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Another excellent map was posted on Reddit by KiroshiSama
Following the nuclear annihilation of the Great War, the Boston region was largely devastated, but in the
violence and despair of post-War survival, “The Commonwealth” became a common way to describe the area.

While there were attempts post-War to form a unified government within the region, all eventually collapsed
due to infighting or sabotage. The most notable being the assassination of the entire Commonwealth
Provisional Government in the 2230s by a synth from The Institute. (For more information on The Institute,
see Chapter 6: Corporations of Pre-War America, page 230)

The Institute, an advanced scientific and technological organization, had been working for decades in secret,
occasionally leaving its underground facilities to trade or scavenge equipment and data from other denizens of
the wasteland. Rumors even exist of them recently raiding a vault shelter in the northwest to attain the DNA
of a non-irradiated resident for scientific research. In 2229, however, the nature of its advanced technology
and potential prominence became apparent to the wider world when in Diamond City a defective synth
slaughtered a group of wastelanders without provocation. After inspection of the body by Diamond City
residents revealed its artificial nature, synths, and the Institute itself were treated with paranoia and fear, even
generations after the incident.

Over time, the Institute has initiated two controversial mandates. The first is that of slowly replacing
individuals in the wasteland with synthetic versions of themselves, controllable by the Institute. Those
discovering they are synthetic have responded with a variety of reactions, from shock to fear, as the Institute
has been known to “reset” synths who step out of line or attempt to flee. Secondly, the Institute has started
sending synthetic agents out into the wasteland to bring back other synths who attempt to escape life in the
Initiative, by force if necessary. An underground group known as “The Railroad” has repeatedly organized
itself in an attempt to aid those seeking freedom, but this situation appears to be precarious as the Railroad’s
position at a settlement known as “Bunker Hill” has been revealed to the Initiative synth-hunters, or

Despite the prominence of the Institute and the collapse of the Provisional Government, many of the
citizenship of the Commonwealth have worked towards a shared interest of self-preservation. Prior to 2230, a
civilian militia calling themselves the “Minutemen” formed from the efforts of various settlements to protect
the life they know. While their push to create the Commonwealth Provisional Government failed, due to the
actions of Institute synths, they remained a force of security and welfare for the wasteland until internal
fracturing was exacerbated by the loss of their headquarters to wasteland wildlife. Finally, when an organized
raider force known as the Gunners attacked one of their last remaining holdouts in 2287, the few remaining
Minutemen largely disbanded. Only a small group of Minutemen remain, barricaded in the Museum of
Freedom to the northwest and besieged by raiders; it remains to be seen if they will ever rise to the
prominence of their former status. If so, they may have enough trust and history with the local denizens to be
able to work with settlements and provide a sense of stability in the region.

The wasteland’s current internal difficulties have also drawn attention from the outside. Over the years,
reconnaissance squads from the Brotherhood of Steel on the East Coast have traveled to the Commonwealth
to investigate the region and uncover existing exploitable technology which exists. As of 2287, a major
Brotherhood force is on the cusp of arriving backed by some of the most advanced military hardware its
members have at their disposal. The Prydwen, a modified and armored Brotherhood airship is inbound and
stands ready to deploy its soldiers at a moment’s notice.

Finally, whispers abound of a single vault-dweller wandering the wilderness. Obsessed with the kidnapping of
their son many years back, they search the wasteland looking to reunite with the child they lost so long ago.
REGIONS Gunners' Plaza [SOU-01]
AIR Boston Airport Region Gwinnett Brewert [SOU-12]
BOS Boston Region Hallucigen Inc [BOS-27]
CAM Cambridge Region Hardware Town [BOS-DIA ADJACENT]
CON Concord Region Hubris Comics [BOS-26]
MED Medford Region Jamaica Plain [SOU-07 ADJACENT]
NAT Natick Region Lexington Apartments [CON-31]
QUI Quicy Region Libertalia [AIR-10]
SAL Salem Region Malden Township [MED-31]
SOU South Boston Region Mass Pike Interchange [NAT-02]
WES Weston Region Mass Pike Tunnel East & West [SOU-14]
Milton General Hospital [SOU-20]
Museum of Witchcraft [SAL-08]
LOCATIONS Mystic Pines [CON-28]
Abernathy Farm [CON-12] Old North Church [BOS-41]
Andrew Station [SOU-12 ADJACENT] Park Street Station [BOS-33]
BADTFL Regional Office [CAM-03] Pickman Gallery [BOS-04]
Beantown Brewery [WES-18] Postal Square [BOS-23 ADJACENT]
Boston Airport [AIR-15] Prydwen [AIR-15 ADJACENT]
Boston Common [BOS-33] Quicy Police Station [QUI-05]
Boston Public Library [BOS-02] Quicy Ruins [QUI-05]
Bunker Hill [CAM-04] Salem [SAL-10]
C.I.T Ruins, the Institute [CAM-09] Sanctuary Hills [CON-03]
Cabot House [BOS-04 ADJACENT] Sandy Coves Convalescent Home [SAL-09]
Cambridge Crater [CAM-07] Sentinel Site [NAT-07]
Cambridge Police Station [CAM-14] Shamrock Taphouse [BOS-19]
Charles View Amphitheater [BOS-28] Shaw High School [SOU-05]
College Square [CAM-15] Spectacle Island [QUI-01]
Combat Zone [BOS-24] Starlight Drive In [CON-26]
Concord [CON-09] Super-Duper Mart [CON-29]
Corvega Assembly Plant [WES-10] Swan's Pond [BOS-34]
Covenant [MED-27] The Castle [SOU-11]
Crater of Atom [NAT-05] Trinity Plaza [BOS-10]
Diamond City [BOS-DIA] Trinity Tower [BOS-03]
Drumlin Diner [CON-25] University Point POINT [SOU-07]
Dunwich Borers [SAL-03] USS Constitution [CAM-05]
Easy City Downs [AIR-04] Vault 111 [CON-01]
Fallon's Department Store [SOU-03] Vault 114 [BOS-32]
Federal Ration Stockpile [WES-02] Vault 75 [MED-31 ADJACENT]
Fens Street Sewer [BOS-DIA ADJACENT] Vault 81 [BOS-01]
Fort Hagen [WES-13] Vault 88 [SOU-18 ADJACENT]
General Atomics Factory [SOU-10] Vault 95 [NAT-01]
General Atomics Galleria [MED-03] Vault-Tec Regional HQ [BOS-29]
Goodneighbor [BOS-23] Wreck of the USS Riptide [BOS-07]
Graygarden [WES-06] Yangtze [AIR-16]
Farthest from the coast in the Commonwealth Wasteland homestead’s sturdy, towering frame are patches of
sits the region of Lexington and its surrounding area. vegetables. The residents have planted and cultivated a
Stretching from Lexington town itself to the town of sizeable garden of tatos and melons, which they use to
Sanctuary in the northwest, it is a region which modeled survive on and trade with others.
itself on American suburbia and local townships before
the Great War. As such, it has many quintessential The family living in the homestead consists of Connie
locations of American culture, such as a diner, drive-thru, Abernathy and her husband, Blake. In addition, their
and what used to be local farmland. daughter Lucy works the farm with her two parents to
survive. The family’s late daughter, Mary, rests in a grave
Due to its position far from the site of the nuclear strike nearby; and her parents hold a specific resentment
on Boston’s military infrastructure in 2077, this region’s towards the raiders in the area for causing this loss.
older buildings are still relatively intact. However, Should an opportunity present itself, they ask wanderers
because of this perceived safety, raiders have taken up for help to track down and deal with these raiders.
residence in more established settlements leaving wildlife
to prowl the areas between, and as such caravan owners CONCORD [CON-09]
have needed to remain vigilant. With its island suburb of Sanctuary nearby and nestled in
the northwest of the Commonwealth Wasteland, the town
ABERNATHY FARM [CON-12] of Concord still displays signs of pride from its part in the
This homestead is a two-story makeshift home, American Revolutionary War. Flags, banners, and
constructed around a large pre-War high-voltage pylon to bunting never taken down dot the town and welcome
the west of Concord, which offered a solid structure long-dead tourists, giving the entire region a patriotic feel,
around which shelter could be built. Surrounding the a mood which feels more at place in centuries long past.
they still maintain a strong presence. These ghouls can
Currently, the location exists as a stronghold for raiders still be found throughout Lexington’s streets and
and the location is incredibly dangerous to the average buildings, where they are a danger to all who attempt to
wastelander. Underneath the town it is no less dangerous, scavenge in the city. Raiders have been known to stand
with the sewers hiding a variety of inhuman creatures and atop the overpass and fire at ghouls moving around
rumors among the raiders that the sounds of a deathclaw below, even making a sport of it. The overpass itself has
can be heard from the sewer entrances at night. many small, makeshift buildings atop it where raiders
camp overnight if spending time outside.
The town itself had numerous amenities before the Great
War, many of which are still standing and have either LEXINGTON APARTMENTS [CON-31]
been looted or are being used as strongholds by the These four-story apartments in the southeastern side of
resident raiders. These include a drugstore, speakeasy, a Lexington have been secured by local raiders as a shelter.
local bed and breakfast named “Wright’s Inn,” a hardware Once inside their boobytrapped entryway, groups of
store, and many residential buildings. raiders are using the individual rooms here as shelter and
security from the danger of ghouls outside.
While multiple locations previously under the franchise, MUSEUM OF FREEDOM [CON-10]
“Drumlin Diner” before the War still exist in the Before the Great War, those in this cultural building
Commonwealth Wasteland, one of the franchise’s showed and taught about conflicts the country of America
numerous buildings, south of Concord, has been had engaged in. While focused on the American
converted into a shop by a wastelander known as Trudy. Revolutionary War due to the storied history of the
Living within the small, oval-shaped building with her surrounding region, it also included exhibits about
son, Patrick, Trudy supplies goods to the wasteland and conflicts in Iwo Jima and on the moon.
regularly trades with a wanderer known as Trashcan Carla
who makes regular stops between the diner and the Entering the museum activates a series of automated
Concord ruins. The building itself, built from rusting exhibits, still powered after centuries, which activates
metal and plywood, provides an excellent shelter from the lights and audio descriptions of the history of American
dangers of the wasteland and, despite the ravages of time; conflicts. Mannequins and murals dot the inside of the
the inside is still recognizable as an old diner, although building, while offices throughout the floors have the old
food is no longer served here. curators’ possessions and work. On the first floor, time
has caused the ground to have collapsed, revealing the
While Trudy herself is a brave and honest individual, her basement in which the generator still runs, supplying
teenaged son Patrick is in trouble with local stimulant power to the building.
dealers. A pusher by the name of Wolfgang has been
exploiting Patrick by ensuring he becomes addicted. Recently, a group of Minutemen led by senior officer
Preston Garvey have occupied the museum. Since being
LEXINGTON [CON-30] overwhelmed in the settlement of Quincy at the opposite
With Boston to the south, the town of Lexington grew end of the wasteland they have wandered the region on
into its own before the Great War as an industrial the way to Sanctuary Hills. On the way through
hegemony in the Commonwealth. As such, the large Lexington, an attack by raiders forced them to defend
Corvega Assembly Plant still dominates the skyline of the themselves. They have holed up in the solid walls of the
otherwise rural town. museum. Currently beset by a group led by an individual
named Gristle, should the Minutemen survive, they may
A large overpass bisects Lexington’s layout, running be able to establish a foothold in the wastelands once
through the city, having previously offered transportation again. Alongside Preston is a handyman named Stirges, a
to the long-dead residents. North of the overpass, the city scared couple named Marcy and Jun Long, as well as
center and previously welcoming community park stand Mama Murphy, a chem addict who claims they can tell
empty and devoid of the life the town once had, and a the future.
large, rusted sign stands welcoming visitors to the
unoccupied streets. MYSTIC PINES [CON-28]
On the Eastern edge of Lexington, in the shadow of the
For a long time, Lexington stood as a raider stronghold, overpass, sits an old retirement home known as Mystic
but eventually the large number of feral ghouls in the area Pines. While its residents were unable to escape the
forced the raiders to retreat south of the overpass, where
events of the Great War, their bodies remain at the centuries, its structures have provided shelter to many
location to this day. people over the years. That all changed when a large
group of mole rats burrowed up through the ground in the
This small, single-story building has stood up relatively area and made the drive-in their home. Previous
well in the time since its damage from a nuclear blast wanderers who used this location to secure themselves
during the Great War and would serve well as a residence temporarily have avoided going to it since, although
for numerous individuals. Its several rooms have facilities various traps and snares intended to injure unwary raiders
to home folks who might wish to set up in the old home, still present a very real threat to anyone who wishes to
as well as a shared common area, kitchen, and storage take advantage of the existence of the location.
cupboards. The retirement home’s medical supplies
remain locked in storerooms, and a secured basement Notable landmarks in the vicinity of the drive-in include
underneath the building contains supplies which the screen itself, from the top of which a wide area of the
enterprising wanderers could make use of. wasteland can be seen, as well as a shack containing old
equipment for repairing and maintaining the projector.
In the center is a dirt courtyard, hidden from view from Attached to the shack is the remnant of an old diner,
the rest of the wasteland, which would have once had a which was raided long ago for provisions but can still be
community garden. Currently, the dirt and fallen branches used as a location to secure oneself overnight; so long as
belay any potential it may have. the mole rats and radroaches swarming the wasteland do
not interrupt one’s rest.
This small island suburb, consisting of merely fourteen Even those who have previously visited have made sure
prefabricated homes in the northwest Concord area, was to give the center of the location a wide berth as in the
largely populated by residents who had gained a place in middle of the car park, where citizens centuries ago would
Vault 111. The location is accessible via a bridge towards have sat and watched films, a large crater has formed
the town of Concord or from the direction of Vault 111 through years of neglect and weathering; and barrels of
itself, over another bridge at the back of the island. When radioactive material have been haphazardly dumped into
the Great War started, most of the individuals living here the rainwater which has collected here. Anyone wishing
retreated to their local Vault to safety, however, due to to make long-term use of the area should find a way to
tardiness or not having access, many remained outside clear this hole of its collected radioactive refuse or they
and were killed or turned into ghouls by the effects of the may find themselves succumbing to the effects of the
nuclear blast. waste.

