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Dolphin Readers

Activity Book Answers -

Level One
(Page 3)
How’s the Weather?
Activity Book Answers Page 5
(Page 1) boots 2; cap 4; shirt 5; scarf 6; socks 3;
pants 1. Circle.
(Page 3) sunny 5; cloudy 1; rainy 4; snowy 3; foggy 2.
(Page 4) 1 yes; 2 yes; 3 no; 4 yes; 5 no; 6 no; 7 yes. Amy washes the window.
(Page 5) 1 Tuesday; 2 happy; 3 a kite; 4 a hat;
5 a cap; 6 windy.
(Page 7) 1 sunny; 2 foggy; 3 cloudy; 4 rainy;
5 gloves; 6 snowy; 7 scarf.
(Page 8) It is foggy-Wednesday; It is cold-Thursday; Amy washes the wheel.
It is hot-Sunday; It is snowy-Friday; It is windy-
Tuesday; It is rainy-Monday; It is warm-Saturday.
(Page 9) 4; 10; 12; 2; 2; 4 and 12; 12
(Page 10) 1 It is windy; 2 It is foggy; 3 It is cold;
4 It is snowy / It is very cold.
Amy washes the door.
(Page 11) 1 It is Saturday; 2 It is Wednesday;
3 It is Monday; 4 It is Sunday; 5 It is Friday;
6 It is Tuesday.
(Page 13) 1 scarf; 2 sunny; 3 cloudy; 4 coat; 5 rainy; Amy washes the seat.
6 umbrella; 7 snowy; 8 foggy.

Jack the Hero

Activity Book Answers 3

(Page 1) vase 4; truck 5; candy 6; apple 7; cake 3;

(Page 4)
banana 1; ball 2.
(Page 3) 1 no; 2 yes; 3 no; 4 yes; 5 no; 6 yes.
Page 9
(Page 4) 1 careful; 2 Catch; 3 out; 4 no; 5 very;
6 Don’t; 7 hungry.
(Page 5) 1 four; 2 five; 3 two; 4 six; 5 three; 6 one. Circle.
(Page 6) 1 Look out, Mrs. Clark! 2 Stop, Jenny.
Don’t touch! 3 Jack! Catch the ball; 4 Please be This is a flower.
careful Mr. Bell; 5 It is very hot; 6 You are my hero.
(Page 7) 1 no; 2 yes; 3 no; 4 no; 5 yes; 6 no; 7 yes;
8 yes.
(Page 8) 1 Mr. Bell; 2 a ball; 3 Mrs. Clark; 4 Jenny; This is a web.
5 Mom.
(Page 9) 6; 4; 2; 5; 3; 1.
(Page 10) 14; 4; 8; 12; 8; 10; 2; 6.
(Page 11) 1 banana; 2 vase; 3 cake; 4 cookie;
5 truck; 6 apple; 7 candy. This is a spider.
(Page 13) 1 climb; 2 jump; 3 juice; 4 ball; 5 run;
6 cake; 7 candy; 8 banana.

This is a tree.
Little Helpers
Activity Book Answers
(Page 1) sugar 3; jam 5; cookies 1; rice 6; tea 2;
flour 4.

© Oxford Universit Press

Dolphin Readers • Level One 1
(Page 5) 1 rock; 2 rope; 3 ducks; 4 bicycle; 5 head; (Page 9) 8; 6; 14; 4; 14; 10; 12.
6 hand; 7 hat. (Page 10) 1 kitten; 2 house; 3 nest; 4 web; 5 brown;
(Page 6) 1 yes; 2 no; 3 yes; 4 no; 5 no; 6 yes. 6 cat.
(Page 7) 1 Emily; 2 David’s brother; 3 Amy; 4 Julie; (Page 11) 1 yes; 2 no; 3 no; 4 yes; 5 no; 6 yes; 7 yes.
5 Tom; 6 Mark. (Page 12) 1 the bat; 2 his mommy; 3 in a tree;
(Page 8) 1 kitchen; 2 brother; 3 car; 4 mountains; 4 a baby cat; 5 a bat; 6 a spider.
5 picture. (Page 13) 1 kitten; 2 spider; 3 flower; 4 bird; 5 bat;
(Page 9) 1 no; 2 yes; 3 no; 4 no; 5 yes; 6 yes. 6 door; 7 nest; 8 tree.
(Page 10) Julie-is in the mountains; Mark-is at the
supermarket; Emily-helps her big sister; David-helps
his brother; Amy-washes the car; Tom-is in the
Meet Molly
kitchen. Activity Book Answers
(Page 11) 1 mother; 2 father; 3 grandmother; (Page 1) cat 4; dog 6; bug 5; door 1; dinosaur 3;
4 grandfather; 5 brother. window 2.
(Page 12) 1 Amy; 2 his brother; 3 her sister; 4 Tom; (Page 3)
5 Mark.
(Page 13) 1 rock; 2 flour; 3 banana; 4 bicycle; Pages 2–3
5 cookies; 6 rope; 7 sugar; 8 wheel.
Lost Kitten
three fingers
Activity Book Answers
(Page 1) cat 4; bat 2; sun 5; bird 6; kitten 3; spider 1.
(Page 3) 1 I am lost; 2 Where am I? 3 I can’t help
you; 4 Toby sees a bird; 5 I am sorry; 6 Can you
help me? five fingers
(Page 4)

Page 9
four fingers
This is a flower.
six fingers

This is a web.

