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Chapter 3

Assortment Planning

Assortment Planning
The Merchandise Category Structure
Introducing Category Management
Increasingly diverse customer requirements, fierce competition, and a rapidly
changing market are forcing retailers to drastically rethink their assortment strat-
egies. Retailers must constantly reexamine assortments from different perspec-
tives, as well as their position in the market based on local factors and different
customer groups.
Policy decisions such as these can only be taken if the person responsible for an
assortment is allowed the right view on information relating to it: The right view
is one that cuts across all the individual processes along the length of the value
chain, allowing a “whole-category” approach to managing the assortment.

The Category Manager Workbench

The SAP Retail solution to the challenges of category management is the Category
Manager Workbench.
The Workbench is a springboard into all the functions that a Category Manager
might need to use. It is a process-oriented environment that draws together all the
activities involved in planning and controlling categories of merchandise, their
costs, and their profitability. The Workbench menu is in three parts:
q Master data Planning and Control at the
Assortment planning and controlling activities are based on the relevant mas- Levels You Decide
ter data, which consists of merchandise categories, possible category views,
various objects for defining the assortment structure, and profitability and
evaluation structures.
q Planning
You always define planning data at the same level as actual data, ensuring
that you are always comparing like with like. For example, you use the plan-
ning transactions to create sales plans, cost center plans, and sales and profit
q Controlling
At operational level, the Category Manager can choose from a variety of re- Direct Interface with
porting tools supplied by the Information System and geared toward particu- Financial Accounting
lar retailing sectors or topics for analysis. The Category Manager can define

3 Assortment Planning

any level of detail for the analyses, down to merchandise category level or in
individual cases, to article level. These reporting tools can provide answers to
questions such as:
m Which customer groups buy which articles?
m Which articles are usually purchased together?
m How many articles were sold between 4 pm and 5 pm in store n?
You can use exception analyses to filter out unwanted information, as this type
of reporting alerts the Category Manager to exceptional situations. The Catego-
ry Manager also specifies the nature of the exceptions that are reported.
Demo Data Helps You The Category Manager Workbench is structured differently in every company.
Understand the One example of the way it can be structured, based on the IDES model company,
is provided with your system. This example comes complete with process-orient-
CMW More Quickly
ed demo data, at merchandise category level, or for departments defined as cost

Fig. 3-1: The Category Manager Workbench

What can I achieve by defining merchandise categories?

You can use the SAP Retail merchandise category hierarchy in many retail busi-
ness processes.

Merchandise Categories SAP Retail supports a merchandise category hierarchy throughout the article life
Make Life Simpler cycle—from when an article is created to when it is sold and evaluated.

When you create a merchandise category, you define a set of common data for its
articles. When a new article is created, this data is displayed as a default. Each
merchandise category also has certain characteristics, which you define yourself
or which are inherited from a higher level in the hierarchy. These characteristics

Assortment Planning 3

are automatically transferred to articles. You can define characteristics such as

size, color, or flavor. This makes it easy to create records for articles that have
some core features and a number of variable ones, such as one brand of shampoo
in three different hair types. An article can be listed automatically in a store or
distribution center if the merchandise category to which it belongs is already list-
ed there.
You can define that the choice of distribution centers to supply stores is depend-
ent on the merchandise category involved. You can post merchandise sales to a
merchandise category rather than to individual articles. Whatever logistics proc-
ess you are carrying out in the system, you can search on the merchandise catego-
ry to find an article.
The merchandise category is also a very useful level of analysis that adds a new You Can Post Sales to the
dimension to evaluations. Merchandise Category

Fig. 3-2: The Merchandise Category Hierarchy

How can I reorganize my merchandise category hierarchy?

There is a function called reclassification available for reorganization. Using the
reclassification function, you can move articles or whole merchandise categories
(including high-level merchandise categories) to new positions in the hierarchy.
You can even use this function to correct mistakes if, for example, you accidental-
ly assign a new article to the wrong merchandise category and want to move it to
the correct one.
If you move an article to a different merchandise category, you can have the sys- Changes are Propagated in
tem change the merchandise category automatically in all open purchase orders Open Documents; Automatic
and stock allocation documents. (This includes the automatic application of the
new merchandise category’s conditions.) You can have the system list the article
in the stores or distribution centers that stock the new merchandise category.

