United States District Court: For The Western District of New York

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Case 1:24-mj-01113-JJM Document 1 Filed 04/22/24 Page 1 of 20

AO 91 (Rev. 02/09) Criminal Complaint

United States District Court

for the
Western District of New York

United States of America

Case No. 24-MJ-1113



I, the complainant in this case, state that the following is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

From on or about September 2023, the exact date being unknown, to the present, in the Western District of
New York, and elsewhere, the defendant, LINIAN SONG, knowingly used a facility in interstate commerce, with
the intent to promote, manage, establish, carry on and facilitate the promotion, management, establishment and
carrying on of a business enterprise involving a prostitution offense in violation of the laws of the State in which they
are committed.

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1952(a)(3) and 1952(b)(1).

This Criminal Complaint is based on these facts:

☒ Continued on the attached sheet.

Complainant’s signature
Printed name and title

Sworn to before me telephonically.

Date: April 22, 2024

Judge’s signature
City and State: Buffalo, New York UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE
Printed name and title
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I, JUSTIS W. NELSON, being duly sworn, deposes and says:


1. I am a Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) and

entered on duty in September 2022. I am currently assigned to the Buffalo Field Office Child

Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Force (“CEHTTF”), which targets individuals

involved in the sexual exploitation of children and adults as well as human trafficking

offenders. As such, I am a law enforcement officer of the United States, within the meaning

of Title 18, United States Code, Section 115(c)(1), who is “authorized by law or by

Government agency to engage in or supervise the prevention, detention, investigation or

prosecution of any violation of Federal criminal law.”

2. As a Special Agent, I attended the FBI Academy, which included twenty-one

weeks of instruction, and is located in Quantico, Virginia. During this training, I received

instruction regarding a wide variety of investigative techniques that are commonly used in

support of the FBI’s investigative priorities. This training included instruction regarding the

use of sources, electronic surveillance techniques, law enforcement tactics, search and seizure

laws and techniques, physical surveillance, forensic techniques, and interviewing, among

other topics. As a Special Agent assigned to the CEHTTF, I have participated in

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investigations of persons suspected of violating federal child exploitation, child pornography,

and human trafficking laws, including the drafting and execution of search and arrest warrants

for these offenses. I have participated in multiple investigations in which criminals used

computer, cellular telephone, and other mobile communication technology to communicate

with their associates, confidential informants, cooperating individuals, and undercover

officers. I have also participated in interviews of individuals that have been directly and

indirectly involved in criminal activities. I work with experienced FBI Special Agents and

Task Force Officers, and I have consulted with numerous law enforcement officers

experienced in sex trafficking investigations. I have also participated in FBI mandated and

voluntary training for these matters. Prior to my employment with the FBI, I was employed

as a Police Officer with the Denver Police Department for approximately four years. In this

role, I successfully executed arrest and search warrants for various violations of state law. As

a result, I am familiar with how individuals engaged in criminal activities communicate with

each other and generally conduct business. For example, I am aware that criminal agents

discuss criminal matters over computer, cellular telephone, and other mobile communication

technology and communicate vaguely or in coded language.

3. My investigative experience detailed herein, as well as the experience of other

law enforcement officers who are participating in this investigation, and information gathered

during this investigation, serve as the basis for the opinions and conclusions set forth herein.

Additionally, the statements contained in this affidavit are based on my involvement in this

investigation, my review of documents, video surveillance, and other records, as well as

information provided to me by other law enforcement officers.

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4. Your affiant states that this investigation is being conducted by FBI Buffalo

with assistance from the Niagara County Sheriff’s Office (“NCSO”) and other law

enforcement agencies. The statements contained in this affidavit are based upon my

investigation and personal knowledge, my review of official documents and records, and

information communicated to me by other law enforcement agents and government officials.

Because this affidavit is being submitted for the limited purpose of securing a criminal

complaint and an arrest warrant, I have not included each and every fact known to me

concerning this investigation. Unless specifically indicated otherwise, all conversations and

statements described in this affidavit are related in substance and in part only.

5. As a result of working this investigation with other Special Agents and Task

Force Officers, and investigators of the FBI, NCSO, and other law enforcement agencies, I

am familiar with the circumstances of the offenses described in this affidavit. Because this

affidavit is being submitted for a limited purpose, that is, a probable cause determination, I

have not presented all of the facts of this investigation to date. I have set forth only the

information I believe to be necessary to establish probable cause for the specified violations

of federal law. Unless specifically indicated otherwise, all conversations and statements

described in this affidavit are related in substance and in part only.

