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(Part 2)

Relative Orientation
Absolute Orientation
GsE 188 Lecture 10
Space Resection by Collinearity
} Method of determining the six elements of Exterior
Orientation (ω,Φ,κ,XL,YL, ZL) for both photographs of a
} Requires a minimum of 3 control points with known XYZ
object space coordinates (ground coordinates), to be
imaged in the photograph
Space Resection by Collinearity

} The linearized forms of the space resection collinearity

equations for point A are:

b11dω + b12 dφ + b13 dκ − b14 dX L − b15 dYL − b16 dZ L = J + v xa

b21dω + b22 dφ + b23 dκ − b24 dX L − b25 dYL − b26 dZ L = K + v ya

Note: Since a minimum of 3 control points are needed for

space resection, a total minimum of 6 equations will be
Space Resection by Collinearity
} Three control points (minimum)
➔ 6 space resection collinearity equations
(unique solution)
} Four or more control points
➔ more than 6 equations
(least squares solution)
Initial approximations for Resection
} For near vertical photography: ω and φ = 0
} ZL = flying height H
} For a better approximation, compute several values of H
(from different control point pairings) and take the

} With the computed H, ground coordinates from a

vertical photograph can then be computed
} Finally, perform 2-D Conformal Coordinate
Initial approximations for Resection

X = axʹ − byʹ + TX
Y = ayʹ + bxʹ + TY
X,Y = ground control coordinates for the point
x’, y’ = ground coordinates from a vertical photograph
a, b, TX, TY = transformation parameters
Initial approximations for Resection
} The four unknown parameters can then be
computed using least squares
} TX, TY :
✓ can be used as initial approximations for XL,YL
} Rotation angle θ:
✓ can be used as an approximation for κ
Lab Exercise #6
} Read Example 11-1 of “Elements of Photogrammetry, 3rd
ed.” by Wolf and Dewitt (make sure that you have
understood the solution and equations used)
} Perform the solution using a spreadsheet.
} Deadline October 23, 2015 via the UVLE
} Name your file as GsE188_Lab6_Surname.xlsx
Space Intersection by Collinearity

} Determination of object point coordinates for points

that lie in the stereo overlap area

b14 dX A + b15 dY A + b16 dZ A = J + v xa

b24 dX A + b25 dY A + b26 dZ A = K + v ya

➔ Need both equations per

point per photo
Space Intersection by Collinearity
} If there is one point on each photo (2 points in total),
there will be a total of 4 equations
➔ dXA, dYA and dZA can be computed using
Least Squares and then added to initial approximations
to obtain revised values for XA, YA and ZA (iterate
until corrections are negligible)
Initial approximations for Intersection
} Use Parallax Equations to get initial approximations
} H = average of ZL1 and ZL2
Parallax Equations

H = hA +
xa ya
X Aʹ = B YAʹ = B
pa pa
pa = xa − xaʹ
Z L1 + Z L2 2 2
H= B = ( X L1 + X L2 ) + (YL1 + YL2 )
Initial approximations for Intersection
} However, these coordinates are with respect to the coordinates of
vertical photo (arbitrary coordinates)
➔ need to transform them to object space coordinates (ground
coordinates) using a, b, Tx and Ty (Conformal Transformation)
} To solve, use the two exposure stations as control points since their
ground coordinates (XL,YL) are known
} Arbitrary coordinates (X’A,Y’A) are X’L1 = Y’L1 = Y’L2 = 0 and X’L2 = B

X = aX Aʹ − bYAʹ + TX ⎡0 0 1 0⎤ ⎡ a ⎤ ⎡ X L1 ⎤
⎢0 0 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢
0 1⎥ ⎢ b ⎥ ⎢ YL1 ⎥ ⎥
Y = aYAʹ + bX Aʹ + TY ⎢ =
Where: X, Y are ground coordinates; ⎢B 0 1 0⎥ ⎢TX ⎥ ⎢ X L 2 ⎥
⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
X’A, Y’A are arbitrary coordinates ⎣0 B 0 1⎦ ⎣TY ⎦ ⎣ YL 2 ⎦
Single Ray Back Projection

} Determination of object space position of points appearing

in only one image
} Since 3-D information is lost when projected onto a 2-D
image, additional information is required
} How? ➔ Fix one object space coordinate (XA,YA, ZA),
usually elevation
} Use inverse collinearity equation

⎡X A − XL ⎤ ⎡ xa − x0 ⎤
⎢ Y − Y ⎥ = kM T ⎢ y − y ⎥
⎢ A L ⎥ ⎢ a 0⎥

⎢⎣ Z A − Z L ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ − f ⎥⎦
} Used in backprojecting to DEM
Analytical Stereomodel

} Recall:
} Two adjacent photographs that overlap by usually
more than 50 percent ➔ stereopair
} Objects that appear in the overlap area ➔
} The mathematical calculation of 3-D ground
coordinates of points appearing in the stereomodel by
analytical photogrammetric techniques forms an
analytical stereomodel
Analytical Stereomodel

} 3 distinct, sequential steps in forming analytical

} Interior, Relative, Absolute Orientation
} After these three steps, points in analytical
stereomodel will have equivalent ground coordinates
in object space
} Aside from performing three distinct solutions, it is
also possible to combine them in one simultaneous
Analytical Interior Orientation
} Steps that mathematically recreates the geometry
that existed in the camera when a particular
photograph was exposed
} Involves image refinement (photo coordinate
refinement) ➔ review previous lecture…
Analytical Relative Orientation
} Process of determining the relative angular attitude
and positi onal di spl acement between the
photographs at the moment of exposure
} Involves defining certain elements of EO and
calculating for the remaining parameters
} Resulting exterior orientation parameters will not be
actual values, but will be correct in a relative sense
between the photos
} More commonly uses collinearity condition, rather
than the coplanarity condition
Analytical Relative Orientation

} Common practice to fix the

exterior orientation
elements (ω,Φ,κ,XL,YL) of
the left photo of the
stereopair to zero values
} Also, ZL of the left photo is
set equal to f and XL of the
right photo is set equal to
the photo base b
➔ leaves only 5
elements of the right photo
to be determined
Initial approximations for RO
} For vertical photography, ω2 = Φ2 = κ2 = YL2 = 0
} ZL2 = ZL1
} ω1 = Φ1 = κ1 = XL1 = YL1 = 0

} ZL1 = f and XL2 = b

} With these approximations, the scale of resulting
stereomodel is approximately equal to photo scale
} Therefore, the x and y photo coordinates of the left photo
are good approximations for X and Y object space
Analytical Absolute Orientation
} Using 3-Dimensional Conformal Coordinate Transformation,
we can establish relationship between model space and
object space (Analytical Absolute Orientation) for a small
stereomodel (one stereopair) ➔ minimum of 2 horizontal
and 3 vertical control points (more for a least squares
} It is imperative that the ground system be a True Cartesian
Coordinate System (ex. Local vertical) since transformation is
based on straight, orthogonal axes
} Rotate, Shift, and Scale the stereomodel until it fits control
points in object space
} Once transformation parameters are obtained, they can be
applied to remaining stereomodel points, which gives it its
corresponding ground coordinates
Analytical Self Calibration
} Process wherein camera calibration parameters are included in
the photogrammetric solution (combined interior-relative-
absolute orientation)
} Would enable determination of systematic errors under
operation conditions as part of solution, since it is disputed
that there are environmental differences in lab calibration and
operational environment
} Uses collinearity equations augmented with additional terms to
account for adjustment of CFL, PP offsets, lens distortion
parameters, correction for atmospheric refraction
Thank you for your attention! ☺

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