3 Assortment Planning

The system runs certain standard checks (to which you can add your own criteria)
before reclassifying any objects.
One of the standard reclassification checks, for example, ensures that an article is
always assigned to a merchandise category immediately above it in the hierarchy
and never directly to a high-level merchandise category. Checks like these ensure
that the hierarchy remains consistent whatever changes you make to it.

Can I manage inventory at merchandise category level?

With SAP Retail you can manage your stock of an article on a value basis at almost
any level:
q At the merchandise category level
q At the level of more aggregated (higher) merchandise categories
q At the sub-merchandise-category level
This reduces the volume of data that must be processed and means that you are
not required to post sales to an individual article at the point of sale (POS) if this is
not appropriate.
Flexible Configuration of the You define your choice of inventory management in the site master record for the
Levels at Which Inventory is store or distribution center in question.
Managed For example, you have a store where you would like most of the merchandise to
be managed on an exact article basis. You would, however, prefer articles in cer-
tain merchandise categories (for example, fruit) to be posted to the merchandise
category. Finally, you want a few of the articles in this merchandise category (for
example, expensive tropical fruit) to be sold on an exact article basis nevertheless.
SAP Retail supports this level of control.
If you have merchandise that is initially subject to high-level inventory manage-
ment, you can switch to managing the inventory on an article basis once the mer-
chandise has been counted in physical inventory.

Defining Your Assortments

The expected life of an article is a significant factor in the way it is used in assort-
ments. SAP Retail allows you to define a life cycle for each product. The life cycle
starts with the creation of the article master record and ends when this master
record is no longer used.
The Life-Cycle Factor Seasonal fashion items have a very short life cycle, for example, while brand-name
goods, groceries, or household goods often have a very long life cycle. You can use
these differences to strategic effect when you build your assortments.

What steps do I need to take to prepare an article for inclusion in an assortment?

First you create a master record for the article in the system. You assign the article
to a specific merchandise category and define requirements planning data. Next,
you maintain the site master and assign a listing procedure. You can then include
the article in assortment lists. Finally, you plan requirements for the article for the
first time. The article is now part of the assortment.

Assortment Planning 3

What options are available for assigning assortments to

stores or distribution centers?
You have decided to include a new article in your assortment. Before you can
purchase this article in a store or distribution center or manage inventory for it,
the system requires you to list it, or assign it for a specified period of time to an
assortment assigned to the store, distribution center, or customer. There are two
ways to do this:
q You can assign the article manually to an assortment module created specially
for the purposes of listing.
q You can have the system use predefined rules to find the most suitable assort-
ment (and therefore assortment user) for your article.
The option of creating assortment modules manually allows you to group articles Automating the Assignment
together for a specific purpose, such as a promotion. In some instances, it is also
appropriate to predict that the merchandise grouping will be relatively long-lived
or find widespread, consistent use throughout your company. Even when creat-
ing modules manually, you can have the system carry out automatic checks against
assortment rules as you go.
You can also let the system do the work for you. It can assign articles to assort-
ments automatically on the basis of your own assortment strategies by using ex-
isting parameters such as:
q Merchandise category
q Assortment grade
q Characteristic values
q Layout to match articles to assortments

Fig. 3-3: The Assortment Concept

3 Assortment Planning

Flexible Components also To keep the process of maintaining assortments as flexible as possible, SAP Retail
Support Apparel Styles provides an array of different types of assortment module for you to choose from.
Whichever type of module you choose, you can enter both single and generic
articles (master styles) as the module items, or list individual variants (styles) of a
generic article. If you simply specify a generic article, all its variants will be auto-
matically included in the module too. If you attempt to list a variant on its own,
the system checks first to make sure that it has not already been listed in the mod-
ule as part of its generic article. This also applies to structured articles (prepacks,
sets, displays) and their components.

Fig. 3-4: Assortment Module Types

The following types of assortment module are available:
q Standard module
These are normally used for merchandise that has a relatively long life cycle
and a fairly uniform listing pattern (brand-name goods, for example).
q Local module
These modules apply specifically to a single assortment and are never assigned
to more than one.
q Exclusion module
The listings you specify in an exclusion module are blocked wherever they
might have occurred. This safety mechanism ensures that the assignments in
question are not made, even accidentally.
q Promotion module
These allow you to group articles together for the purposes of a promotion.

