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UGL Management System

Business Scenario
Training Guide

April 24

© United Group Limited 2008

This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act
1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission
from United Group Limited. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and
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Training Guide

Document Name:

Table of Contents
RTP - 100 Purchase to Stock.......................................................................................1
ME57 - Assign and Process Purchase Requisitions from MRP........................................1
ME9F - Print Purchase Order...........................................................................................10
MIGO - Goods Receipt with Reference to a PO..............................................................22
MIRO - Match Invoice to Purchase Order......................................................................35
F110 - Create Payment Proposal.......................................................................................43
MRBR - Release Blocked Invoice......................................................................................66
F110 - Create and Execute Payment Run.........................................................................70
ZMM_05 - Purchase Order Status and Approver Details Report.........................................82

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Training Guide

Document Name:

RTP - 100 Purchase to Stock

ME57 - Assign and Process Purchase Requisitions from MRP


This transaction is used to assign and process purchase requisitions that have been
automatically generated via MRP. The purpose is to generate MRP order
recommendations and convert them into physical orders.

- MRP has been run
- A purchasing info record must exist for the material / vendor combination
- Source lists have been created, where required

Hints and Tips

If a field has a matchcode or dropdown button, you can use the search functionality
to display a list of possible entries.

Menu Path
Logistics > Materials Management > Purchasing > Purchase Requisition > Follow-On
Functions > Assign and Process

Transaction Code

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Document Name:

Step Action
1. Enter the transaction code into the Command field.

In this example, enter "ME57".

2. Click the Enter button.

Step Action
3. Enter the type of purchase requisitions to be included in the MRP run
into the Scope of List field.

In this example, enter "Z".

4. Enter the plant into the Plant field.

In this example, enter "9101".

5. Click the Assigned Purchase Requisitions option to include assigned
purchase requisitions in the list displayed.

6. Click the Execute button.

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Step Action
7. Click the Assignments button to display purchase requisitions by


This screen displays both the purchase requisitions that have already
been assigned a vendor, and the purchase requisitions that are

The unassigned purchase requisitions must be assigned vendors

9. Click an entry in the list.

10. Click the PReqs per Assignment button to display all the unassigned
purchase requisitions.

11. Click the checkbox to select the purchase requisition.

12. To display details of the purchase requisition before manually assigning

a vendor,click the Goto menu.

13. Click the Detail Data menu.

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Step Action
14. You can review further details and change the purchase requisition
quantity and delivery date, if required.

In this example, you are not making any changes.

Click the Cancel button.

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Step Action
15. When you are ready to manually assign the vendor, click the checkbox
to select the purchase requisition.

16. Click the Assign Manually button.

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Step Action
17. Enter the vendor into the Fix. Vend. Field.

In this example, enter "20006105".

18. Click the Assign Source of Supply button.

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Step Action
19. The purchase requisition has now been assigned a vendor.

Click the Save button.


Repeat this process for all purchase requisitions that need to be

assigned vendors.
21. Click the Back button.

22. Once a purchase requisition is assigned a vendor, you are ready to

process the purchase order.

Click an entry in the list.

23. Click the Process Assignment button.

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Step Action
24. Click the Continue button.

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Step Action
25. The list of purchase requisitions for the selected vendor are displayed.

For this example, click the "20006105".

26. Click the Adopt button.


The purchase requisition details default into the purchase order screen.

Click on Invoice Tab and Enter/Check the Tax Code should be V0. Now
click on conditions Tab and check the Custom Duties. You should
check the details and make changes, as required. You can change
anything that is in a white field. Grey fields cannot be changed.

SAP will prompt you to enter any fields that require data.

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Step Action

If there are no messages, the system displays the message No

messages issued during check and you can save the purchase order.

If there are messages, they will display in a dialogue box as per the

Yellow indicator (warning message) - review the errors prior to saving.

Red indicator (error message) - you must correct the errors prior to

29. Click the Save button.


The system displays the message Standard PO created under the

number 4500501277.

A green tick displays next to the purchase requisition that has been
converted into a purchase order. Repeat for all remaining purchase
31. Click the Exit button.


The screen updates and indicates the number of purchase orders


In this example we have only created one.

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Step Action
33. Click the Exit button twice.

34. Result
You have successfully assigned and processed a purchase requisition
from MRP.

Next Step
An email is sent via workflow to the designated approver, with a
hyperlink to allow easy access to the approval screen within the portal.

The PO must be approved before it can be transmitted to the vendor.

End of Procedure.

ME9F - Print Purchase Order


Use this transaction to transmit a purchase order. Purchase orders can either be
printed, then forwarded to the vendor, or emailed direct. This will depend on the
arrangement with the vendor.

The purchase order must have been approved. Purchase orders cannot be
transmitted prior to approval.

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If the purchase order is being emailed, there must be an email address set up in the
vendor master record.

