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Submitted by

V. BHARATH – 207R1A0149

B. NITHIN REDDY – 207R1A0108

U. BABA – 207R1A0148


(Assistant Professor)


(Autonomous and permanently Affiliated to JNTU, HYDERABAD) Kandlakoya,
Medchal, Hyd-501401
Kandlakoya (V), Medchal Road
Hyderabad - 501401



This is to certify that the project entitled “STUDY ON MIAVN

FORMWORK AND CONSTRUCTION” that is being submitted by V. BHARATH
– 207R1A0149. In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Bachelor
of Technology Degree in Civil Engineering by JNTU Hyderabad during the
academic year (2023-2024).

Internship Coordinator Head of the Department External Examiner

Assistant Professor Professor &HOD

This report will be in completed without the mention of those who directly help us
during the project. I thank our management for their kind supervision and
encouragement during the period of my internship.

I wish to express my sincere thanks to Mr.A.Nagaraju Sir

My sincere thanks to our Head of Department Dr. D. Maneiah sir, for his
indispensable help and encouragement during the period of the project.

Finally, I express my thanks to all our other professors, friends who helped me for
the completion of my project and without infinite love and patience this would
never have been possible.

We hereby declare that the work described in this thesis, entitled "MIVAN
FORMWORK AND CONSTRUCTION" which is being submitted by V.
BHARATH in partial fulfillment of for the award of Bachelor of Technology in
Department of Civil Engineering to the CMR Technical Campus, kandlakoya(V),
Medchal Road, Medchal (D), Telangana-501 401, is the result of investigations
carried out by us under the guidance of MR. RAMESH SIR (Project manager).

Construction industry mainly depends on cost and time so to achieve

certain goals traditional methods only can’t be used so to make the industry fast
and more profitable new technologies are being introduced and also are being used
all around the world. As construction is the significant sector of the Indian
economy and due to India's rising population so to achieve its housing requirement
new technologies are being developed and used and the most common out which is
Mivan formwork.

Mivan is a quality aluminum structure developed by a European

construction company known as Mivan Company Ltd. In 1990, the company from
Malaysia began manufacturing these formwork systems. This innovative form of
work is actually suitable for constructing houses in large quantities at a faster speed.


1.1 – General 1
1.2 – Historical development 1

1.3 – Objective of the work 3

1.4 – Scope of the work 3



3.1 – General 6
3.2 – Case Study 7


4.1 – Quality Comparison 17

4.2 – Aesthetics Comparison 17

4.3 – External Finishes Comparison 17

4.4 – Maintenance Comparison 17

4.5 – Cost Comparison 17

1.1 General

Formwork is being used in construction industries as a most important aspect, so as

the formwork technology increases the construction industry will see a positive boost in
terms of fast construction and eventually the end outcome will give us economic benefits. As
the population is increasing, constructing a number of houses to overcome high population
rise is a tough task so to make the construction speed fast mivan formwork system has been
used in construction in recent years.

1.2 Historical development

Mivan is an aluminum formwork system developed by a European construction

company. In 1990, the Mivan Company Ltd. from Malaysia started manufacturing these
formwork systems. Before Mivan was introduced as a formwork system wooden ply
formwork system was used and still been used but due to its limitations and poor workability
it has been changed with aluminum formworks in most of the high-rise structure. Mivan
formwork is more likely used in Europe, Asia, Gulf Countries, and other parts of the globe. It
is suitable for constructing a large number of houses in a short period of time using room size
forms to construct walls and slabs in one constant pour on concrete.

Big famous towers in Mumbai are also constructed by mivan formwork like lodha
one towers, dosti towers all big builders have adopted mivan as their main formwork system
for construction.

This chart shows that Indian construction has been changing and adopting new form
of construction formwork but still lacking behind in some parts where replacing or changing
the existing formwork system is not accepted yet.

