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Training Guide for Oracle EBS R12 Payroll

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Table of Contents

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Table of Contents............................................................3


1. Compensation Elements Setup.................................7

1.1 CES Overview................................................................7

1.2 Defining an Element.......................................................8

1.3 CES Making Manual Element Entries...............................12

1.4 Defining An Element's Input Values................................14

1.5 Writing or Editing A Formula..........................................16

1.6 Defining Formula Processing and Result Rules..................18

1.7 CES Define Element Links..............................................21

1.8 CES Defining An Absence Type.......................................24

1.9 CES Deleting Element Entries.........................................26

1.10 CES Define Balances.....................................................27

2. Salary Administration.............................................32
2.1 SA Overview................................................................32

2.2 SA Defining A Salary Basis............................................33

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2.3 SA Salary Proposal.......................................................36

3. Compensation Entry and Reporting........................38

3.1 CER Overview..............................................................38

3.2 CER Batch Element Entry..............................................39

3.3 CER Creating or Editing Individual Batch Lines.................42

3.4 CER Retrieving Existing Batch Lines................................44

3.5 CER Reviewing BEE Process Results................................45

3.6 CER Transferring a BEE Batch........................................47

3.7 CER Purging a Batch From the BEE Tables.......................48

3.8 CER Rolling Back a BEE Process......................................49

3.9 CER Listing Employees by Element.................................50

3.10 CER Viewing Element Entry History.................................52

4. Payroll....................................................................54
4.1 P Overview..................................................................54

4.2 P Defining A Payroll......................................................55

4.3 P Deleting Payrolls.......................................................57

4.4 P Defining a Payment Method........................................58

4.5 P Entering Payment Methods for an Employee Assignment. 60

4.6 P Mapping Cost Allocation to the Accounting Flexfield........62

4.7 P Running Post-Run Processes For QuickPay....................63

4.8 P Data Costed At The Organization And Assignment Levels 67

4.9 Correcting Run Results Reversals...................................69

4.10 Update Payroll Run.......................................................70

4.11 RetroPay Set...............................................................71

4.12 P Defining Global Values...............................................72

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4.13 P Setting Up User Tables, Columns and Rows...................73

4.14 P Entering Table Values.................................................76

4.15 P Creating An Assignment Set........................................78

4.16 P Defining Consolidation Sets.........................................80

5. Processes and Reports............................................81

5.1 PR Overview................................................................81

5.2 PR Submit Processes And Reports...................................82

5.3 PR View Request..........................................................92

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The purpose of this document is to facilitate the functions of the ADMM Human
Resources and Payroll staff with a simple step-by-step guide to all the essential
functionality of the Oracle HRMS product.
Although this manual is by no means comprehensive in the scope of the
functionality, it does cover the core functionality relevant from an end user

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1. Compensation Elements Setup

1.1 CES Overview

This section contains the following subjects which are needed to understand and to
use Compensation Elements Setup

1. Defining an Element

2. Making Manual Element Entries

3. Defining an Element's Input Values

4. Writing or Editing a Formula

5. Defining Formula Processing and Result Rules

6. Define Element Links

7. Deleting Element Entries

8. Define Balances

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1.2 Defining an Element
Navigation Path: Total Compensation -> Basic -> Element Description

1.2.1 The Main Concepts

1. Use the Element window to create an element to represent compensation and

benefit types or earnings and deductions.
2. We explain how to define elements using a Payroll responsibility (that is, a
responsibility with the HR User Type profile option set to Payroll User or HR
with Payroll User).

1.2.2To Enter Dates, names and a

classification for the element:
3. Follow the Navigation Path
4. Set your effective date early enough to handle any historical element entries
you want to make. Note that an element cannot be linked or entered until its
start date.
5. Enter a unique:
 Name
 Reporting name
Start the names with a letter of the alphabet (not a number or symbol). The
reporting name is a short identifier for reports and pay advices.
6. Enter a description for the element.
7. Select a Primary Classification.
This controls an element's processing priority and the balances it feeds. If
you are defining a salary element for Salary Administration, you must select
the classification Earnings.

1.2.3To Enter Processing Information

For The Element:

8. Select the processing type. Select Recurring if an entry of this element

applies in every period until the entry is ended, or Nonrecurring if an entry
applies in one pay period only. The dates of the pay period are determined by
the payroll to which the employee is assigned.
If you are defining a salary element for salary administration, you must select
the type Recurring. If you are defining an absence element for absence
management, you must select the type Nonrecurring.

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9. Select a termination rule to determine how entries of the element are
processed after termination of the employee:
 Actual Termination if you want recurring entries to close down on the
date the employee leaves. For a nonrecurring element, select Actual
Termination if you want the entries to close down at the end of the pay
period in which the employee leaves, or on the date the assignment
ends (the final process date) if this is earlier.
 Final Close if you want the entries to stay open beyond the employee's
leaving date so that you can continue to pay the employee.

If you are a Payroll user, you can also select:

 Last Standard Process for all recurring and nonrecurring elements if you
want their entries to close down on the Last Standard Process date or
on the date the assignment ends (the final process date) if this is
earlier. The Last Standard Process date defaults to the last day of the
pay period in which the employee is terminated, but you can set it to a
later period when you terminate an employee.
10. Select the Multiple Entries Allowed check box if you want to give an employee
more than one entry of the element at the same time.
11. Select the Additional Entries Allowed check box if you want to make
occasional one-time entries of a recurring element (instead of, or in addition
to, a normal recurring entry).
12. Select the Closed for Entry check box if you want to prevent any new entries
being made for the element, either temporarily or permanently. This does not
affect any existing entries of the element.

Use this feature with caution. When you perform certain important tasks in Oracle
HRMS, the application may automatically create or delete element entries. These
tasks include hiring and terminating people, and updating assignments. Therefore,
if you check Closed for Entry on an element, this might prevent users terminating
employees and updating assignments. If there are standard links for the element, it
will also prevent users hiring people who are eligible for the element.

1.2.4 DE Oracle Payroll Users:

13. Select the Process in Run check box if you want the element to process in
payroll runs.
14. Select the Indirect Results check box if you want the element only to accept
entries from indirect formula results. Leave the check box unchecked if you
want to accept entries both from indirect formula results and from manual
entries in the Element Entries window.
15. Select the Adjustment Only check box if you want to use the element only for
creating balance adjustments.
16. Select the Third Party Payments check box if you want to use the element
only for creating third party payments.

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17. Overwrite the default priority number in the Priority field if you want to
determine the order in which the element processes within its classification
range. Lower numbers process before higher ones.
If the order of processing within the element classification is not important,
you can accept the default priority number, which is the midpoint of the
18. Select a formula in the Skip Rule field if you have written a skip rule formula
to determine the circumstances in which the element should be processed.

1.2.5To Select Currencies For Element

Entry Values And Processing:

The default currency for element entry values is the base currency defined for
the Business Group. You can select a different currency for the element if

19. Select the currency in the Input field if you want to make element entries in a
currency other than the base currency of the Business Group.

 Oracle Payroll Users: For Information type elements, you can select a
different output currency because these elements do not feed the
Payments balance. When you do this, Oracle Payroll converts the entry
values to the output currency before they are processed in the payroll

1.2.6To Define Qualifying Conditions

For Receiving The Element:
20. Enter the age in the Age field if there is a minimum age for employees to
receive the element.
21. Enter a number in the Length of Service field and select a unit of measure
(such as months or years) in the Units field if there is a minimum length of
service employees must work before receiving the element.
22. Select the Standard check box if you want the element to be entered
automatically for all employees who are eligible. You cannot check Standard
checkbox if the element is nonrecurring or if Multiple Entries are allowed.
23. Save the element definition.

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1.3 CES Making
Manual Element
Navigation Path: People -> Enter and maintain -> Assignment -> Entries

1.3.1 MEE Introduction

1. You enter compensation and basic benefits for employee assignments in the
Element Entries window. If employees are assigned to a salary basis, you
enter their salaries in the Salary Administration window.
2. You can use the Element Entries window to make entries or to query existing
entries. Use the Period field, Classification field, and Processing Types option
buttons to restrict the entries you see when making inquiries.
3. The Processed check box shows if Oracle Payroll has processed the entry in
the current pay period.

