ACU Sayem - Mabu - MINFTN - Letter - of - Offer

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Reference Number: 917238

Application ID: 8252068

DOB: 01-Jan-1985
2 March 2024

Mr. M Abu Sayem

c/- PFEC Global
[email protected]

Dear Mr. Sayem,

Provisional offer
I am pleased to advise that you have been assessed as eligible for admission to the following course at Australian
Catholic University (ACU) on the basis of your academic qualifications:

Course: Master of Professional Accounting – 085337E

Location: North Sydney Campus (MacKillop)
Tuition: AU $4,040.00 per 10 credit points
Annual Tuition: AU $32,320.00 per 80 credit points
Total Tuition: AU $64,640.00
Start Date: 22 July 2024
End Date: 30 June 2026
Duration: 2 years (160 credit points)

The estimated tuition fees for each semester, based on a full time study load of 40 credit points are AU $16,160.00.
Fees quoted are for 2024 and are subject to change for future Start Dates. Tuition fees are set for the minimum duration of the
course at the year of commencement. No guarantee is made relating to tuition fee increases beyond the minimum duration.
ACU semesters normally consist of 12 teaching weeks, one week mid-semester holiday, one study week and three weeks of
examinations. The duration and structure of a semester may vary for courses that require professional experience to fit with the
availability of professional placements.

Fees Payable: TUITION

Master of Professional Accounting - MINFTN AU $ 16,160.00
North Sydney Scholarship in Business & IT - MINFTN AU $ -4,040.00

AU $ 12,120.00

Overseas Student You are required to have health insurance for the duration of your student visa. Evidence
Health Cover of health insurance is required for a student visa to be issued.
(OSHC): OSHC duration required for this offer is - 27 months
If you are not intending to study on a student visa you will not be eligible for OSHC and
should seek alternative health insurance.
Further information on health insurance and the option to purchase directly from the
University's preferred provider may be found at:

Conditions: The following condition(s) must be met prior to enrolment in the Master of Professional

IELTS 6.5 (Academic) with minimum 6.0 in each band; PTE 58 (Academic) with
minimum 50 in all four communicative skills; or other demonstrated proficiency of
English Language. Admission to Coursework Programs - Policy and
Procedures prior to COE being issued

Australian Catholic University Limited ABN 15 050 192 660 CRICOS registered provider: 00004G | PRV12008
Scholarship: The following scholarship has been Secured for the Master of Professional Accounting:
North Sydney Scholarship in Business & IT
Scholarship recipients will receive a 25% tuition fee reduction from the minimum
CRICOS registered duration of their course. For students who have RPL subjects, the
scholarship only applies to enrolled subjects.

Ongoing requirements - To remain eligible for this scholarship, recipients are

required to maintain the following each semester for the duration of the scholarship:

Remain enrolled in a Business or Information Technology course on the North

Sydney campus and is not transferrable to alternative courses or campuses.
Scholarship recipients will remain eligible up to the minimum CRICOS registered
duration of their course.
Must agree to act as student ambassadors for ACU and support promotional

Full terms and conditions are available at

This is a Provisional offer and does not as yet confirm your acceptance as a student of the University. In order to
progress your application further to a full offer of admission, the University requires further information to support
your application.
The University must be satisfied that you meet the Australian Department of Home Affairs (DHA)’s Genuine
Student (GS) and Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) criteria and that you have the financial capacity to cover both
your tuition and living expenses whilst studying in Australia. For further information please visit the Department of
Home Affairs’ website at
To obtain a full offer of enrolment please complete the enclosed Applicant GTE Questionnaire and
return it with the required certified/attested documents via the Student Portal at student- by 21-Jun-2024.
If you are assessed as eligible on the basis of the above Department of Home Affairs (DHA)'s requirements a formal
letter of offer will be forwarded to you providing full terms and conditions of enrolment at ACU.
ACU reserves the right to lapse this offer should the course quota be filled.
Yours sincerely,