A group of feral ghouls of varying levels of mutation SUPER-DUPER MART [CON-29]

often roam around this area. Rumors say they are some of A grocery store overrun by a large group of feral ghouls
the original residents of the suburb, unfortunate enough to who have made it their den. Open windows on all sides of
have been unable to enter the vault when the bomb fell. In the building allow more of the creatures to crawl inside,
addition, a solitary Mister Handy domestic robot wanders attracted by any noises wastelanders may make when
the region. Long since left by his owners, the contraption exploring the building. Inside, one can activate a
by the name of Codsworth attempts to maintain one of the Protectron via security terminals in the building while
homes here despite the dilapidated state of the entire ransacking the location for food or supplies.
suburb. If engaged in conversation, he insists his owners
will come back one day and that he must maintain the VAULT 111 [CON-01]
home with a sense of decorum until they return. One of A fallout shelter specifically intended to study the effects
these owners is the only survivor still within Vault 111 of long-term cryogenic suspended animation on its
left alive, held in cryogenic suspension. unknowing test subjects; Most of Vault 111’s population
was from the residents of Sanctuary Hills. The only
STARLIGHT DRIVE IN [CON-26] subject who is still alive is the Sole Survivor, who is
To the southwest of the town of Concord is a drive-in currently in suspended animation inside the vault. For
movie theater. Its large screen easily reaches forty feet in more information on Vault 111, see Chapter 7: Vault-Tec,
height and, although it has not shown movies for page 252.
Centered around the town of Malden, this region of the Partially due to this, the entire region is mostly
Commonwealth was in danger of being uninhabitable inhospitable to wasteland denizens. As it stands, only the
even before the Great War. This can be seen in how its ten-person settlement of Covenant and the secure Parsons
previous inhabitants had a distinct disregard for State Insane Asylum still hold signs of non-raider human
environmental conservatism, epitomized in the use of life.
Lake Quannapowitt to the north as a dumping ground for
toxic waste.
COVENANT [MED-27] locations within the General Atomics Galleria compound
This sheltered, close-knit, walled community has survived details the Mister Handys assigned to it, as well as a few
for decades in the wasteland based on principles of items of information about them. Various Mister Gutsys
extreme intolerance towards synthetic humanoids, or roam around the area, keeping watch for trouble, whereas
synths. Since the Broken Mask incident in Diamond City, the Director, another Mister Gutsy, watches over the
where a synth ran riot, the settlement’s founder, Doctor whole compound from a nearby control tower.
Roslyn Chambers has held a strict antagonism towards the
artificial individuals, founding the village on these tenets. MALDEN TOWNSHIP [MED-31]
Entering the small town itself requires passing a verbal Before the Great War, Malden was a burgeoning town
synth test, which the doctor herself admits is flawed, but with a focus on medical research. Its Med-Tek Research
which she intends to improve on over time. Surrounding building and Memorial Hospital remain standing despite
the town itself are several defenses and at the front gate is the sinkhole that has swallowed a large portion of the
a guard named Swanson. township’s buildings to the north.

Close to Covenant is a hidden compound, used by Doctor Remaining in the region are a middle school and nursery,
Chambers as a research location for investigating the level a subterranean monorail station, police station and finally
of synth infiltration in Covenant itself, as well as the the corporate headquarters for the coffee and donut
wider Wasteland. Currently, a single woman named company, “Slocum Joe’s”. Raiders have overtaken the
Amelia Stockton is imprisoned by Chambers and watched monorail station, although it is currently under
over by her guards, led by a synth-hunter named Manny. surveillance by the Institute’s synths, who wish to clear
Amelia is indeed a synth, having been unknowingly the area of such dangers.
swapped with the real Amelia Stockton. Her father knows
of this, but she herself has never found out or been The Med-Tek building has been on lockdown since the
informed of it, even by her own father. Great War. Most of its prior inhabitants are deceased but
were being experimented on. Some of the bodies of
GENERAL ATOMICS GALLERIA [MED-03] previous test subjects are still handcuffed inside cell
This model commercial district was built before the Great blocks or isolation rooms, while the rest have slowly
War as a demonstration of what life would look like if all turned into feral ghouls over time and continue to stalk
roles in commerce were replaced by robotic help. As the inside of the building.
such, “Mister Gutsy” and “Mister Handy” robots
primarily inhabit this area, being entirely unaware the Within the sinkhole itself, a single deathclaw has taken up
Great War ever took place. residence. During the night, it leaves the hole to feed and
has had a great deal of success hunting brahmin, raiders,
Before the nuclear holocaust of 2077 prevented more and other locals before retreating to its lair every morning.
people from visiting the site, a supervisor oversaw the
Galleria, ensuring the robots operated smoothly. VAULT 75 [MED-31 ADJACENT]
Unfortunately, the “Director,” a specific managerial robot Originally this was a fallout shelter with the hidden
in a Mister Gutsy frame, was adverse to the interference agenda of testing accelerated breeding programs in
of said supervisor and killed them to prevent further humans; however, a mercenary organization known as the
action being taken, which it saw as a detriment to the “Gunners” has overtaken this vault. None of the original
operation of the site. occupants of this habitat remain. For more information on
Vault 75, see Chapter 7: Vault-Tec, page 252.
The location has since expected a new supervisor, and any
individual approaching the area may be queried as to
whether they fit that role. This may be advantageous to
individuals who wish to make use of the galleria as a
hideout or supply stop, as each of the robots are able to
perform a variety of assistive roles. Each of the following
Known for its popularity as a pre-War vacationing spot, town of Salem being a significant location even after the
the Eastern coasts of the Commonwealth have ironically Great War, and the Museum of Witchcraft still standing
now become one of the least-desirable locations to spend nearby.
time in. Super mutants, raiders, and feral ghouls all vie for
control of this area and the Brotherhood of Steel airship Due to its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, this area has
planning to moor itself at the Boston Airport does little to also been inundated with mirelurks, a fact everyone in the
suggest the location will quiet any time soon. area cannot ignore. During mating seasons, their numbers
become nearly unmanageable and the area becomes much
While most of the rest of the Commonwealth bears direct more dangerous to traverse. Wary travelers keep to the
history related to the American Revolutionary War, the western edge of the coastal region to avoid the more
coast itself has more of a link to a darker period of dangerous areas.
American history. The Salem Witch Trials have led to the
DUNWICH BORERS [SAL-03] surrounding residences. Only a single wastelander named
This old mine holds a dark past, and many locals steer Barney Rook was ready to defend the region, and many
clear of the location. Those who enter rarely return, and people died in the ensuing migration of wildlife just two
small rumbles are regularly felt through the floor of the years ago. Barney protects the region to this day, still sour
area as though something great and terrible shifts the town council never let him train the militia he wanted,
underneath the ground. Those who delve deepest may but the town council no longer exists and neither does
find a partially revealed face of what may be a large anyone else. The only named individuals remaining are
humanoid statue buried, deep in the mine. Barney and his hunting rifle, Reba.

MUSEUM OF WITCHCRAFT [SAL-08] In the center of town, abandoned market stalls and a
This gothic-church-cum-museum holds a deadly secret, church indicate the old town square, whereas several
and it’s not anything to do with witchcraft. Recently, a boathouses and an extensive pier sit alongside decrepit
group of Gunner mercenaries were asked to find and boats which are unlikely to ever traverse the waters again
transport a case, not knowing they were deathclaw eggs, without significant repairs. Close by, the Sandy Coves
from one location to another. Partway they realized they Convalescent Home and Museum of Witchcraft still
were being tracked by the mother of the eggs and hid out stand, although neither has seen human habitation for
in this museum, only to become trapped and hunted by hundreds of years.
the creature they were intending to avoid. Their bodies, as
well as the still-living deathclaw, is still within this SANDY COVES CONVALESCENT HOME [SAL-09]
building. For the past two hundred years, the residents of this
nursing home for the elderly have been cared for
The inside of this stone building has seen the ravages of diligently by experimental robotic automated care. It
time and the actions of the trapped deathclaw has done should be noted, however, that no new residents have
little to help that. A few exhibits still remain in locations appeared in that time. Neither did the existing residents
difficult for the deathclaw to reach which depict the leave when the bombs fell during the Great War, or
treatment of those accused of being witches in Salem’s indeed would they ever again. Currently inhabited purely
sordid past as well as the timeline of events which led to by the two Mister Handy robots, one a nursing home
such inhuman treatment of fellow citizens. attendant and the other a front-desk manager, neither
seem to have realized the residents are now deceased, and
Close to the museum, on a small island to the East, sits a they continue to see to the needs of those they still
crashed Stingray Deluxe pre-War fighter jet having been consider under their care.
knocked out of the sky by an EMP following the Great
War. While it can no longer fly, various factions in the When the Great War occurred, the diverse residents of the
wasteland may wish to scavenge technology and supplies care home were largely in bed, most elderly and starting
from its long-undisturbed resting place. to suffer from dementia. One of them, Gladys, was not in
the care home and in-fact had tried to escape the night
SALEM [SAL-10] before. A competent soldier who was not able to think
After the Great War, this location—previously famous clearly, Gladys had sequestered a wide variety of military
only for its witch trials—attempted to secure itself as a paraphernalia in her room, including weapons and
center of protection and civilization in the grenades, but individuals are not allowed entry without
Commonwealth Wasteland. It succeeded and enjoyed clearance from the care robots and the door is currently
fame throughout the region; but as time went on this led locked.
to complacency, as raiders would simply not try to attack
the township.

