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PED313B: Introduction to Research in ● Explanatory study goes beyond

Physical Education description and attempts to establish

cause-and-effect relationship between
What is Research?
variables. It explains the reason for the
phenomenon that describes study
Research - is an organized inquiry carried out to
provide informations for solving problems. observed.

Overview of the Research Process

❖ The research is a systematic, patient

study and investigation in some field of
knowledge, undertaken to discover or
establish facts or principles. (TRUE)
❖ If researcher hopes to identify the
cause and effect and how variables
interact, the study's purpose is more on
describing. (TRUE)
❖ Research is a process in looking to a
solution of a problem which can be
Research is the systematic process of collecting used for policy enhancement or
and analyzing information to increase our improvements. (TRUE)
understanding of the world in general and of the
phenomenon under study in particular.
Nature and Characteristics of Research
Purpose of Research
• Explore 1. Empirical - empirical Research is based
• Describe on direct experience or observation by the
• Explain researcher. The researcher collects data on
1. Explore which to base decisions
2. Logical - logical Research is based on
● Exploration is finding out about some
valid procedures and principles. Scientific study
previously unexamined phenomenon. It is
is done in an orderly manner so that the
particularly useful when researchers lack
investigator has confidence on the results.
a clear idea of the problems they will
Examination of procedures used in the research
meet during the course of the study.
process allows researchers to evaluate the on
2. Describe
Earth. We Among other conclusions drawn.
● Description refers to the data based 3. Cyclical - cyclical Research starts with a
information-gathering activities. The problem and ends with a problem.
situations and events which are described 4. Analytical - Research utilizes proven
analytical procedures in gathering data, whether
through studies are referred to as historical, descriptive, experimental, and case
descriptive studies. study. Critical research exhibits careful and
precise judgment. A higher level of confidence
must be established.
3. Explain
5. Methodical - methodical Research is CHAPTER 1: THE PROBLEM AND ITS
conducted in a methodical manner without bias BACKGROUND
using systematic method and procedures.
6. Replicability - The research design and 1. Introduction
procedures are replicated or repeated to enable 2. Conceptual/Theoretical Framework
the researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive 3. Statement of the Problem
results. The research process is recorded, 4. Hypothesis (if needed)
enabling others to test the findings by repeating
5. Significance of the Study
the research or to build future research on
6. Scope of Delimitation
previous results.
7. Definition of terms
Qualities of a Good Researcher 8. Acronyms
1. Research-oriented
2. Efficient
3. Scientific INTRODUCTION
4. Effective • The introduction is an important and
5. Active challenging part of any research paper as
6. Resourceful it establishes your writing style, the quality
7. Creative of your research, and your credibility as a
8. Honest scholar.
9. Economical
10. Religious • It is your first chance to make a good
impression on your reader. (Ammon,

Parts of a Research Paper 2023)

• The introduction gives the reader

background and context to convey the
importance of your research. It should
begin by broadly introducing your topic,
then narrowing to your focused research
IMRad Format question or hypothesis. (Ammon, 2023)


● Methods
● Results World View to Local View
● Discussion


The 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual
introduces updated guidelines for citing CONCEPTUAL
sources, formatting, and academic writing.
● A conceptual
framework illustrates
the expected relationship between your
variables. It defines the relevant
objectives for your research process and HYPOTHESIS SAMPLE
maps out how they come together to draw
coherent conclusions.

● A theoretical framework is a foundational
review of existing theories that serves as
a roadmap for developing the arguments
you will use in your own work. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY
● Theories are developed by researchers to
explain phenomena, draw connections, ● It refers to the contribution(s) to and
and make predictions. In a theoretical impact of the study on a research field.
framework, you explain the existing The significance also signals who
theories that support your research, benefits from the research findings and
showing that your paper is relevant and how.
grounded in established ideas. EXAMPLE




● Scope refers to the range of the research

project and the study limitations set in
place to define the boundaries of the
project and delimitation refers to the
specific aspects of the research project
SAMPLE THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK that the study will focus on.
(FEMINIST THEORY) ● The scope and delimitation of a study are
HYPOTHESIS usually established early on in the
A hypothesis states your predictions research process and guide the rest of
about what your research will find. It is the project.
a tentative answer to your research
question that has not yet been tested.
For some research projects, you might
have to write several hypotheses that
address different aspects of your
research question.
DEFINITION OF TERMS the importance of the study (Cresswell, 1994).

● CONCEPTUAL Cresswell (2012) adds:

A conceptual definition outlines what a concept ● A literature review is a written summary
means but it does not explain how to measure it. Of journal articles, books, and other
● OPERATIONAL Documents that describes the past and current
operational definition outlines how to measure a state of information on the topic of the research
concept but it does not explain what it means. study.
● It also organizes the literature into
Subtopics, and documents the need for a
WOULD DESCRIBE WHAT IS MEANT BY ● To know as many information as
‘STRESS. ’ AN OPERATIONAL DEFINITION possible about the chosen topic.
WOULD DESCRIBE HOW THE ‘STRESS’ · To know what has/has not been both
WOULD BE MEASURED. studied and established as knowledge
in prior research.
● To demonstrate to readers that the
❖ Exercise it is a support system to achieve author has a firm understanding of the topic.
a healthy, fit, and productive health body This provides credibility to the author and
(huang & chang, 2021). in this study, integrity to the work's overall argument.
exercise will serve as the different
physical activities that will help the
participants to overcome the possible TYPES OR RESOURCES
health concerns that they might face.
1. Primary Sources
● Immediate, first-hand accounts of the
Locating and Reviewing the Relevant Related
1. · Speeches
Parts of a Research Paper 2. · Letters
3. · Original texts & documents
Chapter 1: The Problem and Its Background
4. · Interview
Chapter 2: Method I'll tell you about it, but I wasn't there. However I
Chapter 3: Findings/Results and Discussions Know someone who was right in the thick of it.
Chapter 4: Conclusions and Recommendation
2. Secondary Sources
IMRAd Format ● Sources created using primary source
· Introduction 1. · Books Newspaper
· Methods 2. · articles
· Results 3. · Documentaries
· Discussion
3. Tertiary Sources
Literature Review ● Sources created of using secondary sources
● synthesizes literature and identifies 1. · Book review
common and emerging approaches, notable
patterns and trends , areas of conflict, and gaps,
Within the relevant literature.
● It provides a framework for establishing
Literature Review Concluding the Literature Review
● In the most rigorous form of research, 1. It summarizes the major themes found in
base this review mainly on research reported in: the literature and it provides a rationale for the
● Journal articles need for the study or the importance of the
● Conference papers research problem.
● Books 2. It may also suggest reasons why the current
● Government documents literature is deficient and why educators need
additional research on your topic.
Steps in Literature Search

The changing image of women in the 21st Century

American crime films
This title has the following key elements:
● Crime films- the main topic of inquiry
● portrayal of women- the particular angle of th
● America- the locational focus
● 20th Century- the time period of interest

Locating Credible Literature

Critiquing the Literature

- is it a good /accurate source
- is it relevant?

Annotating Research Studies

Annotating is any action that deliberately interacts w
text to enhance the reader’s understanding of, recall
And reaction to the text. Sometimes called
“closed reading”annotating usually involves
highlighting or underlining keypieces of texts and
making notes in the margins of the text.




1. Thematic of the Literature
In this type, the researcher identifies a theme and
briefly cites literature to document this theme.
2. Study-by-study review of the Literature
it provides a detailed summary of each study
grouped under a broad theme.

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