You can only email a purchase order to a primary vendor. Purchase orders cannot be
emailed to ordering address vendors.

Hints and Tips

If a field has a matchcode or dropdown button, you can use the search functionality
to display a list of possible entries.

Menu Path
Logistics > Materials Management > Purchasing > Purchase Order > Messages >

Transaction Code

Step Action
1. Enter the transaction code into the Command field.

In this example, enter "ME9F"

2. Click the Enter button.

Training Guide

Document Name:

Step Action

If you want to transmit multiple purchase orders, you can either enter a
range of purchase order numbers, if the numbers are sequential, or use
the Multiple selection button to enter the individual purchase order

For this example, you will transmit a single purchase order.

4. Enter the purchase order number into the Document Number field.

In this example, enter "4500501277".


The Processing Status defaults to "0" for Not Processed. Leave the
6. Click the Execute button.

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Step Action
7. Click the checkbox to select the purchase order.

Step Action
8. To view the purchase order prior to transmittal clicks the Display
Message button.

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Step Action
9. Once you have viewed the purchase order, click the Back button.

Step Action

Purchase orders have been set up to print for all vendors. If you want to
print the purchase order, you would click the Output Message button.

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Step Action

If you have made an arrangement with the vendor to email the

purchase order, you can change it here. You must first verify the email
address in the vendor master record is correct before proceeding with
transmitting the purchase order via email.

Changes to the print output via this transaction will only apply to this
instance. Changes to the vendor master record are made by the Master
Data Maintenance team.

In this example, you are going to change the message output to email.
12. Click the checkbox to select the purchase order again.

Note: You must select the checkbox again, as it is no longer selected.

Step Action
13. To change the purchase order output from print to email, click the
Message Details button.

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Step Action
14. Click the Medium list.

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Step Action
15. Click the External send list item which will specify email as the output.

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Step Action
16. Click the Display Means of Communication button.

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Step Action
17. Enter the communication strategy into the Comm.strategy field.

In this example, enter "CS01".

18. Click the Back button.

Step Action
19. Click the Save button to save the changed message output.

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Step Action
20. Note: The system displays the message: Messages saved. You are
now ready to transmit the purchase order.

Click the checkbox to select the purchase order again.

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Step Action
21. Click the Output Message button to transmit the purchase order.

Step Action

A green tick displays to indicate the purchase order has been

successfully transmitted.

In this instance, because the output is email, the system displays the
message MAIL request 000000000062 created successfully.
23. Click the Exit button twice to return to the SAP main menu.

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Document Name:

Step Action
24. Result
You have successfully transmitted a purchase order.

Next Step
If the purchase order is being printed, you can collect the purchase
order from the printer and fax it to the vendor. If the purchase order is
being emailed it will be automatically sent to the email address that is
specified in the vendor master record.
End of Procedure.

Custom MIRO - Match Invoice to Purchase Order for Custom Duties


This lesson explains how to enter an invoice to be matched against a purchase order
for payment of Custom Duties payable to Custom Dept. of India.

Menu Path
Logistics > Materials Management > Logistics Invoice Verification > Document Entry
> Enter Invoice

Transaction Code

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Document Name:

Step Action
1. Enter the transaction code for Invoice Matching.

Enter MIRO.
2. Click the Enter button.

Step Action
3. The Transaction field defaults to Invoice.

Do not change.
4. SAP calculates the date the payment is due, based on the Vendor
payment terms, by reference to the invoice date.

Training Guide

Document Name:

Step Action
5. Enter the invoice date into the Invoice date field.

For this example, enter "01.06.2012".

6. The Reference field is used for the Vendor invoice number.

SAP will check for double invoice entry using this field and the invoice
7. Enter the vendor invoice number into the Reference field.

For this example, enter "1213456".

8. The Posting Date defaults to today's date.

Do not change this date.

9. Enter the total invoice amount into the Amount field.

For this example, enter "670.73".

10. Enter the Currency as “INR” if the PO is in different currency.
11. The Text field is used to enter relevant text onto the vendor remittance

Text entered in this field will not display on the invoice.

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Step Action
12. You now need to link to the associated purchase order to match against
the invoice.

Generally, this should be specified on the Vendor invoice.

Note: If no purchase order number exists on an invoice, you need to

check if the invoice type is on the Exception List. If not, then you
should ring the Vendor or return the invoice to the Vendor.
13. Enter the purchase order number into the Purchase Order field.

For this example, enter "4500501277".

14. Select 2 Planned Delivery Cost
15. Click the Enter button.

Step Action
16. Enter the Breakup of custom duties and Quantities

Training Guide

Document Name:

Step Action
17. Payment terms are displayed on the Header section for the invoice.

18. The details from the purchase order will display in the line item section.

Purchase orders may have more than one line item.