1.3.2MEE To Enter An Element For An

Employee Assignment:

1. Follow the Navigation Path

2. If necessary, change your effective date to:
 The correct start date for a recurring element entry
 Any date in the correct pay period for a nonrecurring element entry
If the pay period is closed at your effective date, you cannot enter any
nonrecurring elements that process in payroll runs. If a current or future pay
period is closed, you cannot enter any recurring elements that process in
payroll runs.
3. To reduce the list of elements to choose from, select a classification, a
processing type, or both in the first region.
4. In the Element Name field, select an element.
Elements this employee is eligible for by means of a standard link appear
The system displays a warning message if the employee fails to meet any
qualifying conditions of age or length of service.
5. If the Costing field is enterable, you can enter cost codes, for example to
indicate the cost center the employee's time should be charged to.
6. You can select a reason for an element entry you make or update. As part of
your system setup, you can enter valid reasons for the Lookup Type
7. You can check the Override check box to create an entry that overrides all
other entries of this element in the current period. You cannot create an

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override entry if one already exists, or if any of the entries of this element
have been adjusted.
8. If you want to create a one-time entry of a recurring element, check the
Additional check box.
An Additional entry is valid only for the current pay period, shown in the
Effective Dates fields.
You can only check Additional if:
 The element definition allows additional entries, and
 An additional entry does not already exist for the assignment in this
period, and
 The employee is assigned to a payroll
 There is a payroll period defined at your effective date
9. Choose the Entry Values button to open the Entry Values window.
10. Enter values in the Entry Values fields. Notice that:
 Entry to some fields may not be permitted.
 Some fields may be required.
 Some fields may have a list of values; others may be validated as you
leave the field. You will receive a message if your entry is not a valid
 Some fields may contain default values. If the default value is in
quotation marks, it is a "hot default".
11. To determine the processing sequence of multiple entries in the payroll run,
enter a sub-priority number in the Processing Priority field. Lower priority
numbers process first.
12. Save your work.

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1.4 Defining An
Element's Input
Navigation Path: Total Compensation -> Element Description -> Input Values

1.4.1 DEIV Introduction

Use the Input Values window to define the input values for the element. You can
define up to 15 input values for an element.
Payroll users: If you are creating balance feeds for individual elements, ensure you
define an input value of the same unit of measure as the balance. Money units
must be the same currency.

1.4.2 DEIV To Define Input Values:

1. Follow the Navigation Path
2. Set your effective date early enough to handle any historical element entries
you want to make.
3. Enter or query the element in the Element window and choose the Input
Values button.

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4. Enter the name of the first input value. Remember that if you want to define
a pay value to hold run results, you must name it Pay Value.
5. Select the unit type of your input value (money, hours, character, date,
number, or time). A Pay Value must have the unit type Money if the element
is in a Payments type classification.
6. You can enter numbers in the Sequence field to change the order in which the
input values appear in the Entry Values window.
7. Check the Required check box if all entries of the element must have a value
for this input.
8. Check the User Enterable check box if users can enter a value for this input.
Uncheck it if you want to ensure that the default value is entered for all
9. Check the Database Item check box if you want the value to be available to
formulas or QuickPaint inquiries.
10. Database Items are simple identifiers that the system uses to find specific
items of information in the human resources database.

1.4.3DEIV Entering Element-Level Defaults

For An Input Value:
11. Enter the value in the Default field.
12. If you want existing entries to be updated whenever the default is changed,
check the Hot Default check box. The input value must be required if you
want to use this option.
A hot default appears in the Entry Values window in quotation marks.
Warning: If a user overrides a hot default in the Entry Values window,
subsequent changes to the default will not affect the entry. For this reason,
you may prefer to use BEE to change defaults for large groups of employees,
rather than the hot default feature.

1.4.4Defining Entry Validation

For An Input Value:
13. Do one of the following:
 Enter maximum and minimum values for the input.
 Select a Lookup Type to act as a lookup supplying a list of valid values.
 Select a formula to validate entries for this input value. Formulas can
return messages to users about the success or failure of the validation.
14. Select Warning or Error to determine whether the system warns users that an
entry is invalid or prevents them from saving an invalid entry. You cannot
select a value if you chose a Lookup because a user cannot enter an invalid
value for an input value validated by lookup.

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1.5 Writing
or Editing A
1. Set your effective date to the date when you want to begin using the formula.
2. To write a new formula, enter the formula's name and select a type. To edit
an existing formula, query its name.
3. Choose the Edit button to open a blank Edit Formula window where you can
write a new formula, or modify an existing one.
4. If you want to select database items, choose the Show Items button to
display the Database Items window and run a query. Copy and paste items
from this window to the Edit Formula window.
5. When you finish writing or editing the formula, choose the Verify button to
compile it.
This process identifies any syntax errors in your formula.
Once you have compiled any formula, new functions or changes to existing
functions made after the first time you compile, are not used. You must
logout of Oracle HRMS and login again. You can now compile your formula
and the new functions and/or changes to existing functions will be included.
6. When the formula is verified successfully, save it.
7. Your next step depends on the type of formula:
 If the formula is of type Oracle Payroll, you must associate it with an
element in the Formula Result Rules window.
 If the formula is of type Element Skip, you select it in the Skip Rule
field of the Element window.
 If the formula is of type Element Input Validation, you select it in the
Formula field of the Input Values window when you are defining an
 If the formula is of type User Table Validation, you select it in the
Formula field of the Columns window when you are defining a user
table structure.
 If the formula is of type Accrual, Accrual Carryover, or Accrual
Ineligibility, you select it in the Accrual Plan window.
 If the formula is of type Accrual Subformula, you call it from another
formula of type Accrual.
 If the formula is used for benefits administration, you select the
formula in the Rules field of the appropriate benefits window.

Test your formula in the situation you intend to use it (such as, in a test payroll
run) to ensure it contains no logical errors.

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1.6 Defining Formula
Processing and Result Rules
Navigation Path: Total Compensation -> Basic -> Formula result

1.6.1 DFR Introduction

1. Use the Formula Result Rules window to associate one or more formula
processing rules with an element.
2. At minimum, an element needs one standard processing rule. This identifies
the formula the payroll run uses to process the element for employees with
an Active assignment status (and a Payroll system status of Process). You
can define other processing rules if you need to use different formulas for
assignments at other statuses. For example, you could have two rules for a
Wages element: Standard Wages and Paid Training Leave.
3. Also use this window to define how each formula result is used by the payroll

1.6.2 DFR To Associate

Processing Rules With Elements:
4. Follow the Navigation Path
5. Set your effective date to the start date for the processing rule.
6. Select the element for which you are entering rules. The element's
description and classification automatically display.
7. In the Processing Rules region, select Standard and the regular formula for
the element. If you have other formulas for this element, select them and the
assignment statuses you want to associate with them.
Note: If you select a formula with inputs that do not match the element, you
will receive a warning message, but you can still save your rule. Remember
to update the formula before running the payroll.
8. Save your entries.

1.6.3 DFR To Define

Formula Result Rules For
Each Processing Rule:
9. Click on a processing rule to select it.
10. In the Formula Results region, select a formula result name from the list of
results specified when the formula was written.
11. Select the appropriate formula result type. There are five possible types:
 Direct result: This is the element's run result.
 Indirect result: This result passes as an element entry to another
nonrecurring element not yet processed.

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 Message: The formula issues messages under certain conditions. For
example, a formula can check a loan repayment balance and, if the
balance is zero, issue the message "Loan is repaid." You read formula
messages using the View Run Messages window.
 Stop: This formula result uses the effective date of the payroll run to
put an end date on a recurring entry of this or another element (which
must be defined with multiple entries not allowed.)
 Update recurring entry: This result updates recurring entries of this
or another element. The receiving element must be defined with
multiple entries not allowed unless you are passing a recurring
element's entries to itself, which is updating another entry of the same
12. If you select Indirect Result, Stop, or Update Recurring Entry as the formula
result type, select the name of the element and input value to which you
want to pass the formula result. This element must have a processing priority
causing it to process after the element sending the result.
13. If you select Message as the formula result type, select a message severity
level. There are three choices:
 Fatal: When a message with this severity results from your formula,
the run rolls back all processing for the employee assignment.
 Warning: A message with this level of severity does not affect payroll
processing but warns the user of a possible problem.
 Information: A message with this level of severity simply gives

1.6.4DFR Correcting and Updating

Processing Rules

When you add a formula result it takes on the effective end date of its processing
rule. Any date effective changes you make to existing processing rules can affect
formula results as follows:
 Update: If you update a processing rule or give it an effective end
date, all the rule's currently effective and future-dated formula results
automatically get identical end dates.
 Correction: If you correct a processing rule, all its currently effective
and future-dated formula results remain unchanged.
 Future delete: If you delete all future changes scheduled for a
processing rule, this also deletes any future changes scheduled for the
rule's formula results.

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1.7 CE
S Define
Navigation Path: Total Compensation -> Basic -> Link

Use the Element Link window to define groups of assignments that are eligible for
an element.

1.7.1 D
EL To Define
An Element
1. Follow the Navigation Path
2. Set your effective date to the date you want the eligibility criteria to come
into effect.
3. In the Element Name field, select the Element for which you are defining a
4. Check the Standard check box if you want all employees who are made
eligible by the link to receive the element automatically.
5. You can only create a standard link if the element is recurring and multiple
entries are not allowed by the element definition.
6. In the Eligibility Criteria region, select the assignment components that
constitute this eligibility rule. If you want to link to all employees, do not
enter any eligibility criteria.
You can link to all payrolls or to a specific payroll. Do one of the following:
 Leave the Payroll field blank and check the Link to all Payrolls check
box if you want employees assigned to any payroll to be eligible. This
rule excludes employees who are not assigned to a payroll.
 Select the name of a specific payroll if you want only employees on that
payroll to be eligible for the element. Do not check the Link to all
Payrolls check box.
 Leave both fields blank if assignment to a payroll is irrelevant to
eligibility for the element.