That all changed when the mirelurks attacked. Rising

from the oceans, they overwhelmed the seaport and
To the west of Boston itself, a large open region of rolling she was recently killed when she tried to escape, a fact
foothills hides several small developments and townships that the raiders are trying to keep from spreading to keep
along its Charles River. Further from the water’s edge, the being fed. Another raider named Sparta is out scavenging
relatively well-defended Fort Hagen stands well protected from local regions, just in case the rumor gets out.
against the dangers of the wasteland. To the south, a
major highway interchange houses many mercenary The main factory floor is wide and spacious beneath a
raiders and is an extremely dangerous area to wander. series of catwalks, making it a dangerous spot to be
caught when facing raiders. In addition, the thick concrete
The reason for the survival of so many raiders in the area walls keep many dangers of the wasteland at bay. Inside
is due in part to the existence of a Federal Ration the guest entrance are a greeter’s desk and gift shop, filled
Stockpile to the west, which has supplied the gang-like with pre-War items. On the top floor, an old office hides
Wastelanders with sustenance for quite some time. sundry disassembled or damaged computers, and the
entire facility has old bottles of various beers which are
BEANTOWN BREWERY [WES-18] still as-yet unspoiled.
Located over the Charles River, close to Boston city
itself, this three-story brewery has been claimed by CORVEGA ASSEMBLY PLANT [WES-10]
raiders led by a muscular individual known as Tower Just to the south of Lexington, a Corvega brand industrial
Tom. These wastelanders are known to kidnap others plant is home to a large group of raiders, led by a man
from around the area and ransom them. Recently, they named Jared. They regularly sweep the catwalks and
kidnapped the sister of the leader of the Federal Ration offices of the assembly plant, keeping a guard out for the
Stockpile raiders to ransom her for food. Unfortunately, ghouls who occasionally test their perimeter. While the
assembly line itself no longer runs, the lights on the Kellogg’s orders have previously been to search for and
outside of the plant still illuminate the plant’s branding capture resources, tools, and facilities for the Institute.
and external walls, allowing the building to be seen for More recently, his orders have switched to being to search
miles around. Raiders have made sure to booby-trap the for fresh biological samples which may exist from before
outer walls, making approach difficult. the Great War. His missions have focused on attempting
to locate and infiltrate what is left of Vault 111 in the
Jared, leader of the assembly plant’s current occupiers, northwest of Boston.
has become obsessed with tracking down Mama Murphy,
a woman traveling with the Minutemen currently holed up Throughout the underground rooms, Initiative furniture
in the Museum of Freedom who claims to be able to see and equipment can be found scattered among the existing
the future. As such, he has sent a group of his raiders to furnishings, either supplementing or improving upon the
try to capture her and kill anyone who gets in their way. existing decor by supplying electrical power or up-to-date
This pre-War installation has the sole purpose of storing GRAYGARDEN [WES-06]
and distributing food and other, similar supplies in the This homestead and greenhouse make up a section of land
case of widespread emergency. It has since been which was occupied shortly after the Great War to
overtaken by a group of raiders led by a skilled individual investigate the ability of Mister Handy robots to act
named Red Tourette. They have established an extensive autonomously in tending to an allotment. Over time, it has
aboveground camp, whereas its four levels of remained a relatively undisturbed place in the otherwise
underground facilities have been systematically used as dangerous region. To this day, three Mister Handy robots
rations over the past centuries. oversee the production of various fruits and vegetables,
and reward anyone willing to aid them in this task so long
FORT HAGEN [WES-13] as the aid does not interfere with their role or the roles of
The Institute has overtaken the concrete-walled pre-War the numerous other automated Mister Handy robots
command facility as a base of operations for one of its tending to the bountiful garden.
primary operatives, Conrad Kellogg. The numerous
synths who now populate the facility have secured both The three supervising Mister Handy robots each have
the building, and the area around it. personalities which match broad television personality
tropes. Supervisor White has programming to act like a
Aboveground, the fort has sandbag emplacements on the feminine socialite, despite her green-fingered nature as an
roof, ready to be populated with turrets or armed automaton. Supervisor Brown has the personality of an
protectors. Within the building itself, accessed via a roof older gentleman obsessed with obtaining mutfruit,
entrance or by entering the garage, both synths and whereas supervisor Green has the voice of a television
Protectron robots will defend the area from incursion, gameshow host and is the trader of the greenhouse,
despite the facilities within being mostly to support willing to barter in his own way with any individuals who
human occupants. may visit. The homestead itself is a dilapidated house and
garage just to the west. Its current occupant is T. S.
Underneath the building, a blocked elevator exists as the Wallace, a scientist with a panache for pre-War
only access to an underground command center. This technology and radiation research. His work has removed
large complex is extremely well defended with the him from the rigors of wasteland civilization, and he
resident synths having armed themselves with the spends much of his time engaged in scientific pursuits in
facility’s extensive armory and being led by the ruthless his home.
Initiative mercenary, Kellogg.
Before the Great War, Cambridge was known for its caravan settlement of Bunker Hill, where synths are
sprawling college campuses and 20th-century residences. known to frequent, as well as the Weatherby Savings and
The shining jewel of the area was the Commonwealth Loan, upon which the U.S.S. Constitution currently sits.
Institute of Technology, which now sits in ruins like most
of the rest of Boston. Charlestown also holds many buildings as would be
expected of a small inner-city area, such as a still-standing
From the ashes of the War, however, a new organization Laundromat and surrounding residences. Unfortunately,
has arisen with the same drive for technological the area has also become a haven for raiders looking to
advancement, learning and research. The Institute is a surreptitiously escape for a fix of chems, and a den of
dark reflection of the C.I.T’s original mandates but iniquity related to the consumption of chems has sprung
remains as resolute towards advancing humanity’s up in this region.
understanding of the sciences. For more information on
The Institute, see Chapter 6: Corporations, page 245 BADTFL REGIONAL OFFICE [CAM-03]
To the north of Charlestown is the old headquarters for
Cambridge itself also has other factions at work within it. the Bureau of Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, Firearms and
The Railroad continues to smuggle synths out of the area, Lasers, or B.A.D.T.F.L. Various raider groups have
a small Brotherhood of Steel squad has been holed up in attempted to access the armory in this building, but have
the area for some months, and both Gunner mercenaries been stopped by automated turrets designed to prevent
as well as various raider gangs scour the area, searching such an incursion. Due to the nature of B.A.D.T.F.L.,
for any remnants of civilization that may be useful to firearms and laser weapons would commonly have been
them. The region has a wide range of old facilities built of held in such a location, and various chems would have
stone, metal, or concrete, meaning the buildings are been kept in a safe within the facility.
largely still standing in the area. Hospitals, stores,
campuses, a church, and research buildings are in the BUNKER HILL [CAM-04]
region, offering refuge to some and further danger to Surrounding a tall, white cenotaph to the fallen soldiers of
others. America’s past, this settlement has grown up around the
needs of various caravaners to have a haven in the
Between Cambridge and the Charles River is a small wasteland when traveling between different pockets of
section of land that used to house the oldest of Boston’s civilization. Bunker Hill is therefore surrounded by a tall
neighborhoods. Within the center of this area are both the wall, with a main gate on the southern side.
The Cambridge Police Station is a well-defended
Within the confines of the settlement, a small complex structure, its solid building surrounded by metal defense
holds a Railroad-run facility underneath a warehouse emplacements and the remaining Brotherhood members
owned by merchant Old Man Stockton, where synths are able to provide sufficient firepower to defend it from the
emotionally and physically prepared for the process surrounding dangers. Its remaining members know,
escaping the Commonwealth. This fact is not beyond the however, that a huge horde of feral ghouls are sweeping
ken of the Initiative, who would appreciate help in through Cambridge. Brotherhood Scribe, Haylen, is
removing the Railroad’s presence from Bunker Hill currently radioing for aid from a radio tower in the
permanently. Some of the regular visitors, including a few station, while Paladin Danse, leader of the squad, and sole
of the merchants working for Stockton, sell information remaining Knight, Rhys, attempt to defend the police
they gain on Bunker Hill’s Railroad to the Institute in station’s courtyard.
exchange for money and stims.
Should the Paladin’s squad survive, they have every
In the past, before their fall, the Minutemen would protect intention to try to find a powerful transmitter in the
this settlement from raiders and scavengers. Recently, this wasteland to try to call for reinforcements from the
task has fallen to the Railroad themselves, as well as any Brotherhood of Steel, and with the Prydwen inbound to
guards or mercenaries the passing caravaners manage to the local area, they may be successful.
wrangle up, however, it is not unknown for these same
mercenaries to turn on their wards the minute a promise Due to the Brotherhood’s need for firearms and highly
of a higher-paying client or better opportunity presents advanced armor, this location is well stocked with
itself. One of the other ways the town has been kept safe supplies, weapons, ammunition, and various other pieces
is via the work of Mayor Kessler. When the Minutemen of equipment. Recon Squad Gladius, however, lost
stopped defending the settlement, Kessler negotiated with equipment for rebuilding their Power Armor early in their
the surrounding raiders. In exchange for regular donations difficulties in the wasteland. They are desperate and will
of protection money, the raiders generally leave Bunker not survive much longer.
Hill alone. As it is a regular stop off for merchants
coming and going, Kessler has so-far had enough caps to C.I.T RUINS, THE INSTITUTE [CAM-09]
sustain this deal, however she knows it will not last The Commonwealth Institute of Technology has been
forever, as one day the raiders may ask for more, or the lying in ruins for centuries but is not inactive. Individuals
flow of merchants may dry up. are often wander around its area, while under attack from
super mutants, which they are currently fending off with
CAMBRIDGE CRATER [CAM-07] some skill and ferocity. This is because while the ruins of
While the blast in the Glowing Sea, targeting a military the buildings themselves are not presently occupied; the
installation, was the largest nuclear detonation in the Institute facilities deep underground are. The ruins of
Commonwealth, it was not the only one. A smaller C.I.T are where the Institute sends their “Coursers”, or
warhead detonated in this spot in central Cambridge, synth-hunters before they start their mission, and as such
flattening a city block and forming this radiation-filled the location is heavily defended in order to keep it safe as
crater. A group of freethinking ghouls originally came a point of insertion.
here for their own safety in the wasteland, but the levels
of radiation have since turned them feral. As for the Institute facilities themselves, they may be the
most pristine location in the entire Commonwealth. In this
CAMBRIDGE POLICE STATION [CAM-14] subterranean facility, a large cylindrical central section
The Brotherhood of Steel reconnaissance squad “Gladius” incorporates four floors which wrap around the core. The
entered the Commonwealth Wasteland in search for a upper floors have residences and rooms left for meetings,
previous Recon Squad named Artemis, as well as to while the bottom floor is where research studies and
discover and procure technology and information on the development occur.
area. Unfortunately, as soon as they came close to the
Boston area they were attacked by a prepared and On the bottom floor, the four focuses of the Institute are
competent group of raiders who overwhelmed them. separated into four wings. The Robotics laboratories are
While the surviving members made their way to to the southeast, the Synth Retention program to the
Cambridge’s police station and at once began to fortify it, southwest, Advanced Systems in the northwest, and
they had taken significant losses in supplies and Bioscience in the northeast. Each of these locations holds
equipment by the time they got there. relevant supply rooms, equipment, and other facilities to
support their goals. In the center, between these, are
common areas including a medical wing, cafeteria, break War, various modifications have been made to this
area, and an outfitter. While there are several department esteemed ship, including NX-42 rocket engines and
heads, the current leader of the Institute is a man known various electronic upgrades which allow it to both soar
to many as “Father” due to his non-radiated DNA being through the air, as well as act as an aerial ship. Currently,
used in the creation of the latest line of synths. This however, it is in dire need of repairs, as it has crashed into
individual’s original name is Shaun, and he is the aged the Weatherby Savings and Loan bank building, just to
son of the rumored Sole Survivor of Vault 111 to the the east of Charlestown.
north of Sanctuary Hills.
In charge of the ship is a Sentry Robot, named Ironsides,
COLLEGE SQUARE [CAM-15] who was originally a tour guide for the ship while in dry-
In the east of the Cambridge area, on a junction of three dock. Around the time of the Great War, Ironsides
streets, a massive battle happened recently. The remnants suffered various malfunctions and overheating events
of this battle are visible from the layout of blockades and which ended up corrupting and damaging part of its
obstacles, intended to prevent a massive force of feral programming. Since this, it now believes itself to be the
ghouls from taking over the area. The raiders who were captain of the ship and in-fact the only remaining military
defending themselves, however, were overrun and their officer in the entire United States armed forces, therefore
bodies are scattered through the square. considers itself in charge of the entire organization. It
intends to continue to repair the USS Constitution to fly it
Underneath the College Square, an underground railway to the ocean and attempt an attack on Chinese waters,
station shows that the raiders here held up to the last, but despite the age and disrepair of the ship. It has already
this is where the feral ghouls have now made their home. tried this at least once, leading to the crash-landing on the
While a few traps still exist protecting the area, they tend Weatherby Savings and Loan bank where it currently sits.
to be in uninhabited locations and the ghouls seem to have Should it make it to Boston Harbor, it is not known how
avoided them so far. This area is, however, an opportunity the ship’s crew will react to the existence of the Yangtze
to scavenge and steal from a significant raider stronghold submarine docked there.
without needing to alert raiders themselves.
Notable Locations
However, there are tales that late at night, a low, guttural Scavenger Camp: Close to the USS Constitution
pained moan comes from the entrance to the College (slightly to the west), a group of scavengers have made
Square Station. A single feral ghoul has grown far more the area their base while they plan to raid the ship itself.
powerful than the rest of them. The radiation affected Noting the hole in the underside, they intend to board
their body uniquely, but be aware that while it may not the ancient marine vessel and push back the robotic
“lead” these ghouls, the danger it poses has made it occupants to salvage it for parts and prevent their crew
something of a legend to wastelanders who wander too from ever needing to face desperation in the wasteland
close to the square itself. ever again. The camp itself is little more than an
emptied-out office and an outdoor cooking fire, but the
USS CONSTITUTION [CAM-05] scavengers here, including tacit leader Mandy Stiles,
Originally built in 1797, this ship is a large example of the have made it their home.
era’s frigates and played an extensive role in many of the
U.S.A’s naval battles. Over time, it lost its edge in various
naval engagements and was eventually dry-docked and
turned into a museum piece. In the years since the Great
BACK BAY This four-story store sold comics, toys, and other pop-
Just behind the Esplanade from the Charles River, Back culture memorabilia prior to the Great War.
Bay is mostly notable due to the extremely tall Unfortunately, at some point since then it has been
architecture which dominates its small city footprint. Both overtaken by feral ghouls, including powerful glowing
Trinity Tower and the Dartmouth Professional Building ones which prowl the top floors of the building. For that
are two of the few buildings which make a striking reason, and due to it not holding food, medicine, or
impression on those gazing over this section of Boston. weapons, it has not been a target for raiders or scavengers
The location has been abandoned by civilized folks for in all its years standing. On the inside of the building,
quite some time, leading to super mutants and raiders comic-book franchise advertisements remain on various
fighting one another over the remaining scraps. walls and replicas of famous pieces of equipment from
comics books are kept in secure locked cabinets.
Examples include an axe in the style of that used by the
To the west of Trinity Tower, the Boston Public Library
powerful fictional barbarian, Grognak as well as a replica
used to offer books, as well as historical documents,
of the greyscale trench coat, scarf, and hat worn by comic
lectures, and recitals to a wide variety of the city’s
book hero Silver Shroud.
population. After the bombs dropped, a man named
Curator Givens attempted to preserve as much of the
library’s history as possible, but the location was
Despite the damage caused by the bombs of the Great
eventually overrun by encroaching super mutants and
War, as well as the wind, rain, and other elements since,
Givens was killed, his body remaining among the
Trinity Tower has continued to stand as the tallest
library’s records to this day.
artificial structure in the entirety of the Commonwealth
The library itself is two floors of facilities laid out in a Wasteland. Climbing the building, however, is not for the
large ring of Greco-Roman architecture with an open faint of heart: Large sections of the building’s floors are
garden and fountain in the center for reading and crumbling or decayed, and although a few of the elevators
contemplation. Accessing the center, however, will not be may take passengers through a scant few of the floors, the
easy. Large numbers of Protectrons and turrets are majority of the stories are inhospitable. In addition to the
scattered throughout the library, placed there by Curator constant danger of damage to the building causing harm
Givens before he lost his life, and attempting to gain to visitors, the location’s current occupants—many super
access to a lot of the library’s facilities require dealing mutants—may cause any guest to rethink using it as
with them. Despite these setbacks, many of the library’s shelter. At the top of the building, held captive, are two
systems are still active, including its automated book individuals. The first is a thespian and radio actor by the
return policy. Should individuals find library books name of Rex Goodman. He was captured by the super
throughout the wasteland, they can return them in mutants who continue to allow him to broadcast pleas for
exchange for small pre-War rewards. help over a radio system, with the super mutants hoping
he will draw new prey into the building. Held alongside CABOT HOUSE [BOS-04 ADJACENT]
him is another super mutant by the name of Strong. Old houses dot the location and a few have been taken
Strong was drawn to Rex Goodman when Rex started over by individuals who have their own reasons for
preaching civilization and culture to the group. He took keeping pre-War styles. In the case of the Cabot
some of it too literally, however, and now seeks to learn household, their old house aide has survived as a ghoul
more about the “Milk of Human Kindness” he learned of but continues to look after the house as though the Cabots
from Rex’s rendition of Macbeth. Strong believes some were still alive two hundred years later. In truth, their
day he can find this very literal milk and use it to become lives extended by an unnatural serum developed by Jack
more powerful than all others in the world. Cabot from the blood of his father, Lorenzo.