Assortment Planning 3

q Rack jobber module

Rack jobber modules are groups of merchandise for which overall responsi-
bility remains with the suppliers. (The suppliers not only deliver these arti-
cles, they are also responsible for their presentation in the store.)
q Profile module
These modules are not created manually by a user, but automatically as a by-
product of article maintenance.
From time to time, merchandise might be delivered to a store or distribution cent- Expecting the Unexpected
er in which it is not listed. You can configure each site individually to handle this
in one of three ways:
q Always list the articles retroactively.
q Never list the articles retroactively.
q List the articles retroactively if the user at goods receipt authorizes it.

Fig. 3-5: Assortment Lists

How can I communicate with my stores about assortments?

You can keep stores informed about the latest developments by sending them an Assortments: What, Where,
assortment list. This list contains information on the availability of the merchan- When
dise, how it is to be presented, what it currently retails at, and any features that
affect logistics processes (for example, that the merchandise is seasonal). New
articles in the assortment and articles that are in the process of being discontinued
are immediately visible in the assortment list with special flags.

3 Assortment Planning

The system compiles each assortment list from listing data, taking assortment list
cycles into account. You can group articles according to assortment list type, a
parameter that you use to define two cycles:
q The intervals at which the system generates new full versions of the assort-
ment list (containing all articles in the assortment)
q The number of change versions (containing those articles where data has
changed since the last assortment list) that can be generated before a new full
version is required.
To make things easier for your stores, the articles are arranged in the assortment
list by department, layout, layout module, and article sequence number. This should
correspond to the physical layout of the articles in-store. When you are ready to
send the list, you can choose between generating a printout for your store or send-
ing the list as an electronic message.

How does promotional merchandise figure in all this?

Santa Claus is This depends on what the purpose of the promotion is. An article might be on
Coming to Town promotion during the product launch phase and retained in the assortment after-
wards, at the standard price. Or, you can get promotional merchandise into a store
for a limited period only and not list it on a long-term basis in the assortment.
There is a special component for processing promotional merchandise in its vari-
ous forms.
You can plan promotions in advance, save them in the system, and then activate
them at a specified time.

Fig 3-6: Seasonal and Non-Seasonal Merchandise

Assortment Planning 3

How does defining seasons help me monitor my merchandise?

If you have seasonal merchandise, you have access to SAP Retail Markdown Plan-
ning, a tool that enables you to plan price reductions for the season ahead and
monitor the progress of the markdowns. It also uses built-in controls to ensure
that margins are not endangered. Markdown Planning attempts to achieve the
following simultaneously:
q A minimum margin must be reached or exceeded.
q A minimum turnover rate must also be reached or exceeded.
q Levels of remaining stock should be reduced to the minimum.
The system monitors these factors continuously throughout the season. You can Direct Intervention
also adjust prices in phases to keep pace with (and further influence) the way a During the Season
season is progressing. You can activate sales price conditions directly from a plan-
ning run. As the end of the season approaches and stock levels need to be re-
duced, the Early Warning System alerts you to the levels of stock remaining. You
can also tailor the length of the season itself locally to the requirements of that
particular region. When one season ends, the articles that were assigned to that
season can either be flagged for deletion or assigned to a new season.

How easy is it to discontinue merchandise?

When you wind up the season, you can activate the discontinuation function for
selected merchandise. You can discontinue an article for a particular vendor, in a
particular assortment, or across the board throughout your company. If you choose
vendor/article discontinuation, the article can still be sold but can no longer be
ordered from this vendor. If you choose assortment/article discontinuation, the
assortment users assigned to this assortment can no longer sell the article. If you
choose to discontinue the article throughout your company, all further operative
processes will be blocked.
If you attempt to discontinue an article for which stock still exists, for which there Safety Mechanisms to
are outstanding purchase orders, or which you have planned to include in a pro- Prevent Data Inconsistencies
motion, the system issues an error message informing you of the problem and
stops the discontinuation process. If you still want to discontinue the article, you
simply make the necessary corrections and discontinuation is restarted automati-
When it is time to stop selling the article, SAP Retail sends out an instruction to
that effect to the point of sale. The report that generates this instruction is usually
run in the background.