(Page 4) finger 3; leg 6; hand 1; mouth 2; eye 5;

This is a spider. foot 4.
(Page 5) 1 hand; 2 eye; 3 foot; 4 mouth; 5 leg;
6 finger.
(Page 6) 1 no; 2 yes; 3 no; 4 no; 5 yes; 6 yes; 7 no.
This is a tree. (Page 7) 1 Molly; 2 eyes; 3 Joe; 4 pants; 5 shirt;
6 shoes.
(Page 8) 1 no; 2 yes; 3 yes; 4 no; 5 no; 6 yes.
(Page 9) 10; 6; 2; 8; 4; 4; 2.
(Page 10) 1 three; 2 one; 3 three; 4 nine; 5 one;
4 6 three.
(Page 11) books 6; cars 4; house 1; pen 3; dolls 2;
(Page 5) 1 no; 2 yes; 3 yes; 4 yes; 5 no; 6 yes; 7 no. tree 5.
(Page 6) 1 house; 2 leg; 3 bird; 4 flower; 5 door; (Page 12) 1 Joe; 2 blue; 3 red; 4 Joe; 5 six; 6 two.
6 tree. (Page 13) 1 mouth; 2 bug; 3 door; 4 dinosaur; 5 dog;
(Page 7) 1 house; 2 web; 3 flower; 4 Toby; 5 nest; 6 house; 7 eye; 8 tree.
6 tree.
(Page 8) Toby lives in-a house; The spider lives in-a
web; The bird lives in-a nest; The nest is in-a tree;
The web is in-a flower; Toby lives with-his mom.

Dolphin Readers • Level One 2 © Oxford Universit Press

Number Magic (Page 11) 1 kangaroos; 2 zebras; 3 monkeys;
4 elephants; 5 monkeys; 6 the lions.
Activity Book Answers (Page 12) 1 jumping; 2 eating; 3 watching;
(Page 1) shoe 2; hat 5; shirt 4; rabbit 6; mice 1; bird 3. 4 drinking; 5 playing.
(Page 3) 1 no; 2 yes; 3 yes; 4 no; 5 no; 6 no. (Page 13) 1 no; 2 yes; 3 yes; 4 no; 5 yes; 6 yes; 7 no.
(Page 4) 1 Monty; 2 birds; 3 time; 4 rabbit; 5 Two; (Page 14) 1 sandwich; 2 car; 3 monkey; 4 lion;
6 black. 5 kangaroo; 6 bird; 7 water; 8 tree.
(Page 5) 1 five; 2 three; 3 seven; 4 two; 5 one; 6 one.
(Page 6) 12; 2; 9; 1; 3; 5.
(Page 7) 1 three; 2 five; 3 six; 4 four; 5 five; 6 two.
Where is it?
(Page 8) 1 Do you like rabbits? 2 He has a black hat; Activity Book Answers
3 It is time for the magic show; 4 How many blue (Page 1) dog 6; lion 3; dinosaur 5; kitten 2;
birds can you see? 5 Monty takes five birds from his elephant 1; fish 4.
hat. (Page 3) 1 next to the bed; 2 next to the ball;
(Page 9) 1 no; 2 no; 3 yes; 4 no; 5 no; 6 yes; 7 yes. 3 on the books; 4 on the bed.
(Page 10) 8; 2; 10; 14; 6; 2; 12. (Page 4) 1 kitten; 2 dog; 3 dinosaur; 4 lion; 5 tree;
(Page 12) 1 hat; 2 shirt; 3 door; 4 window; 5 ears; 6 elephant.
6 wing; 7 shoe. (Page 5) The pen is in the bag 4; The pen is under
(Page 13) 1 mouse; 2 mice; 3 shoe; 4 ears; 5 rabbit; the box 5; The pen is next to the ruler 2; The pen is
6 window; 7 bird; 8 hat. under the bag 6; The pen is on the book 3; The pen
is next to the book 1.
On Safari (Page 6) 1 ball; 2 bowl; 3 fish; 4 table/dog; 5 cat;
6 table/dog.
Activity Book Answers (Page 7) 1 yes; 2 no; 3 no; 4 yes; 5 no; 6 no.
(Page 1) monkey 5; lion 3; elephant 6; zebra 4; bird (Page 8) lion-under-chair; kitten-in-tree; pens-on-
1; kangaroo 2. desk; bag-next to-door; eggs-in-box; keys-on-TV;
(Page 3) 1 safari park; 2 eat; 3 play; 4 sleep; hat-on-head.
5 kangaroo; 6 jump; 7 drink. (Page 9) 1 yes; 2 yes; 3 yes; 4 no; 5 yes; 6 no; 7 no.
(Page 4) (Page 10) 1 Where is my bag? 2 It is next to the
door; 3 Where are the eggs? 4 They are in the box;
Page 9 5 Where are my pens? 6 They are on the desk.
(Page 11) 5; 6; 9; 5; 7; 9; 3.
Circle. (Page 12) 1 dinosaur; 2 fish; 3 tomato; 4 clock;
5 flower; 6 elephant; 7 kitten.
tree (Page 13) 1 egg; 2 elephant; 3 fish; 4 flower;
5 tomato; 6 tree; 7 dinosaur; 8 hat; 9 key.




(Page 5) 1 no; 2 yes; 3 yes; 4 no; 5 no; 6 no; 7 yes.

(Page 7) 1 monkey; 2 elephant; 3 sandwich;
4 kangaroo; 5 banana; 6 lion.
(Page 8) water 3; sandwich 6; banana 5;
kangaroo 2; elephant 1; monkey 4.
(Page 10) 1 grass; 2 meat; 3 bananas; 4 jump;
5 water.

© Oxford Universit Press

Dolphin Readers • Level One 3

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