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Semester IV (Digital Electronics)

S Subject Total
Course Titles
No. Code Credits

1 FW-DP044 Face The World Skills-IV - - - 1

2 HS-024 English Communication-IV 0 0 2 1

3 EC-HS403 Human Values - - - 1

4 EC-HS401-D Entrepreneurship & Startup 3 1 0 4

5 EC-PC401-D Analog Electronics 3 3 0 3 4.5

6 EC-PE401-D Microprocessor & Microcontrollers 3 0 3 4.5

Fundamentals Of Communication
7 EC-PC402-D 3 0 3 4.5

8 EC-PR401-D Minor Project 0 0 3 1.5

Total 12 1 14 22

Analog Electronics-III
Semester IV
Course Code: EC-PC401-D
Course Title: Analog Electronics-III
Number of Credits: Total: 4.5
Pre-requisites Applications of electronic components
Course Category: Program Core


Analog electronic-III course will enable the students to understand the basics of construction, working
and applications of various types of electronic components such as Thyristors and UJT,transient
phenomena of R-C,R-Lcircuits such as Clipper, Clamper,multivibrator, time-base circuits; regulated
power supply, VCO andPLL. Practical exercises of this course would enable students to maintain
such circuits and in turn maintain equipment having such circuits.


After completion of the course, the students will be able to:

● understand transient phenomena R-C, R-L. and understand working of clipper and clamper
● explain working of SCR,UJT and their applications.

● explain different types of timer ICs.
● understand the fabrication process of integrated circuit.
● design circuits like Regulated power supply, UPS, CVT,VCO,PLL, Time Base circuit.


Unit- I Waveshaping Circuits 6Hr

General idea about different wave shapes; Transient phenomena in R-C and R-L circuits; R-C and
R-L differentiating and integrating circuits; Clipping circuits; Diode clippers- series and shunt biased
type; Double clipper circuits; Zener diode clipper circuits; Use of transistors for clipping and
clamping circuits; Diode clamping circuit for clamping to negative peak, positive peak or any other
level for different input waveforms.

Unit – II Thyristors and UJT 6Hr

Characteristics, working principle and application of SCR, TRIAC, DIAC, SCS, SBS and LASCR;
Basic structure, principle of operation and VI characteristics of UJT; Working of UJT as relaxation
oscillator and its use intriggering of SCR.

Unit- III Integrated Electronics 4Hr

Introduction, advantages and disadvantages of ICs; Classification of ICs based on size and fabrication
methods; Fabrication of transistors by planar process, a typical fabrication process for monolithic
integrated circuits.

Unit-IV TimerI.C. 4Hrs

Purpose of Timer IC, Block diagram of 555 Timer IC and its working, 555 Timer as
monostable,astableand bistable multivibrators; FSK generator and Pulse position Modulator; OpAmp
based monostable and astable multivibrators; Schmitt Trigger circuit.

Unit- V TimeBaseCircuits 5Hrs

Need of timebase or sweep waveforms; special features of time base signals; Voltage timebase
circuits; Current time base circuits; Bootstrap time base generator; Miller time base generator; UJT
sweep generator.

Unit- VI RegulatedPowerSupply 6Hrs

Concept of regulation; Performance parameters of regulated power supplies;Series and Shunt

regulators using transistors and OPAmp; Three terminal voltage regulator ICs 78XX family(positive,
negative and variable applications; Conceptsof foldback limiting, short circuit and overload
protection, current boosting in 78XX series, Basic working principle of switched mode power supply
(SMPS); Floating and grounded power supplies; Multiple output power supply; Brief idea of CVT,
UPS and dual track in in power supply.

Unit- VII Voltage controlled Oscillator (VCO) 4Hr

Function of VCO, IC NE555 based VCO, NE 566 based VCO, Applications of VCO, NE566 as ramp
generator and FM generator.

Unit- VIII Phase locked Loop PLL 4Hr

Basic PLL operation, lock range, capture range, IC NE 565- block diagram and working, NE 565 as
frequency multiplier and FM detector.

