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Nick Randolph sat at Ms.

Sofia’s art classroom

table looking at his newest drawing trying to figure out

the problem with it. Art was his passion but, naturally

he was his hardest critic. Ms. Sofia looked over his

shoulder and said,

So, what do you think of your newest project?”

“I don’t know… something is still missing.

Well, take it with you dear, and think about it

today and come back after school and maybe we can

figure it out? But right now, first period is about to start

so you better get going.”

“Okay thanks!”

Nick grabbed his backpack and stepped into the hallway

pushing up his glasses, still staring at his drawing when

he was roughly shoved out of the way and thrown to

the floor his backpack and his drawing going two

different ways.

“Get out of my way nerd!” Sarah Lions the head

cheerleader for the Washington street school football

team said quite rudely as the wolfpack stormed down

the hallway together. Everyone said she was the alpha

wolf of the pack because she was always the meanest of

the bunch. Which included her, her boyfriend Fred

Clause and his two best friends Jon and Tony her

tagalong cheerleader Alexis Carmichael and last but not

least the quarterback Chris Rodriguez. Which was ironic

given that their football team was called The Almighty

Wolf’s. Everyone knew you didn’t stand in the way or

anywhere near the pack as they navigated school you

aren’t even aloud to talk to them unless you are

welcomed into the pack. And nobody saw Nick

Randolph he was invisible to most people he had two

friends in school Jerry Clark and Jessica Lane who just

saw the entire altercation with wide eyes and fear. So, it

was an even bigger surprise when Chris Rodriguez

stopped by Nick bent down and picked up his backpack

and drawing and knelt next to Nick and said,

“Hey, what’s your name.”

“N-Nick?” he croaked out

“Nice drawing is it yours?”

“Yes.” Nick said again clearing his throat and looking

around at the entire school hallway looking in on this

whole conversation he felt like he was in the twilight

zone, and he never wanted to leave. Because Chris

Rodrigues the freaking quarterback was talking to him,

and everyone knew how attractive he was. And Nick

noticed too he knew he liked guys, but he never told

anyone but his two closest friends that he was gay. He

never even told his parents he was so far in the closet to

everyone else he could barely see the door. At least that

was what he thought. The quarterback was talking to

him, and he had totally missed his words. Shit, Nick get,

your head on straight he would never be into a guy like

you so get over yourself he mentally scolded himself.

“……Just let me know if you are interested here’s my

number if you want to get a hold of me, okay? Gotta go,

alright, just think about it.”

“Uhh…??” Nick said in a daze, but he had already

started walking to the rest of “The Pack” again.

What just happened??

“O. M. G. Nick congrats he just asked you if you wanted

to do the art for the homecoming poster this year!”

“He did what?!!” Nick said to his friend Jessica a little

too loud finally getting up off his ass.

“You didn’t even hear what he said did you” Jerry said.

“No, can you blame me?”

“Oh my gosh you like Chris Rodrigues, don’t you?”

“Shush, will ya!” Nick snapped at Jessica

“You know he’s Bisexual, don’t you?” she said

“Who cares like he’d be even into me, a skinny scrawny

art nerd. In my dreams.”

“You never know he might be into that kind of thing.”

“Let’s just go to class, oaky?”


Nick went in the door of his family home and

sighed what a day. Nicks home is what you’d call

normal. Normal couch in the living room which is where

he left his school bag. There were very few pictures on

the wall except one of his parent’s wedding and one of

Nickolas’s as a kid and one of his last years school

picture, on a wooden shelf by the tv. It had a dark

brown staircase that zigzagged up the floor and his

room was at the end of the second-floor hallway and

that was where the boring ended. His room was filled

with all sorts of art projects he’s done and a couple

awards, he won from contests. He had posters of art he

found interesting and such across the wall and a pic by

his bed of his two best friends in high school. However,

He couldn’t get Chris Rodriguez’s look out of his mind.

His tanned Latin skin, his fit muscled body, his wavy

black hair with golden highlights in some kind off

mohawk look and let’s not forget his eyes that were

maple brown, they were like a dream. He’s lucky his

friends heard the whole conversation because he

missed most of it so fixated on his beauty that he

missed the most important part he wanted Nick to do

the art for the poster that would hang not only in the

hallways, but it would be shown and recognized at the

homecoming dance. But why him he was good but not

that good, was he? But the chance to be seen was too

much to not at least give it a shot if not for the fame but

maybe for scholarships and such. God knows that

number was burning a hole in his pocket. He reached in

and grabbed it, what’s the harm in trying to get contact.

It was probably a fake anyway. So, pulling out his

iPhone he stood there contemplating whether to call or

text in the end he shot at text to the number Chris had


Nicks Phone: Hi this Nick Randoulph, you asked me to

help with the art for the homecoming poster if you’re

still interested let me know.

Chris’s Phone: Hey still interested, glad you answered,

meet me at Rosie’s sweet buns Saturday at nine in the

morning to chat, K?

Nick’s Phone: Okay… see you then?