6. I offer this affidavit in support of a criminal complaint charging LINIAN

SONG (hereinafter, “Song”) with violations of 18 U.S.C. § 1952(a)(3) and 1952(b)(1)

[Interstate and Foreign Travel or Transportation in Aid of Racketeering Enterprises]. Based

on my training and experience and the facts as set forth in this affidavit, there is probable

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cause to believe that violations of 18 U.S.C. § 1952(a)(3) and 1952(b)(1) are being committed

and have been committed by Song.


7. Title 18, United States Code, Section 1952 makes it a federal offense for an

individual to travel in interstate or foreign commerce, or use the mail or any facility interstate

or foreign commerce with the intent to promote, manage, establish, or carry on, an unlawful

activity, in this case, a business enterprise involving prostitution. 18 U.S.C. § 1952(a)(3) and

1952(b)(1) [Interstate and Foreign Travel or Transportation in Aid of Racketeering

Enterprises (“ITAR”)].


8. Based on my training, experience, and communications with other law

enforcement officers familiar with sex and labor trafficking, money laundering, visa fraud,

ITAR, and related crimes, I know the following:

a. Illicit massage businesses (“IMBs”) often operate out of storefronts,

apartments, or retail spaces under the guise of providing therapeutic
massages. While IMB owners are rarely involved in the day-to-day
operation of spas, they often maintain merchant services and other bank
accounts on behalf of the businesses. Owners use these accounts to pay
spa bills and manage the large cashflow generated by the IMB industry.
Onsite managers often control the daily activities of the spa, including
interacting with customers, managing employees, and collecting house
fees for “massage” services. Spa workers often provide sexual services
to customers in exchange for a pre-negotiated cash “tip” paid directly to
the worker. Workers may rotate between spa locations every few
weeks to maintain customer interest and avoid law enforcement
detection. It is common for women to cross state lines as they move
between IMBs.

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b. The IMB industry generates significant cashflow. As spa workers

typically service multiple clients each day, and spas operate seven days
a week, it is common for IMBs to generate millions of dollars each year.
Spa managers and owners routinely transfer money between personal
and business accounts in different financial institutions to promote the
business and conceal the origins of illicit proceeds. Specifically,
managers use illicit funds to transport the women performing
commercial sex acts between spas, pay bills, and purchase
advertisements promoting the businesses.

c. IMB owners and managers use many of the same communication

techniques utilized by legitimate businesses, including coordinating and
communication through email, cell phone calls, text messages, and
international mobile communication applications (“apps”). I know
based on my training and experience that individuals involved in IMBs
maintain email communications and account information, cell phones,
computers and other electronic media in the same way a legitimate
business maintain such material as tools of the trade.

d. There are many signs that illegal activity may be occurring at a massage
business; for example, primarily female employees, employees living at
the business, employees who arrive and leave work with the owner or
manager, and advertising phone numbers and locations on websites,
such as Backpage.com, Skipthegames.com, and other Backpage-type
websites.1 Advertisements and postings on Backpage.com and related
websites often offer “massages” and other coded language rather than
explicitly advertising sexual services. The advertisements often include
provocative photographs of women in lingerie posed in sexually
suggestive positions. The text of posts often includes descriptions of
the “masseuse,” including age, height, weight, ethnicity, and other
descriptions of physical appearance. Not one of these signs alone can
accurately identify an IMB. Yet, a combination of these factors, and
additional factors, raises the likelihood that an IMB is present. In sum,
I know based on my training, experience, and conversations with other
law enforcement officers that online posts by IMBs advertise
commercial sex, rather than legitimate massage services.

e. These criminal enterprises are sophisticated and usually consist of

recruiters, customers, transporters, managers, owners, bosses, and

Backpage-type websites are online platforms or websites that advertise erotic massages and other sexual
services in exchange for money. Backpage.com was an online classified website used to advertise escort and
prostitution services, including business associated with the illicit massage industry. On April 6, 2018, the
United States federal government seized and shut down Backpage.com and affiliated websites due to their
promotion of sex trafficking and prostitution. Since the seizure of Backpage.com, IMBs advertise on a variety
of other online platforms and websites, such as Skipthegames.com, and print publications. To be specific, the
Internet is considered an interstate facility due to its ability connect people all across the world.

