English Test 2 Ans

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Question 1
Walt Whitman wrote the poem “O Captain! My Captain!” as a dirge for the death of
A John F. Kennedy
B Andrew Jackson
C Woodrow Wilson
D Abraham Lincoln
Question 2
In the poem “Migrant Bird” the poet contrasts the life of a migrant bird with that of the
A weapons
B human beings
C animals
D enemies
Question 3
Will no one tell me what she sings? Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow …… “She” refers
A the poet’s mother
B the poet’s sister
C the poet’s daughter
D the solitary reaper
Question 4
Answer the appreciation question. The best little scrub by the side of the rill. What is
meant by scrub?
A Big trees
B Bushes and small trees
C Grass
D Tall trees
Question 5
“The globe’s my world. The cloud’s my kin” – Whom does ‘my’ refer to?
A the poet
B a bird
C a man
D an animal
Question 6
“Had he and I but met By some old ancient inn” Whom does ‘he’ refer to here?
A The poet
B The soldier
C An enemy soldier
D A friend
Question 7
“You make me sit on a cushion between your knees”. The person who is talked about here
is the………………..
A mother
B grandmother
C the little child
D father
Question 8
‘Softy in the dusk a woman is singing to me’ What is the time mentioned in this line?
A Dusk
B Dusk
C Dawn
D Night
Question 9
Where the mind is led forward by thee”? Whom does the word ‘thee’ refer to?
A Soul
B Man
C Earth
D God
Question 10
“O no! it is an ever fixed mark That looks on tempests and is never shaken” What does the
poet compare ‘true love’ to, ?
A An ocean
B A cyclone
C A Light house
D A tempest
Question 11
A mirror of his changing moods Now sure, now steeped in thought. Who does the word
“his” refer to?
A the Poet
B the Shilpi
C the Tourist
D the Dramatist
Question 12
Betrays me back, till the heart of me weeps to belong To the old Sunday evenings at home,
Who does the word ‘me’ refer to?
A The Poet D.H. Lawrence
B The Poet H.W. Longfellow
C Archibald Lampman
D Douglas Malloch
Question 13
We pierce your bosom with swords and spears And you dress our wounds with oil and
balsom. What does the word ‘you’ refer to?
A Water
B Earth
C Trees
D Man
Question 14
With the teacups circling round me like the planets round the sun. Why are the teacups
A Because of heavy gravitational force
B Because of lack of gravitational force
C Because the speaker is dancing in circles
D Because the teacups fell off the hand
Question 15
In the world’s broad field ,of battle, In the bivouac of life. What is the meaning of the
phrase “Bivouac of life”?
A A simple temporary stay in this world
B A permanent peaceful life in this world
C A pitiable life in this world
D A pitiable life in this world
Question 16
‘O Ye wheels’ ‘Stop! be silent for today’. Identify the speaker of these lines
A The children working in mines
B The children working in their houses
C The children playing in the street
D School-going children
Question 17
What were the source of inspiration to the Wright Brothers?
A Animals
B Flowers
C Birds
D Fishes
Question 18
“On the day of Sicilian July, with Etna Smoking The voice of Education said to me ….. ” In
these lines, The word “Etna” refers to——.
A Volcano
B River
C Mountain
D City
Question 19
In the world’s broad field of battle, In the bivovac of Life, What is the meaning of the
phrase “Bivovac of life”?
A A grand palace in the world
B A pitiable life in the world
C A simple temporary life in the world
D A permanent life in the world
Question 20
Is Life, But a Dream? Choose the correct answer from the options to fill in the blank : This
poem is a/an —— of the poet.
A Dream
B Trekking Experience
C Expedition
D Recollection
Question 21
What sort of the instruments does sculptor use?
A Knife and axe
B Sword and spare
C Hammer and chisel
D Bow and arrow
Question 22
What does the phrase “Jarring voices” mean?
A Unpleasant sounds
B Real sounds
C Pleasant sounds
D Pleasant sounds
Question 23
What is the meaning for ‘Muskie’?
A a type of Rose that smells like musk
B a type of Lilly that smells like musk
C a type of Jasmine that smells like musk
D a type of Sunflower that smells like musk
Question 24
“For oh, “Say the children, we are weary And we cannot run or leap”. Who are weary?
