Q&A IPLE - 2024 - Final - 0

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(March 2024 Q&A version, always check new versions on iple.cdl.unimi.it)

Application-related questions ............................................................................................. 1
StudyPlan-related questions .............................................................................................. 3
Transfers-related questions ............................................................................................... 4
Other questions ................................................................................................................. 5
Profile-based steps for admission to IPLE ......................................................................... 7

Application-related questions
A1. Is there a minimum score to pass the English TOLC-E test?
There is no minimum score because the ranking depends on the performance of all the
applicants of that given session. The same score can be enough for admission in a given
year but not in the following one.

A2. Is the English TOLC-E test valid also if taken at another university?
Yes, as long as it is taken within the relevant dates indicated in the IPLE call.

A3. Can I take the English TOLC-E test more than once? If yes, which one will be
considered for the purposes of the application?
You can take no more than one TOLC test of the same type per calendar month. For the
purposes of the 2024/25 ranking, and any additional learning requirements (OFA), we will
consider your highest test score from 1 January 2023 to the deadline date for that session
(both TOLC@CASA/TOLC@HOME and TOLC at University). Each time you sit the test you
will have to pay a €30 fee.

A4. Do I have to upload the score of the English TOLC-E test when applying to the
Unimi website?
No, there is no need to upload/send us the score of the English TOLC-E test, because the
University Offices automatically collect it from the TOLC CISIA website for those who apply
to the University website within the relevant deadlines. Therefore, if you both took the test
and applied to the Unimi website (in whichever order) within the relevant IPLE deadlines,
your application phase is complete. NB: Candidates are encouraged to use the same tax


code when applying to the Unimi website and taking the English TOLC-E test in order to
prevent O3 scenarios (see below).

A5. Do I have to pay any fee during the application phase?

No, the only fee to pay at this stage is the one to take the English TOLC-E test (30 euros).

A6. Are other tests valid alternatives to the English TOLC-E test?
No, no other test (i.e., SAT, etc) is valid. Similarly, other TOLC types (i.e., TOLC I, TOLC E)
are not accepted. Only the “English TOLC-E” test is valid.

A7. Do I have to upload transcripts, language certificates, motivational letters,...

during the application phase?
No, the application phase consists only of the English TOLC-E test and the application to the
Unimi website. There is no need to upload at this stage any language certificate nor the
transcript. The latter documents need to be uploaded during the enrolment phase, only by
students who are place winners.

A8. How do I know if I have been admitted?

Applicants will not receive any personal communication about the ranking list. As indicated in
the call (art. 7.1 call 2024/25), for the Spring session the list is published on the University
website at: http://studente.unimi.it/ammissioni/g/graduatoriaprogrammati/checkLogin.asp on
6 June 2024, after 2.00 pm Italian time. For the September session, the list is published on
the same University website on 4 September 2024 after 2.00 pm Italian time. The lists can
be updated due to successful candidates waiving their place. The dates in which the
updated lists are published are indicated in art. 1 of the call.

A9. What document is valid to fulfil the English language requirement?

On our website, under section “English OFA” on the Application page
(https://iple.cdl.unimi.it/en/enrolment), you can find detailed information about the English
requirements. In short, the English proficiency level for IPLE is B2, and it can be certified in
one of the following ways:
● a B2-score language certificate (see here the list of language certificates that are
accepted and their time validity)
● a secondary school diploma with English as teaching language (including IB
diplomas) (contact InformaStudenti and open a request under category
“International” to enquire about the validity of your diploma)
● take a Placement test organised by the University during the first trimester of the first
In all cases, proficiency needs to be certified only by place winners after the application
phase, when enrolling to the course. Students who fail to do so during the enrolment phase
won’t be able to register to take the exams of the programme until they fulfil the English

A10. I am a non-EU applicant who resides in the EU. Do I have to participate in the EU
or non-EU sessions?
If you reside in the EU and/or already hold a valid visa then you are considered as an EU-
equivalent candidate. To check the validity of your visa, contact the consular authorities.


A11. Is Italian proficiency required to be admitted to IPLE?
No, Italian proficiency tests are required only for Bachelor’s degree programmes taught in
Italian. Because IPLE is an English-taught degree programme, this requirement is not
applicable. However, after being admitted to IPLE, foreign students without an Italian degree
or diploma will have to include Italian language in their study plan as one of the 3 credit
Additional Language Skills courses that each IPLE student has to obtain in a language other
than English and other than their mother tongue by the end of their degree. To earn these 3
credits, they will have to prove an Italian language proficiency at level A2 within the Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This level can be assessed by
the end of the degree course in one of the ways indicated here:
https://iple.cdl.unimi.it/en/courses/italian-courses-and-tests. For any information about
international students, please visit: https://www.unimi.it/en/international/coming-abroad.