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actors unknown. There are often actors located in foreign countries.

They orchestrate the training and education of involved parties and
develop different levels of security to evade law enforcement detection.
IMBs are spread throughout the United States, and their main objective
is to benefit financially through their illicit activity.



9. The FBI with the assistance of other law enforcement agencies is investigating

a business known as and operating under the name New Elegant Shiatsu, located at 5714 S

Transit Road, Lockport, New York 14094 (hereinafter, “New Elegant Shiatsu”). Based on

the information developed in the investigation and detailed herein, it is believed that New

Elegant Shiatsu is operating as an IMB, that Song is the owner and spa manager of New

Elegant Shiatsu, and that prostitution and commercial sex acts have occurred and are

occurring at New Elegant Shiatsu. Based on the information developed in the investigation,

it is believed that New Elegant Shiatsu is connected or associated with the business known

as and operating under the name S Wellness Spa, located at 985A S Clinton Avenue,

Rochester, New York 14620 (hereinafter “S Wellness Spa”).

10. Through the ongoing investigation, investigators have learned that Song2 used

and uses the mail or an interstate facility or foreign commerce with the intent to promote,

manage, establish, or carry on, an unlawful activity, in this case, a business enterprise

Your affiant has obtained and reviewed records from Washington County Sheriff’s Office, in the State of
Minnesota, that identified Song as a subject arrested for prostitution in Minnesota. This detailed report
describes, among other things, that Song as having been employed with a job performing commercial sex acts
at a spa located in Houston, Texas, and then in Minnesota. A portion of the cash Song earned by performing
commercial sex acts were picked up by her employer’s boyfriend.

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involving prostitution, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1952(a)(3) and 1952(b)(1). In furtherance

of this activity, the investigation has learned that Song utilizes a black 2020 Toyota RAV4,

bearing New York license plate registered to Song at an address of

(hereinafter “Toyota RAV4”) and utilizes the telephone,

among other facilities of interstate commerce, in furtherance of IMB-related activities.


11. On or about October 20, 2023, NCSO notified the FBI of an investigation

regarding New Elegant Shiatsu. NCSO stated that online postings advertising sexual

and/or massage services associated with New Elegant Shiatsu had been posted on Backpage-

type websites, in particular Skipthegames.com, Eccie.net, and Rubsguide.com. I know based

on my training and experience as well as publicly available information that

Skipthegames.com is an escort website with postings advertising commercial sexual activity

or sexual services offered in a particular area in exchange for money; Eccie.net is an escort

website that enables customers to review their sexual experiences in forums; and

Rubsguide.com is an escort website, similar to Skipthegames.com, that states that they focus

on escorts and the massage industry in the United States.

12. On or about October 17, 2023, NCSO conducted multiple traffic stops on

individuals observed departing New Elegant Shiatsu. As described below, upon being

interviewed, the individuals indicated they received sexual services from two different adult

female masseuses in exchange for cash at New Elegant Shiatsu.

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15. On or about December 17, 2023, I received a summary of NCSO’s

investigation related to New Elegant Shiatsu. 3 The summary included the following,

among other information:

A. On or about September 22, 2023, NCSO received a complaint, that the

workers at the business located at New Elegant Shiatsu, with a phone
number of 3470, later identified as New Elegant Shiatsu, were
performing acts of prostitution.

B. On or about September 25, 2023, an open-source search of the business’

phone number 3470 and the business name, New Elegant
Shiatsu, was conducted. The search revealed that both were linked to
numerous websites, including skipthegames.com; www.eccie.net;
Rubsguide.com; www.168worker.com. These websites appeared to be
sexual in nature and promoted sexual acts.

