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Industrial/Organizational Psychology b.

It is very flexible and more comfortable

c. There is an open door for confidential matters to be discussed
1. This ________ theory states that fulfilment and achievement in one during the interview
aspect of life result in sacrifice in other aspect. d. It creates a good hope to the candidate about the
organization’s work atmosphere
a. Spillover
b. Conflict 8. Employees on the 7th floor go to lunch together and employees on the
c. Border and Boundary 2nd floor play together in a city basketball league. These examples
d. Enrichment demonstrate the importance of ____ in forming groups.

2. According to Labor Code of the Philippines, any employer desiring to a. common interests
employ learners shall enter into an agreement that includes the following b. assignment
except: c. emotional support
d. physical proximity
a. the names and addresses of the learners
b. the duration of the learnership period, which shall not exceed 3 9. According to the Civil Service Commission, Strategic Performance
months Management System (SPMS) is a mechanism that links employee
c. the wages or salary rates of the learner which shall begin at performance with organizational performance. Arrange the SPMS process
not less than 50% of the applicable minimum wage. in order.
d. a commitment to employ the learners if they so desire, as
a. Performance Planning and Commitment - Performance
regular employees upon completion of the learnership.
Monitoring and Coaching - Performance Review and
3. This concept pertains to managers who has been judged to have the Evaluation - Performance Rewarding and Development
ability and placed in a higher position but fails to live up the experience Planning
and became plateau. b. Performance Review and Evaluation - Performance Rewarding
and Development Planning - Performance Planning and
a. Promotion Commitment - Performance Monitoring and Coaching
b. Person Power Principle c. Performance Monitoring and Coaching - Performance Review
c. Peter Principle and Evaluation - Performance Monitoring and Coaching -
d. Performance Appraisal Performance Review and Evaluation - Performance Planning
and Commitment
4. Which of the following employee comparison methods involves
d. Performance Planning and Commitment - Performance Review
comparing each possible pair of employees and choosing which one of
and Evaluation - Performance Rewarding and Development
each pair is the better employee?
Planning - Performance Monitoring and Coaching
a. Paired comparison
10. _______ exercises allow the trainee to work with equipment and in an
b. Forced distribution
environment like that found in the actual job.
c. Rank order
d. Behavioral anchored rating scale a. Programmed instruction
b. Critical incident
5. According to guidelines for the implementation of mental health
c. Simulation
workplace policies and programs for the private sector, Republic Act No.
d. Case study
11058 refers to ____________.
11. The following are focus of appraisal dimensions except:
a. Mental Health Act
b. The Magna Carta For Person with Disability a. Competency Focus
c. An Expanding the Positions Reserved for Persons with b. Trait Focus
Disability c. Goal Focus
d. An Act Strengthening Compliance with Occupational Safety d. Solution Focus
and Health Standards and Providing Penalties and its IRR
12. According to ERG Theory of Motivation, this need comprises internal
6. According to Labor Code of the Philippines, to quality as apprentice, the esteem and self actualization.
person shall meet the following qualifications except:
a. expectancy
a. be at least 21 years of age b. existence
b. possess vocational aptitude and capacity for appropriate test c. relatedness
c. possess the ability to comprehend and follow oral and written d. growth
d. with no derogatory record 13. Needs analysis is the first step in developing an employee training
system. The purpose of this need analysis is to use job analysis to identify
7. What is the disadvantage of UNSTRUCTURED INTERVIEW? the task performed by each employee, the conditions under which these
tasks are performed and the competencies needed to perform the task
a. It breaks the communication gap between the interviewer and
under the identified conditions.
the candidate
a. organizational d. Substitute
b. task
c. person 21. Theon being the team leader in their division, has been very friendly
d. need with his teammates. He always great them every morning and ask how
they are doing. As a result his teammates develop this way of
14. What is the most effective recruitment strategy if you are looking for communication with each other, very casual and express politeness. This
top executive employees? phenomenon can be described as?

a. Online Recruitment a. Power differentiation

b. Job Fairs b. Social Distance
c. Head Hunters c. Interdependence
d. Direct Mailing d. Negotiation Process