Chris’s Phone: For sure, CWYL Nickolas

Nick stared at the text for the longest time not sure

what it meant until he looked it up and realized it

meant chat with you later. Then he realized the way he

used his name, and it shot a rush of an unfamiliar

feeling through his chest, and he realized he liked it a

little more than he should and when he looked in the

mirror he realized he was smiling. Shit he was in


As Chris sat in the cinnamon buns restaurant

waiting for Nickolas, he contemplated How I would

approach the subject of the Art poster and my need for

him. He figured he was afraid of me thanks to Sarah. It

really is unfair how she treats those who she deems

unworthy. But his hands were tied she’s the reason he

got the chance to be quarterback and given that her

pops, is the coach and he spoils her rotten one wrong

move or word from her, and he would be blackballed on

the team and possibly lose his spot. Heaven knows

there are plenty who could take it. But something about

that cute nerd Nickolas had him actually feel bad

enough to help him off the floor. he knew he was

attractive in the literal sense everyone wanted to date

the hot quarterback and sure he’d dated a few guys and

girls overtime he wouldn’t hide my sexuality for anyone

yeah, it’s widely known Chris Rodriguez is bisexual. But

something about how those big baby blue eyes stared

back at him shook me to his core. He’d never been

looked at like he hung the moon before. So, he’d asked

him to do the art for the poster. Sarah wouldn’t notice

who did the art she never did. She just cared that it

would be done in time. So, Nick wouldn’t be on her

radar. Plus, he’s not bad on the eyes that curly light

brown hair the skinny stature. And that butt that shows

so nicely in the skinny jeans he wears. But what really

gets him is the round glasses that sat on his cute button

nose yes that completes him like no other. So, yes Chris

had a crush on the dude, but he didn’t even know if he

liked guys or not. Well, the way he looked at him spoke

yes but he’d never seen him with anyone but those two

friends of his and from what Chris could tell they are

just that friends. So, he’d asked him here to see him

alone not with the pack as everyone calls them. He

wanted to get to know him with his guard down a little.

He was so deep in thought he didn’t notice him come in

and he was looking like he’s one minute from bolting.

“Hey over here, Nickolas”

Did he just blush looking around the restaurant,


“Hi, my name is Nick by the way.”

“But Nickolas sound’s more Interesting, don’t you


“Whatever” he says looking down at his hands

nervously and there’s that blush again.

“Why, me?”

“I’m sorry?” Chris said completely lost in his own

“Why do you want me to do the poster and not

someone else?”

“Well, because you are talented Nickolas.”

“Am not.”

“Okay first rule while we work together no putting

yourself down, Its not cool and totally not attractive.

And you are too cute to be unattractive.”

His head shoots up eye’s wide blue eyes bigger than

usual. Oops didn’t mean to say that part aloud yet.

Well, I guess that cats out of the bag now.

“You think I’m cute”

“Yes, you’ve got that cute nerd look about you and

that’s appealing to me”

“Oh, thanks.” He says blushing a deep shade of red that

goes below his button-down plaid shirt. And boy would

he like to see how far down it goes. Focus Chris, focus

on the task at hand.

So will you do it will you help the team by making the

art design for the poster.

“I will do it, but for you only not the team they are

notorious and mean. Sorry but that’s all I am willing to


“Fine, where shall we meet to work on the project.”

“We can meet at my house, cause I have all the supplies


Great I’m free Tuesdays and Thursdays that is when the

football team is not practicing”

“Cool, I’ll text you my address, see you then!”

“Okay see you then, Nickolas”

He pauses halfway to the door and smiles as he walks

the rest of the way. And boy do Chris plan on making

him smile even more now.

Nick was at his locker at the end of the day

when his friends finally caught up to him.

“Heeeey Nick, how’s it going” Jessica asked

“Fine” he said

Not looking up from his locker putting his books in the

bookbag as quickly as possible.

“Okay, what’s going on dude? You’ve been awkward all

day!” Jerry demanded

“I’m meeting with Chris today at my house and I’m

nervous as hell”
You’re what?! Okay spill everything.

So, he did. All of it including the part where Chris called

him cute. His friends looked part proud and part

shocked and all happy for him.

I Knew it! Jessica said I knew he liked you!

Congrats, man your first big crush Jerry said

“You, like have to wear that tight black T shirt you have

and the jean jacket that goes with it!”

Why? Where just going to work on the art project.

“You’ve got to dress to impress man, Knock him off his


“Yeah and that cologne, I got you for Christmas”, Jessica

Okay first of all, he said I was cute not a declaration of

love second, who even talks like that, third I am not

going to wear that cologne ever.

“Oh my god Nick use your head why else would the

freaking quarterback want to meet with you alone on

his day off at your house to work on “School Work” if

not because he has feelings for you? Clearly he wants to

get to know you one on one in a personal setting. I

mean if he wanted to just work on the project then you

could meet anywhere at school after school. He didn’t

have to agree to go to your house for that!” Jessica


“Oh” Nick gulped just realizing his predicament.

“Gotta go I think I’m going to be sick”

“No, you’re not, you are going to go home and get

ready and take this like a man, dude. Now go!”

Nick all but ran out the school door.

At his house he passed back and forth nervous.

He had changed into the outfit Jessica had suggested

but now, he was so nervous he was sweating through

his clothes. He was so nervous he almost forgot to

gather supplies for the art and such. He rushed to get

ready he ran to his closet in the corner of his room and

grabbed his colored pencils markers and paper. He was

so busy he almost missed the knock at his front door.

He all but nearly tripped over his feet getting there.

Shoot, get it together Nick.

Chris Rodriguez

As I knocked on Nickolas’s door, I heard a crash

inside and laughed to myself he is cute and clumsy.

Interesting. But when he opened the door, I lost the will

to speak.

He was wearing a black T shirt that hugged his chest

perfectly and a jean jacket that made him look cute and

hot at the same time. I felt a little underdressed in my

gym shorts and tank top I drove here in from the actual


Nickolas gave me a concerned look and said,

“You, okay?”

I cleared my throat and spoke

Yeah, just taking it all in. So, you dressed up for little Ol’


He looked away blushing.

“I thought you’d like it”

“Oh, I do I just feel a little underdressed in comparison.”

“No, you look great really, great.

“Thanks, are you going to invite me in?”

Oh yeah, I have everything set up so, come on up to my

room and we can get started.

His room reminded me of an Art exhibit all the Art of

Nickolas Randolph it was Just fantastic, and it made me


“So, I had some ideas I wanted to run by you for the



“I thought since your team is the Almighty Wolfs, I

thought we could have a wolf howling at the moon but

instead of actual moon it could be a football and we

could have shining stars around the so called moon.”

Yeah, that actual sounds good but what about a pack of

wolfs howling at the moon-football.”