C. On or about September 25, 2023, at approximately 8:00 p.m., NCSO

Investigators observed the business was open, with all interior lights on,
and an Asian female, approximately 40-50 years old, dark hair, medium
build, was inside of the business. At approximately 8:54 p.m., the same
female was observed locking the front door of the business and turning all
the interior lights off. At approximately 9:00 p.m., Toyota RAV4 was
observed driving around the building and parking in the parking lot
designated for Home Depot, located in the rear of the lot, near a dumpster
for another business. NCSO Investigators observed the same Asian
female, who also matched Song’s description exit the Toyota RAV4,
throw two small garbage bags in a waist high dumpster. The female then
locked the Toyota RAV4 and returned to New Elegant Shiatsu, entered
and locked the door behind her. NCSO Investigators remained on
location and secured the two garbage bags from the waist high dumpster.
NCSO Crime Scene Investigation Unit later processed the garbage bags
and entered two items of evidentiary value into evidence, including one
Chase Bank check from New Elegant Shiatsu LLC, signed by Song, a
prescription pill bottle with a label belonging to Song, and several massage
pamphlets. Photographs of a check recovered from the garbage bags
depict a torn pieces of a check for $1,550.00 made out by Song, the owner
of New Elegant Shiatsu LLC, for rent:
On or about December 16, 2023, NCSO patrol deputies responded to a call for service at New Elegant Shiatsu
and encountered the defendant and a spa employee. During their interactions, both the defendant and spa
employee spoke in English and Mandarin; the defendant reported to deputies, among other things, that the spa
employee was secretly providing more services to customers and she requested the employee to leave.

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16. As a part of the investigation, law enforcement utilized Court authorized

electronic location monitoring of Song’s Toyota RAV4 beginning on or about December 20,


17. On or about December 22, 2023, a grand jury subpoena was sent to JP Morgan

Chase for financial records associated with Song and S Wellness Spa. On or about February

5, 2023, JP Morgan Chase provided records that indicate Song was the previous owner of S

Wellness Spa under the name S Wellness Spa Inc. from on or about July 15, 2022, to on or

about March 3, 2023. Song was listed as the sole signer for the account for S Wellness Spa

during this period.

18. Throughout the electronic location monitoring period, between on or about

March 2024, and through on or about April 2024, Song’s Toyota RAV4 has traveled to the

vicinity of S Wellness Spa approximately 8 times – with the last known date of travel being

on or about April 15, 2024. Frequently, the electronic location monitoring indicated that

after departing the vicinity of S Wellness Spa, Song’s Toyota RAV4 would return to the

vicinity of New Elegant Shiatsu.

19. On or about April 4, 2024, NCSO notified your affiant that Song and a new

female arrived at New Elegant Shiatsu. Upon reviewing the electronic location monitoring,

it was determined that Song’s Toyota RAV4 had traveled from the vicinity of New Elegant

Shiatsu to the vicinity of S Wellness Spa and back to New Elegant Shiatsu.

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Spa’s 9745 phone number approximately 45 times. During this period, Song’s 7889 phone

number was also in contact with Song’s New Elegant Shiatsu’s 3470 phone number

approximately eight times.

23. Based upon analysis of call detail records, Backpage-type website

advertisements, and online reviews, it is believed that Song is utilizing phone numbers

identified through investigation to advertise and coordinate the IMB-related activities of New

Elegant Shiatsu and S Wellness Spa.


24. On or about December 28, 2023, at approximately 11:18 a.m., the electronic

location monitoring data revealed that Song’s Toyota RAV4 stopped at Buffalo Niagara

International Airport (“BNIA”). Video surveillance from BNIA revealed that Song’s Toyota

RAV4 stopped and picked up an unidentified female (hereinafter, “UF1”) at approximately

11:20 a.m., and then departed. Song appeared to be driving the Toyota RAV4, which

travelled to and briefly stopped in the vicinity of Chase Bank, located at 8160 Transit Road,

Amherst, New York. Song’s Toyota RAV4 then travelled to New Elegant Shiatsu. Video

surveillance of New Elegant Shiatsu captured Song escorting UF1, carrying luggage, into

New Elegant Shiatsu. UF1 was last observed being transported by Song on or about

January 7, 2024.

25. On or about January 5, 2024, at approximately 10:27 p.m., Song was observed

on video surveillance unloading and escorting another unidentified female (hereinafter,

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“UF2”) from Song’s Toyota RAV4 into New Elegant Shiatsu. UF2 was seen carrying

luggage into the spa. UF2 was last seen being transported in Song’s Toyota RAV4 by Song

on or about January 14, 2024, at approximately 9:46 p.m.

26. On or about January 14, 2024, at approximately 1:40 a.m., Song was observed

on video surveillance unloading and escorting an unidentified female (hereinafter, “UF3”)

from Song’s Toyota RAV4 into New Elegant Shiatsu. UF3 was seen carrying luggage into

the spa.