Mr Chris Riley
Pro Vice-Chancellor, Global and Education Pathways

Australian Catholic University Limited ABN 15 050 192 660 CRICOS registered provider: 00004G | PRV12008
Simplified student visa framework
applicant GTE questionnaire
Australian Catholic University (ACU) is committed to ensuring
that its international applicant population consists of academically If you have a question about this checklist, please contact the ACU
able and genuine applicants who are studying in Australia for the International Admissions by replying to the email.
purpose of academic, personal and future career development. Please attach additional pages where there is insufficient space on this
form to fully explain your responses to the questions.
As part of the Australian Government’s Simplified Student Visa
Framework (SSVF) arrangements, ACU requires additional Your application will not be finalised until this checklist and
information from prospective applicants applying to undertake required supporting documentation is submitted to the University.
their studies at ACU.


Title: Date of birth:

Family name: Nationality

Given name: ACU reference number:

Prior name (including name at Have you ever used

birth, previous married name another Date of Birth, if so
or aliases): please provide:

What is your current

relationship status (single,
Passport no:
married, divorced, widowed,
engaged, de facto):

What is your country of usual What is the physical

residence: (street) address in this

 Yes  No
1 Have you previously studied in Australia? If yes, attached
full details)

Please provide brief responses to the questions at the end of this document setting out your reasons for
2  Yes  No
undertaking your intended course/s at ACU.

(This section does not apply to onshore applicants, however the University reserves the right to request financial documents if
necessary. Please go to question 4)

Do you have access to sufficient funds to support you and your family members for the TOTAL period of your stay in Australia?
This includes course fees for you and any school-age family members; living costs and travel costs regardless of whether your
dependents intend to accompany you to Australia. It is your responsibility to determine what your costs will be to live and study
in Australia.
Even if you have permission to work in Australia, you must not rely on work to support yourself in Australia as a student. You
must provide documentary evidence that you have genuine access to sufficient funds to cover expenses for the first year of your
course in Australia.
3 Please note that in making an assessment that you have access to sufficient funds, ACU will consider your previous financial and
immigration history; your employment history and that of any persons providing you with financial support; and the source of
the income used (such as cash assets, bank loans etc). If you are relying on a bank loan, you will need to show that these funds
have been deposited into a bank account to which you have unrestricted access and that you have the financial capacity to service
the loan before you depart for Australia and once you arrive in Australia.
Evidence of financial capacity may include the following showing the capacity to cover 12 months tuition fees and living expenses:
1. Sponsorship letter including evidence of relationship to sponsor
2. Evidence of parents/sponsors education, current occupation, income and overall assets
3. Parents/sponsors current bank statement/transactions including fixed deposits
Page 1 of 5

Source of funds Name of Name of
Amount annual
(savings/bank loan/ bank/ sponsor and
Expense Per person required income
fixed term financial relationship
in AUD in AUD
deposit/ institution with student
sponsorship) (if applicable)
$2,000 except if
applying from East
Applicant or Southern Africa
include $2,500; West
Travel Africa include $3,000
(Return travel
to Australia) $2,000 except if
applying from East
or Southern Africa
include $2,500; West
Africa include $3,000

Tuition Applicant
fees for one
academic School age
children $8,296 per year
3 year)

Refer to Offer Letter

Applicant or provide an OSHC
OSHC premium quote
( full visa
duration) Refer to Offer Letter
or provide an OSHC
premium quote

Applicant $24,505 per year

( first 12 Partner $8,575 per year

Child $3,670 per year

Briefly describe your proposed living arrangements in Australia:

 Living with family  homestay arrangements  house share/private rental  other:

Certified/attested documents attached?  Yes  No


Please provide details of all direct family members:

Please attach certified/attested copies of your marriage certificate, educational qualifications for your spouse and birth certificates
for all dependent children.

