group becomes first Indian conglomerate to cross Rs 30 lakh cr market cap
• Tata Group achieved a historic milestone as its combined market capitalization surpassed Rs 30
lakh crore on February 6, making it the first Indian business house to reach this valuation.
• The overall valuation of Tata Group now stands at Rs 30.6 lakh crore, making it the most valued
conglomerate in the country, surpassing Reliance Group and Adani Group in market cap rankings.
EPFO fixes 3-year high 8.25% interest rate on employees' provident fund for 2023-24:
• The interest rate on Employees Provident Fund (EPF) deposits has been increased to 8.25% for
2023-24 by the retirement fund body EPFO, which is the highest level in three years.
• On 10 February, the decision was taken during a meeting of the EPFO's apex decision-making
body, the Central Board of Trustees (CBT).
• EPFO in March 2023 marginally increased the interest rate on EPF to 8.15% for the financial year
2022-23 from 8.10% in 2021-22.
About EPFO
• EPFO is a statutory body that was established under the Employees’ Provident Fund and
Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952.
• The organization works under the aegis of the Ministry of Labour and Employment.
• It is one of the world’s largest social security organizations.
• It helps the central board of trustees in the administration of the Provident Fund Scheme, Pension
Scheme and Insurance scheme for the organized sector workers.

India's wholesale prices index numbers for January 2024:

● The annual rate of inflation based on the All India Wholesale Price Index (WPI) number is0.27%
(Provisional) for January 2024(over January, 2023).
● The Positive rate of inflation in January 2024 is primarily due to an increase in prices of food
articles, machinery & equipment, other manufacturing, minerals, other transport equipment etc.
● The month-over-month change in the WPI index for the month of January, 2024 stood at -0.33 %
as compared to December, 2023.
National Coal Index Shows Decline of 4.75% in December, 2023
● The National Coal Index (Provisional) has shown a significant decline of 4.75 % in December 2023
at 155.44 points compared to December 2022, where it was at 163.19 points.
● This notable decrease indicates sufficient availability of coal in the market to meet the growing
● The National Coal Index (NCI) is a price index that combines coal prices from all sales channels, viz.
Notified Prices, Auction Prices, and Import Prices.
India's goods exports increased 3.12% in January 2024 to USD 36.92 billion from USD 35.80 billion in
January 2023.
● India’s overall exports (Merchandise and Services combined) in January 2024* are estimated to be
USD 69.72 Billion, exhibiting a positive growth of 9.28 per cent over January 2023.
● Overall imports in January 2024* are estimated to be USD 70.46 Billion, exhibiting a positive growth
of 4.15 per cent over January 2023.
● India’s overall exports (Merchandise and Services combined) in April-January 2023-24* are
estimated to be USD 638.37 Billion, exhibiting a negative growth of (-) 0.19 per cent over April-
January 2022-23.
The Expert Committee on the Implementation of Indian Accounting Standards has been reconstituted,
as announced by IRDAI.
● The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) announced the reconstitution
of the Expert Committee on the implementation of the Indian Accounting Standards.
● The 13-member committee, which will be headed by the Member (Finance and Investment) F&I of
IRDAI, will also include the Chairman of the Accounting Standards Board of ICAI, the President of
the Institute of Actuaries of India, the CGM & HOD of IRDAI’s Actuarial Department, among others.
● The committee will also address the requirements of guidance notes, APS, and Education Material
from respective professional institutes.
APEDA boosts agricultural exports from USD 0.6 billion in FY1987-88 to USD 26.7 billion in FY 2022–
● The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) has
propelled India's agricultural exports from 0.6 billion US dollars in fiscal year 1987-88 to 26.7 billion
US dollars in the fiscal year 2022-23.
● With APEDA's interventions, India's agricultural export growth has surged, showcasing the
Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 12 percent.
● Top markets for Basmati rice include Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the USA, and the UAE, reaffirming its
enduring global demand.
● The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority is an Indian Apex-
Export Trade Promotion Active government body. APEDA is the premier body of the export
promotion of fresh vegetables and fruits.
● Founded: 13 February 1986
● Headquarters: New Delhi
Tesla will start making new EV model in the second half of 2025
● Tesla expects to start production of its long-anticipated, next-generation electric vehicle at its Texas
factory in the second half of 2025.
● The project has been codenamed ‘Redwood’ and will enter production in the second half of 2025.
● The models, codenamed project ‘Redwood,’ will include an entry-level $25,000 car, allowing Tesla to
compete with cheaper gasoline-powered cars and a growing number of inexpensive EVs, such as
those made by China's BYD, which recently surpassed the former as the world's largest EV
India’s exports rise 3.12% in Jan despite Red Sea crisis, global slowdown
● Despite the global slowdown and the Red Sea situation, exports have increased. India's goods
exports have increased to $36.92 billion, a 3.12% year-over-year increase.
● Several industries, including electronics, medicines, and engineering items, have supported the
export of goods.
● In January 2024, imports increased by 2.99 percent to $54.41 billion.
● The January 2024 trade deficit of $17.49 billion was greater than the January 2023 deficit of $17.03
● The ministry also informed that India's share in global exports has increased to 10.35 per cent (USD
261.09 billion) in 2022 from 8 per cent (USD 194.96 billion) in 2014.
● During the April-January 2023-24 period, India’s top export destinations were Australia, Singapore,
United Kingdom, China, UAE, Netherlands, and Saudi Arabia.
● Among the import destinations, Russia stood at the top with a 44.76% share in India’s import basket,
followed by Switzerland, China, Korea, Singapore, UAE, etc.
India emerges as the top buyer of Venezuelan crude oil in December 2023, January 2024
● After a gap of over three years, India emerged as the top buyer of Venezuelan crude for two
consecutive months of December 2023 and January 2024, as per shipping fixtures and ship tracking
● Indian refiners stopped oil imports from the Latin American country in 2020 after the United States
(US) imposed sanctions on Caracas.
● Crude oil dispatches from Venezuela to India in December were almost 191,600 barrels per day
(bpd), while in January, the loadings rose to over 254,000 bpd — nearly half of the Latin American
nation’s total oil exports of almost 557,000 bpd for the month.
● India — specifically private sector refiners RIL and Nayara Energy (NEL) — was a regular buyer of
Venezuelan crude prior to the imposition of US sanctions in 2019.

Rs 1 lakh limit per individual for withdrawal of old tax demands

● The government has begun getting rid of old outstanding small income tax demands after setting a
ceiling of Rs 1 lakh per taxpayer.
● Taxpayers can check the status of the demands by logging on to the income tax portal online.
● The scheme will be implemented by the Bengaluru-based Directorate of Income Tax (Systems) at
the Centralised Processing Centre (CPC), preferably within two months.
● It will be limited to Rs 1,00,000 per assessee.
BSNL floats Rs 65,000-crore phase-3 tender for BharatNet
● BSNL, the state-owned telecommunications company, has initiated a tender process amounting to
approximately Rs 65,000 crore for the implementation of the phase-III BharatNet project.
● This endeavour is part of the broader Rs 1.4 trillion revamped BharatNet project, aimed at enhancing
connectivity in rural areas by both upgrading existing infrastructure and connecting additional gram
● BSNL is the sole project management agency for the BharatNet project.
● This initiative seeks to upgrade existing 164,000 gram panchayats and connect approximately
47,000 new gram panchayats under a new model.
● The BharatNet phase-III project adopts a three-level architecture: internet leased line bandwidth,
middle-mile connectivity, and last-mile connectivity.
● It aims to involve village-level entrepreneurs or Udyamis in providing last-mile connectivity to
households on a revenue-sharing basis.
● The Union Cabinet approved the third package of Rs 1.39 trillion for BharatNet in August, totalling
the allocation to over Rs 2 trillion.
● Previous allocations were made in 2017 and 2021.
Air India Ltd & Tata Advanced Systems Limited to invest Rs 2,300 crore in Karnataka
● Tata Group companies Air India and Tata Advanced Systems Limited (TASL) plan to invest Rs
2,300 crore in Karnataka in multiple projects which will employ about 1,650 people.
● Air India plans to establish an airframe Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) facility at
Bengaluru International Airport with an investment plan of Rs 1,300 Crore which is likely to employ
1,200 people.
● This will be the first-of-its-kind facility in India and will open doors for a full-scale MRO.
● TASL is planning to set up three projects with a total investment of Rs 1,030 crore -- Passenger to
Freighter Aircraft Conversion facility (Rs 420 crore), a gun manufacturing facility (Rs 310 crore) and
Aerospace and Defence Research and Development in Karnataka (Rs 300 crore).
As of December 2023, the nation's mineral production has increased by 5.1%.
● Mineral Production in the Country has grown by 5.1 percent in December 2023 as compared to the
level in December 2022.
● As per the Ministry of Mines, the cumulative growth of Mineral Production from April to December,
2023-24 is 8.5 per cent higher than the corresponding period of last year.
● Minerals that have projected positive growth during December, 2023 include Magnesite, Lignite,
Limestone, Coal, Natural Gas, Zinc, Manganese, Lead, Copper and Bauxite.
Indraprastha Gas to set up 19 CBG plants in multi-states
● Indraprastha Gas Ltd (IGL) plans to set up 19 plants to produce compressed biogas (CBG) that
would feed into its city gas distribution network.
● IGL signed preliminary agreements with two technology partners for setting up compressed
biogas plants in Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh.
● This partnership aims to produce 0.45 million metric standard cubic meters per day of biogas
from waste, equivalent to approximately 5% of IGL's daily gas requirements.
India’s Oilfield Capex to Shrink by One-Fifth by 2030: IEA
● India's annual capital spending on developing oil fields will fall next year, shrinking by about a
fifth by 2030 in the absence of major discoveries, which will lead to a drop in domestic oil
production and expand dependence on imports, according to the International Energy Agency
● Capital expenditure on developing oil projects is estimated to drop below $3.5 billion in 2030 from
around $4.3 billion in 2024.


RBI 'ban' on Paytm Payments Bank
• The Reserve Bank of India has instructed Paytm Payments Bank Ltd. (PPBL or the bank) to cease
onboarding new clients immediately, in accordance with its authority under section 35A of the
Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
• After February 29, 2024, no more deposits, credit transactions, top-ups, or withdrawals will be
permitted in any customer accounts, prepaid cards, wallets, FASTags, NCMC cards, etc,, as per
the RBI circular post from August 2023.
• The RBI has ordered the payments bank subsidiary of Paytm to halt the acceptance of fresh
deposits in its accounts and popular wallets from March onwards.
State Bank of India Reports 35% Decline in Q3 Net Profit Due to Pension Provision
• State Bank of India (SBI) reported a drop in net profit for the first time in 12 quarters, with its third
quarter (Q3FY24) standalone net profit declining 35.5 percent year-on-year (yoy) to ₹9,164 crore
as it absorbed one-time provisions relating to increase in pension liabilities and dearness relief
• India’s largest bank had reported a net profit of ₹14,205 crore.
• Reasons for Profit Decline: The decline in profit was attributed to absorbing one-time provisions,
including ₹5,400 crore for correcting anomalies in pension liabilities dating back to 2002 and
₹1,700 crore for dearness relief neutralization for pre-2002 retirees.
About SBI :
• Established : 1 July 1955
• Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
• Chairman : Dinesh Kumar Khara
• CFO : Kameshwar Rao Kodavanti
RBI Issues Directive for Overhauling Internal Compliance Monitoring
• The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issued a crucial directive (RBI/2023-24/117) on January 31, 2024
with an aim to bring about a significant transformation in the internal compliance monitoring
function across various financial institutions.
• Automation Necessity : The RBI observed the varying degrees of automation in Supervised
Entities (SEs) and highlighted the necessity for comprehensive and integrated technological
solutions to enhance the efficiency of compliance monitoring.
About RBI :
• Established : 1 April 1935
• Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
• Governor : Shaktikanta Das
Reserve Bank of India Imposes Rs 5 Lakh Penalty on Bajaj Housing Finance for Breaching Regulations
• The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed a penalty of Rs 5 lakh on Bajaj Housing Finance for
non-compliance with certain regulatory provisions.
• Regulatory Provisions: The penalty was levied due to the company's contravention of specific
provisions outlined in the 'Non-Banking Financial Company - Housing Finance Company (Reserve
Bank) Directions, 2021'.
RBI Reports 97.50% Return of ₹2,000 Banknotes in Circulation by January 31, 2024
• The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) announced that 97.50% of the ₹2,000 banknotes in circulation as
of May 19, 2023, have been returned as of January 31, 2024.
• The total value of ₹2,000 banknotes in circulation, which was ₹3.56 lakh crore at the close of
business on May 19, 2023, when the withdrawal of ₹2,000 banknotes was announced, has
declined to ₹8,897 crore at the close of business on January 31, 2024.

National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Forecasts 16% Increase in West Bengal's Priority
Sector Lending Potential to ₹3.15 Lakh Crore for FY25
• The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) projected a robust double-
digit growth in priority sector lending potential of ₹3.15 lakh crore in West Bengal for 2024-25.
• NABARD's Chief General Manager Usha Ramesh unveiled the West Bengal state focus paper
alongside bankers, State Chief Secretary B P Gopalika, and other officials.
• The paper projects a priority sector lending potential of ₹3.15 lakh crore in West Bengal in 2024-
25, marking a 16 per cent increase from the previous fiscal year's figure of ₹2.70 lakh crore.
About NABARD :
• Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
• Chairman : Shri. Shaji K V
• It was established on the recommendations of the B. Sivaraman Committee (by Act 61, 1981 of
Parliament) on 12 July 1982 to implement the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development Act 1981.
• NABARD is an apex regulatory body for the overall regulation of regional rural banks and apex
cooperative banks in India.
• It is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance (MoF), Government of India (GoI).

Government Pegs FY'25 Disinvestment Target At Rs 50,000 Crore

• The government pegged the disinvestment target for 2024-25 fiscal at Rs 50,000 crore in the
interim budget for 2024-25, up from Rs 30,000 crore in the revised estimate for the current
financial year.
• During the current fiscal (2023-24), the revised estimates of disinvestment mop-up has been
pegged at Rs 30,000 crore, lower than Rs 51,000 crore budgeted at the time of the presentation of
the Budget last year.
• As per the Interim Budget 2024-25 document tabled in the Lok Sabha, the government is not
expected to receive any money from the monetisation of public assets in the current fiscal.
Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Invites Bids for PFRDA-TRACE RFP in
Technology Architecture Project
• The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) has initiated a tendering
process, inviting bids from prospective bidders to participate in the PFRDA-TRACE RFP as part
of the Technology Architecture (TARCH) project.
• Purpose of PFRDA-TRACE: PFRDA-TRACE will function as a comprehensive tool facilitating
various functions including submitting regulatory and supervisory compliance reports by
intermediaries, sharing reports and data with PFRDA, and monitoring functions.
About PFRDA :
• Established : 2003
• Headquarters : New Delhi, Delhi
• Chairman : Deepak Mohanty
• PFRDA is the regulatory body for the overall supervision and regulation of pensions in India.
• It operates under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance in the Government of India.

RBI's digital payments index jumps to 418.77 in September from 395.57 in March
• Digital payments across the country registered a growth of 10.94 per cent in a year through March
2023, as per RBI's index that measures the adoption of online transactions.
• The Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) Digital Payments Index, a measure of the extent of digitisation
of payments across the country, increased to 418.77 in September 2023 from 395.57 in March
• The RBI-DPI has been constructed with March 2018 as the base period, that is, the DPI score for
March 2018 is set at 100.

AU Small Finance Bank names former RBI Deputy Guv HR Khan as part-time chairman
• AU Small Finance Bank (SFB) has announced the appointment of Reserve Bank of India's
former Deputy Governor Harun Rasid Khan as part-time chairman.
• Raj Vikash Verma has completed his tenure on 29 January, 2024 and will cease to be a part-time
chairman and independent director of the bank with immediate effect.
• Harun Rasid Khan, Independent Director (Non-Executive) shall assume the position of Part-Time
Chairman of the Bank w.e.f. January 30, 2024 till completion of his 1st tenure as Independent
Director of the Bank i.e. December 27, 2024.

RBI-backed TReDS logs quick growth after slow takeoff

• Reserve Bank of India-backed invoice discounting platform TReDS (Trade Receivables
Electronic Discounting System) has reported a jump in invoices financed by lenders in 2023.
• The electronic platform facilitates easy access to credit for small businesses that are vendors to
large corporations.
• TReDS was launched by the RBI in 2018.
• While it was slow to scale initially, traction has started picking up, with banks and non-banking
lenders participating in the ecosystem.

Bank of Baroda Limited Appoints Shri Sanjay Vinayak Mudaliar, as Executive Director
• The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) has approved the Department of Financial
Services (DFS) proposal to post Sanjay Vinayak Mudaliar as Executive Director at Bank of
• Mudaliar is currently the Executive Director at Indian Overseas Bank.
• Mudaliar will serve his new post from the day he assumes charge for the remainder of his term,
i.e. up to December 31, 2025, or until further orders, whichever is earlier.

RBI to make available an additional ₹5,000 cr to Standalone Primary Dealers under Standing Liquidity
• In view of the liquidity deficit in the banking system, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has decided
to make available an additional aggregate amount of ₹5,000 crore to Standalone Primary
Dealers (SPDs) under the Standing Liquidity Facility at the prevailing repo rate starting from
January 31, 2024.
• The incremental limit for individual SPDs is being conveyed to them separately.
• The repo rate (the interest rate at which banks draw liquidity from the RBI to overcome short-term
liquidity mismatches) is at 6.50 per cent.
• The banking system has been facing a liquidity deficit since September 2024, with the deficit
standing at about ₹2.68 lakh crore as of January 29, 2024.

NABARD projects priority sector credit target of Rs 3.97 lakh cr for Karnataka in 2024-25
• The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard) has pegged a credit potential
of ₹2.80 lakh crore for the priority sector for the financial year 2024-25, showing a whopping
growth of 51 per cent over the last year’s projections.
• This includes a credit potential of ₹1.33 lakh crore for agriculture.
• Of the total estimates, crop loans constituted 29 per cent, MSME (46 per cent) and Agri ancillary
activities (7 per cent.)
SBI to Down-sell 50% of ₹11,000 Crore Loan to Adani's Ganga Expressway Project
• More than a year after disbursing loans to Adani Group's Ganga Expressway project, State Bank
of India (SBI) is in the process of downselling half of the nearly ₹11,000-crore loan exposure to the
longest tolled road-project in the country.
• Talks with Financial Institutions : The lender is in talks with financial institutions, such as the
National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID), Punjab National Bank
(PNB) and some power finance companies, to downsell half of its exposure.
About SBI :
• Established : 1 July 1955
• Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
• Chairman : Dinesh Kumar Khara
• CFO : Kameshwar Rao Kodavanti
Asian Development Bank Raises Rs 1,250 Crore in Largest-Ever Local Currency Green Bond Issue
• The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has raised Rs 1,250 crore (approximately
USD 150 million) through its largest local currency green bond issuance to date.
• Bond Structure: The issue is structured as a 4-year currency-linked bond, with a one-time
repayment at maturity and carrying a fixed interest rate of 6.72% per year.
• Denomination and Settlement: While the bond is denominated in Indian rupees, it is settled in
United States dollars.
About ADB :
• Established : 1966
• Headquarters : Manila, Philippines
• President : Masatsugu Asakawa
• Membership : 68 members, including 49 regional members (countries in Asia and the Pacific) and
19 non-regional members (countries outside the region)

ESAF Small Finance Bank Collaborates with Edelweiss Tokio for Bancassurance Services
• ESAF Small Finance Bank announced a significant bancassurance partnership with Edelweiss
Tokio Life Insurance to enhance financial solutions for customers.
• Alignment of Organizational Values : The collaboration underscores the commitment of both
organizations to prioritize customer needs and foster growth and
innovation in the financial sector.
• Diversification Strategy: The partnership reflects ESAF Small Finance Bank's strategic move to
diversify its offerings and extend financial security to a broader section of the unbanked and
underbanked population.
About ESAF Small Finance Bank :
• Established : 10 March 2017
• Headquarters : Thrissur, Kerala
• MD & CEO : Kadambelil Paul Thomas
About Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance :
• MD & CEO : Sumit Rai
• Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance is a joint venture between Edelweiss Group of India, and Tokio
Marine Holdings of Japan

Indian Overseas Bank Achieves Rs 1 Lakh Crore Market Cap, Becomes Fifth PSU Bank to Do So
• Indian Overseas Bank (IOB), a state-owned bank, achieved a market capitalization exceeding Rs 1
lakh crore for the first time.
• This milestone comes after a remarkable 100% surge in the stock price over the last six months.
• Fifth PSU Bank to Cross Rs 1 Lakh Crore: IOB joins the ranks of State Bank of India (SBI), Bank of
Baroda, Punjab National Bank (PNB), and Union Bank of India as the fifth public sector lender to
surpass the Rs 1 lakh crore market capitalization mark.
• of the previous fiscal year, where the bank recorded a net profit of Rs 555 crore.
About IOB :
• Established : 10 February 1937
• Headquarters : Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
• MD & CEO : Ajay Kumar Srivastava

RBI Revokes Registration of Three Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)

• The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), in the exercise of powers conferred on it under Section 45-IA (6)
of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, has cancelled the
• Among the 9 NBFCs, S.M.I.L.E. Microfinance, JFC Impex Pvt Ltd, Cauvery Tradefin Pvt Ltd, and
Ginni Tradefin Ltd, surrendered their licence after exiting from business.
• JG Trading & Investment Pvt Ltd, SK Finserve Pvt Ltd, Microfirm Capital Pvt Ltd, Bohra & Co Pvt
Ltd, and Mahyco Grow Finance Pvt Ltd surrendered their licence as they ceased to be legal
entities after amalgamation/ merger/dissolution/ voluntary strike-off, etc.
About RBI :
• Established : 1 April 1935
• Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
• Governor : Shaktikanta Das
RBI Allows Indian Banks in GIFT-IFSC to Trade on Bullion Exchange and Obtain Special Category
Client Status
• Indian banks operating in the Gujarat International Finance Tec-City International Financial
Services Centre (GIFT-IFSC) have been granted permission by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
for bullion exchange trading and special category customer status.
• The permission, granted on 9th February 2024, enables branches of Indian banks in GIFT-IFSC to
function as Trading Members (TM) or Trading and Clearing Members (TCM) of the International
Bullion Exchange IFSC Ltd.
bout GIFT IFSC :
• GIFT International Financial Services Centre (GIFT IFSC) is a financial centre and special
economic zone in Gujarat International Finance Tech-City (GIFT City).
• GIFT IFSC was established in April 2015 as a financial centre.
• GIFT IFSC is regulated by the International Financial Services Center Authority, the exclusive
independent regulator for the sector.

CCAvenue Expands Payment Offerings, Partners with IDFC First Bank to Provide EMI Solutions
• Infibeam Avenues Limited, a listed fintech company, announced a strategic alliance between its
flagship payment brand, CCAvenue, and IDFC First Bank.
• Aim : To provide extensive credit card EMI solutions, further enhancing the payment experience
for millions of Bank’s customers nationwide.
• With this collaboration, CCAvenue will offer easy payment services, complementing the existing
BNPL (Buy Now, Pay Later) facilities already offered to merchants.
About IDFC FIRST Bank :
• Founded : October 2015
• Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
• CEO: V. Vaidyanathan
• IDFC FIRST Bank is an Indian private sector bank formed by the merger of the banking arm of
Infrastructure Development Finance Company and Capital First, an Indian non-bank financial
• It is the first universal bank to offer monthly interest credit on savings accounts, lifetime free credit
cards with dynamic and low annual percentage rates.

EPFO Sets 8.25% Interest Rate for Employees' Provident Fund for 2023-24
• The Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) has raised the interest rate on EPF deposits
to 8.25% for the financial year 2023-24, marking the highest level in three years.
• The decision to increase the interest rate was made during a meeting of the EPFO's apex
decision-making body, the Central Board of Trustees (CBT), held on 10th February, 2024.
RBI Accelerates Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Development with Enhanced Features
• The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is intensifying its efforts to launch its Central Bank Digital
Currency (CBDC) and is introducing new features to enhance its functionality.
• As part of the CBDC pilot program, the RBI is introducing programmability and offline functionality
to the digital currency, aiming to improve its usability and versatility.
• The CBDC Retail (CBDC-R) pilot currently facilitates Person to Person (P2P) and Person to
Merchant (P2M) transactions using Digital Rupee wallets provided by selected banks.
bout CBDC :
• CBDC, also known as Digital Rupee or e₹, represents a digital form of physical currency issued by
the RBI.
• The RBI creates tokens and distributes them to selected banks, referred to as Token Service
Providers (TSPs), which further distribute the tokens to interested parties and customers.
• Digital Rupee tokens will function similarly to physical cash, enabling users to conduct transactions
seamlessly without the need for paper currency.

RBI to Strengthen Oversight of Aadhaar Enabled Payment System, Framework to be Released Soon
• The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Shaktikanta Das emphasized the central bank is
vigilant to enhance the security of Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AePS) transactions.
• The RBI proposes to streamline the onboarding process for AePS touchpoint operators, including
mandatory due diligence, to be followed by banks.
• Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AePS), operated by NPCI, enables customers to perform
digital payment transactions in assisted mode.

Karnataka Bank Unveils 'Bharat Ka Karnataka Bank' Campaign to Commemorate Centennial

• Karnataka Bank has launched its centenary campaign, ‘Bharat Ka Karnataka Bank’, to mark its
100 years of service in banking.
• The campaign is jointly executed by Havas Media India and Havas Worldwide India and
underscores Karnataka Bank’s ability to adapt to the changing times while staying true to its core
• To strengthen Karnataka Bank’s brand awareness, fostering a deeper connection with customers
while also inviting new patrons to be a part of its storied legacy.
About Karnataka Bank :
• Founded : 18 February 1924
• Headquarters : Mangaluru, Karnataka.
• Managing Director (MD) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) : Srikrishnan H
• Tagline : Your Family Bank Across India
• Karnataka Bank is a Scheduled Commercial Bank.

HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank Make Strategic Investments in Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities
• Two of India's biggest lenders HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank have invested in a company called
RMBS Development Company Limited to promote the residential mortgage-backed securities
• The two lenders have acquired a 7% stake each in a newly formed company, they informed in
separate regulatory filings on February 2.
• Formation of RDCL : RMBS Development Company (RDCL) will have 10 banks and financial
institutions as its shareholders, the lenders informed exchanges. However, they have not named
other shareholders of the proposed company.
About HDFC Bank :
• Founded : 1st July 2023 (via the merger between HDFC-HDFC bank)
• Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
• MD & CEO : Sashidhar Jagdishan
• Tagline : We Understand Your World
About ICICI Bank :
• Founded : 5 January 1994
• Headquarters : Mumbai , Maharashtra, India
• MD & CEO : Sandeep Bakhshi
Reserve Bank of India Raises Annual Remuneration Limit for Non-Executive Directors in Private Sector
Banks by ₹10 Lakh to ₹30 Lakh
• In a bid to enable banks to sufficiently attract qualified competent individuals on their Boards, the
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has revised upwards the ceiling in respect of remuneration of Non-
Executive Directors (NEDs), other than the Chair of the Board, to ₹30 lakhs per annum from ₹20
• The ceiling has been raised only in respect of remuneration of Non-Executive Directors (NEDs),
other than the Chair of the Board.
About RBI :
• Established : 1 April 1935
• Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
• Governor : Shaktikanta Das

2 Additional Russian Banks Designated as Foreign Portfolio Investors

• Two additional Russian banks, Tinkoff Bank and CentroCredit Bank, have registered as foreign
portfolio investors (FPIs), bringing the total number of FPI registrations from Russia to 10.
• Profile of Registered Banks : Tinkoff Bank: Second largest credit card provider in Russia and the
world's largest digital bank in terms of customer base.
• CentroCredit Bank: Universal Bank is registered as a category II FPI.
Paytm Establishes Advisory Committee Led by Former SEBI Chairman M Damodaran
• The owner of fintech firm Paytm, One 97 Communications Limited, announced the formation of an
advisory committee chaired by former Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) chairman M
• The committee will work closely with the Board of Directors to further strengthen compliance and
regulatory matters.
• The committee includes M.M. Chitale, former president of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India (ICAI) and a former governing Council Member of the Banking Codes and Standards Board
of India nominated by RBI.
• R. Ramachandran is also part of the Group Advisory Committee.
About Paytm :
• Founded : August 2010
• Headquarters : Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
• Founder & CEO : Vijay Shekhar Sharma
RBI keeps policy interest rates unchanged; FY 2024-25 inflation pegged at 4.5%, GDP growth at 7%
• On the basis of an assessment of the current and evolving macroeconomic situation, the Monetary
Policy Committee (MPC) at its meeting (February 8, 2024) decided to:
• Keep the policy repo rate under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) unchanged at 6.50 per cent.
• Consequently, the standing deposit facility (SDF) rate remains unchanged at 6.25 percent and the
marginal standing facility (MSF) rate and the Bank Rate at 6.75 per cent.

IRDAI Clears Axis Bank's ₹1,612 Crore Investment in Max Life Insurance, Awaits CCI Approval
• Max Financial Services has received approval from the Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority of India (IRDAI) for a capital infusion of Rs 1,612 crore by Axis Bank into the company's
material subsidiary, Max Life Insurance.
• Equity Shares Issuance: Max Life will issue approximately 14,25,79,161 equity shares to Axis
Bank as part of the deal, representing the aggregate investment amount mentioned.
About Max Life Insurance Company Limited :
• Founded : 2001
• Headquarters : New Delhi, Delhi, India
• MD & CEO : Mr Prashant Tripathy
• It is a 80:20 joint venture between Max Financial Services and Axis Bank.
• The company is a subsidiary of the publicly-listed Max Financial Services.

SBI Mutual Fund Introduces SBI Energy Opportunities Fund

• SBI Mutual Fund announced the launch of the SBI Energy Opportunities Fund.
• The scheme opened for public subscription on February 06, 2024, and will close on February 20,
• The scheme re-opens for continuous sale and repurchase within five business days from the date
of allotment.
• Minimum Investment: Investors can participate in the scheme with a minimum investment of ₹5000
per plan/option and in multiples of Re 1.
• There is no upper limit for investment.
About SBI Mutual Fund :
• Founded : 29 June 1987
• Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra
• MD & CEO : Mr. Shamsher Singh

Federal Bank Introduces RuPay-Backed NCMC Wallet Debit Cards

• Federal Bank launched National Common Mobility Card (NCMC) integrated debit cards.
• NCMC is a feature introduced on RuPay Contactless Debit Card which allows cardholders to make
payments across NCMC-enabled terminals at metro stations, buses, etc in an offline mode, just by
tapping the card on the card reader.
• Digitization of Payments: The initiative aims to streamline travel experiences by digitizing
payments, offering convenience to cardholders
About Federal Bank :
• Established : 23 April 1931
• Headquarters : Aluva, Kochi, Kerala, India
• MD & CEO : Shyam Srinivasan
• Tagline : Your Perfect Banking Partner

Bank of Maharashtra (BoM) Leads PSU Banks in Q3 with Highest Deposit Mobilization Growth
• Bank of Maharashtra (BoM) has recorded the highest growth rate in terms of deposit mobilisation
among public sector lenders at a time when most lenders are facing difficulty in achieving double-
digit growth.
• Out of 12 public sector banks, only BoM and State Bank of India (SBI) could log a double-digit
growth in deposits in the third quarter ended December 2023.
• The Pune-based lender BoM reported a 17.89 per cent growth in deposits followed by SBI at 12.84
per cent during the quarter, according to published quarterly numbers of the public sector banks

Juspay, Zoho, and Decentro Receive RBI Approval for Payment Aggregator Business
• Fintech startups Juspay and Decentro have secured the final license to operate as payment
aggregators, joining the ranks of established players like Razorpay, Cashfree, and Zomato.
• Diverse Offerings: Juspay previously functioned as a payment gateway specializing in e-commerce
transactions, while Decentro focuses on enabling e-commerce and consumer-facing businesses to
provide financial services like lending and KYC verification.
Tata Group Achieves Milestone as the First Indian Conglomerate to Surpass Rs 30 Lakh Crore Market
• Tata Group has achieved a significant milestone by surpassing a combined market capitalization of
Rs 30 lakh crore, becoming the first Indian conglomerate to achieve this valuation.
• With an overall valuation of Rs 30.6 lakh crore, Tata Group now holds the title of the most valued
conglomerate in India, surpassing competitors like Reliance Group and Adani Group in market
capitalization rankings.

HDFC Bank Introduces Four SME Credit Cards Catering to Entrepreneurs and Freelancers
• India's largest private sector bank, HDFC Bank, launched 4 new small and medium enterprises
(SME)-focused credit cards to cater to the specific needs of entrepreneurs, freelancers, and
• 55 Days Interest-Free Credit Period : The main highlight of the cards is that they will provide 55
days of interest-free credit, the highest number of days offered by any bank.
• Variants : The four variants include BizFirst, BizGrow, BizPower, and BizBlack, each designed to
cater to different business requirements.
State Bank of India Releases Electoral Bonds Valued at Rs 16,518 Crore Across 30 Tranches
• The State Bank of India (SBI) has issued Electoral Bonds totalling Rs 16,518 crore in 30 tranches
since the inception of the scheme in 2018.
• Objective of Electoral Bond Scheme : To ensure clean tax-paid money is coming into the system of
political funding through proper banking channels.
• Launch and Nature of Scheme : The Electoral Bond Scheme was introduced by the Union
government in 2018.
• It functions as a bearer instrument, similar to a promissory note, purchasable by Indian citizens or
companies incorporated in India.
About SBI :
• Established : 1 July 1955
• Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
• Chairman : Dinesh Kumar Khara
• CFO : Kameshwar Rao Kodavan
Reserve Bank of India imposes Rs 8.80 lakh fine on Power Finance Corporation for norm violation
• The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed a fine of Rs 8.80 lakh on Power Finance
Corporation Limited for violating norms pertaining to the 'Liquidity Risk Management Framework
for Non-Banking Financial Companies and Core Investment Companies'.
• During the statutory inspection conducted by the RBI, it was discovered that Power Finance
Corporation had failed to maintain the mandated Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) of 60 percent as
of March 31, 2022.
About RBI :
• Established : 1 April 1935
• Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
• Governor : Shaktikanta Das
About Power Finance Corporation Limited :
• Established : 1986
• Headquarters : New Delhi, India
• Chairman & Managing Director : Parminder Chopra
• Power Finance Corporation Ltd. is an Indian central public sector undertaking under the ownership
of the Ministry of Power, Government of India.

Yes Bank Partners with LeRemitt to Facilitate Seamless Cross-Border Transactions for Micro, Small
and Medium Enterprises
• Fintech startup LeRemitt and Yes Bank have partnered to introduce a cross-border platform that
enables micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to conduct international transactions in key
currencies, including US dollars and euros.
• In addition to multi-currency support, the platform offers transparency, efficiency, and cost benefits
for small businesses involved in global trade, making it more accessible for MSMEs.
About LeRemitt :
• Founded : 2022
• Co-founder and CEO : Sheetal Jain
• LeRemitt serves as a cross-border remittance platform, assisting MSMEs in sending and receiving
payments, besides offering various other services.
About Yes Bank :
• Established : 2004
• Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
• MD & CEO : Prashant Kumar
• Tagline : Experience our expertise
Life Insurance Corporation Unveils New Insurance-Cum-Savings Plan: LIC Index Plus Policy
• Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) announced the launch of its new unit-linked life insurance
product, LIC Index Plus.
• LIC’s Index fund is a unit-linked, non-participating, individual life insurance plan.
• Minimum age at entry: 90 days (completed).
• Maximum age at entry: 50 or 60 years (nearer birthday) depending on the basic Sum Assured.
About LIC:
• Established: 1st September 1956
• Headquarters: Mumbai, India
• Chairperson : Siddharth Mohanty

Government Allocates Rs 9,000 Crore to Exim Bank Amid Rising NPAs from Loans Extended to
Foreign Countries
• Loans extended through Exim Bank of India to certain countries, particularly African nations, have
been classified as "doubtful debt" in the financial year 2023-24.
• The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) has provided Rs 9,013.72 crore to Exim Bank after invoking
Government of India (GoI) guarantees on these loans.
• This indicates the involvement of the Indian government in backing these loans.
• Non-Performing Assets (NPAs): Some decade-plus old loans extended to African countries have
turned into NPAs, leading to the invocation of government guarantees by Exim Bank.
About Ministry of External Affairs :
• Cabinet Minister : Subrahmanyam Jaishankar
• Minister of State : V. Muraleedharan, Rajkumar Ranjan Singh, Meenakshi Lekhi
About Exim Bank :
• Established : 1982
• Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra
• Managing Director : Harsha Bangari

Finance Ministry Introduces 'Direct Listing of Indian Companies' Equity Shares on International
Exchanges Scheme' through Amendment to Foreign Exchange Management Rules

• The Finance Ministry amended the Foreign Exchange Management (Non-debt Instruments) Rules,
2019, to introduce the 'Direct Listing of Equity Shares of Companies Incorporated in India on
International Exchanges Scheme'.
• Investor Approval: Investors from countries such as China will require government approval to
participate in the direct listing of equity by Indian entities on international stock exchanges.
• Initial Jurisdiction and Exchanges: The scheme starts with GIFT IFSC as the permissible
jurisdiction and NSE International Exchange India International Exchange as the international

