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eRoo 70;;?

Lori R. Rec@Fder 31P

Ili@n Indiana
LAP Date 11/29/2007 Time 10:04:15
FEE: 71.00
200702779 1 31
of Specific Politicaj
The state of Indiana ) ss: Relation to purported
The county Vermillion )
States of An:lencaJ

1''''........ '''.-'1 by said
ofmemory or abandonment same, "out oftbe and jurisdiction of
constitutional obligations. See: My fully incorporated copies,
of i\rticle lof said as Exhibit
of AUegiance, as
Identification"of nine (9) Pages; "Declantion as
of Fact: allegiance, citizenship, Election
Pages-Hereinafter'''Exhibits A now speak-Hereinafter: "I", or "My". I
Conscience to tell the a certain, complete, and full manner, My own belief and say:
]. I have studied researched the material matters as evidence ""'lFl""'TI
political conduct on behalf of the 80
Congress of United States-Hereinafter: , and Harry S.
purportedly as President United States-Hereinafter: time
commencing June 20, 1948, and I intend to show by facts as
relate to Me, My Political and Commercial Capacity on to the Laws
2. C hereto i.<; fully incorporated herein, as Pages 1435 and 1436 Congressional Resolution
Adjournment, 62 218, June 20, 1 So Certified by Rlchard Legislative
A...rchlves, The National Archives, Washington D.C, I believe said Archivist's to be true
complete is incorporated herein. I believe this Exhibit establishes a predicate
adjourned June 20, 1948 was not in session any of the political. acts below;
3. Exhibit D hereto is fully incorporated herein as "CONGRESSIONAL 9354, and
so Certified by RichardH. Director, Center for Legislative Archives, The National Archives, Washington D. C.
I believe said Archivist's Certification to be accurate, true and complete and incorporated herein. I believe
Exhibit evidences the legislative that the second session ofsaid Congress, by joint resoJution from
session on June 1948;
4. E hereto is incorporated herein as "CONGRESSIONAL page So
Certified by Richard Hunt, Center for Legislative Archives, National Archives, Washington
I believe said Archivist's Certification to accurate, true and complete and fully incorporated herein. I this
specific Exhibit evidences same legisLative fact as 2, 3 above that said Congress by resolution
adjourned from said session on 20, 1948;
5. I believe Exhibits D, E, as incorporated herein and listed 2,3, 4 above
establish the ultimate that said Congress adjourned from said session on June 20,
6. F is fullymcorporated herein as "CONGRESSIONALRECORD-HOUSE,
9367 (3 pages)-Hereinafter Certified by Richard H. Director, Center for
Archives, National i\rchives, Washington D.C. I believe said Archivist's Certification to accurate, true and
and incorporated herein. I believe specific Exhibit evidences the that Truman
message from the of United States, :received by
following dates the President bad approved and signed bills and
-r.. n,,_i ...... titles:" quoted 9365 of said Exhibit F, and found upon
A. Exhibit F page 9367, left hand column, 2766:
Ad to section 2 an entitled, act to provide the establisbm.ent of a
system United coum, in tbe District Columbia," """'",......'<T..r/
1925, as amended U.S.C. 725)"'; signed by Truma.l1 on June 25, five days
after Congressional Adjournment or while Congress was not in session. Certified by Richard
Legislative Archives, The National. Archives, Washington D.C. I believe
said Archivist's Certification to accurate, true and complete and incorporated herein;
9367, left hand column, act to revise, codify, and enact
positive 18 of United States entitled "Crimes Procedure"';
signed by on June 25, 1948, five (5) days after Congressional
Congress was not in session. Certified Richard H. Hunt, Director, Center for ....."'J"""''''''''''''
/\rchives, National Archives, Washington D.C. I believe said Certification to be
accurate, true complete fully incorporated herein;
C. F page 9367, left hand column, 3214:"An acUo revise, and enact
Title the United States Code entitled Code signed
on June 25, 1948, (5) days Congressional Adjournment or Congress was not
session. So Certified Richard H. Director, Center Legislative Archives, The National
Archives, Washington D.C. Ibeiieve Archivist's Certification to be accurate, true
fully herein;
D. Exhibit F page 9367, center column, 6412:"A to codify and enact mto law title 3
Entitled "The President"; signed by Truman on June 25, 1948,
Congressional Adjournment or while Congress was not session. So
Director, Center Legislative Archives, The National Archives, Washington
Ibelieve said Archivist's Certification to accurate, true and complete and fully incorporated
9367, center column, H.R. 4330: ad to authorize Secretary of
",,,,, ..Jf-,,,_ certain functions tbe United States Territories
on June 26, 1948, six (6) days Congressional Adjournment
or while Congress was not session. So Certified by Richard H. Hunt, Center
Legislative Archives, National Archives, Washington I believe Archivist's
Certification to be accurate, true and complete and fully incorporated herein;
F. Exhibit C funy incorporated in 2 above, Page 1 62 220, titled
from President, JOINT MEETING, Resolved the HOllSe ofRepresentatives (the ;:)ell!lUt!
tbat the two Houses Congress assemble in the
Representatives 00 Tuesday, 2 7 ~ at 12:30 in
ofreceiviog sucb communication as President United
to th.em. Passed 27,1948". So Certified by Richard Hunt, Director,
Archives, National Archives, Washington D.C. I believe said Archivist's to
accurate, true and complete and fully incorporated herein. I believe clearly establishes
a predicate fact Congress reconvened pursuant to a session' emergency)
July 27, 1948. I believe this material matter offact is still further evidence said Congress was
not in session between dates ofJune 20, 1948 and 26. 1948. I believe as a material