A Children
B Village people
C The old lady
D The poet
Question 25
What kind of world is described in the poem ‘Migrant Bird’?
A Disturbed world
B Happy world
C Peace world
D Mysterious world
Question 26
Complete the following poetic lines by choosing the correct option given below. A child
sitting under the Piano in the boom of the tingling —–
A rings
B strings
C springs
D brings
Question 27
“And hymns in the cosy parlour, the tinkling piano our guide” Here the ‘parlour’ is :
A a room
B a hotel
C a beauty clinic
D a theatre
Question 28
“I won’t look down. No I will not” ‘I’ refers to :
A a tiger
B an ant
C a giant
D a migrant bird
Question 29
“And in the valleys I have observed your tranquility” ‘I’ refers to
A D. H. Lawrence
B Shakespeare
C Wordsworth
D Ghalil Gibran
Question 30
Choose the correct meaning of the word Underlined. “As humble plants by country
hedgerows growing that treasure up the rain” What are “humble plants“?
A beautiful plants
B ordinary plants
C extraordinary plants
D rare plants
Question 31
The poem “A Psalm of life” underlines the need of:
A Nationalism
B Patriotism
C Optimism
D Pessimism
Question 32
“Are we discouraged, W? Of course we are not O”! ‘O’ – here stands for
A Oscar Wilde
B Orville Wright
C O’ Henry
D Obama
Question 33
…………. is a room in a private house for sitting or entertaining visitors.
A Kitchen
B Rest room
C Parlour
D Dining room
Question 34
“Someone was before me at my water-trough, And I like a second comer, waiting”. Who
was the second comer? Pick out the correct answer from the options given below :
A D.H. Lawrence
B Lewis Carroll
C William Wordsworth
D Walt Whitman
Question 35
Read the poetic line and select answer for the question from the options given below: ‘And
not like a Craven, I Pray’ The word ‘Craven’ means——-.
A Selfish
B Brave
C Coward
D Shy
Question 36
From “going for water” “Like pearls and now a silver blade” The river seems to be silver
because—— Choose the correct answer from the given options :
A reflection of silver
B reflection of stars
C reflection of moon light
D reflection of sunlight
Question 37
Read the poetic lines and select and answer the question from options given below : Let me
say : There they ride on whom laurel’s bestowed. Since they played the game better than I.
On whom are the laurels bestowed?
A to participants
B to luck people
C to winners
D to players
Question 38
If you can’t be a Muskie, then just be a bass – But the liveliest bass in the lake!” What does
the word bass mean? Find out from the following options :
A Frog
B Snake
C Fish
D Duck
Question 39
What does H.W. Longfellow want to tell us in his poem ‘A Psalm of Life’-‘ Pick out the
correct answer from the following options :
A Our present life is real
B Life is to mourn
C Life is unreal
D Life is a dream
Question 40
“If we cared for any meadows, it were merely To drop down in them and sleep” Find the
speaker of these words :
A The Poet
B The Narrator
C The Millionaire
D The Children
Question 41
‘I thought how paltry, how vulgar. What a mean act’? What is referred to as a ‘mean act’?
A throwing a log at the snake
B killing the albatross
C bringing water
D allowing the snake to leave
Question 42
‘To live unknown beyond the cherished circle’ The phrase ‘Cherished Circle’ refers to—–
A a big circle
B family members and friends
C memorable days
D dead people
Question 43
“I try my best to be A mother like the mom you were to me”. Find out the option that best
explains the meaning of these lines.
A The speaker does not want to be a mother like her own mother
B The speaker compares her mother to her concept of an ideal mother
C The speaker wants to be a mother for her child like any other mother
The speaker always tries hard to emulate her mother and considers her as her role
Question 44
In the poem “O Captain! My Captain!”, What does Whitman mean by the line, “the prize
we sought is won”?
A The North and South America got integrated
B The prosperity of USA had been secured
C The military sovereignty had been assured
D The safety and security of USA had been ensured
Question 45
What does the poet wish for his country in the following lines? “Where the world has not
been broken up into fragments/By narrow domestic walls”
A fearlessness and dignity
B freedom from domestic violence
C equality and harmony
D parochial attitude
Question 46
If you can’t be a muskie. then just be a bass. What does the underlined word from the
poem “Be the Best” refer to?
