VBA Cheat Sheet

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The Tech Enthusiast Studio

Points Things to take Care of

Macros can contain potentially harmful code, so it's

Security Concerns:
essential to be cautious when enabling and running them.

Ensure that macros are enabled only from trusted sources

to prevent malware or malicious code from running on
your computer.
By default, Excel prompts users to enable or disable
macros when opening a workbook that contains them.
Enable Macros Prompt:
This prompt is a security measure to protect against
potentially harmful macros.
Always review the content and source of the workbook
before enabling macros.
Excel allows you to record macros by performing actions
Understanding Macro Recording: manually. This recorded macro can then be played back to
automate those actions.

However, recorded macros may not always be efficient or

flexible. Understanding VBA coding allows for more
advanced and customized automation.

Macros and VBA code may behave differently across

different versions of Excel and other Office applications.

Test your macros in different versions to ensure

compatibility, especially if you share workbooks with
others who may use different versions.
Errors can occur when running macros, such as
Error Handling:
encountering unexpected data or missing files.

Implement error handling in your VBA code to gracefully

handle errors and provide helpful error messages to users.

Properly document your VBA code with comments to

explain its purpose, functionality, and any complex logic.

Documenting your code makes it easier for others (or

your future self) to understand and maintain the code.

Test your macros thoroughly in different scenarios to

ensure they perform as expected.
Consider edge cases and unexpected inputs to verify the
robustness of your macros.

Before running macros that modify or delete data, always

Backup Data:
back up your workbook to avoid accidental data loss.

The Tech Enthusiast Studio

The Tech Enthusiast Studio

Additionally, consider implementing undo functionality

within your macros whenever possible.
Write efficient and optimized VBA code to minimize
Code Optimization:
execution time and improve performance.
Avoid unnecessary loops, minimize repetitive operations,
and optimize resource usage.

Continuously expand your knowledge of VBA by exploring

Learning Resources:
tutorials, books, forums, and online communities.

Experiment with small projects and gradually tackle more

complex tasks to improve your proficiency.

Description VBA Code

Activate by Tab Name Sheets(“Input”).Activate
Activate by VBA Code Name Sheet1.Activate
Activate by Index Position Sheets(1).Activate
Next Sheet ActiveSheet.Next.Activate
Get ActiveSheet MsgBox ActiveSheet.Name
Select Sheet Sheets(“Input”).Select
Set to Variable Dim ws as Worksheet Set ws = ActiveSheet
Name / Rename ActiveSheet.Name = “NewName”
Add Sheet Sheets.Add
Add Sheet and Name Sheets.Add.Name = “NewSheet”
Add Sheet to Variable Dim ws As Worksheet Set ws = Sheets.Add
Copy Sheet Sheets(“Sheet1”).Copy Before:=Sheets(“Sheet2”)
Sheets(“Sheet1”).visible = False
Hide Sheet Sheets(“Sheet1”).visible = xlSheetHidden
Sheets(“Sheet1”).Visible = True
Unhide Sheet Sheets(“Sheet1”).Visible = xlSheetVisible
Very Hide Sheet Sheets(“Sheet1”).Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
Delete Sheet Sheets(“Sheet1”).Delete
Clear Sheet Sheets(“Sheet1”).Cells.Clear
Unprotect (No Password) Sheets(“Sheet1”).Unprotect
Unprotect (Pass-word) Sheets(“Sheet1”).Unprotect “Password”
Protect (No Password) Sheets(“Sheet1”).Protect
Protect (Pass-word) Sheets(“Sheet1”).Protect “Password”
Protect but Allow VBA Access Sheets(“Sheet1”).Protect UserInterfaceOnly:=True

Description VBA Code

Activate Cell Range(“B3”).Activate Cells(3,2).Activate
Range(Range(“a1”), Range(“a3”)).Select
Select Range Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(3, 1)).Select
Resize Range(“B3”).Resize(2, 2).Select
Offset Range(“B3”).Offset(2, 2).Select

The Tech Enthusiast Studio

The Tech Enthusiast Studio

Copy Range(“A1:B3”).Copy Range(“D1”)

Cut Range(“A1:B3”).Cut Range(“D1”)
Delete Range(“A1:B3”).Delete shift:=xlShiftToLeft
Clear Range(“A1:A3”).ClearFormat
Count Range(“A1:A3”).Count
Dim rng as Range
Set to Variable Set rng = Range(“A1”)
Merge/UnMerge Range(“A1:A3”).UnMerge
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range(“A1:C3”)
MsgBox cell.Value
Loop Through Cells Next cell

Description VBA Code

Activate Workbooks(“Book1”).Activate
Activate First Opened Workbooks(1).Activate
Activate Last Opened Workbooks(Workbooks.Count).Activate
Get activate Workbook MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.Name
Get ThisWorkbook (containing VBA Code) MsgBox ThisWorkbook.Name
Add Workbooks.Add
Dim wb As Workbook
Add to Variable Set wb = Workbooks.Add
Open Workbooks.Open(“C:\example.xlsm”)
Dim wb As Workbook
Open to Variable Set wb = Workbooks.Open(“C:\example.xlsm”)
Close SaveChanges:=True
Save Workbooks(“Book1”).Save
Save As Workbooks(“Book1”).SaveAs strFileName
Protect/ Workbooks(1).Protect “password”
Unprotect Workbooks(1).Unprotect “password”
Dim wb as Workbook
Set to Variable Set wb = Workbooks(“Book1”)
Dim wb As Workbook
For Each wb In Workbooks
MsgBox wb.Name
Loop Through All Workbook in Workbooks Next wb
If Dir(“C:\Book1.xlsx”) = “” Then
MsgBox “File does not exist.”
Check Exists EndIf
Copy Closed FileCopy “C:\file1.xlsx”,”C:\file2.xlsx”