nether House of Congress was in session between the dates of June 20, and July 26,1948;
The "acts" so Certified by Richard Hunt, Director, Center for Legislative
National Archives, Washington D.C. I believe said Archivist's Certification to accurate, true
and comp]ete fully incorporated herein. I believe said Certifications referenced paragraphs
6B, 6D, and above are inclusive ofllie 170 acts purportedly
signed into by between June 20, 1948 and July 26, 1948. I believe said July 26
is when Congress was summoned under political emergency for a 'special session' of
said Congress;
7. I believe upon 2, 3, 5,6, 6B, 6D, 6E, 6F, 6G above, it is a material matter of fact 1,
Sec. 7; clause 2 and 3 of said Constitution establishes as a matter of Paramount bills and other acts
Congress shaH be into Laws The United States America. Accordingly, I and depend on the
decisions of the Court as foUo\\'S:
in it
bm to such
are not present themselves to receive and :record these
" 2 Law repugnant to the COllistitution is void; and. as wen as other departments, are
bound that instrument" Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.s. 137, 180 (1803); does not possess
transacting business'" and is not to exert legislative ..
"legislative existente" been by an "adjournment." " tbe Congress by their
prevent it's Return, in which Case it sbaD not be a Law.." N.3
conferred UpOD the President cannot be n8llTOwed or cut down by Congress, nor
is to exe:rcised lessened, directly or indirectly." N.5 " The
agent, even Congress itself, would not comply with the (on
these provisions indicate that order to enable the president to return a
and own ad they see fit to adjourn and deprive him
bill, with objedion,
to act thereon, cannO't become a Law unless 10 days sbaD have whicb
will have hllld opportunity thus to' retum it. There is no
or or any of the House; but return must be as
an body." N,9 Pocket Veto Case, 279 655 (1929);
1, Sec. 7, dause 2 3 of said Constitution does not permit
60 the approximate 170 political acts mentioned to
I believe and depend said Constitution holds these acts null as a matter ofparamount Law
based upon the Supreme Court case Law quoted above. I do not waive said paramount Law on to null
and acts as 6, 6B, 6D, 6E, 60, and other approximate 170 political acts above et
to be established as or to have any purported effect upon Me, the past, the or
8. As sovereign, I reserve the to Politically and do not Politically invoke
Constitution on relation to Article 1, Sec. 7, clause 2 and 3 as shown in 6 and 7 above. I believe Constitution
mandates how bills other acts ofCongress shall be made ofThe United States ofAmerica. I believe
unconstitutional and void, private political acts upon 6A, and 7 et
Constitutional muster. I do not Politically or otherwise grant any waiver
creationas or any purported or act not enacted pursuant to the limited ofPowers including
but not limited to 1, 7, clause 2 and 3 as shown in 7 above as purporting to have any
9. Upon 3, 6, 6B, 6E, 60, 7 8 above, and approximate 170 political acts melltioned
above, I invoke Ryder v. United States 515 U.S. 177 (1995). There to, I invoke and upon the
clause" of said Constitution at Article 2 section 2 2 say that respect to 2, 4, 5,
6D, 6F, 6G, 7 8 above and. the approximate 170 political acts mentioned above et al. I believe
there is no "office" to which any may be made. I believe and on the Court
Ryder, supra, and without an to an "offiee"no person is in I believe such person
without "office" cannot do any "officer" act respect to but act "de fado" by My silent
acquiescence. Therefore, 1 do not act by silence and Publicly do not grant upon above or any purported
"official" or purported public acts may depend on any waiver to any at and times,
place, space, plane, or law form to act "de facto" in relation to Me, or purport to have any force upon
respect to any and all above et a1;
Furthe;:7 saith not; Done Novembed
12dl. A.D. 2007;
The United States of A..merica}
State ofIndiana ) 5S. Public Acknowledgment
County of VermiUion )
I, a Notary Public, I know, or satisfactory evidence Dennis Craig .....,Tun.,...
appeared before me on relation to Indiana only on the Soil, and acknowledges that signed
Material Facts of Political Conduct of the Congress States
witnessed by it to be his and voluntary act for uses purposes mentioned
in the document. Done day ofNovember 2007.
~ " .
Notary's Printed Name: .suE: JOHlV6()'. , Notary Public of Indiana.
My appointment expires:, # 17,;;U
county of Residence is --l.L::.....,.,"""'_____
Tha4 t(f) records on my
in mull Vermillion at the term
date of July 16
, 2007 to all hislber o:fficiw. acts as credit
ou.ght to be of Ju.stice and elsewhere. testimony of I have here lJmto
set my haud to be afraed the Great Seal of the State at Indianapolis,
July, 2007.
..........."""''''.... SIt;e'nI'\t!!u"V of State
By: v
I, Todd Rokita, Secretary ofStaie of Indiea, 00 HEREBY CERTIFY:
That, according to ~ o r d s on {'de in my office Cheri J. Haase a Notary Public
in and for the CO\!lnty of Vermillion at the term of sliid office inclu.ded the
date of July 15
, 2()()7 that to an bislber official acts as swd officer, fu.ll faith :and credit
ought to be given in all CouJt1s ofJu.stice and elsewbere. In testimony where IOn bave bere Ufo
set my band and cau.sed to be afl"'nxed the Great Seal of the State of mdiana at llru:UanapoUs,
this the Sixteenth day of July, 2007.
Todd Rokita
Indiana Secretary of State
By: v
:#= ;Z00 It:;
Lori A. Pcrt8r, Recorder
Vermillion , Indiana
Date 07/16/2007 Time 08:37:51
FEE: 23.00
The States of America)
state ) ss: of Identity,
county of Vermillion ) Claim Status on
Page 1 7
mind, ofwhite Posterity
the People's Laws as
1816 and Laws
money, and the Common
as a Posterity
