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Unit 2: Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced)

Very short answer questions (One mark questions)

1) The consolidate feature provides the contents of one cell from more than one sheet can be combined at
one place.
2) You cannot combine more than one worksheet cell data into different sheets and use the formula.

3) Which of the following button is used to define a range after typing name?
a. Add b. OK c. More d. Delete
4) Which of the following option of consolidate dialog box allow to select destinationcells?
a. Function b. Consolidation Ranges c. Source Data range d. Copy

Short answer questions :(2/4 Marks questions)

Q 1 What do you mean by consolidating data?

Ans: provides a graphical interface for copying data from one range of cells to another, then running one of a
dozen functions on the data. During consolidation, the contents of cells from several sheets can be combined in

Q 2 Write the options available in consolidate dialog box.

Ans.: The following options are available in consolidate the dialog box.

 Function

 Consolidate Ranges

 Select data range

 Copy results to

 Labels

 Link to source data

 Button – OK, Cancel, Help, Add, Delete, More

Q 3 What is the role of function option in consolidate dialog box?

Ans.: The function option in consolidate dialog box allows to select the function in the destination cells. This is the
first thing that has been done by the user in the consolidating data process.

Q 4 What is consolidation ranges list?

Ans.: The consolidation ranges list displays the list of selected ranges from where the input is coming. It is the
ranges of other sheets or input values. It is displayed like this: $Sheet1.$A$6.

Very short answer questions: (1 Mark)

1. The subtotals feature allows us to make a total of given data into a group withrow labels and column

2. Click subtotals option is available under data menu to open subtotals dialogbox.
3. Which of the following tab is not a part of the subtotals dialog box?
A) First Group b) 2nd Group c) 3rd Group d) Options

4. The sort option is available in options tab of subtotals dialog box.

5. You cannot apply custom sort order into subtotals. (True/False)
6. You can apply subtotals according to columns order which is given in worksheet only.(True/False)
7. The Group by option pops up a drop-down list which contains columns to group byfor subtotals.
8. You cannot apply subtotals if the worksheet doesn’t have proper row labels andcolumn headers.
Short Answer questions: (2/4 Marks)

1. What are the common functions available in subtotal dialog box?

Ans.: The common functions available in the subtotals dialog box are as following:

1. Sum

2. Average

3. Max

4. Min

5. Count

2. List out different tabs available in the subtotals dialog box?

Ans.: The subtotals dialog box has the following tabs:

1. 1st Group

2. 2nd Group

3. 3rd Group

4. Option

3. Explain the 1st group tab in short.

Ans.: The 1st group tab in the first tab of the subtotals dialog box. It provides 3 options:

1. Group By: This option provides on the drop-down list of column headers used in the worksheet. Select
the column name which you want to display in the subtotals group.
2. Calculate subtotals for: It is used to select the value to display the result in agroup.
3. Use Functions: This option is used to select different functions like sum, count,max, min etc.
4. Explain the options tab of subtotals dialog box in short

Ans.: The options tab of the subtotals dialog box has mainly two options:

1. Groups

2. Sort

The group’s options are applicable to the group and provides following options:

1. Page break between groups: Display each group on different pages.

2. Case sensitive: Check the case sensitive data i.e. matches upper and lower casetext

3. Pre-sort area according to groups: It will sort the data according to results

The sort group option provides sorting options like ascending or descending order and custom sort order according
to users.


1. A What-if Scenario function provides a tool to test and quickly change the argumentsof formula and view
the new results.

2. You can use navigator to modify existing scenarios.

3. Which menu contains the option of creating scenarios?

1. File

2. Edit

3. Tools

4. Data

4. Which of the following is a shortcut key to open navigator window?

1. F2

2. F5

3. F3

4. F4

5. A comment is the information displayed in navigator when you click thescenarios icon and select
the desired scenario.

6. Which of the following option is not available under settings checkboxes in createscenario dialog box?

1. Display Border

2. Copy Back

3. Prevent Changes
4. Navigator
7. To edit a scenario including its name and comments, right-click on the scenarioname and choose the
properties option.