The Tech Enthusiast Studio

The Tech Enthusiast Studio

Description VBA Code

Activate Range(“a1”).EntireColumn.Activate
Height / Width ColumnWidth = 30
Delete Range(“A1”).EntireColumn.Delete
Count Range(“A1”).Columns.Count
Insert Range(“A1”).EntireColumn.Insert
dim lCol as long
lCol = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End
Last (xlToLeft).Column
Copy Range(“A:A”).Copy Range(“E:E”)
Insert Range(“E:E”).Insert

Description VBA Code

Activate Range(“a1”).EntireRow.Activate
Height / Width Range(“A1”).EntireRow.RowHeight = 30
Delete Range(“A1”).EntireRow.Delete
Count Range(“A1”).Rows.Count
Insert Range(“A1”).EntireRow.Inser
dim lRow as long
lRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).
Last Row
Copy Range(“1:1”).Copy Range(“5:5”)
Insert Range(“5:5”).Insert

Description VBA Code

On Error – Stop code and display error On Error Goto 0
On Error – Skip error and continue running On Error Resume Next
On Error – Go to a line of code [Label] On Error Goto [Label]
Clears (Resets) Error On Error GoTo –1
Show Error number MsgBox Err.Number
Show Description of error MsgBox Err.Description
Function to gen-erate own error Err.Raise

Description VBA Code

Copy File FileCopy “C:\test\test_old.xlsx”, “C:\test\test_new.xlsx”
Delete File Kill “C:\test\example.xlsx”
Make Folder MkDir “C:\test\”
Delete All Files From Folder Kill “C:\test\” & “*.*”
Kill “C:\test\” & “*.*”
Delete Folder RmDir “C:\test\”
Current Directory strPath = CurDir()

The Tech Enthusiast Studio

The Tech Enthusiast Studio

Path strPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
strFile = Dir(“C:\test” & “\*”)
Do While Len(strFile) > 0
Debug.Print strFile
strFile = Dir
Loop Through All Files in Folder Loop
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Screen Updating Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Display Alerts Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.EnableEvents = False
Events Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.EnableCancelKey =
Application.EnableCancelKey =
Enable Cancel Key xlInterrupt
Text Compare –
Ignore Case Option Compare Text
Require Variable Declaration Option Explicit
Application.Calculation = xlManual
Automatic Calcu-lations Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
BackgroundChecking = False
Background Error Checking BackgroundChecking = True
Application.DisplayFormulaBar = False
Display Formula Bar Application.DisplayFormulaBar = True
ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = False
Freeze Panes ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
Application.DisplayFullScreen = False
Full Screen View Application.DisplayFullScreen = True
ActiveWindow.View =
PageBreak Preview ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView
With ActiveWindow
.DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = False
.DisplayVerticalScrollBar = False
End WithWith ActiveWindow
.DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = True
.DisplayVerticalScrollBar = True
Display Scroll Bars End With
Application.DisplayStatusBar = False
Display Status Bar Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
Application.StatusBar = “I’m working
Status Bar Contents Application.StatusBar = False

The Tech Enthusiast Studio

The Tech Enthusiast Studio

= False
Display Work-book Tabs = True
Application.UserName = “AutomateExcel.
UserName com”
Application.Caption = “AutomateExcel
App Caption Model”
Zoom ActiveWindow.Zoom = 80

Description VBA Code

Dim arr(1 To 3) As Variant
arr(1) = “one”
arr(2) = “two”
Create arr(3) = “three”
Dim arr(1 To 3) As Variant
Dim cell As Range, i As Integer
i = LBound(arr)
For Each cell In Range(“A1:A3”)
arr(i) = cell.value
Create From Excel Next cell
Dim i as Long
Fori = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
MsgBox arr(i)
Read All Items Next i
Erase Erase arr
Dim sName As String
Array to String sName = Join(arr, “:”)
Increase Size ReDim Preserve arr(0 To 100)
Set Value arr(1) = 22

Description VBA Code

Tools > References > Microsoft Scripting
Required Reference Runtime
Dim dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
dict.Add “”
Create dict.Add “”
Dim dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim cell As Range
Dim key As Integer
For Each cell In Range(“A1:A10”)
key = key + 1
dict.Add key, cell.value
Create From Excel Next cell
Add Item dict.Add “Key”, “Value”
Change Value dict(“Key”) = “Value”
Get Value MsgBox dict(“Key”)

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The Tech Enthusiast Studio

If dict.Exists(“Key”) Then
MsgBox “Exists”
Check For Value End If
Remove Item dict.Remove (“Key”)
Remove All Items dict.RemoveAll
Dim key As Variant
For Each key In dict.Keys
MsgBox key, dict(key)
Loop Through Items Next key
Count Items dict.Count
Make Key Case Sensitive dict.CompareMode = vbBinaryCompare
Make Key Case Insensitive dict.CompareMode = vbTextCompare

Description VBA Code

Dim coll As New Collection
coll.Add “one”
Create coll.Add “two”
Dim coll As New Collection
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range(“A1:A2”)
coll.Add cell.value
Create From Excel Next cell
Add Item coll.Add “Value”
Add Item Before coll.Add “Value”, Before:=1
Add Item After coll.Add “Value”, After:=1
Read Item MsgBox coll (1)
Count Items coll.Count
Dim item As Variant
For Each item In coll
MsgBox item
Read All Items Next item
Remove Item coll.Remove (1)
Remove All Items Set coll = New Collection

The Tech Enthusiast Studio

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