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This questionnaire is intended to help you assess the current status of your business. Every business owner will benefit from this exercise because it will allow him/her to identify strengths and weaknesses and, thereby, act as an aid in decision-making. If you feel uncomfortable sharing some of the information with Ad-Hoc Business Resources, LLC, leave those questions blank, but be sure to keep a completed copy, with totally honest answers, in your files. Update it regularly (review it at least every 6 months more often if market factors change significantly).

COMPANY NAME: _____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ CITY: ___________________________________________ STATE: ____________ ZIP: ____________________ TELEPHONE: ( ) __________________ FAX: ( ) __________________ CELL: ( ) _______________

E-MAIL: _______________________________________

WEBSITE: ____________________________________

YOUR NAME: __________________________________________ TITLE: ________________________________

COMPANY STATISTICS: (Check all that apply) Business Start Date: ____________________ Has business operated continuously since then? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Started from scratch [ ] Franchise [ ] Branch [ ] Purchase from another [ ] Spin-off of Larger Firm [ ] Inherited [ ] Other ______________________________ [ ] Other ________________

[ ] Employee Acquired Entity [ ] Shared Office Space

[ ] Home-based

[ ] Leased Facility

[ ] Owned Facility [ ] Part-time

Business is Operated: [ ] Full Time [ ] R&D [ ] Service

[ ] 12 Months/year

[ ] ______ Months/year [ ] Other _________________________ [ ] S Corp [ ] C Corp Unskilled: _______

[ ] Manufacturing

[ ] Distributor

[ ] Consultant [ ] LLC

Your Legal Structure: [ ] Sole Proprietorship Total # of Employees: _______

[ ] Partnership

[ ] LLP

Full Time: _______

Part Time: _______ [ ] Medium [ ] Medium [ ] Medium

Skilled: _______

Current Level of Your Product/Service Quality: Current Level of Your Customer Satisfaction: Current Level of Your Employee Turnover:

[ ] High [ ] High [ ] High

[ ] Low [ ] Low [ ] Low

[ ] N/A

Are Your Sales Are Your Profits Are Your Receivables Are Your Payables Is Your Inventory Is Your Customer Count Is/are Your Market(s) Is Your Industry Is Your Competition Is Your # of Repeat Customers Are Your Customer Complaints
BAQ Form: Revision 0811-19

Steady ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

Growing ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

Declining ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

Dont Know ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

Cant Find Info ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
All rights reserved

Copyright 2008 Ad-Hoc Business Resources, LLC


Do you have a written business plan? [ ] Yes [ ] No Is it current? [ ] Yes [ ] No Do you have written cash flow projections? [ ] Yes [ ] No Are they current? [ ] Yes [ ] No Do you have a written marketing strategy? [ ] Yes [ ] No Is it current? [ ] Yes [ ] No Do you calculate your business ratios? [ ] Yes [ ] No How often? _______________________ Have you audited your efficiency? [ ] Yes [ ] No Date last audited: __________________ Do you use: A Business Coach/Consultant [ ] Yes [ ] No Public Business Counseling [ ] Yes [ ] No An Attorney [ ] Yes [ ] No CPA [ ] Yes [ ] No Do you have an Exit Strategy for your business? [ ] Yes [ ] No Do you keep current information on your competitors? [ ] Yes [ ] No Where do you find this information? _______________________________________________ Do you apply effective time management techniques to your business operations? [ ] Yes [ ] No

Your credit rating (score) is: [ ] Excellent [ ] Good [ ] Fair [ ] Poor Do you have a [ ] commercial or [ ] SBA loan for your business? [ Do you use credit cards to fund your business? [ Have you borrowed money from family and friends to run your business? [ Have you used equity investors to fund your business (Angel or VC) [ Do you currently qualify for business loans? [ Do you carry a line-of-credit for your business? [ Have you been turned down for a loan or line-of-credit? [ Do you have sufficient funds to operate your business? [ Are you running out of funds to operate your business? [

] Yes ] Yes ] Yes ] Yes ] Yes ] Yes ] Yes ] Yes ] Yes

[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [

] No ] No ] No ] No ] No ] No ] No ] No ] No

[ ] In Process What % _____________ ____________________

Are you: [ ] Comfortable [ ] Confused [ ] Overwhelmed with the responsibility of running a business? Have you ever failed at, or closed, a business you owned? [ ] Yes [ ] No Have you ever sold a business you owned? [ ] Yes [ ] No Do you attend business courses, training, seminars, etc? [ ] Often [ ] Seldom [ ] Never Do you want to expand or diversify your business? [ ] Yes [ ] No Are you attempting to save your business from failure? [ ] Yes [ ] No Do you want to sell your business? [ ] Yes [ ] No If so, is it ready for sale? [ ] Yes [ ] No Business Skills Assessment: (Honestly evaluate your skills in the areas listed below with a checkmark) Skill / Knowledge Area Finance / Banking Procedures Accounting / Bookkeeping Cash Flow Management Credit and Collections Management Ability Inventory Control Business Planning Industry Knowledge / Experience Personal Organization Ability / Willingness to Obtain Assistance Market Analysis / Market Planning Analysis of Your Competition Advertising / Public Relations Pricing and Distribution Sales Procedures and Systems Customer Service Procedures Business Legal Issues Tax Compliance Licensing and Regulations
BAQ Form: Revision 0811-19

Strong [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]

Adequate [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]

Weak [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]

Very Weak [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]

[ ] [ ] [ ]

[ ] [ ] [ ]

[ ] [ ] [ ]

[ ] [ ] [ ]
All rights reserved

Copyright 2008 Ad-Hoc Business Resources, LLC


Describe Your Business: (Your 2-minute elevator speech - - - include target markets, product / service benefits, etc.)

List Your Competitive Advantages:

If applicable, List Your Strengths in: Engineering, Research and Development, Production, and/or Quality Control.

Does Your Company Engage in: [ ] Exporting Explain:

[ ] e-Commerce

[ ] Government Contracting

[ ] Military Contracting

Your Quality Certifications: [ ] ISO

[ ] AS-9100

[ ] Others: __________________________________________________

[ ] In Process __________________________________________

List Your Key Concerns About Your Business:

List Your Key Concerns About Your Market / Industry:

BAQ Form: Revision 0811-19

Copyright 2008 Ad-Hoc Business Resources, LLC

All rights reserved

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