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Tata – Hungary
April 08th-13th, 2024

1. Date
April 08th – 13th 2024.

2. Organizer
Hungarian Judo Association Tel.: +361/4606865
H-1146 Budapest, Istvánmezei út 1-3 E-Mail: [email protected]

Emergency Contacts:
General matters: Ms. Kinga Szádeczky-Kardoss +36301969441, [email protected]
Accommodation: Ms. Kinga Szádeczky-Kardoss +36301969441, [email protected]
Transfers: Mr. Bence Eleki +36303753883, [email protected]

3. Important Information
Before Travelling
Passports must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of arrival.
• Check host country entry requirements and airline requirements (if applicable).
• Check if you need a visa, and if yes, request it from the LOC according to the details in the ENTERING
• Send travel information (arrival and departures) to the LOC.
• Book accommodation with the LOC.

Entering host country

Each individual is responsible to ensure they follow the entry rules (passport validity, visas, entry permission
letter, etc.) for the host country.

European Judo Union

Head Office Vienna
Wehlistrasse 29/1/111
1200 Vienna, Austria
M EJU OTC 2024
Tata Tata, HUN
April 08 - 13, 2024

4. Venue
Training: Tata Olympic Centre
Address: H-2890 Tata, Baji str. 21, Hungary

5. Participation
EJU/IJF Member Federations can participate at the OTC. The numbers of athletes participating in the EJU
OTC is limited to 400 participants.

6. Deadlines
Visa application: March, 20th 2024
Hotel Reservation &b Payment: March, 20th 2024
Travel Form: March, 20th 2024
Rooming List: March, 20th 2024
Judobase Registration: March, 25th 2024

7. EJU Participation Fee

50 € per participating athlete.

8. Age
15 years old and over (Born in 2009 and before).

9. Responsibility of the Federations

The athletes will train under the full responsibility of their National Federations. Each National Federation is
responsible for insuring its judoka against ’injury and third part risk (public liability)’ during the period of
the camp. The European Judo Union and Austrian Judo Federation decline all responsibility.

10. Accreditation
At least one team delegate (and not more than 2) must attend the accreditation on Monday, April 08th
2024 from 09:00 till 16:00 at Tata Olympic Centre. To confirm the entries of all athletes and
officials and accommodation payment.
Very important: Each National Federation must be represented by a team leader or coach responsible for
registration of ALL athletes from the respective National Federation, regardless club or other membership.
Every National Federation will be accepted for accreditation only once, when all entries and payments can
be confirmed at the same time.

11. Facilities
2 halls 800 m2 + 600 m2 tatami, 2 weight lifting rooms etc.
Running tracks in a park.
Swimming pool 25m with - hot pool with air massage, jacuzzi

12. Transport
Arrival Airport: Budapest, Liszt Ferenc International Airport, transfers to the OTC from Budapest airport
will be charged 60 Euro return way per person.
Arrival train station: Budapest.
M EJU OTC 2024
Tata Tata, HUN
April 08 - 13, 2024

13. Accommodation
All delegations, who inscribe for this OTC should reserve their accommodation in the official hotels published
in the event outlines. The reservation must be made with the local organising committee (not directly with
the hotel). A minimum stay of 4 nights is obligatory.
The organiser proposes the following official hotels in 2 different categories.
Cat. A
Price per person per night FB price
( 4 nights)
Single room 175 € 700 €
Double room 145 € 580 €

Cat. B
Price per person per night FB price
( 4 nights)
Single room 155 € 620 €
Double room 130 € 520 €

Check-out not later than 12:00 am, otherwise an additional night will be charged. Full board starts with
lunch on the day of arrival, and ends with breakfast on the day of your departure.
In case of any damage to hotel property or training venue caused by members of a delegation, their National
Federation will be charged by the organizing committee.
Judoka and Officials who are not staying at the official accommodations have to pay 200€/person in addition
to EJU Participation fee.

14. Cancellation policy

Replacements (same hotel booking, different name) are free of charge.
30 days (or more) before accreditation day: no cancellation costs
29-15 days before accreditation day: 50% refund
Cancellations within 14 days (or less) before accreditation day: no refund

15. Payment
To confirm your entry, kindly complete the payment for accommodation before March, 20th 2024 to our bank
account. All bank fees and money transfer costs must be paid by the sender federation.
In general, no cash payments are allowed (in exceptional cases it can be agreed on bilateral basis between
LOC and NF). Credit cards cannot be accepted on spot.

Name of Account Holder: Hungarian Judo Association

Address: H-1146 Budapest, Istvánmezei str. 1-3.
Name of bank: OTP Bank
Account No. IBAN: HU36 1176 3842 0035 2888 0000 0000
Purpose of payment: Nation/ Tata EJU OTC 2024
All bank fees and money transfer costs must be paid by the sender federation. The person attending
accreditation must bring proof of the bank transfer.

16. Visa
For nations who need VISA to enter to Hungary, please send the request not later than March, 20th 2024 to
[email protected]
M EJU OTC 2024
Tata Tata, HUN
April 08 - 13, 2024

17. Training program

08 April 09 April 10 April 11 April 12 April 13 April

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00
10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 11:00
10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 WOMEN
11.30 11.30 11.30 11.30
16:00 16:00 16:00
17:00 18:00 18:00 18:00
19:00 MEN Individual MEN MEN Departures
MEN 17:00 training 17:00 17:00
WOMEN 19:00 19:00 19:00

The program might be changed due to the final number of participants. An updated program
including a detailed training schedule will be handed out during registration.

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