List of Practicals

1. Plot the output waveforms of R-C differentiating circuits for square wave input for various time
2. Plot the output waveforms of R-C integrating circuits for square wave input for various time
3. Construct biased and unbiased series and shunt clipping circuits for positive and negative
peak clipping of a sine wave using switching
4. Construct a double clipper circuit using switching diodes and sources and observe the wave
5. Construct Zenerdiode and transistor clipper circuits for positive peak, negative peak and
double clipping of sine wave.
6. Construct a circuit to clamp sine and square waves to their positive and negative peaks and
to a specified level.
7. Plot characteristics of OpAmpSchmitt trigger circuit and plot the inpu to utput wave shapes
with a sine wave input.
8. Construct monostable and a stable multi vibratorusing OpAmp and verify output.
9. Construct monostable and stable multi vibrator circuits using 555 timer and verify output.
10. Plot the VI characteristics of SCR for different gate currents.
11. Construct UJT relaxation oscillator circuit and verify output.
12. Plot the VI characteristics of aTRIAC indifferent modes

Reference Books:

1. Bhargava, Kulshreshtha& Gupta – “Basic Electronics & Linear Circuits” – Tata Mcgraw-Hill.
2. Malvino, A. P. – “Electronic Principles” – Tata Mcgraw-Hill.
3. Millman&Halkias, “Integrated Electronics”, McGraw Hill Publications, 1992.
4. Boylestad&Nashlesky, “Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory”, PHI, 10th Edition

Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
Semester IV
Course Code: EC-PE401-D
Course Title: Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
Number of Credits: Total: 4.5
Pre-requisites Basic knowledge of basic processors
Course Category: Program Elective


Microprocessors and microcontrollers are used in almost every digital device we encounter in our day
to day life. The 8085 microprocessor and 8051 microcontrollers are simple 40 pin ICs with basic
features only. They are used to introduce a new student to the field of processors. Once students are
familiar with fundamentals of these basic processors they can easily migrate to modern powerful
processors in higher semesters.

Learning Outcomes:

Up on successful completion of this course, student will be able to:

● Understand the architecture of microprocessors and microcontroller

● Understand the programming model of micro processors and micro controllers
● Interface different external peripheral devices with microprocessors and micro controllers
Analyze a problem and formulate appropriate computing solutions for processor or controller
based application.
● Develop an assembly language program for specified application

8085 Microprocessor architecture 6 hrs

Organization of a microcomputer system and functions of its various blocks. Stored program concept
.Harvard and Von Newman architecture .Microprocessors and Microcontrollers and their applications
8085 architecture- functional diagram and description, Register organization, memory organisation, IO

Instruction set and assembly language programming of 8085: 8 hrs

Instruction formats. Types of instructions,Instruction set. Addressing modes, Simple programs

involving various types of instructions,basic timing diagrams

UNIT-IV Data Transfer methods 6 hrs

Synchronous, Asynchronous and Interrupt driven data transfer. Interrupts of 8085 and their types.
Servicing Interrupts, extending interrupts.. Serial data transfer.Instructions related to Interrupts and
serial transfer.Need for DMA. Implementing DMA in 8085 processor based systems.

UNIT-V 8051 microcontrollers architecture: 8 hrs

8051 family of microcontrollers and its architecture, SFR, I/O ports and their functions, Memory
organization, Interfacing external memory, addressing modes ,instruction set of 8051, Simple
assembly language programs.

UNIT-VI 8051 Real Time Control: 4 hrs

8051 timer/counter and its various modes of operation. Serial data transfer and its modes. Interrupt
handling .

UNIT-VII Interfacing External Devices: 7 hrs

8255 PPI, various modes of operation., InterfacingSeven Segment Display, key board, ADC and DAC
with 8085 through PPI. Interfacing 8255 with 8051 microcontroller.