TRINITY PLAZA [BOS-10] Lorenzo, an explorer born in 1835, came across an

This abandoned and overgrown square stands between oversized crown in his travels which seemed to be of
Trinity Tower and the neighboring Trinity Church. The unnatural ancient origin and granted him an unusually
entire area is heaving with super mutants due to them long life and various other abilities in exchange for his
having commandeered both the church and tower, sanity. Lorenzo has been imprisoned by his son in the
meaning this open area is extremely dangerous. The Parson’s State Insane Asylum, where he remains due to
church itself has multiple entrances, one of which is in the the power the crown has over him and the instability it
direction of this plaza, although the super mutants are causes.
more interested in killing and eating humans than
bringing them into any religion. A crumbling statue of BOSTON COMMON
George Washington sits facing the church, half its head Before the Great War, Boston Common [BOS-33] was
sheared off due to weathering and damage, but small known as the oldest public park in the entire country. It
pockets of trees and grass show the green and welcoming was as a common grazing area until officially turned into
environment this area once was. a public space in the early 19th century. After the War, it
continues to stand as an open space, albeit one without as
BEACON HILL much greenery or life. Surrounding the common are a
number of locations which may be of interest to
This district is one of the more historically relevant areas
wandering wastelanders, including Park Street Station’s
in the city, with various legacy pieces of architecture and
entrance [BOS-33], the Boylston social club whose
utilities dotting the streets. Before the bombs fell, gas
members all committed suicide prior to the Great War, the
lamps lit cobbled streets and the region was known for its
Massachusetts State House which has since been taken
quaint décor. Wealthy classical homes intermingle with
over by mirelurks, the historic Old Granary Burial
more modern apartment buildings to give this location a
Ground where many revolutionary war heroes are buried
mixed aesthetic which is unique in the Commonwealth
and a small body of water called Swan’s Pond.
Wasteland. In addition to the following listed locations,
Beacon Hill is home to the headquarters of the Boston SWAN’S POND [BOS-34]
Bugle, an established and respected local newspaper This small area on the Boston Common is notable for two
which has been used by various scavengers in the days things. First, its stagnant and irradiated water which acts
since the Great War as a sanctuary from the elements. as a natural hazard to any life which may approach. The
other is the presence of a dangerous and powerful super
VAULT-TEC REGIONAL HQ [BOS-29] mutant behemoth, known to locals as Swan, who guards
Before the Great War, many large vaults were built the area with a zeal. The bodies of raiders and other
throughout the United States of America to save as many explorers can be seen strewn around the area and those
people as possible from the dangers of the oncoming who get too close to the pond itself will be shocked to
possibility of nuclear war. These were made by the find that its surface hides the enormous and muscular
company Vault-Tec, who had regional headquarters figure beneath its ripples. Swan was once a minor thief
throughout the nation. Boston’s regional headquarters, having stolen nothing more serious than cigarettes. As
found in Beacon Hill, is a multi-story building found near part of his rehabilitation he was injected without his
the side of Boston’s river. Inside, among the various knowledge with an F.E.V. strain, causing him to slowly
floors are offices and terminals belonging to its former lose his mental faculties and gain extreme muscle mass.
employees, as well as break rooms, conference rooms, Eventually he was released and made his way to the
and a kitchen, as well as a basement storage area. Commonwealth, where he survives to this day. Having
fashioned armor out of swan-boat fragments and wielding
a large anchor, local raiders know well enough not to
approach too close lest they incur Swan’s wrath.
VAULT 114 [BOS-32] scavenge from the HalluciGen, Inc. building prior to a
Within Park Street Station is the entrance to Vault 114, mishap there, although a few buildings have not been
which was never truly finished. While its intent was to cleared yet meaning ghouls and super mutants can still be
show, among other things, the effects of an anti- seen prowling the streets at all hours.
authoritarian leadership of questionable ability on a high-
society culture, the vault itself was never sealed. These CHARLES VIEW AMPHITHEATER [BOS-28]
days, the abandoned facility is inhabited by Triggermen The Pillars of the Community are a small cult of
and is used by Skinny Malone, a mob boss, as a secure likeminded individuals who have taken up residence
headquarters. For more information on Vault 114, see inside this covered public stage where performances used
Chapter 7: Vault-Tec, page 252. to take place before the Great War. They follow a man
named Brother Thomas, who promises the devout a
“better life” in a multi-level progression system as they
BOSTON HARBOR move forward in the cult. In reality, however, there is no
Famed for the dumping of British tea in 1773, the Boston level above level one, and attaining this first stage
Harbor has grown and flourished since that day. When the requires that you give all your possessions to Brother
bombs fell, the location was busy just like any other and Thomas, meaning it would be quite difficult to reach a
several boats are still moored to its piers even now. In the point in your life where things are positive enough for you
location are various warehouses and a custom house that you could proceed to any other levels even if they did
which were used before the War by the government to exist.
oversee imports and exports but these days remain mostly
empty aside from the existence of super mutants who are The Pillars of the Community are invested in the cult. As
hungry for more humans to feast on and will attack they have come to it from a harsh wasteland, this is the
anyone who strays too close. most positivity they have felt in quite some time and will
be protective of Brother Thomas should harm come to
SHAMROCK TAPHOUSE [BOS-19] him. They would be very difficult to convince to leave the
An Irish-themed bar on the harbor, this location is still cult as they are aware that life outside of it may be worse
standing relatively undamaged. This may be due to the and the “Pillars” are the only positive existence they have
renovation and makeshift defenses which have been put known.
up on its windows to prevent harm from the wasteland,
but either way the raiders within seem to be surviving HALLUCIGEN INC [BOS-27]
well enough. Prior to the Great War, this facility created and researched
chemicals for use by civilian and military armed forces to
Their leader, Gaff, has made good use of the location but enhance their effectiveness. After the bombs fell, the
has so far been unable to activate a custom Protectron location was mostly abandoned until raiders led by the
robot they found named Buddy, or “Drinkin’ Buddy”. Gunner mercenaries broke into the facility for a client.
This robot was built by the pre- War proprietor as the When they entered the laboratory areas, however, they
“ultimate automated drinking experience”, being able to inadvertently released an experimental chemical into the
serve ice-cold beer and was intended to be shipped out to facility. Gunners who encountered this experimental
other bars and restaurants, but the Great War put an end to formula would quickly grow aggressive and their fight-or-
those ambitions. It still has the capabilities of a regular flight response would activate, specifically causing them
Protectron, having a laser gun and flamer presumably for to attack all of those around them in a rage. Many of the
protection, but can also be taught beer recipes and start surviving Gunners fled the facility, leaving their affected
the brewing process to produce any of them within its brethren behind to this day.
body on request.
The facility itself is expansive, having multiple partially-
collapsed floors which all contain various pieces of
ESPLANADE equipment, computers, office rooms, and storage areas, as
On the south bank of the river, between Beacon Hill and well as a basement where the affected Gunners remain,
The Fens, there is a stretch of riverbank which was surrounded by canisters of the same agent which caused
previously an extremely wealthy section of Boston. The their current malady. At this point, the released
location has a large park, as well as several facilities both HalluciGen-created gas has dissipated into the atmosphere
within and outside the park itself. A small inlet of the and will not harm any further visitors. The major danger
Charles River stretches through the park, crossed by two is from the remaining raiders. Any who have not already
stone bridges constructed prior to the Great War and completely lost touch with reality may simply be
connect the rest of the park to a small island offshore. The succumbing more slowly to its effects.
location is largely inhabited by raiders, who attempted to
the role of leading individuals or groups in prayer,
THE FENS meditation, or contemplation as well as performing
The Fens, previously a district of Boston city prior to the specific ceremonies, although he admits he may not
Great War, has its requisite citizenry: That is to say know the exact form of others’ religious rituals or
raiders and super mutants who stalk the streets, looking how to guide them in their worship without assistance
for anything they can get their hands on to survive. In from the worshipper at first.
addition, however, The Fens are home to something
special. One of the most uplifting, advanced, and civilized Choice Chops: This is the number one source of meat
settlements in the whole Commonwealth Wasteland: to most of the Diamond City’s inhabitants. While
Diamond City. Diamond City’s own security force is primarily dealing in Brahmin meat due to its abundant
known to occasionally make its way through the outskirts nature, Polly, the proprietor, is able to source and
of the region but. For the most part, they are still spread provide a wide variety of different kinds of meat to
too thin to make a significant difference to personal those who ask for it to be gathered. The Brahmin meat
security anywhere but Diamond City itself, but they may specifically is farmed by the Upper Stand Codman
be found anywhere in the surrounding area when action family. Polly herself is an artistic individual. When
must be taken. not dealing with the day-to-day needs of running a
butchers’ shop, she is known to engage in poetry and
DIAMOND CITY [BOS-DIA] dance. She is a terse individual but is friends with
The “Great Green Jewel” of the Commonwealth various members of Diamond City who welcome her
Wasteland is the largest settlement in the area. Fortified time. Her relationship with the Codman family has
on all sides, and patrolled by a baseball-themed militia, been prosperous, although they tend to turn up their
Diamond City may be the safest location for anyone in the noses at those who frequent the shop itself including
entire region. Before the Great War, the area Diamond Polly. Within Choice Chops, one can find a large meat
City was based on was a popular baseball stadium known locker, used to store various foods and prevent them
as Fenway Park, leading to its grounds becoming a fouling in the Commonwealth air. In addition, Polly
location which multiple people flocked to as it provided a herself uses the space as her residence, with a kitchen
great deal of protection from both the elements as well as and bed area taking up most of the back of the shop.
a symbol of civilization which dissuaded nefarious groups
from attacking. As time went on, it developed its own Colonial Taphouse: This drinking establishment, set
minor economy, and individuals of greater or lesser up in Diamond City, is one of the region’s most
means stratified themselves in a society which had both frequented proprietors of alcohol and entertainment.
prosperous “Upper Stands” and an area known as the Maintaining a civilized air and an almost pre-War
“Lower Fields” where the rest of the residents lived. style to the bar’s internal aesthetics, many come from
around the settlement to enjoy the refreshments on
One of the less welcoming aspects of Diamond City is offer. Its primary competitor is the Dugout Inn, a hotel
that the region is utterly intolerant of ghouls. Due to and bar found elsewhere in Diamond City, but the
actions of Mayor McDonough in his election campaign to Colonial Taphouse’s rustic chic and position as solely
run the city, he promised to remove all ghouls from the a place of drinking and entertainment rather than a
settlement, and this is exactly what happened when he hotel keep the established clientele mostly separate.
was voted into office. After reaching mayorship, all the The barkeeper of the Colonial Taphouse, Henry
ghouls from the area were moved on, with many settling Cooke, is a controversial figure. While he is a friendly
in the nearby location of Goodneighbor. What some of individual liked by those who frequent his
Diamond City’s inhabitants suspect, however, is that the establishment, it is known that he is having an affair
mayor is not all he seems to be. Many believe he is in-fact with a married woman known as Darcy Pembroke.
a synth from the nearby Institute; however obtaining Darcy’s husband is aware of the affair and intends to
proof of this has been troublesome at best. protect his family unit for the sake of his son and his
crushed pride.
Notable Locations
Chem-I-Care: For the most prolific chem vendor in
All Faiths Chapel: Due to the diverse nature of
Diamond City, Chem-I-Care is surprisingly sparse.
Diamond City, with many from a variety of
Little more than a few shelves in a small alcove to the
backgrounds and religions visiting or living there, All
side of the market, the store sells chems and first-aid
Faiths Chapel sprung up to fill a need. The chapel
supplies to anyone with enough money to part with.
encourages meditation on the divine; regardless of the
Various advertisements surround its entrance
specific form such a holy concept takes. Pastor
promoting the efficacy and potential of the wares,
Clements is the caretaker of All Faiths Chapel. He has
which are a mix of pre-War adverts and handwritten store. Percy is a Mister Handy-style robot who was
posters. Its owner, Solomon, is an untidy individual reprogrammed after being salvaged from a broken-
and his adjacent home shares this quality. It is filled down chassis in the wasteland. His ability to provide
with uncleared garbage, chems, and other supplies for 24-hour service to Diamond City’s citizens ensures
the store but little else. Solomon has made prolific use the surplus store can make money day and night,
of his own products and he is known to be able to although flaws in his programming means he is unable
recommend specific chems to others based on needs, to determine whether specific items may be on sale.
which would suggest why his home and supply
storage is disheveled and neglected. Solomon often Diamond City Market: This wasteland marketplace is
has needs for flora and fauna which have natural both the largest and most diverse in the entirety of the
chem-like properties to create a new batch to sell Commonwealth. Available goods include weapons
himself rather than attaining them from suppliers. To and armor, as well as all basic supplies or medicines,
this end, enterprising wastelanders would do well to and various services can be purchased from the sundry
offer their services in tracking down the more offices which are close by. The market opens, daily, at
difficult-to-find ingredients among the wasteland. 8AM, although some shops do have after-hours
services such as the Diamond City Surplus. The
Commonwealth Weaponry: Arturo Rodriguez, gun market’s open space is dominated in the center by a
expert and enthusiast, acts as the primary arms dealer Power Noodles stand, a huge vertical tower which can
for Diamond City and runs a marketplace stall from be seen from all corners of the city and as such is
which he sells a wide variety of firearms, lasers, and often used as a waypoint to travelers or a meeting
other more obscure weapons for use in the place for small gatherings before traveling elsewhere.
Commonwealth Wasteland. The market stall is sparse,
with few items on shelves as Arturo obtains them Diamond City Radio: Operating out of a small metal
from his supplies when purchased. On special request, trailer over a lake in the corner of Diamond City, this
he can be asked to acquire unique or specialist broadcast spot of music and news to the whole of the
equipment such as unique weaponry or especially Commonwealth is little more than an individual’s
damaging tools. Finally, he can supply wastelanders home and office. The trailer can be easily identified
with Power Armor should they require it and if they from the wide range of antennae atop its roof and the
are able to provide enough caps for the weighty piece closer wastelanders get to the location the clearer the
of equipment. Beside the stall are also several other radio transmission is. Inside the trailer, the barebones