Study Plan-related questions

S1. When do I need to submit my study plan?
Students must submit their study plan at least once in their university career online.
The study plan shall include all mandatory and optional activities in the curriculum plus the
elective courses (see below S4), plus lab or internship plus the 3-credit Additional Language
Skills. Without a study plan 2nd and 3rd year students will not be able to sit exams that are
not included in their curriculum. There is only one window per year to submit the study plan
(usually in September/October): deadlines, submission guide and templates are posted to
Unimia, in the Study Plan section and here. Second year students may modify their study
plan, if necessary, in their third year.

S2. I am a first year student, do I have to submit my study plan?

No. First year students shall not submit their study plan, and they shall not even choose their
curriculum. They may sit 1st year exams belonging to both curricula (IPE and IPL) plus 2nd
year exams, provided that they respect the course progression requirements (check them
here). First year students may not sit other optional exams.

S3. When do I have to choose the curriculum (IPE or IPL)?

In the course of their career, IPLE students shall choose between two curricula: International
Politics and Economics (IPE) and International Politics and Law (IPL). Students shall choose
the curriculum at the moment of the presentation of the study plan, which usually takes place
at the beginning of their second year. The study plan may be submitted once a year. The
deadlines, submission guide and templates are posted to Unimia, in the Study Plan section
and here.

S4. How do I choose the elective courses?

During the three-years, students have to take 12 credits in elective courses. Starting from
the second year, with the approval of the study plan, it is possible to choose among different
options provided by the University, including language courses, as long as they are
consistent with the programme. You may find some guidelines on how to choose your
courses here. In case of doubt, we suggest you contact the tutors before the study plan
submission, by writing an email to [email protected].


S5. Among the elective courses, do I have to choose courses taught in English?
It is not mandatory to choose courses taught in English. As a general rule for elective
courses, we strongly suggest you choose amongst those offered within IPLE in the other
curriculum (if you are an IPE student, you may choose IPL-specific courses, and viceversa),
which are taught in English. You may find some guidelines on how to choose your courses

S6. Once I have identified the elective courses I want to take, what do I do?
When choosing the elective courses, students should pay attention to some criteria detailed
here. As a general rule, if a course is offered by the Faculty of Political, Economic, and
Social Sciences (SPES), it is not necessary to obtain any authorisation. When the course
chosen is outside the Faculty of Political, Economic, and Social Sciences, or when there is a
risk of duplication with IPLE’s courses, students should contact the tutors before the study
plan submission by writing an email to [email protected] to ask for authorisation. In case of
doubt, students shall always contact the tutors first.

S7. Can I take language courses as electives?

Yes, only if it is not in your mother language, and the level is higher than a) the level already
required by the IPLE programme, and b) the level that students have already achieved by
taking other elective courses.

S8. Can I take MA courses?

Yes, but we encourage you to contact the professors in advance, and check with them if
specific skills are required in order to attend the course or take the exam.

Transfers-related questions
T1. Do I have to take the test if I want to transfer to IPLE from another University?
Yes, transfers, such as new enrolments, are included in the same programmed places
available. There are no different procedures. So, in order to be admitted, you shall apply
normally according to the procedures and deadlines contained in the Call for admission

T2. Do I have to take the test if I want to transfer to IPLE from another Unimi degree
Yes, transfers, such as new enrolments, are included in the same programmed places
available. There are no different procedures even for other Unimi students. So, in order to be
admitted, you shall apply normally according to the procedures and deadlines contained in
the Call for admission 2024/25. The only difference is in the enrolment phase: candidates
already enrolled in a Unimi course will not be required to enrol ex novo, but will have to
renew their enrolment and submit an internal transfer application using the procedure on the
page: http://studente.unimi.it/trasfInterno/. Additional information about internal transfers is
available at: https://www.unimi.it/en/study/bachelor-and-master-study/transferring-different-


T3. Do you recognize previous credits?
If you are admitted to IPLE, the Teaching Committee shall evaluate a request of recognition
of your previous career, provided that you file a request during the enrolment phase and that
there is correspondence of exams of your previous career with IPLE's study plan (except for
the 12 ECTS for elective courses, which can be covered also by exams with no exact
correspondence). For exams taken in a language different from English, IPLE recognizes a
maximum of 30 ECTS. With 30 or more ECTS recognized, the student is automatically
admitted to the second year.