United States", except by
a certain, complete, and
1, Craig Bynum., a Man
birthright: tmder Treaty, a sovereign-Inhabitant on soil within
Indiana's boundaries, .one the seveml states as The United
of America" depose
ConstitutiGn of the States ofAmerica as amended A.D.
1791, Constitution State ofIndiana
thereof including those ofperjury
LawofIndiana including Process ofLaw,
Beneficiary of the Public Trust formed by said Laws
reserving same within the same soil Boundaries
nr,,"...n:.lT loss ofmemory or abandonment ofllie same, and "out
oHbe limits jmuisdictioD
constitutional obligations. now speak-Hereafter "I", or
I bind Conscience to tell
manner. by My own knowledge. beliefWId memory say;
1. I Am Bynum, a son the Almighty Living, a.n.d one
sovereign of United States America", an heir and beneficiary
Constitution thereof as amended 1791; As a Indianian, I state and depose the Spe:CU::iC
",..,,,,,",,v,.,,,uuu5MYValid ofsovereignty and sovereign as a matter ofLaw.
2. Affidavit is to Amend any and previous documents that I have in public
record, or other in to My linage, or My Claim regards to My
under Treaty, is intended to correct any errors .those previous documents I may have
mistakenly or inadvertently made. event ofconflict between this and any previous documents,
statements and Claims this shaH be detennined to My correct on
3. I Claim My sovereignty as at direct descendant theposterity. people who tonned
American of the sevenl States of "Toe States of Ameri<ea", who were
recognized internationally King George ofEngland as sovereigns in ofParis,
1783. people, My direct ancestors, created and signed DeclarationofIndependence,
] the Articles ofConfederation, A.D. 1776; the Constitution ofthe CommonwealthofVirginia.
A.D. 1776; Constirutionfor UuitedStatesofAmerica",asmnended 1791; also
created the several States "The United ofAmeria". and g:rented limited powers
formed thereby. they pledged lives and ........",,,,,,,,k,
defense ofthe Constitutions ofthe newly fonned Stales to which
1'V>'I:ltt",,..., oftheir soweFeigniy. As the direct 'posterity ofthese people, I My Claim as a
the Constitution "The United of America". as amended 1791. I Claim
UlH!<C81JV1.n:1t7:r1l01hu 'hu Q<t! .a:Ji *,,,,, IIJInri r't.f" ThJ::' "T'1l'"O'Jiih:r .n,f" A n '1 '72'1: 00
Deposition of My sovereigil! Lina;:e r e o o ~ by International Law
4. I was born from My a Free Man and sovereign Birthright] on
1943, on the of Cook county. Illinois. I all of My ancestors were, ofthe White
race. I Am product of a wedlock between parents, each were heirs and
IJerlenCl81nes by Birthright to them from the sovereign American People, to Constitution
VlI.Ul&.,;;u States ofAmerica'\ as amended A.D. 1791; endowing as an heir and
Constitution by as witnessed
E.JWOOO. fumily a Man and
wedlock on the ofHamilton county U!!..llll'1Ua.
lI<h, ...n,.... was Norval Bynum. a
Birthright] on product wedlock
Man and sovere
ofGreen " ....1f1I...h1
7. was John a Free sovereign [by
",,,,n,,,,,*,,, Indiana.
Dec. 1, product of holy wedlock on soil of
Richard Bynum was James Gray II\hr""D'",
product on the soil county North (""U',..,,11r\11I
1853 and lived the ofhls life on ofGreen county
8. The
...........""SI Gray was William Bynum, a [who became a "nvl"'n-o.
vnJ''''''''''..... of holy wedlock. on soil ofPittsylvania county, Virginia colony,
colonies, later became part "Commonwealth ,one ofthe
Oe<:aIlle one ofthe several States ofthe American United
Samuel Bynum took an ofaUegiance to
age ofmajority]; as such, he was a '".,,,,'.,.,..,.'1<,,,,
The father was Samuel a sovereign
born A.D. 1735, of holy wedlock on Colony,
oo;mu; Surry "Commonwealtb States
ofthe American of "Tbe United an
allegiance to Commonwealth of Virginia. As such, was one
specifically recognized internationally through the declaration ofKing George m ofEngland.
as a sovereign by ofParis, A.D. 1783.
11. The ofSamueJ was J@bn Bynum,. a subject mking born
A.D. 1692, ofholy wedlock on soil ofSurreycounty, Virginia Colony, that
Surry county "C@mmoliwealtb Virginia", one States of the .,b1l.ttP1P,,,,1
ofme American of"'The "'-'n" .........
A'"'PM""'''' Union
d'iiIIW'IIZ Bynum, a
"Commonwealth of Virginia", one
United of America";
ofSurreycounty, Virginia "",,,".nv.. ,
the ...."';O'1n<>
R-o'''''n' .... was
on the
Bynum, a ofJames I ofEngland, born
of England; '. _
his son, William Bynum, as above at 9 10, ofwhom I am direct
descendant and heir i.e. were CommonwealthofVirginia at the
time of its inception, in Surry and Pittsyylvania counties respectively, COltnm,OmNea
before. and after July 4, 1776; before, during. and after
one of the people created the of Thus,
!'!.overeum people ofVirginia who were specifically recognized as
of Paris, 1783. Whatever sovereignty the American
and Bynum; as their posterity
by George III
had was vested
Based upon 1 through 14 and only plane means I am only a sovereign-Inhabitant.
an several states ofOur The United States of America, an to
of of United States" only of
allegiance to States
signature is to the comer page.
17. height is approx.
oounds, hair and
My nhntn...".....nh'{'
within one My political commercial Status is only on Soil in
allegiance. United ofAmerica" to which permanently I adhere
I, a sovereign am domiciled on the soil ofV ermiUion county near Township fourteen
(9), Section fifteen (1 5) and intend to within Indiana as per Our Constitution
at "'Article &odaries"[asifrecited fum. soillW'U'''uu=
plane I per:m.anently ......."'A,...
20. I and appear Re: at all on the Soil within
Constitutions Laws noticed
. As I reserve Right to polltICany
Constitution as Lawfor newamendments as "l"..."'....
arnlemlment to the Constitution United Law, as
aforesaid, waive of Law.
in and for
of Fim 'Wiifn""",,,,
of Indiana.
VerrniliiOO CounI
MV COmmissiOn ExpireS