“Yeah, okay I can do that!”

“You have nice eyes Nicholas, all blue”

“Oh. Um really?”

“Yeah, can I kiss you”


“Unless you don’t want that, I mean I don’t even know

if you are into guys”

“Yes! Yes, to both.”

“Oh oaky.”

So I leaned in to Nickolas and kissed him and his lips

were soft and compliant and exploratory and boy was I

getting aroused or was he? I looked down and saw it

was him. Oh my.

“Nickolas is this the first time you kissed a guy?”

“Um, maybe?”

And a thrill went through me for being his first then he

looked down and noticed his hard on and he went beat

red and ran to his bathroom screaming.

‘You should go, now, we can meet again later this week,

man this is embarrassing!”

“Okay see you Thursday Nickolas”


He says before the bathroom door slams shut. I

refrained from saying something lewd since he was

already mortified and left.

Once in the car I looked in the rearview mirror noticed I

had on a big smile. I was falling for Nickolas Randolph

who knew that would happen.

The next day at football practice Sara Lions

walked up to Chris with her hands on her hips. She did

not look happy.

“Where were you yesterday? I was going to

introduce you to a possible date for homecoming, but

you didn’t even answer your phone?”

“Oh um, I went for a long run to clear my head.”

He lied

“Oh, well he’ll be here again after school so be

ready to meet him”

“You know I can find my own date for

homecoming, Sara?”

She rolled her eyes like yeah right. And said,

“Well, he is a friend of my cousin, and he is hot

with a capital H, so give him a chance, K?”


Nick Randolph

Nick was at his locker when the wolf pack came

by. And he saw Chris and he smiled at him. But Chris

completely ignored him. Confused and hurt he turned

back to his locker and slammed it closed. Why, why did

he kiss me yesterday if he was just going to ignore me

the next day. Was it a bet or a joke? The more he

thought about it the more hurt and angrier he felt. He

sat next to his friends in class but, it was all just a blur

his thoughts were all just jumbled. Maybe he’d talk to

Chris after school. Yeah that’s what he'll do.

Chris Rodriguez

Chris left fast after class to avoid Sarah the

school was big with winding halls and a front entrance

and exit depending on which way your going with four

metal doors right next to one another the hell hadn’t

rung yet so the hallways where mostly clear but once he

got out of the school doors, he ran right into someone.

“Hey, sorry man, my bad” he said to the guy he

ran into lost in thought.

“Chris, right, Chris Rodriguez?”

Chris looked back startled out his thoughts. I

mean everyone knew him but to call him by his full

name was not normal. The guy was pretty like a cute

fashion model. Unfortunately, he was into people with

substance other than just looks.

“Yeah, that’s me?”

“I’m Justin um, Sarah’s cousin’s friend?”

“Oh, Ohhhhh, hey!”

“Wow, you really are as hot as she said” Justin


“Um, thanks?”

Just then the school bell rang and the whole school

came tumbling out. Chris moved to the side to let them

through. And cleared his throat nervously.

“So, what school do you go to?”

“I go to Southtown High and I’m a senior and like the

only gay dude that’s out there, so that’s why I agreed to

this set up for the homecoming dance.”

“Oh okay.”

The bell rang suddenly and as Chris watched the

other students leave the building, he tried to think of

the best way to let the guy down, easy. He was sorry for

him, but he was defiantly not interested. Just then he

heard feet running on the pavement and his name

being called and once he recognized the voice he

wanted out of this conversation as quickly as possible.

“Chris, Chris!” Nickolas called, making his way through

the crowd of students.

And Chris was never happier for an easy out.

That was until Sarah showed up out of no where and

said loudly for everyone to hear including Nickolas.

“Chris, thank goodness you found your homecoming

date. I was worried you wouldn’t find each other.”

Just as Nickolas came out of the throng of people.

Chris stood there between Nickolas and Justin feeling

his face heating up so much and he didn’t know what to

do. And Sarah had to be her usual ass of a self and say,

“What do you want nerd?”

And then she literally shoved him, and he lost

his balance and fell back down a step on his ass and

when he looked up his face was something Chris would

never forget it was a mixture of humiliation hurt and

recognition, he got up adjusted his glasses and ran with

clear tears in is eyes.

Chris was so shocked he didn’t know what to

do. He wanted to run after Nickolas, but he knew it

would literally piss of Sarah so instead he turned to look

at Justin who had a very passive look on his face like oh

this happened all the time with Sarah. And maybe it has

but he needed to take a stand he would not let her get

away with this again. So, he stood brave and furious and

spun on Sarah.

“Do you have to be such a bitch to those who you

dislike. You had no right to do that just cause you’re the

coach’s daughter doesn’t give you the right to treat

everyone like such shit. And I will not be going to the

homecoming dance with your cousin’s friend so you can

forget that notion, now I have to fix what you broke as


He spun on his heel and walked away just as he heard

her cry and say,

“I’m telling my daddy about this you’ll regret it!”

But Chris really didn’t care he was tired of being her

clean up person and being scared of the power she had

over him. Her hurting Nickolas was the last straw.

Nick Randolph

Nick stumbled into his house and ran upstairs to

his room and fell face first on his bed and cried into the

pillow. He tried not to think about how humiliated he

felt. He knew he never really had a chance with Chris

the quarterback but, he thought he at least would have

said something to Sarah after she rudely shoved him

onto the ground but, he just stood there gaping like a

fish out of water. What the hell! And why the kiss? It

plagued him all day and then this?! He hated her for

being so mean and he was furious that Chris said

nothing, nothing at all. And who was that gorgeous guy

he was talking to. He punched his pillow, in what, was

he jealous? Why was he jealous after one kiss he was

falling for the quarterback? Well, it was a really good

kiss after all but still. Huhhh, he hated his life. Just then

he heard a knock at the front door who could that be.