items available to would-be weapons users to keep interior has just transmission equipment and a small
their arms in tip-top shape. This includes tools for bed for sleeping on. Travis Miles, the radio host heard
both repairing and building deadly items using parts across the wasteland, has more ambition than talent.
scavenged in the larger wasteland. Arturo himself His lack of confidence and anxiety leads to a number
lives in a house next to his market stall with his of transmissions where he has spoken in run-on
daughter, Nina. The girl is an attendee at the Diamond sentences that don’t go anywhere, mumbled the end of
City schoolhouse and is wary of newcomers or people his messages, or simply broadcast terrified
her father has not introduced to her. exclamations to the wider world. He wants to be a
more confident individual, able to express himself
Diamond City Surplus: As a twenty-four-hour store in better, not just for his radio station but also because he
the Commonwealth, this ship can provide service at wants to catch the eye of a bartender at the Dugout
all times to those in need of anything they the store Inn named Scarlett in whom he has grown interested.
has plenty of. Due to the chaotic nature of the
wasteland, they may sell about anything that can be Dugout Inn: As a competitor to the Colonial
conceived of which may have a value. This may be Taphouse, the Dugout Inn serves a different clientele.
food, arms, armor, chems, first-aid supplies, or any The location is aimed more at those who may want to
other equipment which locals have too much of, spend a night and, as such, has a more comfortable
selling it to the surplus store to pass on to others. and luxurious interior with sofas and other cushioned
During the day, the store is run by Myrna, a talented seats in the common area for drinkers to rest in. A
mechanic and anti-synth agitator. When not running Port-A-Diner food dispenser machine is in the
her store, she can often be found tinkering with common room, serving cooked food to those who can
equipment or engaging in rhetoric against the local spare a few caps. Should one wish to spend the night
Institute, strongly centered around her paranoia of a in the Dugout Inn, they will find the rooms to be
secret synth incursion into Diamond City. During the sparse but spacious, with little more than a bare
night Myrna’s robot assistant known as Percy runs the mattress on a bed, a couple of chairs, and a table in
each rented room. The Dugout Inn is co-owned by the Kathy & John’s Super Salon: The single-parent family
twin brothers Vadim and Yefim Bobrov, men of of Cathy and John own this incorrectly spelled
Eastern European heritage who occasionally use old barber’s shop in Diamond City. It services all kinds of
Russian words in conversation and speak with a clientele who may stop by and require a tidy
strong accent. Of the two, Vadim is the quieter and makeover. Cathy is the middle-aged mother of John
more withheld of the brothers whereas Yefim is and is overly critical of her son. She has been known
known to be loud and friendlier with customers, able to shout at him regularly and loudly chastise him for
to socialize easily. Despite a strong familial bond, what she perceives as errors compared to his father
Vadim is occasionally irritated by his brother’s lack of who was also a stylist. She has done this to the point
discipline when it comes to personal finances, having that John has displayed visible trauma through
to remind his brother of Yefim’s responsibilities. deafness in one ear. Their relationship is notably
problematic, although as of yet nobody in Diamond
Fallon’s Basement: Instead of an above-market stall, City has stepped in to prevent this abuse. John is a
Fallon’s Basement is an underground clothing store teenager who is attempting to follow in his father’s
built into the cellar of Becky Fallon’s home. It sells a footsteps by becoming a hairstylist and regularly cuts
wide range of pre-War clothing for adults and the hair of many powerful figures in Diamond City.
children, as well as various outfits for workers around This is particularly notable as his synth-paranoid
Diamond City. Should a shopper need clothesmakers’ mother believes the mayor’s secretary Geneva to be a
items, they will be able to find them here, with buttons synth, but since John started cutting Geneva’s hair, he
and bobby pins as well as needles and thread to assist has become convinced this is not the case.
people in maintaining their pre-War clothing over
time. The inside of the shop itself is walled largely by Mayor’s Office: In the southern wall of the Diamond
corrugated iron, with mannequins placed along the City stadium, Mayor McDonough’s office sits
walls displaying the goods available for purchase. accessible only by guarded elevator from the outside
Outside, the shop displays the same rusted exterior, walls. The office itself used to be the sports
but “SALE” banners and a large “FALLON’S” sign commentating booth, and as such has a wide view of
are permanent fixtures informing people of the the entire stadium from which any mayor can view
contents. Becky herself is incredibly concerned about their constituents. Aside from the mayor themselves,
the welfare of her shop, being extra-attentive towards other possible individuals who spend time here
potential thieves and strangers in Diamond City. Her include the secretary, Geneva, who supports the
husband Charlie was kidnapped sometime prior to mayor’s work and Danny Sullivan, who guards the
2287 by Institute synth agents so Becky has a strong main entrance to the city as well as Mayor
dislike of the Institute itself and their agenda. She is McDonough’s access elevator.
very ungrateful to the security forces of Diamond
City, whom she believes did not do enough to help Mega Surgery Center: Doc Crocker and Doctor Sun
investigate his whereabouts and now cannot help as run this medical establishment found in the market in
the man has completely disappeared. Diamond City. Its storefront is an aboveground shack
which advertises medical intervention for various
Home Plate: Within Diamond City, a few shacks and ailments, as well as reconstructive surgery where
rooms are available to rent. One, however, is more required. Doctor Sun runs the store-front shack and
luxurious than the others. Home Plate, a spacious sells first-aid kits to travelers as well as providing
property, was made all the larger by its previous general medical services to any who visit, including
owner buying adjacent buildings and combining the reducing radiation sickness and offering rehabilitation
areas. A combination of the large interior and its support for chem addiction. The doctors are also
location inside the central market area of Diamond experts at various forms of chemistry with an
City go a long way towards explaining the 2,000-cap experimental table available for those who wish to try
price tag. It can be purchased at Diamond City’s scientific medical endeavors. While Doctor Sun is an
mayoral offices. While it is powered by the electricity amiable individual and treats everyone who comes to
supply of Diamond City itself, the location does not his surgery with a great deal of respect, Doc Crocker
come with any functional amenities and is relatively has a far more disturbing nature. While he is a skilled
unfurnished, allowing new buyers to decorate it as surgeon, he cares far too much about the aesthetic
they see fit. For any group of wasteland scavengers, it appearance of those he operates on. This distraction
could easily become a new home or headquarters with causes him to neglect patient safety and such
few changes being required. procedures have occasionally been fraught. The
feeling is more than just a professional concern,
however, and the doctor regards those who are less said sister is unavailable. The shack holds a number of
attractive as inherently less worthy than others, legacy newspapers in boxes lying around, as well as
leading to a great deal of prejudice when it comes to a filing cabinets and paperwork with as much
number of the citizens of Diamond City. information on the Commonwealth Wasteland as they
can find which may be useful to locals.
Power Noodles: Directly in the center of Diamond
City stands a significantly tall tower, overshadowing Schoolhouse: Mister Zwicky runs this small
the height of everything around it. This vast pillar of educational facility for the few children who live in
makeshift steel frames, wires and cloth rain-covers Diamond City. As he spends most of his day in this
contains two important facilities: The main generator building, he has also turned the upper floor into his
for power throughout the entirety of Diamond City, residence, meaning he can be on-hand to assist with
and a popular take-out location which serves noodles the children’s education when necessary. Mister
to citizens and travelers. The noodle bar, ran by a Zwicky is often aided by a robotic teaching
robot named Takahashi, encompasses a ring around companion by the name of Miss Edna. This “Miss
the central tower, with cooking facilities behind the Nanny” style robot speaks in a French accent and
bar itself. Takahashi is well-known for having only believes itself to be the result of emotion-sensing
one programmed line, “Nan-ni shimasho-ka?”, which experimentation. She is currently of the belief that
means “What are we having today?”. This can Mister Zwicky and herself have grown close
occasionally cause frustration for individuals who do romantically but fears expressing those feelings due to
not know of this quirk, although the reason the bar concerns about her artificial nature.
stays open is because Takahashi is known for
supplying delicious, if overpriced, noodles regardless. Science! Center: Within this small two-story shack, a
In the settlement of Diamond City, the location of pair of romantically attached scientists, Professor
Power Noodles has a sordid history. Fifty-eight years Scara and Doctor Duff, focus on different experiments
prior, the first human-like synth was uncovered in a in the Commonwealth Wastelands. The building itself,
drinking establishment on what is now the grounds of made of corrugated iron and concrete, houses
the noodle bar. The individual visited the scientific equipment and paperwork with the results of
establishment unnoticed as a synthetic human until many experiments. Many of these are due to Doctor
either a malfunction or program caused their cheek to Duff’s mercurial nature, flitting from experiment to
start twitching and them to attack the townsfolk with experiment. Whereas her wife, Professor Scara, works
deadly speed. Multiple citizens were killed before to focus on only a single piece of research at a time,
security dropped the murderer; at which point those of progressing it to completion before moving on.
Diamond City saw the internal plastics of the first Swatters: Diamond City’s baseball theming is
early human-like synth. This has led to animosity with somewhat of a point of city pride. For that reason, a
the Institute which continues to this day. shop such as this is an inevitability. The store
Publick Occurrences: With a printing press set up in specializes in selling baseball memorabilia and
Diamond City itself, as well as a few skilled equipment, including gloves, bats, and clothing for
journalists, the Publick Occurrences newspaper Fenway Park’s home team. Atop the store itself is an
offices print their newspapers and distribute them to oversized baseball bat with the word “SWATTERS”
the rest of the Commonwealth Wasteland swiftly and emblazoned on it. Moe, the proprietor of Swatters, is
professionally. Within Diamond City, however, they up-front about his beliefs of what the game of
do not have the grandest reputation. Unfortunately, “baseball” was. He has no expectation that anybody
due to making an enemy of Mayor McDonough had ever used baseball equipment to engage in
(likely, as the newspaper continues to insinuate he is a friendly sporting events, instead he sells the thick
synth), journalist Piper Wright has been temporarily clothing, face cages and bats which he believes were
exiled from entering Diamond City’s limits. Piper is purely for the purpose of blood sport. In the eyes of
the head of Publick Occurrences and she, along with Moe, baseball was a game involving two teams
her younger sister Nat, run the day-to-day of battling to the death with the bats of the dead given to
interviewing individuals, writing the articles, and their children. At the back of the small store is an
selling of the newspapers themselves. They have entrance to Moe’s home which contains further pieces
become disliked by many, however, because of what of baseball memorabilia, whereas out the front can be
the duo of siblings calls the “Brutal and honest truth.” found a bounty board for individuals who have a price
Within the Publick Occurrences offices themselves, on their head. In addition to the target, bounty fliers
Nat currently is continuing her sister’s work while posted here usually have information on payment as
well as informing the hunter about the individual who are ambushed and killed by not only the gang in the
will pay the bounty once it is completed. building but also the bait who quickly turn on the victim.
Their success is fairly clear to any visitor from the pile of
Valentine Detective Agency: Little more than a single bodies already accumulated in the basement, where they
room with adjoining sleeping space, the Valentine are stripped of all their valuables and left to rot. The
Detective Agency is run by synthetic private raiders in Hardware Town have no single leader, although
investigator Nick Valentine and focuses on attending they are more than happy to execute those they see as
to various citizens’ concerns about missing people, failing the group, such as if the “bait” is unable to entice
betrayal, or similar personal concerns… all for a price. anybody into the building for a significant amount of
In the office he works alongside Ellie Perkins, his time, or should there be other problems. It is possible this
secretary on the two desks which adorn the office lack of leadership and shaky loyalty could be used to any
along with various filing cabinets, storage boxes and wastelander’s advantage.
other knickknacks. Nick Valentine was one of two
synths created by the Initiative to think independently. VAULT 81 [BOS-01]
While the other synth could create its own personality, This fallout shelter has survived intact to the present day,
Nick possessed a wide variety of other personalities of its occupants living in relative peace without being forced
real people from whom to draw. The personality of to have engaged in unethical or dangerous experiments.
“Nick Valentine” is that of a pre-War police officer in While half of the facility has been overtaken by diseased
Boston, whose brain was scanned as part of a PTSD mole rats, the plagued sections have been shut off from
treatment following his wife’s murder by a mob boss. the rest of the vault. For more info on Vault 81, see
Nick has heard rumors that this mob boss, a man Chapter 7: Vault-Tec, page 252.
named Edward Winters, became a ghoul when the
bombs fell during the War, and so a file on the man WRECK OF THE USS RIPTIDE [BOS-07]
can often be found open on one of the agency’s desks. This U.S. Navy tugboat was originally used by the local
While the people of Diamond City do not entirely military to either ferry supplies along Boston’s river, or
trust Nick due to his nature as a synth, many of them move ships as necessary through the waters. When the
have set aside their worries when needing his services. Great War started, it ended up wrecked between the raised
As such, he is rarely short of jobs and none of the roads of the Charles River Dam Bridge, a bascule bridge
townsfolk react especially poorly to his presence. in The Fens. Since then, the USS Riptide has become a
haven for raiders who have made use of the floating cache
FENS STREET SEWER [BOS-DIA ADJACENT] of military equipment behind the boat to create a small,
Underneath the streets of Boston are a macabre display of well-supplied camp from which they can launch raids of
grotesque proportions. The Fens Street Sewer system used the surrounding area.
to be the residence and grisly workshop for an individual
known as the “Fens Phantom.” This troubled individual
ended up killing several individuals in a murder spree FINANCIAL DISTRICT
across the area, gaining their title from their inability to be As a center of economic and commercial interests just
found and captured. Inside the sewers, the skeletons of the prior to the Great War, the Financial District of Boston’s
Fens Phantom’s victims can be found arranged in several wealth and status is visible in the number of skyscrapers
grisly pieces of artwork, each marked with an X on a which dot the region. The wealth of the location is
nearby wall to mark a death. Props, animal skeletons, and specifically highlighted by the building of a monorail in
poses show a hideous gallery mocking the detective this district, while collapsed skybridges show a lifestyle
investigating the case. A series of audio logs confirms of opulence which has long since disappeared. While the
this. Those lay strewn among the sewers able to be found location used to be important due to banks, businesses and
before the Great War destroyed any chance of the display high-class apartments, these days it is more known for the
being discovered. Goodneighbor settlement and Triggermen crime faction.