1.7.2DEL To Enter Costing

Information For The Link:
7. Select the Constable Type. The default is Not Costed, meaning that the
system maintains no costing information for the element.

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 To allow entry of costing information at all levels, including the
assignment and element entry levels, select Costed. This is the
appropriate selection for most elements representing earnings types.
 If you want all entries of the element to be allocated to the same
account, select Fixed Costed.
 If you want to distribute overhead costs (such as employer
contributions to a pension plan) over other elements, select Distributed.
Then select a Distribution Set.
8. Check the Transfer to GL check box if the payroll run results from this link
should be transferred to the general ledger.
9. Use the Costing field to select a GL account code and, if present, account
codes of labor distribution or other systems in which to collect the run results
of this element. Then use the Balancing field to select the GL account that
balances this one.
For deductions elements:
 Select the code for the GL account to credit in the Costing field, and the
code for the account to debit in the Balancing field.
For elements in all other classifications:
 Select the code for the GL account code to debit in the Costing field,
and the code for the account to credit in the Balancing field.

1.7.3DEL To Enter Qualifying

Conditions For The Link:
10. Go to the Qualifying Conditions region. Here you can add or change age or
length of service requirements for this particular eligibility rule.
The system checks these conditions when you make an entry of the element.
If the employee does not meet the qualifying conditions, you receive a

1.7.4DEL To Adjust Input

Values For The Link:
11. Save your link definition and choose the Input Values button to display the
Link Input Values window.
12. Enter a new default or change one entered at the element level
13. Check the Costed box to maintain costing information for an input value.
14. Change the maximum, minimum or both for an input value. Logically, the
new values should be within the range you defined for the element as a
whole. However the system does not enforce this.

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1.8 CES
Defining An
Absence Type
Navigation Path: Total Compensation -> Basic -> Absence Types

Use the Absence Attendance Type window to define an absence type and associate
it with an element to hold the absence balance.

1.8.1DAT To Define
An Absence
1. Follow the Navigation Path
2. Enter a name and category for the absence type.
3. In the Associated Element region, select the element defined for this absence
type. The name of the element's input value that holds the time taken or
time remaining for this absence type appears in the Input Value field, and the
unit of measure for the input value appears in the Units region.
4. In the Balance region, select Increasing for each entry to the absence
element's input value to add to a running total of time taken to date for this
absence type. Select increasing balances for absence types for PTO accrual
plans, and for most other absence types.
For absence types that have a set maximum amount of hours or days
allowed, you may select Decreasing. In this case, each absence recorded
reduces an initial balance entered for the absence type, to show time
remaining to be taken for the type.
Decreasing balances require more maintenance. You must enter an initial
balance amount for each new hire eligible for the absence type, and must
initialize the balance for all eligible employees at the start of each year.
5. Optionally, select reasons that are valid for entries of this type of absence.
6. Save the absence type.

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1.9 CES
Navigation Path : Fast Path -> Entries
1.9.1DEE To Delete A
Nonrecurring Element Entry:
1. Set your effective date to any date within the payroll period for which the
entry exists.
2. Click on the entry to select it, choose Delete Record, and save.

1.9.2 DEE To Delete

A Recurring Element Entry:
1. Follow the Navigation Path
2. Set your effective date to any date within the payroll period for which the
entry exists.
3. Click on the entry to select it and choose Delete Record.
4. Choose Purge in the dialog box that displays, and save.

Note: Your ability to purge element entries is controlled by the user profile option
HR: Purge Element Entry Permission, which is set by your system administrator.
You may be able to purge all element entries, entries of information elements only,
or none.
1.9.3DEE Deleting
 You can delete an element entry that the payroll run has processed.
You receive a warning message. This does not remove the payroll run
results so you can consult these for a complete record of payroll
processing and payments.
 To reprocess corrected element entries from the past, run the Retropay

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1.10 CES Define Balances
Navigation Path: Total Compensation -> Basic -> Balance

1.10.1 DB Introduction

1. Oracle Payroll has many predefined balances installed with the system. You
can define other balances.
2. Defining a balance includes defining its feeds and dimensions. When you
select feeds for the balance you have to choose between specifying element
input values directly and selecting element classifications to determine the
feeds. You cannot choose both methods together.
3. You define balances in the Balance window.

1.10.2 DB To Define A User Balance:

1. Follow the Navigation Path.

2. Do one of the following:

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 Enter a unique name and a reporting name for the new balance. If you
do not provide a reporting name, the first seven characters of the
balance name appear on reports.
 Query any user balances you want to change.
3. Enter the unit of measure for the balance. The choices are days, hours (listed
in different formats), integer, money and number. If you select money as the
unit you must also select a currency.
Do not select the Use for Remuneration check box. This displays which
predefined balance is the Remuneration balance. Only one balance within a
legislation can have this value.
4. Go to the Balance Feeds window or to the Balance Classifications window.

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1.10.3 DB In The
Balance Feeds

5. Set your effective date to the start date for the balance feeds.
6. Select one or more elements to feed the balance. Only those elements whose
input values have the same unit of measure as the balance are listed.
When you select an element, its classification is displayed. You can select
elements with different classifications.
7. Select the input value that is to feed the balance.
For most payroll balances select Pay Value so that the element's run result
feeds the balance.
8. Select Add or Subtract for the balance feed.

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1.10.4 DB In The Balance
Classifications Window:

9. Select one or more element classifications and select Add or Subtract for
each. The run results of all elements in the classification will feed the balance.
The list includes all the primary and secondary element classifications that
are valid for this balance. If you select a secondary classification, you cannot
also select its parent primary classification.
Secondary classifications are not used in the North American or Singapore
versions of Oracle Payroll at this time.

1.10.5 DB In The
Balance Dimensions
10. Select the dimensions you require.

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You can remove any dimension previously selected for a user-defined
balance. You can also add dimensions to the startup balances included with
your system, and later remove these additional dimensions. However, you
cannot remove the dimensions that were predefined for the startup balances.
To hold balances for a fiscal year that is different from the calendar year, you
must supply the fiscal year start date for your Business Group.
11. Optionally, select the Grossup Balance check box for one of the dimensions,
to make the balance eligible for Grossup.

1.10.6 DB In The Initial Balance Feed Window

12. you can see details of the element and input value used for the Initial Balance
feed. This feed is defined by implementation consultants prior to performing
an initial balance upload at implementation time.

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2. Salary Administration

2.1 SA Overview
This section contains the following subjects which are needed to understand and to

1. Defining a Salary Basis

2. Salary Proposal

3. Entering Salary Surveys

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2.2 SA
Defining A
Salary Basis

Navigation Path: Total Compensation -> Basic -> Salary Basis

2.2.1 DSB Introduction

1. Use the Salary Basis window to define a salary basis for each salary element
to be used for salary administration.
2. This establishes the duration for which a salary is quoted, for example,
hourly, monthly or annually.

2.2.2DSB To Define
A Salary Basis:
1. Follow the Navigation Path
2. Enter an appropriate name for the salary basis.
If you are using predefined elements, go to step 4, otherwise go to step 2.

2.2.3DSB without
3. Select a pay basis, for example, Annual or Hourly.
If you selected Annual or Monthly, Oracle HRMS identifies the number of
payments and enters 1 or 12 in the Pay Annualization Factor field. You can
change this value, if required.
If you selected Hourly, the Pay Annualization Factor field is blank. Enter your
own values, if required.
If you select Period, leave the Pay Annualization Factor field blank, Oracle
HRMS uses the payroll period of your employee as the annualization factor.
Note: The pay basis is for information only. For example, to enable you to
compare salaries.
4. Select the name of the salary element and input value associated with this
salary basis.
Now go to step 6.

page 33
2.2.4DSB with
5. Select the appropriate pay basis for the predefined element you plan to use.
For example, select Monthly Salary for the Regular Salary element in the US.
If you selected Annual or Monthly, Oracle HRMS identifies the number of
payments and enters 1 or 12 in the Pay Annualization Factor field. You can
change this value, if required.
If you selected Hourly, the Pay Annualization Factor field is blank. Enter your
own values, if required.
If you select Period, leave the Pay Annualization Factor field blank, Oracle
HRMS uses the payroll period of your employee as the annualization factor.
Note: The pay basis is for information only. For example, to enable you to
compare salaries.
6. Select the appropriate element and input value (for example, in the US,
Regular Salary and the input value Monthly Salary, or Regular Wages and the
input value Rate).