recognize Constitutional ofa non-several State II..<U.U.'-':;U. 22. I do not
My Heavenly YHWH has never granted Me authority to animate or a use of a.
"LEGAL to escape at any place or on plane a
23 above, by Birthright, moral ppJiticaJ choice. I
ab!;ohltelv entirely and abjured deceitful presumptive
United States citizenoffue U.S. or other
to amend this AtllilliVlt
25. I have Mark Edmund Wilmes and Curtis Haase carefully
of IdeDtity, of SO'VeJI"eiglll
at this place, I saith not. Done
T",...-ii-n"',,1 to The asaoove.
) 5S. Nnmrv Publi(: Ac:kDOl'!j'le(!DllleJU
I, a Notary or have satisfactory evidence iliat
man who me on to Indiana orJy on Soil. and acli;nowlflOflles
his "Affidavit: ProofofIdentity Domidie and Claim
duIywimessedby two people ofwhose Affidavit
<1U,tWl.I.lVu"and acknowledge it to hems free and act for
nn1!'nnq,p<:l mentioned in the Done this I day of July 2007.
Notary's Prif.ded Cheri J. Haase, Notary
My expires: November 5, 2009;
The ofAmerica)
State ) 53.
Coumy )
I, EdmWld Wilmes, ofiawfuJ age
and say, I aver to tell the truth as I know it to be provide the following to the best ofmy
knowledge and Uponmypersonal knowledge, beliefand understanding, I following
to be true, correct and accurate and not
1. name is Mark Wilmes I at or near Clinton,. .au",.,,,,,,,,,
2. I have the white man, Craig approximately 6 and 3 montlls.
min4L upon ofperjury do detlOse
3. That on this date July AD.2007, I examined a do{:W1J!ent
styled, ProofofIdentity, Allegiance, Domicile:lWd ofSovereign Soil
of Indiana as , of this date, Dennis Bynum and witnessed
thereto for IJllfPOSes indicated state the following:
That! that age, place, height, weight, gender,
race are true and correct not misleading, as indicated at 1 through
of Allegiance, and Claim SO'VercigB on Soil of :il
hlleoillication" .
5. and signature for Bynum at right comer
page ofRis is the photo likeness signature and are true and both, as
that of Dennis Craig Bynum in sovereign and Identity done within and on
as the place and plane indicalted.
6. The signature aforesaid photo likeness was made presence on the as
the act of Dennis Bynum, represents sovereign Status. Identity, Political
to de as one ofThe States United States of America.
7. I believe and Political choice of Dennis Craig HvrlUllTI
Inhabitant of a one The States of America to which
act of having renounced and abjured, on soil within the and
deceitful presumptive non-several State citizenship is true Political
1 have observed Curtis Gene Haase read and the ",1'",...,."",.1'/
'AlOoaVDi: Proof and of Sovereign Status OD.
lndjau WI
UCl,;;nuc, penalty ofperjury. pursuant to Laws ofThe Stare the
States that the foregoing is true, oot I beiieye accurate,
based upon my current knowledge belief. executed by my on July 2007,
at or near Clinton, Indiana.
Mark: Wilmes, First
The State of Indiana ) ss Notary Public
The ofVermHlion)
a public, acting in for said County State, on
day ofJuly 2007. personally appeared and known to me by acceptable to be-the
loenUC:a! Man, Mark Edmund Wilmes, who executed the foregoing Affidavit
relation to "Affidavit: Proof of Allegianu, Domicile and of Sovereip >3!1..i11t1U::l>
on Soil Indiana as Identification" and therein acknowledged to me free and voluntary act.
VermilUon County
My CQjl1ffiis$ion ExpirE\S
No'lfll'fib&r 5, 2009

