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Subject: Modern Foreing Language – English

Teacher: Paula Maria

Componente Curricular: Inglês - 7º ano/2021


Dear student,

Abra o seu caderno de Inglês. Escreva a atividade que está fazendo e a data. Por exemplo: - Atividade 01 e a
data. Copie o título da atividade, o texto e todas as questões/perguntas à tinta azul ou preta. Use sempre o lápis para
respondê-las. Lembre-se de copiar os enunciados e as perguntas. As respostas devem vir sempre logo abaixo das
perguntas e nunca ao final do exercício. Perguntas em português, respostas em português; perguntas em inglês, respostas
em inglês, caso consiga.
Você vai precisar de um dicionário bilíngue: Português-Inglês / Inglês - Português
Caso você imprima as folhas das atividades de inglês e/ou as receba, você poderá fazer os exercícios
propostos na própria folha. ATENÇÃO! Só depois de corrigidas, recorte-as e cole-as no seu caderno de inglês,
dobrando-as o mínimo possível.
Siga os comandos dos exercícios propostos nesta atividade.
I am missing you! (Eu estou com saudades de você!)
XOXO, (Hugs and kisses,)
Teacher Paula Maria

Dear student, (Querido estudante,)

Today you will learn about prepositions of time.
(Hoje, você aprenderá sobre preposições de tempo.)

Prepositions of time.
A – Prepositions of time: at, in, on.
As preposições de tempo não variam. We use:
• at for a precise time
• in for months, years, centuries and long periods
• on for days and dates
Study the board below very well. (Estude muito bem o quadro abaixo.)

at in on
precise time months – years – centuries – long periods days – dates
at 3 o'clock in May on Sunday
at 10.30am in summer on Tuesdays
at noon in the summer on 6 March
at dinnertime in 1990 on 25 Dec. 2010
at bedtime in the 1990s on Christmas Day
at sunrise in the next century on Independence Day
at sunset in the Ice Age on my birthday
at the moment in the past/future on New Year's Eve
Pay attention to the examples:
• I have a meeting at 9am.
• Araújo Drugstore closes at midnight.
• Suzy went home at dinnertime. (went = foi)
• In December, there is often some snow in Canada. (there is = há)
• Do you think we will go to Jupiter in the future? (Do you think = Você acha que) (will go = iremos)
• Do you work on Mondays?
• Her birthday is on November, 20th. (Her = Dela)

B – Now, I am going to give you some short paragraphs and you will try to complete the blanks
with the correct prepositon of time (at – in – on). Pay close attention! (Agora, vou lhe dar alguns
parágrafos curtos e você tentará preencher os espaços em branco com a preposição correta de tempo. Preste muita atenção!)
Use the dictionary when necessary.

a) - Jane is my grandmother. She lives in Honolulu, Hawaii. She is arriving ______

December 20th, ______ 2 o`clock, ______ the afternoon at the international airport in
Belo Horizonte.

b) - It snows every year ______ December in the United States. My cousins and I cannot
go outside and play in the snow _______ Christmas Day. Our uncles, aunts and parents
don’t let us to do it.

c) - My relatives live in a place far way from the city and it is ridiculous that sometimes the
cell phones don’t work properly _______ this century! The mobile phones were invented
_______ April 3rd, 1973!

d) - My grandmother’s fight is arriving _______ night in Miami. In São Paulo, she is going
to take another plane ______ the morning to arrive in Confins airport. I hope she will be
______ and ______ time for her flights. We like to meet her!

e) - _______ the future, I would like to be with my grandmother Jane every year _______
her birthday. It is _____ July, during my vacation. It is summer time there and I love
Hololulu beaches ______ sunset.
Exercises adapted from:

C – Extract from the exercise above the right answer for the words below. Give the translation.

avó = _____________________ primos = _______________________

tios = _____________________ tias = ________________________

pais = _____________________ parentes = _____________________

D – Match the columns in order to complete the meanings of the sentences.

( 1 ) - The brothers are travelling ( ) to go out to eat at dinnertime.

( 2 ) - The mother-in-law never closes ( ) divorce paper at noon.
( 3 ) - My wife and I are signing the ( ) his birthday on Sunday.
( 4 ) - The husband works very much ( ) in August to Japan.
( 5 ) - My sister and I are ready ( ) on the weekdays.
( 6 ) - My stepfather is celebrating ( ) the store at midnight.

F – Now, choose three sentences from above and give the version.




E – It your turn! (É a sua vez!)

Put the scrambled words in order to make a correct sentence. (Coloque as palavras embaralhadas em
ordem para fazer uma frase correta.)

a) to the beach - likes to go - in the summer. - My niece


b) to wake up - I - like - at sunrise.


c) It seems - in the Ice Age. - are living - we


d) go to - always - Afonso Pena Av. - the parade - We - on Independence Day. - to see



(Exercises done byTeacher Paula Maria)
XOXO Teacher Paula Maria

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