India Extends Unified Payments Interface Services to Sri Lanka and Mauritius
● India introduced its Unified Payments Interface (UPI) services in Sri Lanka and Mauritius during a
virtual event.
● The virtual ceremony was attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Mauritian Prime Minister
Pravind Jugnauth, and Sri Lanka's President Ranil Wickremesinghe.
● Purpose of the Launch : The launch enables the availability of UPI settlement services for Indian
nationals travelling to Sri Lanka and Mauritius, as well as for Mauritian nationals travelling to
● Expansion of UPI Services Worldwide : With the introduction of UPI payments in Sri Lanka and
Mauritius, UPI payments are now accepted in several countries, including France, the United
Arab Emirates (UAE), Singapore, Bhutan, and Nepal.
What is UPI?
● Unified Payments Interface, commonly referred as UPI, is an Indian instant payment system
developed by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) in 2016.
● The interface facilitates inter-bank peer-to-peer (P2P) and person-to-merchant (P2M)
Note :
● France is the first European country to accept UPI payments.
About NPCI :
● Established : 2008
● Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra
● MD & CEO : Dilip Asbe
Reserve Bank of India Sets Sovereign Gold Bond's Next Tranche Issue Price at Rs 6,263 per Gram
● The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) announced that the issue price of the next tranche of Sovereign
Gold Bond has been fixed at Rs 6,263 per gram.
● The Government of India in consultation with the Reserve Bank of India has decided to allow a
discount of ₹50 per gram from the issue price to those investors who apply online and the
payment is made through digital mode.
● For such investors the issue price of Gold Bond will be ₹6,213 per gram of gold.
What is a Sovereign Gold Bond?
● SGBs are government securities denominated in grams of gold.
● The SGB Scheme was first launched by the Government of India (GOI) on October 30, 2015.
● They are substitutes for holding physical gold.
● Investors have to pay the issue price, and the bonds will be redeemed upon maturity.
● The bond is issued by the Reserve Bank on behalf of the Government of India (GOI).
● The bonds are issued in denominations of one gram of gold and in multiples thereof.
● The minimum investment in the bond shall be one gram, with a maximum subscription limit of 4
kg for individuals, 4 kg for HUFs, and 20 kg for trusts and similar entities notified by the
government from time to time per fiscal year.
● Bonds are sold through offices or branches of Nationalised Banks, Scheduled Private Banks,
Scheduled Foreign Banks, designated Post Offices, Stock Holding Corporation of India (SHCIL),
and the authorised stock exchanges either directly or through their agents.
● These securities are eligible to be used as collateral for loans from banks, financial Institutions,
and Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs).
Punjab & Sind Bank Partners with Warehousing Development Regulatory Authority to Provide Low-
Interest Loans for Farmers
● In a move to support farmers and traders with low-interest rate loans, the Warehousing
Development Regulatory Authority (WDRA) and Punjab & Sind Bank (PSB) have signed a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
● Primary objective of the MoU : To raise awareness about funding against electronic Negotiable
Warehouse Receipts (e-NWRs).
What is Electronic Negotiable Warehouse Receipt (eNWR)?
● eNWR is a digital warehousing receipt issued by registered warehouses regulated and governed
by a statutory body -the Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (WDRA) of India.
● The eNWR can be used by farmers to finance and trade in settlements without physically
exchanging goods.
● eNWR can be used as a three-in-one instrument (finance, trading, and settlement).
About WDRA :
● Established : 2010
● Headquarters : New Delhi, Delhi
● Chairman : T K Manoj Kumar
About Punjab & Sind Bank :
● Established : 1908
● Headquarters : New Delhi, Delhi
● MD & CEO : Swarup Kumar Saha
Government of India and Asian Development Bank Ink $200 Million Loan Deal to Address Flood and
Erosion Threats Along Brahmaputra River
● The Government of India (GoI) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) have finalised a $200
million loan agreement.
● Purpose of the loan agreement : To strengthen flood and riverbank erosion risk management on
or beside the 650 km long region of the Brahmaputra River in Assam.
● Project Details : The loan agreement pertains to the Climate Resilient Brahmaputra Integrated
Flood and Riverbank Erosion Risk Management Project in Assam.
● Project Basis and Progress : The project draws upon the achievements and experiences gained
from the Assam Integrated Flood and Riverbank Erosion Risk Management Investment
Programme, laying a foundation for further advancements in the region
● Previous Programme : The Assam Integrated Flood and Riverbank Erosion Risk Management
Investment Programme, funded by ADB and implemented from 2010 to 2020, serves as a
precursor to the current initiative.
About ADB :
● Established : 1966
● Headquarters : Manila, Philippines
● President : Masatsugu Asakawa
● Membership : 68 members, including 49 regional members (countries in Asia and the Pacific)
and 19 non-regional members (countries outside the region).
RBI Directs Visa and Mastercard to Cease Business Payments via Commercial Cards
● The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has instructed major international payment players Visa and
Mastercard to halt card-based commercial transactions conducted by both small and large
● Reason for Action: The directive from RBI arises from concerns related to compliance with Know
Your Customer (KYC) regulations.
● This action comes in the wake of recent regulatory measures taken by RBI against Paytm
Payments Bank.
● Role of BPSPs: Business Payment Solution Providers (BPSPs) are regulated and licensed by the
RBI under the PA-PG (Payment Aggregators - Payment Gateways) guidelines.
● Current Payment Methods for Businesses : Currently, fintech companies like Cred, Paytm and
Nobroker allow rent and tuition fee payments through commercial, credit and debit cards.
● It should be noted that companies mostly make their business payments through net
banking/NEFT or RTGS for large transfers which are now 24x7.
● Fintech players like Enkash and Paymate allow process payments made through commercial
cards for business needs like paying vendors and suppliers.
About RBI :
● Established : 1 April 1935
● Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
● Governor : Shaktikanta Das
About Mastercard :
● Founded : 1966
● Headquarters : New York, U.S
● CEO : Michael Miebach
Indian Overseas Bank Marks 88th Foundation Day with Opening of 88 New Branches and Introduction
of New Rupay and CASA Variants
● The Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) has launched new products on the occasion of the Bank’s 88th
Foundation Day, celebrated on February 10, 2024 in Chennai, Tamil Nadu (TN).
● Credit Card Variants: IOB launched three new credit card variants: RuPay Classic, RuPay
Platinum, and RuPay Select, offering various reward points and benefits.
● The premium variant, RuPay Select, includes personal accident coverage of up to ₹10 lakhs.
● Green Deposit Scheme: IOB has introduced the Green Deposit Scheme under Retail Term
Deposits (less than ₹2 crore) to promote Green Finance EcoSystem India. The tenor of the
deposit shall be 999 days with an interest rate of 6.85 per cent, 5 bps higher than the regular
term deposit. w.e.f February 10, 2024.
● Senior citizens (aged 60 years and above) will get an additional interest rate of 0.50 per cent and
super senior citizens (aged 80 years and above) will get an additional interest rate of 0.75 per
cent above the card rates.
About IOB :
● Founded : 10 February 1937
● Headquarters : Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
● MD & CEO : Ajay Kumar Srivastava
● Tagline : Good people to grow with
SIDBI Introduces 'Prabhaav' - An Impact Study of the Fund of Funds for Startups
● The Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) has unveiled the report of the impact
assessment of the Fund of Funds for Startups (FFS), a key component of the startups namely
● Shri S. Ramann, Chairman & Managing Director, SIDBI along with Shri S P Singh, Chief General
Manager (CGM) Venture Finance, presented the report to Dr Vivek Joshi, Secretary, Dept. of
Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, GoI, Shri Rajesh Kumar Singh, IAS, Secretary, DPIIT
and Shri Sanjiv, IRS, Joint Secretary, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade
(DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce & Industry.
● As of November 30, 129 Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) have been sanctioned out of FFS
across different segments.
● The scheme has already catalyzed investments to the tune of ~4x of the amount drawn with
₹17,534 crore invested in 938 unique startups.
● While FFS largely focuses on early-stage funding in young companies, as many as 18 of its
startups have already become unicorns.
About FFS :
● FFS is a flagship programme of DPIIT (Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade)
and a key component of the Startup India Action Plan launched in 2016.
● It is managed by the Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI).
● It has facilitated investments in startups, particularly in emerging sectors, and has promoted
diversity and inclusiveness, supporting startups beyond Tier 1 cities and women-led startups.
About Small Industries Development Bank of India :
● Established : 2 April 1990
● Headquarters : Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
● Chairman & MD : Sivasubramanian Ramann
● The SIDBI is the apex regulatory body for overall licensing and regulation of micro, small and
medium enterprise finance companies in India.
● It is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance , Government of India (GoI).
● The SIDBI was established under the Act of the Parliament in 1988.
Finance Standing Committee Advocates 'Open Architecture' for Insurance Agents
● The Standing Committee on Finance, chaired by BJP MP Jayant Sinha, has proposed the
adoption of an 'open architecture' concept for insurance agents to enhance the outreach of
insurance products and strengthen distribution infrastructure in the country.
● Open Architecture Definition: Open architecture allows insurance agents to offer services from
multiple insurance companies, aiming to expand the availability of insurance products and bolster
distribution nationwide.
● Current Limitations: Presently, the Insurance Act 1938 limits agents to working with only one life,
one non-life, and one health insurance company.
● Urging for a rationalization of the 18% GST rate on insurance, particularly for health and term
Reserve Bank of India and Nepal Rastra Bank Sign Terms of Reference for Integration of Unified
Payments Interface and National Payments Interface for Cross-Border Remittances
● The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) signed and exchanged Terms of
Reference (ToR) to integrate fast payment systems of India and Nepal through the Unified
Payments Interface (UPI) of India and National Payments Interface (NPI) of Nepal, respectively.
● Aim of the integration : To facilitate cross-border remittances between India and Nepal by
enabling users of the two systems to make instant, low-cost fund transfers.
What is meant by Terms of reference (TOR)?
● Terms of reference (TOR) define the purpose and structures of a project, committee, meeting,
negotiation, or any similar collection of people who have agreed to work together to accomplish a
shared goal.
● Terms of reference show how the object in question will be defined, developed, and verified.
Forensic Audit by National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company on Bandhan Bank Investigates the
Practice of Evergreening Loans
● The National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company (NCGTC) has initiated a forensic audit at
Bandhan Bank due to concerns about the evergreening of loans and fictitious loan accounts
within certain portfolios covered under credit guarantee schemes.
● Loan Amount Covered: The audit encompasses ₹23,300 crore of loans that were extended under
credit guarantee schemes.
● Credit Guarantee Schemes Covered : ₹2,500 crore of loans insured by the government's
Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS).
● ₹20,800 crore covered by the Credit Guarantee Fund for Micro Units (CGMFU).
About NCGTC :
● National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company Ltd (NCGTC) was set up by the Department of
Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, Government of India.
● It was set up as a common trustee company to operate and manage various credit guarantee
trust funds.
● It was incorporated on March 28, 2014 with a paid-up capital of ₹10 crore.
Mirae Asset Mutual Fund Introduces India's Inaugural Multi-Factor ETF Based on Nifty Smallcap250
● Mirae Asset Mutual Fund announces India’s first Multi factor-based Exchange Traded Fund
(ETF) on the Nifty Smallcap250 Index, ‘Mirae Asset Nifty Smallcap 250 Momentum Quality 100
ETF’, an open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Smallcap 250 Momentum Quality 100
Total Return Index, and the ‘Mirae Asset Nifty Smallcap 250 Momentum Quality 100 ETF Fund of
Fund’, an open-ended fund of fund scheme investing in units of Mirae Asset Nifty Smallcap 250
Momentum Quality 100 ETF.
● Aim : To provide investors with sector-agnostic exposure within the smallcap category by
leveraging a combination of factors.
● NFO Dates : The New Fund Offer (NFO) for the Mirae Asset Nifty Smallcap 250 Momentum
Quality 100 ETF will open for subscription on February 12, 2024, and close on February 21,
● Mirae Asset Nifty Smallcap 250 Momentum Quality 100 ETF Fund of Fund will open for
subscription on February 15, 2024, and close on February 28, 2024.
● Type of Schemes: Both are open-ended schemes benchmarking the Nifty Smallcap 250
Momentum Quality 100 Total Return Index.
● Fund Managers: The schemes will be managed by Ekta Gala and Vishal Singh.
● Minimum Investment : The minimum initial investment during NFO in both the schemes will be
● Further investments can be made in multiples of Re 1 thereafter.
About Mirae Asset Investment Managers (India) Pvt. Ltd :
● Established : 2008
● Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra
● Chairman & Independent Director : Yogesh Chadha
● CEO : Swarup Anand Mohanty
● Mirae Asset Mutual Fund is one of India’s fastest-growing fund houses.
● Mirae Asset Investment Managers (India) Pvt. Ltd. is the Asset Management Company (“AMC")
of Mirae Asset Mutual Fund.
Indian Highways Management Company Limited excludes Paytm Payments Bank from the list of
authorized banks for issuing FASTags
● Indian Highways Management Company Ltd (IHMCL), toll collecting arm of state-owned NHAI,
has advised highway users to buy FASTags from 32 authorised banks sans Paytm Payments
Bank for hassle-free travel.
● The 32 authorised banks include Airtel Payments Bank, Allahabad Bank, Bank of Baroda, HDFC
Bank, ICICI Bank, IDBI Bank, Punjab National Bank, State Bank of India, and Yes Bank, among
● India has over 8 crore FASTag users and Paytm Payments Bank (PPBL) has around 30 per cent
market share.
What is FASTag?
● FASTag is an electronic toll collection system in India operated by the National Highways
Authority of India (NHAI).
● It employs Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology for allowing toll payments directly
from the linked bank accounts.
● A FASTag is valid for 5 years, and can be recharged as required.
About IHMCL :
● Indian Highways Management Company Limited. (IHMCL), a company promoted by NHAI is
implementing the National Electronic Toll Collection Program (NETC) in the country under the
brand name “FASTag” which was launched in April 2016.
Supreme Court Orders Immediate Halt to State Bank of India's Electoral Bond Issuance
● The Supreme Court directed the State Bank of India (SBI) to stop issuing electoral bonds
What are Electoral bonds?
● Electoral bonds are interest-free bearer bonds or money instruments that can be purchased by
companies and individuals in India from authorised branches of the State Bank of India (SBI).
● The bonds are similar to bank notes that are payable to the bearer on demand and are free of
● Purchase and denominations : These bonds are sold in multiples of Rs 1,000, Rs 10,000, Rs 1
lakh, Rs 10 lakh, and Rs 1 crore.
● Usage period : EBs have a life of only 15 days during which it can be used for making donations
to political parties.
● Tax exemptions: Donations made through electoral bonds are considered tax-exempt under
Section 80 GG and Section 80 GGB of the Income Tax Act.
● Eligibility for political parties: Only political parties registered under Section 29A of the
Representation of the People Act, 1951, and those securing at least 1% of votes polled in the last
general election to the House of the People or the Legislative Assembly of the State are eligible
to receive electoral bonds.
Rupee Co-operative Bank Limited Excluded from Second Schedule of the Reserve Bank of India Act,
● The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has officially excluded "Rupee Co-operative Bank Limited" from
the Second Schedule of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.
● This exclusion was communicated by the RBI through an official notification issued for the
● Scheduled banks are those financial institutions that are listed under Schedule II of the Reserve
Bank of India Act, 1934.
Electoral Bonds Amass a Total of ₹16,518 Crore Across 30 Tranches
● With the latest tranche last month, 30 tranches of electoral bonds issued so far have collected
over ₹16,518 crore.
● Introduction and Purpose : The scheme, introduced in 2018, aims “to ensure clean tax-paid
money is coming into the system of political funding through proper banking channels.”
● No Additional Charges : As per clause 10 of the Electoral Bond Scheme (Gazette Notification
dated 02.01.2018), no commission, brokerage or any other charges for the issue of a bond shall
be payable by the buyer against the purchase of the bond.
● The total value of Electoral Bonds purchased (Phase-I to Phase –XXX) from the State Bank of
India is about ₹16,518 crores.
● Eligibility to Purchase : These bonds may be purchased by a person who is a citizen of India or
incorporated or established in India.
● Purchase Options : An individual can buy electoral bonds singly or jointly with others.
● Eligibility to Receive : Only the Political Parties registered under Section 29A of the
Representation of the People Act, 1951 (43 of 1951) and which secured not less than 1% of the
votes polled in the last General Election to the House of the People or the Legislative Assembly
of the State, shall be eligible to receive the Electoral Bonds.
● Encashment Process : These will be encashed by an eligible Political Party only through a Bank
account with the Authorized Bank.
● Availability and Validity : The bonds under the scheme shall be available for purchase for 10 days
each in January, April, July and October, as may be specified by the Central Government.
LIC Introduces 'Amritbaal': A Traditional Savings Life Insurance Plan Tailored for Children
● The Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) has launched “Amritbaal”, an insurance plan for
● The new “non-linked, non-participating, individual, savings, life insurance” plan is specifically
designed to have an adequate corpus to meet the higher education and other needs of a child.
● The minimum sum assured (SA) for this policy is ₹2 lakh and there is no maximum SA (subject to
underwriting decision).
● This policy will facilitate the accumulation of corpus through guaranteed additions at the rate of
₹80 per thousand basic sum assured at the end of each policy year from the inception till the end
of the policy term, provided the policy is in force.
● Age at entry/ exit : The minimum and maximum age at entry are 30 days (completed) to 13 years
(last birthday), respectively.
● The minimum and maximum age at maturity are 18 years (last birthday) and 25 years (last
birthday), respectively.
● The minimum policy term for limited premium payment is 10 years and for single premium
payment is 5 years.
● The maximum policy term for both limited and single premium payment is 25 years.
● Mode of instalment : It can be monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly where the minimum
instalment amount can be ₹5,000, ₹15,000, ₹25,000 or ₹50,000, respectively.
SBI Introduces Digital Enrollment for Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) and Pradhan
Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana Schemes for Customers
● State Bank of India (SBI) has launched a self-subscribing journey for enrolment under Pradhan
Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) and Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana
(PMSBY) schemes for its customers.
About Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) :
● Duration: It is a one-year life insurance scheme renewable from year to year.
● Coverage: Provides coverage for death due to any reason.
● Administered by: Either LIC or any other life insurance company in partnership with banks/Post
● Eligibility: Individuals aged between 18-50 years holding a savings bank or a post office account
are eligible to enrol.
● Sum Assured: Offers a life cover of Rs. 2 Lakhs against a premium of Rs. 436/- per annum.
About Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) :
● Duration: Similar to PMJJBY, it is a one-year accidental insurance scheme renewable annually.
● Coverage: Provides coverage for death or disability due to an accident.
● Administered by: Public Sector General Insurance Companies (PSGICs) or any other general
insurance company in partnership with banks/Post offices.
● Eligibility: Individuals aged between 18-70 years holding a savings bank or a post office account
are eligible to enrol.
● Sum Assured: Offers an accidental death cum disability cover of Rs. 2 lakhs (Rs. 1 lakh in case
of partial disability) against a premium of Rs. 20/- per annum.
About SBI :
● Established : 1 July 1955
● Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
● Chairman : Dinesh Kumar Khara
● CFO : Kameshwar Rao Kodavanti
IRDAI Suggests Implementation of a 30-Day 'Free Look' Period for Policies Starting from Receipt Date
● The insurance regulator IRDAI (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India) has
proposed to extend the free look period for the policies from the current 15 days to 30 days now.
● This proposal is included in the draft of IRDAI (Protection of Policyholders' Interests and Allied
Matters of Insurers) Regulations, 2024.
● Definition of Free Look Period: The 'free look' period refers to the duration within which a
policyholder can cancel the policy without incurring surrender charges.
About IRDAI :
● Established : 1999
● Headquarters : Hyderabad, Telangana
● Chairperson : Debasish Panda
● The IRDAI is a statutory body under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance (MoF), Government
of India (GoI) and is tasked with regulating and licensing the insurance and reinsurance
industries in India.
Federal Bank Introduces Stellar Savings Account for Customer Base
● Federal Bank has launched its latest banking product, the Stellar Savings Account, to
revolutionize the banking sector by offering exceptional benefits and innovative features.
● Objective: The introduction of the Stellar Savings Account aims to enhance customer experience,
promote financial wellness, and encourage eco-friendly banking practices.
About Federal Bank :
● Established : 1931
● Headquarters : Aluva, Kochi, Kerala
● CEO: Shyam Srinivasan
● Tagline : Your Perfect Banking Partner
Electoral Bond Sales: Mumbai Reigns with Over ₹4000 Crore, While Delhi Takes the Lead in
● Mumbai emerged as the city with the largest share of electoral bond sales since the inception of
the donation scheme in 2018.
● However, most of the bonds were encashed in Delhi during the period.
● According to data compiled by Election Watchdog, Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR),
Mumbai contributed about 24% of the now-scrapped bonds worth ₹16,518 crore sold across
cities in India until January 2024, with 5,426 bonds worth ₹4,009.4 crore.
● Following Mumbai, Hyderabad ( ₹3,554 cr), Kolkata ( ₹3,333 cr), New Delhi ( ₹2,324 cr), and
Chennai ( ₹1,524 cr) were the top cities in terms of bond sales.
● These five cities together accounted for over ₹14,744 crore, close to 90 percent worth of 28,030
bonds sold across 18 cities.
● The court directed the State Bank of India (SBI), the sole issuer of bonds, to provide details such
as names of bond buyers, dates of purchase, and amounts donated to the Election Commission
(EC) by March 6, 2024.
● The EC is required to publish this information on its website by March 13, 2024.
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India Publishes Exposure Draft for Bima Sugam
Insurance E-Marketplace
● The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDAI) has introduced an exposure draft
proposal for an insurance electronic marketplace named Bima Sugam.
● This platform aims to serve as a central hub for all insurance-related activities, catering to
customers, insurers, intermediaries, and insurance agents alike.
● Bima Sugam will be a one-stop solution for all insurance stakeholders including customers,
insurers, intermediaries or insurance intermediaries and insurance agents to promote
transparency, efficiency, collaboration across the entire insurance value chain and technological
innovation in the insurance sector.
● Vision for "Insurance for all by 2047": Bima Sugam contributes to the vision of achieving
"Insurance for all by 2047" in India.
● Bima Trinity is made up of three components:
➢ Bima Sugam: A digital portal that integrates distributors and insurers into a single platform
➢ Bima Vistaar: An all-in-one insurance product that offers comprehensive insurance coverage at
affordable prices
➢ Bima Vahak: A women-led field distribution force
Paymart Collaborates with 5 Indian Banks to Introduce Innovative Virtual Cash Withdrawal Service,
Eliminating Need for Cards and Hardware
● Paymart, a fintech startup, has collaborated with 5 prominent Indian banks, namely IDBI Bank,
Indian Bank, Jammu & Kashmir Bank, and Karur Vysya Bank, to introduce a novel virtual,
cardless, and hardware-less cash withdrawal service.
● Current Availability: Presently, the virtual ATM service is accessible in select locations across
Chandigarh, Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Mumbai, as mentioned by Amit Narang, the
Founder & CEO of Paymart India Pvt Ltd.
● Transaction Limits : A user can withdraw a minimum amount of Rs 100 and a maximum amount
of Rs 2,000 per transaction, using this facility.
● The maximum limit has been set at Rs 10,000 per month for withdrawing through virtual ATMs.
BOBCARD and NPCI Introduce India's Second Corporate Credit Card on the RuPay Network
● BOBCARD (formerly known as BOB Financial Solutions), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bank of
Baroda, and National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) has announced the launch of
Corporate Credit Card on RuPay Network.
● With this, BOBCARD has become the second credit card issuer in the ecosystem to have a
Corporate Credit Card on RuPay.
● A corporate credit card on the RuPay network is a financial instrument designed specifically for
corporate clients, offering benefits and features tailored to meet the needs of businesses.
Note :
● In December 2023, IndusInd Bank launched ‘IndusInd Bank eSvarna’, India’s first Corporate
Credit Card on RuPay network to facilitate transactions at merchant outlets and allows users the
flexibility to make UPI payments by linking the card with UPI-enabled apps.
HDFC Bank Leads Profit Race, Outpaces State Bank of India in Current Fiscal Year
● HDFC Bank emerged as the most profitable company in the ongoing financial year, surpassing
State Bank of India (SBI) and Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) with a net profit of Rs 44,300 crore
during the initial nine months of the fiscal year.
● SBI reported a robust profit of Rs 40,378 crore, securing the second position in the profit
rankings, while Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) was third with a net profit of Rs 34,781 crore during
the same period.
● TCS and ONGC were among the top five companies in terms of net profit.
Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority Collaborates with DBS Bank to Promote Investment
Awareness and Combat Fraudulent Schemes
● A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Investor Education and
Protection Fund Authority (IEPFA) under the aegis of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA),
and DBS Bank, a prominent financial institution with a strong presence in Asia and Southeast
Asia in New Delhi.
● According to the MoU, DBS Bank aims to support IEPFA's investor awareness activities by
disseminating safety messages via its various digital platforms.
● During the ceremony, Smt. Anita Shah Akella, Joint Secretary, MCA, and CEO of the IEPFA,
underscored the objectives behind the signing of the MoU and emphasised the proactive
approach adopted by the IEPFA to engage with users through various channels, aiming to
enhance responsiveness regarding the authority's mandate through its awareness initiatives.
● The MoU, formalising collaboration between the IEPF Authority and DBS Bank, was carried
under the leadership of Lt. Col. Tushar Anand, General Manager of the IEPF Authority, and Shri
Rajiv Bagga, Executive Director, and India Head of Government Business at DBS Bank.
● Previously, IEPFA has also signed MoUs with the Bank of Baroda and ICICI Bank for similar
About IEPFA :
● The IEPFA was set up on September 7, 2016, under the aegis of the Ministry of Corporate
Affairs, Government of India, for administering the Investor Education and Protection Fund for
making refunds of shares, unclaimed dividends, and matured deposits/debentures, among other
things, to investors.
IREDA Partners with Punjab National Bank to Co-Finance Renewable Energy Projects
● Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited. (IREDA) and Punjab National Bank
(PNB) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at advancing renewable
energy initiatives across the nation.
● The MoU was signed at IREDA's registered office in New Delhi.
● Aim : To facilitate joint efforts in co-lending and loan syndication for a diverse range of renewable
energy projects across the nation.
● Signatories : Dr. R. C. Sharma, General Manager of IREDA, and Shri Rajeeva, Chief General
Manager of PNB, signed the MoU.
● Key Provisions of the MoU : The MoU includes provisions for joint lending, loan syndication,
underwriting, management of Trust and Retention Account (TRA) for IREDA borrowers, and
working towards competitive terms of sanction, including pricing on IREDA borrowings.
● Previous Partnerships : This collaboration strengthens IREDA's successful partnerships with
other prominent financial institutions, including Bank of Baroda, Union Bank of India, Bank of
India, India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited, Bank of Maharashtra, and Indian Overseas
Unauthorised Business Payment Solution Providers Operations Limited to a Single Card Network
● The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has disclosed that only one card network has unauthorized
Business Payment Solution Providers (BPSP) operations.
● The RBI has refrained from explicitly naming the card network involved in these unauthorized
● BPSP Operations Overview : Under the BPSP arrangement, an intermediary receives payments
from corporates via commercial cards and subsequently transfers the funds to receivers who do
not accept cards, utilizing IMPS, RTGS, or NEFT.
● Lack of Authorization : Such payment systems are required to obtain authorization under Section
4 of the Payment and Settlement Systems (PSS) Act, 2007, which the identified card network
has not secured.
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India Expert Panel Advocates Specialized Insolvency Mediation in
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
● An expert panel convened by the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) has
recommended specialized insolvency mediation within the framework of the Insolvency and
Bankruptcy Code (IBC).
● The panel proposed the gradual introduction of voluntary mediation as an additional dispute
resolution method under the IBC.
● Currently, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) lacks legal provisions pertaining to
● Expert Committee Head and Report Submission : TK Viswanathan, a former Law Secretary,
chaired the expert committee appointed by the IBBI.
● The committee submitted its report to IBBI Chairman Ravi Mital at the Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Board of India (IBBI) office in Delhi on January 31.
● Definition of Mediation : Mediation is described as the involvement of an impartial third party to
facilitate the settlement of disputes between two or more parties.
● Inclusion of Voluntary Mediation Mechanism : The expert committee suggested incorporating a
"voluntary" mediation mechanism into the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, aligning with the
provisions of the Mediation Act, 2023.
About IBBI :
● Headquarters : New Delhi, Delhi
● Chairman : Ravi Mittal
● IBBI is the regulator for overseeing insolvency proceedings and entities like Insolvency
Professional Agencies (IPA), Insolvency Professionals (IP) and Information Utilities (IU) in India.
● It was established on 1 October 2016 and given statutory powers through the Insolvency and
Bankruptcy Code, which was passed by Lok Sabha on 5 May 2016.
Banks Seek Alternatives to Current Account Deposits Due to Government's Cash Management Strain
● All scheduled commercial banks witnessed a decrease in current account deposits, which
dropped from 10.43 percent of total deposits in 2022 to 10.13 percent in 2023.
● This information is sourced from the Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) report on the development
and trend of Indian banking.
● Implementation of JIT Concept : The Center has adopted the just-in-time (JIT) concept for the
release of money for all payments, including those funded centrally.
Kotak Life Unveils Digital-First Campaign for Guaranteed Wealth Builder Plans
● Kotak Mahindra Life Insurance Company (Kotak Life) unveiled its digital-centric campaign for the
Guaranteed Wealth Builder Plans (GWBP) by Kotak Life.
● The campaign showcases a range of reliable investment options provided by Kotak Life.
● Its goal is to tackle consumers' primary concerns regarding investments, specifically addressing
uncertainties surrounding returns and emphasizing the importance of investing in tax-efficient
● The campaign features Bollywood actor Rajkummar Rao.

India's Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Surges by 25.7% to Reach $2.1 Billion in January 2024
● India’s outward foreign direct investment (FDI) commitments rose by 25.7% on a year-on-year
(Y-o-Y) basis to $2.09 billion in January 2024, compared to over $1.66 billion in January 2023.
● However, there was a sequential decline from $2.5 billion in December 2023, as reported by the
Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
● Components of Outbound FDI: Outbound FDI commitments include equity, loans, and
● Equity Commitments: Equity commitments rose to $760.9 million in January 2024 from $597.4
million in January 2023, but were lower than the $834.7 million recorded in December 2023.
● Debt Commitments: Debt commitments increased to $306.2 million in January 2024 from $215.6
million a year ago, but decreased significantly from $687.9 million in December 2023.
● Guarantees: Guarantees for overseas units increased to $1.02 billion in January 2024 from
$854.1 million in January 2023.
● They also saw a slight increase from $988.4 million in December 2023, according to RBI data.
What is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)?
● Foreign Direct Investment meaning is a type of investment in which a company or individual from
one country invests in a company or asset in another country.
● The purpose of FDI is to gain long-term involvement in the foreign market, generate profits,
access new markets, and transfer technology and expertise.
● This includes the purchase of shares, bonds, or other securities; the establishment of a new
business; or the acquisition of an existing business.
● The importance of FDIs in the stock market is not only to bring money with them but also skills,
technology and knowledge.
What are the Types of FDI?
● Horizontal FDI: This occurs when a company invests in another country to produce the same
products or services that it produces in its home country.
● For example, a U.S. car manufacturer might build a new factory in China to produce cars for the
Chinese market.
● Vertical FDI: When a company invests in another country to acquire a supplier or distributor for
its products or services.
● For example, a U.S. clothing company might acquire a textile mill in India to produce the fabric
for its clothes.
● Conglomerate FDI: It occurs when a company invests in another country to produce products or
services that are unrelated to its core business.
● For example, a U.S. telecommunications company might invest in a hotel chain in Europe.
IRDAI Grants Policybazaar In-Principle Approval to Upgrade License, Expand into Reinsurance Sales
● PB Fintech announced that insurance regulator Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
(IRDAI) has granted in-principle approval to its wholly owned subsidiary Policybazaar Insurance
Brokers (Policybazaar) to upgrade its license from a direct insurance broker (Life and General) to
a composite insurance broker.
● This approval is expected to pave the way for Policybazaar to sell reinsurance products besides
being a pure play platform focused on insurance buying.
● PB Fintech reported its first-ever net profit of ₹37.2 crore for the quarter ending December 31,
● For the nine months ending December 31, 2023, PB Fintech's net profit stood at ₹4.2 crore.
● PB Fintech’s revenue from operations grew 43 per cent to ₹871 crore in the third quarter ended
December 31, 2023.
About IRDAI :
● Established : 1999
● Headquarters : Hyderabad, Telangana
● Chairperson : Debasish Panda
● The IRDAI is a statutory body under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance (MoF), Government
of India (GoI) and is tasked with regulating and licensing the insurance and reinsurance
industries in India.
Bandhan Bank granted official authority to collect state revenues on behalf of the West Bengal
● Private lender Bandhan Bank has been authorised by the West Bengal government to collect tax
and non-tax receipts on its behalf.
● The mandate will enable the bank to collect revenues through the Government Receipt Portal
System (GRIPS).
● GRIPS is an online internet-based platform for making various tax and non-tax payments to the
West Bengal government.
About Bandhan Bank :
● Founded : 2015
● Headquarters : Kolkata, West Bengal, India
● MD & CEO : Chandra Shekhar Ghosh
PayPal Registers With India’s Financial Intelligence Unit
● US-based online payment gateway PayPal has officially registered its operations with the
Financial Intelligence Unit of India, six years after a legal battle between both entities.
● PTI reported that the company has completed the formal procedure of being designated as a
reporting entity under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) recently and has
submitted the requisite documents to the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU).
● PayPal has also appointed a principal officer to communicate with the FIU, as required by the
anti-money laundering law.
● In December 2020, the federal anti-money laundering agency levied a penalty of INR 96 Lakh
against the global online payments giant, alleging non-compliance with the PMLA by failing to
register as a reporting entity.
● Earlier, PayPal refused to register itself as a reporting entity under the provisions of the PMLA,
arguing that it only operated in India as an Online Payment Gateway Service Provider (OPGSP)
or a payment intermediary, and therefore, does not come under the definition of a payment
system operator under the PMLA provisions.
● The Delhi High Court has set aside a penalty of INR 96 Lakh imposed on online payment major
PayPal by the finance ministry’s Financial Intelligence Unit-India for allegedly violating India’s
anti-money laundering law.
About PayPal:
● Headquarters: California, US
● Founders: Peter Thiel, Max Levchin, Ken Howery, Luke Nosek, Yu Pan
● Founded: December 1998
● President: Dan Schulman
● CEO: Alex Chriss
India Inc raised 15% more via corporate bond issuances in 9M FY24 vis-a-vis year ago period
● In what could be considered as a sign of investment demand gathering steam, India Inc raised
₹80,000 crore more via corporate bond issuances in the first nine months (9M) of FY24 vis-a-vis
a year ago.
● Corporate bond issuances during 2023-24 (from April 1 up to November-end 2023) were 15 per
cent higher year-on-year (yoy) at ₹6.1-lakh crore compared with ₹5.3-lakh crore a year ago, per
RBI data.
● Easing long term yields and relative stability in the bond market amidst a healthy economic
outlook has prompted issuers to raise funds for investments through debt issuances, per an
article “State of the Economy” in RBI’s latest monthly bulletin.
● RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das, in his February 8th bi-monthly monetary policy statement,
observed that investment cycle is gaining steam, aided by sustained thrust on government
capex (capital expenditure); increasing capacity utilisation; rising flow of resources to the
commercial sector; and policy support from schemes such as production linked incentive (PLI).
Corporate Bond:
● A corporate bond is debt issued by a company in order for it to raise capital.
● An investor who buys a corporate bond is effectively lending money to the company in return for
a series of interest payments, but these bonds may also actively trade on the secondary market.
● Corporate bonds are typically seen as somewhat riskier than U.S. government bonds, so they
usually have higher interest rates to compensate for this additional risk.
● The highest quality (and safest, lower yielding) bonds are commonly referred to as "Triple-A"
bonds, while the least creditworthy are termed "junk".
SEBI slaps ₹3-lakh fine on Kotak Alternate Investment Fund
● Market regulator SEBI has levied a penalty of ₹3 lakhs on Kotak Alternate Investment Fund and
its trustees for extending the tenure of its close-ended venture capital fund Kotak SEAF India
beyond the prescribed tenure.
● The corpus of VCF was ₹698 crore and had invested ₹577 crore in 18 portfolio companies.
● Per the first closing of the fund in March 2005, the tenure of the fund was for nine years and
extendable by one year.
● It was supposed to end on March 30, 2015 with a one-year extension.
● However, the fund took three extensions of seven years and it finally closed on March 30, 2022
with a super majority of 75 per cent from investors.
● SEBI ruled that after the maturity of the fund, as per the Private Placement Memorandum, the
trustees have no control over the fund.
About SEBI :
● Established: 12 April 1988 as an executive body and was given statutory powers on 30
January 1992 through the SEBI Act, 1992
● Headquarters: Mumbai, Maharashtra
● Chairman: Madhabi Puri Buch
● SEBI is the regulatory body for securities and commodity markets in India under the
ownership of the Ministry of Finance, Government of India.
GDP growth to moderate to 6.0% in Q3 FY2024, led by agriculture and industry: ICRA
● India’s real GDP growth likely slowed to 6% in the third quarter of this fiscal year, from 7.6% in
Q2, rating firm ICRA stated, citing the uneven monsoon, slowing government capex and flagging
momentum in some indicators, including industrial activity.
● The National Statistical Office, which has estimated GDP growth for 2023-24 at
● 7.3%, will release its national income estimates for Q3 at the end of this month.
● ICRA also expects the economy’s Gross Value Added (GVA) to ease to 6%, from 7.4% in Q2,
with the expansion in agriculture GVA pegged at a mere 0.5% and industrial GVA growth seen
easing to 8.8%, from 13.2% in the preceding quarter.
About ICRA:
● The full form of ICRA is Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency.
● It was founded as an independent & competent investing information and credit score company
by leading banks, financial institutions and financial institutions in 1991.
● The Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency (ICRA) has its headquarters in Gurugram,
RBI Levies Monetary Penalty on Hanamasagar Urban Co-operative Bank Ltd., Karnataka
● The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed a monetary penalty of ₹50,000 on Hanamasagar
Urban Co-operative Bank Limited., Karnataka.
● Reason : Penalty imposed for non-compliance with RBI directions regarding monitoring and
reporting mechanisms for frauds, as well as reporting of frauds on XBRL-FMR submission.
● Legal Basis for Penalty :RBI's action is based on the powers conferred under the provisions of
section 47A(1)(c) read with sections 46(4)(i) and 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
Other Penalties :
● Transport Co-operative Bank Limited., Indore, Madhya Pradesh, faced a monetary penalty of
₹1.00 lakh for non-compliance with RBI's directions on loans and advances to directors, relatives,
and firms/concerns in which they are interested, as well as on investments by cooperative banks.
● Janseva Co-operative Bank Limited, Nashik, Maharashtra, received a penalty of ₹50,000 for
similar non-compliance.
● G P Parsik Sahakari Bank Ltd, Thane, faced a penalty of ₹26.60 lakh for non-compliance with
RBI's directions on customer protection regarding unauthorized electronic banking transactions
and Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account (BSBD Account).
About RBI :
● Established : 1 April 1935
● Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
● Governor : Shaktikanta Das
Paytm Teams Up with Axis Bank for Merchant Payment Settlement Amid Reserve Bank of India's
Actions on Payments Banks
● Paytm has partnered with Axis Bank for the settlement of merchant payments.
● The company issued a release stating that One97 Communications has shifted its nodal account
to Axis Bank via an escrow account that it has opened with it.
● The shift of nodal accounts to Axis Bank will ensure seamless merchant settlements as before.
● According to One97 Communications, the parent company of Paytm, Paytm QR, Soundbox and
card machines will continue to operate seamlessly for all their merchant partners.
● The RBI extended the deadline for Paytm Payments Bank Ltd (PPBL) to stop accepting fresh
deposits and do credit transactions to March 15 from February 29.
● Nodal accounts or nodal bank accounts are special internal bank accounts that are mandated by
the RBI for businesses that are intermediaries, connecting customers to sellers.
● An escrow account is a temporary pass through account held by a third party during the process
of a transaction between two parties.
About Paytm :
● Founded : August 2010
● Headquarters : Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
● Founder & CEO : Vijay Shekhar Sharma
About Axis Bank :
● Established : 3 December 1993
● Headquarters: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
● MD & CEO: Amitabh Chaudhry
● Tagline : Badhti Ka Naam Zindagi
India contributes $1 million to IBSA Fund for poverty and hunger alleviation
● India announced to contribute $1 million to the Poverty and Hunger Alleviation Fund established
by India, Brazil, and South Africa (IBSA).
● The fund is aimed at alleviating poverty and hunger.
● India’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj handed over the
cheque to the Director of the UN Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) Dima Al-Khatib.
● The IBSA countries - India, Brazil and South Africa - each contribute one million dollars annually
to the Fund in a spirit of partnership and support for demand-driven, transformational projects in
developing countries.
● The IBSA Facility for Poverty and Hunger Alleviation (IBSA Fund) was established jointly by
grouping in March 2004 and it became operational in 2006.
● The purpose of the fund is to identify replicable and scalable projects that can be disseminated to
developing countries on a demand-driven basis.
Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Announces Amendments to Trustee Bank (TB)
and Central Recordkeeping Agency (CRA) Regulations to Prioritise Subscriber Protection, Reduce
Compliance Costs, and Improve Business Ease
● The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) has notified the Trustee
Bank (TB) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023 and the Central Recordkeeping Agency (CRA)
(Amendment) Regulations, 2023.
● The amendments to Trustee Bank (TB) Regulations simplify and strengthen the provisions
related to the implementation of fraud prevention and mitigation policy, compensation to the
subscriber, invitation of application for new registration and surrender of certificate of registration.
● Amendments to CRA Regulations simplify and strengthen the provisions related to the
governance of CRA in line with the Companies Act, 2013, and enhanced disclosure of
information by CRA.
What is meant by Trustee Bank?
● Trustee Bank as an intermediary provides day to day banking of the funds and banking facilities
in accordance with the provisions of the guidelines and directions issued by PFRDA.
● The service levels of Trustee banks are monitored by NPS Trust.
About Ministry of Finance :
● Cabinet Minister : Nirmala Sitharaman
● Minister of State : Bhagwat Karad, Pankaj Choudhar
About PFRDA :
● Established : 2003
● Headquarters : New Delhi, Delhi
● Chairman : Deepak Mohanty
● PFRDA is the regulatory body for the overall supervision and regulation of pensions in India.
● It operates under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance in the Government of India.
Japan Pledges ¥232.209 Billion Official Development Assistance Loan for 9 Projects Across Various
Sectors in India
● The Japanese government has committed an Official Development Assistance (ODA) loan of
232.209 billion yen (about Rs 12,800 crore) for 9 projects across various sectors in India.
● The exchange of notes formalizing the loan commitment took place between Mr. Vikas Sheel,
Additional Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India,
and Mr. Suzuki Hiroshi, Ambassador of Japan to India.
● The ODA loan assistance has been committed to:
● The North East Road Network Connectivity Improvement Project (Phase 3) (Tranche II): Dhubri-
Phulbari bridge (JPY 34.54 billion)
● The North East Road Network Connectivity Improvement Project (Phase 7): NH 127B (Phulbari-
Goeragre section) (JPY 15.56 billion)
● The Project for Promoting Start-up and Innovation in Telangana (JPY 23.7 billion)
● The Project for the Construction of Chennai Peripheral Ring Road (Phase 2) (JPY 49.85 billion)
● The Project for Promoting Sustainable Horticulture in Haryana (Tranche I) (JPY 16.21 billion)
● The Project for Climate Change Response and ecosystem Services Enhancement in Rajasthan
(JPY 26.13 billion)
● The Project for the Establishment of the Medical College Hospital at Nagaland Institute of
Medical Sciences and Research, Kohima (JPY 10 billion)
● The Project for the Improvement of Urban Water Supply System in Uttarakhand (JPY 16.21
● The Dedicated Freight Corridor Project (Phase 1) (Tranche V) (JPY 40 billion)
Note :
● India and Japan have had a long and fruitful history of bilateral development cooperation since
About Japan :
● Prime Minister: Fumio Kishida
● Capital: Tokyo
● Currency: Japanese yen
About JICA :
● Established : October 1, 2003
● Headquarters : Tokyo, Japan
● President : Akihiko Tanaka
Alternative Investment Fund Commitments Exceed Rs 10 Trillion for the First Time, Driven by
Increasing Demand from High Net Worth Individuals
● Investment commitments received by Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) have exceeded Rs 10
trillion for the first time, showcasing a significant increase in demand from investors seeking
higher returns compared to traditional investment options.
● Growth Trends: As of December 2023, the investment commitments reached Rs 10.84 trillion,
marking a quarter-on-quarter (Q-o-Q) increase of 13.6% and a year-on-year (Y-o-Y) increase of
over 40%.
What is meant by AIF?
● Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) is a special investment category that differs from conventional
investment instruments.
● It is a privately pooled fund.
● Generally, institutions and HNIs invest in AIFs as substantial investments are required.
● These investment vehicles adhere to the SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012.
● AIFs can be formed as a company, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), trust, etc.
● Resident Indians, Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), and foreign nationals can invest in these funds.
● AIFs come with a minimum lock-in period of 3 years.
● The number of investors in every scheme is restricted to 1000, except angel funds, where the
number of investors goes up to 49.

