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Measles Control Strategies in India: Position Paper of

Indian Academy of Pediatrics
From the Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Mumbai, India.
Correspondence to: Dr Vipin M Vashishtha, Convener, IAP Committee on Immunization, Mangla Hospital and Research Center,
Shakti Chowk, Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh, 246 701, India. [email protected]

Measles continues to be a major cause of childhood morbidity and mortality in India. Recent studies estimate that
80,000 Indian children die each year due to measles and its complications, amounting to 4% of under-5 deaths.
Immunization against measles directly contributes to the reduction of under-five child mortality and hence to the
achievement of Millennium Development Goal 4 (MDG 4). The live attenuated measles vaccines are safe, effective and
provide long-lasting protection. The key strategies being followed globally for measles mortality reduction are high
coverage of measles first dose, sensitive laboratory supported surveillance, appropriate case management, and
providing second dose of measles vaccine. Prior to 2010, India was the only country in the world that had not introduced
a second dose of measles vaccine in its National immunization program. We herein discuss the current status of
measles vaccination along with the rationale and challenges of providing a second opportunity for measles vaccination,
and the principles of measles catch-up campaigns.
Key words: Catch-up campaign, Measles, Millennium Development Goal, Prevention, Vaccine.

easles is a highly infectious and potentially the Global Immunization Vision and Strategy (GIVS)
fatal viral infection mainly affecting 2006-2015 of the World Health Organization and United
children. Immunization against measles Nations Children’s Fund, is to reduce measles deaths by
directly contributes to the reduction of 90% by 2010 compared to the estimated number in 2000.
under-five child mortality and hence to the achievement World Health Assembly (WHA) has also endorsed the
of Millennium Development Goal 4 [1]. Deaths from same after the review by WHO’s Strategic Advisory
measles occur mainly in infants and young children and Group of Experts (SAGE) on immunization [7].
are primarily due to complications of the infection such as
The key strategies being followed globally for
pneumonia and diarrhea. Measles continues to be a major
measles mortality reduction are:
cause of childhood morbidity and mortality in India.
Although the true burden of measles in India is difficult to • High coverage of Measles 1st dose: Coverage for 1st
quantify, only a small proportion of cases seek treatment. dose measles vaccine must be ≥90% at national level
Infection with measles virus is ubiquitous throughout the and ≥80% for each district in routine immunization.
• Sensitive laboratory supported surveillance: Outbreak
A recent review of published literature from India and case based surveillance fully supported by
shows the median case fatality ratio (CFR) of measles to laboratories for serological and virological
be 1.63% (range: 0%-30.0%) [2]. Malnutrition and classification. An outbreak is considered confirmed if
young age at infection are risk factors associated with measles immunoglobulin M (IgM) is detected in
measles mortality. Recent studies estimate that 80,000 serum from at least two suspected cases.
Indian children die each year due to measles and its
complications amounting to 4% of under-5 deaths [3]. • Appropriate measles case management: Including
The distribution of these deaths is not homogenous but is administration of vitamin A to reduce mortality and
concentrated in states with the poorest performing complications.
immunization programs [4-6]. • Providing 2nd dose of measles vaccine:
Global Goal for Measles Control (a) Single dose in routine immunization - In India, states
The current global goal for measles control, as stated in with ≥80% evaluated coverage for 1st dose of measles