3 Assortment Planning

Vendor Master Data

What are the benefits of using SAP Retail Vendor Processing?
In SAP Retail, you can store all your vendor-related information together in one
place, the vendor master.
Multiple Layers of Data You can define an account group to reflect each of the functions that the business
partner vendor can fulfill for your company (for example, supplier of the goods,
ordering address or recipient of the invoice). This account group streamlines ven-
dor processing. Once it has been defined, you need only enter the bare minimum
of additional information when you process a vendor online.
You can assign a vendor more than one function. You can even create more than
one master record per vendor if you need to enter different master data (for exam-
ple, addresses) for different functions. The functions and master records are as-
signed to each other, so the link between them is always apparent.
You can enter vendor data centrally for all areas of your business. Since different
departments in your company have different data requirements, you can also
maintain vendors with one specific view – accounting or purchasing. Further-
more, you can maintain data to apply to a specific vendor subrange or site; this
allows for individual minimum order levels or terms of payment.

Fig. 3-7: The Vendor Hierarchy

Can I associate a vendor with a region?

SAP Retail supports a link between stores and local suppliers. For example, you
can specify that while one store uses a local supplier for specialties of the region
(for example, local cheeses), another store stocking the same product in another
region has to order from a supplier that is not local.

Assortment Planning 3

You achieve this by assigning vendors and stores to supply regions. If a store
attempts to order from a vendor that is not assigned to its region, the system is-
sues a message warning you of the mismatch.
You can also make supply regions a factor in automatic vendor selection.

How does SAP Retail simplify communications with my vendor?

Retailers and vendors are constantly exchanging documents. Traditional meth- Ordering, Receiving Invoices,
ods of transferring all the relevant data from the many paper documents to a and More, Using EDI
retailing system have been labor-intensive, prone to error, and costly. To reduce
these costs, SAP Retail supports communication using EDI. You can send pur-
chase orders to your vendors electronically and your vendors can send you con-
firmations, shipping notifications, and invoices by the same means. These docu-
ments are automatically posted in SAP Retail upon receipt. You can also have
your vendors send you product information through EDI.
The first step in implementing these methods of communication is to discuss with
your vendor the hardware and software configurations required. In your own
system, you can define what sort of messages are to be exchanged, with whom,
and how.

How does data defaulted from the vendor master help me maintain an article?
When you maintain purchasing data in an article master record, certain data is Defaults Simplify Article
automatically defaulted from the vendor master record. This data can include the Maintenance
purchasing group, the planned delivery time, or the units that the article can be
measured in. It can be defined at central vendor master level or at purchasing
organization, vendor subrange, or site level for that vendor.
This means that you can always ensure that the appropriate purchasing group
orders merchandise. For example, the articles in the vendor subrange adhesives
can be ordered by a different purchasing group than the articles in the detergents
vendor subrange.

Article Master Data

How do I keep an overview as article numbers grow and grow?
As retailers usually have a very large number of articles to deal with, efficient
reporting tools are essential. In SAP Retail, you can run a wide range of analyses
and generate lists of information relating to your merchandise.
For example, before you order an article, you can display all the potential suppli-
ers that currently exist in the system so that you can compare their respective
conditions. Or, you can call up a list of all the articles supplied by one vendor. You
can call up a number of such merchandise-related lists, including:
q All the articles in a specified merchandise category
q All the articles with particular characteristics
q All the articles that are listed in a particular store or distribution center

3 Assortment Planning

Even when you have powerful reporting tools, it makes sense to keep the number
of articles in your system manageable. SAP Retail helps you discontinue mer-
chandise that you no longer need. You do not need to remember exactly which
articles are due for discontinuation. SAP Retail finds candidates for you by recog-
nizing articles that have not been used for a long time. A few final checks are
carried out and the article is archived.

What type of article can I define?

In SAP Retail, you are not restricted to one form of article – the single article that
you simply buy and then sell. You can also create articles that are not sold in the
form in which they were purchased, that are combined, or that are handled differ-
ently in different departments.
You have a number of different article categories to choose from when you define
your merchandise in the system, including:
q Single article
q Generic article and variants (master style and styles)
The generic article is an umbrella form for articles that only differ from each
other in certain characteristics (for example, in their size). The advantage of
generic articles is that you only have to enter the core master data once, for the
generic article itself. When you create the individual variants, most of the data
already exists. The generic article has its own master record, to which the mas-
ter records for each of the variants refer. Most logistics processes provide a fast
entry facility for variants. This is available in purchase order processing, for
example, when you are entering the quantities of merchandise you want to
Structured Articles q Set, display, and prepack
are Supported in All You can create these in SAP Retail as structured articles. You can manage them
Logistics Processes at different inventory management levels either at the level of the whole struc-
tured article or at the level of its components. For example, you buy a display
as one article (put together by the vendor) and manage it as one article through
the distribution center. In the store, you break it down into its components to
post sales to the individual articles.
Generic articles and structured articles are fully supported in all logistics processes.