2.2.5 DSB All

7. Select a grade rate to associate with the salary basis, if required.
Oracle HRMS uses the grade rate to validate your salary proposals. You
receive a warning if the salary you enter for an employee is not within the
grade rate range defined for the employee's grade.
In doing this check, the system takes account of the hours in the employee's
standard work week. It compares the hours on the employee's assignment
with those entered for their organization.
If the employee works fewer than the standard hours per week for the
organization, the system pro-rates the permissible minimum and maximum
grade rate values before validating the salary.
8. Select the grade rate basis (Hourly, Monthly, Annual, or Period) for the rate if
you selected a grade rate. For example, if your grade rate specifies the valid
monthly salary ranges for each grade, select Monthly Salary in the Grade
Rate Basis field.
If you selected annual or Monthly, Oracle HRMS identifies the number of
payments and enters 1 or 12 in the Grade Annualization Factor field. You can
change this value, if required.
If you selected Hourly, the Grade Annualization Factor field is blank. Enter
your own values, if required.
If you selected Period, leave the Grade Annualization Factor field blank,
Oracle HRMS uses the payroll period of your employee as the annualization
Note: This is for information only. For example, to enable you to compare
salaries within grades.
9. Save your changes.

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page 35
2.3 SA Salary Proposal
Navigation Path: People -> Enter and maintain -> Assignment -> Salary

2.3.1 SP Introduction
1. Use the Salary Administration window to enter a starting salary amount for a
newly hired employee, or to enter a salary amount for a current employee
assigned to a new salary basis. This could be, for example, an employee
moving from an hourly wage to a monthly salary.
2. Notice that you cannot enter multiple components of a starting salary for a
newly hired employee or one assigned to a new salary basis.
3. You must assign a payroll to an employee before entering a salary.
4. Use the Salary Management folder to approve multiple salary proposals or to
download salary information to a spreadsheet. In the spreadsheet you can
enter new proposals, edit existing proposals, and approve salary components.
Then you can upload your changes to the database.

2.3.2 SP To Enter a Salary

For A New Employee (Or One
Assigned To A New Salary Basis):
1. Follow the Navigation Path
2. Enter the start date for the salary in the Change Date field (in the Salary
Proposal region). For a new hire, this is usually the hire date.
The employee must have an active assignment on this date. If you are
changing the salary basis, you must enter the exact date it changes.
3. Enter the amount of the salary in either the Change Value or the New Value
4. Select a reason for the salary, if required.
5. Rank the employee if required.
For example, you might want to rank the employee at the time of the
proposal and track them later on. If you do rank the employee, enter a value
greater than zero.
6. Enter or change the Next Review date, if required.
7. Select a performance review to associate with the salary review, if required.
This is a performance review you previously created using the Performance
8. Save the new salary.
You do not have to approve the new salary, Oracle HRMS approves it

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3. Compensation Entry and Reporting

3.1 CER Overview

This section contains the following subjects which are needed to understand and to

1. Batch Element Entry

2. Creating or Editing Individual Batch Lines

3. Retrieving Existing Batch Lines

4. Reviewing BEE Process Results

5. Transferring a BEE Batch

6. Purging a Batch From the BEE Tables

7. Rolling Back a BEE Process

8. Listing Employees by Element

9. Viewing Element Entry History

page 38
3.2 CER Batch Element Entry
Navigation Path: Mass information Exchange -> Batch Element Entry

3.2.1 BEE Entering A Batch Header

 You can enter batches of element entries in the Batch Header and
Batch Lines windows.
 The header identifies the batch and determines what happens if any of
the batch lines duplicate existing element entries.

3.2.2BEE To Enter A Batch Header

And Control Totals:
1. Follow the Navigation Path.
2. Set your effective date to the date when you want the entries to take effect.
3. Enter a name for the batch, and enter a reference number and the source of
the batch, if you require these for your own reference.
4. Select what action the process should take if one of the batch lines matches
an existing element entry for an assignment at the effective date.
 Create New Entry - The process creates a new entry if multiple entries
of the element are allowed by the element definition. If multiple entries
are not allowed, the process sets the status of the batch line to Error.
 Reject Entry - The process sets the status of the batch line to Error.
 Change Existing Entry - The process corrects or updates the existing
entry. If there is more than one existing entry, the process sets the
status of the batch line to Error.
The Undefined option is display-only (for batches created using SQL*Plus or a
similar tool).
5. If you selected Change Existing Entry, select the type of date effective
change to be made to recurring entries:
 Update - The process changes the existing entry from the effective
date, but preserves the previous information. If there are future-dated
changes to the existing entry, the process inserts the change before the
next scheduled change.
 Correct - The process corrects the existing entry from its start date
through to its end date. Any future-dated changes are unaffected.
 Override - The process changes the existing entry from the effective
date, but preserves the previous information. If there are future-dated
changes to the existing entry, the process replaces all future-dated
changes with the batch line.
 Notice that if you select this option, you cannot check the Reject if
Future Changes check box.

page 39
 The Undefined option is display-only (for batches created using
SQL*Plus or a similar tool).
6. If you want to reject batch lines that match entries that start in the future or
for which future changes are scheduled, check the Reject if Future Changes
check box.
7. Notice that if you check this box, you cannot select the Override option.
8. If you want the batch to be purged from the temporary tables after
successful transfer to Oracle HRMS, check the Purge After Transfer check
Attention: You cannot roll back a batch transfer if you have purged the
batch from the BEE tables.
9. If you are going to use the Assignment Lines window and you want the
system to display automatically any existing lines in this batch for an
assignment and element set you select, check the Auto Query box.
10. If you are going to use the Batch Lines window and you want the system to
display an error if you enter an invalid assignment number, check the Auto
Validation box.

3.2.3 BEE Control Totals

11. If you use control totals to validate the batch before transfer, choose the
Totals button.
12. Select a batch control type (such as Hours, to sum all the values in the Hours
input value, or Line Count, to check the number of lines in the batch).
13. Enter the control total for each control type.
14. You can enter as many types and totals as you require.

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3.3 CER Creating or Editing
Individual Batch Lines

3.3.1 IBL Introduction

1. In the Batch Lines window, you can enter new lines for individual
assignments, and you can view and edit lines created automatically for an
assignment set. You can speed up entry of new lines by entering default input
2. A batch can contain lines for as many elements as you require. Lines within a
batch can have different effective dates.

3.3.2IBL To Enter
Individual Batch
1. Enter or query a batch header in the Batch Header window, and choose the
Element Lines button.
2. Select the element for which you want to make entries.
3. To enter default values to speed up the data entry, choose the Defaults
button. The Defaults window displays the input values for the selected
4. Enter default values in any of the fields in the Defaults window. These
defaults apply to all new entries in the batch, but not to any entries you have
already made. You can change the defaults at any time during your data
5. Uncheck the Display check box for any field that you do not want to display in
the Lines window. You can hide any fields for which the default is correct for
every entry.
6. In the Lines window, enter the data required for the batch. Lists of values are
available on some fields, but no validation is enforced during data entry.
7. The following fields may be available depending on your localization and the
element you selected:
 Enter Further Information for this element entry.
 Select a date in the Date Earned field if you want to establish an earned
date for an earnings element that is outside of the current payroll
period. (For localizations outside North America, this is for information
 Select a third party payment method in the Payee field to enter
information about a third party recipient of a payment resulting from a
8. Enter a number in the Sub-priority field if you want to determine the
processing sequence of multiple entries in the payroll run. Lower priority
numbers process first.

page 42
9. You can override the Effective Date for any line. This is the effective start
date for a new entry or the effective date of an update.
10. If you selected an absence element, enter the absence start and end dates.
BEE uses these dates to create an absence record.
11. Save your entries. If you want to make entries for another element, select
the element, enter new defaults, enter the lines, then save again.

page 43
3.4 CER
Retrieving Existing
Batch Lines
3.4.1REBL To Retrieve
Existing Batch Lines:
1. Do one of the following:
 Select the element in the Element field.
 Check the Unknown Elements check box if you are querying batch lines
entered for an invalid element (or no element) by SQL*Plus or another
2. Choose the Find button.
3.4.2 REBL Updating A Batch
You can update a batch at any time before you transfer it. If you make any
changes to a batch with the status Validated or Error, the batch status changes to

page 44
3.5 CER Reviewing
BEE Process Results
3.5.1RBPR To Review Batch
Process Results:
1. Query one or more batches by name, reference, or status in the Batch
Summary window.
2. If a batch status is Error, at least one line, control total, or the header is in
3. Click on a batch to select it and choose the Errors button to identify the
problem with a batch that has the status Error. The Messages window opens.
You can view all messages or query them by type: Batch Header, Batch Line
Level, or Control Total.

page 45
4. To see and correct a batch, click on it in the Batch Summary window and
choose the View Batch button. The Batch Header window opens with the
selected batch displayed.
5. From the header window, you can view lines, control totals, or messages:
 To view the status of individual lines in the batch, choose the Element
Lines button. In the Batch Lines window, select an element and choose
 If you entered control totals for the batch, choose the Totals button on
the Batch Header window to view the status for each control type.
 To view messages for the whole batch, or all lines, or control totals,
choose the Messages button. Use the option group at the top of the
Messages window to control which messages are displayed.

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3.6 CER
Transferring a
BEE Batch

3.6.1 TBB Introduction

1. A batch exists in the temporary BEE tables only until you run the transfer
process to create element entries in the Oracle HRMS Entries table.
2. You can also transfer several batches together from the Batch Summary

3.6.2 TBB To Transfer A Batch:

1. Query the batch in the Batch Header window, and choose the Process button.
2. Select Transfer, and choose Start. The system displays the concurrent
request ID so that you can query it on the Requests window.
3. When the concurrent request is completed, query the batch in the Batch
Header window.