Advantages of Mivan Formwork

1. Mivan Formwork requires relatively less labour.

2. Faster completion of floors.
3. Reduction of leakages.
4. Low maintenance.
5. Smooth finishing of slabs and walls.
6. Faster Completion.

Disadvantages of Mivan Formwork

1. Alignment maintenance needs skilled laborers.

2. It is expensive and used for typical floors only.
3. Leakage issues like seepage, leakages during monsoon.

The key uses of Mivan Formwork

1. Easy to operate within less time.

2. Includes the 3S scheme of construction to give strength, safety, and speed.
3. Slabs and walls are easily formed in one consistent development.
4. Assembling and fitting the part of shuttering.

Main features of Mivan Components

1. Load carrying capacity.

2. Stricking time.
3. Durability.
4. Cycle time.

Formwork – Components
Mivan Formwork consists of many components which when connected to each using
the drawing provided then it can be used for concreting, the material used for making these
components are high strength aluminum alloy.

The main components of Mivan are

1. Wall Components
2. Beam Components
3. Deck Components
4. Other Component.
1.3 Objectives of Mivan Formwork

1. To study the basic construction techniques and general studies of Formwork it's
capabilities and usability.
2. To gain an understanding of the existing research.
3. To do a Case study of a construction site with Mivan formwork and study its practical
aspects see how an aluminum formwork system works and make the activity list with
details of the site.
4. To compare mivan formwork with other forms of formwork system.

1.4 Scope of the work

Even the mivan technology is not similar to the existing formwork system but it has
more advantages than the disadvantages of the technology it will used in wide range in
coming future it will eventually gain popularity among builders and owners and no towers
will be made without the use of mivan as formwork system, it is also cost saving and less
time consuming.



Atul R.Kolhe, et. al (2014), For implementing the ‘Location Based Repetitive Scheduling
Method (LBRSM) and analyzing the results the commercial housing project ‘MEGAPOLIS’, at
Pune city has been taken asa case study. The data were collected during several visits to the field
and site offices from the different persons.The consultant for the project is RSP, Singapore who
are the pioneers in integrated township designs and Belt Collins, Singapore, who are the global
leaders in the art of landscaping. This prime project has been introduced by Pegasus Properties
Pvt. Ltd. and has been execute by Joint Venture of two Leading groups in Pune, ‘Kumar
Properties’ & ‘Avinash Bhoslae Group’. Every Building is to be executed with two floors sub
structure in conventional works & the rest in ‘MIVAN’ type of specialized aluminum base

Arbaz Kazi, (2015), International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology: To
address the housing and transportation requirements of an exponentially increasing population,
Indian construction industry has grown by leaps and bounds. Thus with the globalization of
Indian economy & introduction of multinational companies in India for construction activities, it
has become imperative to have precise & speedy construction projects. Formwork is an
important part of construction and it takes 25-30 % of total cost of construction. Thus with the
use of new technologies in formwork, construction permits casting of larger elements in a single
pour, which reduces time and labor requirement as compared to conventional methods.In this
paper, an attempt is made to have a comparative study of established conventional formwork
technology with a set of new formwork techniques, which are currently not used much in the
Indian construction industry; and hence suggest which method is superior for the construction
project under consideration.

Ganar A. S., (2015), The project involves cost and duration analysis of a building
constructed by Conventional formwork building and MIVAN formwork building. The buildings
are of G+12 floors and the area of both the buildings are 771.92 Sqm with 2.95 m as the height
of each floor. The analysis involves the quantity calculation for cost for both buildings and
duration comparison of conventional formwork building and MIVAN formwork building.

Kushal Patil, (2015), The aluminum formwork system was developed by Malaysian
Company and that’s why the aluminum formwork technology is named after it. Mivan is a new
construction technology upcoming for successful completion of mass housing projects in India.
The project also includes remedial measures for one of the defects in mivan technology i.e.,
segregation while placing the concrete resulting honeycombing in shear walls by using
“MasterGleniumACE30JP” admixture.