PhonePe Introduces Indus Appstore to Compete with Google Play Store in India
● Walmart-backed Indian fintech PhonePe launched its app store for Android called Indus
Appstore, becoming the first Indian rival to Google’s Play Store.
● PhonePe has informed us that no app listing fees will be charged for one year, until 1 April 2025,
for developers.
● Indus App Store allows Indian consumers to download over 2 lakh mobile apps and games,
across 45 categories.
● Users will be able to discover these apps conveniently in 12 Indian languages, thereby catering
to 95% of Indians’ language preferences.
About Phonepe :
● Founded : 2015
● Headquarters : Bangalore, Karnataka
● CEO : Sameer Nigam
RBI Report: Local Taxes and Fees Contribute 1.1% to Panchayats' Total Revenue
● According to a report by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Local taxes and fees contribute only
1.1% to Panchayats' total revenue.
● Non-Tax Revenue Composition: Non-tax revenue, primarily from Panchayati Raj programs and
interest earnings, makes up 3.3% of the total revenue receipts.
● States with Higher Non-Tax Revenue: States like Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra,
and Telangana reported higher non-tax revenue compared to others, as per the RBI report.
● Limited Own Revenue: Own revenues of Panchayats, generated through local taxes, fees, and
charges, constitute only 1.1% of their total revenue
● Ratio of Revenue Receipts: The ratio of Panchayats' revenue receipts to states' revenues varies,
ranging from 0.1% in Andhra Pradesh to 2.5% in Uttar Pradesh.
● Utilization of eGramSwaraj Platform: Over 2.5 lakh Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) utilize the
eGramSwaraj platform for accounting purposes as of September 2023.
About eGramSwaraj Platform:
● Introduced : 2020
● eGramSwaraj serves as a simplified, work-based accounting application for PRIs, addressing
various aspects of Panchayat operations including planning, accounting, budgeting, and online
payments through the eGramSwaraj-PFMS interface.
Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Announces Revisions to National Pension
System Trust (NPST) and Pension Fund Regulations to Enhance Governance
● The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) has notified the National
Pension System Trust (Second Amendment) Regulations 2023 and Pension Fund (Amendment)
Regulations 2023 .
● The amendments to NPS Trust Regulations aim to simplify various provisions related to the
appointment of Trustees, their terms and conditions, conducting Board meetings, and the
appointment of the CEO of NPS Trust.
● Amendments to Pension Fund Regulations aim to simplify governance provisions aligning with
the Companies Act, 2013, and enhance disclosure requirements by Pension Funds.
● The above amendments are in line with the Union Budget 2023-24 announcement to review
regulations to reduce the cost of compliance and enhance the ease of doing business.
HDFC Bank Successfully Raises $300 Million through Inaugural Sustainable Finance Bond Issue
● Largest private sector lender HDFC Bank has raised $300 million in its maiden sustainable
finance bond issue.
● The country's biggest private lender by market capitalisation priced its three-year sustainability
bond at a yield of 5.196%.
● This is 95 basis points (bps) over the 3-year U.S. Treasury yield, sharply lower than the initial
guidance of a 125-bps spread.
● The money raised is part of the $750 million bond-raise that will be listed on the GIFT City.
About HDFC Bank :
● Founded : 1st July 2023 (via the merger between HDFC-HDFC bank)
● Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
● MD & CEO : Sashidhar Jagdishan
● Tagline : We Understand Your World
State Bank of India Funds Appeals to Reserve Bank of India for Increase in Industry's Overseas
Investment Limit
● SBI Funds Management, India's largest fund house with assets under management (AUM) of
₹8.51-lakh crore, has approached the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to increase the overseas
investment limit due to growing investor interest and India's comfortable forex position.
● Current Limit: According to current RBI rules, domestic mutual funds can invest up to $7 billion in
overseas stocks, with an additional $1 billion allowed in exchange-traded funds.
● Limit Set in 2007-08: The current investment limit for the industry was established in 2007-08 and
has not been revised despite significant economic growth and a substantial increase in investor
appetite over the years.
● Forex Reserve Growth: When the $7 billion limit was set, India's forex reserves were around
$300 billion.
● However, the forex reserves have more than doubled since then, reaching $600 billion.
Reserve Bank of India Directs National Payments Corporation of India to Assess Potential Third-Party
Application Provider Status for Paytm Parent Company; Unveils Supplementary Measures
● The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked the National Payment Council of India (NPCI) to
examine the request of One97 Communications’ (OCL), which owns Paytm, to become a Third-
Party Application Provider (TPAP) for continued Unified Payments Interface operation of the
Paytm application.
● Importance of TPAP Approval : A TPAP approval is mandatory to provide UPI-based payment
transactions to customers.
● Currently, all UPI transactions on the Paytm app are being routed through Paytm Payments Bank
(PPBL), an associate company of OCL, which is registered as TPAP.
● RBI Directive on PPBL Operations : As the RBI has asked the PPBL to shut its operations by
March 15, 2024, there will be no TPAP registration for the Paytm app to be able to provide UPI
payment services.
● Definition and Role of TPAP : A Third-Party Application Provider is an entity that provides the UPI
compliant app(s) to the end-user customers to facilitate UPI-based payment transactions.
● These applications could be mobile wallets, merchant apps, or any other platform that utilises
UPI for payments.
● Current NPCI-Approved TPAPs : Currently, there are 22 NPCI-approved 3rd party Unified
Payments Interface (UPI) apps that can be used to send and receive money from other UPI
users by using UPI IDs.
Reserve Bank of India Permits Authorized Fintech Entities to Issue Prepaid Wallets and Cards for
Public Transport Systems
● The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed banks and non-banks to issue prepaid payment
instruments (PPIs) specifically for public transit services, including metro, buses, rail, waterways,
tolls, and parking.
● Amendment of Guidelines: The regulator has amended the guidelines for PPIs for mass transit
systems (MTS), stating that such PPIs can be issued without the need for a "know your
customer" (KYC) verification of the holder.
● Scope of Usage: These PPIs, known as PPI-MTS, can be used across various modes of public
transport immediately, including metro, buses, rail, waterways, tolls, and parking.
● Account Limitations: While these PPI accounts may be reloadable, the outstanding amount
cannot exceed ₹3,000 at any given time.
● Additionally, no cash withdrawal, refund, or funds transfer will be permitted.
● Validity and Regulation: The amended guidelines specify that these PPIs will have perpetual
● Definition of PPIs: PPIs are instruments that facilitate various transactions such as purchases of
goods and services, financial services, and remittance facilities against the stored value in them.
RBI Issues 2024 Master Direction on Filing Supervisory Returns
● The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has consolidated all relevant instructions regarding Supervisory
Returns into a single Master Direction.
● Objective : To create a unified reference for all Supervisory Returns and to streamline the
timelines for their filing.
● Legal Authority:The issuance of this Master Direction is in exercise of powers conferred under
various sections of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, as well as other relevant banking and
financial regulations.
● Legal Basis:This action is taken under sub section (2) of section 27 and section 35A of the
Banking Regulation Act, 1949, among other legal provisions.
● Applicability : These Directions shall apply to the following entities:
➢ All Commercial Banks excluding Regional Rural Banks. Commercial Banks include Public Sector
Banks (PSBs), Private Sector Banks (PVBs), Small Finance Banks (SFBs), Payment Banks
(PBs), Local Area Banks (LABs) and Foreign Banks (FBs).
➢ All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks.
➢ Select All India Financial Institutions (Exim Bank, NABARD, NHB, SIDBI and NABFID).
➢ All Non-Banking Financial Companies [excluding Housing Finance Companies (HFCs)] and all
Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs).
Timelines for filing of Returns :

Periodicity Reference Date Timeline for Return


Weekly Friday of the week On or before Wednesday

of the following week

Fortnightly 15th and Last day (28th/ 29th/ 30th/ Within 7 days from the
31st) of the respective month Reference Date

Monthly Last day (28th/ 29th/ 30th/ 31st) of a Within 15 days from the
respective month Reference Date

Quarterly Last day of the Calendar Quarter Within 21 days from the
(i.e., March 31st, June 30th, Reference Date
September 30th, and December

Half yearly March 31st, and September 30th Within 21 days from the
Reference Date

Yearly March 31st Within 21 days from the

Reference Date

1) All audited returns, wherever applicable, shall be filed within 5 working days
from the date of signing of the Auditor’s report in terms of section 134 of the
Companies Act, 2013 (solo/ group level as per applicability of the return), as
2) All ad-hoc returns/ data must be submitted within the timelines as indicated
in the communication issued by the RBI.
Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Introduces Amendments to Retirement Adviser
(RA) Regulations to Enhance Good Governance and Simplify Compliance

● The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) has issued amendments to
the Retirement Adviser (RA) Regulations, 2023.

● Aim : To simplify eligibility criteria and registration processes, streamline timelines, and eliminate
the requirement of security deposits to promote Ease of Doing Business.

Key Amendments:
● Expansion of Eligibility: Non-individual applicants regulated by other financial regulators are now
eligible to apply.
● Removal of Security Deposit: The necessity of submitting security deposits has been eliminated.
● Timely Disposal: Applications are to be processed and disposed of within 30 days of submission.
● These amendments are in accordance with the directives outlined in the Union Budget 2023-24
to review regulations, reduce compliance costs, and enhance the Ease of Doing Business

RBI Levies Penalties Totaling Nearly Rs 3 Crore on SBI, Canara Bank, and City Union Bank
● The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed penalties totalling nearly Rs 3 crore on State Bank
of India (SBI), Canara Bank, City Union Bank (CUB), and Ocean Capital Market Limited for
various violations of regulatory norms.

● In each case, the RBI stated that the penalties are based on the deficiencies in regulatory
compliance and are not intended to pronounce upon the validity of any transaction or agreement
entered into by the entities with their customers.

Penalty Amounts:
● SBI: Penalty of Rs 2 crore.
● City Union Bank: Penalty of Rs 66 lakh.
● Canara Bank: Penalty of Rs 32.30 lakh.
● Ocean Capital Market Ltd: Penalty of Rs 16 lakh.

RBI Promotes Financial Literacy for Securing Individuals' Financial Future

● The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has been propagating financial literacy in various forms,
recognizing its crucial role in securing individuals' financial future.
● By promoting financial literacy, RBI aims to empower people with knowledge of basic financial
concepts and enable them to make well-informed decisions, understand the importance of
saving and investing, and navigate the digital financial landscape with confidence.
● Eligibility Criteria:The competition is open to all postgraduate students (excluding doctoral and
postdoctoral students) currently enrolled in recognized educational institutions.
● Submission Requirements:Participants are required to submit an ideation paper on the subject
‘Money Matters for Young Adults: Rethinking Outreach Strategies’.
● The RBI's Public Awareness Campaign 'RBI Kehta Hai' plays a significant role in educating the
public about banking facilities and services. It focuses on informing individuals about their rights
and responsibilities among other relevant topics.


Names of ‘Indira’ and ‘Nargis’ Dropped From National Film Awards
● The ‘Indira Gandhi Award for Best Debut Film of a Director’ and the ‘Nargis Dutt Award for Best
Feature Film on National Integration’, which are part of the National Film Awards, have been
renamed on the recommendation of the Committee for Rationalisation of Film Awards.
● The committee recommended that the ‘Indira Gandhi Award for Best Debut Film of a Director’ be
renamed as ‘Best Debut Film of a Director’, and the award money be increased to Rs 3 lakh.
● The committee recommended that it be clubbed with ‘Best Film on Social Issues and Best Film on
Environment Conservation/Preservation’.
● The award amount has been increased to Rs 2 lakh each to the director and producer.
● The Dadasaheb Phalke Award has increased from Rs 10 lakh to Rs 15 lakh.
69th Hyundai Filmfare Awards 2024 with Gujarat Tourism
● The 69th Hyundai Filmfare Awards 2024 was held in Gujarat in partnership with Gujarat Tourism.
● The awards honour the art of movie-making, acting, dialogue writing and music.
● It is the biggest award show in the Hindi film industry.
List Of Winners
● Best Film (Popular)- 12th Fail
● Best Film (Critics)- Joram
● Best Director- Vidhu Vinod Chopra (12th Fail)
● Best Actor In A Leading Role- Ranbir Kapoor (Animal)
● Best Actor (Critics)- Vikrant Massey (12th Fail)
● Best Actor In A Leading Role (Female)- Alia Bhatt (Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani)
● Best Actress Critics- Shefali Shah (Three Of Us), Rani Mukerji (Mrs Chaterjee Vs Norway)
● Best Actor In A Supporting Role (Male)- Vicky Kaushal (Dunki)
● Best Actress In A Supporting Role- Shabana Azmi (Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani)
About the Filmfare awards
● The Filmfare Awards are annual awards that honour artistic and technical excellence in the Hindi-
language film industry of India.
● The Filmfare ceremony is one of the most famous film events in India.
● The Filmfare Awards, introduced in 1954, has been a symbol of excellence in the film domain.
● The film "Black" (2005) holds the record for winning the maximum number of Filmfare awards in a
single year, securing 11 awards across various categories.
At the IIT Madras CSR Summit, REC was given the "Innovative Technology Development Award" for
their 2 MW rooftop solar plant.
● REC Limited, a Maharatna Central Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Power and a
leading NBFC, has been honoured with the 'Innovative Technology Development Award' at the
'Building India 2047: Technology for Better Tomorrow', an IIT Madras Corporate Social
Responsibility Summit.
● The award has been conferred in recognition of REC's CSR initiative of installation of 2 MW rooftop
solar plant at IIT Madras.
● REC Limited has been recognized for its CSR activities with several prestigious awards, including
the Global CSR Leadership Awards in 2023 and the PSE Excellence Award for CSR in 2023.

Shankar Mahadevan and Zakir Hussain Bag Best Global Music Album Grammy Awards for 'This
• Prominent Indian musicians Shankar Mahadevan and Zakir Hussain's fusion band Shakti bagged
the prestigious Grammy award.
• They clinched the award in the Best Global Music Album category for their latest album This
• Meanwhile, Zakir Hussain also bagged the Grammy in the Best Global Music Performance
category for his contribution to Pashto alongside Bela Fleck and Edgar Meyer, featuring Rakesh
• The 66th Annual Grammy Awards 2024 are being held at Arena in Los Angeles
REC was awarded the Best Corporate Green Bond at The Asset Triple A Awards for Sustainable
Finance 2024.
• REC Limited, a Maharatna Central Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Power and a
leading NBFC, has been bestowed with the prestigious Best Green Bond - Corporate Award at
The Asset Triple A Awards for Sustainable Finance 2024.
• REC received the award for issuance of $750 million USD Green Bonds in April 2023 which was
also the first USD Green Bond issuance from India post India’s assumption of G20 Presidency
and the largest ever Senior Green Bond Tranche by a South or South-East Asian issuer.
Prof Aditi Sen De becomes the first woman scientist to win the G D Birla Award.
● Prof Aditi Sen De becomes the first woman scientist to win the G D Birla Award.
● In a ground-breaking moment for Indian science, Prof. Aditi Sen De has been awarded the
prestigious G. D. Birla Award for Scientific Research for the year 2023.
● The award, established in 1991, recognises exceptional scientific research conducted by Indian
scientists below the age of 50.
● The G. D. Birla Award, carrying a cash prize of Rs 5 lakhs, is a testament to Prof. Aditi Sen De's
exceptional contributions to the scientific community.

Shashi Tharoor conferred France’s highest civilian honour

● Shashi Tharoor has been given France’s highest civilian honour.
● The highest civilian honour bestowed by France, the Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur France, was
given to Shashi Tharoor.
● He was awarded the honour in August 2022, but a formal conferring took place on 20 February
● He is the current Chairman of the Standing Committee on Chemicals and Fertilizers.
● He was awarded by the World Economic Forum as "Global Leader of Tomorrow".

Indira Gandhi, Nargis Dutt's names dropped from National Film Awards categories
● The Ministry of Information & Broadcasting (I&B) has dropped the names of former Prime
Minister Indira Gandhi and late actor Nargis Dutt from the National Film Awards.
● The ‘Indira Gandhi Award for Best Debut Film of a director’ will now be simply called ‘Best Debut
Film of a Director’.
● Indira’s name became associated with the award during the 28th National Film Awards in 1980.
● Moreover, the ‘Nargis Dutt Award for Best Feature Film on National Integration’ has become the
‘Best Feature Film Promoting National, Social and Environmental Values’.
● The awards were first presented in 1954 by the Government of India with an aim “to honour films
made across India, on a national scale, to encourage the furthering of Indian art and culture”.


Jay Shah Reappointed as Chairman of the Asian Cricket Council for 3rd Consecutive Year by the Board
of Control for Cricket in India
• The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) secretary Jay Shah was appointed as president
of the Asian Cricket Council (ACC) for a third consecutive term.
• His extension for another year was unanimously approved at the ACC Annual General Meeting
(AGM) in Bali, as he was in the midst of the second year of his second two-year term as the ACC
About ACC :
• Established : 1983
• Headquarters : Colombo, Sri Lanka.
• Asian Cricket Council is a cricket organisation that currently consists of 25 member associations.
• It is subordinate to the International Cricket Council.

Sultan Ibrahim Officially Assumes Role as Malaysia's 17th King

• Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar, a billionaire from the southern state of Johor, was appointed Malaysia's
17th king.
• He succeeded Al-Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah, who would return to lead his home state
of Pahang at the end of his five-year tenure as king.
• In the presence of other royal families, PM Anwar Ibrahim, and cabinet members, Ibrahim
Iskandar took the oath of office at the National Palace in Kuala Lumpur and signed the document
of the proclamation of office in a ceremony.
About Malaysia :
• Prime Minister : Anwar Ibrahim
• Capital : Kuala Lumpur
• Currency : Malaysian ringgit
Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh becomes the brand ambassador and investor of boAt
• Leading audio wearable brand boAt has roped in actor Ranveer Singh as the brand ambassador,
and he has also invested an undisclosed amount in the company, becoming a key stakeholder in
the company.

Kavita Sahai becomes 1st woman Lt General to command Lucknow's Army medical college
• Lieutenant General Kavita Sahai became the first woman to be appointed as the Commandant of
Army Medical Corps Centre and College in Lucknow.
• Lieutenant General Sahai is an alumnus of Armed Forces Medical College in Pune and was
commissioned in the Army Medical Corps in 1986.
• She completed her Doctor of Medicine in Pathology in 1994 and completed her Diplomate of
National Board in Pathology in 1997 from AFMC in Pune.
Justice P S Dinesh Kumar Sworn in as Chief Justice of Karnataka High Court
• Justice P.S. Dinesh Kumar was appointed Chief Justice (CJ) of the Karnataka High Court (HC).
• He holds the position as an acting Chief Justice following the elevation of Justice P.B. Varale to the
Supreme Court.
• Justice Kumar's tenure is short-lived as he is set to retire on February 24, 2024
• The notification issued in this regard stated that, in the exercise of the power conferred by clause
(1) of Article 217 of the Constitution of India.
• The Supreme Court Collegium had recommended his name to the government on January 19.

Pawan Kumar Takes Charge as Chief Adviser (Cost) at Ministry of Finance's Department of
• Shri Pawan Kumar, ICoAS (Indian Cost Accounts Service), has assumed the role of Chief Adviser
(Cost) following approval from the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC).
• He has been appointed to the position of Chief Adviser (Cost) at Level-17, which is an apex level
position within the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance.
About Ministry of Finance :
• Cabinet Minister : Nirmala Sitharaman
• Minister of State : Bhagwat Karad, Pankaj Choudhar

JMM's Champai Soren takes oath as Jharkhand CM

• Champai Soren, a senior leader of the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM), took oath as the seventh
chief minister of Jharkhand, succeeding party chairperson Hemant Soren, who was arrested by the
Enforcement Directorate (ED).
• This was after Jharkhand governor CP Radhakrishnan, in a late-night development, invited the
loyalist of JMM leader Hemant Soren to Raj Bhavan to form the government.
• Champai Soren has also been asked to demonstrate his majority in a floor test, to be held within
the next 10 days.
About Jharkhand:
• Governor: C. P. Radhakrishnan
• Chief minister: Champai Soren
• Capital: Ranchi
• National Park : Betla National Park, Palamu Tiger Reserve
• Wildlife Sanctuaries: Udhwa Wildlife Sanctuary, Parasnath Wildlife Sanctuary, Palkot Wildlife
Sanctuary, Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary, Gautam Budha Wildlife Sanctuary, Mahuadanr Wildlife


• Vice Admiral Lochan Singh Pathania assumed charge as the Chief Hydrographer to the Govt. of
India on 01 Feb 24.
• Commissioned in the Executive branch of the Indian Navy in 1990, he is a Hydrography Specialist.
• The Flag Officer has commanded IN Ships Darshak and Sandhayak.
• During his career spanning more than three decades he carried out hydrographic surveys across
the entire stretch of the country and in IOR including challenging task of data collection for IMBL
arbitration and for the production of new chart in Sundarbans delta.