19. Press Enter on your keyboard to confirm entries.
20. Red indicator - This means that an entry error has occurred and you
cannot post the invoice. Check your entries.

Yellow indicator - This means that SAP has found a mismatch

between the purchase order, goods receipt and invoice documents.
You can post the invoice but payment will be blocked.

Green indicator - This means that SAP has matched all purchasing
documents. You can post the invoice and payment will be made to the
Vendor. Note: Payment may still be blocked if the invoice is on the
Blocked Payments Exception List, or the Vendor has been blocked for

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Step Action
21. If the invoices displays a green or yellow indicator, you can post the
invoice by clicking the Save button.

However, for the purposes of this lesson, you will view a simulation
before posting.
22. You can simulate the postings before saving, if required.

This option is useful if you have a red indicator. It may help you to
identify errors in entry.
23. Click the Simulate Document button.

24. Posting information is displayed in this screen for you to review your
entries, if required.

Step Action
25. Click the Post button.

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Step Action
26. The invoice document number is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

If an invoice is blocked, the following message will be displayed:

Document no. XXXXXXXXXX created as blocked.
27. Write the document number on the invoice document.

28. Result
You have successfully entered an invoice in SAP against a purchase

Next Steps
If the invoice is not blocked, it will be included in the next payment run
based on the Invoice date and Vendor payment terms.

If the invoice was blocked, it will be managed by the Blocked Invoice

End of Procedure.

MIGO - Goods Receipt with Reference to a PO


Use this transaction to receipt goods or services.

This example shows how to receipt goods or services against a purchase order,
although you use this same transaction when receipting goods with reference to a
production order.

Goods receipt is the formal acceptance of material or services received from a

vendor against a purchase order. If a goods receipt is posted incorrectly it can lead
to incorrect stock balances, fraud and loss of sales.

The posting of a goods receipt is a critical business process:

- It is here that the business receives ordered consumables and stock from a
vendor into inventory.
- A receipt provides the authority to pay a vendor. The vendor's invoice is verified
using the quantity ordered and the quantity receipted (delivered).
- The purchase order's history is updated.

Generally, goods are receipted in by the Stores function on receipt of physical goods.
However, for the receipt of external services, it is the responsibility of the Purchaser
to contact the Store person, or forward any document they have received to indicate
completion of the service .Until the goods receipt is performed, Shared Services are
unable to pay the vendor.

The goods receipt transaction (MIGO, movement 101) allows for full or partial goods
receipt of materials received from a vendor against an existing purchase order.

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Partial goods receipt means that the quantity receipted is less than the quantity
ordered. The open order quantity (quantity still to be received) is displayed on the
purchase order line item. Any number of partial goods receipts can be recorded for a
purchase order line.

An open purchase order line item. Excise Master Data need to be maintained for
Vendor and Material.

Hints and Tips

If a field has a matchcode or dropdown button, you can use the search functionality
to display a list of possible entries.

Menu Path
Logistics > Materials Management > Inventory Management > Goods Movement >
Goods Movement

Transaction Code

Step Action
1. Enter the desired information into the Command field.

In this example, enter "MIGO".

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Document Name:

Step Action
2. Click the Enter button.

Step Action

The MIGO transaction is used for goods movement transactions. The

initial screen will always reflect the last business transaction posted.
Always check that you use the correct business transaction.

This example shows that the last goods movement transaction was a
Return Delivery.
4. Click the button to the right of the business transaction field.

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Step Action
5. Point to the Goods Receipt list item.
6. Click the Goods Receipt list item.


The Reference document field automatically defaults to "Purchase

Order" when you select Goods Receipt. However, if you are receipting
goods with reference to a production order, you would need to click the
dropdown list and select Order.

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Document Name:

Step Action
8. Click the Reference Document list.


To receipt goods or services from a production order, select Order. The

relevant fields will then display.

In this example, you are receipting with reference to a purchase order,

so leave the default.
10. Enter the purchase order number into the purchasing document
number field.

In this example, enter "4500501277".

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Step Action

Ensure the movement type shows "GR goods receipt 101".

The system defaults to the last movement type used for the business
12. Click the Enter button.

13. Enter Custom MIRO Number and Year

14. Click the Enter button.

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Document Name:

Step Action
15. Enter the vendor's delivery docket number into the Delivery Note field.

Note: This is a mandatory field.

In this example, enter "WF12345".


Set the Print via Output Control indicator if you wish to print a goods
receipt/issue slip.

Select the Collective Slip option from the Version for Printing GR/GI
Slip drop-down list to print a slip including all the items in a document
18. Click the Print via Output Control option.

19. Click the button to the right of the Version for Printing GR/GI
Slip field.

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Step Action
20. Point to the Collective Slip list item.
21. Click the Collective Slip list item.

22. Click the Close Detail Data button.

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Step Action
23. Click the OK option.