He got up and ran to the door and looked through the

peephole and saw Chris Rodriguez. He frowned and


“Go away!”

“Come on Nickolas open up we have to talk, I’m

really sorry I’m such an idiot but please open the door.”
Nick sighed and unlocked the door and stepped aside

with his arms crossed across his chest.

“Look, I am sorry about Sarah she can be an ass


“I’m not just mad about what she did, you stood there

while she threw me to the ground. Why? And also,

while you explain that also explain why you kissed me

was it just a joke to you because it wasn’t to me it was

my first kiss after all, so?”

Chris looked surprised for a second then said,

“That was your fir-never mind look can we sit, and I’ll



So that sat on the couch in his families living room.

“Okay, First, of all Sarah is the daughter of the coach

and she got me a try out for the team in the first place
so I guess I’m afraid if she were to get mad, I could lose

my spot on the team. The coach spoils her to death so it

could happen, second, I did tell her off after you ran off.

Lastly, I don’t kiss people as a joke, I actually, like you, a

lot and I was going to ask you if you felt the same?”

“Of course, I like you, who wouldn’t, you’re like my

knight in shining armor you literally saved me when I

got hurt by the beast called Sarah Lions.”

Chris smiled and said,

“Can I kiss you again, then?”

“I’m not stopping you.”

So, Chris leaned in and kissed his Nickolas again but

properly this time. Just then the front door opened, and

Nicks mom came through.

“What the hell is going on here!”

Nick Jumped back so fast the couch literally tilted a bit.

“Mom, your home early….”

“Is that the football teams’ quarterback and were you

just kissing?”

Nick blushed so badly Chris was ashamed he didn’t have

a camera to record it.

“Uh, mom we should talk,”

“Yeah, I think we should. Just let me get settled from


Nick Randolph was nervous he knew he was his

parents only child. And they expected him to have a

girlfriend by now. So this will be quite a shock for them

but it was time to finally tell his mom about his feelings

about guys.

“Do you want me to leave or should I stay.”

“Maybe go, cause I’m nervous enough as it is, but I’ll

call you later, ok?

“Mmm, hmm”

Just as Chris Rodriguez left his mom came back with a

cup of coffee in hand.

Nick Randolph

“I’m ready” His mom Claire said as she sat down. “What

is going on?”

“Okay, mom I’m gay!”

So, your into guys then, and you’re sure it’s not a phase,

or that you are just curious?

“I’m sure, I was attracted to guys since I knew what

liking a person was. I just didn’t tell anyone but my two

friends at school cause, I didn’t want it to be another

thing to give bullies a reason to mock me about. “

“And this quarterback is worth risking that cocoon of

safety you but yourself in?”

Well, yeah, I guess. I just didn’t want to miss a chance of

knowing him because I was too scared. It would be a

big, missed opportunity, you know?”

Okay, well I kind of figured you were gay or just not

ready for a relationship yet because you never really

looked twice at girls when we were out and about, so

it’s not so surprising, but I want you to stay safe okay

and I’m happy for you. And just know that I’m always in

your corner so you don’t have to hide things from me.

I’m not going to hate you because of who you like and
what gender. I love you, my son and that’ll never

change, got it.

“Yes, mom!”

“Okay give me a hug and let’s eat some supper, okay?”


Chris Rodriguez

Once Chris arrived at his house the person, he, so did

not want to see was standing on his front porch. His

house was a white two-story house with a front porch

that was made of wood and painted white while the

house was sky blue. The front yard was surrounded by a

white picket fence. He slowly got out of his car

deliberately taking his time and said,

“Sarah, what are you doing here.”

“Trying to see what your problem is.”

Okay away with the pleasantries. Chris stood there at

his front gate and looked her straight in the eye with his

school bag around his shoulder and rolled his eyes.

“If you have something to say, just say it, I don’t have

time for your mind games today I am to tired.”

“I think you’ve gotten too big of a head, and you think

you run the show here. I am the alpha of the wolf pack,

and you are my beta you do as I say, or you will suffer

the consequences. Got it?”

“I’m sorry I think you think you have some kind of

power over me, or something here, you’re a

cheerleader whose dad is a coach that runs the football

team. This isn’t some hierarchy where you are in charge

of the whole school or something.”

“No but I put you in the quarterback position and I can

just as easily take it away with one sob story from me to

my dad.”

She made a sad sobbing sound and acted out,

“Oh daddy, Chris tried to attack me when I went to visit

him at his house, and I couldn’t push him off. He’s a

monster daddy.”

“You wouldn’t” Chris growled.

“I would”

“What do you want Sarah.”

“You will stop seeing that nerd or I will make yours and

he’s life a living hell!”

“You’re the monster” Chris said as Sarah waltzed right

past him with a evil grin on her face.

“And proud of it, babe”

Chris stormed in his house and pulled out his phone to

call Nickolas.

Nick Randolph

Nick was lying in bed when his phone rang. The Caller id

said Chris and he quickly answered it.


“Hey, listen, I just got a nasty threat from Sarah and

well I can’t see you in public right now. For your safety

and mine we should find a secret place to meet up and

work on the homecoming poster because I still need

you and I promise I will eventually find a way around

this. But for now, this’ll have to do.”

“Oh. Okay, in terms of a place to work, Ms. Sofia has a

back art room that is private where we can work

unnoticed after school. When I tell her why we need it

I’m sure she’ll be fine with it.”

And just so you know, Sarah has power over you for

one reason and one reason only because you let her.

She’s not a god she can’t strike you down with lightning

for not listening or whatever. She’s a student like me or

you with a bullying complex. Just remember you are the

quarterback of the school who has won many games

and is just as popular if not more than her. You have the

power to do what’s right, whereas her power is

illusionary. It’s your choice, freedom or stay bound

under the control of that monster.

“Yeah, you have a point. Thanks!”