Mayank Patel, (2015), Formwork systems are among the key factors determining the
success of a construction project in terms of speed, quality, cost and safety of the works. The
rapid advancement in the field of formwork along with the innovation in concrete as a material
has led to a revolutionary change where safer, quicker, sustainable and more efficient
construction is possible these days. The aluminum formwork system is very cost effective. This
is one of the systems identified to be very much suitable for Indian conditions for mass
construction, where quality and speed can be achieved at a high level. The labour handles this
method effectively to speed up the construction, to assure quality control.

Prathul U, (2015), Productivity is the important factor affecting the overall efficiency in
Construction sites. At site level productivity can be grouped under various departments like
productivity in concrete, steel work and shuttering. The main aim of the study is to analyse
productivity by comparing conventional and Mivan formwork. The study showed that mivan
formwork has higher productivity when compared to conventional formwork and proves
economical for repetitive jobs.

Sajeet.S.B, (2015), In recent times due to globalization, the construction industry has
started focusing on new innovative ways of working. The construction industry has started
adopting new technologies and approaches in order to increase the overall efficiency of the
project. The “aluminum formwork systems” which is also called as Mivan wall System is one
such new technology which has been used extensively across the world. Further investigation is
carried out to know the contribution of different shapes of Mivan wall building to lateral strength
and lateral stiffness of the high-rise building. Along with this the comparison has been carried
out between different shapes of Mivan wall building.


3.1 – General
The method used for gathering the information knowing the concepts related to mivan
formwork is explained in this part of the research paper. Step wise plan of our project has been
stated in this part of the report, means firstly we started with the theoretical study of the topic in
which we gathered previous studies made on it and also studied them for getting to know the
entire concept of the topic theoretically.
Once the theoretical methodology is completed, we headed towards practical
methodology in which by choosing a construction site and analyzing the working of mivan
technology there in a floor-to-floor slab cycle.
The theoretical methodology consists of the theoretic approach to the topic when we study
all the previous research papers, journals, articles, etc.. study materials to get the idea of the topic
this is considered as a theoretical approach on construction technology.
Considering our topic at the very start we have been collecting the literature present on
the internet. After collecting more than 50 research papers we after studying them in depth got to
know all the concepts of the technology in terms of theory and were then ready to go to a
construction site to work out all these concepts practically.
A practical approach to the research work was performed by identifying the formwork new
techniques all around the world studying then the concerned literature reviewed on formwork
system data collection and analysis later is perfromed this all works are helped at construction
site at the time of case study.
We have performed a 7day slab cycle internship at a construction site equipped with mivan
formwork there. We have made notes of all the activities at site and noted down all the small
points studied there with the help of site engineers and project managers working there and took
pictures of each and every activity in detail.

3.2 – Case Study
Site Details:
1. PROJECT NAME: Om Sree Gallaxy, Kompally, Hyderabad.
2. Client: Om Sree Developers, Yapral, Hyderabad.
3. Design Architect: Design Space, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad.
4. Consultant: MA Consultanting Services Pvt Ltd, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad.
5. Construction: KLC Constructions
6. Plot Area: 20 Acre
7. Project type: Residential Township
8. Floors: B2+G+15

3.2.2 – Location of Case Study Site

HYDERABAD, 501401.

3.2 – Mivan Shuttering 7 days Slab Cycle
Activity 1: Grid line work
In this activity points are given by the surveyor and as per the points given the grid
line is placed as x axis and y axis according to the drawing till the end of the building drawing,
so keeping the reference of these can help in maintaining the structure. The engineer must always
ensure checking of formwork with the reference to grid lines only. Hole is left in the slab with
the help of placing sleeves and then using a plumb bob by aligning it to the upper floor grid line
can be placed easily. This method saves money and time and its accuracy is same as that of the