 If the Batch Status is “Transferred”, there were no errors in the batch

and the process has created the element entries. The process may have
issued messages associated with the batch header, lines, or control
 If the Batch Status is Error, the process has set the status of at least
one line, or control total to Error. Check the status fields in the Batch
Lines window and the Control Totals window, and review the messages
issued by the process.

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3.7 CER Purging a Batch
From the BEE Tables

3.7.1 PB Introduction
1. If the “0Purge After Transfer” check box on the Batch Header window is
checked when you run the transfer process, the batch is deleted from the BEE
tables automatically after the transfer. If the box is not checked, you can
purge the batch by running a separate process.
2. You can purge a batch with any status.
3. You cannot roll back a batch transfer if you have purged the batch from the
BEE tables.
4. You can also purge several batches together from the Batch Summary

3.7.2 PB To Purge A Batch:

1. Query the batch in the Batch Header window, and choose the Process button.
2. Select Purge, and choose Start. The system displays the concurrent request
ID so that you can query it on the Requests window.

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3.8 CER Rolling
Back a BEE
Navigation Path: Processes and Reports -> Submit Processes and Reports

3.8.1 RB Introduction
1. After a successful BEE transfer, you can roll back the transfer process if you
want to completely remove it, provided you have not purged the batch from
the BEE tables. You can choose to purge the batch as part of the rollback
2. The process interlock rule (which prevents you rolling back a payroll process
if any further processing has taken place) does not apply to BEE Rollback.
You can still perform the rollback even if run results from payroll processing
exist for any of the lines.
3. If the batch included absence entries, the rollback removes the absence
records as well as the element entries.
4. You run the BEE Rollback process from the Submit Requests window.

3.8.2RB To Roll
Back A BEE
1. Follow the Navigation Path.
2. Select the batch header name of the process you want to roll back.
3. Enter “Yes” to cancel the rollback process if the system detects run results for
any of the batch lines. Enter No if you want the system to complete the
rollback even though run results exist.
4. Enter “Yes” to keep the batch after the rollback. Enter No to delete the batch
after the rollback.

page 49
3.9 CER Listing
Employees by
Navigation Path: View -> histories -> Entries

3.9.1 LEE Introduction

1. In the List Employees by Element window, you can view a list of the
employees with entries to an element in any period of time you choose. You
can also see the last entry value for each assignment.
2. If your system administrator has customized this window, you may be
restricted to selecting elements of a certain processing type or element set.

3.9.2 LEE To View A List Of

Employees Receiving An Element:
1. Follow the Navigation Path
2. Select an element.
3. Select Current Employees, Ex-employees, or both.
4. You can also enter a date range. Both date fields default to your effective
5. You can enter additional query criteria in the Element Entries region.
6. Run the query.

The Element Entries region displays all entries of the element for employees of the
type you selected in the chosen time period.

Note: This window does not display date-tracked updates to recurring element
entries. You only see the latest value (within your chosen time period) of each
element entry. The date of the last date-tracked update may vary from employee
to employee.

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page 51
3.10 CER Viewing
Element Entry
Navigation Path : View -> Lists -> Employees by element

3.10.1 VEEH Introduction

1. In the View Element Entry History for Employee window you can view, for a
single employee assignment, a history of entries for:
 One element
 All recurring elements, all nonrecurring elements, or both
 Elements from a selected classification

2. If your system administrator has customized this window, you may be

restricted to viewing elements of a certain processing type or element set.

3.10.2 VEEH To View Element Entry

History For An Employee:
1. Follow the Navigation Path
2. Enter your selection criteria. You can:
 Select a classification.
 Select a processing type.
 Enter a date range. The end date defaults to your effective date.
2. Place your cursor in the Element Name field and run the query.
The window displays all entries of the types of element you selected within
the time period, including date-tracked updates to entries. New entries are
shown in bold to contrast with date-tracked updates, which are listed under
the initial entry.
3. Select an entry and choose the Entry Values button to view the entry values.

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page 53
4. Payroll

4.1 P Overview
You can define as many payrolls as you need to meet the payroll processing needs
of your enterprise. Each payroll has one pay frequency only, such as weekly or
monthly, so the payroll of an employee assignment determines the pay frequency
for the employee.
This section contains the following subjects which are needed to understand and to
use the PAYROLL

1. Defining a Payroll

2. Deleting Payrolls

3. Defining a Payment Method

4. Entering Payment Methods for an Employee


5. Mapping Cost Allocation to the Accounting Flexfield

6. Running Post-Run Processes for QuickPay

7. Data Costed at the Organization and Assignment


8. Correcting Run Results: Reversals

9. Update payroll Run

10. RetroPay Set

11. Defining Global Values

12. Setting Up User Tables, Columns and Rows

13. Entering Table Values

14. Creating an Assignment Set

15. Defining Consolidation Sets

page 54
4.2 P Defining A Payroll
Navigation Path: Payroll -> Description

Use the Payroll window to define a payroll, including its calendar and valid payment

4.2.1DEFP To Define
A New Payroll:
1. Follow the Navigation Path.
2. Set your effective date to a date early enough to handle any historical
information you want to enter. Your effective date must be on or before the
first period start date of the payroll calendar.
3. Enter the payroll's name and select its period type from the list.
4. Enter the end date of the payroll's first period, and the number of years for
which the system should initially generate the payroll's calendar. You can
increase this number later to generate additional years.
When you enter the First Period End Date, make sure that the corresponding
start date of the first period is after the start date of the payroll.
5. In the Date Offset region, you can change the zero default to a negative or
positive number of days before or after the period end date. For example, for
a semi-monthly payroll, the Cut Off date can be 3 days before the period end
date (-3), while the Scheduled Run and Check dates can be 5 and 7 days
after this date, respectively.
 The Check Date, sometimes called Pay Date, is the date of constructive
receipt of pay, on which paychecks become negotiable.
 The Scheduled Run Date is the date scheduled for the Regular run of
this payroll each period.
 The Cut Off date, included for your reference, is the final date for
entering or changing payroll information before a run.
These offsets are the defaults for the calendar. You can manually make date
changes in the calendar, for example when an offset date falls on a weekend
or holiday, by choosing the Period Dates button.
6. Select a default payment method for employees who have no valid personal
payment method. You cannot select a method using magnetic tape because
this requires information about employees' bank accounts.
7. Select a default consolidation set for this payroll. One consolidation set is
created automatically when you define your Business Group. Oracle Payroll
users can create other consolidation sets for payroll processing.
8. In the Costing region, you can enter information about the set of books and
suspense account holding costing information for this payroll.
The information you enter here depends on the setup of your Cost Allocation
key flexfield.

page 55
9. Check the Negative Payment Allowed checkbox if you want the pre-payments
process to include negative payments. If you leave the box unchecked, pre-
payments ignores negative payments.
10. If you are an Oracle Payroll user, enter the Statutory Information field to
open the Statutory Information window.
Your Oracle localization team may have created fields in this window.
The Statutory Information field is not visible if your “HR:User Type” profile
option is set to HR User.
11. Save your work.
12. Choose the Period Dates button to view the calendar generated for your
payroll. In the Period Dates window:
 You can view the default offset dates for every period, and you can
manually override any of these dates in any record.
 You can change the payroll's default Open status in any period to
Closed to prevent further element entries. You can also reopen the
period if necessary.
13. Choose the Valid Payment Methods button to add valid payment methods for
this payroll.

 In the Valid Payment Methods window, the default payment method for
the payroll appears automatically. You can add other methods. First set
your effective date to the date you want the method to become valid.
 An employee assigned to this payroll can have any number of personal
payment methods chosen from those you enter here for the payroll.

page 56
4.3 P Deleting Payrolls

You can delete a payroll if there are no active employee assignments or element
links to it. However, if you have run processing for a payroll it is not advisable to
delete it. If necessary, define a new payroll and simply discontinue use of the old

4.3.1 DELP To Delete A Payroll:

1. Remove any element links or employee assignments to the payroll.
2. Query the payroll in the Payroll window, choose Delete Record and Save.

page 57
4.4 P Defining
a Payment
Navigation Path : Payroll -> Payment Method

4.4.1 DPM Introduction

1. Define payment methods for the enterprise in the Organizational Payment
Method window.
2. You can define multiple payment methods for the same type. For example,
you might have different source bank accounts for payments.
3. After you define your Payment Methods you can enter the appropriate
methods for each payroll you define.
4. After you assign an employee to a payroll you can enter payment details for
each employee in the Personal Payment Method window. For example, for
employees who work overseas, you may want to record more than one
payment method with different percentages, and currencies.