15. The section of a job description which contains the knowledge, skills, 22. In this appraisal method, performance is judged in terms of cost and
abilities, and other characteristics necessary to be successful on the job is contribution of the employees
labeled ______; the section containing a list of tasks and activities in which
the worker is involved is labeled ________ a. Management by Objectives
b. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale
a. job competencies/ work context c. Human Resource Accounting
b. work context / work activities d. Graphic Rating
c. job competencies / work activities
d. performance standards / work activities 23. According to Department of Labor and Employment, the following are
considered Unauthorized Absences except:
16. This appraisal method includes evaluation inputs from a number of
stakeholders. a. Disapproved for justifiable reasons
b. Not filed
a. Management by Objectives c. Filed within the prescribed period
b. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale d. All of the above
c. Assessment Centers
d. 360 Degree 24. Which of the following types of person analysis methods eliminates the
problems of performance rating errors and is based on the premise that
17. A job applicant is given a set of questions in which she is asked to rate employees know best their own strengths and weaknesses?
the extent to which she is outgoing, anxious, optimistic, careful, and
loyal. She is probably taking: a. Performance appraisal scores
b. Surveys
a. a cognitive ability test c. Skill tests
b. an interest inventory d. Knowledge tests
c. a personality inventory
d. an assessment center 25. Which is TRUE about internal recruitment?

18. Maria together with her two teammates are busy crafting the possible a. New Innovation in the company will be increased
training program for their upcoming teambuilding, her supervisor ask b. Reduces training costs
Samantha who is from other department to join Maria's team. Maria c. Decrease employee retention
becomes uncomfortable working with Samantha and has been distracted d. Decrease employee morale
in crafting the program. This phenomenon can be explained by?* 26. Which among the statement/s is/are true about
a. Groupthink Industrial/Organizational Psychology?
b. Social Impact Theory a. Aims to conduct research in an effort to increase our
c. Group Stability Theory knowledge and understanding of human work behavior;
d. Group Polarization b. Tries to apply the knowledge to improve work behavior, the
19. This appraisal method includes evaluation inputs from a number of work environment, and psychological conditions of workers.
stakeholders.* c. Both A and B is TRUE
d. Both A and B is FALSE
a. Management by Objectives
b. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale 27. This appraisal method concentrates on a particular behaviors of
c. Assessment Centers employee that makes all the difference in the performance.
d. 360 Degree a. Critical Incident
20. This appointment is issued to you if you possess all the qualifications b. Graphic Rating Scale
required for the position including the appropriate civil service eligibility.* c. Narrative
d. Ranking Method
a. Coterminous
b. Permanent 28. The management staff of a busy cafeteria have not been getting along
c. Temporary well. To increase group cohesiveness, the general manager criticizes
each of the other managers' performance and the overall operation of the b. Employee compensation
cafeteria. The general manager's attempt to increase group cohesiveness c. Employee promotion
is based on the principle of : d. Personnel research

a. membership stability 36. According to Department of Labor and Employment, which of the
b. group isolation following statement are TRUE:
c. social impact theory
d. outside pressure a. Government employees are not allowed to solicit, accept or
receive any gift.
29. Makisig, in an interview for a sales representative position, was asked b. Government employees are not allowed to engage in private
to describe how he would respond to a dissatisfied client. She most likely practice of profession
experienced what type of interview? c. All government employees shall disclose all his/her financial or
business interest.
a. Behavioral interview d. No appointment shall be made in favor of a family member or
b. Hypothetically-based interview relative within the third degree either of consanguinity or
c. Situational interview affinity of the appointing authority.
d. Unstructured interview
37. The effect on behavior when two or more people are performing the
30. The conflict style of person who responds to conflict by always trying to same task in the presence of each other.
a. Coaction
a. Collaborating style b. Audience Effect
b. Winning at all cost c. Mere Presence
c. Forcing style d. Social Facilitation
d. Compromising style
38. If the results of the organizational analysis indicate that a positive
31. How does job enrichment differ from job enlargement? climate for training exists, the next step is to conduct a ____analysis.
a. Job enrichment provides more pay; job enlargement adds extra a. Climate
responsibility and tasks b. Demographic
b. Job enrichment provides additional responsibility and authority; c. Task
job enlargement just adds extra tasks d. Person
c. Job enrichment provides extra tasks; job enlargement offers
more benefits. 39. Brian assigns tasks that are challenging, yet achievable and
d. Job enrichment provides better working conditions; job specifically tells employees what he expects from them. It sounds like
enlargement offers more benefits Brian believes in:

32. The greatest number of Ph.D. I/O psychologists work in? a. providing feedback
b. the Pygmalion effect
a. Government c. intrinsic motivation theory
b. Private Sectors d. goal setting theory
c. Public Sectors
d. Universities
40. In this appraisal method, employees are appraised by monitoring their
33. A well-groomed appearance, firm handshake and confident voice will behaviors across a series of selected exercises.
likely leave a good impression on the interviewer. This is an example of:
a. Management by Objectives
a. Recency Effect b. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale
b. Primacy Effect c. Assessment Centers
c. Hawthorn Effect d. 360 Degree
d. Spotlight Effect
41. This ________ theory states that fulfilment and achievement in one
34. According to Department of Labor and Employment, an employee shall aspect of life result in sacrifice in other aspect.
be required to render at least ___ hours of work each day and must be
present during the core working hours on regular working days. a. Spillover
b. Conflict
a. 6 c. Border and Boundary
b. 8 d. Enrichment
c. 10
d. 12 42. Job analysis can serve as a foundation for:

35. Which of the following is the most important use of performance a. Selecting Employees
evaluation results? b. Training Employees
c. Evaluating Training Performance
a. Employee training and feedback d. All of the above
43. With a _______ validity design, the test is administered to a group of a. Cognitive ability
job applicants who are going to be hired. The test scores, which are not b. Experience
used in the actual hiring decision, are then compared to a yet to come c. Education
measure of job performance. d. Vocational interest

a. concurrent 51. What is the most effective recruitment strategy if you are looking for a
b. predictive low-ranking and rank-and-file positions?
c. Content
d. Face a. Online Recruitment
b. Job Fairs
44. This appointment is issued to you when your entrance and continuity in c. Head Hunters
the service is based on the trust and confidence of the appointing d. Direct Mailing
52. It is the first step in developing an employee training system.
a. Coterminous
b. Permanent a. Task Analysis
c. Temporary b. Organizational Analysis
d. Substitute c. Person Analysis
d. Needs Analysis
45. This ________ theory states that there is an extension of experiences
from the sphere of work to non-work for an individual is effectively 53. Which of the following best explain why research is important in IO
boundary-less. Psychology?

a. Spillover a. It keeps IO Psychology in step with other branches of

b. Conflict Psychology
c. Border and Boundary b. It keeps the field from becoming outdated.
d. Enrichment c. It provides the theories and principles that are applied in
46. According to two-factor theory, ____ is an example of a hygiene factor. d. It is necessary in training of new I/O Psychologist.

