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Unit 1 Food and Health: Part I FOOD - RESTAURANTS

Learning Objectives: OA 1, OA 5, OA 14
Listening and reading comprehension XT4hhUzY0w

1. Listen the following conversation (00:00 – 1:17) and try to understand what is happening.
Look at the place, the people, how they look and the gestures they do.

2. Read the script of the conversation. Pay attention to the words underlined and in bold.
Waiter: Hello, how can I help you?
Man: Hello! I would like a table for four, please.
Waiter: Of course! Please, follow me. Here's a table for four
Man: Thank you! Could you give us the menu, please?
Waiter: Yes, of course! Here you are.
Man: Thank you.
Waiter: Can I get you anything to drink?
Man: Just water for me.
Woman: I'll have a lemonade.
Girl: I'll have a milkshake.
Boy: I’ll have an orange juice.
Waiter: Great, I’ll be right back. Are you ready to order?
Man: Yes, we are. I'll have the grilled chicken and a salad
Waiter: Would you like a starter, sir?
Man: Yes, I'd like the vegetable soup.
Woman: For starter, I'd like the vegetable soup. For the main course, I'd like the grilled fish.
Girl: I’ll have the chicken soup and a lasagna.
Boy: I’ll have the chicken soup, the grilled chicken and some salad
Waiter: Excellent, I'll be right back!
3. Answer and complete the following activities based on the conversation.

1. How many people talked?

a) 2 people
b) 3 people
c) 4 people
d) 5 people

2. Where are they?

a) Post office
b) Supermarket
c) Restaurant
d) Home

3. What did everyone order?

Character MAN

Order -Water
-Grilled chicken
-Vegetable soup

4. Label the following food and drink mentioned in the conversation.

Chicken soup
5. Create your own conversation. Imagine that you are in a restaurant and order what you
want! Complete the missing information.

Waiter: Hello, how can I help you?

YOU: ____________! I would like a table for one, please.
Waiter: Of course! Please, follow me. Here's a table for one
YOU: ______________! Could you give me the ___________, please?
Waiter: Yes, of course! Here you are.
YOU: Thank you.
Waiter: What do you want to drink?
YOU: Can I have _____________, please?
Waiter: Here you are. What do you want for the starter?
YOU: I’ll have _______________
Waiter: What do you want for the main course?
YOU: I’ll have _______________
Waiter: What do you want for dessert?
YOU: I’ll have _______________
Waiter: Here you are
YOU: How much is it?
Waiter: 50 dollars, please.
Waiter: Credit or cash?
YOU: Cash. Here you are.
Waiter: Thank you! Come back soon!
YOU: Thank you. Goodbye!

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