Government appoints Members of the 16th Finance Commission

• The government has appointed four members of the Sixteenth Finance Commission, with the
approval of the President of India.
• Former Secretary Ajay Narayan Jha, former Special Secretary, Expenditure Annie George
Mathew, Executive Director, Artha Global Dr Niranjan Rajadhyaksha have been appointed as
full-time members.
• Group Chief Economic Advisor of State Bank of India, Dr. Soumya Kanti Ghosh has been
appointed as part-time member.
Union Sports Ministry issues strict warning to suspended WFI president Sanjay Singh
• The Union Sports Ministry has issued a strict warning to the suspended Wrestling Federation of
India (WFI) president Sanjay Singh, over the committee's claims regarding the recognition from
the government as well as absolutely baseless and mischievous claims of holding competitions.
• Sanjay had previously stated that the WFI will conduct the Senior National Wrestling
Championship 2023 at Pune, Maharashtra from January 29 to 31.
IRS Officer Narendra Kumar Yadav Named Brand Ambassador for Fit India Movement
• Indian Revenue Service (IRS) officer Narendra Kumar Yadav, Additional Director of Goods and
Service Tax (GST), has been appointed as the new brand ambassador of The Fit India movement,
a flagship initiative by the Government of India.
• He is one of the youngest Indian Revenue Service (IRS) officers.
• He became the first civil servant to be chosen as the brand ambassador of the Fit India Movement.
About FIT India Movement :
• FIT India Movement was launched on 29th August 2019 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
• The main aim of the mission is to bring about behavioural changes and move towards a more
physically active lifestyle.
• Its main aim is to spread awareness about fitness through focused campaigns.
National Payments Corporation of India Names Ajay Kumar Choudhary as Non-Executive Chairman of
• The National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) announced the appointment of Ajay Kumar
Choudhary as non-executive chairman of the Board and independent director for 3 years starting
February 8, 2024.
• Choudhary has replaced Biswamohan Mahapatra, who was appointed non-executive chairman in
About NPCI :
• Founded : 2008
• Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra.
• Managing Director (MD) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) : Dilip Asbe
• NPCI is an umbrella organisation handling retail payments and settlement systems in India.

Apurva Chandra Assumes Role as Health Secretary, Sanjay Jaju Takes Over as Information and
Broadcasting Secretary
• Information and Broadcasting Secretary Apurva Chandra has been appointed as the Secretary,
Department of Health & Family Welfare.
• Meanwhile, senior bureaucrat Sanjay Jaju has been appointed as the new Information and
Broadcasting Secretary, in place of Apurva Chandra.
• Sukhbir Singh Sandhu, a retired 1988-batch IAS officer from the Uttarakhand cadre, has been
appointed as the Secretary to the anti-corruption ombudsman Lokpal on a contract basis for one
• Ashish Kumar Bhutani, a 1992-batch IAS officer from the Assam-Meghalaya cadre, is now the
Secretary of the Ministry of Cooperation.

Olzhas Bektenov Assumes Role as Kazakhstan's Prime Minister

• Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev signed a decree appointing Olzhas Bektenov as the
new Prime Minister (PM) of Kazakhstan.
• Olzhas Bektenov, aged 43, succeeded Alikhan Smailov as the PM of Kazakhstan.
• Olzhas Bektenov is the youngest Prime Minister (PM) in the history of Kazakhstan.
About Kazakhstan :
• Capital : Astana
• Currency : Tenge

Tata Digital Names Naveen Tahilyani as CEO & MD after Pratik Pal Resigns
• Naveen Tahilyani has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Managing
Director (MD) of Tata Sons' subsidiary Tata Digital.
• On February 19,2024 he assumed the new position.
• He will succeed Pratik Pal, who was instrumental in the launch of the company's super app, Tata
Yemen Names Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak as New Prime Minister
• Yemen's Presidential Leadership Council appointed its foreign minister Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak
as the country's new prime minister.
• He replaced Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed, who was Yemen’s premier since 2018.
• Outgoing PM Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed will take on the role of an advisor to the Chairman of the
Presidential Leadership Council
• Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak has served as the former Yemeni ambassador to the United States
About Yemen :
• Capital : Sanaa
• Currency : Yemeni rial

LIC Mutual Fund Asset Management Appoints Ravi Kumar Jha as MD & CEO
• LIC Mutual Fund Asset Management announced the appointment of Ravi Kumar Jha as its
Management Director (MD) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) .
• Jha, with a distinguished career and prior association with LIC, comes with a track record of over
30 years in handling diverse positions and he was serving as Executive Director - Corporate
Strategy till December 2023.
• His previous roles include Executive Director Corporate Strategy – LIC Mutual Fund Asset
Management and various positions at LIC of India.
Asian Development Bank Names Mio Oka as Country Director for India
• The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has appointed Mio Oka as its new Country Director for India,
succeeding Takeo Konishi, who has been promoted to the position of ADB Director General for
South Asia at the Manila headquarters.
• Responsibilities of the Country Director : Mio Oka will be responsible for steering ADB operations
in India and nurturing relationships with the government and other development partners in the
• Oka will lead the implementation of ADB's country partnership strategy for India spanning from
2023 to 2027.
Vivek Kumar Gupta Assumes Role as Managing Director of National High-Speed Rail Corporation
• Vivek Kumar Gupta, an officer of the Indian Railway Service of Engineers (IRSE) 1988 batch,
assumed the position of Managing Director at the National High-Speed Rail Corporation Ltd
• He succeeds Shri Rajendra Prasad who has served as MD of NHSRCL since July 2022.
• Gupta, with an illustrious career, has held various senior positions in both the Central and Western
Railways. His responsibilities included serving as Chief Administrative Officer (Construction), Chief
Track Engineer, Chief Bridge Engineer, and Divisional Railway Manager (DRM).
About NHSRCL :
• Founded : 12 February 2016
• Headquarters : Delhi
• It was incorporated to manage the High-Speed Rail Corridor in India.
• It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Indian Railways, Ministry of Railways, Government of India.

Ranjeet Kumar Agarwal was Elected as President and Charanjot Singh Nanda as Vice President of the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
● The chartered accountants' apex body Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
(ICAI) announced that Ranjeet Kumar Agarwal and Charanjot Singh Nanda have been elected as
President and Vice President of the institute, respectively.
● Both have been elected by the institute's central council for the 2024-25 term.
About ICAI :
● Established : 1 July 1949
● Headquarters : New Delhi, Delhi
● The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is a statutory body set up by an Act of
Parliament under the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 for the regulation and development of the
profession of Chartered Accountancy in India.
● The Institute, functions under the administrative supervision of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs,
Government of India.
● With over 8.5 lakh students and around 4 lakh members, ICAI is the largest professional
accountancy body in the world, with a strong tradition of service to the nation.
● The affairs of the ICAI are managed by a Council by the provisions of the Chartered Accountants
Act, 1949 and the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988.
● The Council consists of 40 members of whom 32 are elected by the Chartered Accountants and
the remaining 8 are nominated by the Central Government generally representing the
Comptroller and Auditor General of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Ministry of Finance,
Securities and Exchange Board of India and other stakeholders.
Mr. Sanjay Kumar Jain Takes Charge as Chairman and Managing Director of Indian Railway Catering
and Tourism Corporation Limited
● Mr. Sanjay Kumar Jain, an Indian Railway Traffic Services (IRTS) Officer of the 1990 batch has
taken over the charge of Chairman & Managing Director of Indian Railway Catering and Tourism
Corporation Ltd (IRCTC).
About IRCTC :
● Founded : 27 September 1999
● Headquarters : New Delhi, Delhi
● IRCTC is an Indian public sector undertaking that provides ticketing, catering, and tourism
services for the state-owned Indian Railways.
● It was established by the Government of India and operated under the administrative control of
the Ministry of Railways.
Virendra Bansal Assumes Role as Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer of SBI Capital Markets
● Virendra Bansal has been appointed as the new Managing Director and chief Executive Officer of
SBI Capital Markets (SBICAPS), the wholly-owned subsidiary and investment banking arm of
State Bank of India (SBI).
● He replaces Rajay Kumar Sinha, who has been appointed as the Whole Time Member (Finance
and Investment) of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) for 3
years in January 2024.
● Prior to his appointment as SBICAPS’ chief, Bansal was the Country Head for SBI’s US
Operations, which includes its offices in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Sao Paulo and
Washington DC.
About SBI Capital Markets :
● Founded : August 1986
● Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra
● SBI Capital Markets (SBICAPS) is a wholly-owned investment banking subsidiary of State Bank
of India (SBI)
Ex Finnish Prime Minister Alexander Stubb Becomes Finland's 13th President
● Former Prime Minister of Finland Alexander Stubb became the 13th President of Finland.
● Stubb received 51.7% of the vote while his Green Party rival, former Foreign Minister Pekka
Haavisto, received 48.4%.
● On 1 March 2024 Mr Stubb will officially assume office, replacing Sauli Niinisto.
Note :
● This is the first election after Finland joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
military alliance.
● In April 2023, Finland officially became the 31st member of the Washington-led alliance.
● The head of Finland is in charge of foreign and security affairs and is the commander-in-chief of
the country's armed forces.
About Finland :
● Prime Minister : Petteri Orpo
● Capital : Helsinki
● Currency : Euro

SBM Bank India appoints veteran banker Ashish Vijayakar as Managing Director & Chief Executive
● SBM Bank India announced the appointment of Ashish Vijayakar as the Managing Director &
Chief Executive Officer (MD & CEO) of the Bank for 3 years.
● This appointment has been made as per the approval accorded by the Reserve Bank of India
● He Succeeds Sidharth Rath, who resigned from the post of MD & CEO of SBM Bank India in
November 2023.
About SBM Bank India :
● Established : 2018
● Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra
● Chairman : Sattar Hajee Abdoula
● SBM Bank India is the first bank to receive a universal banking licence from the Reserve Bank of
India to set up and operate as a scheduled commercial bank under the wholly-owned subsidiary
(WOS) mode offering banking services in India.
Pradeep Kumar Sinha Appointed as Non-Executive Part-time Chairman of ICICI Bank
● Pradeep Kumar Sinha is set to assume the role of Non-Executive Part-time Chairman of ICICI
Bank following the conclusion of G. C. Chaturvedi's term.
● Sinha's appointment will take effect from July 1, 2024, or upon approval from the Reserve Bank
of India (RBI), whichever occurs later, ensuring a smooth transition in leadership.
● He will serve in this capacity until February 16, 2029, filling the vacancy created by the retirement
of Mr. Chaturvedi, highlighting the long-term commitment to leadership stability.
About ICICI Bank :
● Founded : 5 January 1994
● Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra
● MD & CEO : Sandeep Bakhshi
Government appoints new chairman for Bank of India, Indian Overseas and UCO Bank
● The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) has made several key appointments. These
appointments have been announced by the Department of Personnel & Training in accordance
with the decisions made by the ACC.

Appointment of M R Kumar as Chairman of Bank of India (BOI):

● The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) has appointed M R Kumar, former LIC
Chairman, as the part-time non-official Director and non-executive Chairman of Bank of India
● M R Kumar has been appointed as the Chairman of BOI for a term of three years.

Appointment of Srinivasan Sridhar as Chairman of Indian Overseas Bank (IOB):

● The ACC has appointed Srinivasan Sridhar as the part-time non-official Director and non-
executive Chairman on the Board of Indian Overseas Bank (IOB).
● Sridhar has been appointed for a term of three years, with the condition that he resigns from the
Board of Bank of Baroda.

Appointment of Aravamudan Krishna Kumar as Chairman of UCO Bank:

● The ACC has appointed Aravamudan Krishna Kumar as the part-time non-official Director and
non-executive Chairman on the Board of UCO Bank.
● Kumar has been appointed for a term of three years, subject to his resignation from the Board of
Suraksha Asset Reconstruction Limited, as per the order issued by the Department of Personnel
& Training.
Lieutenant General Upendra Dwivedi Assumes Role as Vice Chief of Army Staff, Succeeding
Lieutenant General MV Suchindra Kumar
● Lieutenant General Upendra Dwivedi has assumed the appointment of the Vice Chief of the
Army Staff.
● On assumption of appointment, Lieutenant General Upendra Dwivedi laid wreath at the National
War Memorial and was accorded Guard of Honour at the South Block Lawns.
● He took over as the Vice Chief of the Army Staff from Lieutenant General MV Suchindra Kumar,
who now has been appointed as the General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Northern Command.
● Prior to taking over as the Vice Chief of the Army Staff, Lieutenant General Upendra Dwivedi was
appointed General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Northern Command from 2022-2024 in an
extremely challenging operational environment.
India-born Economist Geeta Batra Appointed as World Bank's Global Environment Facility’s First
Female Director
● Geeta Batra, a distinguished economist born in India (New Delhi), has been appointed as the
Director of the Independent Evaluation Office of the World Bank's Global Environment Facility
● She is the first woman from a developing country to hold this position.
● Her nomination for the role received unanimous approval during the 66th GEF Council Meeting in
Washington on February 9, 2024.
● Batra currently serves as the Chief Evaluator & Deputy Director for Evaluation at the GEF's
Independent Evaluation Office, affiliated with the World Bank.
About GEF :
● The GEF has been a significant player in the environmental sector since the Rio Earth Summit in
1992, providing substantial grants and co-financing for projects addressing global environmental
● It is a multilateral environmental fund that provides grants and blended finance for projects
related to biodiversity, climate change, international waters, land degradation, persistent organic
pollutants (POPs), mercury, sustainable forest management, food security, and sustainable cities
in developing countries.
Maryam Nawaz Makes History as the First Female Chief Minister of a Pakistani Province
● Maryam Nawaz, a senior leader of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) party and
daughter of three-time former Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif, became the first woman
Chief Minister of Punjab province.
● She won the chief ministerial elections amidst a walkout by lawmakers of former prime minister
Imran Khan's party-backed Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC).
● Maryam Nawaz defeated Rana Aftab of the PTI-backed SIC to win the chief ministerial elections
for the politically crucial Punjab province, home to 120 million people.
● She won after receiving 220 votes in the 371-member Punjab Assembly.
About Punjab :
● Governor : Banwarilal Purohit
● Capital : Chandigarh
● National Park : Abohar National Park, Mahendra Zoological Park, Jhajjar Bachauli National Park
Judge Nawaf Salam of Lebanon Elected President of the International Court of Justice for 3-Year Term
● Judge Nawaf Salam (Lebanon) was elected President of the International Court of Justice by his
peers, for a term of 3 years.
● Before joining the Court, President Salam was Ambassador and Permanent Representative of
Lebanon to the United Nations in New York from July 2007 to December 2017.
About ICJ :
● The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations.
● It was established by the United Nations Charter in June 1945 and began its activities in April
● The Court is composed of 15 judges elected for a nine-year term by the General Assembly and
the Security Council of the United Nation.
● The seat of the Court is at the Peace Palace in The Hague (Netherlands).
● The Court has a twofold role: first, to settle, in accordance with international law, legal disputes
submitted to it by States; and, second, to give advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it
by duly authorised United Nations organs and agencies of the system.
President Murmu appoints former SC judge Justice AM Khanwilkar as Chairperson of Lokpal
● Former Supreme Court judge A M Khanwilkar was appointed as the chairperson of the anti-
corruption ombudsman Lokpal nearly 2 years after the post fell vacant.
● The Lokpal has been working without its regular chief after Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose
completed his term on May 27, 2022.
● Justice Pradip Kumar Mohanty, a judicial member of the Lokpal, is currently the acting
About Lokpal :
● The Lokpal was established under the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act of 2013.
● Its primary task is to inquire and investigate allegations of corruption against public functionaries
covered under the Lokpal Act.
● According to a notification from Rashtrapati Bhawan, several appointments have been made to
the Lokpal:
● Judicial Members: Justice Lingappa Narayana Swamy, Justice Sanjay Yadav, and Justice Ritu
Raj Awasthi.
● Non-Judicial Members: Sushil Chandra, Pankaj Kumar, and Ajay Tirkey.
● While Sushil Chandra is a former chief election commissioner, Awasthi is currently the
chairperson of the law commission.
● Appointment Process : The chairperson and members of the Lokpal are appointed by the
President after obtaining the recommendations of a Selection Committee having the prime
minister as its chairperson.
● Composition of Lokpal : Apart from a chairperson, the Lokpal can have 8 members -4 judicial and
4 non-judicial.


NTPC and Oil India Limited’s Numaligarh Refinery Limited to build strategic partnership in Green
Chemicals and Green Projects
• NTPC Limited, India’s largest integrated power utility, has signed a non-binding MoU with
Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL), for partnership opportunities in the proposed bamboo-based
Bio-Refinery at NTPC Bongaigaon and other green projects.
• NRL is a subsidiary of Oil India Limited, which is engaged in the business of refining and
marketing of petroleum products.
• Through this MoU, the two Central Public Sector Enterprises intend to enhance their footprint in
green chemicals and foray into sustainable solutions to advance the efforts towards achieving the
nation’s Net-Zero targets and be partners in the development of the North Eastern Region.
NHAI Collaborates with Geological Survey of India for Geotechnical Consultancy Services to Build
Robust National Highway Network
• National Highways network, NHAI has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the
Geological Survey of India (GSI) to provide services to NHAI for site specific geotechnical
consultancy and assist in vetting of Detailed Project Reports (DPR) from geotechnical point of
• The MoU was signed in presence of NHAI Chairman Shri Santosh Kumar Yadav and Dr. Saibal
Ghosh, Deputy Director General, Geological Survey of India along with other senior officials from
• In addition, GSI will also undertake detailed analysis of DPRs prepared by NHAI consultants.
Wistron Signs MoU With Karnataka Government For Laptop Making Unit
• The government of Karnataka and Wistron (ICT Service Management Solutions) signed a
memorandum of understanding (MoU) to set up a laptop manufacturing plant.
• Under the MoU, the Taiwan-based company would invest ₹1,500 crore which is likely to create
around 3,000 employment opportunities.
• The global company known for technology service-providing products has planned to commence
works related to setting up the plant in July 2024 and to start manufacturing laptops by January

GRSE & Rolls-Royce ink pact for production of marine engines to power ships
• As a part of the ‘Make in India’ initiative, Kolkata-based PSU Garden Reach Shipbuilders and
Engineers (GRSE) and UK’s Rolls-Royce have signed a ‘frame and individual licence’ agreement
for the production of the MTU IMO Tier II compliant Series 4000 marine engines to power
government ships.
• As part of the agreement, the engines will be manufactured at the Diesel Engine Plant of GRSE in
• The move will help the state-owned shipyard in making fast patrol vessels, interceptor boats and
fast attack craft projects of the Indian Navy and the Indian Coast Guard.
Philippines and Vietnam agree to expand cooperation in the South China Sea
• The Philippines and Vietnam signed agreements to prevent incidents in the South China Sea and
broaden cooperation between their coast guards in a growing alliance that will likely be frowned
upon by China, which claims virtually the entire waters.
• The agreement focuses on enhancing information­ sharing and training exchanges between the
Vietnamese and Philippine militaries forged.
About Philippines
• Capital: Manila
• Official languages: Filipino, English
• Currency: Philippine peso
About Vietnam
• Capital: Hanoi
• Currency: Vietnamese dong
• Prime minister: Pham Minh Chinh
• President: Vo Van Thuong
Karnataka Government Announces 'Digital Detox' Initiative To Encourage Mindful Use Of Social Media
• The Karnataka government announced to launch a 'Digital Detox' initiative in partnership with the
All India Game Developers Forum (AIGDF).
• The initiative aims to raise awareness about the dangers of spending excessive time in the digital
• Digital Detox initiative encourages people to cut back on using digital devices like smartphones,
computers, tablets, and social media platforms through structured programs or campaigns.
Shri Ajay Bhatt secures key defence agreement during visit to Riyadh.
• Minister of State for Defence, Ajay Bhatt, is currently on a five-day visit to Riyadh from February
4th for the World Defence Show 2024.
• The visit has yielded a significant milestone with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding
between Munitions India Limited and a local partner, underscoring the deepening collaboration
between India and Saudi Arabia in the field of defence.
A MoU has been signed by IREDA and IIT Bhubaneswar regarding Clean Energy Innovation.
• Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd. (IREDA) has taken a significant step towards
fostering innovation and research in the renewable energy sector, by signing a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) with the Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar.
• The MoU, inked at the 100 Cube Start-up Conclave held at IIT Bhubaneswar, aims to support
collaborative efforts in innovation and research initiatives, technology transfer, and nurturing the
start-up ecosystem.

A Joint Venture Agreement has been signed between ONGC and NTPC Green Energy Limited to
concentrate on offshore wind energy projects.
• ONGC and NTPC Green Energy Limited (NGEL) have signed a Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) to
focus on offshore wind energy projects.
• The agreement signed at India Energy Week in Goa, was witnessed by Minister of Petroleum and
Natural Gas and Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs Hardeep Singh Puri.
• This collaboration aims to lead renewable energy initiatives, both domestically and internationally.
About ONGC
• Headquarters: Vasant Kunj, New Delhi
• Founded: 14 August 1956
The Warehousing Development Regulatory Authority and Punjab & Sind Bank have signed an MOU to
provide farmers with loans at low-interest rates
• To facilitate farmers and traders in providing low-interest rate loans, the Warehousing
Development Regulatory Authority (WDRA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with
the Punjab & Sind Bank (PSB).
• MoU was exchanged by Shri T.K. Manoj Kumar, Chairperson, WDRA, Sh. Swarup Kumar Saha,
MD&CEO, PSB in the head office of PSB.
• Its second goal is to increase lethality at the terminal impact point.
C-DOT and IIT-K Collaborate on Optical Network Prototype
• C-DOT, the premier Telecom R&D centre of the Department of Telecommunications (DoT),
Government of India and Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (IIT-K) signed an agreement
for ‘Developing Prototypes for 10-Gigabit-capable symmetric Passive Optical Network (i.e., XGS-
PON) Optical Line Terminal (OLT) and Optical Network Unit (ONU).
• The agreement is signed under the Telecom Technology Development Fund (TTDF) scheme of
Department of Telecommunications, Government of India.