4.4.2DPM To Define A
Payment Method:
1. Follow the Navigation Path.
2. Set your effective date to the date you want to begin using the payment
3. Enter a name for the payment method, and select its type.
You can create as many payment methods for each type as you require. For
example, if you have different source bank accounts for different payrolls,
you must create separate payment methods.
4. The base currency for the Business Group appears. For some payment
methods, you can select another currency.
5. Select the Third Party Payment check box if this method is for making
payments to third parties, for example for employee benefits or court-
ordered deductions.
6. Enter the Bank Details field to open the Bank Details window. Enter
information about the account from which payments are coming.
7. Enter Further Information if your Oracle localization team has defined extra
fields in this protected flexfield.
8. Select Set of Books to indicate the set of books to use if you intend to
reconcile payments using Oracle Cash Management.
9. Select GL Cash Account to indicate the cash account to use for the
reconciliation of payments
The entry for Description is entered by default, depending on what you enter
as the GL Cash Account details.

page 58
10. Save your work.

page 59
4.5 P Entering Payment
Methods for an Employee
Navigation Path: Fast Path -> Pay Methods

4.5.1 PME Introduction

1. For each employee assignment, you can enter one or more payment
methods, selecting from the list of valid methods for the employee's payroll.
2. If you enter multiple methods (for example because the employee is paid
from more than one source account), you can enter the proportion of pay for
each method and its processing priority. An assignment can have two
instances of the same payment method, for example if salary is divided
between two bank accounts.
3. Employees with no personal payment method on record receive pay by the
default payment method of their payrolls.
4. You enter payment methods for employee assignments in the Personal
Payment Method window. You can also use this window to enter the payee for
third party payments.
5. To enter payment methods you must:
 Assign the employee to a payroll.
 For third party payment methods, define the payee in the Organization
window (using the classification Payee Organization) or the Contact
window (using the relationship Payments Recipient).

4.5.2PME To Enter A Personal

Payment Method For
1. Follow the Navigation Path.
2. Set your effective date to the date on which to begin paying the employee by
this method.
3. In the Name field, select a payment method.
4. Enter a number in the Priority field to determine the order for Oracle Payroll
to use each payment method. It uses the method with the lowest number
5. Enter either the amount or percentage of the assignment's pay to be paid by
this method.
If the total of the amounts you allocate to payment methods is less than the
amount to be paid, Oracle Payroll uses the payment method with the highest
priority number to pay the excess.

page 60
6. For everywhere apart from the UK, if the payment method is a magnetic
transfer type, open the Bank Details window for entry of information about
the employee's bank account.

page 61
4.6 P Mapping Cost Allocation to the
Accounting Flexfield

4.6.1 MCA Introduction:

1. If your installation includes Oracle Payroll and Oracle General Ledger, you can
run the Transfer to GL process in each payroll period after you have run the
Costing process.
2. The Transfer to GL process transfers costing results to the GL Accounting
3. Before running this process, you must map segments of the Cost Allocation
flexfield to the corresponding segment of the Accounting flexfield for each

4.6.2MCA To Map Cost Allocation To

Accounting Flexfield Segments:
1. Set your effective date to the date from which this mapping should take
2. Query the payroll for which you are performing the mapping. Its period type
appears in the Period field.
3. Select the set of books for whose Accounting flexfield you are performing the
mapping. Costing information from a payroll can go to only one set of books.
4. Select the name of a Cost Allocation flexfield segment in the Payroll Costing
Segment field for which a corresponding segment exists in the Accounting
flexfield. Select the name of the corresponding segment in the GL Chart of
Accounts Segment field. Repeat this process for all the Cost Allocation
flexfield segments for which there is a corresponding segment in the
Accounting flexfield.
5. Save your entries.

page 62
4.7 P Running Post-Run
Processes For QuickPay
Navigation Path : Fast Path -> QuickPay

4.7.1RPPQ To Define A QuickPay Run For

An Employee Assignment:

1. Follow the Navigation Path.

2. Set your effective date to the day you want to make the QuickPay payment.
The Payroll Period displays for the date selected, and the Date Paid and Date
Earned for this period also display. Date Paid is the regular payment date for
your legislation. You can update the Date Paid field, but only to another
period's regular payment date.
If you select an effective date for which there is no valid payroll period, all
three fields remain blank. You cannot select an effective date earlier than the
start date of the parent record - the employee assignment.
3. Select a consolidation set.

page 63
The default is the consolidation set for the assignment's payroll.
The Number field remains blank and the status field remains set to
Unprocessed until the QuickPay run process is completed.
4. If your legislation makes use of run types, select the run type for this
5. Enter a pay advice date and message if required. These fields are for
information only.
6. Save your QuickPay definition.
All assignment processes for the assignment's payroll must have a status of
Complete for you to save the definition. If not, you see an assignment
interlock failure message. Check the status of the assignment processes in
the Assignment Processes window, and delete, roll back or rerun any non-
Complete processes.
If the QuickPay Run itself displays In Error or Marked for Retry, choose the
Retry Run button to run the process again.

4.7.2RPPQ To Execute A QuickPay Run

For An Employee Assignment:
1. Choose the Element Selection button if you want to check or verify element
entries for the QuickPay run. All the elements for the assignment that exist as
of Date Earned are listed in the Element Selection window. Select or clear the
Include in Run check box for elements you want to include or exclude from
the run.

page 64
2. You can choose the Entry Values button to view entry values for each
You cannot create, update or delete entries or entry values in the Element
Selection and Entry Values windows. You can only select or clear the Include
check box for entries.

3. Choose the Start Run button to run the QuickPay process.

You run QuickPay from the QuickPay window, not from the Submit Requests
window. You can view the status of the run in the View Requests window. If
necessary, you can then mark it for retry or roll it back either from the
QuickPay window or the Payroll Processes window.
When the run is processed, the Status and Number fields in the QuickPay Run
block display values for the run as follows:
 Number: Numbering is consecutive, starting from 1, for each QuickPay
run in a payroll period. There is a separate series for each separate
payroll. The numbering restarts from 1 for each successive period.

page 65
 Status: Values displayed for processed QuickPay runs are Complete, In
Error, Mark for Retry. You cannot enter or update values directly in this
field. Choose the Retry Run button to rerun the QuickPay process for
runs with the status In Error or Marked for Retry.

page 66
4.8 P Data Costed At The
Organization And Assignment
When setting up an internal organization for which most or all labor costs go to the
same cost center, select that cost center from the appropriate segment of the Cost
Allocation flexfield when defining the organization.

For example, if the labor costs of most of the employees in the Commercial Sales
Group go against the cost center Sales, select Sales from the list of cost centers
when defining the organization Commercial Sales Group. This means that by
default, the system accumulates labor costs for each employee assigned to the
Commercial Sales Group for the cost center Sales.

Perhaps the costs of some employees assigned to this group should exceptionally
be charged to a different cost center. For these employees, you can enter the
correct costing information on their assignments. Entries at the assignment level
override entries at the organization level.

There may also be employees regularly assigned to work in this group only part
time, who work elsewhere the rest of the time. In cases like these, it is not
necessary to give employees two assignments. You can enter a number of cost
centers for one assignment, specifying the percentage of labor costs to charge to

 Cost centers with specified labor costs table:

Proportion Segment. 1 Cost Center

50% Sales
50% Public Relations

You can also enter other types of costing information at the assignment
level. For example, if a Production Department employee regularly
works 80% of the time on one product line and 20% on another, you
can enter this on the assignment.

page 67
 Employee labor distribution table:

Proportion Seg. 3 Labor Dist. Code

80% H201
20% H202

Notice that assignment level entries are date-tracked, so you can enter
changes ahead of time.

page 68
4.9 Correcting Run
Results Reversals
Navigation Path: Fast Path -> Reverse Payroll Run

1. Follow the Navigation Path to reverse a payroll run or QuickPay for an

2. Select the run you want to reverse.
3. All the payroll runs for the assignment are displayed when you open the
4. Select the Reverse check box for the run you want to reverse.
5. The consolidation set for the run automatically displays as the consolidation
set for the reversal.
6. Select a different consolidation set if you want to process the reversal in a
different set to the original run set.

page 69
4.10 Update Payroll Run
Navigation Path: payroll -> Update payroll Run

page 70
4.11 RetroPay Set
Navigation Path: payroll -> RetroPay Set

1. Follow the Navigation Path.

2. In the RetroPay Set window, enter a name and a description for the RetroPay
set you are creating. Save this information before moving to the next block.
3. Select the balance in which the RetroPay process will create new values. For
example, this could be Gross Pay to Date. You can select more than one
balance. However, for RetroPay by Run the balance dimension must always
For RetroPay by Aggregate, if you plan to run the process over several past
payroll periods, check that you are not going to go through an end of year or
similar period where balance totals are reset to zero. If necessary, adjust the
balance dimension span to ITD.
4. Select the RetroPay element you have defined to receive the values of the
updated balance.
5. Select an input value for the element. Normally this will be Pay Value.

page 71
4.12 P Defining Global Values

Navigation Path: Total Compensation -> Basic -> Global Values

4.12.1 DGV Introduction

1. Use global values to store information that does not change often, but you
refer to frequently, as for example Company Name, or company-wide
percentages used in the calculation of certain bonuses.
2. You can use global values as variables in formulas by simply referring to the
global value by name.
3. You can never change a global value using a formula. You change global
values in the Globals window. Global values are date-tracked so you can
make date effective changes ahead of time.
4. Global values are available to all formulas within a Business Group.