Highest level Will they

Who Date of birth Citizenship
of education accompany you to
Husband/wife  Yes  No

Page 2 of
Date married

Child 1  Yes  No

Child 2  Yes  No

Child 3  Yes  No

Child 4  Yes  No

Child 5  Yes  No

Child 6  Yes  No

Have you or any of the dependents listed above previously been granted any type of Australian
5  Yes  No
visa? If yes, please provide proof (ie your visa grant notice)

Have you or any other dependents ever been in Australia and not complied with visa conditions or
6  Yes  No
departed Australia outside your authorised period of stay?


Do you currently hold an Australian visa? If yes, then give details of the  Yes  No If yes, please specify:
name the visa application was in, the type of visa, place of issue, date of issue,
(provide the visa label number or the 13 digit visa grant number as shown on
the letter notifying you of the visa grant if you were not given a visa label).

 Yes  No If yes, please specify:

Are you currently awaiting a decision on another Australian visa application? If
yes, then give details of the name the visa application was in and the type of visa.

 Yes  No If yes, please give details:

Have you or any other dependents ever had an application for entry to Australia
refused or had a visa for Australia cancelled?

 Yes  No If yes, please specify:

Have you or any other dependents ever had any visa approvals, refusals or
cancellation for any other countries?


11 Please provide details of any relatives in Australia in the table below:

Name Relationship Address Immigration status in Australia


What is your current employment status?

Currently Employed/self -employed? Give details of employer/business including name and address, phone number and
 position you hold, how long you have been employed by the business – attach evidence.

12 Student – give details of your current course and educational provider and how long you have been studying at
 this institution.

 Other – provide details.

 Unemployed – provide details of your last employment (if applicable).

Have you been offered employment when you return home upon completion of your course?  Yes  No

If no - What kind of employment will you be seeking when you complete your Australian course?

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If yes - Please provide name and address of employer and title of position offered:


Have you or any of your dependents that you have listed above:

Been convicted of a crime or offence in any country?  Yes  No

Been charged with any offence that is awaiting legal action?  Yes  No
Been removed or deported from any country?  Yes  No

Committed or been involved in the commission of war crimes or crimes against humanity or human
 Yes  No

Had any outstanding debts to the Australian Government or any public authority in Australia?  Yes  No

Page 4 of
ACU GTE document Checklist

Certified copies of all pages or applicant and dependents' passport(s) (This requirement does not apply to onshore applicants). 

Copy of Hukou address and English translation (Chinese applicants only). 


Evidence of English language proficiency as per ACU entry requirements or ACU ELICOS offer letters. 


Year 12 Mark sheets/official transcript and completion certificates and undergraduate degree transcripts and completion

certificates and/or postgraduate degree transcripts and completion certificates (if not previously provided).

Documentary evidence to cover any gaps in education longer than 12 months (eg completion certificate, academic

transcripts, written explanation etc).

Documentary evidence of employment history to cover post study gap(s)(eg employment letters including position, salary,

duration, responsibilities. Contracts are not sufficient).


Applicant’s account of their academic, employment and family background as well as reasons for choosing Australia,

ACU and particular course(s) and future plans (please provide standalone letter).


Marriage registration certificate if married. 

Documentary evidence of spouse’s educational documents if married or de-facto relationship (not applicable if spouse is not

accompanying to Australia).

Documentary evidence of spouse’s employment and financial documents if married or de-facto relationship eg employment
letters including salary or annual income, bank statement, pay slips (not applicable if spouse is not accompanying to 

6. FINANCIAL CAPACITY OF APPLICANT’S FAMILY AND SPONSORSHIP (This section does not apply to onshore applicants,
however the University reserves the right to request any financial documentation if necessary)

Applicant’s proof of family relationship (eg birth certificates, family relationship certificate, passport, national ID cards,

Hukou documents for Chinese applicants)

Proof of relationship between applicant and financial sponsors if other than parents (eg birth certificate, family

relationship certificate, passport).