27. On or about January 27, 2024, at approximately 4:30 p.m., Song was observed

on video surveillance unloading and escorting (hereinafter, “Employee 1”),

whose identity was previously unknown to law enforcement at the time of her arrival to New

Elegant Shiatsu, from Song’s Toyota RAV4 to New Elegant Shiatsu. On the day of

Employee 1’s arrival, the electronic location monitoring shows that Song and Song’s Toyota

RAV4 travelled from the vicinity of 49-30 202nd Street, Bayside (Queens), New York, and

departed the Queens, New York area, at approximately 9:34 a.m. that day.

28. On or about February 20, 2024, at approximately 1:07 a.m., Song was observed

on video surveillance unloading and escorting (hereinafter, “Employee 2”), whose

identity was previously unknown to law enforcement at the time of her arrival to New Elegant

Shiatsu, from Song’s Toyota RAV4 to New Elegant Shiatsu. The day of Employee 2’s

arrival, the electronic location monitoring shows that Song and Song’s Toyota RAV4

travelled from the vicinity of Ocean Travel Inc., located at 809B Millersport Highway,

Buffalo, New York, and left at approximately 11:57 a.m. on that day. On or about February

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22, 2024, NCSO conducted a traffic stop on Song’s Toyota RAV4, which was being driven

by Employee 2. Employee 2 provided NCSO a driver license issued by the People’s Republic

of China. Employee 1 was identified as the passenger of the vehicle; however, she could not

provide any form of identification. Song was not an occupant of the vehicle.

29. Immigration and law enforcement database checks revealed that Employee 1

and Employee 2 are both citizens of the Republic of China. Based upon immigration and

law enforcement database checks, it appears that Employee 2 entered the United States

illegally through Mexico on or about December 24, 2023, and Employee 1 entered illegally

through Mexico on or about August 25, 2023. According to law enforcement records, both

individuals were encountered in San Diego, California by United States Border Patrol

(“USBP”) agents at locations not designated as an official port of entry. Both individuals

were issued notices to appear to court for unlawful entry into the United States. Employee

1 and Employee 2 both provided USBP with 13315 Blossom Avenue, Flushing, New York

as a contact address. Employee 2 provided her phone number to be contacted at as

7889. Employee 1 provided her phone number to be contacted at as 9745.

Through law enforcement database checks, both the phone numbers and the address provided

have been identified as contact information associated with Song.

30. Through investigation, law enforcement has determined that Song owns and

operates New Elegant Shiatsu; that Song pays for rent at New Elegant Shiatsu through

checks from New Elegant Shiatsu’s business account controlled by Song and sent through

the mail, which is a facility of interstate commerce. Through investigation, the funds held

and deposited into New Elegant Shiatsu’s business account are believed to be illicit funds

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deprived from prostitution, in particular commercial sex acts occurring at New Elegant

Shiatsu, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1952(a)(3) and 1952(b)(1).

31. Through investigation, law enforcement has determined that New Elegant

Shiatsu and S Wellness Spa are advertised on Backpage-type websites, specifically

Skipthegames.com and other websites, listing phone numbers associated with Song. Law

enforcement has determined that these advertisements encourage viewers to contact phone

numbers associated with Song to obtain sexual services in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1952(a)(3)

and 1952(b)(1). The use of the Internet and telephonic communications are both facilities of

interstate commerce.

32. Through investigation, law enforcement also determined that Song’s Toyota

RAV4 was manufactured by Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Canada, Inc. in Cambridge,

Ontario, Canada.4 Song utilizes this vehicle in furtherance of IMB-related activities, such as

the management of New Elegant Shiatsu, including the transportation of spa employees

between New Elegant Shiatsu, S Wellness Spa, and other locations, who are believed to be

engaging in commercial sex acts at New Elegant Shiatsu and S Wellness Spa.


33. WHEREFORE, based on the aforementioned facts and circumstances

presented in this affidavit, I respectfully submit that there is probable cause to believe LINIAN

SONG violated 18 U.S.C. § 1952(a)(3) and (b)(1) [Interstate and Foreign Travel or

Vehicle manufacturing information was located at vpic.nhtsa.dot.gov/decoder/ and based on VIN
known to be associated with Song’s Toyota RAV4.

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Transportation in Aid of Racketeering Enterprises]. I respectfully request the Court issue the

attached criminal complaint and arrest warrant for LINIAN SONG. I further request that

the Court seal the requested criminal complaint, this affidavit, and the requested warrant until

such time as the warrant has been effectuated.

Special Agent
Federal Bureau of Investigation

Sworn to and signed telephonically on

this 22nd day of April, 2024.



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