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By: Anri Gorjeladze

ბათუმის სახელმწიფო საზღვაო აკადემია

I კურსი

სტუდენტის სახელი გვარი:ანრი გორჯელაძე


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A general overview based on superstitions

What is Superstition?
By: Anri Gorjeladze

Origins of Superstition
Superstition: A Belief Beyond Logic
The Role of Superstition in Everyday Life

1. A general overview based on superstitions.

Have we ever noticed when we are walking through the road and if a black cat crosses your path or
What happened when you feel your left hand getting itchy? Have you ever crossed your fingers
when feeling nervous? If yes, then surely you have heard about these superstitions.

Many people still follow these superstitions for good luck. To learn more about them, today we will
discuss Superstition in details.
2. Introduction
Superstition is defined as luck that can influence events, while science is based on the observation
of facts and the formulation of theories through experiments. If we look through history,
superstition has been used to explain and predict events, while science has been used to create and
explain the world around us.
Superstition is kind of myth, which is recognized by us that it can be true at some moments, but
without logic, for example one of superstition say that: “ if you cut your nails, for next day cow
will not give you milk”, this say that we believe in things which is not connected to reality, on
science solutions or to religion.

3. What is superstition?

Superstition is defined as a senseless 1 belief or practice that is based on luck or fate. In other words,
it is a belief in supernatural powers that influence our lives and the events that happen around us.

By: Anri Gorjeladze

Superstitions can vary widely across cultures and individuals and are often associated with luck,
fortune, or the supernatural. They can be found in different aspects of life, such as sports, gambling,
relationships, and daily activities.

4.Origins of superstition

The origins of superstition are unclear and have been the subject of debate for centuries. Some
people believe that superstition is a result of man's attempt to explain natural phenomena, while
others suggest that it is a product of the early religious beliefs. However, the superstition continue
until today in many parts of the world.

5.Superstition: A belief beyond logic.

Superstition has been around for centuries and still exists in many cultures today. Superstition is an
illogical belief that an object, action, or circumstance not logically related to events. It is a belief
which is a belief that one event causes another without any physical process.

For example, in Georgia, we say that if someone broke window, someone will die. therefore, we
can say that it’s illogical.

6.The role of superstition in real life

Superstition plays an important role in everyday life. Many people believe that certain actions can
bring good luck or bad luck, and superstitions often provide a sense of security and comfort. For
example, some people believe that carrying a lucky charm or engaging in certain rituals can bring
good luck.

7. Animal Superstitions:

Cats: Associating cats with bad luck.

By: Anri Gorjeladze

Owls: Belief that owls are sign of death

Blackbirds: Seeing a blackbird is considered a sign of depression

Lizards: associating with luck, but it depends where you live

8:Numbers superstitions:

Number 13: Fear of the number 13, known as triskaidekaphobia.

Number 7: Regarded as a lucky number in many cultures.

Number 666: The number, which is associated with evil or the devil.

Number 8: The number 8 is considered very lucky in Chinese culture because its pronunciation is
similar to the word for "wealth"

Number 9: In many East Asian cultures, the number 9 is considered lucky as it's associated with

Number 4: In Chinese and Japanese, the number 4 is considered unlucky because its pronunciation
is similar to the word for "death." Buildings may skip the fourth floor, and some people avoid using
this number.

Essey about superstitions:

From ancient civilizations to modern societies, superstitions have found a place in our lives, often
influencing our actions and decisions. Although superstitions may be in various form, they all share
a common characteristic: they are irrational beliefs based on supernatural connections or
associations. In this essay, we will explore the nature of superstition and the impact it has on
individuals and society.

Superstitions take numerous forms, from common ones like avoiding black cats, walking under
ladders, or breaking mirrors and etc. . Each culture has its unique collection of superstitions. The
By: Anri Gorjeladze

power of superstition lies in its ability to influence our thoughts, emotions, and behavior.
Psychologically, superstitions can provide comfort and boost confidence. Believing in superstitions
can give individuals a sense of control over their environment and reduce anxiety in uncertain

Everything I learned about superstitions was clear to me before, because a superstition is an

illogical conclusion based on something, for example, the fact that number 4 is a bad sign and not
acceptable to the majority, as I mentioned above, practically the whole Asia is against using the
number 4, but why? The justification 2for this opinion will not be enough to make it convincing to
the whole world. Personally, I am not in favor of any superstition, because I don't believe it.

One of the best figures in social psychology in 50’s was Gordon Allport. The function of
superstitions is that they somehow allow us to simplify the world.

There are many superstitions in our country, for example, if a mirror breaks in the family, it is a
sign that someone will die, or if you start whistling at home, it will lead to poverty.


Thus, superstition is a myth that we all unfortunately believe, but why? no one has an answer to this

By: Anri Gorjeladze

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