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21598 of 2019


DATED : 23.06.2022



Crl.O.P.No.21598 of 2019
Crl.M.P.No.11185 of 2019

S.Ganesh ... Petitioner


P.Rajendran ... Respondent

Prayer: Criminal Original Petition is filed under section 482 of CR.P.C., to
set aside the order passed in C.M.P.No.2929 of 2017 dated 28.06.2019 in
unnumbered STC case on the file of learned Judicial Magistrate, Kangeyam.
For Petitioner : Mr. S. Bharanidharan
for Mr. B.M.Subash
For Respondent : No Appearance


This original petition is filed to set aside the order passed by the

Judicial Magistrate, Kangeyam allowing Crl.M.P.No.2929 of 2017 filed for

condonation of 1248 days delay in representation of the complaint filed

under Section 138 of Negotiable Instruments Act.

Crl.O.P.No.21598 of 2019

2. Heard, the learned counsel for the petitioner. There is no

representation for the respondent inspite of notice.

3. The short point involved in this case is that the cheque dated

19.03.2013 for Rs.5 lakhs alleged to have been issued by this petitioner and

the same was returned on 22.03.2013 for insufficiency of the fund and on

receipt of the memo from the Bank, the respondent has caused statutory

notice dated 30.05.2013 to the petitioner. The statutory notice has been

returned as 'refused' and thereafter, a complaint has been presented on

02.07.2019 which is within the time prescribed under the statute. However,

the complaint being filed with defects, it was returned twice. The last return

was on 11.11.2013. The complaint had represented the same on 28.06.2019

with a delay of 1,248 days, along with an application to condone the delay,

stating that his father was hospitalised for chronic illness and died on

12.04.2014 and therefore, till that date he was attending his ailing father and

could not follow up the private complaint.

3(i). The trial Court, following the dictum of A.Vinayaham Vs.

Dr.Subash Chandran and Others reported in 2000(I) CTC 225(Mad). had

Crl.O.P.No.21598 of 2019

allowed the petition solely on the ground that the petitioner has given a

plausible and satisfactory explanation for the delay in representation.

Further, it observed that the trial Court has returned the complaint nothing

the defect, but has not specified time limit for its representation. Therefore,

question of delay in representation will not arise.

For convenience sake, the relevant paragraph relied by the trial

Court is extracted below:-

"....Even if they can be termed to be the

judicial orders, they were completely without jurisdiction
as we have already shown. Not only this, the Magistrate,
fixing their own procedure, also chose to return the
complaints and again without fixing the date for re-
presentation of the complaints. If then the complainant
chose his time to re-present the complaint could be
complainant be blamed. It is the cardinal principle of law
that the act of court should not prejudice any one - "Actus
cruise neminem Gravabit". The Supreme Court has
reiterated this principle in Jang Singh v. Brinjlal and
Other. There the Supreme Court had refused to find fault
with a party, who had made short payment by one rupee,
for which the court was responsible. We would choose the

Crl.O.P.No.21598 of 2019

same course by holding that once the complaints were filed

within limitation, merely because the Magistrates,
completely contrary to the procedure known to law, chose
to return the same without fixing the date for re-
presentation, it should not be held that the subsequent
filing by the complainants would be held to be beyond

4. This Court wish to point out that it is a private complaint

under Section 138 of Negotiable Instruments Act in respect of the cheque

issued to discharge the loan amount but bounced. Under 138 of Negotiable

Instruments Act, the Specific time limit is prescribed for filing complaint

and there is also provision to condone delay in filing the petition. However,

the complainant cannot take advantage of the fact that there is no time limit

prescribed for representation of the returned complaint and can represent the

complaint with a delay of 1248 days, which is inordinate and also not

properly explained, except, death certificate of his father.

5. One has to take note of the fact that in a criminal

prosecution under Section 138 of Negotiable Instruments Act, the accused

Crl.O.P.No.21598 of 2019

who is burdened with statutory presumption is put to trial, if he fails to

prove his innocence, he will be punished. Under such circumstances, a

complaint if taken cognizance after nearly 42 months delay, the valuable

right of the accused to put forth his defence effectively will be taken away.

Even looking from another angle, the cheque is alleged to have been given to

discharge a debt. For recovery of money, the time limit to prefer suit is three

years from the date of cause of action / money payable. Here is a case where

the cheque dated 19.03.2013 sought to be realised but could not fructify due

to want of fund.

6. In such circumstances, because there is no statutory

limitation prescribed for representation, inordinate and unexplained delay of

1248 days cannot be condoned. The interest of justice has to be taken note

off while subjecting a person for a criminal trial. Under Section 138 of

Negotiable Instruments Act, the punishment may extend of two years

imprisonment or with fine which may extend to twice the amount of cheque.

Section 468 of Cr.P.C., prescribes limitation for instituting criminal action.

Any offence punishable up to three years of imprisonment, the period of

Crl.O.P.No.21598 of 2019

limitation is three years to take cognizance of the offence. Considering the

delay, the debt has become not legally enforceable.

7. In the instant case, though the complaint was presented in time,

it was not taken cognizance since the complaint was defective. If the delay

is condoned and the cognizance taken after 1248 days, it will amount to

enforce a debt crystallised more than three years ago. Even from that angle,

the order of the trial Court fails to satisfy the legal requirement.

8. For the said reason, this Court finds force in the submission of

the learned counsel for the petitioner. The order of the trial Court in

Crl.M.P.No.2929 of 2017 on the file of Judicial Magistrate, Kangeyam. is

set aside. Accordingly, this petition is allowed. Consequently, connected

miscellaneous petition is closed.


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Crl.O.P.No.21598 of 2019

1.The Judicial Magistrate, Kangeyam.

Crl.O.P.No.21598 of 2019



Crl.O.P.No.21598 of 2019 and

Crl.M.P.No.11185 of 2019



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