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25,VIGYAN LOK,DELHI-110092 PH : 22144471

Fef No :BRMF-HR-MH- 00020 Dated : 05-09-2022

Private & Confidential

Mr. Pooja Rani

With reference to your application for employment and subsequent interface you had with us.
we are pleased to appoint you as on the following terms and conditions, recorded below for
your consideration and acceptance.

Remuneration : 10000/-
Designation : Female Warden
Location : Haryana
Your date of joining has been recorded as : 05-09-2022

Position description

The position description which prescribes your duties and other requirements of your
employment has been informed to you at the time of the interview and is part of this contract of
engagement At Bishan Rukmani Memorial Foundation, it is necessary for us to respond to
needs and workloads across the organization. Therefore, we need to remain flexible and work
as a team, and in line with this, you may be asked to assist in other areas, vary your working
times (including reasonable overtime) and/or perform other tasks which are consistent with your
skills and abilities.

Placement & Compensation

You will be placed in the appropriate band/ responsibility level of the Company, and will be
entitled to compensation (salary and other applicable benefits)". Compensation will be
governed by the rules of the Company on the subject, as applicable and/or amended hereafter.

Salary revision

Your salary will be reviewed on July 1" of each year, or at such other time as the Management
may decide. Salary revisions are discretionary and will be subject to, and on the basis of,
effective performance and results.


You shall be on probation for a period of six months from the date of joining and the said period
may, at the discretion of the management be extended from the management or as per the
provision of Service Rules or a completion of one year of continuous service. During the
period of probation, your performance will be evaluated on regular basis and if the same is not
expected standard, your appointment is liable to be terminated without any notice and without
assigning any various interests.

Posting & Transfer

Your initial posting will be at Haryana. However, your services are liable to be transferred, at
the sole discretion of Management, in such other capacity as the company may determine, to
any department / section, location, associate, sister concern or subsidiary, at any place in India
or abroad, whether existing today or which may come up in future. In such a case, you will be
governed by the terms and conditions of the service applicable at the new placement location.
However, the company shall bear and necessary expenses of transfer packaging and

Target Achievement

You have to meet the monthly target if the position calls for the same as assigned to you by the
head of your department/Seniors/Company from time to time, in case of non- fulfillment of the
target at any time during the tenure of your service, it will be the discretionary power of the
management to terminate your job.

Personal Particulars

You will keep us informed of any change in your residential address, your family status or any
other relevant particulars. You would also let us know the name and address of your legal


You will hold yourself in readiness for any training at any place whenever required. Such
training would be imparted to you at the company's expense. Kindly note that refusal to
participate in a training program without any extraneous circumstances would lead to automatic
termination of your employment


You will be entitled to leave as per law which is in force in the company. One day advance
intimation is required to be given for availing leave. Only one full day leave is permitted in a
month which can be carried forward and encashable at the end of the year. The company
follows strict time schedule and late comings are discouraged, unless otherwise notified by you
in advance.

Full time employment

Your position is a whole-time employment with the Company and you shall devote yourself
exclusively to the business and interests of the company. You will not take up any other work
for remuneration (part time or otherwise) or work in an advisory capacity, or be interested
directly or indirectly (except as shareholder / debenture holder), in any other trade or business
during your employment with the company, without permission in writing of the Board of
Directors of the Company. You will also not seek membership of any local or public bodies
without first obtaining specific permission from the Management.
Dress Code

The dress code for all the employees is strictly formals except on last working day of the week.

Intellectual Property Right

If during the period of your employment with us you achieve any invention, process
improvement, operational improvement, or other process method likely to result in more
efficient operation of any of the activities of the company, the company shall be entitled to use.
utilize and exploit such improvement and you shall assign all rights thereof to the company for
the purpose of seeking any patent rights or for any other purpose. The company shall have the
sole ownership rights of all the intellectual property rights that you may create during the tenure
of association with the company including but not limited to the creative concept that you may
develop during your association with the company.