24. Now you will be able to see a new TAB for Excise Invoice. Enter Excise
Invoice Number and Excise Invoice Date.
25. Check the CENVAT posting amount for BED, AED, ECS and SECS
which will flow from Custom MIRO

You can check for errors in your transaction before posting it by clicking
on the Check button. Any errors/warnings will be displayed.

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Step Action
27. Click the Check button.

28. If there is no Error then click the Post button.

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Step Action

The system displays a message confirming the posting of a material

document and a material document number.

In this example, Material document 5000000376 posted is displayed.

30. Click the Exit button.

31. Result:
After a goods receipt is posted:

- a material document (goods receipt note) is generated in the UGL

Management System;
- a financial document is created;
- the purchase order's history is updated (in the Purchase order
history tab of the purchase order);
- stocked materials increase inventory;
- non-stocked materials are expensed against a cost centre;
- stock values in the material master record are updated; and
- stock and consumption accounts are updated.
End of Procedure.

J1IEX – Post Excise Invoice


Use this transaction to Post Excise Invoice i.e. to Post the CENVAT Amount. After
receiving the excisable goods and capturing the Excise Invoice in MIGO the next
step is to Post the Excise Invoice captured during MIGO. It will update the Part 2 of
CENVAT register.

Hints and Tips


Menu Path
India Localization SAP Menu> Indirect Taxes > Procurement > Excise Invoice >
Incoming Excise Invoice > Central Processing> Post Excise Invoice

Transaction Code

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Document Name:

Step Action
32. Enter "J1IEX".
33. Click the Enter button.

34. Select A04 Post from Drop-Down List in first

Selection Box.
35. Select R08 Vendor Excise Invoice from Drop-Down
List in second Selection Box
36. Enter Vendor’s Excise Invoice No.
37. Click the Enter button.

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Step Action
38. Click on simulate CENVAT and check the CENVAT values
39. Check Excise Invoice Indicator must be Green

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Document Name:

Step Action
40. Click on Post CENVAT
41. Check the register Serial Number and Other Details
42. Press Continue
43. Result
Excise Invoice has been successfully posted

Next step
Logistics Invoice Verification

End of Procedure.

MIRO - Match Invoice to Purchase Order


This lesson explains how to enter an invoice to be matched against a purchase order
for payment.

SAP matches purchase order information by checking three documents in SAP as

- Purchase Order (value)
- Goods Receipt (quantity)
- Invoice

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Document Name:

Note: SAP recognizes partial deliveries/ payments and can find a match based on
the goods receipt and invoice documents.

Processing Blocked Invoices

Invoices may be blocked on exception based on the following criteria:
- total value of invoice (per set company code)
- specific material groups in a company code
- all invoices that do not have material masters (set by company code)
- specific vendors against specific project definitions

Blocking tolerances exist that allow posting where small differences exist. SAP will
match where there is a difference of the lesser of 1% or $50. These differences are
posted, by SAP, to the Small Differences GL account. The Cost Centre specified on
the line item with the difference will also be updated with the difference value.

Menu Path
Logistics > Materials Management > Logistics Invoice Verification > Document Entry
> Enter Invoice

Transaction Code

Step Action
1. Enter the transaction code for Invoice Matching.

Enter MIRO.

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Step Action
2. Click the Enter button.

Step Action
3. The Transaction field defaults to Invoice.

Do not change.
4. SAP calculates the date the payment is due, based on the Vendor
payment terms, by reference to the invoice date.

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Document Name:

Step Action
5. Enter the invoice date into the Invoice date field.

For this example, enter "04.10.2007".

6. The Reference field is used for the Vendor invoice number.

SAP will check for double invoice entry using this field and the invoice
7. Enter the vendor invoice number into the Reference field.

For this example, enter "1213456".

8. The Posting Date defaults to today's date.

Do not change this date.

9. Enter the total invoice amount (including GST) into the Amount field.

For this example, enter "670.73".

10. Click the Calculate tax option to have Taxes and Duties automatically

Note: Ensure the tax code used is correct. Error messages will result
from an incorrect tax code.

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Step Action
11. The Text field is used to enter relevant text onto the vendor remittance

Text entered in this field will not display on the invoice.

12. You now need to link to the associated purchase order to match against
the invoice.

Generally, this should be specified on the Vendor invoice.

Note: If no purchase order number exists on an invoice, you need to

check if the invoice type is on the Exception List. If not, then you
should ring the Vendor or return the invoice to the Vendor.
13. Enter the purchase order number into the Purchase Order field.

For this example, enter "4500000112".

14. Click the Enter button.

15. If the purchasing officer has entered either pricing type or Terms of
Payment text in the purchase order, you will receive a pop up enabling
you to view the details by double clicking on a text type.

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Step Action
16. You can double click one of the line items to view the text.

Step Action
17. Details of the message are displayed.