A A type of rose
B A type of lilly
C A type of lotus
D A type of animal
Question 47
‘Though hit for six, In came their slogger’ Which game is referred to here? Choose the
right option from the following?
A Hockey
B Cricket
C Foot ball
D Snooker
Question 48
“O listen! for the vale profound Is over flowing with the sound”. Here the poet stops to
listen to the song because
A the song is deep
B the song is arresting
C the song is domineering
D the song is ordinary
Question 49
In the poem “Our Local Team”, Who played a significant and convincing role?
A The ‘snoring’ captain
B The ‘demon’ bowler
C The ‘slogger’ batsman
D The ‘biased’ umpire
Question 50
What does Tagore suggest to lead us to perfection in the poem “Where the mind is without
A Tireless striving
B Equality and harmony
C Religious spirit
D Political dogmas
Question 51
Which among the responses best explains the following line : “Day light will be on the
switch and winter under rock”.
A Daylight will restrict the damaging impact of winter
B Winter’s chillness will be under the lock of the daylight’s heat
C Daylight will be turned on when winter is kept under lock
There will be a continuous switching over from day to night, and there will not be
any changing seasons
Question 52
What did the “Last man in” in the story “Our Local Team” do and what was the umpire’s
A The Last man hit a sixer and the umpired raised his indicating finger
B The Last man hit a boundary and the umpire levelled his hands on both sides
C The Last man hit a boundary and the umpire levelled his hands on both sides
The Last man hit a boundary with his pad but the umpire maintained telling ‘Not
Question 53
“I care not where the skies begin”. Find out the option closest in meaning to the above line.
A The migrant birds have many limitations
B The birds have got a jurisdiction in the sky
C The birds have got boundaries within which they can fly
D The birds can have limitless jurisdiction and abundant freedom
Question 54
In the poem, “The Solitary Reaper”, Wordsworth addresses this song to one ‘Solitary
Highland Lass’. What does, the poet mean by the word, ‘Highland’?
A England
B Ireland
C Scotland
D Iceland
Question 55
If you can’meet with triumph and disaster; And treat those two impostors just the same:-
Find out the word nearest opposite in meaning to ‘Impostor’ from the options.
A Pretender
B Pretender
C Expert
D Sham
Question 56
‘Dust thou art, to dust returnest, Was not spoken of the soul’. Which of the following
options best explains the above lines?
A We are born from the dust and we return to dust
B Human life is not immortal
C The question of mortality does not apply to soul
D The soul-is dead when the body is dead
Question 57
Steady throb Then staccato rhythm Harmonic cacophony to oblivious ears. What is the
meaning of the underlined word?
A Mellifluous music
B Rowing notes
C Melodious but noisy music
D Irregular and jarring notes
Question 58
“Imagine if your precious nose is sandwiched in between your toes” What does the word
“sandwiched” mean here?
A Become like a food item
B Trapped
C Replaced
D Pressed between two things
Question 59
Who do you think is these lines addressed to: You cannot rob us of the rights we cherish,
Nor turn our thoughts away From the bright picture of a ‘women’s mission’ Our hearts
A An individual reader
B Tho poet’s companion
C Society at large
D A particular misogynist group
Question 60
In the poem “Going for Water”, why did the children have to go to the brook?
A To relish the sylvan atmosphere in the dense woods
B Because the well was dry beside the door
C To enjoy the natural beauty of the brook
D To find whether there is water in the brook
Question 61
“Laugh till the game is played” – What is the game referred to here?
A Hockey
B Exam
C Dice
D Life
Question 62
Only bloodshot eyes betray Deep pride, then reverence, Lo! God in man’s image. Who is
referred to as “God in man’s image” in the above lines?
A Goldsmith
B Divine Artist
C Sculptor
D Blacksmith
Question 63
Behold her, single in the field, Yon solitary Highland Lass! The underlined word in the
above lines of “The Solitary Reaper” refers to
A England
B America
C Scotland
D Ireland
Question 64
Find out the meaning of the underlined word in the following lines from Sonnet No. 116 :
“Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit Impediments …….
A Obstacles
B Victory
C Success
D Happiness
Question 65
“Good luck is around the corner” : What does this line suggest in the poem “Keep your
spirits High”?