So as the weeks passed on every free day Nick had he

would work on the poster for homecoming perfecting it

to Chris’s specifications. And then a week before

homecoming it was done. The poster depicted wolf

howling at the moon and a big life like moon in the back
round and it said Welcome to Milton High Home of The

Almighty Wolfs. It was great and took some time to

make. The reveal of the poster will happen right before

the game starts and the artist of the year will be

revealed. So it had to be huge to be seen by everyone in

the stadium.

Ms. Sofia checked it out first and said in awe.

“I think this is your best art yet. You should be proud,

don’t you think?”

Nick gulped and said, “Yeah, I just hope everyone likes it

I’m a bit nervous is all.”

He texted Chris that it was completed a half hour ago

and he still hasn’t shown up yet. Just then the art class

door opened, and Chris barged in out of breath, and he

looked excited.

“It’s done?!”
“Yeah, what do you think?” Nick asked nervously.

Oh, Wow it’s perfect! I can’t wait for everyone to see it

and know my boyfriend made it.”

“Secret boyfriend, I might add but yeah I’m excited


Nick Randolph

So, homecoming is tonight, and Nick was very excited

and very nervous he and Chris talked about letting

everyone know they are a thing when the poster is

reviled. Nick knew that he was attracted to Chris, but

did he like him enough to trust him with his heart. Well,

he was going to find out tonight when his hard work

was revealed. He’s even inviting his mom and dad to the
football game and homecoming to see his beautiful

work they are so proud of.

“Mom does this shirt scream hot and artist at the same


Nick was in front of his bathroom mirror wearing a black

shirt with white stripes and black jeans and vans skater

shoes with checkers.

“Yeah, you look very handsome, honey. Are you ready

to go?”

“Yes, I’m ready”

Nick texted his, to be public boyfriend saying he was on

his way and that he will see him there.

Chris Rodriguez
Chris was having a hell of a day. His coach was on

everyone’s ass to win the game. They had been

practicing everyday practically this week getting ready

for the big game because they were going up against

the undefeated team in the whole school system. He

asked the coach if he could be up there when they

reviled the poster and he just glared at him saying,

“Are you serious Rodriguez, you need to keep your head

in the game, 100 % or we won’t win.”

So, Chris took that as a no, and he hoped Nick

understood he would meet up with him later.

So, when they reviled his boyfriend’s art he would be in

the locker room getting ready for the game and he will

soon realize what a mistake he would have made.

Nick Randolph
Nick sat in the front row of the stadium with his

parents. They brought out the poster onto the field and

Nick kept checking his phone wondering where Chris

was he was supposed to be there as they reviled his art,

but he was nowhere in sight. He did, however, see

Sarah Lions walk up to the mic as the poster was shown

and there were a lot of ooo’s and ahhs as the poster

was opened and shown to the whole crowd.

Sarah stepped up to the microphone and smiled her

sassy smile and announced,

Hey, everyone I am Sarah Lions the head cheerleader

and this poster is great right!

The crowd cheered loudly.

She then continued and said looking straight into Nicks

Well, this was made by the same artist who did it last

yeah Zach Keller, hasn’t he just improved since last


The crowd oohed and ahh’d as Zach Keller awkwardly

walked up to the mike and grimaced and then with a

look from Sarah said “

Yeah, that’s me,”

Sarah then quickly grabbed the mic and said, all right

folks you ready for tonight’s homecoming game with

the Almighty Wolfs. The crowd roared and the game


Nick sat there in his seat tears in his eyes extremely

mad embarrassed and most of all hurt he rose from his

seat kind of in a daze and stalked to the entrance of the

stadium and then ran to the restroom in tears he

slammed open the door and fell to his knees shaking

with tears. He grabbed his phone and called Chris with

no answer, he then texted him in rapid succession that

he couldn’t do this anymore and to never call him again.

His dad stepped into the restroom and said,

“I’m really sorry buddy do you want a hug?”


He grabbed his father in a gripping hug and cried and

cried until he and no tears left.

He walked out and saw his mom there and she looked

very upset, too, but for a different reason.

“This is not fair to you. The principal will be hearing

from me tomorrow. You worked day in and day out

after school on that poster and then this happens.


Nick was just so glad someone cared on his behalf.

Chris Rodriguez

Chris had just finished his game which they had won.

When he overheard one of his teammates say,

“My sister just texted me saying she wants Zachs

number for an art project because he must have

improved since he did the homecoming poster, last


Chris felt a chill run down his spine as he spun around

and said,

“Wait, what?”

“Yeah apparently Sarah announced to everyone that he

did the poster again this year and everyone was totally


“She, did what?! No that was done by Nick Randolph!”

“Dude, who is Nick Randolph he sounds like a freaking


Nick grabbed him by his shirt collar and said, “Say that

again about my boyfriend and I’ll end you, got it?”

“Okay dude, sorry, I didn’t even know you were dating


“Hey!”, another team member said, “If he is the one

who did it he must feel like complete shit right now

being overlooked like that. Poor guy!”

Chris suddenly paled and ran to his locker to grab his

phone. The text he found made him drop to the floor in

heartbreak and sorrow.

Nick: I can’t do this anymore! DON’T call me AGAIN!

Chris picked up his phone and called nick again and

again apologizing about how it went down and if he

could explain. Leaving it in a voice message and a text.

With no response. He then walked up to the coach’s

office and knocked. Coach Lions opened the door with a

smile and said.

“Good game Rodriguez”.

“I quit the team; your daughter has pulled the last straw

with me!”

He spun on his heel and walked away as he heard the

coach say,

“You can’t quit, you’re the best quarterback we have.

Come back here!”

But he slammed the door right in his face.

He had to fix this he didn’t know how but he would.

Nick Randolph
The next day the principal called a meeting with Sarah

Lions and her dad and Nick Randolph and his mother

since his dad had to work that day.

Once seated coach spoke first.

