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Amendment to Funeral Plan Agreement

VAT Number: 4680173723 Capitec Bank Limited
NCR Number: NCRCP13 5 Neutron Road
Authorised Financial Services Provider: FSP 46669 Techno Park
Capitec Bank Limited Reg No: 1980/003695/06 Stellenbosch, 7600
24hr Client Care Centre: 086 010 2043

Your attention is drawn to the following terms of this Agreement and Summary that we recommend you read carefully and ensure you
understand. These describe:

- Definitions of Accident, Lives Assured and Premium Effective Month (Clause 1)

- Information about your Policy including benefits and cancellation (Clause 2)
- How your Policy works (Clause 3)
- Cover Start and End dates (Clause 4)
- Premium obligations and effect of non-payment (Clause 6)
- Waiting Periods (Clause 8)
- Exclusions (Clause 9 & Clause 18)
- Maximum Cover amounts (Clause 10)
- Claims & Disputed Claims (Clause 12 & 15)
- Right to Cancel (Clause 19)
- Changes to Terms, Conditions and Provisions (Clause 20)
- How to Communicate (Clause 21)
- How to Complain (Details in Disclosure Notice)

By signing this agreement, I confirm that I have been given an opportunity to read and understand the terms of this Agreement, and that I
have been advised that if I require an explanation of the terms that I may visit a Capitec branch, alternatively contact the Capitec Client
Care Centre on 08600 10 20 43 Capitec Consultant will assist me


Title: Mr
First name: Siyamukela
Surname: Mthethwa
ID/Passport number: 9704196023087

Policy Details
Policy number: CF55309187
Signature date: 29/03/2023
Frequency of premium payment: Monthly
Recurring debit order day: 15th*
Method of payment: Debit Order

Your first premium of R284.45 is payable on 15/04/2023* and thereafter a recurring premium of R284.45 is payable on the 15th* of each and
every month.
*or such earlier or later date in that month on which a credit is posted to Your nominated account

Please note the following

• Capitec Bank Limited is an Authorised Financial Services Provider FSP 46669.
• The Funeral Cover Plan is underwritten by Centriq Life Insurance Company Limited, a licensed insurer and an Authorised Financial Services
Provider FSP 7370.

Name of Life ID Number/ Date Relationship Monthly Cover Start Premium * Cover
Assured of Birth Type Premium Date Effective Month Amount
Siyamukela 9704196023087 Main Life R88.45 29/03/2023 01/04/2023 R100,000.00
Zanele Nxumalo 02/02/1979 Parent R75.00 14/09/2022 01/10/2022 R30,000.00
Mfaniseni 26/02/1972 Parent R87.00 14/09/2022 01/10/2022 R30,000.00
Mxolisi Mthethwa 03/03/2003 Sibling R22.60 14/09/2022 01/10/2022 R20,000.00
Zanokuhle 19/08/2010 Sibling R11.40 14/09/2022 01/10/2022 R20,000.00

Total R284.45 R200,000.00

*Cover is subject to a waiting period, except for death due to an Accident.
Cover amount for death due to an Accident is double the Cover Amount, except where legal limits apply for Children.

Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06
Unique Document No.: d80ddf10-c255-4ec3-931a-9b3cecad28d5 / 801 / V14.0 - 16/05/2022 (ddmmccyy) Page 1 of 18
Beneficiary ID Number/Date of Birth Cover Amount

Zanele Nxumalo 02/02/1979 R50,000.00

Mfaniseni Mthethwa 26/02/1972 R50,000.00

Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06
Unique Document No.: d80ddf10-c255-4ec3-931a-9b3cecad28d5 / 801 / V14.0 - 16/05/2022 (ddmmccyy) Page 2 of 18

1. DEFINITIONS First cousin's child who is the child of Your First Cousin
1.1 'Accident' An accident is a sudden, unexpected event Grandchild who is Your Child's child; or
that happens at a place and time that is identifiable. The Great-grandchild who is Your Grandchild's child
accident must be caused by visible, violent, physical 1.6.2 Relationships to Your Spouse:
and external means, independent of any other cause. Aunt who is the sister of Your Spouse's father or mother, or
The accident must lead to the death of a Life Assured Your uncle's female Spouse
within 14 calendar days of the date of the accident, in Uncle who is the brother of Your Spouse's father or mother,
order for the event to qualify as an accident in terms of or Your aunt's male Spouse
this Funeral Cover Plan. An accident does not include Brother who is Your Spouse's parents' male child
suicide. Sister who is Your Spouse's parents' female child
1.2 'Centriq', 'We' and 'Us' means Centriq Life Insurance Brother-in-law who is the male person Married to the child of
Company Limited. Your Spouse's parents
1.3 'Child/Children' This is Your Child or Your Spouse's child. Sister-in-law who is the female person Married to the child of
A child must: Your Spouse's parents
1.3.1 be a biological child, legally adopted Child, stepchild or child First cousin who is the child of Your Spouse's aunt or uncle
where You (or Your Spouse) are the legal guardian as defined above
1.3.2 This relationship must be in place at the Cover Start Date Son-in-law who is the male person Married to Your Spouse's
1.4 'Cover Amount' Cover Amount is the amount We will pay if Child
a Life Assured dies as shown in the Funeral Cover Plan Daughter-in-law who is the female person Married to Your
Schedule. Spouse's Child
1.5 'Cover Start Date' This is the date when the Life Assured's Nephew who is the male Child of Your Spouse's brother or
Cover starts as reflected on Your Funeral Plan Schedule. sister
1.6 'Extended Family Member' We consider an extended Niece who is the female Child of Your Spouse's brother or
family member to be: sister
1.6.1 Relationships to You: Grandchild who is Your Spouse's Child's child Spouse as defined. Where You have more than 1 (one) First cousin's Child who is the Child of Your Spouse's first
Spouse, or if Your spouse falls outside the age requirements cousin; or
for a Spouse, then the additional Spouses can be covered as Great-grandchild who is Your Spouse's grandchild's child
Extended Family Members 1.7 'Funeral Cover Plan' is the contract between You and the Parent as defined. Where You have more than 4 (four) Insurer as set out in the Funeral Cover Plan Schedule and the
Parents, then the additional parents can be covered as Terms and Conditions in this Section B.
Extended Family Members 1.8 'Funeral Cover Plan Schedule' Your Funeral Cover Plan Child as defined. Where You have more than 8 (eight) Schedule, in Section A, shows You who is/are the Life
children or the child falls outside the entry age requirements, Assured/Lives Assured, the Cover Start Date, Monthly
the additional children can be covered as Extended Family Premium and Cover Amount/s.
Members 1.9 'Licensed Insurer' A licensed insurer recognised by the Great-grandparent who is Your Parents' grandparent Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) and listed on the Great-grandparent-in-law who is the grandparent of Your FSCA website (
Spouse's parents 1.10 'Life/Lives Assured' This is any life listed on the Funeral Grandparent who is Your Parents' parent Plan schedule as being covered by this Funeral Plan. Grandparent-in-law who is the parent of Your Spouse's These lives must meet the definitions of a Policyholder,
parents Spouse, Child, Parent or Extended Family Member in this Parent-in-law who is the parent of Your Spouse Funeral Plan. These relationships must exist on the Cover Aunt who is the sister of Your father or mother, or Your Start Date.
Uncle's female spouse 1.11 'Married' when 2 (two) people are: Uncle who is the brother of Your father or mother, or Your 1.11.1 married according to the laws of any sovereign country
aunt's male spouse 1.11.2 married according to customary or tribal law Brother who is Your Parents' male child 1.11.3 married under any religion that is practiced in South Africa Sister who is Your Parents' female child 1.11.4 living together for a period of at least 6 months subject thereto Brother-in-law who is the male person Married to the Child of that You can provide, upon request by the Insurer,
Your Parents satisfactory proof of the permanency of the relationship; or Sister-in-law who is the female person Married to the Child 1.11.5 party to a civil union in terms of the Civil Union Act, 2006
of Your Parents 1.12 'Parent(s)' means the persons who are the biological First cousin who is the child of Your aunt or uncle as defined Parents, Parents-in-law, adoptive Parents, legal guardians of
above an adopted Child, and step Parents, of the Policyholder. This Son-in-law who is the male person Married to Your Child relationship must exist on the Cover Start Date. Daughter-in-law who is the female person Married to Your 1.13 'Policyholder' The Policyholder is the owner of the Funeral
child Plan. The Policyholder on this Funeral Plan must be a natural Nephew who is the male child of Your Brother or Sister person. The Policyholder may be a Niece who is the female child of Your Brother or Sister

Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06
Unique Document No.: d80ddf10-c255-4ec3-931a-9b3cecad28d5 / 801 / V14.0 - 16/05/2022 (ddmmccyy) Page 3 of 18
foreign national, provided they have permanent residency 4.2 when all Lives Assured have died
with a South African ID. The Policyholder must be a Capitec 4.3 at the end of the Death Premium Waiver benefit
Bank savings account holder. 4.4 when We cancel Your Funeral Plan due to non-payment of
1.14 'Premium Effective Month' Is stated on Your Funeral premiums.
Cover Plan Schedule. It is the date when your first
premium is payable after the Cover Start Date of Your 5. ENTRY AGES
Funeral Cover Plan or if Your premium is amended as a Entry age is the Life Assured's actual age on the Cover Start
result of changes made to Your Funeral Cover Plan, Date in respect of that Life Assured and is used to calculate the
then it is the date when Your first amended premium is premium. Minimum and maximum entry ages for Lives
payable, whichever is applicable. Assured that may be added to the Funeral Cover Plan as at the
1.15 'Signature Date' is the date on which You signed Your Cover Start Date are set out in the table in clause 11 below,
Funeral Cover Plan or amended your Funeral Cover Plan, (Important Information). There are no age restrictions after
which date is indicated on Funeral Cover Plan Schedule. entry.
1.16 'Spouse(s)' A Spouse is someone You are Married to (see
clause 1.7) prior to the Cover Start Date 6. PREMIUMS
1.17 'Stillborn' This means a baby being born dead after the 28th 6.1 The premium is Your monthly financial obligation and is
week of pregnancy. payable by debit order. All amounts are payable in South
1.18 'You/Your' "You" and "Your" means the Policyholder African Rand. All premium refunds (if any) will be paid to
You and if You die, to Your nominated beneficiary.
2. YOUR POLICY 6.2 Your first premium or amended premium is payable in the
2.1 This Funeral Cover Plan consists of the Funeral Cover Premium Effective Month and thereafter on the recurring
Plan Schedule in Section A, and the Funeral Cover Plan debit order day indicated on the Funeral Cover Plan
Terms and Conditions in Section B. You will be Schedule.
provided with a Summary of Benefits, Conditions, 6.3 If you fail to pay Your premium Your Funeral Cover Plan
Limitations and Exclusions document and a Disclosure will remain in force until terminated in terms of clause 6.4.
Notice which does not form part of this Funeral Plan. If you want to avoid termination of Your Funeral Cover
2.2 We entered into agreements with Capitec Bank Plan, You must pay Your arrear premium any time before
('Capitec'), in terms whereof Capitec will, on Our behalf, We terminate the Funeral Cover Plan in terms of clause
provide services to You. Capitec can only provide 6.4.
services to You as the Policyholder if you have a 6.4 If You are in arrears with 3 (three) premiums Your Funeral
Capitec savings account, If You wish to cancel Your Cover Plan will be terminated with effect from the date of
Capitec savings account, you may do so but then We the last premium received by Us.
will cancel Your funeral Cover Plan as well. You cannot 6.5 No partial premium payments will be allowed.on this
have the Funeral Cover Plan without a Capitec savings Funeral Plan.
account. 6.6 Any arrear premiums including the premium due in the
2.3 Only the Policyholder is allowed to make changes to the month of a claim, will be deducted from any Cover
Funeral Cover Plan. Amount payable.
6.7 We may review the premium annually and should the
3. HOW YOUR POLICY WORKS monthly premium not be sufficient to maintain the Funeral
3.1 All the benefits explained in clause 7 are automatically Plan benefits, Your premium will be increased subject to:
included 6.7.1 Us notifying you of the proposed review if We expect the
3.2 Only the Lives Assured listed in the Funeral Cover Plan review to result in an increase in Your premium; and
Schedule are covered by this Funeral Cover Plan. You 6.7.2 Us giving You at least 31 (thirty-one) days written notice
must make sure that all the family members You want of such increase.
to cover in Your Funeral Plan are listed correctly on the 6.8 Voluntary Policy Pause
Funeral Cover Plan Schedule and comply with our 6.8.1 You may keep the policy active for up to 6 (six) months
definitions of people that can be covered (read the without making any premium payments. All benefits under
definitions of such persons in clause 1 above). You can the policy will stop for the period that You are not paying
request to add or remove family members or change the premiums, except for the Burial Repatriation benefit.
the Cover Amount for the Lives Assured. These 6.8.2 You will only be entitled to the benefits once You start
changes will be done by agreement between us. The paying premiums again. Cover is only provided for a claim
premium will change if You add or remove Lives event that occurred within the period that You paid Your
Assured if You change the Cover Amount. premiums. You can start paying Your premiums again at
3.3 If it is found that You have committed fraud, We may any time during the 6 (six) month period.
cancel the Funeral Cover Plan with immediate effect. 6.8.3 No changes can be made to the Funeral Cover plan when
We will not refund any premiums relating to a this benefit is being used.
fraudulent Funeral Cover Plan. Where fraud has taken 6.8.4 This benefit is only available after a waiting period of 24
place and We discover this after the payment of a claim, (twenty-four) months from Your Cover Start Date.
We reserve our rights to recover the amount paid. 6.8.5 This benefit may be used more than once during the life of
the Funeral Cover Plan, subject to a 24 (twenty-four)
4. COVER START DATE AND TERMINATION month waiting period from the last time You used this
Your Funeral Cover Plan starts on the Cover Start Date, benefit.
and will terminate on the earliest of the following: 6.9 Death Premium Waiver
4.1 Your Funeral Cover Plan is cancelled; 6.9.1 This benefit provides that We will for a period of 6 (six)
months from the date of Your death waive the

Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06
Unique Document No.: d80ddf10-c255-4ec3-931a-9b3cecad28d5 / 801 / V14.0 - 16/05/2022 (ddmmccyy) Page 4 of 18
payment of premiums by You and continue cover for costs pertaining to the pathologist, psychologist,
all other remaining Lives Assured. psychiatrist, or counselling will be for the account of the
6.9.2 This benefit is only available after a waiting period of 6 Policyholder.
(six) months from Your Cover Start Date. This waiting 7.2.2 This benefit cannot be exchanged for cash. This benefit
period will not apply in the case of Your death due to is arranged for You by Us and is not provided by Us but
an Accident. by a third party. We will notify You as soon as possible
6.9.3 While this benefit is active, cover for the Funeral when this benefit is changed or cancelled.
Benefit and Burial Repatriation Benefit for Lives 7.2.3 As this benefit/service is provided by a third party, We
Assured will remain subject to the existing terms and will not be liable for losses, damages or expenses arising
conditions of the Funeral Cover Plan. from the use of the service even if such losses,
6.9.4 No changes can be made by You to the Funeral Cover damages or expenses are caused by our negligence.
Plan when this benefit is being used. 7.2.4 Stillborn Cover
6.9.5 The Funeral Cover Plan will terminate 6 (six) months This benefit pays R1 000 on the birth of a Stillborn if You
after Your death or when the last Life Assured dies, or Your Spouse gave birth to the Stillborn.
whichever occurs first. This benefit is extended to include a newborn up to 6
6.10 Newborn Premium Waiver months of age if the death is not due to an Accident.
6.10.1 This benefit will allow You, as mother or father, of a The mother of the stillborn baby must be a Life Assured
newborn or a legally adopted Child (not older than 25 on the policy
years of age), to stop paying premiums for up to 6
(six) months, while still keeping all benefits on Your
8.1 A waiting period refers to a period during the life of
policy active subject to the following conditions:
the Funeral Cover Plan when premiums must be You must apply for this benefit within 3 (three) months
paid, but no benefits are available.
of the birth or legal adoption of the Child;
8.2 A waiting period applies to the Funeral Benefit, No changes can be made by You to the Funeral Cover
Newborn Premium Waiver Benefit, Voluntary Policy
Plan when this benefit is being used;
Pause Benefit and the Death Premium Waiver This benefit is only available after a waiting period of 6
Benefit. The waiting period is calculated from the
(six) months from the date You first entered into this
Life Assured's Cover Start Date. If the Cover
Funeral Cover Plan Agreement;
Amount is increased the waiting period will apply to While this benefit is active, cover for Lives Assured
the increased portion of the Cover Amount.
will remain subject to the existing terms and
8.3 There is no waiting period for death due to an
conditions of the Funeral Cover Plan; and
Accident. Death due to suicide will be treated as a This benefit may be used more than once during the
non-accidental death.
life of the Funeral Cover Plan, subject to a 6 (six)
8.4 The duration of the waiting periods are indicated in
month waiting period from the last time You used this
the table in clause 11.
8.5 Waiver of Waiting Periods
7. POLICY BENEFITS 8.5.1 A Waiting Period will not be applicable on the
7.1 Funeral Benefit This benefit pays the Cover Amount when Funeral Benefit if:
a Life Assured dies. If the Life Assured dies due to an the Lives Assured were covered on a previous
Accident double the Cover Amount will be paid. funeral policy with another Licensed Insurer within
7.2 Burial Repatriation Benefit This benefit covers the 31 (thirty-one) days before the Cover Start Date or
repatriation of mortal remains of a Life Assured to the covered on a previous Capitec Funeral Cover Plan
funeral home or parlour of the claimant's choice, closest to within 2 (two) months before the Cover Start Date
the place of burial. ("the previous policy"); and
7.2.1 The following funeral support services are available in the previous policy has lapsed or was cancelled;
respect of a Life Assured: and The place of death must fall within the Republic of South the waiting period expired in respect of that
Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho previous policy for the Life Assured.
and Mozambique (south of the 22-degree parallel). The 8.5.2 You consent that We may enquire from the other
place of burial must fall within the Republic of South Africa Licensed Insurer(s) if Your policy is still active and Transportation arrangements for a single relative to to obtain a copy of the policy from the other
accompany the mortal remains from the place of death to Licensed Insurer(s). The following would need to be
the nearest funeral home of choice, closest to the place of submitted any time up to when a claim is submitted:
burial Name of Licensed Insurer, policy number and any Pre-arranged bed and breakfast accommodation for a other information that would assist Us to confirm
maximum of one night, if required, for a single relative the validity of the previous policy; and/or
accompanying the mortal remains to the place of burial Policy schedule of the previous policy dated a Legal assistance regarding the funeral procedures e.g. maximum of 31 (thirty-one) days before the Capitec
death certificate, removal of body, etc. Funeral Cover Plan Cover Start date. Assistance in the arrangement of a burial or cremation, all 8.5.3 A waiting period on the Funeral Benefit will be
funeral costs are for Your account and not Ours. applicable if: Assistance in obtaining a death certificate. the waiting period on the Life Assured on the If required, referrals to a pathologist, psychologist, previous policy has not expired at the time of the
psychiatrist, or special counselling (particularly relating to Life Assured's Cover Start Date on this Funeral
the loss of a Child). The benefit in this clause is Cover Plan. We will impose a waiting period equal to
limited to referral only. The actual the unexpired part of the waiting period of the
previous policy, or

Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06
Unique Document No.: d80ddf10-c255-4ec3-931a-9b3cecad28d5 / 801 / V14.0 - 16/05/2022 (ddmmccyy) Page 5 of 18 a claim for a Life Assured covered in terms of this
Funeral Cover Plan can still be made against the
previous policy during the previous policy's
cancellation notice period.
8.5.4 If the cover in terms of the previous policy was for a
lesser amount than the Cover Amount in the Funeral
Cover Plan Schedule, then We will only pay such
lesser amount.


We will not pay a claim if it is as a direct or indirect
result of unlawful and criminal acts (where a Life
Assured dies due to participation in any unlawful or
criminal act), active participation in war, invasion, acts
of foreign enemies, hostilities, illegal strikes, warlike
operations (whether war be declared or not), civil war,
rebellion, revolution, insurrection, civil commotion
assuming the proportions of or amounting to an
uprising or riot, military or usurped power.


10.1 The Cover Amount is the amount as shown in the
Funeral Cover Plan Schedule that We will pay to You if
a Life Assured dies or to Your beneficiary if You die.
10.2 The Cover Amount will remain unchanged unless You
request an increase or decrease in the Cover amount
on any Life Assured. An increase in the Cover Amount
will be effective from the Cover Start Date subject to
the waiting period per clause 8
10.3 The maximum Cover Amounts for Children are limited
by legislation. We will not pay more than the statutory
maximum Cover Amount in respect of Children.
10.4 In the event that You have more than one Funeral
Cover Plan with Us, the maximum total benefit amount
referred to in the table in clause 11 applies. In the
event that claims are submitted for more than the
Maximum Amount, the amount payable by Us per Life
Assured will be limited to the maximum Cover Amount
as stated in the table in clause 11.
10.5 Should We find that a limit has been exceeded, the
cover that started last will be cancelled and premiums
refunded without any interest.


The following table shows the:
11.1 Minimum and maximum entry ages allowed for the different
Lives Assured;
11.2 Maximum Cover Amounts per Life Assured
11.3 Waiting periods; and
11.4 Maximum number of claims for each Life Assured type.

Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06
Unique Document No.: d80ddf10-c255-4ec3-931a-9b3cecad28d5 / 801 / V14.0 - 16/05/2022 (ddmmccyy) Page 6 of 18
Life Assured Entry Ages Maximum Funeral Benefit Waiting Period (Including Maximum
Cover Cover Amount for Suicide) number of lives
Amount death due to an The maximum waiting period, if applicable on the policy
Accident is calculated from the Cover Start Date
(Not applicable to death due to an
Policyholder 18 - 64 R100 000 R200 000 6 months 1
Spouse 18 - 64 R100 000 R200 000 6 months 1
Stillborn more than More than R1 000 n/a **
28 weeks pregnant 28 weeks
Child* 0-5 R20 000 R20 000 6 months 8
6 - 13 R50 000 R50 000 6 months
14 - 25 R60 000 R60 000 6 months
Parent 26 - 85 R50 000 R100 000 6 months 4
Extended family 0 - 85 R50 000 R100 000 6 months 8
member (including
*Legal maximum Child cover: The total amount that can be paid out for a Child's death is restricted by legislation and We must
apply those limits across all our policies and those of other insurers that We become aware of and across all benefit types. For
example, if the Child cover on the policy reaches the maximum amounts above, We will restrict the amount We pay out to the
maximum allowable amount as shown in the table.
** The Policyholder must have completed the waiting period.

Other Waiting Period

Voluntary Policy Pause 24 months
Death Premium Waiver 6 months
Newborn Premium Waiver 6 months

12. CLAIMS Beneficiary's bank account number and branch code if
12.1 General the beneficiary is not a Capitec Bank accountholder;
12.1.1 Benefits under this Funeral Cover Plan can only be and
claimed if the claim event occurred while the Any other documents/reports which We need to
Funeral Cover Plan is active in accordance with assess the validity of the claim
clause 4 above. 12.3.2 Death due to an Accident
12.1.2 We have the right not to pay a claim if the claim Documents listed under clause 12.3.1; and
event happened before the Cover Start Date. A police report with details of the cause of death
12.1.3 If any information that You have provided on any 12.3.3 Waiver of Waiting Period claim
Life Assured is incorrect, any benefit that becomes Policy schedule of a funeral policy from any other
due may be recalculated or repudiated. Licensed Insurer which must be active and dated not
12.1.4 You will be responsible for the costs of obtaining all more than 31 (thirty-one) days before the Signature
relevant documents and submitting them to Us. Date of the Capitec Funeral Cover Plan. It can be
12.2 How to claim submitted at any time after the Signature Date of the
12.2.1 You may submit a claim at any Capitec branch. Visit Capitec Funeral Cover Plan; and
the Capitec branch network at Proof of cancellation of this previous policy at the time; or of the claim
12.2.2 You may call the Capitec Client Care Centre on 0860 12.3.4 Newborn Premium Waiver claims
10 20 43, or Certified copy of an unabridged birth certificate
12.2.3 You may email Capit ec at 12.3.5 Voluntary Policy Pause claims
[email protected] No documents are required
12.3 Supporting documents required
The following supporting documents must be 13. BENEFICIARY
provided when You submit a claim: 13.1 In the event of Your death We will pay the Cover Amount to
12.3.1 All claims Your nominated beneficiary who must be 18 years or older Original or certified copy of the claimant's ID and hold a South African bank account. If Your nominated Original or certified copy of the beneficiary's ID beneficiary is deceased, We will pay the Cover Amount to Original or certified copy of the death certificate Your deceased estate. Original or certified copy of fully completed 13.2 When nominating Your beneficiary, please ensure that You
BI-1663/BI-1680 or DHA-1663/DHA-1680 have provided Us with the surname, ID

Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06
Unique Document No.: d80ddf10-c255-4ec3-931a-9b3cecad28d5 / 801 / V14.0 - 16/05/2022 (ddmmccyy) Page 7 of 18
number and contact number of Your nominated in writing, to end the cover for that Life Assured. No
beneficiary. premiums will be refunded in respect of such Life
14.1 An unclaimed benefit is when We must pay a Cover 19. RIGHT TO CANCEL
Amount to You (or Your beneficiary), but We cannot trace
19.1 Cancellation within cooling-off period:
You (or Your beneficiary) to pay the money to.
14.2 We will take steps in accordance with the Code on You have the right to cancel this Funeral Cover Plan
Unclaimed Benefits set by the Association for Savings and within 31 (thirty-one) days from the Signature Date or
Investment South Africa (ASISA), which is available on from the date that You requested a change to the benefits
their website These steps may include of this Funeral Cover Plan (for example if You add a Life
the use of various external data sources and tracing Assured or increase the Cover Amount) and receive back
agents. all the premiums You have paid (or the additional
premium where You requested a change after the
15. DISPUTED CLAIMS addition of the Life Assured or increase in Cover
15.1 We will provide You with written notice within 2 (two) Amount), provided that no benefit has yet been paid or
business days after receipt of all the relevant claimed or a claim event has not occurred.
documents, advising You or Your nominated 19.2 Cancellation after the cooling-off period
beneficiary whether the claim is accepted or rejected You may still give notice to Us to cancel the Funeral
or whether the amount claimed is in dispute. The Cover Plan at any time after the 31 (thirty-one) day period
notice will contain the reasons for the dispute or referred to above but You will not be entitled to a refund
rejection. of premiums.
15.2 You or Your nominated beneficiary is granted 90 19.3 Cancellation of the Funeral Cover Plan by You must be
(ninety) days from the date of rejection to provide Us communicated via any of the channels in clause 21.
with written reasons why the claim should be paid. 19.4 We may cancel the Funeral Cover Plan at any time by
We will respond to Your written reasons within 10 giving You 31 (thirty-one) days written notice.
(ten) days of receipt of Your written reasons. Should
We re-confirm the decision to reject or dispute the 20. CHANGES TO TERMS, PROVISIONS AND CONDITIONS
claim, You or Your nominated beneficiary can either EXCLUDING CHANGES TO PREMIUMS
refer the complaint to the Ombudsman for Long-term
20.1 We may unilaterally change the terms, provisions and
Insurance or institute legal proceedings against Us.
conditions of the Funeral Cover Plan subject to Us giving
You at least 31 (thirty-one) days prior notice of the
change. We will provide You with appropriate details of
This Funeral Cover Plan is governed by South African Law
the reasons for any change together with an explanation
and subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of South
of the implications of the change as well as the options
available to You.
The rights and obligations of this Funeral Cover Plan 21. COMMUNICATION
cannot be transferred to someone else. The Funeral Cover 21.1 We will only accept communication as having been
Plan cannot be used to secure a loan. submitted by You if done via one of the following
18. RESIDENCE, TRAVEL AND OCCUPATION The Capitec branch network
18.1 No cover will be provided to any Life Assured where
the Life Assured lives permanently outside the The Client Care Centre on 0860 10 2043; or
Republic of South Africa. An email to the Client Care Centre at
18.2 The Funeral Cover Plan provides cover to South [email protected]
Africans or South African residents that meet the
definitions in section B clause 1 and can provide:
22. CONTRACTING PARTIES (per disclosure notice)
18.2.1 Proof of residency (provided by Department of Home
22.1 Non-Mandated Intermediary and Binder holder: Capitec
Bank Limited
18.2.2 Proof of citizenship and copy of barcoded ID
(provided by Department of Home Affairs for 5 Neutron Road, Techno Park, Stellenbosch, 7600
foreigners); or Tel: 0860 10 20 43
18.2.3 A permanent working permit with a copy of the Life Fax: 021 941 0770
Assured's passport Email: [email protected]
18.3 If any Life Assured leaves South Africa on a
permanent basis, it is Your responsibility to request, 22.2 Underwriter manager and Binder holder: Sanlam
Developing Markets Limited

Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06
Unique Document No.: d80ddf10-c255-4ec3-931a-9b3cecad28d5 / 801 / V14.0 - 16/05/2022 (ddmmccyy) Page 8 of 18
Sanlam Business Park, 9 - 13 West Street, Houghton, The Oval, Second Floor, West Wing, Wanderers
Johannesburg Office Park, 52 Corlett Drive, Illovo, 2196
Tel: 0861 235 433 Tel: 011 268 6490
Fax: 0861 235 329 Fax: 011 268 6495
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
22.3 Insurer: Centriq Life Insurance Company Limited

Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06
Unique Document No.: d80ddf10-c255-4ec3-931a-9b3cecad28d5 / 801 / V14.0 - 16/05/2022 (ddmmccyy) Page 9 of 18
(This Summary does not form part of your Funeral Cover Plan Terms and Conditions)
For Your convenience, We provide You with the following summary of the benefits, conditions, exclusions and limitations. This is only
a summary and You must read Section A & B in detail together with this summary. If there is any conflict between the terms and
conditions of this summary and the Funeral Cover Plan Terms and Conditions in Section B, then the Funeral Cover Plan Terms and
Conditions in Section B shall prevail.
1. Interpretation: 3.5 'Stillborn' This means a baby being born dead after the
"You" and "Your" mean the Policyholder. "Centriq", "We" 28th week of pregnancy.
and "Us" mean Centriq Life Insurance Company Limited. 3.6 'Extended Family Member' We consider an extended
family member to be:
2. How your Funeral Cover Plan works:
Relationships to You:
2.1. Only the Lives Assured listed in the Funeral Cover Plan
3.6.1 Great-grandparent who is Your Parents' grandparent
Schedule are covered by the Funeral Cover Plan.
3.6.2 Great-grandparent-in-law who is the grandparent of Your
2.2. You must make sure that all the family members You
Spouse's Parents
want to be covered in Your Funeral Cover Plan are listed
3.6.3 Grandparent who is Your Parents' parent
correctly on the Funeral Cover Plan Schedule and comply
3.6.4 Grandparent-in-law who is the Parent of Your Spouse's
with Our definitions of persons that can be covered.
2.3. You can request Us to add or remove family members or
3.6.5 Parent-in-law who is the Parent of Your Spouse
change the Cover Amount for Lives Assured. These
3.6.6 Aunt who is the sister of Your father or mother, or Your
changes will be done by agreement between us. The
uncle's and/or aunt's female spouse
premium will change if You add or remove Lives Assured
3.6.7 Uncle who is the brother of Your father or mother, or
or if You change the Cover Amount.
Your aunt's and/or uncle's male spouse
2.4. If it is found that You have committed, or attempted to
3.6.8 Brother who is Your Parents' male child
commit fraud, We may cancel the Funeral Cover Plan
3.6.9 Sister who is Your Parents' female child
with immediate effect. We will not refund any premiums
3.6.10 Brother-in-law who is the male person Married to the
relating to a Funeral Cover Plan where fraud or attempted
child of Your Parents
fraud were committed.
3.6.11 Sister-in-law who is the female person Married to the
3. Please note the following rules around which lives child of Your Parents
may be insured on Your Capitec Funeral Cover Plan: 3.6.12 First cousin who is the Child of Your aunt or uncle as
3.1 'Spouse(s)' A spouse is someone You are Married to defined above
prior to the Cover Start Date of the policy. This 3.6.13 Son-in-law who is the male person Married to Your Child
relationship must be in place when cover is applied for. 3.6.14 Daughter-in-law who is the female person Married to
Where You have more than 1 (one) Spouse, or if Your Your Child
Spouse falls outside the entry age requirements for a 3.6.15 Nephew who is the male child of Your brother or sister
Spouse, then the additional Spouses can be covered as 3.6.16 Niece who is the female child of Your brother or sister
Extended Family Members 3.6.17 First cousin's Child who is the child of Your first cousin
3.2 'Married', for purposes of this Funeral Cover Plan, is 3.6.18 Grandchild who is Your Child's child; or
when 2 (two) people are: 3.6.19 Great-grandchild who is Your Grandchild's child
3.2.1 married according to the laws of any sovereign country Relationships to Your Spouse:
3.2.2 married according to customary or tribal law 3.6.20 Aunt who is the sister of Your Spouse's father or mother,
3.2.3 married under any religion that is practiced in South or Your Spouse's uncle's and/or aunt's female spouse
Africa 3.6.21 Uncle who is the brother of Your Spouse's father or
3.2.4 living together for a period of at least 6 months subject mother, or Your Spouse's aunt's and/or uncle's male
thereto that You can provide, upon request by the spouse
Insurer, satisfactory proof of the permanency of the 3.6.22 Brother who is Your Spouse's Parents' male child
relationship.; or 3.6.23 Sister who is Your Spouse's Parents' female child
3.2.5 party to a civil union in terms of the Civil Union Act, 2006 3.6.24 Brother-in-law who is the male person Married to the
3.3 'Parent(s)' Means the persons who are the biological child of Your Spouse's Parents
parents, parents-in-law, adoptive parents, and step 3.6.25 Sister-in-law who is the female person Married to the
Parents, of the Policyholder. This relationship must exist child of Your Spouse's Parents
on the Cover Start Date. Where You have more than 4 3.6.26 First cousin who is the child of Your Spouse's aunt or
(four) parents, then the additional parents can be covered uncle as defined above
as Extended Family Members 3.6.27 Son-in-law who is the male person Married to Your
3.4 'Child' This is Your Child or Your Spouse's child. A child Spouse's Child
must: 3.6.28 Daughter-in-law who is the female person Married to
3.4.1 be a biological Child, legally adopted Child, stepchild or Your Spouse's Child
Child where You (or Your Spouse) are the legal guardian 3.6.29 Nephew who is the male child of Your Spouse's brother
3.4.2 This relationship must be in place on the Cover Start or sister
Date. Where You have more than 8 (eight) children or the 3.6.30 Niece who is the female child of Your Spouse's brother or
Child falls outside the entry age requirements, the sister
additional Children can be covered as Extended Family 3.6.31 Grandchild who is Your Spouse's Child's child
Members. 3.6.32 First cousin's child who is the child of Your Spouse's first
cousin; or
3.6.33 Great-grandchild who is Your Spouse's grandchild's child

Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06
Unique Document No.: d80ddf10-c255-4ec3-931a-9b3cecad28d5 / 801 / V14.0 - 16/05/2022 (ddmmccyy) Page 10 of 18
4. Waiting Periods • You may submit a claim at any Capitec branch.
4.1 A waiting period refers to a period during the life of the Visit the Capitec branch network at
Funeral Cover Plan when premiums must be paid, but; or
no benefit will be paid. • You may call the Capitec Client Care Centre on
4.2 A waiting period applies to the Funeral Benefit, Newborn 0860 10 20 43, or
Premium Waiver Benefit, Voluntary Policy Pause • You may email Capitec at
Benefit and the Death Premium Waiver Benefit. The [email protected]
waiting period is calculated from the Life Assured's
10. Documentation required when You claim:
Cover Start Date. If the Cover Amount is increased the
• Original or certified copy of the claimant's ID
waiting period will apply to the increased portion of the
• Original or certified copy of the beneficiary's ID
Cover Amount.
• Original or certified copy of the death certificate
4.3 There is no waiting period for death due to an Accident.
• Original or certified copy of fully completed
4.4 A waiting period will apply to suicide.
BI-1663/BI-1680 or DHA-1663/DHA-1680
5. Your premium obligations: • Beneficiary's bank account number and branch
5.1 Your Funeral Cover Plan Schedule reflects the code if the beneficiary is not a Capitec Bank
premiums payable, the due date of payment and the accountholder; and
frequency of payment (i.e. monthly). No partial • Any other documents/reports which We need to
premium payments will be allowed. Any arrear assess the validity of the claim
premiums, including the premium due in the month of
the claim, will be deducted from any Cover Amount
5.2 When amendments are made to the Funeral Cover Plan,
an additional premium may become due and such
amounts are also reflected on the Funeral Cover Plan
5.3 Your premium is a monthly premium paid by debit order.
6. Consequences of non-payment of premiums:
Your premiums are due on Your chosen premium
payment date. The chosen payment date for the
premium is reflected on Your Funeral Cover Plan
Schedule. Should You fail to make payment on this date
Your Funeral Cover Plan will remain in force during the
period of non-payment of Your premiums however will
be terminated if You are in arrears with 3 (three)
7. Annual premium review:
We may review Your premium annually and should the
monthly premium not be sufficient to maintain the
Funeral Cover Plan benefits, Your premium will be
increased subject to:
• Us notifying You of the proposed review if We
expect the review to result in an increase in Your
premium; and
• Us giving You at least 31 (thirty-one) days written
notice of such increase.
8. Your right to cancel:
8.1 Cancellation within the Cooling-off period: You have 31
days from the Signature Date to decide whether You
want to keep Your Funeral Cover Plan and/or changes
made to the Funeral Cover Plan. You can cancel Your
Funeral Cover Plan and/or changes made during this
time if no claim has been made and receive a full refund
of premiums paid.
8.2 Cancellation after the Cooling-off period above, You may
also cancel Your Funeral Cover Plan at any time
however You will not be refunded any premiums already
8.3 Please notify Capitec of Your decision by way of
communication via any of the following channels:
• The Capitec branch network
• The Client Care Centre on 0860 10 2043; or
• An email to the Client Care Centre at
[email protected]
9. How to claim:

Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06
Unique Document No.: d80ddf10-c255-4ec3-931a-9b3cecad28d5 / 801 / V14.0 - 16/05/2022 (ddmmccyy) Page 11 of 18
Benefits, Terms, Limitations and Exclusions:
Funeral We will pay The Cover Amount Double the Cover Amount
When will We pay On the death of a Life Assured after the expiry of If a Life Assured dies due to an Accident
the waiting period Stillbirth claims for You or Your
Spouse, if covered, for stillbirths that happen after
the 28th week of pregnancy. This will be extended
to when the Child is up to 6 (six) months old
When will We not • If the death is within the Waiting Period If the Cover Amount(s) is more than or if it
pay • If the death is due to suicide any time after the exceeds the Statutory Maximum Cover in respect
Cover Start Date but within the waiting period of Children stipulated in the table below
• If the Cover Amount(s) is more than the Statutory
Maximum Cover in respect of Children stipulated
in the table below, We will not pay the amount
above the Statutory Maximum Cover
Who can claim Any party with necessary documentation acting on behalf of the Policyholder or beneficiary

Documents required • Original or certified copy of the death certificate • Original or certified copy of the death certificate
• Fully completed BI-1663/BI-1680 or • Fully completed BI-1663/BI-1680 or
DHA-1663/DHA-1680 DHA-1663/DHA-1680
• Original or Certified copy of the Beneficiary's • Original or certified copy of the Beneficiary's
identity document or passport identity document or passport
• Beneficiary's banking details • Beneficiary's banking details
• Any other documents/reports which We need to • Police report confirming the Accidental Death
assess the validity of the claim • Any other documents/reports which We need to
assess the validity of the claim

Death Premium We will Waive payment of the policy premium and continue cover on all the other remaining Lives Assured on
Waiver the policy, for a period of 6 (six) months from the date of death of the Policyholder
When will this On the death of the Policyholder after a waiting period of 6 (six) months from Your Cover Start Date.
happen This waiting period will not apply in the case of Your death due to an Accident
We will not Allow any changes by You to the Funeral Cover Plan while this benefit is in operation
How to Claim Automatically activated once a claim on the death of the Policyholder has been approved

Waiver of the We will • Waive the waiting period on the Funeral Cover Plan if the relevant Life Assured was covered on a
Waiting Period funeral policy with another licenced Insurer (as listed on the FSCA website) within 31 (thirty-one) days
before the Cover Start Date or covered on a previous Capitec Funeral Cover Plan within 2 (two)
months before the Cover Start Date and if the previous policy has lapsed or was cancelled.
• If the cover in terms of the previous policy was for a lesser amount than the Cover
• Amount in the Funeral Cover Plan Schedule, then We will only pay such lesser amount.
When will We pay • If the required documents are provided, We will pay the Funeral Benefit if a Life Assured dies within
the first 6 (six) months of the Cover Start Date
• If the waiting period expired in respect of a previous policy for the Policyholder and the Lives Assured
under the previous policy had expired or was partially served then We will waive the waiting period in
respect of the time served
We will not waive the • Without proof of cancellation of the previous policy at the time of the claim
waiting period • If the relevant Life Assured was not covered under the previous policy during that policy's cancellation
notice period
• If the previous policy was not underwritten by a Licensed Insurer (as listed on the FSCA website)
Who is entitled to this Lives Assured

Documents required • Name of Licensed Insurer, Policy Number and any other information that would assist Us in
confirming the funeral policy and/or
• Policy schedule of a funeral policy from any Licensed Insurer dated a maximum of 31 (thirty-one) days
before the Capitec Funeral Cover Plan Cover Start date.
• These can be submitted at Signature Date or any time after the Cover Start Date of the Capitec
Funeral Cover Plan before a claim is submitted.
Burial Repatriation We will assist at • The transportation of a deceased Life Assured from within the Republic of South Africa, Namibia,
claim submission with Zimbabwe, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho and Mozambique (south of the 22-degree parallel) to the
place of burial anywhere in South Africa
• Travel and overnight accommodation for 1 (one) family member accompanying the deceased
• Arranging counselling for family members, funeral arrangement advice and help with claims and death

Who can claim Policyholder or Claimant

Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06
Unique Document No.: d80ddf10-c255-4ec3-931a-9b3cecad28d5 / 801 / V14.0 - 16/05/2022 (ddmmccyy) Page 12 of 18
Documents required None

If You need to pause Your Funeral Cover Plan's premiums

Voluntary Policy We will • Allow You to keep the Funeral Cover Plan active for 6 (six) months without making any
Pause monthly premium payments
• Allow all Lives Assured on the Funeral Cover Plan to use the Burial Repatriation Benefit
during the Voluntary Policy Pause
When are You • 24 (twenty-four) months after Your Cover Start Date
entitled to the benefit • This benefit may be used more than once during the life of the Funeral Cover Plan,
subject to a 24 (twenty-four) month waiting period from the last time You used this
We will not • Pay the Funeral Benefit during this Voluntary Policy Pause
• Allow changes to the Cover Amounts and Lives Assured while this benefit is in operation
• Allow You to claim the Newborn Premium Waiver or Death Premium Waiver Benefit
Who can claim • Policyholder
Documents required • None, the Policyholder must visit a Capitec branch or contact the Client Care Centre
If a Child is born or adopted