[),..;.,+.....I N" ..m",, Cheri J. Public
PYl"ll1"P'Q' November 5. 2009; My county is Vermillion.
of India.?Ia ) S5. Affidavit of Second
The County of Vermillion )
I, Curtis Gene oflawful age mind, do depose
it to be and foHowing facts to the best ofmy personal
fcHowing to correct and accurate not misleading:
L name is Gene Haase I at or near Clinton, .JI.ll.....""".u.
2. I have lrnmvn man DemUs Craig lR..rn....... for approximately 6 3 months.
date of July A.D.2007, I have read and exallnil:lOO
AthaaVlt: Proofofldentity, Allegiance, Domiwe ami Claim ofSoYereign
,of this for Dennis Craig witnessed
nn,...,.,..,.",.-, indicated state
as I
J birth place. height, gender,
correct not misleading. as indicated at numbers
of Identity, Domicile and Sovereign on
Indiana as Identification"
5. Craig Bynum at
1:11 and are true and l"n"MrPrt
within the on
6. The signature affixed aforesaid likeness was made my 1'YI''''''<:lPrl,,[,P
act Craig represents his Identity,
mU.!i1lIJll:! de jure, as one States
7. I believe on the Political choice Bynum as <"''\'I;,,,,,,,,,1(,,n
vA'J"",," act
Inhabitant of a Indianian; one States ofAmerica to which he
and abjured. on soil within plane ofIndian.a
deceitful presumptive non-several State citizerhSrulp
8. On Edmund
"Affidavit: Alllegiuee, ruld
Status on
.........,"'".. as
I declare, under ofperjuryi pursuant to Laws ofThe ofIndiana the Laws
ofAmerica, that foregoing is true, not misleading,. and I believe aC(:unrte.
my current knowledge belief. executed by my on July
The United States of America)
State Indiana ) ss. Nnholi"U AckDowledgmeDt
County of Vermillion )
Before me, t.1)e undersigned, a public, acting in said and
A.D. 2007, personally appeared to me acceptable Identification
Curtis Haase, who executed the foregoing Affidavit
of Allegiance, Domicile
and therein acknowledged to me his act.
Notary's PriltJd Name: Chen J. Haase, Notary Public In and for the of Indiana.
appomltment expires: November 5, 2009; My county of Residence is VenniUiop.
" .
I ~ Todd Secretary State HEREBY
according to records OlD in my Lori Porter "-'", .... u .. Court R ~ r d e J r
in and fo:r county Vermillion at tbe term ofsaid the
October 29'11, tlUlt to hislheli acts as ""tMi........ credit
clsewbelre. testimony where here
set my Great of the State of at ml::n:!ll.[uq)Oll!8,
and to be """lUI'"""''''
October, 2007.
Todd KoJiGta
iUiIllialll& Secretary of Sltate
My fellow Sovereign white people. I have herein fully incorporated reference a duly witnessed,
recorded and so Certified under faith and credit" clause as Proof of
Mlegiance, Domicile, of Stutus on
200701663 16
, 2007;
Lor R. Porier, Recorder 5P
, Indi&na
LAP D&te 10/29/2007 Time 09:13:29
FEE: 19.00
A 1 5
The United States of America)
The state of Indiana )ss: as to of citizenship,
) Use of Money, IE!. Sovereign Capacity EJeoon Remedy
I, Dennis Craig a white and sui juris, of more than of and being sound mind,
make the following declaration based own and knowledge, information and
Upon pains penalties perjury Laws of The State of Indiana omy T",,"';'l
IUflIS<llct1c>n and venue, I state the truth on My Oath and do declare
hereinafter "My'" or "I".
1. I intend to appear sui a Sovereign white Man politically recognized as one of the by
2. I declare as one of \Ilione a matter of Spiritual Allegiance is to one Only True
Almighty God-YHWH and Supreme Being's begotten Son: bnmanuellYH-Shua.
They are the source authority recognized by "one in Declaration
Independence A.D, I as of Natwre and , which I affinn, without waiver of
8, Constitutionally limited grant Powers, on relation to the of severn! States
ofAmerica, A.D. 1791;
Page] of 5
3. I and specificity as a matter
home, is near Freedom Township Range 9, Section all soil, place.
arIsmg the oounty Vermillion, Indiana only in Sovereign capacity binding
remedy. Said State is only as one several States being duly inoorporated AD.
of United States of America by political and
Constitution, Amended 1791, the
Property belonging to United outlined
of Article 5
My allegiance is only to
constituted County State Government Sovereign aforesaid
States of America as number 3 above;
I it is a matter and do
5. [ it is a matter fact that I have no intention and not
allegiance either Spiritual or Political at other time, space, 1.inSdlctlon or
state, except as 1, 2, 3 and 4 above;
6. I have no memory any of facts sufficient support or create, of or other legal
a presumption dwelling or residence in any state affairs, jurisdiction or illegitimate
except as Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
7. I declare as matter of fact intend always to an Indiana, a Indianian
of Domicile as one the several as in numbers 1, 3 and 4 above and as term
nlu2bij:anlt"" is used Politically Territorially in Constitution for States America. A.D.
1, Sec 2, paragraph and Sec. 3, paragraph 3 as 3 above;
8. I explicitly rely as
pointed to Penhallow vs. is no
distinction the Use Sovereign's
9. I declare as matter it is My Political intention expressed by My
recognized a State Citizenship in to Virginia by Hu'th1l"iloht
relation to Indiana by choice of and only in Sovereign capacilty
thereof only as a the Constitution of States America of A.D. 1
Article 1. paragraph 3, Article 1, Sec. 3, paragrapb 3 as referred to in 3 above. I
fifth Article of Constitution as Amended A.D. 1791, respect to Articles of Amendment;
politically or or accept any citiz..enshlp upon 14111 An'leIliCbn1ent;
dec::.lw:-e as matter of that I do oot to politically recognize nor allegiance nor
t""..."t",..." relationship, including to the political or proprietary state
of Amerif/:a" purportedly created June 25, witHe Congress was not in Session. Thereto, I
waive as to required creation per Article 1, 7 of
of America of A.D. 1791;
II. I as matter of purported state "'United States of America" as above is foreign
Spiritually, and anyone of America" as several
including Virginia Indiana. in Sovereign capacity ofsaid "Tbe
to transact
acting Sovereign binding
....,.......,"'n"'" election remedy. Government using
Money exists My Political and to no -----
affairs in Public Money, near
and Money.
only Smrere:ilm capacity
as stated in 'hlU1lT! 4 above;
Common Law positive, the
Money, Indiana as one of
of remedy is
several States
in Sovereign capacity,
ofAmerica, as 1, 3,4, 7. 8, 9,
and Gene Haase witness
De>cla:ratioll'l as to Fad: citizenship,
l'.;leetl(Uli ofRemooy" at place. and
15. Having My with particularity and specificity, as to
in capacity am not further to say; and I wth not. Octoberp2J1


