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2 JANUARY 2023
Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 1

2.0 CONTENT DISCUSSION TOPIC ........................................................................................................... 2

2.1 LANGUAGE HAS THEIR RULES ........................................................................................................... 2

2.2 LANGUAGE AND CULTURE ARE INTERWINED................................................................................... 4

2.3 LANGUAGE ORGANIZES AND CLASSIFIES THE REALITY ..................................................................... 5

2.4 LANGUAGE IS ARBITARY FOR COMMUNICATION ............................................................................. 6

2.5 LANGUAGE IS ABSTRACT FOR COMMUNICATION ............................................................................ 7

3.0 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................................... 8

4.0 OPINION/ RECOMMENDATION ........................................................................................................ 8

5.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 10


In this era globalization, we know that language can be classified as a sound of vocal symbol
or the sum of message that include of collection of symbols, letter or words with arbitrary
meaning that governed by the rules and human use to communicate (C.Pearson, 2017). So,
communication always play an important role on how human being interact with each other
such as use communicate to sharing opinion, doing a business and so on that make the sender
and receiver understand what we are talking about. According to the Gill Hasson (Hasson,
2019) communication is not direct procedure, it is a dynamic process that influenced of human
behaviour. So that’s mean language really importance to have an effective communication in
process of two or more individual develop some knowledge with each other. In language there
are lot of problem that might happen during the process so in this topic we are going to
elaborate deeper about the language of characteristic during the communication process.
Effective language will make the process message run smoothly because the receiver
understands the point that sender describe.

As we know language is imperfect mean of transmission because the thought expresses by

another never match so in language, we are using a decode to process assign the meaning
to others that can be describe into thought of your own. We know barriers may put language
to communicate distorted and wasting time by causing misunderstanding, so by doing this our
group will share more deeper about the 5 types of language characteristic which is language
has rule, language and culture are intertwined, language organizes and classifies reality,
language is arbitrary and last one language is abstract. With this point these topics that we
are going to elaborate may help us to know why the language have many characteristics and
how its related in language to make an effective communication in human being. Before that,
effective communication needs us to be clear and complete in what we are express (Coursera,
what is effective communication, 2022) that mean learning and skills must match to exchange
the communication clearly in order to make the sender and receiver understood the meaning
and the first reason if communication effective or not is based on the language that we express
to deliver. Effective language overcoming the barrier that can make receiver can thought the
message by their own, so in this topic we are going to elaborate 5 characteristics in language
that may influence us to understand more about the language that can affect communication



Language is a system of symbols that have meaning. Language used to convey concepts,
make statements and act as tools communication between speaker and listener. In learning
about language, language has their rules which is we should use the proper language to
communicate with others so that other person can understand the meaning and the language
that we used. In language has rules, there are three rules of language which is semantic rules,
syntax rules (syntactic) and pragmatic rules.

Semantic rules are the language to evoke meaning that humans use, and it is focuses on
words and their meaning. It is using same language to people understanding the meaning and
make the communication better and more interesting. According to Kreidler (Kreidler, 1998),
linguistic semantics is the study of how languages organize and express meanings. That is
mean semantic is language or words that can express the meaning of the phrase and express
the meaning of human emotions through the sentences that they express. Semantics is the
study of language in relation to aspects of meaning in words and sentences. The aspect
emphasized by the field of semantics is linguistic form and its relationship with reference (Aziz,
2009). Overall, semantics is a part of the language structure that is related to the meaning of
the sentence in terms of logic, especially at the level of grammar and logical form.

Syntax rules also called as syntactic is a rule that related to the arrangement of words and
phrases when forming a sentence and the use of verbs or nouns. According to Burgess
(Burgess, 1968), "It is syntax that gives the words the power to relate to each other in a carry meaning—of whatever kind—as well as glow individually in just the right
place". "The proverb Whoever loved that loved not at first sight? indicates that English
negatives could once be placed after main verbs" (Aitchison, 2001). There is an example of
syntax language in literature which is according to Melville’s novel (Melville, 1851) named
Moby Dick, Melville’s famous line is “Call me Ishmael.” This first line—one of the most famous
in literature—is short and direct and “Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth,”
“Whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul,” to make a sense of anticipation. Also,
there are more examples of syntax rules. The following is an example sentence of syntax

“Even though it’s ridiculously expensive, I enjoy college”

“Work pays the bills”

“The sky is pink, especially in the romantic city of Paris”
“The dog loves her owner”

