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The Cross-Sectional Area of the wing is a major factor in the production of lift.

applications there is always a requirement of high C l values to reduce the distances.

Although a wing with high span provides more lift during take-off and landing phases but there
will be maneuvers and structural problems.
Wings with short span are quite efficient at Cruise but it fails to deliver the performance
required during take-off and Landing application.
To overcome such problems, we can use high lift devices or make modifications in airfoil to
achieve STOL.


The Co-Flow Jet Technique or CFJ airfoil has an injection slot and suction slots near the leading edge and
trailing edge respectively of the airfoil suction surface. A high-energy flow jet is injected near the leading
edge and some Mass flow is sucked near the trailing edge.

It’s a Zero-Net mass Flux (ZNMF) flow Control technique i.e. The mass flow which is sucked into the
suction slot is equal to mass flow rate which is pressurized and pumped-out through the injection flow.

Typical CFJ airfoil

S.No. Title Author Remark
1.  The author has Chosen a Baseline
airfoil of NACA 0018 w.r.t it has
designed a CFJ airfoil using CATIA-
V5 for the CFD analysis in Ansys
fluen using the Splarat-Allmaras
Turbulence Model.
 Firstly, the baseline airfoil is
simulated & the Aerodynamic
Coefficients (C l & C d) vs α of the
baseline airfoil were plotted for
four different meshing.
 Similarly, Aerodynamic
Coefficients for CFJ airfoil was
AERODYNAMIC PERFOMANCE CM plotted and it was observed that
ANALYSIS OF CO-FLOW JET Vigneswara there was a slight increase in C l
AIRFOIL [1] n and decrease in C d.
Vishnu  Furthermore, the paper also
Kumar G C Investigates the aerodynamic
performance of the CFJ airfoil for
different injection & Suction slot
location & it was concluded that
C lwas increasing by varying the
injection slot location away from
leading edge keeping the suction
slot fixed.
 On varying the injection slot
location from 6% to 13 % at fixed
82% suction slot the % increase in
lift was observed 3.6 % to 31.9 %.
The same with suction slot fixed at
85% the % increase in lift was 2.58
to 29.32%.
 The Paper Investigates the use of a
Simple high lift device in addition
to the CFJ airfoil with a Baseline
airfoil of NACA- 6415.
 The leading edge and trailing edge
of the CFJ airfoil has been
converted into flaps i.e as a high
lift device to enhance the L/D ratio
and Increase L.
 C l and stall margins are not
sensitive to Suction slot location.
Haolin ZHI, So, it’s wise to choose a location
AERODYNAMIC PERFOMANCE Zhenhao to minimize the work of the pump.
2. ENHANCEMENT OF CO-FLOW JET ZHU, Yujin  Although the aerodynamic
AIRFOIL WITH SIMPLE HIGH LIFT LU, parameters were enhanced using
DEVICE [2] Shuanghou additional LE and TE flaps, the stall
DENG, margin decreased due to the long
Tianhang camber of the airfoil.
XIAO  The location of the Suction Slot
should be in TE flap rather than in
the main airfoil, as at High α
there will be massive flow
 Thus, High lift device with CFJ
airfoil is beneficial for STOL
applications at Low α .

.  The paper investigates the

Performance of a Modified Co-
Flow jet Aerofoil where the author
has used a C-D nozzle at the
leading edge to reduce the load on
K. Balaji, the pump and increase the overall
EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS Saranya, effectiveness and not just the
3. ON THE PERFORMANCE OF A Gaikwad aerodynamic parameters.
MODIFIED CO-FLOW JET Pranoti  The use of NACA 6415 baseline
AIROFOIL [3] Vijaykumar, airfoil was used in addition to that
Patil Ankita both Experimental & simulation
Ravindra tasks were carried out for analysis
of the performance.
 It was thus seen that the C l was
higher by 43% at high α compared
to baseline airfoil. It was also seen
that at low α the drag was 60%
higher and at highα the drag was
15% higher than the Baseline
 The drag polar of the experiment
was quite in favor of the MCFJ
AIRFOIL,” International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 1–22, 2021,
doi: 10.15394/ijaaa.2021.1555.

[2] H. ZHI, Z. ZHU, Y. LU, S. DENG, and T. XIAO, “Aerodynamic performance enhancement of co-flow jet
airfoil with simple high-lift device,” Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 143–155, Sep.
2021, doi: 10.1016/j.cja.2021.01.011.

[3] K. Balaji, G. Pranoti Vijaykumar, and P. Ankita Ravindra, “PERFORMANCE STUDY OF ROTARY WING
AEROFOIL USING CO FLOW JET METHOD,” Eur. Chem. Bull, vol. 2023, pp. 19309–19317, doi:

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