AFMS and IIT Roorkee are working together to promote research that can enhance combat medical
support and patient care for serving personnel.
● A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Armed Forces Medical Services and
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee.
● The MoU was signed by Director General (Org & Pers) Lt Gen SK Singh on behalf of Director
General Armed Forces Medical Services and Director IIT Roorkee Prof Kamal Kishore Pant.
● The MoU aims towards promoting collaborative biomedical research, to aid in improving the
combat medical support and patient care of serving personnel.
● Under this MoU, Armed Forces Medical Services will be able to utilize the expertise of IIT
Roorkee in various fields like, the development of novel medical devices, robotics,
nanotechnology, artificial intelligence and machine learning.
A contract worth Rs. 1,752 crore has been signed by MoD for 463 Stabilized Remote Control Guns for
the Indian Navy and Indian Coast Guard by Aatmanirbharta's team.
● The Ministry of Defence has signed a contract with Advanced Weapon Equipment India Ltd.
(AWEIL), Kanpur for the manufacturing & supply of a total of 463 indigenously manufactured
12.7 mm Stabilised Remote Control Guns (SRCG) for the Indian Navy & Indian Coast Guard at a
total cost of Rs. 1752.13 crores, with Indigenous Content (IC) of more than 85%.
● This acquisition will provide a further boost to the vision of "Aatmanirbharta in Defence".
● This contract will also open up a large avenue in defence manufacturing for over 125 Indian
Vendors and DPSUs for over a period of 5 years.
An agreement was signed between the Ministry of DoNER, North Eastern Council, and IIM Shillong to
continue operating the Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Centre for Policy Research and Analysis.
● An MoU was signed between the NEC Shillong, IIM Shillong and the MDoNER for continuing the
operation of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Centre for Policy Research and Analysis deepening
engagement with IIM Shillong at the NEC Secretariat, Shillong and MDoNER joining through
● Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Centre for Policy Research and Analysis was created by a tripartite
agreement between IIM Shillong and the Ministry of Development of Northeastern Region
(MDoNER) and Northeastern Council signed on 15th October 2016.
● It aimed to emerge as a state-of-the-art centre to assist the states of North East India and the
implementing agencies to plan and executive the projects properly, promote innovations and
function as a repository of best practices in the region.
CIAL ties up with BPCL to set up green hydrogen plant at airport
● In a strategic move to strengthen its green energy initiatives, Cochin International Airport Ltd (CIAL)
has tied up with BPCL to set up a green hydrogen plant in the airport premises.
● The collaborative effort, combining technological prowess and infrastructure, will result in the world’s
first green hydrogen plant and fuelling station located within an airport setting.
● Green hydrogen, produced from water using renewable energy sources, is recognised as a future
fuel and aligns with zero-carbon energy strategies.G. Krishnakumar, CMD, BPCL.
TRIFED & ITC Sign MoU for Empowering Tribal Farmers in B2B Meet
● Union Minister for Tribal Affairs; Agriculture and Farmer Welfare, Shri Arjun Munda, presided over as
the Chief Guest at the Business-to-Business (B2B) Meet organized by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs
as part of the ongoing Aadi Mahotsav, in New Delhi.
● During the event, a significant milestone was achieved with the signing of an MoU between the
Tribal Co-operative Marketing Development Federation of India (TRIFED) and corporate
powerhouse ITC, establishing a collaborative framework under the Pradhan Mantri Janjatiya Vikas
Mission (PMJVM) scheme.
● This initiative aims to leverage the strengths of both entities to empower tribal farmers and suppliers,
particularly in states where turmeric cultivation is prevalent, promising to uplift rural economies and
improve livelihoods.
India and Colombia signed a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the sharing of India's open-
sourced DPIs.
● India and Colombia signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Cooperation in the field of
Sharing Successful Digital Solutions Implemented at Population Scale for Digital Transformation.
● It was signed between the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) and the
Information Technologies and Communications of Colombia.
● The MoU intends to promote digital transformation (viz INDIA STACK) through capacity-building
programs, the exchange of best practices, the exchange of public officials and experts, the
development of pilot or demo solutions and the facilitation of private sector contacts to mutually
benefit the digital ecosystems of both countries.
About Colombia
● Capital: Bogotá
● Currency: Colombian Peso
● President: Gustavo Petro
NITI Aayog and the Government of Andhra Pradesh Promote Discussion on the Development of Inland
Fisheries at National Workshop in Visakhapatnam
● NITI Aayog in partnership with the Government of Andhra Pradesh, successfully organised a two-
day National Workshop on “Harnessing Potential of Fisheries in Inland States” in Visakhapatnam,
Andhra Pradesh.
● It is a collaborative effort aimed at maximising the potential of fisheries in India's inland states.
Uttar Pradesh government to collaborate with IITR for enhanced disaster management
● To enhance disaster management, the UP government will collaborate with IIT Roorkee.
● The MoU will be signed between both as part of a strategic move aimed at strengthening disaster
preparedness and mitigation efforts over the next five years.
● To reduce the loss of life and take people to safe places before the disaster, an MoU will be signed
between the Relief Commissioner's Office and IIT Roorkee.
Union Minister Shri Parshottam Rupala will be present when the Department of Fisheries signs a
Memorandum of Understanding with Open Network for Digital Commerce.
● To strengthen the direct access to consumers or markets for fishermen and unlock the potential of
digital commerce in the field of Indian Fisheries, the Department of Fisheries (GoI) will be signing a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC).
● The MoU will be signed in the presence of Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and
Dairying, Shri Parshottam Rupala and Minister of State for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and
Dairying, Dr. L Murugan at Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.
Mahindra Finance partners with IBM to build a Super App for financial inclusion
● Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Limited and IBM announced their partnership to create a
“Super App” aiming to provide customers with a single digital financial services platform.
● The “super app” will enable the customers to access the different services of Mahindra Group’s
NBFC arm and have 24/7 digital access to them.
● IBM Consulting will support “human-centred design methodology” to elevate the super app
experience for its consumers, tracking actions of their lending journey.
● Raul Rebello, MD & CEO-Designate of Mahindra Finance.
Union Minister Shri Parshottam Rupala witnessed the Department of Fisheries and Open Network for
Digital Commerce sign a MOU in New Delhi.
● The Department of Fisheries signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Open Network for
Digital Commerce (ONDC) in the presence of Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and
Dairying Shri Parshottam Rupala, Minister of State Dr. L Murugan, Secretary (Fisheries) Dr
Abhilaksh Likhi, Joint Secretary (Inland Fisheries), Shri Sagar Mehra, MD, ONDC Shri. T. Koshy and
other esteemed dignitaries at New Delhi.
● Shri Parshottam Rupala also released a booklet “From Catch to Commerce, Increasing Market
Access through Digital Transformation”.
● ONDC is a unique platform of e-marketing that will play a significant role in the fisheries sector by
connecting fishermen, fish farmers, FFPOs, self-help groups and other fishermen cooperatives in a
structured manner.
Agreement between the Indian Air Force and the Aeronautical Development Agency
● The Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) has signed an MoU with the Indian Air Force (IAF) for
the integration of futuristic Weapons and Sensors for LCA Tejas aircraft.
● The MoU was signed by Shri Prabhulla Chandran VK, Technology Director (Avionics and Weapon
Systems) of ADA and Air Vice Marshal KN Santosh VSM, Commandant, Software Development
Institute (SDI) of IAF.
● Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) is a premier organization under the aegis of the
Department of Defence R&D with mandate to Design and Develop Tejas-LCA and its Variants.
To establish the largest green hydrogen manufacturing facility in India, NTPC Green Energy and
Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation signed a land lease deal.
● Power sector PSU and India’s largest integrated power company NTPC Limited has signed a Land
Lease Agreement to realize its green energy and green hydrogen objectives, thus also contributing
to the Government of India’s efforts towards energy transition.
● The agreement, signed between NTPC Green Energy Limited (NGEL) and Andhra Pradesh
Industrial Infrastructure Corporation (APIIC), is for the development of an “Integrated Green
Hydrogen Hub”.
● The hub will come up on 1,200 acres of land near Pudimadaka village of Atchutapuram Mandal in
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
● The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is implementing the National Green Hydrogen Mission,
approved by the Union Cabinet, with an outlay of ₹ 19,744 crores.
● The overarching objective of the Mission is to make India the Global Hub for production, usage and
export of Green Hydrogen and its derivatives.
About NTPC
● NTPC is India’s largest Power Utility into the core business of power generation, with a total installed
capacity of 74 GW (including joint ventures and subsidiaries). As part of increasing its renewable
energy portfolio, a fully owned subsidiary “NTPC Green Energy Limited '' (NGEL) has been formed,
which will take up Renewable Energy Parks and Projects including business in the area of Green
Hydrogen, Energy Storage Technologies, and Round-the-Clock renewable energy power.
● NTPC Group has ambitious plans to attain 60 GW of renewable energy capacity by the year 2032.
● Currently, it has 3.4 GW of installed RE capacity and 22-plus GW under pipeline.
● NTPC is committed to supporting Andhra Pradesh’s and India’s decarbonisation goals.
Collaboration in the field of Archives is agreed upon between Oman and India.
● India and Oman have mutually agreed to cooperate in the field of Archives. A delegation of the
National Archives of India (NAI), visited the National Records and Archives Authority (NRAA) of
Oman on February 21-22, aimed at exploring the areas of bilateral cooperation in the archival field.
● According to the Ministry of Culture, both countries have agreed on the need for formalising the
institution-to-institution cooperation.
● In this regard, the draft of an Executive Programme of Cooperation (EPC) has been finalised, which
would now be submitted for approval by the competent authorities of both parties and formally
signed in the near future.
The government of Goa and Power Finance Corporation come together to pioneer a subnational
Blended Finance Facility for Climate Action
● Power Finance Corporation (PFC), leading NBFC, power sector PSU and the largest renewable
energy financier in India, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to support the climate
ambitions of the state of Goa.
● The support extended would be under the Blended Finance Facility being set up by Government of
Goa in partnership with The World Bank.
● The Government of Goa is setting up the sub-national Blended Finance Facility in partnership with
the World Bank, aiming to foster low-carbon, climate-resilient development.
The National Industrial Corridor Development Program and IIT Delhi have signed a Memorandum of
Understanding to work together on evaluating location optimality utilizing the PM GatiShakti Portal.
● National Industrial Corridor Development Corporation Limited (NICDC) under the Department for
Promotion of Industry & Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of
India and the Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer at the Indian Institute of
Technology, Delhi (FITT-IITD) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at Vanijya Bhawan,
New Delhi with an objective to evaluate optimality of locations for development of Greenfield
Industrial Smart Cities in India leveraging the principles and framework of PM GatiShakti.
● Led by Shri Rajesh Kumar Singh, Secretary of the Department for Promotion of Industry and
Internal Trade (DPIIT), the collaboration marks an important move towards using advanced
technology and research to strengthen India's industrial infrastructure.
● This will also help both organisations leverage each other’s strengths in their respective domains.
The Ministry of Ayush inked an MoU with RIS.
● The Ministry of Ayush and Research and Information System for Developing Countries, (RIS) New
Delhi signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at New Delhi.
● This MoU will bring forth the overview of Ayush Service sector and will serve the continuation of
academic cooperation and collaboration with RIS (a Policy Research autonomous institute of the
Ministry of External Affairs).
● Secretary Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha signed the MoU on behalf of the Ministry of Ayush, whereas
Director General Prof Sachin Chaturvedi was the signatory on behalf of RIS.
● Also the academic cooperation between Ministry of Ayush and RIS includes the continuance of the
Forum on Indian Traditional Medicine (FITM).


Bangladesh Drops to 10th Most Corrupt Nation in Transparency International's 2023 Index
• Bangladesh has slipped by two positions in the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2023 of
Berlin-based Transparency International (TI) to become the 10th most corrupt country in the
• In the last decade, this is the worst performance of Bangladesh.
• This was revealed by the executive director of Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB), at a
press conference in Dhaka.
• The findings placed Denmark on top of the list as the least corrupt country with a score of 90 out
of 100.
• Finland is in second place with 87 and New Zealand is third with a score of 85.
• Meanwhile, Somalia topped the list of corrupt countries with the lowest score of 11.
WHO Survey Determines Increased Cancer Burden Over Next 25 Years
• World Health Organization (WHO)’s cancer agency, the International Agency for Research on
Cancer (IARC), released the latest estimates of the global burden of cancer.
• WHO also published survey results from 115 countries, showing a majority of countries do not
adequately finance priority cancer and palliative care services, as part of universal health coverage
• The IARC estimates, based on the best sources of data available in countries in 2022, highlight the
growing burden of cancer.

India has been ranked at the 38th position out of 139 countries in the Logistics Performance Index
Report 2023: World Bank.
• According to the World Bank's 'Logistics Performance Index Report (2023): Connecting to
Compete 2023', India ranks 38 out of 139 countries.
• India’s rank has improved by six places from 44 in 2018 and sixteen places from 54 in 2014.
• An Inter-Ministerial dedicated team comprising of Stakeholder Ministries/Departments has been
• These stakeholder Ministries/Departments focus on targeted action plans with interventions
needed to improve logistics performance across all six LPI parameters i.e. Customs, Infrastructure,
Ease of arranging shipments, Quality of logistics services, Tracking and Tracing, and Timeliness.
India is set to be the fastest-growing source of oil demand in the world through 2030, according to IEA
• India will become the largest source of global oil demand growth between now and 2030, while
growth in developed economies and China initially slows and then subsequently goes into reverse
in our outlook, the latest report ‘Indian Oil Market Outlook to 2030’ released at the second edition
of India Energy Week 2024 in Goa by International Energy Agency (IEA).
• It further added that India’s role in global oil markets is expected to expand substantially over the
remainder of the decade, fuelled by strong growth in its economy, population and demographics.

Mukesh Ambani Highest Placed Indian, No.2 Globally In Brand Guardianship Index 2024
• Mukesh Ambani has secured the top position among Indians and second globally in the Brand
Guardianship Index 2024.
• Mukesh Ambani with a score of 80.3 is ahead of Microsoft’s Satya Nadella, Sundar Pichai of
Google, Apple's Tim Cook, and Tesla's Elon Musk.
• Huateng Ma of China-based Tencent with a BGI score of 81.6 has secured the top position in the
RIL tops the list of most valuable Indian companies
● With a market cap of Rs 15.6 trillion, Reliance Industries (RIL) topped the chart of the most valuable
Indian companies in 2023, for the third year in a row, closely followed by Tata Consultancy Services
● IT firm TCS came in second with a market cap of Rs 12.4 trillion, while HDFC Bank was third in the
pecking order with a market cap of Rs 11.3 trillion.
● The combined value of the top 10 companies remained unchanged from the year-ago period at `73.3
trillion, which is equal to 28% of India’s GDP, according to a report by Burgundy Private, Axis Bank’s
private banking business, and Hurun India.
● The list, a compilation of the 500 most valuable private companies in India, saw ICICI Bank in fourth
position with a market cap of `6.47 trillion, followed by Infosys (`5.71 trillion) in fifth.
● Others in the top 10 are Bharti Airtel, ITC, Larsen & Toubro, HCL Tech and Kotak Mahindra Bank.
ISB tops Indian B-schools, ranks 31st globally in FT MBA Ranking
● The Indian School of Business (ISB) has outperformed its peers to become the top-ranked Indian
business school and 31st globally in the Financial Times (FT) Global MBA Ranking 2024.
● At the Asia level, the ranking of the school has gone up to number 5, up from the 6th spot last year.
● Second rank in India has been achieved by the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad,
which is at the 41st rank globally, followed by IIM Bangalore at 47, the IIM Calcutta at 67, and IIM
Lucknow at 85, and the Xavier School of Management at the 99th rank.
● The University of Pennsylvania (Wharton), Insead, and Columbia Business School have been
named as the top three business schools globally.
● ISB is also ranked best in India in alumni network and career services; and ranked 8 and 19 globally
on these parameters, respectively.
India slips in world's most powerful passports ranking, France tops list
● India has slipped to the 85th spot on the Henley Passport Index.
● India had gone up to 80th position in January when the rankings for 2024 were unveiled.
● The Henley Passport Index is updated monthly.
● Six countries still jointly hold the top position in the 2024 Henley Passport Index, offering their
citizens visa-free access to a record-breaking number of destinations.
● The most powerful passports in the world now allow citizens of France, Germany, Italy, Spain,
Japan, and Singapore to travel 194 out of 227 destinations worldwide without requiring a visa.
● Four EU members have joined them at the top: Germany, Italy, Spain, and France.
● Pakistan remains at 106th position like 2023, while Bangladesh has slipped from 101st to 102nd.
● Henley Passport Index was launched in 2006. The index covers 199 passports and 227 travel
● It is based on the data collected from the International Air Transport Association (IATA).
● The Index's scoring system was developed to give users a nuanced, practical, and reliable overview
of the power of their passport.
● Each passport is scored on the total number of destinations the holder can access visa-free.
IFFCO ranked first among top 300 cooperatives globally
● IFFCO, one of the leading fertiliser players in the country, has been ranked first among top 300
cooperatives in the world.
● Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Ltd (IFFCO) has again been ranked as top cooperative among
top 300 cooperatives in the world, sustaining its position from last year.
● The ranking is based on the ratio of turnover over Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita.
● It relates to the turnover of the enterprise to the wealth of the country according to the 2023 edition
of the 12th Annual World Cooperative Monitor (WCM) report published by International Cooperative
Alliance (ICA).
● IFFCO has also improved its ranking to 72nd in overall turnover ranking from 97th position in last
financial year.
● The International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) and the European Research Institute on Cooperative
and Social Enterprises (EURICSE) launched the 2021 edition of the World Cooperative Monitor
during an international webinar on January 25, 2024.
● The World Cooperative Monitor is a project designed to collect robust economic, organisational, and
social data about cooperatives worldwide
About ICA
● The International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) is the voice for cooperatives. worldwide.
● The International Cooperative Alliance is a non-profit international association established in 1895 to
advance the cooperative social enterprise model.


The National Conference on APAAR: One Nation One Student ID Card was opened by Education
Minister Dharmendra Pradhan.
● The National Conference on APAAR: One Nation One Student ID Card was inaugurated in New
● It was inaugurated by Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan.
● The Automated Permanent Academic Account Registry (APAAR) will be an ambitious and global
document for students in India.
● Till now 25 crore APAAR IDs have been created.
About Automated Permanent Academic Account Registry
● The Automated Permanent Academic Account Registry (APAAR) is a transformative initiative
introduced in alignment with the National Education Policy (NEP) of 2020 and the National Credit
and Qualifications Framework (NCrF).
● The aim of the APAAR is to provide a unified and accessible educational experience for students
across India by providing each student with a unique and permanent 12-digit ID, consolidating their
academic achievements in one place.
India wins 9th Gov Tech award at World Government Summit in Dubai
● At the World Government Summit 2024, India secured the prestigious 9th GovTech Prize for
endeavours in Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered government services.
● India won the award under the category of 'AI-Powered Government Services'.
● The award has been presented to recognize the ‘iRASTE’ project of the Ministry for Road Transport
& Highways.
● This initiative is a collaborative effort of the government, industry, and academia.
● Its main aim is to reduce 50% of road accidents anticipated in urban areas.

Indian Navy Collaborates with Seychelles Defence Forces and Sri Lanka Navy to Counter Hijacking of
Sri Lankan Fishing Vessel
• In a coordinated multilateral response to the hijacking of a Sri Lankan fishing vessel, the Indian
Navy in collaboration with Seychelles Defence Forces and Sri Lanka Navy successfully
intercepted and rescued the hijacked vessel.
• A hijacking incident was reported onboard the Sri Lankan flagged multi-day fishing trawler
LORENZO PUTHA 04 about 955 nm east of Mogadishu, Somalia. Three pirates had boarded
and hijacked the fishing trawler on 27 Jan 24.
About Ministry of Defence :
• Defence Minister : Rajnath Singh
• Minister of State : Ministry of Defence
• Defence Secretary : Giridhar Aramane
Indian Navy Commissions First Survey Vessel Large Ship, INS Sandhayak in Visakhapatnam
• Indian Naval Ship (INS) Sandhayak (Yard 3025), the first Survey Vessel Large (SVL) ship, was
commissioned into the Indian Navy in the presence of Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh at an
impressive ceremony held at the Naval Dockyard, Visakhapatnam.
• Primary Role: The primary role of INS Sandhayak is to conduct comprehensive hydrographic
surveys of ports, harbours, navigational channels/routes, coastal areas, and deep seas to ensure
safe marine navigation.
• Secondary Role: Additionally, the ship is capable of undertaking various naval operations as part of
its secondary role.
About Ministry of Defence :
• Defence Minister : Rajnath Singh
• Minister of State : Ministry of Defence
• Defence Secretary : Giridhar Aramane
Indian Air Force to Hold Vayu Shakti 2024 Mega Exercise at Pokharan Range, Jaisalmer
• The Indian Air Force (IAF) will conduct the Vayu Shakti 2024 mega exercise at the Pokharan
Range in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan.
• The last edition of exercise Vayu Shakti took place on 16 February 2019, indicating its periodic
• Participation: More than 100 aircraft and helicopters will participate in this exercise.
• Several indigenous manufactured and designed aircraft and helicopters like Tejas, Prachand,
and Dhruv will take part in the exercise.

Indian Navy Designates 2024 as 'Year of Naval Civilians

• The Indian Navy has designated the year 2024 as the 'Year of Naval Civilians'.
• It has been declared to improve the administration, efficiency, and welfare of Naval civilians by
addressing all aspects of civilian human resource management in a time-bound manner.
• Key focus areas towards maximizing administrative efficiency, digital initiatives, general and
specific training programs, and welfare activities have been identified for implementation in 2024.

DRDO Achieves Success in Flight Trials of High-Speed Expendable Aerial Target 'ABHYAS' at
Integrated Test Range, Chandipur
• Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) conducted four successful flight trials of
the High-speed Expendable Aerial Target (HEAT) - ABHYAS from the Integrated Test Range in
Chandipur, Odisha, between January 30 to February 02, 2024.
• Mission Objectives: Each trial was conducted with different mission objectives, highlighting the
versatility and adaptability of ABHYAS in various scenarios.
• The configuration used was revised and robust, featuring a single booster designed by the
Advanced Systems Laboratory in Hyderabad, aimed at providing reduced launch acceleration.
About Ministry of Defence :
• Defence Minister : Rajnath Singh
• Minister of State : Ministry of Defence
• Defence Secretary : Giridhar Aramane
Ministry of Defence Achieves Remarkable Milestone Surpassing ₹1 Lakh Crore in Orders on
Government e-Marketplace Portal

● The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has made an astounding accomplishment by surpassing the ₹1
Lakh Crore mark in terms of total order value transacted through the Government e-Marketplace
(GeM) portal, also known as Gross Merchandise Value (GMV).
● Transactions worth approximately ₹45,800 Crore have been awarded by the MoD in the current
financial year alone.
● First Central Government Entity: The Ministry of Defence is the first central government entity to
achieve this staggering figure, showcasing its strong commitment to optimizing public spending in
the Defence sector.
About Ministry of Defence :
● Defence Minister : Rajnath Singh
● Minister of State : Ministry of Defence
● Defence Secretary : Giridhar Aramane

Milan 2024: War exercise including 50 Navies kicks off in Vizag

● Indian Navy’s largest-ever multilateral naval exercise, Milan 2024, has commenced in Vizag with
an impressive lineup of warships from Indian and foreign navies participating in the Harbour
● From February 19 to 23, the Harbour Phase includes an international city parade on RK Beach, a
maritime seminar, a tech expo, Milan village, subject matter expert exchange, Milan of young
officers, and various sporting events.

● During the Sea Phase from February 24 to 27, participating navies will conduct advanced air
defence, anti-submarine, and anti-surface warfare drills.
● The exercises will include gunnery shoots on aerial and surface targets, manoeuvres, and
underway replenishment.
● For the first time, Vizagites will have the opportunity to see the indigenously built aircraft carrier
INS Vikrant, anchored off the coast of Vizag.
● This event marks the first time both the aircraft carriers - INS Vikrant and INS Vikramaditya - will
be present in the city.
India Launches Extensive 9-Day Naval Exercise in Visakhapatnam, With Around 50 Participating
Navies, Amid Heightened Global Security Concerns in the Red Sea Region
● India kick-started a 9-day mega naval exercise in Visakhapatnam with participation of around 50
navies that came amid the fractious geopolitical environment including growing global concerns
over deteriorating security situation in the Red Sea.
● Navies from the United States (US), Japan, Australia, France, Bangladesh, South Korea,
Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia, among others, are participating in the 12th edition of the
'Milan' exercise that is aiming to bolster maritime cooperation among like-minded nations.
● Commencement : The exercise commenced with the arrival of 15 warships and one maritime
patrol aircraft from friendly foreign countries.
● Indian Navy Participation : From the Indian Navy, nearly 20 ships including aircraft carriers
Vikrant and Vikramaditya and nearly 50 aircraft including MiG 29K, Light Combat Aircraft Tejas
and P-8I long-range maritime reconnaissance and anti-submarine warfare aircraft are
participating in the exercise.
● Phases: The exercise includes a harbour phase from February 19 to 23, followed by a sea phase
featuring various complex drills and manoeuvres from February 24 to 27.
● Milan is a biennial multinational naval exercise which started in 1995 with the participation of
Indonesia, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Thailand in consonance with India's 'Look East' policy.
● The exercise flourished under the aegis of Andaman and Nicobar Command till its 10th edition.
● The previous edition of the exercise took place in 2022 in Visakhapatnam.
About Ministry of Defence :
● Defence Minister : Rajnath Singh
● Defence Secretary : Giridhar Aramane
Multinational military exercise ‘Shanti Prayas IV’ kicks off in Nepal
● Multinational military exercise – ‘Shanti Prayas IV’ – kicked off in Nepal at the Army headquarters
here with the participation of 19 countries, including India, Bangladesh and Pakistan to enhance
the interoperability and peacekeeping skills of the forces.
● The multinational military exercise is taking place at the Birendra Peace Operation Training
Centre in the Kabhre district, 50 km east of Kathmandu.
● Objective: To enhance interoperability and peacekeeping skills among the participating forces.
● Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal “Prachanda” inaugurated the two-week-long military drill.
About Nepal :
● President : Ram Chandra Poudel
● Prime Minister : Pushpa Kamal Dahal
● Capital : Kathmandu
● Currency : Nepalese rupee
India's Largest Defence Equipment Exhibition, Defence Expo, Organized Near Pune at Moshi
● India's largest defence equipment exhibition, Defence Expo, is being organized by the Industries
Department of the Maharashtra government at the International Exhibition and Convention
Center at Moshi near Pune.
● Duration and Aim: The exhibition is scheduled for 3 days and is aimed at promoting the
manufacturing of the latest weapons required for the defence forces under the Atmanirbhar
Bharat Yojana.
● Participating Companies: More than 1,200 small companies producing arms and other materials
related to the defence sector will showcase their capabilities at the Expo.
5th edition of the India-Japan joint exercise 'Dharma Guardian' kicks off in Rajasthan
● The 5th edition of Joint Military Exercise ‘DHARMA GUARDIAN’ between the Indian Army and
the Japan Ground Self Defence Force commenced at Mahajan Field Firing Ranges in Rajasthan.
● The Exercise is scheduled to be conducted from 25th February to 9th March 2024.
● Exercise 'DHARMA GUARDIAN’ is an annual exercise and conducted alternatively in India and
Participating Forces :
● The contingent of both sides comprises 40 personnel each.
● The Japanese contingent is being represented by troops from the 34th Infantry Regiment and the
Indian Army contingent is being represented by a Battalion from the Rajputana Rifles.
● Aim : To foster Military Cooperation and enhance combined capabilities to execute joint
operations in semi-urban environments under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter.
Note :
● The 4th edition of joint military exercise, “EX DHARMA GUARDIAN”, between India and Japan is
being conducted at Camp Imazu in Shiga province, Japan from 17 February to 02 March 2023.
● The 1st edition of the Dharma Guardian exercise was held in 2018 at Counterinsurgency Warfare
School, Vairengte (Mizoram), India from 01 November to 14 November 2018.
Defence Secretary Collaborates in Co-Chairing High-Level India-Germany Defence Committee Meeting
in Berlin
● Defence Secretary Shri Giridhar Aramane co-chaired the India-Germany High Defence
Committee (HDC) meeting in Berlin with the State Secretary, German Ministry of Defence Mr
Benedikt Zimmer.
● Agenda : Discussions focused on bilateral security and defence issues, aiming to develop
defence cooperation as a key aspect of the Strategic Partnership between India and Germany.
Jacintha Kalyan – India’s first female pitch curator

● Jacintha Kalyan creates history as she becomes India’s first female curator and is all set for an
exciting WPL season ahead.
● The upcoming 2nd edition of the Women’s Premier League tournament is all set to create some
history as Jacintha Kalyan is all set to become the first female curator to prepare the pitches
during the upcoming edition of the WPL that will commence on 23rd February 2023 and conclude
on 17th March 2024.
● The first half of the tournament will be played at the Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bangalore and the
2nd half of the tournament, including the eliminator, and the final will be played at the Arun Jaitley
Stadium in Delhi.
● Jacintha Kalyan, the first female curator in India will prepare the pitches for the Bangalore leg of
the tournament.