T4. If I have any questions about the possible recognition of previous credits, whom
should I contact?
You may send an email to the tutors, at [email protected], by attaching your study plan, complete
with your name and surname, the name of the course, the number of the exams you have
taken and, for each exam, the full name, the date, the number of credits and the Academic
Disciplines (Settore Scientifico-Disciplinare, SSD). For instance, International Law (IUS/13),
Political Science (SPS/04), and so on.

T5. Can I apply simultaneously at two different degree programmes (IPLE and
something else)?
Effective as of 13 May 2022, in Italy it is now possible to enrol simultaneously in two tertiary
education programmes. Students already enrolled in another Unimi course or university who
want to apply simultaneously to IPLE, must meet enrolment requisites for both programmes
and additionally must follow the procedures set out at the following page:
programmes, including submitting a request via the InformaStudenti platform – Enrolment –
Simultaneous enrolment in two programmes.

Other questions
O1. If I am a foreign student having questions about foreign qualifications, whom
should I contact?
The International Students Office offers support for any information about foreign
qualifications and admission of foreign students. You can contact them by using the
InformaStudenti service (https://informastudenti.unimi.it/saw/ess?AUTH=SAML) and sending
a request by selecting the category "International". To register with InformaStudenti as an
external user, please follow these guidelines: https://www.unimi.it/sites/default/files/2021-

O2. If I am a candidate having issues with the online application, whom should I
For questions or information regarding technical issues during the application on the Unimi
website, you should contact the University Offices, by using the InformaStudenti service
(https://informastudenti.unimi.it/saw/ess?AUTH=SAML) and sending a request by selecting
the category “Iscrizioni/Enrolment”. To register with InformaStudenti as an external user,
please follow these guidelines: https://www.unimi.it/sites/default/files/2021-


O3. If I am a candidate who does not see his/her name in the ranking list, whom
should I contact?
If you did not use the same tax code when applying to the Unimi website and taking the
English TOLC-E test, it is likely your name does not appear in the ranking list. In such cases,
if you have both applied to the Unimi website and taken the English TOLC-E test within the
relevant deadlines, contact [email protected] attaching both receipts. After verifying such
receipts, you will be invited to contact the University Offices, by using the InformaStudenti
service (https://informastudenti.unimi.it/saw/ess?AUTH=SAML) and sending a request by
selecting the category “Iscrizioni/Enrolment” and the sub-category “Graduatorie - Ranking
lists”. To register with InformaStudenti as an external user, please follow these guidelines:

O4. I have been admitted to IPLE, but I am having issues with the enrolment, whom
should I contact?
For questions or information regarding technical issues during the enrolment phase (after the
admission) on the Unimi website, you should contact the University Offices, by using the
InformaStudenti service (https://informastudenti.unimi.it/saw/ess?AUTH=SAML) and sending
a request by selecting the category “Iscrizioni/Enrolment”. To register with InformaStudenti
as an external user, please follow these guidelines:

O5. How much is the University tuition?

All information on fees can be found here: https://www.unimi.it/en/study/bachelor-and-
master-study/fees-and-how-pay-them. You will find information about the fees, including the
payment procedures and reductions under voice “current year”. For questions or information
regarding fees, you should contact the University Offices, by using the InformaStudenti
service (https://informastudenti.unimi.it/saw/ess?AUTH=SAML) and sending a request by
selecting the category “Fees and benefits - Scholarships”. To register with InformaStudenti
as an external user, please follow these guidelines:

O6. Where do I find information about financial support?