Newborn We will Allow You to stop paying premiums for 6 (six) months while still keeping all benefits on
Premium Waiver Your plan active for all Lives Assured on this plan
When are You • After Your Funeral Cover Plan has been active for 6 (six) months; and
entitled to this benefit • When Your baby is born or You adopt a Child; and
• You apply for the benefit within 3 (three) months of the birth or legal adoption of the Child
We will not Allow changes by You to the Cover Amounts and Live Assured while this benefit is in
Who can claim Policyholder (as mother or father)
Documents required An unabridged birth certificate

Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06
Unique Document No.: d80ddf10-c255-4ec3-931a-9b3cecad28d5 / 801 / V14.0 - 16/05/2022 (ddmmccyy) Page 13 of 18
Entry Ages, Maximum Cover, Waiting Periods and Maximum Number of Claims:

Life Assured Entry Ages Maximum Funeral Benefit Waiting Period (Including Maximum
Cover Cover Amount for Suicide) number of lives
Amount death due to an The maximum waiting period, if applicable on the policy
Accident is calculated from the Cover Start Date
(Not applicable to death due to an
Policyholder 18 - 64 R100 000 R200 000 6 months 1
Spouse 18 - 64 R100 000 R200 000 6 months 1
Stillborn more than More than R1 000 n/a **
28 weeks pregnant 28 weeks
Child* 0-5 R20 000 R20 000 6 months 8
6 - 13 R50 000 R50 000 6 months
14 - 25 R60 000 R60 000 6 months
Parent 26 - 85 R50 000 R100 000 6 months 4
Extended family 0 - 85 R50 000 R100 000 6 months 8
member (including
*Legal maximum Child cover: The total amount that can be paid out for a Child's death is restricted by legislation and We must
apply those limits across all our policies and those of other insurers that We become aware of and across all benefit types. For
example, if the Child cover on the policy reaches the maximum amounts above, We will restrict the amount We pay out to the
maximum allowable amount as shown in the table.
** The Policyholder must have completed the waiting period.

Other Waiting Period

Voluntary Policy Pause 24 months
Death Premium Waiver 6 months
Newborn Premium Waiver 6 months

Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06
Unique Document No.: d80ddf10-c255-4ec3-931a-9b3cecad28d5 / 801 / V14.0 - 16/05/2022 (ddmmccyy) Page 14 of 18
By signing this Agreement I acknowledge and confirm that:
• I have been given the opportunity to read the Funeral Cover Plan Schedule, terms and conditions, summary and
disclosure notice.
• My fingerprint electronic signature is rebuttable evidence of my acceptance of all terms and stipulations contained in
this agreement.
• A copy of the Funeral Cover Plan Schedule, Terms and Conditions, Summary and Disclosure Notice has been given to
• No advice, as defined in the FAIS Act 37 of 2002, was given during the application process of this Funeral Cover Plan.

Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06
Unique Document No.: d80ddf10-c255-4ec3-931a-9b3cecad28d5 / 801 / V14.0 - 16/05/2022 (ddmmccyy) Page 15 of 18
(This notice does not form part of the Insurance Contract or any other document)

As a long-term insurance policyholder, or prospective policyholder, you have the right to the following information:
1. NON-MANDATED INTERMEDIARY AND BINDER Sanlam Business Park, 9 - 13 West Street, Houghton,
HOLDER Johannesburg
1.1 Capitec Bank Limited Tel: 0861 235 433
Registration No: 1980/003695/06 Fax: 0861 235 329
FSP No: 46669 Email: [email protected]
PO Box 12451, Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7613 Website:
5 Neutron Road, Techno Park, Stellenbosch, 7600 2.2 We act as a binder holder in terms of a binder
Tel: 0860 10 20 43 agreement with Centriq. We earn an outsource fee of
Fax: 021 941 0770 R1.43 (excluding VAT) per in-force policy per month
Email: [email protected] for the performance of the binder function claims settlement. We hold professional indemnity insurance
1.2 We are an authorised Financial Services Provider in 2.3 FAIS license restrictions
terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary We do not hold shares of Centriq and we did not
Services Act and may render intermediary services in receive more than 30% of our total remuneration from
respect of category I, sub-category A, B1, B1-A, B2 and Centriq in the last 12 (twelve) months
B2-A long-term insurance products. We accept liability 2.4 Compliance department
for all intermediary services provided by our Tel: 0861 235 433
representatives, which services may be provided under Fax: (011) 483 3966
supervision. We hold professional indemnity insurance Email: [email protected]
1.3 We act as an intermediary and earn a maximum 2.5 Complaints department
commission of 3.25% of the gross written premium which In the event of a complaint with regard to the policy,
is permitted under the Long-term Insurance Act and the service or way the claim has been dealt with, please
regulations thereto. In addition, we act as a binder holder contact the Capitec Client Care Centre
in terms of a binder agreement with Centriq. We do not 2.6 Claims
earn a binder fee for binder functions performed. Capitec The claims procedure is detailed in clause 12 of the
Ins (Pty) Limited, an associate of Capitec Bank, have policy terms and conditions. Claims must be
entered into a cell structure with Centriq and receive submitted to Capitec through the channels listed
dividends in respect of the shares held in Centriq as part above
of that cell structure and the policies concluded by 3. PRODUCT SUPPLIER / INSURER
Capitec Bank. 3.1 Centriq Life Insurance Company Limited
1.4 Neither Capitec Bank nor Capitec Ins, hold more than Registration No: 1943/016409/06
10% of Centriq's shares and neither Capitec Bank nor FSP No: 7370
Capitec Ins received more than 30% of our remuneration Licensed Life Insurer Number: I078
from Centriq in the last 12 (twelve) months. PO Box 55674, Northlands, 2116
1.5 Client Care Centre The Oval, Second Floor, West Wing, Wanderers
Tel: 0860 10 20 43 Office Park, 52 Corlett Drive, Illovo, 2196
Fax: 021 941 0770 Tel: 011 268 6490
Email: [email protected] Fax: 011 268 6495
1.6 Compliance department Email: [email protected]
Tel: 021 809 4599 Website:
Fax: (021) 880 1130 3.2 Compliance department
Email: [email protected] The Compliance Officer is contactable at the numbers
1.7 Complaints department above
In the event of a complaint with regard to the services Email: [email protected]
provided by Capitec, please contact the Client Care 3.3 Complaints department
Centre as per clause 1.5 If you are not satisfied with the policy, service or way
1.8 Claims department the complaint has been resolved through the internal
The claims procedure is detailed in clause 12 of the policy complaints handling process of the intermediary, you
terms and conditions can address your complaint to Centriq's Complaints
1.9 A claim can be submitted: department who is contactable at the number above.
· At a Capitec branch; visit the Capitec branch network Em ail: F a i s C o m p l a i n t s @ c e n t r i q . c o . za /; or [email protected].
· By telephone: 0860 10 2043; or All complaints must be reduced to writing and
· By email: [email protected] accompanied by any supporting documents. A copy of
2. NON-MANDATED INTERMEDIARY AND BINDER our complaints procedure can be provided to you on
HOLDER request
2.1 Sanlam Developing Markets Limited 3.4 Claims department
Registration No: 1911/003818/06 The Claims department is contactable at the number
FSP No: 11230 above.
PO Box 1941, Houghton, 2041 Email: [email protected]

Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06
Unique Document No.: d80ddf10-c255-4ec3-931a-9b3cecad28d5 / 801 / V14.0 - 16/05/2022 (ddmmccyy) Page 16 of 18
4.1 If you are not satisfied with the policy, service or way the fairly, future premium increases may be limited. This is
complaint has been resolved through the internal done in the public interest and in the interest of all
complaints handling process of the intermediary, you can current and potential policyholders.
address your complaint to the FAIS Ombud who is 9.2 By accepting or renewing this insurance, you or any
contactable at: other person that is represented herein, gives consent to
4.2 FAIS Ombud the said information being disclosed to any other
PO Box 74571, Lynwood Ridge, 0040 insurance company or its agent.
Menlyn Central Office Building, 125 Dallas Avenue, 9.3 You also similarly give consent to the sharing of
Waterkloof Glen, Pretoria 0010 information in regards to past insurance policies and
Tel: 012 762 5000 / 012 470 9080 claims that you have made. You also acknowledge that
Fax: 012 348 3447 / 012 420 9097 / 086 764 1422 information provided by yourself or your representative
Email: [email protected] may be verified against any legally recognised sources
Website: or databases.
9.4 By accepting or renewing this insurance, you hereby
consent to such information sharing with regards to
5.1 If you are not satisfied with the way the claim has been
underwriting or claims information that you have
dealt with, you can address a complaint to the Long-term
provided or that has been provided by another person
Insurance Ombud who is contactable at:
on your behalf.
5.2 Long-term Insurance Ombud
9.5 In the event of a claim, the information you have
Private Bag X45, Claremont, Cape Town, 7735
supplied with your application together with the
3rd Floor, Sunclare Building, 21 Dreyer Street, Claremont,
information you supply in relation to the claim, will be
Cape Town, 7700
included on the system and made available to other
Tel: 021 657 5000 / 0860 103 236
insurers participating in the information data sharing
Fax: 021 674 0951
Email: [email protected]
9.6 Sharing of insurance information is done in accordance
with applicable legislation, as well as our Privacy Notice
6. THE FINANCIAL SECTOR CONDUCT AUTHORITY which can be found on our website:
6.1 Alternatively, you can address a complaint to the FSCA share information with each
who is contactable at: other regarding policies and claims with a view to
6.2 FSCA prevent fraudulent claims and obtain material
PO Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102 information regarding the assessment of risks proposed
Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road for insurance. By reducing the incidents of fraud and
(Corner Garsfontein and Matroosberg Roads), Ashlea assessing risks fairly, future premium increases may be
Gardens, Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria limited. This is done in the public interest and in the
Tel: 012 428 8000 interest of all current and potential policyholders.
Fax: 012 347 0221 9.7 By accepting or renewing this insurance, you or any
Website: other person that is represented herein, gives consent to
the said information being disclosed to any other
insurance company or its agent.
7.1 You must be informed of any material changes to the
9.8 You also similarly give consent to the sharing of
information referred to in sections 1, 2 and 3
information in regards to past insurance policies and
7.3 The product supplier (Centriq) must give you written notice
claims that you have made. You also acknowledge that
of its intention to cancel your policy
information provided by yourself or your representative
7.4 You are entitled to a copy of your Funeral Cover Plan free
may be verified against any legally recognised sources
of charge
or databases.
7.5 Should you not be satisfied with the policy, you are entitled
9.9 By accepting or renewing this insurance, you hereby
to cancel the policy within 31 (thirty-one) days from the
consent to such information sharing with regards to
Signature Date of your policy where no benefit has yet
underwriting or claims information that you have
been paid or claimed, or an event insured against has not
provided or that has been provided by another person
yet occurred, and where premiums have been paid.
on your behalf.
8. WARNING 9.10 In the event of a claim, the information you have
8.1 Keep all documents you receive supplied with your application together with the
8.2 Make notes as to what is said to you information you supply in relation to the claim, will be
8.3 Do not be pressured into buying the product included on the system and made available to other
8.4 All material facts must be accurately fully and properly insurers participating in the information data sharing
disclosed by you. All information provided by you is your system.
own responsibility. You need to be satisfied with the 9.11 Sharing of insurance information is done in accordance
accuracy of any transaction submitted by Capitec Bank with applicable legislation, as well as our Privacy Notice
Limited on your behalf. Misrepresentation, incorrect or which can be found on our website:
non-disclosure by you of any material facts or
circumstances may impact negatively on any claims
10.1 When you enter into this Funeral Cover Plan you will be
arising from your Funeral Cover Plan.
giving us your personal information that may be
9. SHARING OF INSURANCE INFORMATION protected by data protections legislation, including but
9.1 Insurers share information with each other regarding not only, the Protection of Personal Information Act,
policies and claims with a view to prevent fraudulent claims 2013 ("POPI"). We will take all reasonable steps to
and obtain material information regarding the assessment protect your personal information.
of risks proposed for insurance. By reducing the incidents 10.2 You authorise us to:
of fraud and assessing risks 10.2.1 Process your personal information to: Communicate information to you that you ask us for.
Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06
Unique Document No.: d80ddf10-c255-4ec3-931a-9b3cecad28d5 / 801 / V14.0 - 16/05/2022 (ddmmccyy) Page 17 of 18 Provide you with insurance services. conferred on the client by or in terms of any provisions Verify the information you have given us against any of the said code, or recognise, accept or act on any
source or database. such waiver by a client. Any such waiver is null and Compile non-personal statistical information about you. void.
10.3 Transmit your personal information to any affiliate,
subsidiary or re-insurer so that we can provide 12. CONFLICT OF INTEREST
insurance services to you and to enable us to further 12.1 We are mandated by Centriq to act as a
our legitimate interests including statistical analysis, non-mandated intermediary binder holder. Capitec Ins
re-insurance and credit control. (Pty) Limited, an associate of Capitec Bank, have
10.4 Transmit your personal information to any third party entered into a cell structure with Centriq and receive
service provider that we may appoint to perform dividends in respect of the shares held in Centriq as
functions relating to your policy on our behalf. part of that cell structure and the policies concluded
You acknowledge that this consent clause will remain by Capitec Bank.
in force even if your policy is cancelled or lapsed. We are confident that we have mitigated the potential
10.5 Processing of your personal information is always done conflict to ensure that we provide unbiased and fair
in accordance with applicable legislation, as well as financial services to you, and will ensure that the
our Privacy Notice which can be found on our website: receipt of dividends will not impede on the fair treatment of policyholders
12.2 We adopted a values based approach where the spirit
11. WAIVER OF RIGHTS of the legislation is embraced. A copy our conflict of
The General Code of Conduct stipulates that no interest management policy is available at
financial services provider may request or induce in The policy is reviewed at
any manner a client to waive any right or benefit least annually and reported on to the Financial
Services Board

Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06
Unique Document No.: d80ddf10-c255-4ec3-931a-9b3cecad28d5 / 801 / V14.0 - 16/05/2022 (ddmmccyy) Page 18 of 18

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