You will not during the course of your employment with the company or at any time there after
divulge or disclose to any person whomsoever, make any use whatsoever for your own
purpose or for any other purpose other than that of the company, of any information or
knowledge obtained by you during your employment as to the business or affairs of the
company including development, process reports and reporting system and you will during the
course of your employment here under also use your best endeavor to prevent any other
person from doing so. In the occasion that the employee resigns/ is terminated from the
company, he/she is not to join any company in the same industry for at least a period of two

Access to Information

Information is available on need to know basis for specific groups. Access to this is authorized
through access privileges approved by unit mentors or project mentors.

Restriction on Personal Use

Use of company resources for personal use is strictly restricted. This includes usage of
computer resources, information, internet service, and working time of the company for any
personal use.


Security is an important aspect of our communication and office infrastructure. Communication

security is maintained by controlling physical access to computer system, disabling all working
stations, floppy disk drives and companywide awareness about the need for protection of
intellectual property and sensitive customer information.

Standing Orders
You will abide by the office rules & regulations and service conditions that may be in force or
application to the organization or are framed from time to time by the company.

Appointment in Good Faith

It must be specifically understood that this offer is made based on your proficiency on technical
professional skills you have declared to possess as per your application for employment and
your ability to handle any assignment job independently. In case at a later date any of your
statements particulars furnished are found to be false or misleading or your performance is not
up to the mark or falls short of the minimum standard set by the company, the company shall
have the right to terminate your services forthwith without giving any notice notwithstanding any
other terms and conditions stipulated therein.

Other Rules and Obligations:

(1) Consumption of Tobacco, Pan Masala, and Alcohol etc. in the office is prohibited, any
violation on this account may attract disciplinary action.

(2) You shall entertain any outsider or even an ex-employee of the group during office hours
only as per the norms of the company.

(3) You shall not open or create or design any alliance or front or politics among the staff
members and shall not participate in any activities related to it, for your oblique motives or for
the detriment of the company.

(4) Facility extended to you at a particular place will not constitute a permanent benefit by virtue
of any prevalent by virtue of nay prevalent practice or local law like Shops and Establishments

(5) You will not accept any present, commission or any sort of gratification in cash or kind from
any person, party or firm or Company having dealing with the company and if you are offered
any, you should immediately report the same to the Management.

(6) You will not malign the company "Bishan Rukmani Memorial Foundation" orally or by any
written sources through written letters or through social media during and after your term of
employment with the company (including probation period and notice period).


The retirement age is 58 years. You will retire from the employment of the Company at the end
of the month in which you attain 58 years of age.


The employee has to give 1 month of notice at the time of resignation before leaving the
organization or give payment of his salary amount in lieu of the remaining months that he is not
able to work. It is also the company's discretion on whether the employee can be relieved
earlier with salary (basic+ DA) handed over to him on pro rata basis. On the day of your
leaving, you will immediately hand over to the Company all correspondence, specifications,
books, documents, market data, cost data, drawings, affects or records belonging to the
Company or relating to its business and shall not retain or make copies of these items
Termination of employment

During the probationary period and any extension thereof, your services may be terminated on
either side by giving one month's notice or salary in lieu thereof. On confirmation also the
services can be terminated from either side by giving one month (30 days) notice or salary in

lieu thereof. Upon termination of employment, you will immediately hand over to the Company
all correspondence, specifications, books, documents, market data, cost data, drawings, affects
or records belonging to the Company or relating to its business and shall not retain or make
copies of these items. Upon termination of employment, you will also return all company
property, which may be in your possession.

Full and Final Settlement

The full and final settlement of the employee will be done 2 months from his/her last day at the

You are required to sign and submit a copy of this letter of appointment as a token of your
acceptance of our terms and conditions, along with the following documents within 7 days from
the date of this letter, failing which this letter of appointment will be treated as withdrawn.

 PAN Card.
 Aadhar Card.
 Proof Of educational Qualification.
 Proof Of work experience-Service certificate/appointment letter.
 Copy of last drawn pay slip/bank statement.
 2 Passport size photographs.
 Cancelled Cheque

This letter is in duplicate. Kindly return the duplicate copy thereof duly signed by you as
confirmation of your having accepted the terms & conditions contained therein.

We welcome you to Bishan Rukmani Memorial Foundation and look forward for a long-term

For Bishan Rukmani Memorial Foundation

Authorized Signatory


I have read and understood the terms and conditions mentioned in this letter of appointment
and I hereby confirm unconditional acceptance of the same

Full Name :

Signature :

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