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Jack Daniel Balbuena

Grade 11 HUMSS Piaget

Narvacan National Central HIghscool


To introduce vaccine safety and efficacy, the two main public concerns for
vaccine use. This is a review of the literature including but not limited to
scientific publications and government documents that are related to
vaccine safety and efficacy. The publication dates range from 1984 to
2020. Vaccine safety and efficacy are the two main concerns of vaccine
use. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has a rigid policy for vaccine
licensure and strict surveillance after vaccine deployment to ensure the
safety of the vaccine. Vaccine efficacy is a critical criterion of the vaccine
pre-licensure clinical trials and post-licensure surveillance. Double-blind,
randomized, and clinical controlled studies and case-controlled studies are
the two main methods to evaluate the vaccine efficacy. In this study,
knowledge of vaccine safety and efficacy from numerous studies and
researches are combined to provide an overall view and facilitate the
understanding of vaccines. Vaccine administration is essentially a parental
or personal decision. It is important to inform the public about the
importance and benefits of vaccinations. As the number of vaccines
increases, there is a need for a universal framework for vaccine
assessment to facilitate international communications and encourage
interdisciplinary studies. Vaccine inventions for contagious diseases like
COVID-19 are urgent.

Many different endpoints are used in vaccine research to define efficacy
depending on the pathogen, consequences of infection, and transmission
dynamics. Often, outcome data from randomised controlled trials (RCTs)
are presented as a proportional reduction in disease between participants
who were vaccinated and control participants to calculate the reduction that
is attributable to the vaccine.
Outcomes might include reduction in infection (ie, assessing sterilising
immunity), severity of resultant clinical disease (ie, assessing disease-
modifying immunity),
or duration of infectivity.
Such RCTs represent best-case scenarios of vaccine efficacy under
idealised conditions in particular populations and provide key data
necessary for vaccine licensure. However, vaccine efficacy does not
always predict vaccine effectiveness—ie, the protection attributable to a
vaccine administered non-randomly under field conditions.

For example, the effectiveness of rotavirus vaccines in children in low-

income and middle-income settings was lower than the efficacy observed in
children in high-income countries.

RCTs might not predict protection gained indirectly from herd protection
(sometimes called herd immunity) following widespread vaccine
deployment. Equally, RCTs done in a particular age group or geographical
setting might not predict effectiveness if the vaccine is more widely
deployed. It is possible that alternative vaccine platforms or the addition of
adjuvants are required for adequate immunogenicity in older age groups,
as for influenza vaccines.

For this reason, prospective studies of vaccine effectiveness in real-world

scenarios post licensure are routinely needed.
In the case of SARS-CoV-2, an efficacious vaccine might prevent infection,
disease, or transmission (The outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection in
individuals is heterogeneous and dependent on multiple variables,
including age, sex, ethnicity, and comorbidities.

On an individual level, the consequence of infection can range from

paucisymptomatic states to hospital admission, requirement for respiratory
support, and death.

Transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 are not yet fully understood but

the ability of infected individuals to transmit infection when asymptomatic or
in a presymptomatic period means that infection control strategies that
focus solely on preventing transmission from symptomatic individuals will
be insufficient alone to interrupt the transmission of SARS-CoV-2.

The effect of an efficacious vaccine on the course of the SARS-CoV-2

pandemic is complex and there are many potential scenarios after
deployment. The ability of a vaccine to protect against severe disease and
mortality is the most important efficacy endpoint, as hospital and critical-
care admissions place the greatest burden on health-care systems.
However, the beneficial effects of such a vaccine on a population can be
observed only if the vaccine is efficacious in older adults (eg, approximately
>60 years) and widespread distribution of the vaccine exists, including to
people who are most susceptible to COVID-19. High coverage among
these groups who are at high risk of severe COVID-19 would have the
greatest effect against disease endpoints. Alternatively, vaccines that do
not affect the clinical course, but reduce the transmissibility of SARS-CoV-
2, could still be valuable interventions on a population level.
Provided SARS-CoV-2 is circulating, comparison of clinical endpoints
between vaccinated participants and an unvaccinated comparator group in
an RCT is the most efficient study design to show vaccine efficacy.
Although vaccine candidates can be assessed in isolation,
WHO and the US FDA suggest that an adaptive trial design, evaluating
multiple vaccine candidates in parallel against a single placebo group,
could be an acceptable method to increase efficiency, provided that the
trials are sufficiently powered.

Studies that rely on natural exposure to SARS-CoV-2 are vulnerable to

multiple variables that influence whether a vaccinee is exposed to SARS-
CoV-2 and then whether exposure leads to infection. For example, older
participants could be more likely to avoid social gatherings or use of public

transport, reducing their likelihood of exposure to SARS-CoV-2. However,

health-care workers might not only be more likely to be exposed to SARS-
CoV-2 but also might receive higher infecting doses than would other
participants in the study. Alternatively, by virtue of their recognised high-risk
occupations, health-care workers might have better access to protective
strategies, such as personal protective equipment, than other participants,
reducing the likelihood of infection following exposure. These complex
behavioural variables are difficult to control; therefore, it is important that
participants are randomly assigned between vaccine and comparator
groups, by use of a concealed method, to ensure reliable assessment of
efficacy outcomes.


Assessment of the efficacy of a vaccine is complex for many diseases but

particularly so in the case of SARS-CoV-2, where the fundamental
understanding of the pathogen is evolving. Multiple vaccines are being
tested worldwide in early-phase studies and some vaccine candidates are
already in phase 3 studies assessing efficacy.

It is probable that there will not be a single vaccine winner; diverse

platforms and technologies can offer different strengths and be relevant in
distinct epidemiological contexts. Additionally, there will probably be
insufficient supply, at least initially, of a single vaccine. However,
collaboration and standardised approaches for assessing different efficacy
endpoints will be important to allow meaningful comparison and ensure that
the most effective candidates are deployed. Following deployment, well
supported pharmacovigilance studies should be established to ensure the
ongoing evaluation of vaccine safety.
Capacity to measure vaccine efficacy in field studies is reliant on ongoing
SARS-CoV-2 transmission, which is rightly at odds with public health
interventions. In the absence of a surrogate of protection, CHIM trials might
provide the only means of rapidly assessing vaccine efficacy; however, the
relationship between efficacy data from CHIM studies in young individuals
and population-level protection is unclear. CHIM studies might help to
identify a surrogate of protection. It is probable that any evidence for
efficacy against severe disease and mortality in populations that are at risk
will only be garnered post licensure via large epidemiological studies.
Finally, the development of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines is under great political
and media scrutiny. In keeping with the development of any novel medical
intervention, but particularly so in this context, it is imperative that efficacy
outcomes for a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine are critically appraised with scientific
rigour to understand their generalisability and clinical significance.


 Gavi

The Gavi COVAX AMC: an investment opportunity.
Date accessed: July 24, 2020

 World Bank

Global economic prospects.

World Bank, Washington, DC2020

 Dong E
 Du H
 Gardner L

An interactive web-based dashboard to track COVID-19 in real time.

Lancet Infect Dis. 2020; 20: 533-534


2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV): strategic preparedness and

response plan.
World Health Organisation, Geneva2020

 US Department of Health and Human Services: Food and Drug


Development and licensure of vaccines to prevent COVID-19: guidance

for industry.

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