All information about regional, University or international scholarships, grants, study awards,
accommodation, refectory services and meals may be found here:
https://www.unimi.it/en/study/financial-support. For questions or information regarding fees,
you should contact the University Offices, by using the InformaStudenti service
(https://informastudenti.unimi.it/saw/ess?AUTH=SAML) and sending a request by selecting
the category “Fees and benefits - Scholarships”. To register with InformaStudenti as an
external user, please follow these guidelines: https://www.unimi.it/sites/default/files/2021-


Profile-based steps for admission to IPLE

EU or EU-equivalent student attending the last year of secondary school

● Participate in the Spring Session
● Take the English TOLC-E test by 30 May 2024 and apply to the Unimi website from
14 March to 30 May 2024, 11:59 pm (GMT +2)
● Check the ranking list at
http://studente.unimi.it/ammissioni/g/graduatoriaprogrammati/checkLogin.asp on 6
June 2024 after 2:00 pm (GMT +2)
● If placed among the winners, reserve your enrolment from 6 June to 20 June 2024,
2:00 pm (GMT +2). During this enrolment reservation, place winners will have to pay
€156 as the first instalment of tuition fees. This fee must be paid within this pre-
enrolment deadline and is non-refundable.
● If not placed among the winners, check the updated ranking list on 21 June 2024
after 2:00 pm (GMT +2), and if now successful, reserve your enrolment from 21 June
to 27 June 2024, 2:00 pm (GMT +2). During the enrolment reservation, place winners
will have to pay €156 as the first instalment of tuition fees. This fee must be paid
within this pre-enrolment deadline and is non-refundable.
● All those who reserved their enrolment must confirm it from 15 July to 5 August 2024,
2:00 pm (GMT +2). If they don’t, they tacitly waive their place.
● Those who failed to be admitted in this Spring selection can apply for the September
selection, submitting a new admission form through the admission online Service,
within the deadlines set for the September session (see the profile “EU student
already holding a secondary school diploma” – it is indeed assumed you have
successfully completed your secondary school by September).
● See art. 10 for the list of documents you have to upload during enrolment if you have
qualifications gained abroad. Candidates who do not have the required
documentation when enrolling may submit it by 28 November 2024 through the
dedicated online service available on the International enrolment in degree
programmes page.

EU or EU-equivalent student already holding a secondary school diploma

● Participate in the September Session
● Take the English TOLC-E test by 29 August 2024, 11:59 pm (GMT +2) and apply to
the Unimi website from 4 July to 29 August 2024, 11:59 pm (GMT +2)
● Check the ranking list at
http://studente.unimi.it/ammissioni/g/graduatoriaprogrammati/checkLogin.asp on 4
September 2024 after 2:00 pm (GMT +2)
● If placed among the winners, immediately confirm your enrolment from 4 to 10
September 2024, 2:00 pm (GMT +2)


● If not placed among the winners, check the first updated ranking list on 11
September 2024 after 2:00 pm (GMT +2), and if now successful, immediately confirm
your enrolment from 11 to 16 September 2024, 2:00 pm (GMT +2)
● If not placed among the winners, check the second updated ranking list on 17
September 2024 after 2:00 pm (GMT +2), and if now successful, immediately confirm
your enrolment from 17 September to 23 September 2024, 2:00 pm (GMT +2)
● If not placed among the winners, check for further updates on 24 September 2024
● See art. 10 for the list of documents you have to upload during enrolment if you have
qualifications gained abroad. Candidates who do not have the required
documentation when enrolling may submit it by 28 November 2024 through the
dedicated online service available on the International enrolment in degree
programmes page.

Non-EU student residing outside the EU (visa applicants, with or without a diploma)1
● Participate in the Spring Session
● Take the English TOLC-E test and apply to the Unimi website by 30 May 2024, 11:59
pm (GMT +2)
● Check the ranking list at
http://studente.unimi.it/ammissioni/g/graduatoriaprogrammati/checkLogin.asp on 6
June 2024 after 2:00 pm (GMT +2)
● If placed among the winners, reserve your enrolment from 6 June to 20 June 2024,
2:00 pm (GMT +2)
● If not placed among the winners, check the updated ranking list on 21 June 2024
after 2:00 pm (GMT +2), and if now successful, reserve your enrolment from 21 June
to 27 June 2024, 2:00 pm (GMT +2)
● By 31 July, as non-EU candidates applying for a visa, you are required to submit an
application for pre-enrolment through Universitaly.
● All those who reserved their enrolment have to confirm it from 15 July to 5 August
2024, 2:00 pm (GMT +2), uploading the Universitaly pre-enrolment application
receipt and the student visa, plus the documents mentioned in art. 10. Candidates
who do not have the required documentation when enrolling may submit it by 28
November 2024 through the dedicated online service available on the International
enrolment in degree programmes page. The validity of international qualifications is
verified upon submission of the official documents. Until then, candidates are
admitted to the programme conditionally, and may be rejected if they are found not to
meet the requirements.
● You cannot apply in the September session

1 More information about international students may be found here.


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