Writing Final Examinition

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I. Choose the right answer between a, b, c, and d below !

1. A spacecraft is freed from friction ________ launched into space.

a. It b. It is c. After is d. After it is
2. ________ with their surroundings, or they hide in crevices for protection.
a. Lobsters b. Lobsters blend c. Lobsters blending d. Because lobsters blend
3. ________ a ball and socket joint, the elbow is a simple hinge joint.
a. While the shoulder c. The shoulder is
b. While the shoulder is d. The shoulder
4. A car has several sections with moving parts, _______ of those parts is essential.
a. Good lubrication c. and good lubrication
b. Well lubricated d. and Well lubricated
5. Bears cannot see well ______ small eyes.
a. Bears have c. Because they have
b. Because having d. Because of bears
6. ________ at the Isthmus of Panama, so animals were able to migrate between North dan South
a. A land bridge existed c. a land bridge
b. When a land bridge existed d. with a land bridge
7. ________ mostly made of granite, it also contains some human-made materials.
a. The empire state building c. although the empire state building is
b. The empire state building is d. although the empire state building is built
8. Pressure differences make the eardrum vibrate _______ the ear.
a. Enters the sound waves c. sound waves enter
b. As sound waves d. as sound waves enter
9. An optical microscope magnifies as much as 2,000 times, but an electron microscope
________as much as a million times.
a. Magnifying b. it magnifies c. can magnify d. magnify it
10. If scientific estimates are accurate, ________ with the earth about 20,000 years ago.
a. The Canon Diablo meteorite collided
b. The collision of the Canon Diablo meteorite
c. The Canon Diablo meteorite colliding
d. Colliding the Canon Diablo meteorite
11. The first _______ appeared during the last period of the dinosaurs’ reign.
a. Flowers are plants
b. Plants have flowers
c. Plants flowers
d. Flowering plants
12. The earliest medicines ________ from plants of various sorts.
a. Obtaining
b. They obtained
c. Were obtained
d. They were obtained
13. Simple sails were made from canvas _______ over a frame.
a. A stretch
b. Stretched
c. Was Stretched
d. It was Stretched
14. Pluto’s moon, Charon ________ in a slightly path around the plan.
a. Moving b. is moving c. it was moving d. in its movement
15. Techniques of breath control form an essential part of any _________ program to improve the
a. It trains b. train c. trains d. training
16. Robert E. Lee ________ the confederate army to general grant in 1865 at the Appomattox
a. Surrendered c. Surrendering
b. He surrendered d. Surrender
17. The pituitary gland, ________ the brain, releases hormones to control other glands.
a. Found below c. Its foundation below
b. It is found below d. finds itself below
18. At around two years of age, many children regularly produce sentences ______ three or four
a. Are containing c. contain
b. Containing d. contains planet
19. Multinational companies ________ it increasingly important to employ internationally
acceptable brand names.
a. Finding b. are finding c. they find d. they are finding
20. The cornea is located under the conjunctiva, on ________ of the eye.
a. The part is exposed c. the exposed part
b. Exposed the part d. exposes the part
21. Today, the true story of _______ at LittleBighorn remains a mystery.
a. Happened b. it happened c. what happened d. what happening
22. For more that a decade, ________ that certain species are becoming scarce.
a. The warnings of bird – watchers c. birdwatchers have warned
b. Warn the bird – watchers d. a warning for bird – watchers
23. Early in the 18 century, Halley accurately predicted when _______ of 1682 would return.
a. The comet c. the comet was
b. Was the comet d. had the comet
24. No single factor explains why ______ vary so greatly among individuals.
a. Aging affects
b. The effects of aging
c. Aging has an effect
d. The aging effect
25. Lack of clarity about ______ the party in the coming year will be removed at the party’s
a. Will lead b. lead c. they will lead d. who will lead
26. We don’t ________ the bow drill was first developed for woodworking or fire making.
a. Whether it b. Know whether it c. Know whether d. sure whether
27. Tests on the colors of cars were conducted at the University of California to determine ______
the safest colors for cars.
a. Which b. which were c. if d. how were
28. Minute Man National Historical Park is a monument to where ________
a. the beginning of the Revolutionary War
b. in the beginning of the Revolutionary War
c. the Revolutionary War to begin
d. the Revolutionary War began
29. The National Institute of Dental Research estimates ______ in fluoridated areas have about 25
percent less tooth decay than children elsewhere.
a. For school children c. that school children
b. School’s children d. that for school children
30. The process of photosynthesis explains how _________ able to use the energy in sunlight to
manufacture foods from the simple chemicals in air and water.
a. Green plants
b. Green plants are
c. Planting greens
d. With green plants are

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