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Conplast RP264 constructive solutions

Retarding water reducing admixture

Uses Technical support

 To improve the effectiveness of the water content of Fosroc provides a technical advisory service for on-site
a concrete mix. assistance and advice on mix design, admixture selection,
evaluation trials and dispensing equipment.
 To help maintain the workability of readymixed
concrete deliveries in hot weather. Dosage
 To extend working times of concrete.
The optimum dosage of Conplast RP264 to meet specific
requirements should always be determined by trials using
 Particularly suitable for use in mixes with low the materials and conditions that will be experienced in
cohesion. use. The normal dosage range is 0.3 to 0.8 litres/100 kg of
cementitious material, including PFA, GGBFS or
Advantages microsilica.

 Water reduction significantly improves compressive Use at other dosages

strengths at all ages and enhances durability.
Dosages outside the normal range quoted above can be
 Controlled retardation extends working life and used to meet particular mix requirements. Contact Fosroc
stiffening time for ease of construction. for advice in these cases.

 Control of stiffening improves slip forming and Properties

assists in preventing the formation of cold joints in
large pours. Appearance : Brown liquid
Specific gravity : Typically 1.13 at 25°C
 Minimised transportation delay problems maintains Chloride content : Nil to BS 5075
placeability and reduces the risk of pump blockage. Air entrainment : Typically less than 2%
additional air is entrained at
 Slight air entrainment improves cohesion in mixes normal dosages
with poorly graded sands or a lack of fine material, Alkali content : Typically less than 5.0 g.
minimizing bleed and segregation. Na2O equivalent/litre of
 Allows specified strength grades to be met at
reduced cement content or increased workability.
Instructions for use
 Chloride free, safe for use in prestressed and
reinforced concrete. Retardation

The level of retardation obtained may be varied by altering

Standards compliance
the dosage of Conplast RP264 used, which will also alter
the level of water reduction obtained. Retardation is also
Conplast RP264 complies with BS 5075 Part 1 and with
affected by factors other than the admixture, depending on
ASTM C494 as Type B and Type D. the mix details and conditions involved. Major factors
include the following:
a. Cement replacement materials and SRC cements will
Conplast RP264 is a chloride free water reducing usually give greater levels of retardation than
admixture based on selected lignosulphonate materials. It concrete mixes made with ordinary Portland cement
is supplied as a brown solution which instantly disperses at the same admixture dosage.
in water.
b. High temperatures will require increased dosages to
Conplast RP264 disperses the fine particles in the obtain the same change in stiffening time compared
concrete mix, enabling the water content of the concrete to a control mix.
to perform more effectively. The initial hydration of the
cement is also delayed, resulting in a delay in the setting c. Changes in cement content, source or chemistry may
time of the concrete with no adverse effect on subsequent lead to variations in the retardation obtained. The
stiffening and strength gain. amount of tri-calcium aluminate in the cement has
been identified as being one of the main contributory
factors in this respect, with a lower level leading to
greater retardation.
Conplast RP264
d. The use of a combination of admixtures in the same Precautions
concrete mix may alter the setting time. Trials should
always be conducted to determine such setting times. Health and safety

Compatibility Conplast RP264 does not fall into the hazard classifications
of current regulations. However, it should not be swallowed
Conplast RP264 is compatible with other Fosroc or allowed to come into contact with skin and eyes.
admixtures used in the same concrete mix. All admixtures
should be added to the concrete separately and must not Suitable protective gloves and goggles should be worn.
be mixed together prior to addition. The resultant properties Splashes on the skin should be removed with water. In
of concrete containing more than one admixture should be case of contact with eyes rinse immediately with plenty of
assessed by trial mixes. water and seek medical advice. If swallowed seek medical
attention immediately - do not induce vomiting.
Conplast RP264 is suitable for use with all types of
Portland cements, SRC cements and cement replacement For further information consult the Material Safety Data
materials such as PFA, GGBFS and microsilica. Sheet available for this product.

Dispensing Fire

The correct quantity of Conplast RP264 should be Conplast RP264 is water based and non-flammable.
measured by means of a recommended dispenser. The
admixture should then be added to the concrete with the Cleaning and disposal
mixing water to obtain the best results. Contact Fosroc for
advice regarding suitable equipment and its installation. Spillages of Conplast RP264 should be absorbed onto
sand, earth or vermiculite and transferred to suitable
Effects of overdosing containers. Remnants should be hosed down with large
quantities of water.
An overdose of double the intended amount of Conplast
RP264 will result in a significant increase in retardation as The disposal of excess or waste material should be carried
compared to that normally obtained at the intended dosage. out in accordance with local legislation under the guidance
of the local waste regulatory authority.
Provided that adequate curing is maintained, the ultimate
strength of the concrete will not be impaired by increased
retardation and will generally be increased. The effects of
overdosing will be further increased if sulphate resisting
cement or cement replacement materials are used.

Estimating - packaging

Conplast RP264 is available in 210 litre drums and bulk

supply. For larger users, storage tanks can be supplied.


Conplast RP264 has a minimum shelf life of 12 months

provided the temperature is kept within the range of 2°C to
50°C. Should the temperature of the product fall outside
this range then contact Fosroc for advice.

Freezing point: Approximately -4°C

Important note:
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions
for the Supply of Goods and Services, copies of which may be obtained on request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure that
any advice, recommendation, specification of information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct
or continuous control over where or how its products are applied, accept any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the
use of its products, whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation of information given by it.

Fosroc Jordan
Regional Offices: email: [email protected]
Head Office
P.O Box 253,
King Abdullah II Industrial State Amman-Khalda Offices: Tel: (06) 535 9562 Fax: (06) 535 9563
Sahab 11512, Jordan Amman-Sahab Factory: Tel: (06) 402 2665 Fax: (06) 402 9475 Aqaba Showroom: Tel: (03) 205 0061 Fax: (03) 205 0062

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