A Do anticipate luck
B Do think that luck would favour you
C Be positive and optimistic in all your attitudes
D Do have the frame of mind that you are fortune’s minion
Question 66
“The present seems all dreary The future very grim“. The Underlined words mean ……..
and …….. respectively.
A confusing and dark
B confusing and dark
C boring and sad
D damp and weak
Question 67
A Boat beneath a sunny sky Lingering onward dreamily What is lingering onward?
A a ship
B a sunny sky
C a fish
D a boat
Question 68
‘In solit’ry confinement as complete as any goal’. Solit’ry refers to
A being alone
B a pain
C a group
D a dormitory
Question 69
‘And the grave is not its goal’ The word ‘grave’ refers to
A Winning
B Death
C Defeat
D Victory
Question 70
For I’m off to outer space tomorrow morning’. Where is the poet going?
A office
B abroad
C outer space
D home
Question 71
‘Or, all day, we drive the wheels of iron’ What do the children do all day?
A drive the car
B play with the wheels
C drive the wheels
D beat the iron
Question 72
But he’s locked in a concrete cell, His strength behind bars”· Which animal is kept in cage
pathetically which would have been marching with the grandeur and ferocity in its natural
A A Lion
B A Bear
C A Fox
D A Tiger
Question 73
Read the lines and choose the answer to fill the blank from the options given below : “O! ye
wheels Stop be silent to-day”, The children want the wheels to stop because ——
A they want to repair the wheels.
B they want to break the wheels.
C they are very weary and tired.
D they have to oil the wheels.
Question 74
“Man’s little Day in haste we spend ….. ” Man’s little Day in this line refers to——
A One day
B Whole day
C Entire life time
D Eighty eight years
Question 75
“Was out of work-had sold his traps” The word ‘traps’ in this line means
A Two-wheeled bullock carts
B Two-wheeled tractor
C Two-wheeled horse carriage
D Two-wheeled bicycle
Question 76
Tell me not, in mournful numbers ‘Numbers’ here refer to
A Even numbers
B Fractional numbers
C Rhythmic metres
D Odd numbers
Question 77
“Like ‘gnomes’ that hid us from the moon”. What does ‘gnome’ mean?
A Giant
B Home
C Dwarf
D Fame
Question 78
What is meant by ‘Shilpi’?
A Writer
B Sculptor
C Painter
D Constructor
Question 79
Citizens of those border states – Brothers of her brother’s sons What is mentioned through
the line “Brothers of her brother’s sons”?
A National brotherhood
B Regional brotherhood
C Universal brotherhood
D Interstate brotherhood
Question 80
The knocking softens, fades to a mild judicious tap. What is the knocking sound?
A Knocking at the door
B Carving of the statue
C Hitting the ball
D Boxing at the nose
Question 81
Now drops that floated on the pool Like pearls, and now a silver blade. What is the “Silver
A Drops of water
B Moon
C Brook
D Brook
Question 82
A child sitting under the Piano, in the boom of the tingling strings. The child mentioned in
the poem is——
A The Poet’s Child
B A Child on the Road
C The Poet himself
D The Singer’s Child
Question 83
Love’s not time’s fool, though rosy lips and cheeks within his bending sickle’s compass
come; These lines refers to the —–
A Destructive power of love
B Destructive power of time
C Permanency of external beauty
D Constructive power of beauty
Question 84
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls What
world does the poet dream of?
A Broken world with fragmented walls
B Unbroken world with fragmented walls
C The world without fragmented domestic walls
D Broken world with narrow minded people
Question 85
I shot him dead because- Because he was my foe. Give the meaning of the word ‘foe’
A companion
B enemy
C traitor
D spy
Question 86
‘It’ in the following lines stand for—— “O, no! it is an ever fixed mark, That looks on
tempests and is never shaken”.
A light
B love
C time
D storm
Question 87
O Captain! My captain! our fearful trip is done. The fearful trip refers to——
A a journey of war
B the end of civil war
C an adventurous voyage
D the death of the captain
Question 88
The reddest flower would look as pale as snow. The poet compares the flowers to
A pale
B red
C children
D snow
Question 89
“And I thought of the albatross” What is an albatross?