8. You cannot delete a scenario once it is created. (True/False)

9. You can only compute the results by input rows using Multiple Operations. (True

/ False)

10. You can easily select the cell for the input cell by clicking shrink button in theMultiple Operations dialog

Short Answer type questions

1. What do you mean by what-if scenarios?

Scenario is a tool to test “what-if” questions. Use Tools > Scenarios to enter variable contents—scenarios—in
the same cell. Each scenario is named, and can be edited and formatted separately. By adding a scenario, you
can quickly change the arguments of a formula and view the new results.

2. Explain the options available under what-if scenarios dialog box?

Display border

Highlights the scenario in your table with a border. The color for the border is specified in the field to the right
of this option.

Copy back

Copies the values of cells that you change into the active scenario. If you do not select this option, the
scenario is not changed when you change cell values.

Copy entire sheet Copies the entire sheet into an additional scenario sheet.

Prevent changes

You can only change the scenario properties if the Prevent changes option is notselected and if the sheet is not
protected. You can only edit cell values if the Prevent changes option is selected, if the Copyback option is not
selected, and if the cells are not protected. You can only change scenario cell values and write them back into
the scenario if the Prevent changes option is not selected, if the Copy back option is selected, and if the cells
are not protected.

3. How can you rename a worksheet?

Ans: There are three ways you can rename a worksheet, and the only difference between them is the way in
which you start the renaming process. You can do anyof the following:

- Double-click on one of the existing worksheet names.

- Right-click on an existing worksheet name, then choose Rename from the resultingContext menu.
- Select the worksheet you want to rename (click on the worksheet tab) and then select the - Sheet
option from the Format menu. This displays a submenu from which you should select the Rename

4. How can you create hyperlink?

Ans: Following are the steps –

1. On a worksheet, click the cell where you want to create a hyperlink. You can also select an object, such
as a picture or an element in a chart that youwant to use to represent the hyperlink.
On the Insert tab, in the Links group, click Hyperlink. You can also right-click the cell or graphic and then
click Hyperlink on theshortcut menu, or you can press Ctrl+K.
2. Under Link to, click Create New Document. In the Name of new document box, type a name for the
new file.

3. Under When to edit, click Edit the new document later or Edit the new document now to specify when
you want to open the new file for editing.

4. In the Text to display box, type the text that you want to use to represent thehyperlink.

5. To display helpful information when you rest the pointer on the hyperlink, clickScreenTip, type the text
that you want in the ScreenTip text box, and then click OK.

5. How can you share a workbook?

Ans: Spreadsheet software allows the user to share the workbook and place it in the network location where
several users can access it simultaneously.

1. Click on Share workbook option under Changes group in the Review tab.

2. A dialog box appears. Check the option Allow changes by more than one user atthe same time. This also
allows workbook merging.

3. Click OK.

4. Most spreadsheets software automatically turns off some features in shared work books. This is to
simplify the workbook since multiple people can be working on the file at the same time. For
example, shared workbooks don’t allow merging cells, conditional formatting, or inserting

6. What is the use of goal seek?

Ans: Goal Seek reverses the usual order for a formula. Usually, we run a formula to get the result when certain
arguments are entered. By contrast, with Goal Seek, we work with a completed formula to see what values we
need in an argument to get the results that you want.

7. What is the use of solver?

Ans: the Solver deals with equations with multiple unknown variables. It is specifically designed to minimize or
maximize the result according to a set of rules that you define. Each of these rules sets up whether an
argument in the formula should be greater than, lesser than, or equal to the figure you enter. If you want the
argument to remain unchanged, you enter a rule that the cell that contains it should be equal to its current

8. What are Macros?

Ans: A macro is a saved sequence of commands or keystrokes that are stored for
later use. Macros are especially useful to repeat a task the same way over
and over again.

9. Fill in the blanks.

a. Share workbook option is available in under the review tab.

b. Shared workbook don’t allow .............................. , conditional formatting or inserting

pictures / graphs etc.

c. Macros are useful to ……. a task the same way over and over again.


a. Changes

b. Merging cells

c. repeat


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