ereign capacity as
The States
The of Indiana ) 53. Public Aclimowledgmeo.t
The ofVermiHion)
I, a N oUuy Public, that I evidence Dennis Craig J[.:lt',....n1'ifll
n,,,",,,,,,'''''''''''' before me on relation to Capacity, acknowledges
Decla:ratiolill as to Fact: aUegianee, citizenship, Use MOllley,
each of whose Affidavit of Wi'm,'"!:,,, I have of witnessed by two
witnessed are attached, acknowledge it to be his free voluntary act for
mentioned in the document. day ofOct.ober A.D.
The State
is Vermillion.
United States of America)
State of IrulIiana ) 55. Affid.avit Wimess
County )
Name: J. Haase,
apj:)Oirnment expires: November 5, 2009;
I, Mark Wilmes, lawful sound the LaVIIS
aver to as I it to be and following facts to the best of
my personal knowledge, and understanding. I state the to be
not misleading:
do and say, I
knowledge belief.
correct and accurate
I. Mv name is and I at or near IUWli1lRli.
for Dermis
. -
Hereinafter , for 7 6
3. That on October I have persona
"Declaration as to Matten of Fact: allegiance, citiizelulllip.,
Capacity of Remed)rHereinafier "Declaratioo", of
witnessed His thereto and for the purposes indicated state following:
Declamtion to true correct
I have observed. by and
I have 6 months.
Haase 5. On
.............u ..., aUegiaolCe,
penalty of peIjury, to the Laws of The State Indiana and the
the foregoing is correct, not misleading, and I believe accurate, upon my
current belief. Freely by my band on z;.pr A.D. 2007, at or near Ctinton,
lh.....n ......
the matters of foot
knowledge and
Use of Pub&: l ..L .... U'lCJI
of America)
The State Indiana ) ss NObry Public
The County )
County and State, on
wx:epltable Identification to
relation to
Use of f'ublie ,,,.u,,,
Ulelrem acknowledged to me free and voluntary act.
. -
.. . "\ l
("" ,.J . -'"
<-: V
Notary's l'fJame: Cheri 1. Haase, Notary Public in and for ofIndiana.
MyappointmenYexpires: My county of Residence is VrnniUion, -J}-:'
) 85.
UUltl:;U of America)
and sound mind, do <le(JlOse
the following best of my nP>"""".,<ll
correct and accurate and not misleading:
1. My name is Curtis Gene I live at or near Clinton, .u.Jru",OJ[,a.,
2. Thave known the white man Craie< Rvnnm fOT 7 Va1Ir l'Inn .h mnnth-lt
. ,;'; c-' - ..
3. That on this October A.D.2007. I have personally and examined a document
"Declantiolll as to Matters Fact: domicile, Use Public MODey. In
Eied:ion Hereinafter "Declaration". of this date, Dennis Craig
witnessed signature and the purposes indicated state fonowing:
4. I believe that matters of stated and declared within foregoing Declaration to be true correct
to best My knowledge and understanding on conduct that I have Dennis,
conversations Dennis and I have oonducted together over said 7 and 6 months.
5. Edmund Wilmes read. and witness aforesaid
as to citizenship, of
I under penalty of perjury. of State Indiana and
States of America, foregoing is correct, not misleading. and believe upon my
current knowledge belief. Freely executed by my on October ;:u A.D. 2007, at or near ",-,"uU"'""",
/ r,/ / ' "',