In this example, you would be required to check the Vendor terms of

payment in the Invoice.
18. Clicking the Back button will return you to the Invoice to take
appropriate action based on the text instruction.

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Step Action
19. Payment terms are displayed on the Header section for the invoice.

20. The details from the purchase order will display in the line item section.

Purchase orders may have more than one line item.

21. The details entered in the line item section depend on Goods
Receipting and previous Invoice Entry.

If goods were partially received and invoiced before, then only the
outstanding number of items will be displayed in the line item section.
22. If the invoice you have received is different from the amount shown on
the line item screen, in terms of value and/or quantity, you must change
the amounts shown in the line item.

Note: Small differences of $25 or less do not require line item

amendment. This will post through to the 'small differences account'.
23. Tick the OK box to select the line item included in the invoice.

Note: The invoice may not cover all line items, if multiple items exist.

24. Press Enter on your keyboard to confirm entries.

SAP will then match the invoice against the purchase order and goods
receipt documents.

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Step Action
25. Red indicator - This means that an entry error has occurred and you
cannot post the invoice. Check your entries.

Yellow indicator - This means that SAP has found a mismatch

between the purchase order, goods receipt and invoice documents.
You can post the invoice but payment will be blocked.

Green indicator - This means that SAP has matched all purchasing
documents. You can post the invoice and payment will be made to the
Vendor. Note: Payment may still be blocked if the invoice is on the
Blocked Payments Exception List, or the Vendor has been blocked for

26. Value tolerances exist whereby payment will not be blocked for small

This value is the lesser of 1% of the invoice value or $50.

27. If the invoices displays a green or yellow indicator, you can post the
invoice by clicking the Save button.

However, for the purposes of this lesson, you will view a simulation
before posting.
28. You can simulate the postings before saving, if required.

This option is useful if you have a red indicator. It may help you to
identify errors in entry.
29. Click the Simulate Document button.

30. Posting information is displayed in this screen for you to review your
entries, if required.

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Step Action
31. Click the Post button.

32. The invoice document number is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

If an invoice is blocked, the following message will be displayed:

Document no. XXXXXXXXXX created as blocked.
33. Write the document number on the invoice document.

34. Result
You have successfully entered an invoice in SAP against a purchase

Next Steps
If the invoice is not blocked, it will be included in the next payment run
based on the Invoice date and Vendor payment terms.

If the invoice was blocked, it will be managed by the Blocked Invoice

End of Procedure.

F110 - Create Payment Proposal

Sample of a Payment Run Proposal HTML file to be sent to an authorisor for a

Note: Some columns, such as Amount, are not captured in this screen shot.

Training Guide

Document Name:


Use this transaction to determine the parameters for a payment run and create a

The payment proposal displays a list of all invoices that are due to be paid, based on
the parameters entered. Each line item in the proposal provides an indication where
payment will be made (green indicator). Payments that are blocked are flagged with
a red indicator.

When the proposal is created, it can be saved as an HTML file, to be email to the
payments authorisor for the appropriate company. The authorisor should then
investigate blocked payments and take appropriate action. The proposal can also be
printed and reviewed. Additionally, authorisor's will review items with a green
indicator to confirm that payment is acceptable.

Ensure that blocked invoices have been reviewed and unblocked where appropriate.

Menu Path
Accounting > Financial Accounting > Accounts Payable > Periodic Processing >

Transaction Code

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Document Name:

Step Action
1. Enter the transaction code into the Command field.

Enter "F110".
2. Click the Enter button.

3. The run date can be tomorrow's date, if required.

If you are preparing the proposal for the company to review, preparing
the payment run in advance is recommended.

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Step Action
4. Enter the date for the payment run into the Run Date field.

For this example, enter "08.11.2007".

5. The identification for the run should use the company code and an
alpha character for the run. The alpha character specifies a first or
second payment run on the same day.

Using a Rail company code example, 1000A would be for the first
payment run that day (eg. EFT run). 1000B would be for the second
payment run on that day (eg. Cheque run).

If you need to perform another run on the same day, use the next alpha
character (C) for the Identification.
6. The combination of Run Date and Identification make the run IDs

Therefore, if you run a payment run for 1000 on a different day, you use
A, B, C etc again.


1000A 08.11.2007
1000B 08.11.2007
1000A 15.11.2007
1000B 15.11.2007
1000C 15.11.2007

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Step Action
7. Enter the run Identification code into the Identification field.

For this example, enter "1000A".

8. Click the Parameter tab.

Step Action
9. In the Parameter tab, you will determine the company and Vendor
range to be included in the payment run.
10. The posting date is the date the run will be posted.

This is taken from the run date entered previously.

11. The Docs entered up to field indicates the invoices that are included
for this payment run.

This date can be different from the Run date and Posting date, if
12. In this example, the Docs entered up to date will not be changed.
13. In the Payment control area, enter the company code into the
Company codes field.

For this example, enter "1000".