vaccine in Routine Immunization (RI) (DLHS-3) will likely to be susceptible and at risk of being exposed to
have the second dose of measles vaccine in RI with measles virus – for example, to those who are travelling
DPT booster [8]. to areas where measles is endemic. The importance of
vaccinating health workers is underlined by the numerous
(b) Supplementary immunization activity (SIA) for
measles outbreaks occurring in health institutions,
measles through catch up immunization campaigns
affecting both health workers and patients.
and or follow up immunization campaigns: States with
Administration of immunoglobulins or other antibody-
<80% evaluated coverage of 1st dose of Measles
containing blood products may neutralize the effect of the
vaccine in RI (DLHS-3) are conducting Measles Catch
vaccine for 3-11 months, depending on the dose of
up campaigns since 2010 in a phased manner [9].
measles antibody. Following measles vaccination, receipt
MEASLES VACCINES, EFFECTIVENESS AND DURATION of such blood products should be avoided for 2 weeks if
OF PROTECTION possible [7].
Live, attenuated measles vaccines are available, either as Adverse Reactions: Adverse reactions after measles
monovalent vaccine or as measles-containing vaccine vaccination are slight pain and tenderness at injection site
(MCV) in combination with rubella or mumps vaccines. and are transient. About 7 days after vaccination upto 5%
When using the combined measles–rubella vaccine or children may experience fever, occasionally inducing
measles-mumps-rubella vaccine, the protective immune febrile seizures (1:3000 children). Transient rash can
responses to each individual vaccine antigen as well as occur in 2% and thrombocytopenic purpura in 1:30000
vaccine-associated adverse events remain largely and anaphylactic reactions 1:100,000 following
unchanged. Available measles vaccines are safe, effective vaccination [13-15]. Extensive studies in different
and may be used interchangeably within immunization countries have demonstrated that there is no increased risk
programs. of permanent neurological sequelae and no evidence to
support an increased risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome
Following vaccination, the long-term persistence of
following administration of MCVs. There is also no
neutralizing measles antibodies (upto 33 years) and
scientific evidence to support reports that measles
long-lasting protection against measles have been
vaccination may be a risk factor for inflammatory bowel
demonstrated. However, it is not definitively known
disease or for autism [16].
whether a single dose of measles vaccine, without natural
boosting by recurrent measles exposure, will result in Routine MCV 1 Coverage
lifelong protection. Studies using IgG avidity
In 1985, MCV1 was introduced in India’s Expanded
measurements to separate primary vaccination failures
Program on Immunization, with a recommended age for
from secondary vaccination failures suggest that
vaccination of 9-12 months. Estimated national routine
secondary failures may occur occasionally [10,11].
MCV1 coverage was 74% among children aged 12-23
However, declining immunity has not been shown as an
months based on UNICEF sponsored national Coverage
important risk factor [12].
Evaluation Survey (CES) of 2009 [17]; state level MCV1
Indications, precautions and contraindications: Mild coverage ranged from 48% to 96%. District level data
illnesses are not a contraindication to vaccination, from the District Level Household and Facility Survey
vaccination should be avoided if the patient is having high conducted during 2007-2008 (DLHS-3) indicated that
fever or having serious disease. Measles vaccine can be MCV1 coverage was ≤90% in 26% of the evaluated
given to adolescent and adults if susceptible or travelling districts [18].
to endemic areas but should be avoided during pregnancy.
Early stages of HIV infection is not a contraindication to
measles immunization. People with a history of an
anaphylactic reaction to components of the vaccine should With 70% routine measles vaccination coverage and 85%
not be vaccinated. Measles vaccine is also contraindicated vaccine effectiveness with a single dose given at 9 months
in people who are severely immuno-compromised e.g. of age, real protection to measles is only 60% (0.70 ×
severe HIV infection, advanced leukemia or lymphoma, 0.85=0.60) and thus approximately 40% of India’s annual
treatment with high-dose steroids [7]. birth cohort of 26 million children remains susceptible to
measles. At this rate, the accumulation of susceptible
Where no contraindications have been identified,
children in successive annual birth cohorts would reach the
measles vaccine should be given to all infants and young
epidemic threshold level every 2-3 years [19].
children as part of national immunization programmes.
The vaccine may also be offered to teenagers and adults The rationale for providing a second opportunity for