Interfacing 8051 directly with 4x4 matrix keyboard, LEDs, ADC and DAC. Control speed of DC motor
using PWM technique. Stepper motor interfacing

Practicals :

8085 based practicals:

1. Write program to add / subtract two 8 bit numbers (Assume data is in memory)
2. Write program to add / subtract two 16 bit numbers and store result
3. Write program to multiply two 8 bit numbers and store 16 bit result
4. Write program to divide two 8 bit numbers and store quotient and remainder
5. Write program to display a decimal value in seven segment display.
6. Write a program to read ADC and store digital value in memory

8051 based practicals:

1. Write 8051 program to add/ subtract two 8 bit numbers

2. Write a program to read keyboard and display the key in seven segment display
3. Write a program to read ADC output and display digital value in LEDs
4. Write a program to generate square wave using DAC
5. Write a program to vary speed of a DC motor using PWM
6. Write a program to rotate stepper motor clockwise and counter clockwise

Text Books:

1. 1.Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with the 8085 Ramesh S.

Gaonkar ,Prentice Hall, 2002
2. 2.The 8051 microcontroller, 3rd edition, Kenneth.J.Ayala.Cengage
learning,2010Microcontrollers and application, Ajay.V.Deshmukh,TMGH,2005

Reference books:

1. The 8085 Microprocessor: Architecture, Programming and Interfacing Udaya Kumar and Uma
Shankar, Pearson
2. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C ,Second edition
,Muhammad Mazidi

Fundamentals of Communication Engineering
Semester IV
Course Code: EC-PC402-D
Course Title: Fundamentals of Communication Engineering
Number of Credits: Total:4.5
Pre-requisites Basic Knowledge of Communication Engineering
Course Category: Program Core


Fundamentals of Communication Engineering describe the principles of wireless communication

covering analogue and digital modulation techniques. Wireless communication plays vital role in the
field of electronic communication systems which includes radio, mobile and satellite communication
systems. This requires that an electronic engineering diploma holder will have to maintain electronic
communication equipment and circuits related to this area. This course is intended to lay the
foundation for understanding the advanced communication courses in the subsequent semesters.
Since it is a basic core course, students should develop in depth understanding of all concepts and
principles so that they may learn advance courses easily and effectively

Learning Outcomes:

After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:

● Explain the concept and need of modulation

● Derive the mathematical expressions for Amplitude Modulated wave and Frequency
modulated wave.
● Explain the working of different types of AM & FM Modulators.
● Explain the working of different types of AM & FM Demodulators.
● Analyse various pulse analog and pulse digital modulation techniques
● Analyse PCM technique and delta modulation technique
● Explain the block diagram of digital communication system


Unit – I Amplitude Modulation (6 Hrs)

1. Introduction to modulation, Need for modulation, Definition of Amplitude Modulation,

Derivation for mathematical expression of amplitude modulated wave showing Carrier and
side band components. Significance of Modulation index, spectrum and bandwidth of AM
wave, relative power distribution in carrier and sidebands.
2. Elementary idea of DSB-FC, DSB-SC, SSB-SC, ISB and VSB modulations, their comparison
and areas of applications.

Unit – II Angle Modulation (7 Hrs)

Definition of Frequency Modulation, Derivation of mathematical expression for Frequency

Modulated wave and its frequency spectrum (without proof and analysis of Bessel function),
Modulation index, Maximum frequency deviation and deviation ratio, BW of FM Signals,
Advantages and Disadvantages of FM over AM in communication system, Definition of Phase
Modulation, Mathematical Expression for phase modulated wave, modulation index, comparison
with frequency modulation.

Unit – III Working principles of the following AM Modulators (3 Hrs)

1. Collector Modulator and

2. Balanced Modulator.

Unit – IV Working principles of the following FM Modulators (3 Hrs)

1. Reactance transistor modulator and

2. Armstrong phase modulator

Unit – V Working principles of the following AM Demodulators (3 Hrs)

1. Diode detector circuit and

2. Synchronous detector circuit

Unit – VI Working Principles of the following FM demodulators (4 Hrs)

1. Slope detector
2. Foster-Seeley Discriminator and
3. Ratio Detector

Unit – VII Pulse Analog and Pulse Digital Modulation (13 Hrs)