Training Guide

Document Name:

Step Action
14. The Pmt meths field is used to determine the payment method for this
payment run.

You can enter C for a cheque run, T for an EFT run or G for Global
(Foreign Currency) payment run.
15. Enter the payment method into the Pmt meths field.

For this example, enter "T".

16. The next payment date is for the date of the next run due.

The system will automatically select all invoices which are due before
the next payment date.
17. Enter the date for the next run into the Next p/date field.

For this example, enter "15.11.2007".

18. You now need to specify a range of Vendors to include in the payment

For a one off payment, you should enter the Vendor code.

This example covers how to process a scheduled weekly run so all

Vendors will be included.

19. Enter the first Vendor number for the range into the Vendor field.

Enter "1".
20. Enter the last number in the range of Vendor codes into the to field.

Enter "69999999".

The Multiple Selections button can be used to exclude vendor ranges.

Generally 3 series vendors are excluded from a standard payment run.
22. Click the Free selection tab.

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Step Action
23. This tab is used to exclude values.

For example, you may want to exclude specific Vendor numbers from
the payment run.

To exclude vendors, enter the vendor numbers into the Values field
and use a comma to separate multiple vendor numbers.

24. Click the Additional Log tab.

25. Information entered in this tab provides additional information in the

event that there is an issue with the payment proposal.

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Step Action
26. Click the Due date check option.

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Step Action
27. Click the Payment method selection in all cases option.

28. Click the Line items of the payment documents option.

29. Enter the first Vendor number in the range into the Vendors (from/to)

Enter "1".
30. Enter the last Vendor number in the range into the Vendors (from/to)

Enter "69999999".
31. Click the Printout/data medium tab.

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Step Action
32. This tab is used to specify a Variant for the payment.

Variants are set up for each company code. Separate payment

program and variants exist for EFT, Cheque and Global payment runs.

Variants include control information such as:

- payment method
- house bank
- bank account number
- print payment advice's (remittances)
- print payment summaries
- print immediately (EFT variants)
- do not print immediately (Cheque variants).
33. Note: Although the variant specifies to 'print', this is not necessarily a
physical 'print'. For example, remittances to Vendors will not print but
will be email or faxed (depending on the communication method in a
Vendor master record) immediately to a Vendor (as long as an email or
fax number is specified in the Correspondence section of a Vendor
Master Record).

Note: All printable outputs (not including EFT by email or fax) will be
available in a spool. This can be accessed and, for example, the
payment summary can be downloaded to an HTML file.

Note: Cheques do not print immediately. This provides the payment

run processor time to confirm cheque information and print cheques
when ready.

Note: For cheques, the remittance advice and the cheque is all
contained on one sheet.

34. Click in the Variant column, for the Program RFF0AU_T.

- RFF0AU_T for EFT. For New Zealand users, your program for EFT
processing will displays RFFOAVIS_FPAYM.
- RFF0US_C for Cheque
- RFF0M100 for Global Payment.

35. Click the Search button in the Variant field.

36. Make sure that you select the variant for the company code you are

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Step Action
37. For this example, double-click the entry EFT_1000 in the Variant

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Step Action
38. Click the Save button.

39. The Payment Parameters are now entered.

You can now proceed to create a proposal based on those parameters.

40. Click the Status tab.

Step Action
41. Always return to the Status tab to perform the next stage in a payment

The Status tab shows the status of the run in the Status section.
42. Now that payment parameters are entered, SAP provides options to
create the Proposal and Payment Run.

The next step is to create the Payment Proposal for review.

43. Click the Proposal button.

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Step Action
44. Click the Start immediately option.

45. Payment medium creation is controlled by the Variant used in the

parameters, which will be created during the payment run process.

There is no need to select this checkbox.

46. Click the Confirm button.

47. The Status area now displays that the proposal is running.

This means that SAP is now searching for all due invoices based on the
parameters entered.

You can repeatedly click the Status button to update the status.

Use the Status button as many times as required until the proposal is

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Step Action
48. Click the Status button.

49. When SAP has found all invoices due for payment, the message
Payment proposal has been created is displayed.

You can now view and edit the proposal.


The Payment Proposal can be viewed and then downloaded to a local

drive and/or printed.

In this example both process will be demonstrated.

You are going to first learn how to display the payment proposal and
download the proposal list to a local drive.
52. Click the Edit Proposal button.

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Step Action
53. Click the Continue button.

54. The Payment Proposal lists all invoices found by SAP that are due for

Line items with a green indicator signify that payments will be made in
the payment run.

Line items with a red indicator signify that the master record or invoices
are blocked.
55. Foreign currency payments should remain blocked as payment will be
made manually by bank draft.
56. The Payment Proposal can be downloaded into an HTML file.

Save the file to a specific location on the network.

The file can then be email to the authorisor for the company, for

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Step Action
57. Click the drop down to the right of the Export button.