-'!f/J .
. , ene H e. SecOlli:lVitIl.eSs
The United States of
The State of ) S8. Notary
County )
Before me, t.he a notary acting in and for said County and State, on this,-.:::;=-_'
October, 2007, personally appeared and known to me by acceptable Identification to
Curtis Gene the foregoing Affidavit of Second Witness to as to
Matters .Fact: aUegianf:e, citizenship, Use Money, Sovereign ......""""...'...
Remedy" therein acknowledged to me free and. voluntary act.
I (.J
U.ze e,, e .
Notary's P" ed Name: Cheri J. Haase, Notary .and'for the State ofIndiana.
ntmlent expires: November 5. 2009; county of Residence is ..!...'!:::!!.!!!!!!!!.!:!!!.

NATIONAL ARCHIVES 'V'll'loJl.-'..:l'
virtue of the authority vested in me bv the Archivist of the United
the seal ofthe National Arcm'lles oHile United
of documents in his
The National Archives
D.C. 20408
01'1 his
\ is a true and
IW 8O:rE: ZD SESs..---.J1JNE m, 19, 20, 11l>;l8
protection of their civil rights, all with due regard to the est.ab
cMtoms of such peoples.
l'illlO. 4. For the purposes of this oonctL."'l'ent resolution, the com-
a.ny duly authorized subcommittee thereof, is authorized
!AI bold such hearings, to sit and act at such times aod pla.ces during
WilD recesses, and adjourned periods of the Eightieth Con.gress,
!IE) tlmploy such consultants, speciahsts, clerka., a.nd other assistants,
t.ll tNvel and authorize its assistants to travel, freely thtotJgh such
lll.Nlu and such other places, to utiiize such tronspCIl'ta,tiOD, housing,
i1md othM fOlcilities u the Army, Na.vy, Marine COrps. Ccast Guard,
lI>31d Air F01"C6lru!.r make ava.ils.bJ.e, to require by subpena. or otherwise
IJw (; such witnesses and the production of such oorre-
IIIpundenee, books, papers, end documents, to administer such oaths, W
!.!ake !Such testimony, and to mU:6 such expenditures, as it deems advis
The cost of stenogra.phic services to report such hea.rings shall
be in excess of 25 cents per hundred words. The 8Xpen&es of the
which shiill not. exceed $50,000, shall be p!!.id one-hall
the contingent fund of the Senate a.nd one-hlili from the oontm
fund of theRouse of Representa.uves, upon vouchers approved by
iJl@ chairman. or vice chairn::um. Disbursements to pay such expenses
be made by the Secretary of the Sena.te out of the contingent
IfJil the Senate, such contingent i'I.J.D.d to be reimbursed from the oontm
pnt fund of the House of Representatives in the amount of one-half of
Ju:ne 1948.
RdJJ10lmd by H01i.8e oj ReprdJJ1eni.ativu (tM Se:rwk
Tllll,t there be print.ed six thousand additioniU copies 01 the report
(House Report Numbered 1920) on the Cooo.m.tmist. Parly of the
United. States as an .Advooote of Overthrow of Government by Force
Violence, of which five thoUSl1lld copies sl.uill be for the use of the
Oommiiwe on Un-American Activities of the House of
!W.d OIle thousand copies shall he for the Bouse documant room.
PliWSed June 19, 1948.
by the HO'U.8e oj RepreaentatitH;a (tke
m IJl.Ccoroanoo with pa.ra.gro{lh S of section 2 oi the Printing
approved March I, 1907, the on. Expenditures in the
)t"cutive Departments, House of Representat.ives, be, and is
and empowered to lmn printed for its W31e two
th n hundred copies of the hearings held before e. special subcommittee
!If "nid commit-tee during current Congress, relative to investigation
1.0 !:.he manner:in which-the United Stat.e.s Board of Parole is operat
IIIIl nnd as to whether there is a n.ecessity for It change in eithtlJ' the
01:' basic ]&w. 1948.

