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Awash Bank, 2023




A Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the

subject INTERNSHIP on Bachelor of Arts (BA) Degree in Accounting
and Finance


Submitted to

Eyerus.B(MA) Summation date

Wolaita sodo, Ethiopia

Awash Bank, 2023
Awash Bank, 2023

Table of Content

CHAPTER ONE_____________________________________________________________________1
1. INTRODUCTION TO ORGANIZATIONAL REPORT______________________________________1
1.1 Back Ground Of The Organization________________________________________________1
1.2 Mission, Vision And Objective______________________________________________________2
1.2.1 Vision Of The Organization_____________________________________________________2
1.2.2 Mission Of The Organization____________________________________________________2
1.3 Objectives Of The Organization___________________________________________________2
1.4 Organizational Structure 3
CHAPTER TWO____________________________________________________________________5
2. SWOT ANALYSIS_________________________________________________________________5
2.1 SWOT ANALYSIS OF THE ORGANIZATION__________________________________________5
2.1.1 STRENGTH OF THE ORGANIZATION_____________________________________________5
2.1.2 WEAKNESS OF THE ORGANIZATION___________________________________________5
2.1.3 OPPORTUNITY OF THE ORGANIZATION__________________________________________6
2.1.4 THREAT OF THE ORGANIZATION_______________________________________________7
CHAPTER THREE___________________________________________________________________7
3. ACTIVITY REPORT________________________________________________________________7
3.1 BACK GROUND OF THE DEPARTMENT_____________________________________________7
3.1.1 OBJECTIVE OF THE DEPARTMENT______________________________________________8
3.1.4 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF OUR ACTIVITIES________________________________9
CHAPTER FOUR___________________________________________________________________10
4. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION____________________________________________10
4.1 CONCLUSION__________________________________________________________________10
4.2 RECOMMENDATION____________________________________________________________11

Awash Bank, 2023

The main objective of this attachment is to determine how the theoretical courses are
applied on .the real world. The intention of practical attachment was to increase
student’s knowledge and enable student to compare what we have learn so far in
class and what have experienced in summer practical. To produce well qualified, self-
reliant, active, change agent and real problem solver student. In addition, the other
objective is to investigate equal participation of Awash Bank with other banks it
realizes to its visions, mission and objective. Not only limited to this but also
emphasis the problems faced by us while we’re performing summer practical
attachment. Thus, practical attachment suggests solutions and some of policy
implication toward reducing the problems based on finding.

Awash Bank, 2023

First of all our deepest thanks goes to the Almighty God for his endless help and
make us to stay in life to this day and enables us to complete our internship. We also
would like to express our deepest gratitude to Mr. Addis (the manager of Awash
Bank Branch) for his enthusiastic support from the preparation until the final
discussion of this internship with frequent follow up my activities and guide us. We
are greatly thanks for our classmates they had been assisted and to give advice how
can we goes with our planning activity to finish our academic schooling in this
university. Finally we would like to acknowledge all individual and institutions
including wolaita sodo University that have support us by material and moral during
the preparation of this paper.

Awash Bank, 2023

Awash Bank, 2023



1.1 Back Ground of The Organization

Awash bank is the first commercial bank and established by 486 founding
shareholders on November 10, 1994 after deregulation with a paid-up capital of
Birr 24.2 million and started banking operations on Feb. 13, 1995. Since
embarking operation, the Bank has registered remarkable growth.
Notwithstanding global and domestic challenges, Awash Bank has exhibited a
superior operational and financial performances among private banks operating
in Ethiopia. Awash Bank is currently working towards strengthening its capital
base, technological capabilities, human resources and customer base. In 2023
the bank’s total assets has reached over birr 62.2 billion the number of banks
shareholders also increased to 4369 and its paid up capital increased to 4.4
billion. Currently the bank has over 800 and branches across the country and leading
private banks in the country in all sectors.

Among the branches of the bank, dire dawa Branch is one of the newly opened
branches. Awash Bank dire dawa branch was established on May 29, 2020. As the
time of its establishment it has Fifteen (15) total staff. Awash Bank dire
dawabranch is located in dire dawa city. . The organization has 15 employees and
also having different staff professional and work experience. Out of them four is
females and the others are male. Among those employees 8 has bachelor degree
and the rest are security guards and messengers.