Assortment Planning 3

Fig. 3-8: Different Views on Article Data

What options are available for mass maintenance?

The article master contains all the accumulated information on every article that
your company procures, manufactures, stores, or sells. Large volumes of data have
to be maintained. For your convenience, SAP Retail provides a variety of reliable
ways to update the system with mass data, including the following:
q You can copy default data from a merchandise category, a vendor master record,
or another article master record. If you maintain this reference data from the
start, it makes a big difference in the speed and ease with which you create
new article master records.
q You can maintain data at an aggregated level. Data shared by a number of
variants can be maintained at generic article level. For example, logistics data
valid for an article in a store can also be stored at a higher level, for all the
stores in that distribution chain.
In both instances, changes that are made at the higher level are automatically up- Data that Differs from the
dated at lower levels, but only if this does not overwrite different data that has Mass is Instantly
already been maintained there. You can call up all the data that differs from the
norm in a detailed overview.
q In the requirements planning and forecast functions, you can use profiles rep-
resenting several fields to set default data.

3 Assortment Planning

Customize Your The SAP Retail article master has other user-friendly features too. It gives you an
Article Master overview of all the data in an article master record in a form that suits you. You
can lay out your article master screen to your own specifications. You can turn off
fields that you do not need and group fields together to meet your own special

Can I keep the article numbers I have used up to now?

Many retailers want to continue using their old article numbers in SAP Retail.
They also want to retain the legacy system’s template for creating these article
Since you can assign your own numbers to article master records in SAP Retail,
you can use the same numbers as you currently use. You can also have SAP Retail
display the numbers in a format that suits you.
If you want the system to generate article numbers, you can retain a reference to
the old number. The article master provides a special field where you can record
the old number.
The SAP Retail article master supports other article numbers, notably all types of
EAN (short EAN, vendor’s EAN). One EAN can be flagged so that it is always
automatically entered in EDI records intended for communicating with a particu-
lar vendor. This allows you to react efficiently, even when special EANs are in-

Tickets and Additionals

Fig 3-9: Labels and Tickets

What are tickets and additionals and why should I use them?
You assign additionals to an article to increase the effectiveness of its presentation
to your customers. Additionals is an umbrella term used in SAP Retail to describe
tickets or price labels, care labels, security tags, swing tickets, clothes hangers, and
services such as arranging clothing for display on hangers.

Assortment Planning 3

Each additional has its own master record and its data can be transmitted elec-
tronically. You can define events that automatically cause the system to generate
the additional (for example, goods receipt).
You can attach gum tabs and swing tickets. You can have special packaging made Brand Management
with private labels that have your company’s image or that indicate which mer-
chandise category the merchandise belongs to in the distribution chain.

Are additionals easy to use?

The central control parameter is the procedure for additionals. This is where you
define whether data for the additional should appear in the assortment list and
the events that cause the additional to be generated. For example:
q Printing and affixing in-store A Range of Options for
Data for shelf-edge labels is sent to the stores using the assortment list. Affixing Tickets
q Printing at head office and affixing in-store
Data for posters is sent to the stores using the assortment list.
q Affixing in the central distribution center
In a central distribution center, goods receipts generate purchase orders for
q Affixing in the regional distribution center
In a regional distribution center, goods receipts generate purchase orders for
You assign master records for additionals to the merchandise to which they apply.
This merchandise can be promotional or part of your standard assortment.

Fig 3-10: Process Flow in Ticketing

3 Assortment Planning

Just-In-Time Ticketing Once the purchase order has been created and sent to the vendor, production can
begin. Using the information you have provided in the purchase order about the
additional, the vendor requests a quotation from a printer, who then negotiates
the details of the order with your vendor. Once printed, the additionals are sent to
your vendor, who affixes them to your merchandise for you.