This pre-War store to the southwest of Diamond City has This town started in 2240 as a place where those who
been overtaken by raiders to act as a base of operations wished for civilization went when they were no longer
and a method of acquiring more stolen goods. When welcome in Diamond City. To start with, this included
individuals are seen nearby, one of the raiders draws upon criminals trying to make a life for themselves, people
the mercy of passers-by and engage with them, suggesting simply shunned due to social faux pas, as well as others
their friend has been captured by raiders on the inside of who do not fit in. In the days since becoming established,
the building. Should this draw the passerby inside, they the location has grown in fits and starts, with one of the
greatest times of expansion being when the ghouls of
Diamond City were exiled. As the location began as a hub Memory Den: Multiple “Memory Loungers” are
of criminal founders, over time this became inconsolable spread throughout the floors of the luxurious location
with the settlement’s attempts to create a location where known as the “Memory Den.” Irma discovered these
people could live at a level of safety. For this reason, they advanced pieces of equipment some time ago, and she
established a volunteer security force named the now uses them to entertain those who visit her
“Neighborhood Watch.” This makeshift militia has the establishment by allowing them to relive any
goal of maintaining order, protecting the town from memories they wish. Irma has not revealed how she
raiders and ensuring the laws of the current mayor John came across the Memory Loungers, although her
Hancock are enforced. assistant by the name of Doctor Amari does have
extensive knowledge of their operation and
Notable Locations functionality, suggesting a deal was made at some
Bobbi’s Place: Bobbi No-Nose is a criminal boss who point in their past. Doctor Amari is also a staunch
currently lives in small room at the end of an alleyway synth-sympathizer and has often used the Memory
in Goodneighbor. While she proclaims herself to be a Den to help create new memories for synths who are
legitimate businesswoman, her actions are anything escaping from the Institute.
but. Currently, her plans include attempting to break
into the storeroom of the current mayor John Hancock Old State House: From this old 18th-century building,
and steal thousands of caps worth of currency as part mayor John Hancock and the neighborhood watch
of a long-standing feud with Hancock. Bobbi’s Place govern the city of Goodneighbor. The building, a two-
itself tends to be wherever she sets up shop. story redbrick establishment, also houses several of
Goodneighbor’s homeless residents in its attic, as well
Daisy’s Discounts: Daisy sells a wide variety of items as the entrance to The Third Rail jazz bar around one
from within her shop in Goodneighbor. First aid, side. The inside of Old State House is notably
clothes, weapons, and ammunition are all available at spacious, although the décor has long faded. A long
a reasonable price from Daisy’s shop alongside the spiral staircase accesses each story, with offices and
store named Kill Or Be Killed. Daisy herself is a big lounges where individuals can work and relax as
fan of the Boston Public Library and would love to befits their demeanor. Finally, the building is host to
see it cleared of the dangers contained within. the settlement’s jail so elements from rowdy drunks to
murderers have been known to spend time here before
Hotel Rexford: Before the War, this hotel used to be a their punishment is doled out.
place frequented by an up-and-coming sophisticated
crowd. Nowadays, it is little more than a front for a The Third Rail: John Hancock is the proprietor of this
chem-dealer named Marowski, although individuals Goodneighbor jazz club, built into a disused subway
may still purchase a room for the night so long as they station underneath the Old State House. While the
do not cause trouble. Current inhabitants include a entertainment provided by a woman named Magnolia
Vault-Tec salesman. Having made the last of his sales is said to be one of the only live performances in all of
of places in a Vault-Tec secure bunker, he himself the Commonwealth Wasteland, the bar itself is tended
was not in one when the bombs fell. While the by a Cockney-accented Mister Handy robot by the
radiation turned him into a ghoul, he survived the name of Whitechapel Charlie. A ghoul bouncer named
scorn and difficulties of the wasteland since that day. Ham keeps the location safe from drunks and
These days he is simply looking for a home. miscreants; and many drifters regularly make their
way to the venue. Its sparse interior is decorated with
Kill or Be Killed: This gun-shop is run by a former furniture scavenged from various other locations, but
RobCo Industries Assaultron robot named KL-E-O, it has tried to keep its décor relevant to its theme of an
who is more than happy to help anyone with their underground railway platform.
purchases. The location is alongside Daisy’s
Discounts, and although the two shops sell weaponry, POSTAL SQUARE [BOS-23 ADJACENT]
they do not seem to compete. While KL-E-O has been Just to the southeast of Goodneighbor, this small area is
welcomed by the townsfolk, she still keeps extremely little more than a subway entrance and brahmin-feeding
pragmatic plans to escape Goodneighbor should the trough. It is most notable for being the far end of the
need arise. This includes killing anyone who may “Blue Line,” a subway line reaching from the Postal
prevent her leaving, especially the Neighborhood Square all the way to Boston Airport. The region is
Watch. Unfortunately, Goodneighbor citizens are not currently overrun by a group of Gunner mercenaries,
aware of this fact, as these plans are hidden deep making it incredibly dangerous to wastelanders.
within her programming.
the North End and reach their entrance, but those who
NORTH END reach the end of the trail only find puzzles and riddles
A historically significant location of Boston, being one of await them. Should someone solve these, they will no-
the first parts of the region settled, the North End is famed doubt be granted entrance to the Railroad’s inner
for having played a part in the American Revolutionary sanctum.
War, as well as containing a good number of historical
landmarks such as having the oldest standing church in The most unique member of the Railroad in this location
Boston, as well as being the site of Paul Revere’s own is P.A.M., or the Predictive Analytic Machine. This
home. Just before the War, North End was controlled by advanced artificial intelligence was built before the Great
powerful Italian crime groups led by a man named Sal War to determine the actions of foreign countries and
Barsconi. Relations between Barsconi and the South’s organizations. When the Great War was on the brink of
Irish criminal groups were at an all-time low, as talks and beginning, P.A.M. was able to inform her creators of
negotiations broke down following an attempted such, which enabled them to evacuate. P.A.M. was then
assassination of Barsconi. The breakout of the Great War left alone for centuries until the Railroad found and
brought this rivalry to an end but snatches of this mob war activated her, then brought her onboard as an analysis and
remain throughout the North End’s more nefarious operations management tool. P.A.M. has worked there
locations. Since the Great War, the location has been since and is able to give suggestions on courses of action
overtaken by raiders, but the Railroad have set up a base the rest of the Railroad’s management may not expect.
of operations in the region to help synths continue to
escape the Institute following the dismantling of one of
their other headquarters elsewhere in the Commonwealth THEATRE DISTRICT
Wasteland. Prior to the Great War, this area of Boston had a wide
variety of theatres to entertain those who would enjoy
PICKMAN GALLERY [BOS-04] such live frivolities. Shortly after the War, however, the
Pickman is a disturbed figure. Having survived in the region was repurposed by the U.S. military to treat the
wasteland for as long as he has, he has made it a habit of thousands of casualties who came in after the bombs fell.
drawing raiders into his home, killing them and then Over time, the military were forced to pull back and
displaying their bodies throughout the surrounding area. It eventually disband, allowing raiders and other groups to
is not known the reason for his depraved habits: He may enter the area with impunity. Today, the region is
have experienced a traumatic experience which caused controlled largely by the Gunner faction who have taken
him to gain a severe dislike for raiders, but he does not most of the district’s buildings. In addition, specifically
talk about it. Regardless, these days he tends to describe raider-friendly locales include the Combat Zone, an arena
himself as an artist, displaying his disturbing “paintings” for blood sports as well as the D.B. Technical High
produced from the bodily fluids of raiders in his personal School whose bear mascot, Bosco, has been
gallery. The ground floor of the multi-story building itself commandeered by the raiders’ leader as a unique brand.
contains rooms filled with these macabre artworks,
whereas the upper floors are used to store the body parts COMBAT ZONE [BOS-24]
of killed wasteland raiders, their corpses stored in sheets Two years ago, a group of raiders made a deal with this
taken from the building. The raiders Pickman has been old-style theatre’s proprietor, a ghoul named Tommy
killing are notably upset with their brethren being both Lonegan, to be the primary customers and fans of what he
killed and displayed in this manner. At present, they are had turned into a blood-sport arena. While the location
planning to raid Pickman’s home and teach him a lesson previously had diverse clients, Tommy was not too
in recompense for what he has done to so many of them. bothered with this switch in customers as he still made
just as many caps. These days, the Combat Zone consists
OLD NORTH CHURCH [BOS-41] largely of a sizeable steel cage in the center in which
After their headquarters in the old Defense Intelligence combatants are asked to fight to the death against one
Agency’s underground bunker was raided by the Institute, another at the behest of the local raiders who do not care
the Railroad needed a new home in which to perform their for the welfare of even their most favored prizefighters.
duties of aiding synths who were attempting to escape the These days, one of the most skilled combatants is a
Institute’s slavery. To that end, they took over the hardened wastelander named Cait who has been fighting
catacombs underneath North End’s Old North Church and for three years. She has suffered in her upbringing and
transformed it into a secret location from which their these days fights for caps and chems but may never trust
work could continue. Anyone seeking the Railroad HQ those around her again further than she can throw them.
would do best to follow in the path of freedom they
espouse. Boston’s Freedom Trail is said to snake through
BOSTON AIRPORT [AIR-15] both the airport as well as any flights which crashed due
What was once a heavily commuted transportation hub to the Great War’s EMP blasts, to find the valuable
for the greater Boston area is now a dangerous and contraband.
abandoned site, populated largely by feral ghouls and
mirelurks. Where the sea levels have risen after the Great Boston Airport’s size and scale, as well as its
War, the runways of the airport have long since been infrastructure, means it is the current destination of the
submerged, with aircraft rusting and falling apart in the Brotherhood of Steel’s airship Prydwen, which is
shallow water. The main terminal to the airport is in ruins, currently on approach for mooring.
preventing entry to all but the most determined
scavengers, while the parking garages nearby still contain EASY CITY DOWNS [AIR-04]
the vehicles left there when the War occurred. Once a horse track in the New England Commonwealth,
the Easy City Downs are now a raider den. Under the
Prior to the Great War, two airline companies known as watch of those who occupy a set of ruined bleachers,
Skylanes Air and Horizon Airlines provided the majority various robots including Assaultrons, Eyebots, Mister
of flights leaving the area, but Skylanes Air had been Handys, and Mister Gutsys race for the entertainment of
drifting into actions of ill repute, smuggling guns and the local raiders as well as associated Triggermen.
ammunition, as well as chems, through the airport’s
security. As of the present, a woman named Ness and her The racetrack is currently under ownership of the
raider associates have learned of this. They are searching Triggermen, a loosely connected organized crime group
led by a boss by the name of Eager Ernie. Under Ernie’s armor plating causing it to weigh forty thousand tons, the
management, the racetrack has grown in popularity ship does not contain any armaments and is instead a
among the dangerous criminal elements of the wasteland, Vertibird and troop carrier, intended as a support craft for
earning Ernie himself a great many caps. Ernie has made Brotherhood of Steel forces in the area.
it clear to residents in the surrounding wasteland that he
does not welcome visitors and that he’ll shoot trespassers The hydrogen-filled craft has multiple facilities, including
on sight, whereas raiders from affiliated gangs may visit a mess hall, medical bay, command deck, living quarters
without fear of repercussions. and storage areas, as well as a quartermaster’s stores.
Currently in the command deck’s observation area is
While many different robots currently engage in races, Arthur Maxson, leader of this group of the Brotherhood.
there are many backups available as well as a “stable” Aboard the Prydwen, he is a young “Elder”, but one
which stores and repairs existing robots. Terminals whose ideals have inspired many around him. His beliefs
around the location allow for easy access by Triggermen are that the Brotherhood should attain and preserve
to alter the states and moods of the robots, letting them technology in the wasteland, but he is not so strict that
switch up the capabilities and modes of the participants at nobody else can have any significant level of technology.
any time. He abhors its misuse, however, and sends Brotherhood
troops to prevent dangerous items falling into the wrong
LIBERTALIA [AIR-10] hands. The primary reason the Prydwen is on approach to
This destroyed dockyard, littered with the wreckage of Boston is due to the detection of high energy readings
various boats and ships, is currently home to a group of coming from underneath Boston itself. At this point Elder
minutemen-turned-raiders who use it as a base of Maxson does not understand the Institute has been
operations. A supertanker has partially sunk in the center working on a reactor, and so he is cautiously intrigued.
of the region, upon many settler buildings have been
riveted, forming a vertical settlement. The rest of the Despite Elder Maxson’s presence, the captain of the ship
location is formed of the various hulks of other ships, is Lancer Captain Kells. He handles the training and
with rickety wooden scaffolding and makeshift bridges education of Brotherhood squires as well as maintaining
covering the gaps between them. order in the crew, while Maxson oversees wider
Brotherhood interests. As of the present the Prydwen is
Originally, this settlement started as a location the inbound to Boston Airport, where the Brotherhood
Minutemen of the Commonwealth Wasteland could use intends to fortify their position as they explore and secure
as a central location from which to help other settlers in the Commonwealth Wasteland.
exchange for supplies. Unfortunately, they were not
especially successful and over time slowly resorted to YANGTZE [AIR-16]
raiding caravans themselves, putting other Minutemen In the run-up to the War, the nuclear-powered ship,
throughout the Commonwealth into great disrepute. Yangtze was on patrol in the shores off the coast of the
Currently, this location is led by a former Minuteman U.S.A. As the bombs fell, the Yangtze received orders to
called James Wire whose own actions to sustain the life of unleash its full nuclear salvo of six bombs onto the
his team have destroyed his self-respect. To this day, he Commonwealth’s coasts and five of those were
leads Libertalia from the highest point in the central successfully fired with the sixth not leaving its launch
supertanker. While none of the ships which form tube. As the Yangtze continued to scout the region, it
Libertalia are seaworthy, most have been turned into struck a previously unseen sea mine, forcing the vessel to
residences and makeshift equivalents of “buildings” you seek shelter in the harbor of their enemies. Over time, the
might find in other settlements, albeit regularly patched radiation from the damaged reactor infected the crew,
up to avoid them failing to the ravages of time and rust. turning them into ghouls. One by one they fell to a feral
nature, all except the captain who to this day has kept his
PRYDWEN [AIR-15 ADJACENT] mental faculties. He now only wishes to return to his
Unlike many other unarmored Brotherhood of Steel homeland in peace, but to do so he knows he will need to
airships, the Prydwen is a modified craft with the ability deal with his now-feral crew to repair the submarine and
to withstand significant external firepower. Despite its leave.
Underneath the perpetual haze of irradiated mist, the utter well to stock up on chems or wear the appropriate
desolation of the Glowing Sea is the result of the direct equipment to prevent long-term effects from the invisible
impact of a nuclear weapon during the Great War. killer of radiation emanating from what has come to be
Anyone looking to travel close to the center of the impact known as the “Crater of Atom” by locals.
zone or, in-fact, anywhere within the region would do
While the location still contains some buildings, those not these to access the raised areas without needing to travel
yet reduced to flinders and rubble by the explosion of a the length of the road to the closest on-ramp. On the
nuclear weapon are by now covered with enough highest levels of these overlapping highways, experienced
radioactive dust and ash to make entry nearly impossible. Gunners tout their advanced equipment, including
Where one might wish to dampen the throat with water, scavenged Power Armor of both their own making as well
only radioactive pools of the fluid remain, and any rain as raided Brotherhood of Steel sets.
clouds which pass over the area become irradiated
themselves, spreading their danger to the rest of the This outpost is headed up by two individuals by the name
wasteland in dangerous radstorms. of Barnes and Winlock. These two leaders are immensely
territorial, loathing any individual who attempts to
To the North, the town of Natick still has a few animals infringe upon their efforts to make a name for themselves
and plants left alive, but traveling to the south means you as hired guns. They have taken to threatening and driving
will be interacting with the worst the wasteland has to off competition, intending to be the foremost mercenaries
offer, including ghouls, mutants, and worse. in the western Commonwealth Wasteland.