a. Growth 54. Not having the group leader state his/her own position in the decision
b. Control making process, and having the group leader promote open discussion
c. Responsibility and encourage group members to speak are ways to reduce the effects of:
d. Salary
a. social loafing
47. Type of errors that are made when a rater uses only one part of a b. social inhibition
rating scale. c. evaluation apprehension
d. groupthink
a. Contrast
b. Distribution 55. The following principles are TRUE about Adult Learning Theory except:
c. Halo
d. Proximity a. Have feature of being internally inspired and enthused and
48. Which statement best describes the Hawthorne effect? b. Have feature of integrating life experiences and knowledge
with learning experience
a. Giving workers rest periods seems like it should decrease c. Focus on goal they set
productivity, but it actually increases productivity. d. Are fond of not being regarded
b. Changes in light levels improve working conditions and
therefore increase productivity. 56. Type of errors that occurs when a rater allows either a single attribute
c. Social relations among workers have a greater effect on or an overall impression of an individual to affect the ratings that he/she
productivity than physical environment. makes on each relevant job dimensions.
d. The attention of researchers on subjects causes the effect the
experimenter is looking for. a. Contrast
b. Distribution
49. Which training method allows trainees to experience working in many c. Halo
or all of the jobs in an organization, allows for greater flexibility in replacing d. Proximity
absent workers, and helps improve job satisfaction?
57. An employee who inquires about his/her level of pay compared to other
a. Role playing employees within the same organization is addressing the issue of
b. Behavior modeling _______.
c. Job rotation
d. Apprentice training a. Job description
b. External Equity
50. Which of the following is the best predictor of training proficiency? c. internal equity
d. Job Requirement
58. Samantha is interested in majoring psychology and wants to know the d. high in both extrinsic and intrinsic
major area of interest of industrial and organizational psychology. She
knows that you are taking psychology courses. You would be most likely to 65. Which of the following performance appraisal approaches focus on
tell her that Industrial Organizational Psychology is concerned with.. employees' attributes such as their dependability, assertiveness, and
a. Job employees efficiency in work
b. The development and application of scientific principles to the a. Goal focus
workplace for the benefit of the management b. Competency focus
c. efficient job design, performance appraisal and employee c. Trait focus
selection. d. Task focus
d. understanding the behavior and enhancing the well being of 66. Juanita is writing job descriptions and can't
employee in the workplace. decide whether she should include "getting coffee for the boss" as a
59. Josh conducted a job analysis by convening a panel of experts and task. Her decision is related to the issue of:
having the panel identify the objectives and standards that are to be met a. Job requirement vs Job description
by the ideal incumbent. What method of job analysis is Josh using? b. formal vs. informal requirements
a. Task Analysis c. external vs internal equity
b. Group meeting of Supervisors, Incumbents and Employee d. job crafting vs job description
c. Panel Review of SMEs 67. Rosario is experiencing feelings of insecurity and depression. She is
d. Ammerman Technique having difficulty finding the motivation to complete even the simplest task
60. Marian had her interview yesterday. The interviewer asked her if she is at work. Her supervisor suggest her to seek professional help. What type
already married and if she could work on a night shift schedule? The of Psychologist is she MOST likely to go for help?
interviewer is most likely using a ______________ type of question. a. IO Psychologist
a. Situation based questions b. Clinical Psychologist
b. Clarifier c. Forensic Psychologist
c. Disqualifier d. Positive Psychologist
d. Skill level determiner 68. Job analysis interviews are conducted to determine:
61. According to Department of Labor and Employment, an employee is a. information about the job itself
entitled to a total of ___ days vacation leave and ___ days sick leave b. who should conduct the job analysis
annually with full. c. if a job analysis is even necessary
a. 10,10 d. who should participate in the job
b. 15,15 69. Four police officers work side by side and one police officer becomes ill
c. 10,15 and goes home. The activities of the other three officers changes as a
d. 15,10 result of one officer leaving. This might be considered as?
62. According to Department of Labor and Employment, maternity leave a. Galatea Effect
shall be granted to female employees in every instance of pregnancy b. Corresponding Effect
irrespective of its frequency for a period of ___ calendar days. c. Primacy Effect
a. 30 d. Group Dependency Effect
b. 40 70. Which of the following is thought to be the foundation of employee
c. 50 selection?
d. 105
a. job description
63. In evaluating employee training, this criterion refers to how much b. Job evaluation
money did the organization save after the training. c. Job performance
a. Application of Learning d. Job analysis
b. Business Impact 71. The idea that if people believe that something is true, they will act in a
c. Content Validity manner consistent with that belief.
d. Return on Investment
a. Golem effect
64. Bob hates his work but will work hard if the supervisor is around to b. Pygmalion effect
punish employees who are not working. Bob is probably ______ c. Galatea effect
motivation. d. Self-fulfilling prophecy
a. high in extrinsic 72. Which of the following is true about evaluating employee performance?
b. high in intrinsic
c. low in both extrinsic and intrinsic a. Most performance appraisal systems are successful
b. Most organizations have specific goals for their appraisal b. Multiple roles affect one's performance in one or all the roles
systems they play
c. 360-degree feedback is best used for developmental purposes c. Organizational culture has no influence on work-life balance.
d. All three are true d. The unbalance work-life scenario is associated with detrimental
health effects and degrades quality of life.
73. Sue is motivated by jobs in which she can help others, whereas Bob is
motivated by the desire to influence others. Sue has a high need for 79. According to Department of Labor and Employment, the following are
_______ and Bob has a high need for _______. conditions for whistleblower and protected disclosure except:

a. affiliation / power a. The disclosure in made voluntarily, in writing and under oath.
b. affiliation / achievement b. The disclosure is related to conduct constituting graft and
c. achievement / affiliation corruption.
d. achievement / power c. The disclosure pertains to a matter not yet subject of complaint
already filed with, or investigated by the unit before any court
74. According to guidelines for the implementation of mental health or justice .
workplace policies and programs for the private sector, the following are d. The whistleblower should have no personal knowledge of
TRUE except: existing facts and information covered by the disclosure.
a. There shall no discrimination in any form against workers who 80. Which of the following theory does not belong to the group?
are at risk of developing or who are found to have mental
health condition. a. ERG
b. The fitness to work of workers found to have mental health b. Goal Setting
condition shall be determined by physician. c. Herzberg
c. A worker may resume work while undergoing treatment d. Maslow
provided that a physician certified has certified that he/she is fit
to work 81. Whereas supervisors see the _______ of an employee’s effort, peers
d. Workers who have undergone pharmacological and often see the _______.
psychosocial interventions/treatment and are evaluated by a a. actual behavior / end result
physician to be fit to work shall be prevented from returning to b. physical part / mental part
work. c. mental part / physical part
75. Which of the following items is not a part of KSAOs? d. end result / actual behavior

a. Achievements 82. Mary notices that none of the other members of her group are working
b. Knowledge hard so she decides to lower her effort. Her behavior support the _____
c. Other characteristics theory of social loafing.
d. Skills a. free-rider
b. individual dominance
76. Charlene is a newly hired recruitment associate in the company. c. distraction
Marvin, her supervisor asked her to develop skill level determiner d. sucker-effect
questions for a Sales Representative. The following are example of skill
level determiner questions EXCEPT? 83. The president of Peso Bank tries to motivate employees by giving them
P10,000 every time he notices them providing excellent customer
a. If you will, present yourself to me over the phone as if you were service. The problem is that the president is never in the branch
a headhunter. How will you convince me that this “product” offices. According to the ____ component of expectancy theory, this plan
you’re selling is worth my time? will not motivate employees.
b. What’s the best method you’ve found to obtain new prospects?
c. Describe the biggest sale you ever lost. How did you react? a. equity
d. What are the different selling techniques you know? b. expectancy
c. instrumentality
77. According to Department of Labor and Employment, an employee shall d. valence
be entitled to ___ hour lunch break per day.
84. An arrangement wherein two or more people having similar job profile
a. 1 divide their responsibilities.
b. 2
c. 3 a. Flexi-time
d. 4 b. Shared work
c. Leaves
78. The following statement are true except: d. Flexi-place
a. Limited career opportunities, work-life balance clashes, poor 85. _______ are a good training method for teaching analysis and
remuneration, and faulty flexible work schedule are grounds for synthesis skills.
employees to resign.
a. Critical incidents
b. Case studies c. Human resource officers shall undergo capacity building on the
c. Computer assisted instruction identification, recognition of psychosocial hazards and
d. Programmed instruction management of mental health problems.
d. Training of workers and program implementers in promoting
86. According to Maslow's theory, these needs refer to assisting others to and advocating mental health in the workplace may be
achieve their potential. coordinated with mental health service providers.
a. cognitive 93. An organization decides to send cashiers who have a high incidence of
b. aesthetic shortages on the job to a retraining program in order to correct this
c. self actualization problem. This practice demonstrates which type of needs analysis?
d. transcendence
a. Organizational Analysis
87. This ________ theory shows the obligations of the organization to the b. Person Analysis
employees and the responsibilities of employees to the organization. c. Choice analysis
a. Compensation d. Job Analysis
b. Congruence 94. For two days prior to "opening," employees in a Food and Beverage
c. Ladder Department actually take orders, prepare food, serve meals, and compute
d. Resource Drain check totals for other employees posing as tourists. These exercises allow
88. IO Psychology is an evidence-based field. This means that: the staff members to work in an environment that closely resembles the
actual work environment. These exercises are referred to as:
a. IO practitioners develops training program with the basis of
interview and observation within the employees. a. role playing
b. Most IO practitioners focus on the way to increase the profit of b. behavior modeling
the company. c. apprentice training
c. The IO practitioners have different portfolio for each d. simulations
employee's records 95. ABC organization has difficulty getting enough qualified applicants
d. The things practitioners do are based on scientific methods from its existing personnel to fill a vacant position. As a solution, the
and principles organization seeks qualified applicants from outside the organization. This
89. Theory stating that the very fact that others happen to be present is an example of.
naturally produces arousal and thus my affect peformance. a. External Recruitment
a. Coaction b. Internal recruitment
b. Audience Effect c. Job enrichment
c. Mere Presence d. Personnel selection
d. Social Facilitation 96. Marian had her interview yesterday. The interviewer asked her if she is
90. This theory states that an individual's behaviors is a function of already married and if she could work on a night shift schedule? The
consequences. interviewer is most likely using a ______________ type of question.