The Pricing component is a dual-purpose tool that can calculate both retail-sector
sales prices (for distribution chains and stores) and wholesale-sector prices (for
distribution chains and price lists) for you. You can specify the parameters on the
basis of which you want the system to calculate the prices of new articles. These
parameters can include the basic purchase price (cost) of the merchandise (the
vendor’s base price or the distribution center’s transfer price) and a planned
markup, as specified by you.
Pricing Your Merchandise The Pricing component is flexible enough to accommodate considerations (such
According to What the as competition in your market segment) that affect the margin that you can define
and the profit you can expect to make on your merchandise. If the cost of an article
Market will Bear
changes, Pricing allows you to choose whether the margin should stay the same
(resulting in an adjusted retail price) or whether to sell the merchandise at the
same price as before (with adjusted margins).
Pricing reflects the stresses placed on the traditional value chain, where costs spi-
ral with each new link in the chain. Efficient Consumer Response methods, such
as meeting regional needs and optimizing logistics processes, help to reduce the
merchandise costs that affect your sales price calculations.

Pricing – Where do I start?

The first things to specify when you calculate sales prices are the articles for which
you want to calculate prices and the organizational levels at which these prices
are to apply. When you select the articles, you can also limit the selection to apply
to a specific merchandise category, vendor (external supplier or distribution cent-
er), vendor subrange, and season. For example, you can select all the articles be-
ginning with A bought from vendor 1000 and belonging to the merchandise cate-
gory Beverages.

Assortment Planning 3

Fig. 3-11: Selecting Records for Calculating Sales Prices

You can calculate prices at distribution chain level, at site or site group level, or at Pricing Levels
price list level. (A price list in the SAP Retail system is a group of customers main-
tained in the customer master.) You can also calculate separate prices for a specific
organizational unit within a group. For example, you can have the system calcu-
late a different price for one store than for the rest of its distribution chain, by
entering both the distribution chain and the store on the selection screen.

Does Pricing allow me to monitor all the factors

that might influence my pricing policy?
In SAP Retail, sales prices are usually calculated on the basis of the purchase price. Conditions and the
The purchase price is determined using the purchase price calculation schema on Calculation Schema
the basis of condition types that affect pricing (for example, the basic purchase
price or vendor discounts). Other parameters that are relevant to pricing are the
regular vendor indicator set in the vendor master and the source of supply de-
fined in the article master. The system evaluates these when determining the source
of supply.
Conditions are sets of criteria affecting price calculations. If, for example, a cus-
tomer orders a certain quantity of an article on a particular day, the variables cus-
tomer, article, purchase order quantity, and date determine the final price for the
customer. All these variables are stored in the system as condition records.

3 Assortment Planning

The R/3 Condition Technique has four main elements, including:

q Condition type, which represents the type of price factor
q Condition table, which comprises the condition records that contain the con-
dition data you have entered in the system
q Access sequence, which defines the order in which the system searches con-
dition tables for a valid price. (Conditions can also be used cumulatively; you
can add together discounts that are defined for both an article and its mer-
chandise category.)
q Calculation schema, which defines the condition types that are allowed and
the sequence in which they are to be analyzed

Fig. 3-12: Access Sequences

You can also include the factor of a competitor’s price in your price calculation to
ensure that you keep within the currently acceptable price range for your market

When can I change prices?

Several Ways to You can use the sales price calculation function not only to calculate prices for new
Change a Price articles, but also to change the prices of existing articles. You can have the system
calculate a percentage price change (such as a price reduction for seasonal merchan-
dise). The system calculates the new sales price by applying a markup or mark-
down specified by you to the existing price. You can switch off price point round-
ing. You also have the option of calculating or changing sales prices in the back-
You can calculate a sales price and save the results in a document generated spe-
cifically in readiness for releasing the price at a later date. You can also reverse
sales price calculations, if necessary. You do not have to use the sales price calcula-
tion function to change prices, as you can make these changes (and activate them

Assortment Planning 3

later) in the article master. You can call up a list of all the promotional merchandise
assigned to a store or distribution center, or a list of all the sites that are allowed to
stock a particular article. The system displays a variety of data for each article,
including prices, margins, and a number of processing status levels (an overall
processing status, a listing status, and promotion announcement status).

What options do I have in Pricing?