Indian Institute of Mass Communication Designated as Deemed University
• The Ministry of Education, on the recommendation of the University Grants Commission (UGC),
has declared the Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC), a leading institution for
Journalism and Mass Communication, as a deemed university under a distinct category.
• Coverage of Declaration: The declaration extends to IIMC New Delhi and its five regional
campuses located in Jammu (Jammu & Kashmir), Amravati (Maharashtra), Aizawl (Mizoram),
Kottayam (Kerala), and Dhenkanal (Odisha).
• Authorization to Offer Degrees: With this new status, IIMC is now authorized to offer degrees,
including doctoral degrees, enhancing its academic offerings.
About IIMC :
• Founded on August 17, 1965, under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of
• IIMC is one of the leading institutions in the country for journalism and mass communication

Taiwan's first lunar mission set to launch in 2024

• Taiwan is set to launch its first lunar mission in 2024, marking a significant milestone in the
country's space exploration efforts.
• National Central University's Announcement: On 29 January, Taiwan's National Central
University revealed details about this groundbreaking lunar mission, underscoring the
collaboration between academia and the space sector.
• Deep Space Radiation Probe (DSRP): Developed by faculty and students of Taiwan's National
Central University, the DSRP is a crucial component of the mission.
About Taiwan :
• President : Tsai Ing-wen
• Capital : Taipei
• Currency : New Taiwan dollar
ISRO to Send India’s female robot Astronaut 'Vyommitra' to Space Ahead of Gaganyaan Mission
• The woman robot astronaut, named "Vyommitra," is scheduled to fly into space ahead of the Indian
Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO's) "Gaganyaan" mission, which aims to be India’s first
human manned space flight carrying Indian astronauts.
• The uncrewed "Vyommitra" mission is planned for the third quarter of the current year, while the
manned "Gaganyaan" mission is scheduled for launch in 2025.
• Meaning of Vyommitra : The name "Vyommitra" is derived from the Sanskrit words "Vyoma"
(meaning Space) and "Mitra" (meaning Friend).

NASA's PACE Mission Launches from Cape Canaveral Aboard SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket
• Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, Ocean Ecosystem (PACE) is a NASA mission that took off from Cape
Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.
• The satellite will spend at least three years studying the oceans from 420 miles (676 kilometres)
up, as well as the atmosphere.
• SpaceX conducted the PACE satellite launch as part of a $948 million mission, with the Falcon
rocket taking a southward trajectory over the Atlantic Ocean to achieve a rare polar orbit.
About NASA :
• Established : July 29, 1958
• Headquarters : Washington, D.C, United States of America
• Administrator : Bill Nelson
IIT-Madras Partners with Munitions India for Development of India’s First Indigenous 155mm Smart
• Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) has partnered with Munitions India Limited, a
Defence Public Sector Enterprise, to develop India’s first indigenously-designed 155 Smart
Ammunition to achieve indigenisation in the defence sector.
• To increase the accuracy of the 155 mm shell within a Circular Error Probable (CEP) of 10 m.
• At present, ammunition developed in India has a CEP of 500 m. Another goal is to increase the
lethality at the terminal impact point.
About Munitions India Limited :
• Established : 2021
• Headquarters : Pune, Maharashtra
• Chairman & Managing Director : Ravi Kant
India's first private launchpad readies for lift-off
• Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota - a place that marked the majority of golden moments
in the Indian space sector — another history is set to be made.
• Preparations are in the final stages by the Chennai headquartered space-tech startup Agnikul
Cosmos for the maiden launch of India’s first-ever private launchpad and the second rocket launch
by a private sector player.
• Its launch vehicle Agnibaan will take off from Sriha-rikota during the current financial year itself.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration completes 1st phase of ambitious lunar nuclear reactor
• The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) completes the first phase of its
ambitious plan to deploy a nuclear fission reactor on the Moon.
• To establish a small nuclear reactor capable of generating electricity for future lunar missions and
• Support for Lunar Missions: The nuclear reactor is expected to be a vital component in supporting
NASA's long-term plans for sustained human presence on the Moon, spanning at least 10 years.

Google Renames Its Artificial Intelligence Chatbot to Gemini in a Bid to Compete with ChatGPT
● Google has renamed its chatbot Bard to Gemini, presenting it as an advanced Artificial
Intelligence (AI) tool accessible to users worldwide.
● The tech giant has made the Gemini Pro 1.0 model available for users in over 230 countries and
territories, offering engagement in more than 40 languages.
● Gemini Advanced has been incorporated into the newly launched Google One AI Premium Plan,
priced at $19.99 per month, with a two-month complimentary trial period.
● Google has introduced a dedicated mobile application for Gemini and Gemini Advanced to
enhance the user experience on mobile devices.
About Google :
● Founded : September 4, 1998
● Headquarters : California, United States
● CEO : Sundar Pichai
C-DOT and Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Collaborate to Develop 140GHz Fully Integrated
Transmitter & Receiver Module for 6G and Future Networks
● C-DOT (Centre for Development of Telematics), the leading Telecom R&D Centre of the
Department of Telecommunications (DoT), Government of India, has partnered with the Indian
Institute of Technology, Roorkee (IIT-R) to embark on a groundbreaking initiative.
● The collaboration aims to develop a cutting-edge 140GHz Fully Integrated Transmitter &
Receiver Module, poised to redefine the landscape of 6th Generation (6G) and beyond.
● The agreement, signed under the Telecom Technology Development Fund (TTDF) scheme of
the Department of Telecommunications, Government of India, signifies a commitment to
advancing telecommunication products and solutions for affordable broadband and mobile
services in rural and remote areas.
About C-DOT :
● Established : 25 August 1984
● Headquarters : Delhi, India
Google Introduces Lumiere Artificial Intelligence for Generating 5-Second Videos
● Google has introduced its latest artificial intelligence (AI) model, Lumiere, a multimodal video
generation tool capable of producing realistic 5-second-long videos.
● Lumiere is a text-to-video diffusion model designed for synthesising videos that portray realistic,
diverse and coherent motion.
● The model facilitates content creation tasks and video editing applications such as image-to-
video, video in painting, and stylized video generation.
● Lumiere model uses a Space-Time u-Net (STUNet) architecture to generate videos.
The Healthy Indian Project Becomes Part of WHO's Vaccine Safety Net
● The Healthy Indian Project (THIP) has been included as a member of the World Health
Organization's (WHO) Vaccine Safety Net (VSN).
● Purpose of VSN: The Vaccine Safety Net (VSN) was established by WHO to serve as a global
network of websites providing trustworthy and verified vaccine safety information.
● Network Size: Currently, the VSN comprises 110 websites from 45 countries, offering vaccine
safety information in 43 languages.
● Role of GACVS: The Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS), established by
WHO in 1999, plays a key role in the project.
● It responds promptly, efficiently, and with scientific rigor to vaccine safety issues of global
● Criteria for Good Information Practices: GACVS has developed three categories of criteria for
good information practices, including credibility, content, and accessibility/design, which websites
providing vaccine safety information should adhere to.
NASA Launches Extensive Air Pollution Monitoring Flights Across Asia Using DC-8 Flying Laboratory
● In a bid to enhance the forecasting and management of air pollution, the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration (NASA) has initiated an extensive series of flights across Asia using its
DC-8 flying laboratory.
● Aircraft and Operations : Flights are conducted using NASA's DC-8 flying laboratory, which can
last up to 8 hours and sometimes occur at altitudes as low as 15 meters above the ground.
● A smaller NASA Gulfstream jet capable of creating 3D maps of pollutants is also utilized for the
About NASA :
● Established : July 29, 1958
● Headquarters : Washington, D.C, United States of America
● Administrator : Bill Nelson
Pixxel to launch six home-built hyper-spectral satellites from June 2024
● Bengaluru-based space start-up Pixxel plans to launch a series of small, home-built satellites -
Fireflies from June that could have a finer look at the Earth with its five-metre resolution hyper-
spectral imagery.
● Pixxel launched its satellite manufacturing unit -- Mega Pixxel in Bengaluru where it can
assemble, integrate and test 40 satellites weighing 100 kilograms every year as the nascent
company aims to take a leap in the space sector.
● Pixxel also plans to launch six heavier satellites, Honeybees next year to complete its
constellation of 24 satellites with an ability to revisit any location on Earth within a 24-hour cycle.
About Pixxel :
● Founded : February 2019
● Headquarters : Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
● Founder and CEO : Awais Ahmed
Samsung Reclaims Leading Position in Smartphone Market for 1st Time Since 2017
● India’s smartphone shipments remained flat in 2023 at 152 million units and Samsung took the
top spot, for the first time since 2017, with an 18% share, though lesser than what it had in 2022
at 19.4%.
● Apple became the largest smartphone brand by revenue in India in 2023 for the first time ever,
surpassing Korea’s Samsung in a market valued at around $40 billion.
● The iPhone maker’s revenue share stood at 23% last year, despite capturing just around 6.5%
market share by volume - its highest ever - as compared to Samsung which had 18% volume
share and 21% revenue share, followed by Vivo with 13% revenue share.
● Samsung led the market in volume terms with 18% market share, followed by Vivo with 17%.
Xiaomi dropped to third place, but captured the top spot in Q4 2023, on account of affordable 5G
handsets and offline expansion. Realme and Oppo completed the top 5 with 12% and 10% share
About Apple :
● Founded : April 1, 1976
● Headquarters : Los Altos, California, United States
● Chief Executive Officer : Tim Cook.
NASA's Cassini Probe Uncovers Extensive Subsurface Ocean on Saturn's Moon Mimas
● As per the data from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA's) Cassini
spacecraft unveils a significant discovery - a vast ocean exists beneath the icy surface of
Saturn's moon Mimas.
● Cassini-Huygens was a joint NASA/European Space Agency (ESA)/Italian Space Agency (ASI)
space mission to Saturn.
● The Cassini-Huygens mission commenced its journey on October 15, 1997.
IIT Jammu Professor Creates Sound-Based Anti-Drone System Costing Rs. 4 Lakhs
● In Jammu and Kashmir, a professor in the Electrical Engineering Department of IIT Jammu, Dr.
Karan Nathwani has developed an anti-drone system that works mainly on sound technology.
● The developed anti-drone system is both cost-effective and user-friendly, making it accessible for
security forces and other users.
● It is the first of its kind system that is developed based on an entirely new technology called
'sound-based detection'.
● It could easily detect drones, aircraft, multiple drones or birds flying up to 300 metres by their
ChatGPT maker OpenAI unveils ‘Sora’ that makes instant videos from written texts
● OpenAI, the creator of the ChatGPT, has unveiled a new generative artificial intelligence (GenAI)
model that can convert a text prompt into video.
● The model, called Sora, can generate videos up to a minute long while maintaining visual quality
and adherence to the user’s prompt.
● Sora is capable of creating “complex scenes with multiple characters, specific types of motion,
and accurate details of the subject and background.
● Sora in Japanese means sky, an imagery that evokes 'limitless creative potential'.
● Sora is an AI model developed by OpenAI - built on past research in DALL·E and GPT models
and can generate videos based on text instructions.
● DALL-E is a text-to-image model developed by OpenAI (introduced in January 2021) that creates
digital images from natural language descriptions.
About OpenAI :
● Founded : December 11, 2015
● Headquarters : San Francisco, California, United States
● Chairman : Bret Taylor
● CEO : Sam Altman
India's 1st spy satellite made by domestic private player set for launch
● The first spy satellite in India to be made by a local private player is set to be launched in a
SpaceX rocket by April and will be used by the armed forces to get discreet information.
● Tata Advanced Systems Limited (TASL) built satellite is being shipped to Florida in preparation
for launch.
● Bengaluru will serve as the location of the ground control centre.
● It is under development and should be operational soon.
● In collaboration with the Latin American business Satellogic, the centre is being constructed.
● It will also be permitted to exchange the TASL satellite's pictures with friendly countries.
● Although the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has satellites that can aid in the
sharing of the imagery, their use is restricted given the extensive coverage that is needed.
Japan to Introduce World's 1st Wooden Satellite in Efforts to Tackle Space Debris
● Japan and the United States (US) will launch the world’s first wooden satellite, the LingoSat
probe, into space to combat space debris
● It is constructed from magnolia wood, chosen for its stability and resistance to cracks,
demonstrating an innovative approach to satellite design.
● The project represents a collaboration between Japanese scientists and American counterparts,
emphasizing international cooperation in space exploration and environmental sustainability
● Collaborators: Researchers from Kyoto University and Sumitomo Forestry have played pivotal
roles in the development and construction of the timber satellite, highlighting interdisciplinary
cooperation in scientific innovation.
About Japan :
● Prime Minister: Fumio Kishida
● Capital: Tokyo
● Currency: Japanese yen
Successful completion of Human rating of CE20 Cryogenic engine for the Gaganyaan Programme
● ISRO has accomplished a major milestone in the human rating of its CE20 cryogenic engine that
powers the cryogenic stage of the human-rated LVM3 launch vehicle for Gaganyaan missions,
with the completion of the final round of ground qualification tests on February 13, 2024.
● The final test was the seventh of a series of vacuum ignition tests carried out at the High Altitude
Test Facility at ISRO Propulsion Complex, Mahendragiri, to simulate the flight conditions.
● The ground qualification tests for the human rating of the CE20 engine involved life
demonstration tests, endurance tests, and performance assessment under nominal operating
conditions as well as off-nominal conditions w.r.t thrust, mixture ratio, and propellant tank
● All the ground qualification tests of the CE20 engine for the Gaganyaan programme have been
successfully completed.
About ISRO:
● Headquarters: Bengaluru
● Founder: Vikram Sarabhai
● Founded: 15 August 1969
● Chairperson: Somanath
● Owner: Government of India
ISRO Collaborates with Sahyadri Farms to Develop Research and Innovative Grape Cultivation
● The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and Sahyadri Farms are poised to transform
agriculture through advanced satellite technology and data analytics.
● This partnership promises to transform traditional farming practices, enhance crop health
monitoring, predict weather patterns and optimise resource management.
● This initiative aligns with the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana, a crop insurance scheme aimed
at providing financial support to farmers.
Google Unveils Gemma: A New Line of Open AI Models Inspired by Gemini
● Google has introduced Gemma, a family of open AI models aimed at empowering individuals and
businesses to develop their own Artificial Intelligence (AI) software responsibly.
● Development Collaboration: Gemma models are developed by Google DeepMind in collaboration
with various teams within Google, leveraging cutting-edge technology similar to the acclaimed
Gemini models.
● Model Variants: Gemma models are available in two sizes: Gemma 2B and Gemma 7B, with
parameters ranging from 2 billion to 7 billion. Each size comes with pre-trained and instruction-
tuned variants.
About Google :
● Founded : September 4, 1998
● Headquarters : California, United States
● CEO : Sundar Pichai
Reliance's 'Hanooman': Artificial Intelligence Model Supported by Mukesh Ambani, ChatGPT, to Debut
in March
● In a significant step towards the development of indigenous artificial intelligence (AI) in India, the
BharatGPT group, backed by Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Industries and top engineering schools
in the country, aims to launch its first ChatGPT-style service in March 2024 named "Hanooman".
● The AI model is being developed in collaboration with 8 Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) and
is backed by Reliance Jio Infocomm and the central government.
● Usage Across Domains: Hanooman is designed to operate in 11 regional languages across four
key domains: education, financial services, healthcare, and governance, reflecting its potential
impact on various sectors.
Meta Collaborates with Misinformation Combat Alliance to Launch WhatsApp Fact-Checking Helpline
Against Artificial Intelligence-Generated Deepfakes
● Tech giant Meta has joined hands with the Misinformation Combat Alliance (MCA) in a cross-
industry alliance announced towards launching a fact-checking helpline on messaging platform
WhatsApp to combat the menace of artificial intelligence (AI)-generated deepfakes.
● Helpline Functionality : The helpline, expected to be available for public use next month, will
allow users to flag deepfakes by alerting a dedicated WhatsApp chatbot.
● Multilingual Support : The chatbot will offer multilingual support in English as well as Hindi,
Tamil, and Telugu.
● Global Initiative : A group of 20 leading tech companies across the globe including Microsoft,
Meta, Google, Amazon and IBM signed an agreement to tackle AI-generated misinformation
ahead of the 2024 elections.
● Government Involvement : In November,2023 Union Minister of Electronics and Information
Technology Ashwini Vaishnaw stressed watermarking and labelling of content as an approach to
tackle deepfakes, after holding two rounds of discussions with intermediaries on the issue of
deepfakes and misinformation.
● Four-Pillar Approach : The programme will follow a four-pillar approach-detection, prevention,
reporting and driving awareness to stop the spread of deep fakes.
About Meta :
● Founded : January 4, 2004
● Headquarters : California, United States
● Chairman & CEO : Mark Zuckerberg
Odysseus Achieves Historic Milestone as 1st United States Spacecraft to Land on the Moon Since 1972
● After a gap of 52 years since the last successful Apollo mission, a U.S.-made spacecraft named
Odysseus has successfully landed on the Moon.
● This event also signifies the arrival of private space companies on the lunar surface.
● Odysseus, a spacecraft built by Intuitive Machines, a 10-year-old company based in Houston,
used a Falcon 9 rocket by SpaceX to take off from Earth on February 15.
● The spacecraft carried 6 NASA payloads to the Moon.
● Location of Moon Landing: The lander module of Odysseus, known as Nova-C, became the
second spacecraft to land in the Moon's south pole region, following Chandrayaan-3's landing
last year.
● Frequency of Moon Landings: Odysseus's landing marks the 3rd moon-landing event within a
year, following Chandrayaan-3 and Japan's SLIM (Smart Lander for Investigating Moon).
IIT Guwahati Establishes India's Largest Drone Pilot Training Organization
● Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati has launched the largest Remote Pilot Training
Organization (RPTO) in India in collaboration with EduRade, with the aim of promoting the
advancement of drone technology.
● Infrastructure and Capacity: The Pilot Training Organisation spans across 18 acres and has the
capability to fly 9 medium-class drones simultaneously.
● Training Courses : The RPTO will initially introduce a DGCA-Certified Medium Class Drone Pilot
Training Course which is tailored to enhance the skills of youth in the North East and other
regions of India.
Amazon Web Services Collaborates with T-Hub and Minfy to Launch India's First Space Tech
Accelerator Program
● Amazon Web Services (AWS) India announced its launch of an accelerator programme for space
startups called AWS Space Accelerator: India.
● It is a technical, business, and mentorship opportunity designed to foster startups focused on
space technology, and accelerate their development, with support from T-Hub, and Minfy.
● Partnerships and MOU: This initiative follows a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed
between AWS, ISRO, and IN-SPACe in September the previous year.
● Duration and Support: The 14-week accelerator program will offer dedicated business resources,
expertise, and guidance on technology and business capabilities. Startups will leverage AWS to
build, grow, and scale their missions.
● Eligibility and Benefits: The program is open to both early-stage and mature startups based in
India that support the space sector. Qualifying startups can receive benefits such as up to
US$100,000 in AWS credits, guidance from experts at ISRO, IN-SPACe, and AWS, and support
from T-Hub and Minfy, an AWS Premier Partner.
● Registration Deadline: Interested startups must register by March 17th, 2024, to participate in the
ISRO Retires Cartosat-2, High-Resolution Imaging Satellite After 17 Years of Service, Focused on
Urban Planning
● Cartosat-2, the Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO) second-generation high-resolution
imaging satellite, has been deorbited after serving for 17 years.
● Launch Details:Launched on January 10, 2007, the satellite weighed 680 kg and operated in a
sun-synchronous polar orbit at an altitude of 635 km.
● Orbit Characteristics: Cartosat-2 performed 14.78 orbits around Earth in a day, contributing to its
extensive data collection capabilities.
● Imaging Capabilities: Equipped with over 12,000 coupled charged devices, the satellite utilised
"panchromatic and multi-spectral cameras' ' to generate high-resolution images.
● NTPC is India’s largest integrated power utility with a total installed capacity, including JVs and
subsidiaries, of approximately 74 GW.
● NTPC Group has ambitious plans to attain 60 GW of renewable energy capacity by the year
● Currently, it has 3.4 GW of installed RE capacity and more than 22 GW under pipeline.
Coal India and BHEL join forces for ammonium nitrate plant in Odisha
● Two of the country’s top Maharatna CPSE entities Coal India Limited (CIL) and Bharat Heavy
Electricals Limited (BHEL)formally signed a joint venture agreement (JVA) in Delhi for setting up an
ammonium nitrate plant through surface coal gasification (SCG) technology route.
● The plant to come up in the Lakhanpur area of Mahanadi Coalfields Limited, Odisha is planned to
produce 2000 tons of ammonium nitrate per day initially.
● The annual production is slated at 6.60 Lakh tons which requires 1.3 million tonnes (mts) of coal.
● BHEL would bring to the table indigenously developed pressurized fluidized bed gasification (PFBG)
technology for this purpose.
Agreement between the Textiles Committee, the Government e-Marketplace, and the Standing
Conference of Public Enterprises to promote repurposed goods manufactured from textile waste and
scrap was inked at Bharat Tex 2024.
● A tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by the Textiles Committee, under the
Ministry of Textiles, Government e Marketplace (GeM), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, and
Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE), Department of Public Enterprises, for the
promotion of upcycled products made from textiles waste and scrap, at the ongoing Bharat Tex 2024
- India’s premier global textile event being held at the Bharat Mandapam, Pragati Maidan, New
● By the means of these MoUs, GeM will work with stakeholders in the upcycling ecosystem,
especially under-served seller groups, to provide them direct market linkages in public procurement,
sans intermediaries, through #Vocalforlocal GeM Outlet Stores.


CCI approves the acquisition of additional shares of API Holdings Limited by Naspers Ventures B.V.
• The Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved the proposed acquisition of additional
shares of API Holdings Limited by Naspers Ventures B.V.
• The Naspers Ventures B.V. (Acquirer), is an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of Prosus N.V.
(Prosus), which is in-turn, a direct subsidiary of Naspers Ltd. (Naspers).
• The Acquirer is an investment holding company and its principal activity is to make investments
by providing direct and indirect equity and debt funding.
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India Approves Bandhan Financial's Acquisition of
Aegon Life
• Bandhan Financial Holdings, the holding company of Bandhan Bank, is set to take control of
Aegon Life Insurance.
• The Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority (IRDAI) has granted final approval for the
acquisition, which was received earlier.
• Completion of Regulatory Approvals: With Irdai's approval, all regulatory requirements for the
proposed acquisition are now fulfilled.
• Bandhan Bank had previously obtained approval from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) four weeks

HDFC Bank Group Granted RBI Approval to Purchase 9.5% Stake in 6 Banks
• India's biggest private sector bank, HDFC Bank, received the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
approval to acquire aggregate holding of about 9.5% of the paid-up share capital or voting rights in
six banks.
• The six banks in which HDFC Bank has received approval to acquire stakes include Axis Bank,
Suryoday Small Finance Bank, ICICI Bank, Bandhan Bank, YES Bank, and IndusInd Bank.
• HDFC Bank submitted applications to the RBI, as a promoter/sponsor of the Group, on December
18, 2023, seeking approval for the stake acquisitions.

LIC Increases its Stake in SBI cards to 5.02%

● Life Insurance Corporation of India’s (LIC) shareholding in SBI Cards and Payments Services
crossed 5% with the insurer, as an investment function, acquiring a little more than three lakh
shares in the non-banking financial company at an average cost of ₹716 per share.
● The shareholding has increased from 4.99% to 5.02% (47,410,710 to 47,711,794 equity shares)
following the open market purchase.
About LIC:
● Established: 1st September 1956
● Chairman : Siddhartha Mohanty
● Headquarters: Mumbai, India
About SBI Cards and Payments Services Limited :
● Established : 1998
● Headquarters : Gurugram, Haryana
● MD & CEO : Abhijit Chakravorty
● It is a Joint Venture between State Bank of India (SBI) and GE Capital.
● SBI Cards and Payment Services is a non-deposit accepting systemically important NBFC,
registered with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), and engaged in issuing credit cards to
consumers in India.
Adani Power and Dickey Alternative Investment Trust Receive Approval from the Competition
Commission of India for Acquisition of Coastal Energen
● The Competition Commission of India (CCI) accepted Adani Power Limited and Dickey
Alternative Investment Trust's bid to purchase a 100% stake in Coastal Energen Private Limited.
● Adani Power Limited (APL), part of the diversified Adani Group, is India's largest private-sector
thermal power generator.
● DAIT is a SEBI-registered Alternative Investment Fund (AIF).
● Adani Power Limited is India's largest private thermal power producer, with 15,250 MW of
installed capacity. Its nine power plants are located in the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka,
Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Jharkhand.
About CCI :
● Established : 2003 (functional in May 2009)
● Headquarters : New Delhi, Delhi
● Chairman : Ravneet Kaur
● The CCI is the chief national competition regulator in India.
● It is a statutory body within the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and is responsible for enforcing the
Competition Act, 2002 to promote competition and prevent activities that have an appreciable
adverse effect on competition in India.