58. Click the HTML download menu.

59. Navigate to the location where the file should be saved.

You can save into any directory on your computer or network.

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Step Action
60. Click the Save in list.

61. For this example, click the Desktop list item.

62. Name the file so that it is obvious from the file name which payment run
the file belongs to.
63. Enter the name for the file into the File name field.

For this example, enter "1000A_08112007_EFT".

64. Click the Save button.

65. The file is now saved and can be accessed outside SAP from the
location in which it was saved.

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Step Action
66. Click the Back button.


You have just learnt the process of displaying and downloading the
payment proposal list to a local drive.

You will now learn how to display and print the payment proposal list.

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Step Action
68. Click the Edit menu.

69. Click the Proposal menu.

70. Click the Proposal List... menu.


The List Variant window displays.

Ensure the Program field displays RFZALI20.

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Step Action
72. Click in the Variant field.

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Step Action
73. Click the Search button.


The Variant window displays with a list of variants available for


In this example the Reference (Supplier/Vendor Invoice Number)

column field will be added to the Payment List screen.
75. Double click the REFERENCE variant in the Variant line item.

Step Action
76. Click the Continue button.


The Payment List screen displays.

In this example the added variant, ie. Reference column field also

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Step Action
78. Click the List menu.

79. Click the Print menu.


The Print ALV List window displays.

In this example the default printer displays in the Output Device field.

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Step Action
81. Click the Continue button.


The Payment Proposal List has been printed, to your designated local
printer. The following message displays at the bottom of the task bar,
"Spool request (number XXXXXXXXXX) sent to SAP printer LOCL".

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Step Action
83. Click the Back button.

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Step Action
84. Click the Exit button.

85. Result
You have successfully created a payment proposal and saved the
payment proposal as an HTML file and/or printed.

Next steps
Email the payment proposal HTML file to the authorisor for the
company code/review the printed payment proposal.

Once the payment proposal has been reviewed and approved, you can
create the payment run.
End of Procedure.

MRBR - Release Blocked Invoice


Use this transaction to release an invoice that was blocked for payment.

Over and above the three way matching block, UGL has defined additional invoice
blocking rules.

Exceptions can be set up by authorised users to block invoices under the following
- Material group by company code
- $ Value by company code
- Vendor by project
- all purchase without a material master - switched on by company code.

Invoices can also be blocked manually by the user.

To unblock an Invoice, you must select the Blocking Procedure by which it was
originally blocked as follows:

Blocked Due to Variance - Invoice Blocked Due to the three way matching
Manual Payment Block - Invoices that have been manually blocked by the user or
Blocked by exception as defined above.

An invoice has been blocked for payment.
Authorisation has been obtained from the business to unblock an invoice.

Menu Path
Logistics > Materials Management > Logistics Invoice Verification > Further
Processing > Release Blocked Invoices

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Transaction Code

Step Action
1. Enter the transaction code into the Command field.

For this example, enter "mrbr".

2. Click the Enter button.

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Step Action
3. Enter the company code into the Company Code field.

For this example, enter "1000".

4. A Vendor code can be specified, in the Vendor field, to review blocked

invoices for a specific Vendor.

For this example, the Vendor field is left blank. Therefore, the
transaction will list all blocked invoices for all Vendors in the company
code specified.
5. The Blocking Procedure section is used to specify how the release
will be managed.

Blocked Due to Variances occurred from three way matching.

Manual Payment Block occurred either on the Vendor invoice or in the
Vendor master record.
Stochastically Blocked is not used at UGL.
6. For this example click the Manual Payment Block option.

7. Click the Execute button.

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Step Action
8. Blocked invoices for the company code specified are displayed, based
on whether you selected Manual Payment Block or Blocked Due to

Note: If you had specified a Vendor in the previous screen, all blocked
invoices for that Vendor only would be displayed.

Step Action
9. To select an invoice to be released click the Selection box to the left of
the invoice number.

For this example, select the 5105600194 option.

10. Click the Release Invoice button.

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Step Action
11. A release flag displays for the invoice line item.

You can select other invoices to release, if required.

12. When you click the Save button, all invoices with a Release Flag
indicator will be unblocked.
13. Click the Save button.

14. The screen message at the bottom of the screen displays the number
of invoices released.

15. Click the Back button to return to the previous screen.

16. Click the Exit button.

17. Result
You have successfully released blocked invoices.

The invoice(s) will be included in the next payment run, depending on

the invoice date and the payment terms.
End of Procedure.

Training Guide

Document Name:

F110 - Create and Execute Payment Run


Use this transaction to create a payment run for vendor payments.

The steps to download the DME bank file are also demonstrated. The file is then
uploaded to the ANZ bank (via The bank will then pays
the vendors via EFT.

The Payment Proposal must have been created and reviewed by the paying

Any required adjustments to the proposal must have been made.