a. Reinforcement a. Situation based questions

b. Social Learning b. Clarifier
c. Goal Setting c. Disqualifier
d. Needs d. Skill level determiner

91. In job evaluation, compensable factors would be associated with 97. Which of the following criteria is a subjective measure of performance
determining _____, whereas salary surveys would be associated with for a waitress?
determining ________. a. Number of positive comments received
a. internal equity / external equity b. Average amount of money spent on a meal
b. external equity / internal equity c. Number of days absent from work
c. internal equity/ wage trend lines d. A supervisor's rating of dependability
d. external equity/wage trend lines 98. This appraisal method arranges the employees from best to worst on a
92. According to guidelines for the implementation of mental health particular trait.
workplace policies and programs for the private sector, the following are a. Critical Incident
TRUE except: b. Graphic Rating Scale
a. All workers shall be provided with basic information and c. Narrative
education on mental health. d. Ranking Method
b. Employers are discouraged to extend advocacy , information, 99. An arrangement wherein the working schedule is arranged between
education and training activities to to the worker's families and the employee and the employer so that is beneficial to both.
a. Flexi-time
b. Shared work
c. Leaves
d. Flexi-place

100. Mayumi, the assigned HR practitioner is asked to facilitate a job

simulations test for job position such as police officer and life guard. What
type of test is she administering?

a. Cognitive ability Test

b. Perceptual Test
c. Physical Ability Test
d. Wonderlic Personnel Test

Answer: 45. A 91. A

46. D 92. B
1. B 47. B 93. B
2. C 48. D 94. D
3. C 49. C 95. A
4. A 50. B 96. C
5. D 51. B 97. D
6. A 52. D 98. D
7. C 53. C 99. A
8. D 54. D 100. C
9. A 55. D
10. C 56. C
11. D 57. C
12. D 58. D
13. B 59. D
14. C 60. C
15. C 61. B
16. D 62. D
17. C 63. D
18. B 64. A
19. D 65. C
20. B 66. B
21. B 67. B
22. C 68. A
23. C 69. B
24. B 70. D
25. B 71. B
26. C 72. B
27. A 73. A
28. D 74. D
29. C 75. A
30. C 76. C
31. B 77. A
32. D 78. C
33. B 79. D
34. B 80. B
35. C 81. D
36. A 82. D
37. A 83. C
38. C 84. B
39. D 85. B
40. C 86. C
41. B 87. C
42. D 88. D
43. B 89. C
44. A 90. A

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