“Why am I here, is this about some flimsy poster that

was at homecoming come on Thomas its just kids being


Sarah Lions sat there; arms crossed legs crossed in her

cheerleader’s outfit staring at the wall. And for once she

was silent and brooding.

“Excuse me? Mr. Lions this more than just kids being

kids your daughter has been harassing my son and his

friend Chris Rodriguez all year and it must be stopped

and my son is a brilliant artist who deserves recognition

and respect.
“Wait this is who Chris quit the team for? This artistic

skinny kid?”

“I beg your pardon?!” Nicks mom said.

Alright Russell that’s enough! Let’s get back on track!”

Principle Thomas Jeffery said.

“It’s a poster, Jeffrey not the freaking Monalisa!”

“It’s the principal of the thing Coach Lions, your

daughter has crossed a line by giving the credit to

someone else and I have to punish her by suspension

for two days.”

“What?!!” “Fine, so be it but I do have things to do right

now like find another quarterback since mine quit so

I’ve gotta go.”

He stood and walked out mumbling about “I can’t

believe my baby got suspended for a damn poster!”

“it’s the principle of the thing Lions” that Principle

called after him.

Chris Rodriguez

Chris was just walking by the office when he overheard

the coach grumbling about Sarah Lions getting

suspended and then the coach saw him. And said

storming by,

“You’re really going to quit the team for a piece of ass,

Chris, really?”

“The fact that you think that is the only reason why,

explains it all coach.”

Chris decided to wait by Nick’s locker for him. When he

saw him walking up he was smiling but when he noticed

who was at his locker his smiled faded fast.

“What do you want Chris.”

“I wanted to apologize for what happened.”

That’s not enough anymore Chris, do you know what it

was like to be ignored like that in front of the whole

crowd and not given credit for the hard work I put into

that poster for weeks. No, I don’t think you do and the

worst part is they gave credit to Zach who had the gal to

go up there and take the credit for my work! It hurt

more than words can say so an apology will not work

this time, Chris.”

“But I miss you,”

“Did you even care about me or was I just a passing

fancy who you found attractive.”

“Yes, I cared about you!”

“Then you have to prove it to me, by giving me time to

think about what I want. Cause I was really hurt. Did

you really a quit the team?”

“Yeah, I couldn’t be around coach Lions and Sarah


“Is that what you really wanted or are you doing it for

my sake? Just think about it. I must go to class see you

another time Chris.”


Chris watched as Nick walked around the corner to his

first class of the day, in thought did he really want to

quit the team, was that really the answer or was there

another way to fix this problem?

Chris decided to take a slow stroll to his first class when

he noticed Ms. Sofia walking to the teachers’ lounge

when an idea came to mind it was a far-fetched idea

but if it worked it would make up for all the horrible

things that happened to Nick.

“Hey Ms. Sofia?”

“How can I help you Mr. Rodriguez?”

He noticed she no longer called him Chris and her look

was not pleased. Noticing his apprehension, she went

on to say.

“You really hurt Nick, in more ways than one that was a

big chance to get his work noticed by everyone and you

hoodlums took it from him. I’m really disappointed in

you, knowing how much Nick opened up to you and he

never was an open person nor trusting. So, if you have

something important to say go ahead otherwise, I have

places to be.”

Chris gulped.
“I have a way to make it up to him and maybe the

whole art class, but I need your help!”

“I’m listening…”

Nick Randolph

Nick walked into his art class with his head down and

took his seat. He was getting his art set up when a big

shadow blocked the light. Zach Keller. Zach Keller was a

heavy-set nerd who wore big round glasses he was

always sweaty and was a big pushover which made him

a very easy target for bullies. Nick continued setting up

without even looking his way. When he talked.

I know you don’t want to see me right now, so I’ll make

this quick. I’m truly sorry for taking credit for your work.

Sarah Lions threatened to stick every bully in the school

on me for the rest of the year if I didn’t do it. She is

really scary, but she does make good on her word.

Nick heard sniffling and looked up for the first time and

was shocked to see Zach had red eyes and looked like

he hadn’t slept in a week.

I don’t blame you Zach, but it’s true I don’t want to talk

to you right now so please take your seat.”


“Alright class I have a big announcement to make so

everyone take your seats and listen up. Thanks to an

anonymous party our school will be featured in the

national art museums art fair exhibit this year and a

select few will have their art featured in this exhibit for

all to see. So please think hard and come up with a

piece by March 16 because it will be sent into the

museum by the 20th.”

There was a collected gasp in the classroom minds at

work. But all Nick could think about was Chris and how
much he missed him and did he really quit, the football

team just because of how they treated Nick. That really

was surprising because Nick didn’t know he meant so

much to Chris. But he guessed he did.

Chris Rodriguez

Chris was at home watching TV when the doorbell rang.

His mother said Can you get the door mi hijo?

“Yeah, mom”

He got up and ran from the living room to the front

door. When he saw who it was, he went to close the

door in her face.

Wait, Chris! I came to apologize!

he stood there in his grey hoody and sweats arms

crossed and said,

“Go, ahead!”
“I know I’ve been a bitch to you and ah, ah, -“

“Nick his, name is Nick.”

Nick, right! And I’ll improve my attitude to you and Nick

from now on. But will you come back to the team coach

is beside himself the stand in quarterback is terrible and

we lost two games in the last two weeks. We really

need you!”

“I’ll come back on a few conditions you must stop

bullying not only Nick, but every other student and you

have to let me see him whenever I want to.


“Ah-Ah, and you must apologize to Nick, with me there

and admit that I was not involved in your schemes,

because I wasn’t! Got it?!”

“Alright let’s go. Where going to see him now!”

Nick Randolph

Nick was sick with a cold, and he hated colds because it

brought his energy down to zero. His mom was gone to

work, and his dad was too so he sat at home watching

sad romcom movies trying not to think what Chris was

doing right now.

He had just finished a really, sad one, and was getting

up to get yet another tissue box when he heard a knock

at the door.