Arrangements must have been made to authorise the bank to pay the vendors
electronically, based on the uploaded bank file.

Menu Path
Accounting > Financial Accounting > Accounts Payable > Periodic Processing >

Transaction Code

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Step Action
1. Enter the transaction code into the Command field.

For this example, enter "F110".

2. Click the Enter button.

3. The last payment run processed may be displayed in the initial screen.

Make sure you select the correct payment proposal.

Step Action
4. Click Search button in the Run Date field.

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Step Action
5. Double-click the appropriate payroll proposal.

For this example, double click 1000A for 10.11.2007

6. The status area should show a status up to Payment proposal has

been created.

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Step Action
7. Click the Pmnt Run button.

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Step Action
8. Click the Start immediately option.

9. Do not select the Create payment medium checkbox.

10. Click the Confirm button.

11. The Status area now displays that the payment run is running.

This means that SAP is now searching for all due invoices based on the
proposal entered.

You can click the Status button repeatedly to update the status.

Use the status button as many times as required until the payment run
is created and posted.

Step Action
12. Click the Status button.

13. The Status area is updated to show that the payment run was carried

It also displays the number of postings. This represents the number of

EFT transfers, or the number of cheques.

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Step Action
14. At this stage, the accounting entries have been posted in SAP.

The next step is to schedule the print requirements, such as

remittances, cheques, payment summary and DME file.
15. You now need to schedule the print requirements.

This creates a spool to print payment summaries and cheques for

16. Click the Printout button.

Step Action
17. Overtype the question mark (?) at the end of the Job name in the Job
name field.

For this example, enter "DM".

18. Click the Confirm button.

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Step Action

The bank file is now ready to be downloaded to your local file.

Click the Environment menu.

20. Click the Payment Medium menu.

21. Click the DME Administration menu.

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Step Action
22. Click the Table row select button.

23. Click the Download.. button.

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Step Action
24. Click the Search button, to select the path/drive, where the bank file is
to be saved.


In this example the bank file will be saved in the desktop.

The filename must be saved as .txt file type.

26. Enter the desired information into the File name field. Enter
27. Click the Save button.

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Step Action
28. Click the Download button.


The bank file has been saved to your designated local drive.

The following message displays at the bottom of the task bar,

"Download successfully completed".

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Step Action
30. Click the Back button.

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Step Action
31. Click the Exit button.

32. Results
You have successfully created and executed a payment run. The
printing requirements are also scheduled.

The EFT remittance advice's are sent.

The bank file has been downloaded to your local drive.

Next Steps
Download the payment summary file to HTML and email the file to the
appropriate company.

Additionally, if this was a cheque run, you now need to print the

Upload the bank file to the ANZ site, for the bank to process payments
via EFT, to vendors.
End of Procedure.

ZMM_05 - Purchase Order Status and Approver Details Report


Use this transaction to display Purchase Orders raised for a Project, to check the
status of the Purchase order and to review the Purchase order Approver details.

The Purchase Order Approver details are displayed for each level in the delegation of
authorities (depending on the value of the Purchase Order).

A Purchase Order has been raised and workflowed to an approver for approval.

Menu Path
UGL Reports & Transactions > RTP Requisition to Pay > Purchasing Reports >
Purchase Order Report

Transaction Code

Training Guide

Document Name:

Step Action
1. Click in the Transaction code field.

2. Enter the desired information into the Transaction code field. Enter
3. Click the Enter button.


The selection criteria screen allows you to enter a combination of

criteria to narrow down your report results. You can filter by Open or
Closed Purchase Orders. You can also filter by WBS Element.

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Step Action
5. Click the Vertical scrollbar.
6. Click the WBS Assignment ONLY option.

7. Click in the Project Definition field.

8. Enter the desired information into the Project Definition field. Enter
9. Click the Execute button.


The PO Status and Approvers report is displayed. The Purchase Order

number, the vendor details, the Purchase Order status information are

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Step Action
11. Click the Horizontal scrollbar.

The following information is displayed: The Delivery Completed field if

goods were delivered (showing the date), the Material Group (type or
category of purchase), the quanity and net price.
13. Click the Horizontal scrollbar.

The following columns are displayed: Gross value, the General Ledger
account the Purchase Order has been assigned to, the WBS Element
coding, the delivery date for the goods and services.
15. Click the Horizontal scrollbar.


The Quantity outstanding, the value outstanding , the invoice value and
date, the Approver Levels are all displayed.
17. Click the Horizontal scrollbar.

18. Click the Horizontal scrollbar.

19. Click the Horizontal scrollbar.
20. Click the Horizontal scrollbar.

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Step Action
21. Click the Exit button.

Step Action
22. Click the Yes button.

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Step Action
23. Click the Exit button.

24. Result
The Purchase Order Status and Approver Details report has been
End of Procedure.

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