Ground Zero for the nuclear detonation which overtook As a pre-War nuclear silo, this military outpost was
Boston and the surrounding area in 2077, this area is still developing new warheads which could be attached to
heavily irradiated with the fallout from the centuries-old ICBMs, ready for a worldwide nuclear war.
explosion. Strangely, however, it has garnered the Unfortunately, it was too late to both finish research on
attention of a few individuals. A group, calling what it had, as well as launch any of its stockpile of
themselves the Children of Atom have made a pilgrimage existing nuclear weapons. As such, this secure facility
to the site and now live there, somehow unaffected by the trapped its military personnel inside when a nuclear strike
radiation itself. occurred in late 2077. Over time, they succumbed to the
radiation of the local area, many becoming the feral
The group, a peaceful cult dedicated to the worship of ghouls which now haunt the site.
radiation and revering the act of splitting the atom, have
set up with in intent to spread the word of Atom’s divine Hundreds of years later, the Children of Atom found this
glow and their creation myth to all the people of the site and one of its converts tried to explore it. After
Commonwealth. Led by a calm yet firm woman named activating the launch sequence of the ICBM delivery
Isolde, they encourage and aid in any attempt to detonate system, the individual known as Brother Henri was killed
a nuclear weapon, as they consider this to be how new by the many feral ghouls inhabiting the facility before
universes are created, but are otherwise for the most part being able to make use of its arsenal. His actions locked
unwilling to get into any significant conflict in the down the facility and should anyone wish to enter they
Commonwealth. must deal with both the mechanical blast doors as well as
any ghouls which have become trapped within.
The cult is also very wary of the actions of a nearby super
mutant named Dr. Brian Virgil. Himself a prior member Any group with an interest in making use of the facility’s
of the Institute, he infected himself with a custom strain stockpile of nuclear ordinance, such as the Brotherhood of
of the Forced Evolutionary Virus to survive in the Steel or Children of Atom, will need to gain access to the
Glowing Sea and has been using it to hide out ever since. facility once more. Whether that is a good idea or not is
He wishes to return to being human, but this requires up to those who wish to take on such an endeavor.
finding a serum to his condition, which he left in the
Institute labs upon fleeing. VAULT 95 [NAT-01]
Vault-Tec originally intended this location as an
MASS PIKE INTERCHANGE [NAT-02] experiment into disrupting chem rehabilitation by
Two raised highways intersect to the southern edge of the revealing a cache of chems to the residents five years into
western Commonwealth Wasteland. It is here, at the Mass their stay in this vault. Regardless, nobody is left alive
Pike Interchange, that a mercenary group known as the any more from the original residents and a troop of
Gunners have formed an armed outpost. Gunner mercenaries have long-since overtaken the vault
as a base of operations. For more information on Vault
Multiple powered elevators allow for movement between 95, see Chapter 7: Vault-Tec, page 252.
the different levels of the freeway, with mercenaries using
The industrial district of South Boston used to be the from investigating these areas. However, explorers may
central area where dangerous criminal Eddie Winters held need to avoid or deal with the dangers lurking within.
his territory, but after the Great War, that never really
mattered any more as most of his power base was either ANDREW STATION [SOU-12 ADJACENT]
dead or dying. The Minutemen were also well known as Just west of Gwinnett Brewery. Andrew Station used to
having a strong presence in this area, but they were soon be a railway station built to service an underground public
after driven out by a huge upswell of mirelurks fifty years transport system, these days it has been heavily modified
ago. These days, raiders, super mutants, and mirelurks with defenses build by a number of raiders keen to use it
continue to make the location their home, but should they as a base of operations. Tall barricades of metal and wood
be cleared out it would prove a solidly defensible region: surround its entrances and an automated turret sweeps the
The Castle and nearby hardened factories being accessible inside of the ground floor for intruders.
and fortifiable defensive structures.
The raiders at this location are led by an individual named
Situated on the southern edge of Boston, West Roxbury is Chancer. They have made note of a bunker in the location
a district of the larger city; just to the south is the of Andrew Station, but has as-yet been unable to gain
Gunners’ Plaza but, despite this, the area has not come entry. This bunker belongs to former crime boss Eddie
under the control of the mercenary group yet largely due Winter, a man with a dangerous mob past who has lived
to the prolific super mutant population in the region, for the past two hundred years after transforming himself
especially within Shaw High School. into a ghoul to gain eternal life.