Each department of the organization has their own duties and responsibilities.
Managers responsible to supervise all activities in bank including supervising
employees, assisting customers and providing excellent customer service. Cashier is
responsible to all cash transaction of the organization, checking daily cash accounts,
and maintaining monthly, weekly and daily report of transaction. Accountant is
responsible to assists during preparation of financial statements. The statements
prepared include the balance sheet, income statement, a statement of retained earnings
Awash Bank, 2023

and cash flow statement. The accountant also holds the responsibility of closing the
books of accounts of a branch at the end of every month. In case mistakes occur,
he/she is prepares and post the adjustment entries.

Customer service officer is responsible for banks answer customer questions about

Awash Bank, 2023

Basic banking services, such as account balances and interest rates and fees. Resource
Manager is someone who is just responsible to open account numbers, organize and
direct employees of the bank to open an account numbers.

In general, the bank is responsible to deliver service to its customer by

transferring funds, taking deposits, giving loan, transferring foreign currency into
domestic currency and opening an account number.

1.2 Nature of the business

What is the bank: bank is an institution at which money is deposited (collected or saved)

Bank is a lawful organization, which accepts deposits that can be

withdrawn on demand. It also lends money to individuals and business
houses that need it. The word “banking’’ has been defined as accepting
deposits from the public for the purpose of lending and investing.

Awash Bank, 2023

1.3 Objectives of the Organization

Every organization is established for their on objectives. To achieve they have to work
hard and follow up effectively.

Awash Bank dire dawa branch has the following objectives.

 To implement management information system

 To maximize customer satisfaction

 To develop competence with other private banks

 To build change for all bank staffs

 To establish performance base incentives

 To deposit mobilization service

 To enhance and facilitate the development of the country

 To maximize profit of the bank by creating difference

Awash Bank, 2023

1.4 Organizational Structure

How the organization is organized to achieve objectives and mission?

All departments in this organization are related to each other. The other department
can control the activity of other. Also on their daily activities they must report to
the body which controls each department. Also they control each other to minimize
the problem on job, to be fair and acceptable by every department. To achieve the
objective and vision they obey responsibility for the job given to all departments. Let
we see to how they control each other;

The customer service officer reports the daily activity to the A/senior customer
service officer. Also pass all physical tickets done on transaction daily to the branch
controller to ensure their activity by comparing the recorded transaction on the
system. A/senior customer service reports his or her activity to the customer service
manager. Customer service manager reports to branch manager. Branch controller
passes all tickets to senior branch controller after ensured the balance on physical
counted tickets and on system became equal. Then senior branch controller again
checks and report to branch manager. So finally all activity in bank is controlled by
the manager of the bank.

Organizational structure is the most important part for office to achieve its
objectives and mission.

Customer service. Branch manager


Customer service. Resource manager. Chief

cashier Officer

Awash Bank, 2023

Customer service. Foreign Exchange. Accountants

Officer. Service

F. g 1.1 organizational structure of Awash Bank dire dawa branch

1.4.1 Mission, Vision and Objective

1.4.2Vision Of The Organization

 To be the first choice world class bank

1.4.3Mission of the Organization

 To provide effective, efficient full-fledged and costumer based
banking service focused on development, business growth and
profitability to meet the expectation of all stake holders by
developing highly motivated, skilled and disciplined employees as
well as state of the art and technology.

 To provide Innovative, Competitive and Diversified banking services

accessible to t h e society with qualified and committed staff in a
profitable and socially responsible manner.

Their Core Values; A – Accessibility

W – Wisdom
Awash Bank, 2023

A – Accountability

S – Socially Responsible

H – Honesty

Awash Bank, 2023



2.1 Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat (SWOT) Analysis of The

The Awash Bank branch is private organization has its strength and weakness side
there are also have good opportunities and treats that speed up and fast the bank
over all work process respectively.

2.1.1Strength of the Organization.

 Respecting the law of the organization.

 Good efficiency and ethical conduct of staffs

 It’s give training for its employees to improve their profession.

 It gives excellence service for its customer which most of its

customers gets satisfaction in proper manner.

 They respect each other.

2.1.2Weakness of the Organization

 There is small number of automated teller machine (ATM).

 Weak information and file management of some workers

 There is no punctuality( being on time)

 There is some inefficiency material like chair tables and computers for

 Their dressing style is not suitable for bank service.

Awash Bank, 2023

2.1.3Opportunity of The Organization

There is so many competitor since it leads to efficiency in the dire dawa city

 Steady and fast growth of population is good opportunity for increase bank

 Availability of educated man power in the town.

