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Department of Education PPPP

Region X
Division of Bukidnon
Busco, Butong, Quezon, Bukidnon
S.Y. 2023-2024

NAME: ____________________________ GRADE & SECTION: ______________ SCORE: ______

Test I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read and analyze the question below. Choose the letter of the correct answer
and write it on the space provided before the number.

_________1. When was volleyball invented?

a. 1895 b. 1896 c. 1897 d. 1890
_________2. What skill is used to put the ball in play?
a. serve b. pass c. block d. set
_________3. What was the old name of the volleyball?
a. minnesota b. mintonette c. minnisite d. minesite
_________4. What is used to receive the opponent’s attack?
a. serve b. dig c. float d. block
_________5. How many players should be on each team playing volleyball?
a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8
_________6. What are the maximum hits on the ball when playing volleyball?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
_________7. What kind of serve in which the players strikes the ball below the waist?
a. topspin b. underhand c. overhead d. float
_________8. What skill is used to stop the ball into the opponent’s attack to cross the net?
a. serve b. pass c. block d. set
_________9. Which team sports wherein the players use their hands to hit a ball back and forth over
a high net?
a. baseball b. softball c. basketball d. volleyball
_________10. The following are examples of basic skills in volleyball, EXCEPT:
a. serving b. batting c. blocking d. attacking
_________11. When the ball hits the floor on one side of the net, it is counted as a point to the
opponent. This type of scoring is called?
a. rally b. point c. field d. down
_________12. What type of service where the ball is tossed high enough that a player may jump
before hitting the ball?
a. jump serve b. topspin c. underhand d. jump float
_________13. What basic skill in volleyball stops the ball of the opponent’s attack to cross the net?
a. serving b. setting c. blocking d. attacking
_________14. How many players are involved in a one volleyball team inside the court?
a. five b. seven c. eight d. six
_________15. Which team sports wherein the players use their hands to hit a ball back and forth
over a high net?
a. baseball b. softball c. basketball d. volleyball
_________16. What overhand serve where the ball is tossed high enough that the player may jump
before hitting the ball?
a. jump float b. topspin c. float d. serve
_________17. He was a physical director of the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) who
` invented the team sport volleyball.
a. James Naismith c. Michael Jordan
b. William Morgan d. Abner Doubleday
_________18.What process by which an athlete prepares in any form of competition by practicing
their skills?
a. sports exercise c. sports training
b. sports enhancement d. sports regulation
_________19. What is done by the setter who set to the spiker for attacking purpose?
a. setting the ball c. spiking the ball
b. serving the ball d. tossing the ball
_________20. What is a foot fault?
a. When the server steps on the service line.
b. When the setter touches the ball two times.
c. When the ball touches by the players four times.
d. When the attacker/spiker touches the 3-meter line.
_________21. What is a foot fault?
a. When the server steps on the service line.
b. When the setter touches the ball two times.
c. When the ball touches by the players four times.
d. When the attacker/spiker touches the 3-meter line.
_________22. What does YMCA stands for?
a. Young Men's Christian Association
b. Youth Men's Christianity Association
c. Young Men's Cooperative Association
d. Youth Men's Cooperative Assimilation
_________23. When is the time to rotate as a team?
a. When the team loses a point.
b. When the ball goes outside.
c. When the team wins the serve.
d. When the ball touches the net.
_________24. How will you describe defense in volleyball?
a. It consists of both digging and blocking.
b. It refers to the team who get points from the opponent.
c. A group or team of players does to prevent the opponents to get a score.
d. It is a group or a team that attempts to score a point by landing the ball in
opponent’s court.
_________25. Which of the following is TRUE about a libero?
a. A libero can spike, serve and block.
b. A libero is situated in front row players.
c. A libero is much likely the “defensive specialist”.
d. A libero can replace only the blocker player in his/her team.
_________26. How will you describe defense in volleyball?
a. It consists of both digging and blocking.
b. It refers to the team who get points from the opponent.
c. A group or team of players does to prevent the opponents to get a score.
d. It is a group or a team that attempts to score a point by landing the ball in
opponent’s court.
_________27. The following are the basic volleyball rules, EXCEPT:
a. A ball hitting a boundary line is “in”.
b. It is illegal to catch, hold or throw the ball
c. A player can block or attack a serve from inside the 10 foot line.
d. A ball may be played off the net during a volley and on a serve.
_________28. The following are the basic violations of volleyball, EXCEPT:
a. Serving out of order
b. Successful to serve the ball over the net.
c. Crossing the court center line with any part of your body.
d. Touching the net with any part of your body while the ball is in play
_________29. The following are the safety measures one needs to take when setting up the
equipment in a volleyball game EXCEPT:
a. Court is to be cleared of stray balls.
b. Always warm –up, stretch and cool down.
c. Jewelry should be worn during the competition.
d. Knee pads are worn by all players at all times.
_________30. Why is familiarization of the basic violations in volleyball important?
a. to avoid mistake
b. to have an injury
c. to avoid giving free points to the opponent
d. to take the blame for possible misunderstanding
Test III. FILL IN THE BLANKS: Supply the missing word in the blanks to complete the sentences below.

31. Volleyball was invented by William G. Morgan in __________.

32. When serving, stepping on or across the service line is __________.
33. __________ is a game played by two teams with six players on each team.
34. __________ is used to stop the ball of the opponent’s attack to cross the net.
35. __________ serve where the ball is hit with no spin so that its path becomes unpredictable.
36. An overhand serve where the player tosses the ball high and hits it with a wrist span is called
37. William G. Morgan called the sport __________until such there was a professor from Springfield
College in Massachusetts noted the volleying nature of play and proposed the name of ‘Volleyball.’
38. The first nationwide tournament in the United States was conducted by the national __________
physical Education Committee in New York City in 1922.
39. __________ is use to receive a teammate’s pass in order that the play may continue by passing the
ball overhead to an attacker.
40. An overhand serve where the ball is tossed high enough that the player may jump before hitting the
ball is called __________.

Test II. ENUMERATION: List down or enumerate what are being asked on the following items.

(41-46) Six Basic Skills in Volleyball

(47-50) Four Basic Violations in Volleyball

Prepared by: Checked by:

HOPE 2 Teacher JHS Academic Coordinator

Approved by:
School Principal

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