You have the option of changing parameters (such as the margin) in an interactive A Pricing Screen Tailored
mode so that you can see the results of the sales price calculation immediately. to Your Needs
You can also design your own Pricing screen layout and save it in a list variant.
If you choose to calculate a sales price using price point rounding, the system Prices Calculated with
automatically rounds the raw sales price calculated on the basis of the calculation the Consumer in Mind
schema to a price point. Price points are usually prices that have a familiar feel to
consumers. For example, a calculated sales price of $ 37.61 would be rounded up
to $37.99 or down to $37.50.
Both planned markups and markdowns can be taken into account in Pricing. You
plan markups and then trigger them at a particular time. You enter markdowns
individually when you need them.
Retailers that specialize in fashion are served especially well in Pricing since it Special Benefits in
supports generic articles and variants (otherwise known as master styles and the Fashion Sector
styles). You can define for each variant whether it inherits the generic article’s
price or has its own price.
You can calculate prices either in a single step, if a vendor is to supply a store
direct, for example, or in two steps, if the store is to be supplied by an intermedi-
ary (your distribution center). The first step in a two-step sales price calculation is
calculating the prices at which the distribution centers pass on the merchandise to
the stores in various distribution chains. These distribution center transfer -prices
then form the basis for the second step – calculating the sales prices for stores or
wholesale customers.

Fig. 3-13: Markups as a Factor in Sales Price Calculation

3 Assortment Planning

How can I avoid carrying out unnecessary sales price (re-)calculations?

If you made changes to the purchase price (cost) of an article or the supply source
determination parameters named above, you will want to check whether the sales
price that has already been calculated for the article needs to be adjusted accord-
ingly. The Pricing component provides a work list function that finds all changes
that have been made to parameters that affect pricing and then places all the af-
fected sales price calculations in a work list for you to process. The work list func-
tion tracks two main types of data:
q Changes to conditions or supply sources.
q The indices of the price calculation documents.

How easy is it to manage promotion prices?

You can assign sales deals or other sales arrangements to an SAP Retail promo-
tion. The resulting prices remain active for the duration of the promotion. You can
display a price overview, in which you can see a list of sales prices created in the
sales price calculation function (or in the article master) side by side with the rel-
evant promotion prices. SAP Retail also enables a seamless switch from standard
prices to promotion prices and back again. Promotion prices are automatically
downloaded to the point of sale on the date they become valid and are automati-
cally reset to the standard prices when the promotion has finished. You can also
deal with free-good discounts in one of two ways:
The POS Recognizes q You can specify a discount of 100%.
Promotion Prices q You can specify a retail price of zero.
If you want to assign the discount item to the regular item, you can do this either:
q Using the point-of-sale system
q In a user exit

The Customer Relationship

The customer is a business partner to whom you sell merchandise. Customers fall
into the following categories in SAP Retail:
q Internal customers (own sites)
q External customers (with customer master record)
q Nonidentifiable consumers (without customer master record)
Since every site can receive deliveries, every site has a customer master record too.
Sales notched up at the point of sale by your site’s nonidentifiable consumers are
posted to a second customer master record.

How does customer master data help me with my day-to-day business?

Each customer has a customer master record that stores information on the cus-
tomer. In all sorts of business transactions, whether it be creating sales orders,
deliveries, or billing documents, the system automatically updates the relevant

Assortment Planning 3

fields with default data taken from the customer master. This data is also used in
the Financial Accounting component. Storing customer data in one place and shar-
ing it between applications saves you time and effort. You never have to enter the
same master data twice. If the address of one of your customers changes, you only
need to make the change in one place in your system.

And what do I do with my consumer data?

Sales transaction data is captured at the POS when a customer in a store buys
merchandise using any of the accepted means of payment. If the customer is known
to the store, the customer number is transmitted to SAP Retail. If the customer is
anonymous to the store, the system uses a default customer number to update the
Payments made using a payment card (such as a debit or credit card) are passed
on to Financial Accounting through Billing, just as you would expect with other
means of payment. Open items accumulate in the appropriate account in prepara-
tion for settling up with the payment card company in question. Financial
Accounting also keeps a record of all the data relating to the payment card trans-
actions. All you do is run a report that compiles all the settlement data and sends
it to the payment card company.

Can I also get statistics on my consumers long after sales data was posted?
The Information System contains statistics passed on from the Billing component.
You can also have the info structures updated directly in the Information System
by data received at the point-of-sale interface (inbound). Sales data can be trans-
mitted to SAP Retail at two different levels of detail:
q Basket analysis
Every single sales transaction is communicated to SAP Retail, complete with
full details. This option allows you to analyze the details of all your individual
sales transactions. This might be appropriate if you wish to analyze the spend-
ing patterns of your customers in order to be able to award loyalty bonuses,
for example.
q Aggregated to the level of the number of articles sold per store
You choose this option if you do not need detailed information on all sales
transactions to be transmitted to SAP Retail.


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