Who is it? He nasaled out.

“It’s Chris,”

Nick nearly dropped the tissue box as he ran to the

nearby window to check his face and hair. He looked

like death warmed over. Whatever, it’s the best he can

do for now. He swung open the door and said,


Chris suddenly looked concerned.

“Are you okay? You look horrible; I mean horribly cute

but, still.”

“Nice save there buckoo, but what’s she doing here?”

“I’m here to apologize about all the bad things I did to

you and just so you know they were all my schemes; he

was not involved. So, I’m Sorry.”

“Really is that so, well you know what you did hurt a lot

of people. Not just me, so, thanks and I’ll accept your

apology but I can’t forgive you yet. I need time.”

Just then Nick coughed and sneezed at the same time.

“Nick really, are you okay?”

“Yes, Chris I’m not dying. I have a cold.”

“Do you need soup? Yeah, I think I’ll come by and leave

you soup at your door, sound good?”

“You really don’t have to.”

“I know but I will because I’m a nice person and I care

about you, so I’ll be right back, as they say.”

“Thanks” he sniffled out.

All Chris heard as he walked away was Nick hacking

away behind his door, he did not sound good. Not at all.

Chris Rodriguez

“Wow, be careful when you go back there you definitely

don’t want what he has.”

“He has, a cold Sarah, not leper.”

“I know, just be careful we need our quarterback,”

“I know, I will.”
Chris ran to his favorite restaurant after

dropping Sarah off at home and bought his favorite

chicken noodle soup and went all the way back to

Nickolas’s house and set it on the chair near the door of

his porch and rang the bell leaving a get well note with

it and left.

Nick Randolph

Nick stumbled to his front door, looked out and grinned

as he saw the soup left there for him. He read the note

too and it warmed his heart. It said,

“Get well soon, Chris XOXO.”

As the days went by Chris and Nick started to get to

know each other better Chris found out why Nick

started being an artist. And Nick found out when Chris

started liking football. In one conversation at Jackie’s

Diner Nick asked,

“What are your future plans, I mean do you want to go

big and continue to college football or do you want

venture out onto a new path once you finish High


“Well, yeah, I want to go to college football and maybe

be drafted to the NFL but, I’ll only join a team that

excepts my sexual status I don’t want to hide again, you


“What about you, you want to continue being an artist

or what?”

Nick thought about it, grabbing a fry from his almost

empty plate of food.

“I want to continue being an artist but not as a career,

so I want a job that’ll let me do both.”

“Okay, yeah cool! I’ve got to go but I’ll text you later”

Chris said getting up from the table.

Can I kiss you before I go?

Nick nodded.

The kiss was quick but still left Nick’s lips tingling


Chris Rodrigeuz

Chris’s father was one of the planners of events at the

National Art Museum downtown and that is how he

was able to get the school a spot at the Museums expo.

At dinner one night his father asked him.

“What gave you the great idea to include the school’s

art class to join the exhibit?”

“Well, I’m dating one of the classes artists right now and

he is just amazing. You have no idea! You know the

homecoming poster he did that his name is Nick

“Really, is my son finally falling in love with someone?!”

his mom asked.

“Yeah, I think I’m in love” Chris said dreamily.

“Well, you’ll have to invite him to dinner soon.” She


“Okay, I’ll ask him about it.”

Nick Randolph

Nick was just finishing up his masterpiece when he got a

text from Chris.

Chris: You wanna meet my parents this weekend?

Nick: Really! You want me to meet them!

Chris: Yeah, why not?

Nick: It’s a big step that’s all, but sure. What day?

Chris: Saturday.
Nick: Cool see you there!

Nick Randolph

“Hey mom does this look great?” Nick asked getting

ready to have the, “meeting the parents” dinner.

“What sweetie?” his mom said walking into the


Does this look okay?”

He was wearing a white polo with a blue collar and blue

stripes. Then he was wearing blue jeans.

“I’m meeting Chris’s parents tonight. That’s okay right?”

“Yeah, I’ll be busy with work stuff tonight so, yes. You

really like this guy, huh? Things are serious?”


“You know to keep things as PG-13 as possible until you

get out of high school, right?”

“Mom….!” He moaned.

“Well I’m just saying I don’t want to come home to you

guys doing sexual things-“


“Okay, just saying.”

“We aren’t even there yet, we just kissed, that’s all!”

“Okay and, your outfit is cute. You’re very handsome.

Here, give your mom a hug before you go. My son is

growing up too fast.”

“Okay, mom I have to go!”

She released him saying “Have a great time honey.”

Nick walked out to Chris’s car with his head held high.

Chris Rodrigeuz

Chris watched Nick walk to the car and said,

“Wow, are those skinny jeans”

“Yeah, do you like them”

Chris cleared his throat saying,

“Yeah, they fit you well”

Meanwhile thinking “Are you trying to kill me before I’m

19 those pants hide very little.”

Once they got on the road Nick asked what they were

having for dinner and Chris answered BBQ on the grill.

Meanwhile keeping his eyes firmly on the road. Nick

looked really cute today and he really liked what he

saw. So he was trying to keep his hormones in check for

dinner with his folks. And he knew nick didn’t even

know what he was doing to him with his eyes looking

outside at the passing houses completely oblivious.

Once at the house his parents met them at the door.

“Hi there, you must be Nick. I’m Maria and this is my

husband, Leonardo.”

“Yes, but you can call me Leo. Or Mr. Rodrigeuz either is


“Hi, Mr. and Ms. Rodrigeuz, I’m Nick Randolph nice to

meet you too.” Nick said blushing.

“Oh Chris, he’s so adorable” Chris’s mom said which

only deepened his blush.

“Mom,” Chris said complaining.

“Okay, okay, go have fun until dinners ready,”

Chris grabbed Nicks hand and took him upstairs to show

him his room. Nick ultimately noticed the football

posters of what he could only assume were Chris’s

favorite teams. Before he could see anything, else Chris

was kissing him. Like it was a natural thing.