ReJ10lved 6y gM H(YIJ..8e oj 8enaiJj
when the two Houses adjourn 0.0. Sunday, June 1948, they

\lUlL",U", eto.

IH; Ccil: llG. 100]
01 <>ddt

!E. COleS...,.
Printing "f bcsrt.."'C"
oat suba!>w. ."""Il

:w !!Itlot.. lUI2.
U. S. C.ll54..
OO.COA\. &1i1iJ

OONCUBIUllN'l'RESOLUTIONS- J O')(l' 20, Jul,1.I1. 1!H8 [62 STAT,
JI.'IIC. 't.llid
stand until 12 o'cloclt meridill'Jl on Friday,
1948, Cot 12 Q'clock on the 1.hird tho lrOl!IDe>o.ti've
Membenll notiiiad to in with sectioo
reaolut.ion, whichevQ' event. iirat
SEC. 2. Tlle President pro of Sen.a.t.e, the SJPelI.ker of the
House of Represent.&tives, ilia acting majority ludel' of the Sewl.t.e,
and the majorit.y leader of the House of Representatives, all
jointly, eh.sJI notify the of tJie the House
tively. too :reuaem.ble whenever, in their opiniO.l:l, the public
sh.sJl Wa.n'allli it.
lIiIlGNlWG 1IlILlJ.I., 'fft'O.
Ruolved bv tJu HC'J"tU6 oj (tJu
That notwiLhstanding the the two HOUBe2
her :n, the Speakei' of the House of RePTeIIWlt&t.iVe$ a.nd the
President pro tempore of the Senate b&, and they lU"e hereby,
iHd sign e.nroLted billa arulIjl>!-ct resolutions duly P8SS00 by
HOuad IWd 'found u-uly
J'IJ!,U.a 1948.

t.i4 HCl'WJe oJ
That. the HolAOO3:i of Wamble in of !.he HOllJoo
of'Representativ011 OD Tueada:r
Julr 21,1948, at 12; 30 o'clock in the
&itenloon, for the ]?W-pose 0 rece:!vIDg such Wll:mlumcation c..s the
of the Uruted St&too 'L'JUJ.y Pleased too to them.
July 27, 1948..
RtBol'lled lIv eM HC!fU6 oj (tlw: SerulU
when thlll two Hou.see adjourn on &turdil.Y"", 1, !13!S. they
sta.nd adjoumed. 12 o'clock m.eridian on .!Irida.y, Dacembar 31,
1948. or until 12 o'clock meridian on thitd day after t.h$ reap60tive
Membem &:re notified too a.ccoroanoo with !l'l8Ction. 2 of
this resolut.ion. whlcllever 0VIUl.t. tlmt occam.
Sl!lC, 2. Th. Pn.IIIidenf. pro krapore of the Senat.o. the Speaker of
the House cd the leader (If t.li6 Senate,
and tl:U:lsh!.)l0rit:r, !eader of the HOWIe of ali aeting
jointly, notlfy the Me.mbus of the &n&te a.nd the House, lre$pee
tively, to mthfllir opinion, tha public in't0root.
1, 1948.
S!GNING OJ!' El'1"1l0LLED 2U..U" l!:'l"O.
RuolV6d 1m tMJ B/J'II.86 oj (tJu
Tha.t notwithsta.ndiDg the a.djolll'nment of the two HouSt\li until:
Decmnber 31, Speaker of the HoWIe of Rep.resentat.iVM wd
the President tampore of the Sen.ate be, and they sre herl!lby,
Il-uc.horized t.o SAgn ml'I"OBed biU.lo iJl.Q joint .reaoIutWWI duly by
t.he two H'OWIIU and iOl.Uld
'1, 1948.
Wo aU tn ml10m 14tH- prrsrntIli rnm..r.
By virtue of tl!e authority vested in me by the Archivist of the United States, I certify on his behalf,
the seal! ofthe Nationai Archives ofthe United Stales. that the attached repwduction(s) is a true and
of documents in his custody.
TITlE Director
Center for Le2islative Archives
The National! Archives
Washington, D.C. 10408
NA FORM APR 85 1407-A
mlfom il1rBr S4ttll rOmt.
virtue of the authQrity vested in me by the Archivist of the United! States, I certify on his behalf,
the seal oCtile N atiooal Archives of!.he United Stales, that the attached reproductioo( s is a true and
of documents in ms
Center for Leg1s1ative __-4
The National Archives
Washington, D.C. 10408
NA FORM APR 85 1407A
- - ~ ~ ...- ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
to t1re.sf prts:ent.a lllfull
By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Archivist of the United States, 1 certify on behalf,
theseaJ ofthe Nationm Archivesoftbe United States,that the is a true a.,d
of documenl.s in his custody.
DATE I 1/07
TlTl.E DireclI:or
Center for Archives
The National Archives
Washington. D.C. 20408
NA FORM APR 65 1407-A

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