Competition Commission of India (CCI) Greenlights Minda Corporation Limited's Acquisition of

Approximately 8.79% Equity Share Capital in Pricol Limited
● The Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved the acquisition of up to 8.79%
(approx.) of the equity share capital of Pricol Limited (Pricol/Target) by Minda Corporation Limited
● Minda Corporation Limited (Minda), the acquirer, is involved in manufacturing auto-components
parts catering to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and Tier-1 companies across various
segments in India.
● Pricol Limited (Pricol/Target), the company being acquired, is engaged in manufacturing
automobile components for OEMs, Tier-1 suppliers, and replacement markets both in India and
About CCI :
● Established : 2003 (functional in May 2009)
● Headquarters : New Delhi, Delhi
● Chairman : Ravneet Kaur
● The CCI is the chief national competition regulator in India.
● It is a statutory body within the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and is responsible for enforcing the
Competition Act, 2002 to promote competition and prevent activities that have an appreciable
adverse effect on competition in India.
HDFC Bank Receives RBI Approval to Sell 90% Stake in HDFC Credila to Private Equity Consortium
● Private sector lender HDFC Bank has received approval from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for
the divestment of a stake in HDFC Credila, the education loan subsidiary arm of HDFC Bank.
● HDFC Bank will sell a 90% stake in HDFC Credila to a consortium of private equity firms,
including BPEA EQT and ChrysCapital group.
● HDFC Bank will retain a 9.99% stake in HDFC Credila, which provides education loans to
students pursuing higher education in India and overseas.
Carlyle Group Offloads 1.3% Stake in Yes Bank for Rs 1,057 Crore through Open Market Sale
● Global investment firm The Carlyle Group pared a 1.3% stake in private sector lender Yes Bank
for Rs 1,057 crore through an open market transaction.
● The US-based Group through its affiliate CA Basque Investments offloaded 39 crore shares of
private sector lender Yes Bank on BSE.
● According to the bulk deal data available with BSE, CA Basque Investments sold 39 crore shares
amounting to a 1.35 per cent stake in Yes Bank.
● The shares were disposed of at an average price of Rs 27.10 apiece, taking the deal value to Rs
1,056.90 crore.
About Yes Bank :
● Established : 2004
● Headquarters : Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
● MD & CEO : Prashant Kumar
● Tagline : Experience our expertise

The fourth edition of the Khelo India Winter Games has commenced in Leh, Ladakh.
• The fourth Khelo India Winter Games started at Leh in Ladakh.
• This edition of the Games is being hosted jointly by the Union Territories of Ladakh and Jammu
and Kashmir in two parts.
• The first part of this edition is being hosted by the Ladakh at Leh. Six hundred athletes from 15
States and Union Territories are participating in the two sporting events namely Ice Hockey and Ice
Speed Skating games in this first part of the Khelo India Winter Games.

Satwiksairaj Rankireddy-Chirag Shetty became the first Indian duo to reach the number one spot in
BWF Rankings
• India's Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty created history as they defeated world
champions Aaron Chia and Soh Wooi Yik of Malaysia to win the country's first-ever gold medal in
men's doubles at the Indonesia Open.
• The victory came just a month after Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty won the gold
medal at the Badminton Asia Championships.
• Their latest accomplishment came on Sunday when they defeated the reigning world champions
with a score of 21-17, 21-18, making history as the first Indians ever to secure a Super 1000 title.
Abhinav Bindra selected as torchbearer for the 2024 Paris Olympics
• Abhinav Bindra has been selected as torchbearer for the 2024 Paris Olympics.
• Abhinav Bindra will be part of the Olympic torch relay to be held from April 16 to July 26.
• He is a member of the Athletes Commission of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
• Abhinav Bindra is the first Indian to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games at the individual level.
The Ministry of Sports has suspended the Paralympic Committee of India due to the delay in conducting
• The Sports Ministry has suspended the Paralympic Committee of India (PCI) with immediate effect
for failing to conduct elections on time and non-compliance with guidelines.
• In its suspension order, the Sports Ministry yesterday pointed out that the term of Executive
Committee of PCI ended on the 31st of January.
• Whereas the last elections of PCI were held in September 2019, due to an order passed by the
Delhi High Court staying the notification of election dated 03.09.2019, and the returning officer was
also restrained from declaring the result of the elections.
Karnataka has secured the top spot in the medal tally for Short Track Ice Skating at the Khelo India
Winter Games.
• Karnataka has topped in the medal tally in the Short track Ice Skating with 4 gold medals in the
ongoing Fourth edition of the Khelo India Winter Games 2024 at Leh.
• Telangana is in second place with 2 golds and 3 silver medals and Maharashtra is in third in the
medal tally with one Gold, 7 Silver, and 5 Bronze medals.
2026 FIFA World Cup final to be played in New Jersey
• The 2026 World Cup final will be played at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey, U.S., on July 19.
• FIFA announced a Miami television studio, allocating the opener of the 39-day tournament spread
across three North American nations to Mexico City’s Estadio Azteca on June 11 and the finale to
the home of the NFL's New York Jets and Giants.
• Seventy-eight of 104 matches of the first World Cup held in three nations will be played in the U.S.,
with 13 games each in Mexico and Canada.

India leads the tally at the BIMSTEC aquatic championship with 18 medals on day one, including 7 gold,
9 silver, and 2 bronze.
• The first-ever edition of BIMSTEC aquatic championship is taking place at New Delhi.
• India is leading the tally with 18 medals on day one including 7 Gold, 9 Silver and 2 Bronze.
• Meanwhile, Thailand with 14 medal occupying the second spot and Sri Lanka is in third spot with 4
Sumit Nagal, an Indian tennis player, climbs 23 positions to make it into the top 100 of the ATP singles
• In Tennis, India's Sumit Nagal jumped 23 ranks to enter the top 100 in the ATP singles rankings
for the first time in his career.
• The title win at the Chennai Open challenger event pushed Nagal to the 98th spot in the latest
singles rankings.
• Last month in the Australian Open, Nagal defeated then world no.27 Alexander Bublik of
Kazakhstan, becoming the first Indian to beat a seeded player at a Grand Slam in 35 years.
Khelo India athletes emerged as outperformers in the Li Ning Sri Lanka International Badminton
Challenge 2024
• In the Li Ning Sri Lanka International Badminton Challenge 2024, Khelo India athletes have
emerged as outperformers.
• Isha Rani Baruah won a Gold medal in the women's singles category, Rakshitha Sree S won a
Silver medal in the women's singles category, and Rithvik Sanjeevi S also won a Silver medal in
the men's singles category.
• The Sri Lanka Badminton Association conducted the Li Ning International Badminton Challenge
2024 at Galle between the 5th to 11th of this month.
Nagaland to co-host wrestling as a part of Khelo India University Games
• Nagaland will be co-hosting wrestling as part of the Khelo India University Games scheduled to be
held from 22nd to 26th February in Kohima.
• Assam is the main host of the fourth edition of the Khelo India University Games.
• Other North Eastern states are also co-hosting various disciplines.
• About 240 athletes from universities across the country will participate in the wrestling.
• About 74 officials from the Sports Authority of India, All India University, and the National Sports
Federation will officiate and provide technical support.

The 2024 Badminton Asia Team Championships are set to begin in Shah Alam, Malaysia
• The Badminton Asia Team Championships 2024 began in Shah Alam, Malaysia.
• This biennial event will conclude on the 18th of this month.
• India's first match is scheduled against Hong Kong in the men's team event.
• The winners of this championship will be considered as the Asian qualifier for Thomas and Uber
Cups - the badminton world men's and women's team championships, scheduled to take place in
Chengdu, People's Republic of China from the 28th of April to the 5th of May this year.
India was awarded the 9th GovTech Prize for its AI-enabled government services at the World
Government Summit 2024.
• India has secured the prestigious 9th GovTech Prize for its pioneering endeavours in Artificial
Intelligence (AI)-powered government services, at the World Government Summit 2024.
• The annual award is instituted by the government of the UAE and is presented to government
entities, central or local, worldwide, to recognize creative and innovative solutions.
• India won under the category of 'AI-Powered Government Services'.
• The accolade recognises the remarkable efforts of the Ministry for Road Transport & Highways,
Government of India, for its transformative project known as iRASTE.
Arunachal Pradesh is the location where the Tawangchu Tides International Kayaking Championship-
2024 will be held
• The three-day Tawangchu Tides International Kayaking Championship-2024 kick started in
Tawang District, Arunachal Pradesh.
• District Deputy Commissioner inaugurated the championship at Dongshengmang in Bongleng
village near Indo Bhutan border.
• A total of 51 Kayakers from different countries including Britain, Russia and Australia and different
states of the country are participating in it.
• The event is being organized by an organization called “SWYTCH”.
The Mission Olympic Cell has granted approval to Judokas and Shooters for Global Competitions
• Mission Olympic Cell (MOC), Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, has approved Judokas
Himanshi Tokas, Shraddha Chopade and Asmita Dey for participation in multiple competitions.
• Junior Asian Championship Gold medallist Himanshi Tokas and Junior Oceania Championship
Gold medallist Shraddha Chopade will be heading to France Grand Slam, Azerbaijan Grand Slam,
Uzbekistan Grand Slam and Austria Grand Prix.
• The MOC has also approved shooter Elavenil Valarivan’s proposal to participate in the upcoming
International Shooting Sport Federation World Cup in Spain.
The logo, anthem, mascot, jersey, and torch for the 2023 Khelo India University Games are all unveiled
by the Assam Chief Minister
• Assam Chief Minister Dr Himanta Biswa Sarma ceremonially launched the Logo, Anthem, Mascot,
Jersey and Torch of Khelo India University Games - 2023, Ashtalakshmi in Guwahati in the
presence of Nisith Pramanik, Union MoS for Youth Affairs & Sports and Home Affairs.
• Assam had successfully conducted the National Games and SAARC Games and assured of
providing the best facilities and service to all the participating members in this sporting event.
At the Strandja Memorial tournament in Bulgaria, boxers Amit Panghal and Sachin Siwach were
awarded gold medals.
• In Boxing, World Championship medallist Amit Panghal and Sachin Siwach won a gold each, while
Nikhat Zareen and three other Indians signed off with silver medals at the 75th Strandja Memorial
tournament in Bulgaria.
About Bulgaria
• Capital: Sofia
• President: Rumen Radev
• Prime minister: Nikolay Denkov
• Currency: Bulgarian Lev

India clinched the SAFF U-19 Women's Championship by defeating Bangladesh in the final in Dhaka.
• India has won the South Asian Football Federation's (SAFF) U-19 Women's Championship beating
defending champion Bangladesh in the final of the four-nation tournament in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
• The winner of the match was decided by a toss after a lengthy penalty shootout.
• All eleven players from each side converted their penalties in the shootout after the contest ended
1-1 at full time.
• Sibani Devi gave India the lead in the eighth minute but Bangladesh striker Sagorika scored the
equalizer in the last minutes of the game to take it to penalties.
The Centre provided athletic scholarships to athletes under the Khelo India scholarship programme in
2023-24 for a total of over Rs 30 crore.
• The Centre has awarded over 30 crore rupees to athletes under the Khelo India scholarship
scheme during the 2023-24 financial year.
• The Youth Affairs and Sports Ministry said in a release that the Sports Authority of India has
granted a total annual scholarship of over six lakh 28 thousand rupees to almost three thousand
athletes under the Khelo India scholarship scheme.
• The Ministry said this amount was spent on training, coaching, diet, medical insurance, kits and
out-of-pocket allowance for the athletes.
The 15th CEC Ice Hockey Cup Championship is clinched by the Drass Warriors:
• In Ladakh, in a thrilling showdown at Khree Sultan Choo Ice Hockey Rink, Kargil, the Drass
Warriors clinched victory in the 15th CEC Ice Hockey Cup Championship.
• Displaying exceptional skill, they secured a resounding win of 7 goals against
United Chiktan, with Wasim Bilal earning the prestigious titles of Man of the Series and Man of the
• The tournament, organized by the District Youth Service and Sports Department, drew 31 men's
teams and 4 women's teams from across Kargil.
Malaysia's Shah Alam will host the Badminton Asia Team Championships in 2024.
● The Badminton Asia Team Championships 2024 began in Shah Alam, Malaysia.
● This biennial event will conclude on the 18th of this month.
● India's first match is scheduled for against Hong Kong in the men's team event.
● The winners of this championship will be considered as the Asian qualifier for Thomas and Uber
Cups - the badminton world men's and women's team championships, scheduled to take place in
Chengdu, People's Republic of China from the 28th of April to the 5th of May this year.
In the Pro Kabaddi League, Patna Pirates secured a playoff spot by defeating Telugu Titans.
● In the Pro Kabaddi League, three-time champions Patna Pirates defeated Telugu Titans 38-36 at
Netaji Indoor Stadium in Kolkata.
The 77th National Football Championship of Santosh Trophy, 2024, will have its final rounds held in
Arunachal Pradesh.
● Arunachal Pradesh is set to host the final rounds of 77th edition of National Football
Championship of Santosh Trophy, 2024.
● The championship is scheduled from February 21-March 9 at Golden Jubilee Outdoor Stadium,
Yupia, Itanagar.
The president of the International Chess Federation (FIDE) and the minister of sports passed the torch
for the 45th Chess Olympiad.
● Sports Minister Anurag Singh Thakur along with International Chess Federation FIDE president
Arkady Dvorkovich handed off Torch Relay for the 45th Chess Olympiad at Major Dhyan Chand
National Stadium in New Delhi.
● The 44th Chess Olympiad was hosted in Chennai, India and the 45th edition will be hosted by
Hungary in Budapest.
● India hosted Chess Olympiad with a great passion and all States participated in the Torch Relay
in the country.
● India not only hosted the 44th Chess Olympiad but hosted it with a style.
Ravichandran Ashwin becomes the second Indian player to reach the 500th Test wicket milestone.
● Indian off-spinner Ravichandran Ashwin claimed his 500th Test wicket in the first innings of the third
Test match against England at the Niranjan Shah Stadium in Rajkot. The 37-year-old achieved this
monumental feat in his 98th Test Match.
● Ashwin dismissed Zak Crawley in the final session of the second day to join Anil Kumble as the
second Indian, and fifth overall, to take 500 wickets in Test history.
Sumit Nagal wins Chennai Open ATP Challenger title; breaks into world’s top 100 for the first time
● India's Sumit Nagal won the Chennai Open ATP Challenger title win over top seed Luca Nardi of
Italy at the SDAT Tennis Stadium in Chennai.
● He became the first Indian to win a men's singles event at the Chennai Open ATP level event.
● Additionally, Nagal received 100 ATP points and US$18230 (equivalent to Rs 15.13 lakh), taking him
into the top 100 ranking in the world.
● Luca Nardi got 10730 US dollars, i.e. Rs 8.90 lakh, and 60 ATP points.
● This is Nagal's fifth career ATP Challenger singles title and his second title on Indian soil, more than
six years after winning the Bengaluru Open Challenger in 2017.
● In the doubles title, the Indian pair Ramkumar Ramanathan and Saketh Myneni won by defeating
Niki Kalianda Poonacha/Ritvik Chaudhary Bollipalli on 10 February.
● The Chennai Open ATP Challenger was hosted in collaboration with the Government of Tamil Nadu
and the Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu.
Australia clinch U19 Men’s Cricket World Cup crown with emphatic win over India
● Australia beat India by 79 runs to win their fourth ICC U19 World Cup.
● The Australian team posted a target of 253 runs in 50 overs.
● However, India fell short, managing to score only 174 runs in their innings.
● The 2024 ICC Under-19 Men's Cricket World Cup was an international limited-overs cricket
tournament organized by the International Cricket Council (ICC), that was held in South Africa from
19 January to 11 February 2024.
● It was the fifteenth edition of the Under-19 Cricket World Cup.
● The tournament was originally scheduled to be held in Sri Lanka, but its hosting was pulled in
November 2023 after Sri Lanka Cricket was suspended by the ICC.
● The Man of the match was awarded to Mahli Beardman who took 3 wickets for 15 runs in the final
ISSF World Cup 2024 Cairo shooting: Divyansh Singh Panwar wins gold medal with world record score
● India’s Divyansh Singh Panwar won the gold medal in the men’s 10m air rifle shooting event at the
ISSF World Cup 2024 in Cairo.
● India finished their campaign at the top of the table with six medals.
● India’s six medals at the first ISSF World Cup of the year included two gold, three silver and one
● Great Britain finished second on the medal table with two gold and one silver while Germany was
third with two gold and three bronze medals.
India set two national records, one silver, and three gold in the Asian Indoor Athletics Championships.
● India has concluded the Asian Indoor Athletics Championships in Tehran with three gold, one silver
and two national records.
● Tajinder Singh Toor breaking the nineteen-year-old national record and clinching gold with a throw of
19.7 metres in men's shotput.
● Harmilan Bains secured gold in the women's 1500 metres and Ankita Dhyani clinched silver in the
women's 3000 metres event.
● A total of 13 Indian athletes six women and seven men competed at the eleventh edition of the Asian
Indoor Athletics Championships 2024 held in Irani's Tehran from February 17 to 19.
The 77th National Football Championship Final Rounds for the Santosh Trophy will be placed in
Arunachal Pradesh in 2023–2024.
● Arunachal Pradesh is hosting the Final Rounds of the 77th National Football Championships for the
Santosh Trophy 2023-24 at Golden Jubilee Outdoor Stadium in Yupia.
● For the first time since its inception in 1941, the Santosh Trophy will be held in Arunachal Pradesh.
● The opening match of the 77th National Football Championships for the Santosh Trophy 2023-24
will be played between host Arunachal Pradesh and five-time champion Goa at the Golden Jubilee
Outdoor Stadium in Yupia.
Gold in the Junior Women's Team Sprint Event at the Asian Track Cycling Championship makes history
for India:
● In the Asian Track Cycling Championship, India created history by clinching Gold in the Junior
Women's Team Sprint Event at the Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium in Delhi.
● The women's junior team, comprising Sarita Kumari, Niya Sebastian, Zaina Mohammed Ali Pirkhan,
and Sabina Kumari outpaced South Korea with an impressive timing of 53.383 seconds to win the
● In the men's junior team event, India's Narayan Mahto, Syed Khalid Baghi, and Mayanglambam
Wattaba Meitei won the silver medal
Khelo India Games: Jain University tops the standings in all categories of swimming events with 7 Gold,
6 Silver, and 3 Bronze.
● In the Khelo India Games, Jain University of Karnataka topped the list in all categories of Swimming
events with 7 Gold, 6 Silver and 3 Bronze followed by the University of Kerala with 5 Gold, 1 silver
and 2 bronze medals and Adamas University placed in the third with 6 medals played at the Dr.
Zakir Hussain Swimming Pool in Guwahati.
● Jasmeen Kaur of Punjab University won the Gold in the Women's 10-meter Air Rifle, Devanshi
Katara, University of Rajasthan bagged the Silver while Kajal Kumari of Manipal University won the
Bronze medal at the Khelo India University Games 2023 Ashtalakshmi at Kahilipara Shooting
Range, Guwahati.
India bags 14 medals, including nine Golds at Archery Asia Cup 2024 in Baghdad, Iraq
● India finished the Archery Asia Cup 2024 with 14 medals, including nine golds, four silvers and one
bronze in Baghdad, Iraq.
● In the women’s individual recurve category, three-time Olympian Deepika Kumari won the gold
medal by defeating compatriot Simranjeet Kaur 6-2.
● Meanwhile, in an all-Indian final, Dhiraj Bommadevara beat Tarundeep Rai 7-3 to win the men’s
recurve archery title.
Abhay Singh, an Indian squash player, wins the Goodfellow Classic in Toronto.
● Indian Squash player Abhay Singh clinched the Goodfellow Classic PSA Challenger Tour Title in
Toronto, Canada.
● In the finals, he defeated Elliott Morris Devred of Wales by 3-0.
● With this win, the Asian Games Gold medalist has won his eighth PSA World Tour title.

The University of Calicut won the Khelo India University Games Men's Football Title 2-1 against the
University of Kerala.
● The University of Calicut lifted the championship trophy of Men’s Football at the Khelo India
University Games 2023 defeating the University of Kerala by 2:1.
● The final match was held at Rajiv Gandhi Stadium, Mulapui in Aizawl.
● In all, 8 Universities have participated in the competition which includes 3 teams from Kerala, 2
teams from Punjab, 2 teams from West Bengal and 1 team from Maharashtra.
● The Mizoram Edition of the Khelo India University Games 2023 began on February 19th.
'Trailblazing Pioneer': Jay Shah Hails Jacintha Kalyan on Becoming India's First Female Pitch Curator
● Jacintha Kalyan has become the trailblazing pioneer as the first female cricket pitch curator in our
● The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) secretary, Jay Shah, extended warm praise to
Jacintha Kalyan for her groundbreaking achievement as the first female pitch curator in Indian
cricket history.
● Kalyan is currently overseeing the pitch preparations for the Women's Premier League (WPL) in
Bengaluru, marking a significant milestone for gender inclusivity in the sport.
● Kalyan, hailing from an agricultural background, has been associated with the Karnataka State
Cricket Association (KSCA) for over three decades.

Veteran Odia Actor & National Award Winner, Sadhu Meher, Passed Away
• Renowned actor and director Sadhu Meher, who left an indelible mark on both Hindi and Odia
film industries, passed away in Mumbai at the age of 84.
• Meher hailing from Manamunda in Odisha's Boudh district.
• He initiated his career in 1969 with notable Hindi films such as "Bhuvan Shome", "Ankur", and
"Mrigayaa", later transitioning his focus to Odia cinema.
• In the Hindi film industry, Sadhu Meher made his debut in Mrinal Sen's "Bhuvan Shome" (1969),
portraying the character of a junior railway official.
• The movie received national acclaim, securing awards for Best Film, Best Director, and Best
Actor the following year.

Marathon World Record Holder Kelvin Kiptum Killed in Road Accident

• Kelvin Kiptum, the current marathon world record holder, and his coach Gervais Hakizimana died
in a road accident.
• Kelvin Kiptum was born on December 2, 1999, in Chepsamo, Chepkorio, Kenya.
Former Chilean President Sebastián Piñera Dies in Helicopter Accident
• Sebastián Piñera, the two-time former President of Chile who faced social upheaval followed by a
pandemic in his second term, died in a helicopter accident at the age of 74.
• Sebastián Piñera was born on 1st December 1949 in Santiago, Chile.
• He became Chile's first conservative president to be democratically elected since 1958.
About Chile :
• President : Gabriel Boric
• Capital : Santiago
• Currency : Chilean peso

Renowned litterateur and Padma Shri awardee Usha Kiran Khan passed away
● Renowned litterateur and Padma Shri awardee Usha Kiran Khan passed away at the age of 78 in
Patna, Bihar.
● Usha Kiran Khan was born at Laheriasarai in Darbhanga district of Bihar in October 1945.
● In 2011, Usha won a Sahitya Akademi Award for the Maithili novel Bhamati: Ek Avismaraniya
● In 2012, she was awarded a Kusumanjali Sahitya Samman by the Indian Council for Cultural
Relations for her novel Sirjanhaar.
● Khan was awarded the Padma Shri in 2015 for her service in the field of literature and education.
Note :
● The Indian Constitution's 8th Schedule saw the addition of the Maithili language through the 92nd
Amendment Act of 2003, which was enforced in 2004.
Ex-Indian Test Cricketer Dattajirao Gaekwad Passed Away
● India's oldest Test cricketer and former captain, Dattajirao Gaekwad, passed away at the age of
95 due to age-related issues.
● After the death of Deepak Shodhan in 2016, he became the oldest living Indian Test cricketer.
Renowned Actor Kavita Chaudhary, Famous for Portraying 'Lalitaji' and in the Serial 'Udaan,' Passed
● Actor Kavita Chaudhary, the canny, kind Lalitaji from 1980s ad for Surf detergent and star of the
popular Doordarshan serial “Udaan”, passed away at the age of 67.

Eminent jurist & Senior Supreme Court Lawyer Fali Nariman passed away
● Renowned constitutional jurist and senior Supreme Court advocate Fali S Nariman passed away
at the age of 95 in New Delhi.
● Fali Nariman Born in 1929 in Rangoon, British Burma, British India (present day Yangon,
● He also participated in cases like the TMA Pai case, addressing the extent of minority rights
under Article 30.
● Nariman was a significant public voice in the country. Recently, he raised criticism against the
judgement leading to the abrogation of Article 370.
● In 2022, Nariman in his book, ‘You Must Know Your Constitution’, wrote, “The life of a written
Constitution—like the life of the law—is not logic (or draftsmanship), but experience
● He received the Padma Bhushan in January 1991 and in 2007 he was awarded the Padma
Opposition Leader, Anti-Corruption Activist and Political Prisoner Alexey Navalny Passed Away
● A Russian opposition leader, lawyer, anti-corruption activist, and political prisoner Alexey Navalny
died in prison.
Former Maharashtra Chief Minister, Manohar Joshi Passed away
● Former Maharashtra Chief Minister Manohar Joshi passed away at the age of 86 in Mumbai.
● Joshi was born on 2 December 1937 in Raigad district in Maharashtra.
● He was the first chief minister from undivided Shiv Sena and held the post during 1995-1999.
Iconic Radio Broadcaster Known for His Melodious Voice, Ameen Sayani Passed Away
● Ameen Sayani, radio's most recognised voice for millions of Indians who tuned into Binaca
Geetmala every week, has passed away at the age of 91.
● Ameen Sayani was born on 21 December 1932 in Bombay, Bombay Presidency, British India
(now Mumbai, Maharashtra, India).

Renowned Filmmaker Kumar Shahani Passed Away

● Renowned filmmaker Kumar Shahani passed away in Kolkata at the age of 83.
● Shahani was born on December 7, 1940, in Larkana, Sindh (now in Pakistan).
● He was a celebrated Indian film director and screenwriter, known for his contributions to parallel
● His notable works include "Maya Darpan" (1972), "Tarang" (1984) (which won a National Film
Award), "Khayal Gatha" (1989), and "Kasba" (1990).

Andreas Brehme, Scorer of Germany's 1990 World Cup Winning Goal, Passed Away
● Andreas Brehme, who scored from the penalty spot to seal victory for West Germany against
Argentina in the 1990 World Cup final, passed away at the age of 63.
● Andreas Brehme was born in Hamburg, West Germany.
● He won the Bundesliga title in 1998 and German Cup in 1996 during his time at the club, with
whom he also had a spell as manager from 2000-02.
● He played 86 times for his country, scoring 8 goals, the most famous of which, an 85th-minute
penalty against Argentina at the Olympic Stadium in Rome, brought West Germany their third
World Cup title.

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