“Is this, okay? Chris asked.

“Yeah, but we should get downstairs soon before you

parents start to wonder what we’re doing.”

“Uh, yeah sure, just one more kiss, K? You just look so

hot today.”

All Nick could do is blush and comply.

Chris Rodrigeuz

At dinner Chris sat at the table next to Nick as they ate.

His father spoke up saying,

“So, Nick what do you think of the football team?”

I guess they’re good from what I’ve heard. I’ve

unfortunately never been to a game.”

“Really? Then how did you two meet each other?”

“Um, Chris helped me out when I was being bullied and

kinda asked me to do the poster for the football team

for homecoming and then we kind of got to know each

other from there.”

“That’s my son he’s always had a big heart, even if I

might not get any grandkids.”

“Dad, I told you there are ways around that for people

who aren’t straight.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“So, what do you do if it’s not sports?”

“I’m an artist or trying to be one at least”

“Your art is great; baby don’t put yourself down.”

“Um, thanks? I’m glad you think so.”

Nick went all kinds of red in the face with a blushing

smile. And it took Chris a minute to realize why Oh. My.

God, I just called him baby in front of my parents for the

first time. And now it was Chris’s turn to look away


His mom just looked on with a knowing smile saying.

“You two are just precious.”

Well, are you going to put your work in the running for

the art exhibit Chris asked me to run for the museum.

“Wait you are the one behind the competition Mrs.

Sofia Is doing?”

Nick asked, shocked, looking at Chris.

“Yeah, I wanted to do something that would help

benefit you and the whole art department at school.

Especially since you didn’t get any recognition at the

homecoming scenario. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I

wanted it to be a surprise that would make you happy.”

“Wow. You really are great, you know that. I didn’t

know but that makes me so happy, you have no idea.”

“Ah, just as long as you are not judging the winners,


“No, of course not there is a team for that at the

museum, so it’ll be fair, trust me.”

“That sounds awesome! Just so you know I’ve been

working hard on my piece, and I hope you’ll like it.”

So the day finally came to present the art at the

museum and Nick was beyond nervous. He really

wanted everyone to like his piece since he put his heart

and soul into it. He also hoped Chris would see it and


When he arrived at said museum, he looked

around at all the projects people made some were okay

while others stood out. The ones that were in the

running for the 1st 2nd and 3rd place winnings had a blue

ribbon on it signifying it was picked to be voted on. He

quickly looked for his and found it toward the front of

the room and it indeed did have a blue ribbon on it. He

smiled and stared at his painting with pride in his heart.

Nick’s painting depicted him and Chris siting on a bench

on the porch of a log cabin at night staring at the sky

arms around each other him in a plaid button down and

jeans and Chris in his letterman jacket and jeans staring

serenely at the stars that lit up the night sky. The title


“At Peace, at My Happy Place, With the One I Love.”

Suddenly a stranger in a suit jacket stepped up to his

side and said admiringly.

“This is truly a beautiful piece the care that went into it

and the structure of it stands out in the best way.”

“You think so?” Nick asked.

“Yes.” The man said finally looking down at Nickolas like

he was just noticing some one there.

“James Crawford, head of the Art Department of New

York state University.”

“Um, Nickolas Randolph, nice to meet you.”

“The Randolph who made this piece?”

“The one and only.”

“Wow I’d like to talk to you afterwards please come and

find me if you can.”


Chris Rodrigeuz

Chris walked into the museum his dad worked at an

hour later wearing his letterman Jacket and Jeans since

he had just come from football practice and wanted to

meet with Nickolas as soon as possible.

The moment he alked in all eyes stared at himn and

started whispering to each other with smiles and

curiosity. What he heard people saying confused him a


He heard,

““Isn’t that the guy from that amazing painting over


“Yeah, the one that’s in the running.”

“Yeah, so cool.”

“He’s so hot in person.”

“Yeah, the painting almost doesn’t do hi justice.”

“Yeah, but who’s the other guy his with.”

All the sudden an arm pulled him to the side and he

spun around to see Nickolas.

“Um, hey babe? I came to see you. What’s going on?”

“Why did you come wearing that you will draw

attention to yourself” He hush whispered.

“What are you talking about I just came from football

practice to see you? Did you not want me here?”

“What? No! Of course, I do here let me just show you

want I mean.”

He dragged him to the painting he did and Chris finally

understood the problem.

“You mad this?”

“Yes, do you like it?”

Chris looked into Nicks beautiful eyes and saw raw

vulnerability there and a little hope.

“I love it babe!” he said

And saw the biggest satisfied smile on his boyfriends

face he had ever scene.

“I’m glad!”

“Here give me a moment I have a change of clothes in

the car, and I’ll change into something else so I don’t

draw so much attention, okay?”

Okay thanks! And just so you know the title is not a lie I

do love you and I’ll tell you that in person tonight.

Chris’s heart swelled with happiness.

“I love you to babe”

Can I kiss you right now.

He smiled and nodded.

Chris leaned in and kissed him, and Nick kissed back. It

wasn’t until they felt the camera flash that they

remembered they were in a museum. And then there

was a round of applause from everyone in the room.

They both smiled and blushed in embarrassing


Later that night the announcer stood at the podium and


“Not that it is a surprise given the showcase and gossip

around this piece tonight but, Nickolas Randolph wins

first place in the running for the greatest art piece

shown tonight it is quite a marvel. He wins a thousand

dollars and dinner reservations for the Art Diner

restaurant downtown which he could definitely bring

his lovely boyfriend to if he desires since it’s dinner for


The crowd laughed and applauded, and Nick and Chris

hugged and held hands as the gift was given on stage.

Nick never felt happier in his life for finely being

acknowledged and for having the best guy he could ask

for as a partner on this journey from then to now.

The End.

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