Activity 2: Thesi work

In this activity thesi work is done using wooden patti of usual size 15mm to 20mm width and
can be of200mm length. It provides support to the vertical panels to be erected and on this
wooden patti vertical panels are hung and fixed for the casting.
If the column size is of let say 300mm in width the wooden patti are fixed at spacing of
310mm by keeping 5mm gap each between both the wooden patti this is done because of the
width pf panel which also has to be included in the thesi work so that column constructed is of
right dimensions.
Thesis are fitted on its place with the help of concrete nails by drilling the slab atleast 2 nails are
to be there for the better support for the thesi. There should be one thesi in every 1m distance
from the other thesi just to make it safer and more reliable.

On site the corners should have more of thesi then compared to the center as it has more
chances to collapse. In this thesi work has to be completed and these are the things which have
to be kept in mind while doing thesi wok.
Activity 3: Column and non-structural wall reinforcement work
This is the standard activity which is common in all construction fields. The purpose of
reinforcement is to provide additional strength for concrete where it is needed. As per Structural
drawing complete reinforcement work is done the bars are placed according to it and the covers
are also provided by keeping the structural drawing in mind and as per this and after its checking
work is completed.

Activity – 4: Column and wall panel erection work
Wall panels are placed on kickers and kickers are supported by the thesi which was fixed
previously. The main thing to be considered during this activity is the oiling of the panels of the
side facing the concrete to overcome the chances of sticking of concrete on the panel and for
better finishing. This wall panels are fixed with each other vertically using the pin and wedge the
standard number of pin pattis used are it should be 600 mm between two pin pattis and at the
bottom sides should be at the distance of 300 mm distances as the pressure of the concrete at the
time of casting is high at the bottom side of panel. Deck paneling will only be started ones the
wall panels are intact ones wall panel work is done beam bottom works are started as soon as the
wall paneling is done. All wall panels are attached with a flat tie which should be one flat tie
from bottom at 200 mm and all other at 500 nm intervals as there will be high pressure of
concrete in the bottom side.

Activity – 5: Deck panel work

Deck panel work means to complete all the shuttering work for upcoming slab in this activity so
to start with reinforcement of the slab on next day. In this activity slab soffits are placed as per
the dimensions and the deck work is completed manually. This activity totally depends on the
drawing provided; according to it only the slab soffits and deck panels are fixed for the further
reinforcement work to be done.

Activity – 6: Internal checking

At this point of time as the paneling and deck work is completed its checking has
to be done for to proceed on the next activity, this checklist provides a check point to engineers
to ensure correct execution of work and avoid reworks.
It’s very difficult having repairs later and cost huge and may cause losses to the owner if not
executed properly.
In a broad way there are two types of checking which are considered in sites mainly internal
checking and the external checking, Internal checking is done when the internal components are
fixed, and they are checked according to the kayam line Dori and dimensions are checked
according to drawing.

Activity – 7: Beam and Slab reinforcement work

It is also a common process as that of the conventional method reinforcement

works is the same in both types of formworks only the type of formwork changes. The
reinforcement steel should be free of any loose scale, rust, mud, or oil.
Cutting of reinforcement should be done beam wise and for the total number of the
beams, required for slab. Extra length of cutting bars at the ends leads to improper end cover.
Make sure that cover blocks used for casting of slab and beam have the same grade as of
concrete. They are not broken and properly positioned and should not get disturbed during
concreting operations. Proper cover to reinforcement should be provided to slab bottom, beam
bottom and sidewalls.

Before placing the concrete, Check the reinforcement details with a bar bending schedule
and get an approval from a structural consultant.