measles vaccination is two-fold [9]: India’s Decision to Introduce MCV2

• Immunological: To immunize the primary vaccine Building on global experience and recognizing that
failures; those children who failed to respond to the first measles represents a significant source of preventable child
dose mortality, the Government of India announced in May 2010
• Programmatic: To vaccinate those children who were its decision to implement the National Technical Advisory
missed by routine services for first dose of measles in Group on Immunization (NTAGI) recommendation to
routine immunization. introduce MCV2 [4,24]. As recommended by the NTAGI,
the implementation strategy of MCV2 at the state level is
Most children who have failed to respond to the first determined by the underlying performance of the routine
dose of MCV respond well to a second dose [7]. MCV2 can immunization (RI) program. In total, 14 states with measles
be delivered either through existing routine services or vaccine coverage <80% (Arunachal Pradesh, Assam,
through measles catch-up immunization campaigns, the Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Haryana, Jharkhand, Madhya
choice is determined by the strategy that would attain the Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Rajasthan,
highest levels of coverage. Tripura and Uttar Pradesh) will introduce MCV2 through
In weak program settings, organized catch-up catch-up vaccination campaigns. In the remaining 21 states
vaccination campaigns that benefit from specific planning with better performing routine immunization systems (i.e.
and intense communication and coordination efforts have ≥80% routine measles coverage) 17 will introduce MCV2
been proven to effectively achieve high coverage levels in for children aged 16-24 months through the routine
all socio-economic strata [5,20]. Furthermore, numerous program. The remaining four States and Union Territories
studies from a range of development settings have found (Delhi, Goa, Puducherry and Sikkim) already use a second
two doses of measles vaccine to be highly cost effective [7]. dose of measles vaccine in their RI program (as mumps-
In settings of low immunization coverage, the campaign measles-rubella vaccine) financed with state resources [7].
approach has also been found to be more equitable across After the campaigns in the districts of 14 states, those
wealth quintiles [21]. districts will start the MCV2 in routine immunization at 16-
24 months after 6 months of completing the campaigns.
By 2008, the annual number of measles associated
deaths occurring worldwide had reduced by 78% from Supplementary Immunization Activities and Measles
733,000 in 2000 to 164,000 [20]. Sub-Saharan Africa, in Catch-up Campaigns
particular, has demonstrated the impact of increasing
Measles catch-up campaigns are indeed SIAs just like polio
routine vaccine coverage while also providing a second
SNIDs/NIDs. Supplementary immunization activities are
opportunity for measles vaccination through measles catch-
mass campaigns targeting all children in a defined age
up campaigns [22]. From 2000 to 2008, measles deaths in
group, with the objective of reaching a high proportion of
Africa declined by 92%.
susceptible individuals. Each campaign is conducted over
NTAGI Recommendations for India a wide geographical area (e.g. province or country) in order
to achieve a rapid reduction in the number of susceptible
For reducing measles mortality in India, National Technical
children. This is a one-time effort to vaccinate all children
Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) reviewed data
in a defined age group (based on the epidemiology of the
on measles epidemiology and case fatality rate and has
country) irrespective of their prior immunization status
recommended the following [23]:
(history or record). The goal is to rapidly reduce the
• A second dose of measles vaccine should be introduced susceptible proportion in a population and to rapidly
in the UIP at the time of DPT booster dose (at 16-24 enhance population immunity, i.e. the ‘herd immunity’. It is
months of age) in states with ≥80% evaluated coverage not usual to conduct screening for vaccination status and
with the first dose of measles vaccine. prior disease history (i.e. the campaigns are usually ‘non-
selective’). Hence anyone who has already received
• Catch-up measles vaccination campaigns should be
measles vaccine (or MCV) or has history of measles
implemented for children aged 9 months to 10 years in
disease in the past is also vaccinated [8]. During SIAs,
states with <80% evaluated coverage with the first dose
many established principles of vaccination practices are not
of measles vaccine and that detailed action plans for
adhered to. For example, if a child has received a dose of
these SIAs should be finalized immediately in states
measles or MCV just a day before the campaign is also
with low coverage and high measles mortality burden.
targeted for a campaign dose. Even being a live vaccine,
Indian Academy of Pediatrics endorses NTAGI extra doses of measles vaccine do no harm, and in fact, may
recommendations. benefit few children with primary vaccine failure even after



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