1. Statement of sampling theorem and elementary idea of sampling frequency for pulse
2. Basic concepts of Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) and Frequency Division Multiplexing
3. Basic idea about pulse amplitude modulation (PAM), pulse width modulation (PWM), pulse
position modulation (PPM) and their typical applications
4. Pulse code modulation (PCM): Basic scheme of PCM system, Quantization, quantization
error, advantages of PCM systems, Basic idea about differential PCM (DPCM) system
5. Delta modulation: Basic principle of delta modulation system, advantages of delta modulation
over PCM system.
6. Elements of Digital communication system with its block diagram: source, channel, transmitter
and receiver. Advantages and disadvantages of Digital communication over analog

List of Practicals:

1. To obtain an AM wave on CRO by a standard RF signal generator using (i) internal

modulation and (ii) External modulation. Also to measure the modulation index of the obtained
AM wave.
2. To obtain an AM wave on CRO from (i) Collector modulator circuit and (ii) Balanced modulator
circuit. Also to measure index of modulation of the AM signal for different levels of modulating
3. To obtain a FM wave from (i) reactance transistor modulator circuit and (ii) Armstrong FM
modulator circuit. Also to measure the frequency deviation for different modulating signals.
4. To obtain modulating signal from an AM diode detector circuit and observe the pattern for
different RC time constants and obtain its optimum value for least distortion.
5. To obtain modulating signal from a FM detector (Foster seely/Ratio detector) circuit and plot
the discriminator characteristics.
6. To observe the sampled signal and compare it with the analog input signal. Note the effect of
varying the sampling pulse width and frequency on the sampled output.
7. To verify the sampling theorem.
8. Observe wave forms at input and output of a TDM and FDM circuit
9. To observe and note the pulse modulated signals (PAM, PPM, PWM) and compare them with
the corresponding analog input signal.
10. To measure the quantization noise in a 3 bit/4 bit coded PCM signal.

11. To feed an analog signal to a PCM modulator and compare demodulated signal with the
analog input.
12. To study the process of delta modulation/demodulation.

Text Books :
1. Herbert Taub and Donald L. Schilling, “Principles of Communication Systems”, Tata McGraw
2. 2. Rishabh Anand, Communication Systems, Khanna Publishing House, Delhi.
3. Principles of Communication Engineering by Anokh Singh and A.K..Chhabra, S.Chand &
4. Principles of Communication Engineering by Manoj Kumar, Satya Prakashan, New Delhi.

Reference Books:
1. B.P.Lathi,“Modern Digital and Analog communication Systems”,3rd Edition, Oxford University
2. Simon Haykin, “Communication Systems”, 4th Edition, Wiley India
3. H.P.Hsu& D. Mitra “Analog and Digital Communications”, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill.

Minor Project
Semester IV
Course Code: EC-PR401-C
Course Title: Fundamentals of Communication Engineering
Number of Credits: Total: 1.5
Pre-requisites Making of small project from electronics engineering
Course Category: Project


The objective of this course is to make a small scale project and to develop hands-on experience of
working in a project. During this course, the students provides an exposure on the basic practices
followed in the domain of electronics engineering and develops confidence amongst the students to
enable them to use and apply acquired technical knowledge and skills to solve practical problems of
electronics engineering.

Some of the projects are listed below as an example for selecting the minor project. Students can also
select any other project with the advice of the concerned Faculty.


1. Regulated Power Supply

2. Astable multivibrator using 555 Timer IC/Transistor/Op-amp IC 741
3. Integrator and Differentiator using Op-amp IC 741
4. RC Coupled Two Stage Amplifier
5. Touch plate switches by using 555 Timer IC/Transistor
6. Door bell/cordless bell using 555 Timer IC/Transistor
7. Clapping switch and IR switch using
8. Blinking parking light using 555 Timer IC circuit
9. Sirens and hooters using 555 Timer IC circuit
10. Security alarm using 555 Timer IC circuit
11. Blinking parking light using 555 Timer IC circuit
12. Disco light using 555 Timer IC circuit
13. Lamp dimmer circuit using SCR circuit
14. Cell charger, battery charger, mobile charger using transistor or 555 Timer ICConstruct circuit
to Clampsineand square wave to their positive and negative peaks and to a specified level.
15. Plotch


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