Activity – 8 - Levelling work of slab
There are two common methods used on site to check the levelling of the slab one is by
using dumpy level and second one which is most used is by marking the TBM and by line Dori
making the slab on level.
A. Slab checking by dumpy level.
Setting up Your Level, find a benchmark location at the site where you want to
check the levelling. set the tripod up near the spot you want to measure. then connect
your device to the tripod and position it over 2 levelling screws and adjust them
accordingly. Turn your telescope 90 degrees and adjust the third levelling screw.
Check your level’s calibration by turning it 180 degrees. Focusing Your Level,
remove your dumpy level’s lens cap. Adjust the eyepiece until you can see the
device’s crosshairs. Twist the device’s focusing knob until the image is clear.
Taking a Measurement, Position an E staff on top of your benchmark spot. Find
the height difference between your level and the benchmark spot. Calculate your
level’s actual height using the benchmark height. Find the height difference between
your level and the unmeasured spot. Calculate the spot’s actual height using your
level’s height.

B. Slab level check by marking TBM on column.

At construction sites this communication is not possible, so how one worker at the
upper side of the slab and one worker at the downer side of the slab communicate it is
by the help of a hammer. When a worker checks the length of slab bottom to the line
he smashes the slab ones so that the worker at the bottom will come there and if he
finds slab is low then he will smash the hammer 2 times so the down side worker will
understand and tighten the slab accordingly.
And same as if the slab is high then he will smash the hammer three times on the
panel and by
understanding this worker will loosen the ms props down there. In this way levelling
of slab is done on the sites and it is the most used method as it doesn't require any
machinery as such like dumpy level.

Activity – 9: External Checking
Then the external checking is done at the top of slab in which alignment and the works has been
done according to drawing is done or not is checked properly by the civil engineers and the
authority specialist in Mivan is they’re at the time of external checking. The common check of
Mivan in external checking is Plumb bob check, lift check, stairs check. Right Angle Check is
done on the slab to check the overall alignment of the slab. In this type of checking 2 long spans
of the slab are considered and then also considered as the sides of the right angle of triangle and
then its hypo is calculated manually and practically if matched overall alignment is proper of the
Activity – 10: Electrical conduiting work
An electrical conduit is a tube used to protect and route electrical wiring in a building or
structure. Electrical conduit may be made of metal, plastic, fiber, or fired clay. Most conduit is
rigid, but flexible conduit is used for electrical wiring purposes in the construction Industry.
Conduits which are to be taken in the ceiling slab shall be laid on the prepared shuttering work of
the ceiling slab before concrete is poured. The conduits, boxes, accessories, joints, etc. shall be
laid along with the conduits.

Activity – 11: Complete grid line checking

Complete grid line checking means that all the panels should be at right distance from each
other, so the room dimensions are not to be affected because of it. All supporting panels should
be in the right position and must be tight and fixed properly to overcome chances of collapse at
the time of casting.
Activity – 12: Arrangement for casting
Planning for the casting the previous day because in mivan there is a mass concreting so to
avoid delay the setting of the 125 mm diameters pipelines are fixed with the diesel or petrol
pump to pump the concreting up in high rise structures. Production of Concrete, Stock of
material shall be sufficient to start the concrete. It shall be ensured by stores/purchase depth that
concreting is not stopped on account of materials. All plants and machinery are checked and
made in working conditions. Concrete Pouring, Proper walkways/platforms shall be arranged so
that the supports of the pipeline and manpower are not directly standing on reinforcement.

Activity – 13: Safety checkings

1. Ensure that workers use safety tools and equipment for example safety helmets,
safety shoes, goggles, gloves, and vest.
2. Safety devices and safety warnings should be provided from site entrance to the cas
ng area.
3. Check whether adequate ligh ng is provided in case of night concre ng.
4. Check whether the compe tor company has not done any missive on the site as it is
common in big projects.
5. The pipelines should be checked if there is no opening as the pressure of the concrete
in the pump is high at the me of cas ng.
6. Safety nets should be their own place completely intact with also including ver cal
safety nets which should be completely ver cally to minimize the
chances of anything falling downside.