Financial sponsorship declarations (including self-sponsorship). 

Proof of annual income of all sponsor(s) to support the sponsor’s family & applicant’s studies in Australia and living expenses
for the first 12 months (eg employment letters including salary or annual income, pay slips, income tax return 
documents, business income, land/property lease agreement etc).

Bank statements for past 3 months including evidence of lump sum money deposits (eg savings account, provident fund,
Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR), education loan) (eg Evidence of lump sum deposits ; transaction between two different 
savings accounts, certified copies of sales deed, receipts, loan disbursement letters etc).

Sanctioned education bank loan which includes size of monthly education specific loan repayment for financial sponsor(s)

and certified copies of mortgage deed in original language and English translation if applicable.


Evidence of immigration history of applicant and dependent/s to Australia – copies of any previous visas, visa refusals or visa

cancellation letters from Australia and overseas.


Page 5 of

I declare that:
• All of the information I have provided in this application is accurate and complete and is not false or misleading. I understand giving false or
misleading information is a serious offence under state and/or federal law in Australia.
• I declare that the signature on this form is my signature and has not been signed on my behalf by another person including my agent or sponsor.
• I agree to advise Australian Catholic University (ACU) immediately if there is any change to the information I have provided in this application.
• I understand that ACU has the right to vary or reverse any assessment made on the basis of incorrect, incomplete, false or misleading information
which I have provided.
• I understand that by completing this application, I am giving written consent to ACU to independently verify the information supplied by me in
this application.
• I declare that I have access to the funds required to study at ACU for the length of my course including course/tuition fees and living expenses for
myself and my dependents.
• I declare that I am a Genuine Temporary Entrant and a Genuine Student and I am required to return home upon completion of my studies at ACU
or upon completion of the applicable Post Study Work period.
• I understand that the University reserves the right to interview me in relation to Genuine Temporary Entrant and Genuine Student requirement.


I declare that:
• All of the information provided above is correct and true.
• I am satisfied that this applicant meets all the financial and GTE requirements for study with ACU.

ACU reference number:

Applicant name:

Applicant date of birth:

Education agent name:

Education agent signature: Education agent stamp: Date:

Applicant signature: Date:


Parent or legal custodian name:

Relationship to applicant:

Applicant signature:

Provider registration codes: ABN 15 050 192 660. CRICOS registered provider. 00004G. Updated: July, 2021. Page 6 of
Statement of purpose

The statement of purpose (SOP) should be identical to the statement you intend to lodge with your student visa
application with the Department of Home Affairs (DHA). You may be asked to provide similar information during an
interview with an ACU representative or DHA.

Your SOP should be written in an essay format and be no longer than one page (approximately 300 words). Please
write consciously and ensure that your SOP is written by you and reflects your personal circumstances and goals.
Avoid providing generic information and/or information provided elsewhere in your GTE application.

If you have any question about this Statement of Purpose, please contact International Admissions by replying to the


 Explain how you will be financing your studies in Australia.


 Provide Immigration history, including travel to other countries. Any previous visa refusals or cancellations
from any country, including Australia and describe how you addressed the issues identified that resulted in
your visa refusals or cancellations.


 If there is an academic or professional gap of more than six months, then mention about your activities
during that period.


 Explain the personal circumstances/reason for choosing the course. Include information outlining relevance
with previous studies and/or work experience.
 Explain any change of stream.
 State any other specific reasons for seeking to undertake the course, rather than a similar course at
an institution in home country or in other countries, including Australia.


 This must include your personal career goal(s) and your expected return on investment. How this chosen
course will add value to your career/profile. Explain the financial, family or social ties and incentive to return
to home country.


 Disclose any exceptional circumstances related to you (or your spouse, if relevant) that may impact on your
student visa profile and how any unique case specific issues have been positively resolved or addressed by

Provider registration codes: ABN 15 050 192 660. CRICOS Reg. 00004G. Updated May 2023.

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