 Development of information technology

2.1.4Threat of the Organization

If the organization follows the current organizational structure for the future may
face the following challenges.

o Volatility of currency

o Electrical power

o Poor credit culture and know how about banking and its service within
the society

o Most people are have less knowledge about taking loan from bank.

o Connection problems

Awash Bank, 2023



3.1 Back Ground of the Department/Division Where we have been working

Customer service officer department is one of the sectors of awash bank dire dawa
branch. It performs its duties and responsibility by setting specific and feasible goals
and objectives which support to speed up customer satisfaction and profit
maximization of the bank.

3.1.1Objective of the Department

 To ensure standardization and uniformity in the customer service process.

 To smoothly implement integrated banking solutions in customer

service process.

 To have single source of reference to perform.

 To determine duties and responsibilities that each employee at all level in

the customer service process.

 To provide efficient and quality service to its customer.

3.1.2Objective And Major Responsibilities As Well As Activities Of The Department /Division

1) Account opening: - there are many types of accounts those are:-

 Saving account – is interest bearing deposit opened by legal and

physical persons, organization and association.

 Demand deposit account – shall mean an interest bearing account

opened only by customers who are literate.

 Special demand account – means a non interest bearing account that is

opened to full fill the request of customer who for one not wants interest
for their deposit.

Awash Bank, 2023

 Fixed time deposits – a type of account deposit is received at certain

period of time without movement a minimum of three month and
attracts higher interest rate than others.

 Earmarked account – means account opened with other description after

the name of the account holders such as club, business n and work shop

2) Duties related to customer service

 Opening account

 Pay cash& receive cash

3) Telegram – that means send outgoing message and receive incoming message from

3.1 3 Performance Evaluation of our Activities

From the first day that we have started practical work on Customer service department;

 We could understand how to deliver bank service to customers.

 We have improved our problem handling experience and self-confidence.

 We could understand the different type of communications in the organization

at all.

 We have been build good communication skill with others at work place.

 To gate necessary information we could communicate with my manager

from time to time etc...

3.1.4Problems Encountered On the Job and Remedial Measures

There are some problems that challenging us during the job of 31 days. Some of
these problems are from the organization and some are from customers. As
organization some the problems are lack of seats, lack of user (access) for us and
others are the problem of light and network those hinder our activities to not serve
customer properly. From customers some customers don’t care about criteria to be

Awash Bank, 2023

fulfilled properly rather

Awash Bank, 2023

Than looking only about the service.

 Some of them don’t sign on the ticket and some signature on the ticket and on
the book are different.

 No correct order of sender name which is difficult to serve customer.

 Some of them bring incorrect account which the system is not read

3.1.5 Remedial Solution We Have Taken

 By using the user of our friend we have done activities with our friend.

 We perform our job most of the time by standing because there is the lack of seat.

 We have told to branch manager these problems to be minimized.

 We have told the customers to fill all information properly.



4.1 Conclusion
This practical attachment contains information; include Introduction, background of
the organization, cardinal issues, goals of the organization, organization’s structure, etc.
It covers background of Awash Bank dire dawa Branch. The office is standing to
satisfy its customers, women empowerment and respecting women and child right.
We observed some issues like the professional status of the staff members,
punctuality of the staff members and gender variety in the organization.

Generally, we gained some experience due to this practical attachment such as how
to work in cooperation with other (team work). The main problem we found, society
have low information about banking system, negative attitude of society toward the
term bank and department. Lack of information and lack of enough time are other
problems; however, we tried to do my best in order to overcome or give related

Awash Bank, 2023


Awash Bank, 2023

4.2 Recommendation
While we doing our practical attachment, we observe some issue in lens of m

Our eyes. Therefore, we would like to suggest on some issues that we observed during
accomplish our practical attachment in Awash bank at Dire dawa district lega oda

Firstly, the Awash Bank should have to expand its branch around small town in order to stay
in the competition.

Secondly, we would like to suggest on the effort of the office toward promoting
development of bank system study area. Banking system is the process of treating
every banking activity and is also way creating relationship with customer. It is the
development issues that recognize the involvement (participation) of both man and
women in development process.

However, the office is lag behind in order to promote growth which is the backbone
of development. This is due to lack of enough information in the organization which
play a great role in order to meet its objective. The organization needs to change this
situation by looking for bank expert which play a great role in order to promote
banking system.

Finally, we would like to suggest to the district to work properly to achieve their goals
and also to address other problems by working in cooperation with other organization,
especially non-governmental organization.

Awash Bank, 2023

The annual report of the company by the march 31 of 2023

The website of the organization; www.AIB.http//www.AIB service

/PROD/Browser Service/.

The interview; information from the employers and customer of the organization.

Awash Bank, 2023


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