4.12.2 DGV To
Define A Global
1. Follow the Navigation Path.
2. Set your effective date to the date when you want to begin using the global
3. Enter a name, data type (number, text, or date), and value. You can also
enter a description.

page 72
4.13 P Setting Up User Tables,
Columns and Rows
Navigation Path: Other Definitions -> Table Structure

You set up user tables in the Table Structure window.

4.13.1 STCR To Set Up The

Structure Of A Table:
1. Follow the Navigation Path.

2. Set your effective date to the date from which you want the table's row labels
to take effect.
3. Enter the table name.
4. For the table's match type, select Match or Range. Select “Match” if each row
is for one item, such as one job or one code. Select “Range” if each row is for
a range of numeric values, such as an age range or a pay range.
5. If the match type is Match, select Date, Number or Text as the Key Units of
Measure, depending on whether entries in the rows are dates, numbers, or
alphanumeric text.
If the table's match type is Range, the Key Units of Measure automatically
becomes Number.
6. Enter the row label as the Row Title.

page 73
For example, if the table rows refer to rate codes, an appropriate row title
would be Rate Code. If the rows refer to age ranges, you might use the title
Age Range.
7. Save your work, and choose the Columns button to go to the Columns

page 74
4.13.2 STCR To Set Up Columns:

1. Enter labels for the table columns in the Name field.

To add a new column to a table that already exists, place the cursor on the
name of the column after which you want to enter the new column name,
and choose Insert Record from the Edit menu to obtain a clear field.
2. If you are using formula validation for a column's entries, select the name of
the validation formula for the column.
3. Save your work and close the window.

page 75
4.13.3 STCR To Set Up Rows:

1. In the Table Structure window, choose the Rows button to go to the Rows
2. If the match type of the table is Match, enter the label for each table row in
the fields under the heading Exact.
If the match type of the table is Range, enter numbers representing the lower
and upper boundary of each row's range.
3. In the Sequence fields, you can optionally enter a number for each row label
to determine the order in which it appears on a list in the Table Values
window. Logical sequencing of row labels helps users enter table values
rapidly and accurately.
4. When you are finished, save your work and close the window. Your table is
now set up and ready to receive entries into its columns.

page 76
4.14 P Entering Table Values
Navigation Path : Fast Path -> QuickPay

4.14.1 ETV Introduction

1. If you have set up user-defined tables, you can enter and maintain values in
the Table Values window.
2. You can access table values from any formula used for input-value validation,
payroll calculation or definition of skip-rules, assignment sets or QuickPaint
reports. You can access this information using the GET_TABLE_VALUE
3. The system administrator can create configured versions of the Table Values
window so that you use each version for one user table only.

4.14.2 ETV To Enter Values

Into Table Columns:
1. Follow the Navigation Path.

2. Set your effective date to the date from which you want the entries to take
3. Query the table name.

page 77
4. With the cursor in the Column Name field, use the up and down arrows to
locate the name of the column in which you want to make entries.
5. In the Values region, select each row for which you want to make an entry.
You select rows in the “Exact” field or the Lower Bound field, depending on
the match type of the table.
6. For each row, make the appropriate entry in the Value field.
7. Save your work.

page 78
4.15 P Creating
An Assignment
Navigation Path: Payroll -> Assignment set

4.15.1 CAS There Are Three

Uses Of Assignment Sets In
Oracle HRMS:
1. You can run a QuickPaint report for a set of assignments, rather than
individual assignments.
2. You can process subsets of the employees assigned to a payroll. Normally
you initiate payroll runs and other post-run processes for one or more
payrolls at a time. However, if you need to process smaller groups within a
single payroll, you define an assignment set.
3. You can use a BEE concurrent process to create an identical batch line for
each assignment in an assignment set.

4.15.2 CAS There Are Three

Ways To Define The Set:
1. You can enter selection criteria, which the system generates into a formula.
When you use the assignment set, Oracle FastFormula runs the formula to
find the assignments that match the criteria. It checks all the assignments in
the Business Group or, if you select a payroll when you define the set, all the
assignments to that payroll. When you define the set you can also include or
exclude individual assignments to modify the set created by the formula.
2. You can select individually all the assignments you want to include in the set.
3. You can start from a full set of all the employees in the Business Group or all
the employees assigned to a selected payroll. Then you can exclude
individual assignments from the set.

page 79
4.15.3 CAS To Define A Set By
Including Or Excluding
1. Follow the Navigation Path.
2. Enter a unique name for the set.
3. If you are defining a set for payroll processing, select a Payroll.
4. Save the new set.
5. Choose the Amendment button.

6. Do one of the following:

 If you want to create a small set of assignments, select Include in the
Inc/Exc field and select all the assignments for the set.
 If you want to start from the full set of assignments for the payroll or
Business Group, select Exclude in the Inc/Exc field and select
assignments to remove from the set.
7. Save your set.

page 80
4.16 P Defining
Navigation Path: Payroll -> Consolidation

You must always select a consolidation set before starting a payroll run. This is
because the consolidation set provides essential labelling for each payroll run. This
applies even if you are only processing one payroll or one assignment set.
When you have defined a consolidation set, it is then available for selection when
you start a payroll run.
You define consolidation sets in the Consolidation Sets window.

4.16.1 DCS To
Define A
Consolidation Set:
8. Follow the Navigation Path.
9. Enter the name of a new consolidation set and save.

4.16.2 DCS To Delete

A Consolidation Set:
1. Query the consolidation set.
2. Choose Edit, Delete Record.
You can only delete a consolidation set if it is not the default set for a payroll
and if it is not associated with any payroll processes.

page 81
page 82
5. Processes and Reports

5.1 PR Overview
This section contains the following subjects which are needed to understand and to

1. Submit Processes and reports

2. View Request

page 83
5.2 PR Submit
Processes And
Navigation Path: Processes And Reports -> Submit Processes And Reports

There are two types of request:

 Single request: This allows you to submit an individual request.
 Request set: This allows you to submit a predefined set of request.

5.2.1 SPR Submitting A Request

Standard Request Submission gives you control over how you run your requests
and request sets. This section describes how you customize and submit a request
using the Submit Request window.
There are three elements to submitting a request. Selecting the request or request
set to be submitted, defining a submission schedule, and providing completion
 Selecting the request or request set may require you to provide request
parameters and the output language.
 Defining a schedule can be as simple as submitting as soon as possible
or using a more complex schedule that you define when you first
submit your request and may be used for other requests in the future.
 Completion options allow you to deliver request output to others and
specify which printers and how many copies of the output you want to
produce for each request.

You can submit as many requests as you like from the Submit Request window.
You can even submit a request more than once if you want to run the same request
with different parameter values.
Refer to the user's guide of your Oracle Applications product to learn how to access
the Submit Request window from your application.

The following flow diagram outlines the steps required to submit a request.

page 84
To Submit A Request:
1. Follow the Navigation Path.
2. Check the Request option to submit single requests.

3. Choose OK.

page 85
Submitting Requests
4. Use the Copy... button to take advantage of previously entered request
5. Select the Name of the request (report or program) you want to run from the
list of available requests.
Your responsibility's request group determines which requests appear in the list.

Defining Parameters
6. A Parameters window automatically appears if you select a request that
requires parameter values and your profile option Flexfields: Open Descr
Window is set to “Yes”. The prompts in the Parameters window are specific to
the request you select. The example in the figure below requires the
parameters Application Name and Responsibility Name.

page 86
Some requests require you to enter parameter values so that you can specify
the scope of information you want in the request output. Some requests don't
have parameters at all. Some parameter fields also have a list of values
available to ensure you choose a valid parameter value while other
parameters are optional and require no value. Use the List of Values icon to
display a list of valid values for a parameter.
Default values may be predefined for one or more of the parameters
associated with your request. The default values are automatically applied to
these parameters when the parameters window is opened. However; if you
do not open the parameters window, default values are only applied to
required parameters.
7. Once you enter the values in the required parameter fields and choose OK,
the Parameters window closes, and your parameter values are concatenated
and displayed in the Parameters field.

Determining Output Language

8. If your site supports multiple languages, you can select which language is
used for your request output. Choose Languages... to open the Language
window. Use the Select All button to produce output in all languages
supported at your site or check individual languages. If the language
selection is predefined in the report, the Language window does not open.
Each language creates its own request, so the number of languages
determines the number of concurrent requests created and tracked in the
Requests window.

Defining a Submission Schedule

page 87
The scheduling window provides you with several scheduling options. You can
choose to re-use a schedule you previously defined and saved, or define a
new schedule. You can define your schedule to run a request as soon as
possible, at a specific time, or repeatedly at specific intervals, on specific
days of the week or month.
9. Choose Schedule... to open the Scheduling window.

page 88
10. Choose a type of schedule from the following:

Apply a Saved Allows you to re-use a previously defined and saved schedule. You
Schedule may modify the saved schedule for this one submission or save the
modified schedule with a new name for future use.

If you intend to use the saved schedule as defined, you can proceed to step 13.