Both the towns of West Roxbury and Jamaica Plain have

sordid pasts and enterprising wastelanders could gain a lot
THE CASTLE [SOU-11] themed around the historical significance of the local
As a star-shaped fortification built in the early 17th area. Started by Button Gwinnett, it produced such beers
century, Fort Independence, or “The Castle” is a solid as the Blackened Victory Lager, Dead Redcoat Ale, and
building built of virtually all granite. It has survived the Bunker Hill Brew under its roof and its success continued
rigors of battles through the ages, including providing apace until Boston met its fate during the Great War.
harbor defenses during the War of Independence before
being overshadowed by larger, more advanced forts built The brewery has an attached restaurant to which survivors
along the shore. flocked in the days after the War as a haven from the
wasteland. Unfortunately, it was quickly attacked by
After the Great War, the Commonwealth Minutemen used desperate individuals and the recent attention of super
The Castle to act as a reinforced headquarters against the mutants has meant it has not fared much better in the past
raiders and other nefarious factions of the Wasteland. few months.
Ironically, it was not a human foe who managed to drive
the Minutemen away, but an enormous mirelurk queen JAMAICA PLAIN [SOU-07 ADJACENT]
who wished to use the location as a new nest. The battle Before the Great War, the town of Jamaica Plain, just
was won by the creature and the fort is still in the clutches southwest of University Point, had a plan. To increase
of the queen’s brood to this day. tourism and bring in more money for a failing economy,
they tried to create a local tourist trap.” The Treasure of
FALLON’S DEPARTMENT STORE [SOU-03] Jamaica Plain” was a time capsule the mayor built in the
The flagship store is here in West Roxbury (a number of basement of the town hall, filled with trinkets from local
Fallon’s can be found through the wasteland). Equipment businesses and residents, as well as historical artifacts
and salvageable goods related to lighting, electronics, from the local area. The mayor also sought to defend it,
home goods, jewelry, and clothing are here should one spending a total of almost thirty-nine million dollars
wish to brave the few super mutants that often make use intended for town hall infrastructure on security systems
of the building as a basic shelter. While a functioning for the basement. When it was complete, it was a
Protectron is plugged into one of the walls, it was never complete disaster. Very few visitors came, scant media
activated and as such unless turned on will not be able to attention was garnered, and the town did not recover
provide support against any dangers. financially before the bombs fell.

GENERAL ATOMICS FACTORY [SOU-10] By now, the area is a haven for feral ghouls that scare
General Atomics used this building by General Atomics away treasure hunters who may have heard exaggerated
to produce Miss Nanny childcare robots for many years claims about a great “Treasure” underneath the region.
prior to the Great War. Due to the increase in civil unrest Regardless, there are rumors that a treasure hunter named
across the country this became more and more difficult, Sal had been forming a group destined to finally discover
although the quality assurance department remained what is buried in the well-defended, high-tech basement
functional. As it is currently set up, the factory’s quality of the town hall. Unfortunately, she died during the
assurance department is ready to accept new Miss Nanny attempt due to the ghouls infesting the area, but her spirit
robots for testing, and incomplete programming accepts lives on in the others she originally led there, still looking
any entry into the building as a new robot who must for that stash but not knowing what it contains…
undergo testing. This may be hazardous or useful for
anyone entering the area depending on their skillset. While the treasure is the main draw to the location,
Jamaica Plain was a well-constructed town that mostly
GUNNERS’ PLAZA [SOU-01] survived the blast of the Glowing Sea’s nuclear
This building used to be a broadcast center for Galaxy detonation. The ruins in this location are largely intact,
News Radio before the Great War but has since been including a tall church with a tower and numerous houses,
overtaken by the Gunners mercenary group. Using it as meaning while it is not a stronghold or settlement for
their headquarters in the Commonwealth Wasteland, a wasteland survivors yet, it could be used by anyone so
ferocious yet loyal man named Captain Wes has led the inclined to wrest it from the local ghouls’ grasp.
Gunners from this location, ensuring they have grown
from strength to strength in a short space of time. MASS PIKE TUNNEL EAST AND WEST [SOU-14]
The Mass Pike Tunnel is an underground pre-War section
GWINNETT BREWERY [SOU-12] of road traversing the space underneath Diamond City and
While this historic brewing company building is now Hardware Town. It has become dominated by raiders in
infested by mirelurks before the War it brewed local beers recent times, leading to the eastern and western entrances
becoming extremely dangerous areas to approach. To intelligence-boosting drug use to motivate students to
deter trespassers, the tunnel has been heavily trapped with perform well. Unfortunately, this plan backfired and
fragmentation mines at various locations, and raiders have ended up producing an extremely smart and well-
been warned of where they are to avoid accidental harm. organized delinquent who abused his intelligence by
In the center of the route, a utility access tunnel leads out blackmailing the principal and hacking his terminal to
of the Mass Pike Tunnel towards a Police Rationing Site, create fake memos to teachers. Signs of this story are
which the raiders have been using to keep those in the around the school in locations the current super mutant
tunnel fed for some time. residents have not trashed. Visitors must also be aware of
super mutant hounds, which scour the cafeteria for
As it is a significant raider enclave in the Commonwealth leftovers and scraps. Should anyone decide to brave the
Wasteland, in a central location, multiple groups have school despite these dangers, the super mutants have not
concerns that the Mass Pike Tunnel’s access to different decided to make use of the leftover Mentats from the
areas of Boston, its relative defensibility and its current principal’s original experiment, leaving them as ripe
infestation by raiders may pose significant problems to pickings for any enterprising wastelanders.
the safety of the wasteland’s denizens. Many gladly
discuss opportunities surrounding clearing it of the UNIVERSITY POINT [SOU-07]
proverbial vermin who inhabit it, allowing a level of What is now a fishing village had managed to survive
safety for Diamond City and its surrounding regions. after the War for decades, being a center of learning and
research that became embroiled in a takeover of its
MILTON GENERAL HOSPITAL [SOU-20] laboratories by military researchers. As the bombs fell,
While this seven-story hospital catered to a multitude of however, the military pulled out, leaving most of their
individuals before the War, to save a great deal of money research personnel and notes behind.
it switched from having paid medical professionals as
staff to using a small fleet of “Nurse Handys”, a “Dr. Since the Great War, University Point remained as a
Handy, MD” and Medical Protectrons. After the War, popular trading post even through some of the
data corruption or poor programming have led to them Commonwealth’s most difficult times. This would not
defending the medical institution with a vicious ferocity, last, however, as internal tensions grew over the following
meaning few have survived entry into the building since. decades until 2285, when information on reactor research
in University Point got back to the Institute. Threats of
Of those who have found refuge in the hospital, many violence from the Institute if the location did not hand
have discovered that the basement is one of the few safe over the research caused the townsfolk to fracture in
locations one can remain. It is here that a ghoul raider opinions, but they did not pass on the information until a
named Sinjin has hidden out, leading a group of group of heavily armed synths eventually attacked the
wastelanders of ill repute. He is not against kidnapping town, killing all of the citizens. The buildings are mostly
people for ransom and bears strong grudges, acting out still standing to this day, but the legacy of the area and the
when he is feeling threatened or someone disrupts his visible scars of heavy fighting frighten off most settlers
plans. from trying to start up there again. Rumors continue to
abound of further research notes hidden in the collapsed
While the hospital itself is in ill repair, both one of the tunnels under the location, but so far, the Institute has not
elevators and various Nuka Cola machines throughout the committed resources to recovering them.
building are still functional due to the lack of need by
human or ghoul inhabitants. Anyone looking for a few VAULT 88 [SOU-18 ADJACENT]
extra caps and refreshments for trade can brave the Accessed via a small cave beneath Quincy Quarries, this
hospital to collect these full bottles. The facility also holds Vault was intended to test various prototype devices with
medical devices, equipment, chems and tools to aid the aim of distributing them to the rest of the Vaults. This
anyone with serious injuries, although medical training Vault was never finished, with only the main entrance,
(or a reprogrammed medical robot) may be needed to use security, and reactor rooms completed when the bombs
their functionality to maximum potential. dropped and the work stopped.


Used to be a failing education establishment before the
Great War, where the principal secretly encouraged
In the south of the Commonwealth, to the east of the dangers they could not bring safety to the region, he led the mercenary
posed by the Glowing Sea, the town of Quincy and its surrounding band now known as the Gunners on a mission to overrun and take
suburbs have largely been reclaimed by the rising sea levels as the settlement for themselves.
swampland and other pools of water pockmark the landscape.
Super mutants, raiders, and dangerous wildlife crisscross this area, Now, the Gunners have hold over the town with the previous
ensuring the area is never truly safe. residents quickly pushed out and on the run. A constant vigil
keeps watch over the borders of the settlement for returning
Quincy itself, as well as most of this region, has recently come residents or invasion by rival factions. Simultaneously the leader
under the control of the Gunner mercenary group, leaving little of the Quincy Gunners, a man named Sergeant Baker, scouts the
civilized life here (other than raiding or otherwise dangerous to borders from the church steeple. Armed with a Fat Man launcher,
wanderers). Their base of operations is in Gunners’ Plaza, beside he is well prepared for anyone who might try to make a move on
the redirected Charles River to the west, and their presence has the town.
spread from here across the entire wasteland.
This region also includes the offshore habitat of “Spectacle Off the coast to the southeast of Boston itself lies an island
Island,” now uninhabitable as the original settlers’ anti-mirelurk settlement. Its facilities abandoned, the location has been
sonar pulse beacons have failed, drawing in local wildlife. The inhospitable ever since raiders attacked the island, killing its
island is ripe for re-settling, but requires some work to turn it back inhabitants. After that, a beacon originally intended to discourage
into the safe haven it once was. mirelurks from approaching fell into disrepair and the island was
overrun, meaning anyone wishing to use the island on a
QUINCY POLICE STATION [QUI-05] permanent basis must reactivate and maintain the sound beacon.
A Gunner by the name of Tessa stands prepared to respond to any As its audio frequency can only be heard by sea life, people on the
problem at the town’s borders. She has a strong preference for island will not find it a source of discomfort, but attempting to
hand-to-hand combat, and with Power Armor she has the clout to determine the frequency while repairing the beacon may be a
back it up. Her raiders have made note of the disabled police challenge all of its own: The mirelurks who are already resident
Protectron nearby, but do not have the expertise to dismantle it on the island may also not take kindly to the beacon’s activation.
and must persist with its constant potential for danger.
Around the island, not only are various old buildings sitting ruined
QUINCY RUINS [QUI-05] work as shelters, but old boats sit abandoned and wrecked around
The town of Quincy had previously been one of the most the edge of the island. On the side facing the mainland, a
populous and successful settlements in the Commonwealth, but all functional rowboat sits in a small boathouse suitable for a small
that changed the day the Gunners attacked. When former group to traverse the coastal region, whereas on the far side, a
Minuteman Clint turned on his previous employers, convinced large tugboat has run aground but still provides a good amount of
shelter from the elements.

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