A a humming bird
B a fish
C a sea-bird
D a sea-animal
Question 90
But once within the wood, we paused Like gnomes that hid us from the moon. In the above
quoted lines gnomes mean——
A Fire flies
B Dwarfs
C A large African antelope
D Small-two-winged flies
Question 91
‘On the day of Sicilian July, with Etna smoking’. What is the ‘Etna’?
A an earthquake
B a tsunami affected city
C a volcanic mountain
D a tempest
Question 92
‘I mark’d where on a little promontory it stood isolated’. ‘It’ here stands for
A the poet
B the web
C the spider
D a raised land
Question 93
Read the given poetic lines and answer the question that follows : “A Geode can split to
reveal A dazzling sight to view!” When does a Geode split? It splits when——.
A it is broken with a stone
B flung against a wall
C water seeps inside it
D dried in the hot sun
Question 94
If you can’t be a muskie, then just be a bass But the liveliest bass in the lake. In the above
lines what does the word ‘muskie’ mean?
A a Sweet smelling substance obtained from a cat
B grapevine
C a type of rose
D a large north American rodent
Question 95
Identify the right option : The poem, ‘Beautiful inside’ conveys the idea that——
A anything that is buried deep into the earth is beautiful
B a golden heart lies concealed within the rough appearance
C a sweet smile on the face hides the villainous heart
D apparel decides the man
Question 96
The poem ‘Shilpi’ is about
A Farmer
B Dancer
C Sculptor
D Writer
Question 97
“Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls” Name
the poet who dreamt of a world with equality and harmony.
A Ruskin Bond
B Robert Frost
C Rabindranath Tagore
D Walt Whitman

Question 98
‘To seek the brook if still it ran’. The children mentioned in the poem search for
A sea
B stream
C well
D lake
Question 99
“If you can’t be a muskier, then just be a bass”. “What’is meant by “bass”?’
A fish
B Plant
C Seed
D Animal
Question 100
In Sonnet-116 Shakespeare celebrates the constancy of
A Friendship
B True Love
C Lust
D Honesty
Question 101
The barren boughs without the leaves. The season mentioned here is
A Winter
B Autumn
C Summer
D Spring
Question 102
Because the autumn, eve was fair’ The time mentioned in the line is ——
A morning
B night
C evening
D noon
Question 103
Ready to run to hiding new With laughter when she found us soon”. Who does ‘She’ refer
A sky
B stars
C moon
D sun
Question 104
I care not where the skies begin I spread my wings through all the din” Who is the
A The poet
B A passer by
C The citizen
D A migrant bird
Question 105
“Virgin rock takes from Rugged lines melt,” What is meant by “Virgin rock”?
A Volcano
B Mountain
C Raw stone
D Building
Question 106
Read the poetic line and answer the question given below : . The globe’s my world. The
cloud’s my kin. Who claims the globe?
A Snake
B Migrant bird
C Tiger in the zoo
D Bat
Question 107
“Yes; quaint and curious war is! You shoot a fellow down” What is the meaning of the
phrase “quaint and curious war” is
A war is strange and old – fashioned
B war is praise worthy
C war is condemnable
D war is essential
Question 108
If you can force your heart and nerve and Sinew To serve your turn long after they are
gone. Find out the meaning for a underlined word from the options given below :
A limbs
B bone
C tendon
D Organs
Question 109
Walt Whitman’s, ‘O Captain ! My Captain !’ is a —— written for the death of Abraham
A Dirge
B Sonnet
C Ballad
D Epic
Question 110
Which will take place of fears when some one keeps trying in the poem “keep on keeping
A worries
B Joy
C motivation
D success
Question 111
” …I’m not going to be an airport pilot, a dancer, a lawyer, or an MC”. MC means
A Municipal Councilor
B Marriage Contractor
C Master of Ceremonies
D Master of Chemistry
Question 112
Match the following words· from Shakespeare’s English in Column A with their modern
English equivalents in Column B :
Column A Column B
(a) doth 1. you
(b) thy 2. do
(c) thou 3. your
(d) dost 4. does
A 4312
B 2134
C 2143
D 4321

Question 113
“The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done, From fearful trip the
victor ship comes in with object won;” What does Walt Whitman refer by ‘object won’?
A the end of voyage
B the end Of the trip
C the end of a battle
D the end of the civil war


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