As Soon as Submits your request as soon as possible. If you choose this

Possible schedule type, proceed to step 13.
Once Submits your request once at the time and date you specify.
Periodically Submits your request repeatedly at the interval you specify.
On Specific Days Submits your request repeatedly on specific days of the week or
Advanced This option is reserved for future releases.

11. Many schedule types require additional information to complete the schedule.
Use the steps associated with your selected schedule type:

Once When you choose Once, a special time field appears that lets you
specify the time of day you want to submit your request. Use the
calendar by selecting the List of Values icon in the field to select a
date and time to submit your request.
Periodically When you choose Periodically, several new fields appear that let
you specify the interval of minutes, hours, days, or months that
you want to wait before resubmitting a request. You can also
specify whether to count your interval from the requested start
time of the request or from the completion time of the request.

 Use the List of Values calendar to select start and end dates to define
the period in which you want to submit your request.
If you do not specify a start time, Oracle Applications uses the value
from your user profile option Concurrent: Request Start Time or the
current time as the default.
Whether a request completes successfully or in error, Oracle Applications
immediately submits the next run only if the next requested start date and
time is on or before the end date and time you specify. If you do not specify
an end date, the request or request set repeats indefinitely until you cancel
Select the interval from the pop-list and enter the number of intervals
between each submission of your request.

page 89
 Choose to count your interval from the beginning or completion of the
prior run.
 If your request contains date parameters, you can choose "Increment
date parameters each run" to have the value for that parameter be
adjusted to match the resubmission interval. For example, if the value
for the parameter is 25-JUL-1997 07:00:00 and your interval is
monthly, the parameter is adjusted to 25-AUG-1997 07:00:00 for the
next submission.

On Specific When you choose On Specific Days, new fields and calendars appear
Days that let you specify which day of the week and/or month to submit
your request.

 Use the List of Values calendar to select start and end dates to define
the period in which you want to submit your request.
If you do not specify a start time, Oracle Applications uses the value
from your user profile option Concurrent: Request Start Time or the
current time as the default.

Whether a request completes successfully or in error, Oracle

Applications immediately submits the next run only if the next
requested start date and time is on or before the end date and time
you specify. If you do not specify an end date, the request or request
set repeats indefinitely until you cancel it.
 Use the monthly calendar template to specify dates during the month
to submit your request. You can choose the date by clicking it. When
you select a date such as the 5th, your request is resubmitted on the
5th of each month until the end date is reached.
 Use the weekly template to specify which day of the week to schedule
your request.
You can select as many dates as you require.
12. To save your schedule, check the Save this schedule check box. You must
also provide a unique name for each schedule you save. Optionally, enter a
description of your schedule.
13. Choose OK.

Defining Completion Options

14. In the Upon Completion... region, use the Save all Output Files to write your
request output to a file. If you wish to view your output online, you must use
this check box.
15. Choose Options...
Oracle Applications automatically uses the default values determined by your
logon and profile options as listed below:

page 90
Logon Used as the default for the notification field.
Printer Determines the default printer.
Concurrent: Report Used as the default for the number of copies for the printer
Copies defined in the Printer profile option.
Concurrent: Save Determines whether to save your report output by default.

In some cases the defaults are determined by the program definition.

16. Specify additional people to notify, or replace your name if you do not want
to be notified.
17. Select a language for each person notified.
18. Select a print style from the pop-list.
19. Use the LOV to select the printers you want used to produce a hard copy of
your report. Each printer will produce at least one copy of the report. If you
need more than one copy for a particular printer, use the Copies field to enter
the number of copies you want printed.
Some requests may have a required Style or Printer that you cannot change.
20. Choose OK.
21. When you are done specifying scheduling and completion options, choose

Once you submit your request, the Requests window opens and provides you
with the current status of your request and the request ID number.
Oracle Applications assigns a request ID to each request submission so that
you can identify the results of the request when it is complete. You can use
the request ID to query for your request output in the Requests window.
Oracle Applications also assigns a new request ID number to each
resubmission of a request and displays the request ID in the log file of the
previous request.

22. If you wish to submit another request, simply repeat Steps 1 through 21. All
the requests that you submit for the current session appear in the Requests

page 91
5.2.2 To Submit A Request Set:
1. Check Request Set in the Submit a New Request window and choose OK.

2. In the Submit Request Set window enter the name of the Request Set.
Alternatively, choose Copy a Prior Request button to use a previously defined
request set submission.
3. The requests assigned to the request set are displayed in the multi-row
region and may be modified for this request set submission.
 When you move your cursor to the Parameters field for a request,
Oracle Applications displays a Parameters window specific to that
report. If there are no parameters, then the field is disabled.
 When you finish entering the required parameter values for a request,
choose OK to close the window.
 If you wish to define completion options, open the Upon Completion...
window for each request and enter your completion options.

If you wish to view a request's output online, you must check the Save all
Output Files check box for that request in the Upon Completion... window.

4. Choose the Schedule window to define a schedule for this request set
5. When you submit a request set, Oracle Applications assigns a request ID to
the request set as well as to each request in the request set. The request ID
for each request is displayed in the output and log files of the request set.
Oracle Applications also assigns a new request ID to each resubmission of a

page 92
request set, and displays the request ID of the new request set in the log file
of the previous request set.

page 93
5.3 PR View Request

5.3.1 VR Introduction
1. You can use the Requests window to view a list of all submitted concurrent
requests, check whether your request has run, change aspects of a request's
processing options, diagnose errors, or find the position of your request in
the queues of available concurrent managers.
2. Refer to the Menu Paths appendix of your application's user's guide to learn
how to access this window from your application.
3. If your system administrator sets the profile option Concurrent:Report Access
Level to "User," the Requests window displays the concurrent requests for the
current user. If your system administrator sets the profile option to
"Responsibility," the Requests window displays the concurrent requests for
the current responsibility in addition to requests for the current user.

5.3.2 VR To Use The Find Requests Window:

1. Upon initial navigation to the Requests window, you are directed to the Find
Requests window.

Use the Find Requests window to specify the types of requests you want to
see. You can choose to view your completed requests, your requests in
progress, or all of your requests by selecting the appropriate option group.

page 94
In addition, you can look for a particular request using the Specific Requests
option group. Use the find criteria fields as you would for any other find
window to specify as many or as few details as you need to locate the desired
request information.
You can use the Specific Requests region to view requests that you did not
submit by entering a requestor other than yourself or using wildcards such as
the "%" to query all requests.

Depending on the value of the profile option Concurrent: Report Access Level,
some concurrent requests may not be shown.

Although you can list all submitted concurrent requests, you can generally
only view detail, report output, and request log file information for your own
concurrent requests. However, if the user profile Concurrent: Report Access
Level is set to Responsibility, you can review the details of all requests
submitted for the current responsibility and username.
2. Use the Order By poplist to specify the order in which you want your requests

page 95
5.3.3VR To Use The
1. Move your cursor to the record that represents the request you want to
examine in detail.
Each record shows you the the request ID, request name, phase and status
of the request, as well as the parameters used by the request. If the request
is part of a request set, the request ID for the parent request is provided in
the Parent column.
From the Requests window you can Cancel a request or put it on hold if the
status of the Request is pending. If the status is completed, you can view the
output or the logs generated by the request. Lastly you can always review
the details of the request submission.
2. Choose View Details...

page 96
5.3.4VR To Review And Update A
Request's Schedule:
The Date Started and Date Completed are displayed in the window's upper
1. Choose Schedule... to see more detailed information.
You can update the scheduling information for your request if it meets all of
the following criteria:
 You made the initial request.
 The request has not yet run.
 The program does not prevent request updates.

page 97
5.3.5To Review And Update A Request's
Completion Options:
Choose Options... from the Upon Completion... region to see:
 Names of people to notify
 Name of printer used
 Number of copies to print
 Print Style

You can update the completion option information for your request if it meets
all of the following criteria:
 You made the initial request.
 The request has not yet run.
 The program does not prevent request updates.

5.3.6VR Tracking Your Request In The

Concurrent Manager's Queue:
1. With your cursor on a record of interest in the Requests window, choose
Managers from the Tools menu.
This window lets you view your request's position within each available
concurrent manager's queue, if the request has not run yet.

page 98
The Manager Log entry on the Tools menu is disabled for all users except the
system administrator. This choice lets the system administrator open a
window displaying the concurrent manager's log file for the request.
2. Choose the Manager Queue button to display the Concurrent Manager Queue
window. This window displays the queue of requests waiting to be processed
by the concurrent manager you select in the Concurrent Managers window.

5.3.7 VR To Reprint Your Request:

With your cursor on a record of interest in the Requests window, choose
Reprint... from the Tools menu to reprint a request's output. When you
choose Reprint..., a window appears allowing you to enter a printer, number
of copies, and style for reprinting of the request. Choose OK in the Reprint
window to reprint the request.
This menu entry is disabled if the request has not yet run.

5.3.8VR To View
With your cursor on a record of interest in the Requests window, choose
Diagnostics to display a window containing information about when the
request completed and if it did not complete, a message explaining why not.

page 99

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