Activity – 14: Casting
As the complete floor is casted at ones in this form of construction so there is no use of
contraction joints as mostly used in conventional way of construction. Cast the concrete
according to the pathway decided earlier and follow the instructions given by the site engineer
given to the workers. Firstly, columns are filled with concrete then beam and lastly concreting of
the slab is done at the site consisting of mivan formwork. To avoid the voids and to get better
finish good quality needle vibrators are used on the sites mostly of best in class as it has to go
right through the bottom of columns and shear wall and vibrate it.
Rubber hammer are the other things which are used at the construction sites and
hammer made with rubber which makes vibrations when hit hard on wall panels. So, the workers
hit it on the panels from downside at the time of casting. After that power float is used for the
smooth finish surface purpose.

When we compare mivan with other forms of formworks we can see many changes in terms of
its materials used, the work cycles and comparison in terms of end outcomes in this way mivan
can be compared with other sort of formworks.
Mainly in India the most used formwork is conventional type of formwork so comparing
it with mivan makes the most sense in terms of speed of construction, quality, aesthetics, external
finishes, maintenance, and the cost comparison has to be done and all this comparison will be
done with the reference to case study and research works done till now.
4.1 – Quality Comparison
As mivan is a new technology and is for the new era of construction it also provides
great quality in terms of wall finishing and smoothness of the wall no voids are seen
after the concreting maximum of it is wiped because of the good construction
material used and aluminum formwork used.
Houses made by mivan formwork systems are more powerful than houses made from
conventional formwork systems.
4.2 – Aesthetics Comparison
In conventional construction partition walls are made with block work except shear
walls all the walls are made with block works and hence shows the unevenness with
beams and columns and gives an anaesthetic look to the structure.
In mivan all the wall and other components of the superstructure are casted together,
so it doesn't show unevenness and gives the building an aesthetic look.
4.3 – External Finishes Comparison
In conventional formwork systems and in block work manual cement plastering is
required and is also not permanent it requires continuous repair and due to its poor
strengths, it must be repainted frequently and while in mivan external wall shows
smooth finishes and requires no repairing frequently.
4.4 – Maintenance Comparison
In Conventional form of construction there is an high chances of maintenance work
as plaster requires repair ceiling plaster may get affected due to leakage so as inner
walls may get affected due to leakage as the block wall tends to have maintenance
cost high but as compared to mivan there is an negligible cost of repair and no
frequent repairing is needed in this kind of construction.
4.5 – Cost Comparison
As cost in conventional initial phase of the project is very less as compared to the
mivan but in long term mivan wins the cost comparison as mivan is for 250 slab
cycles using is for construction is the first choice for builders financially. As mivan is
an aluminum formwork it has good scrap values also which is way more than other
forms of formwork.

Sr.No. Formwork Scrap Value%
1 Conventional 10%
2 Steel 30%
3 Aluminum 50%


Our conclusion will be that mivan formwork can become backbone to the Indian construction
industry, As India being the construction capital of world due to the frequency of the
construction going on in India and due the large population adopting mivan as the main form of
Formwork system will be very much beneficial to our countries growth, it can fulfil our demand
for efficient and sustainable housing also the speed of construction and cost is less as compared
to other forms of formwork system.
1. Adopting new techniques in construction after using traditional techniques for many
years is very difficult but needs to be adopted for the betterment of the Indian construction
2. It can also be concluded that the overall cost and duration is reduced drastically when we
use mivan as the main formwork system instead of conventional formwork system.
3. The floor-to-floor cycle when using mivan is of 7 days which is standard which changes
due to site conditions it goes to 4 days and even at 10 days which is still way less than
conventional formwork system which is of 20 days minimum.
4. Mivan formwork is not only the fast pace construction system but also the cost efficient
and can be used for mass township projects.
5. Mivan even has indirect benefits as it has good scrap value and is 100% recyclable and
also thus environment friendly. It can now be concluded that mivan is a most suitable type of
formwork system in India as it is economical since labour cost is comparatively less and the
number of repetition is more and is also time saving.



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