The last of language has rules is pragmatic language. Pragmatic is the word selection of an
expression or discourse that is in line with the speaker's purpose to achieve the goal and
purpose of the interaction in a polite and effective manner. Pragmatics is thought of as an
organizational framework for other aspects of language including semantics and syntax
(Lahey, 1988) and according to Owens (Owens, 1992), encompasses linguistic information
(e.g., word choice), supralinguistic information (nonverbal behavior such as facial expression,
body language, and intonation), and contextual information. In pragmatic, there is phatic
communication which is a small talk that used to establish a mood of sociability rather than to
communicate important information or ideas in order to fulfil pragmatics rules. This phatic
communication intended to attract the listener’s attention or extend the communication. For
example, “Uh-huh” and “Have a nice day!” are phatic communication. According to F.
Casalegno dan IM McWilliam (F. Casalegno, November 2004), “Phatic communication also
refers to trivial and clear exchanges about weather and time, consisting of ready-made
sentences or predictable statements ... Therefore, this is a type of communication that
establishes a relationship without sending the exact content, where the former is more
important than the content”. So, pragmatic language or rules can help us develop relationship
with other and develop good moods and interpersonal relationship.


In language, culture is intertwined include in communication that culture can be defined as a

socially transmitted about behaviour patterns, attitude individual and a value of particular
period in a class or community even a population (C.Pearson, 2017). At this point we know
that, language and culture are connected because of the relationship between them and can
be confirm as a culture without language is impossible to understand which is as we know
language is closely with people mindset and this show why people learn new language and at
the same time automatic connected with the culture of that language like if we learn Korean
language then the culture influence us as a knowledge by using the language. So according
to the Henry Mcdowell (Mcdowell, 2020), language more precious part in culture because it is
more material rather than culture that people use a system to communicate with it, so with
language help people who are from different country can share idea or interact with other by
using the language to influence the culture for example a learner learn new language so the
truth is they are learn a new culture for example there are may be a lot of words of welcoming
people right, but we take one Korean word [annyeong-haseyo] which related to welcoming
new or meet people and by this word the learner will automatic influence by their culture that
bowing half [respecting people] and say the words at the same time.

Not just that language shape culture due to the beyond exclamation magazine (beyond
exclamation magazine, 2019) language is culture and culture is language because they
connected together that can influencing lives human being because in other to understand
certain part, you need to understand the others and we need to thanks to the language and
culture that connect similarity with different identities and individualities become one. Another
than that, language and culture both operate a deep level of each person mind and self that
generate our relationship with people and society to understand more deeply about the
conversation in communication that woven into the very fabric of perception communication
in community (Shaules, 2019). In addition language is considered as a key element in culture
because as we know language appear in a unique human side that need a language to strong
the communication human instinct that we know human different place speak different
language because language impact how people think and culture differences in the way
human think about the world, so to conclude language can bring culture together using a
communication skill knowledge for example share your language history with different nation
(Keith, 2018). Lastly the relationship language and culture super importance because
according to the Ricky Vela (Vela, 2022), language and culture linked to another so you cannot

understand if one of those misses, in order to get a clear understanding language, allow
culture organization and evolution values that language linked to human being while culture
play important role to learning a language to bring a effective conversation with one and other.


Humans use language to create and express messages from one to another that is called as
communication. An act of verbal communication occurs when one of the participants uses
words to bring a message. Words are delivered to represent ideas that the speaker wants to
convey, and they do not have natural meaning by themselves (IvyPanda, 2022). Humans give
meaning to words, and the lack of certainty and subsequent misunderstanding in verbal
communication might lead to severe consequences. Therefore, verbal communication need
to be clear, concise, and as simple as possible as long as the audience can get the message.

Verbal communication is based on several basic principles. When talking about principles of
communication, there are various things which need to be understood by the speakers. The
principles of communication should be able to make the audience understand the purpose of
communication. People are encouraged to give a simple and concise languages when
communicating in order to make sure the audience can perceive the messages. However, the
choice of languages can be different according to the current situation of communication. This
principle also relates to the characteristics of language which one of them is language
organizes and classifies reality. However, this particular section will focuses on the said

Languages are practical in defining everything including ideas, emotions, experiences,

thought, objects and people (Blumer, 1969). However, normal human beings cannot describe
the entire specific and detailed things in the realm when they speak, so they classifies them
into organizations. People often groups words that represent concepts by their physical
contiguity or their similar quality to one another (Ontario, 2018). The following is an example
of the usage of classification in the context to classify someone:

“See that person over there?”

“Which one?”
“The tall one.”
“The one with short brown hair?”
“No, the shorter one with shoulder-length hair and glasses.”

In the above dialog, the speaker practice classification by height, hair colour and ornament to
illustrate that person.

People use systems of classifications to navigate through the world. Communications would
be confusing if there are no categories and descriptions such as light or dark as in colour, old
or young, and tall or short. These categories only become arguable when people use them to
endorse biases and inherent illogical presumptions. As a result, the way people thinking will
be limited and the possession of reality will be blunt. People cannot think of their own identity
unless it is included with words of classification because humans are symbolically created
through language.


Nowadays, language has many different meanings depending on the situation, time, personal
experience, and so on. Words are now known as arbitrary because they do not have the exact
meaning of some words and only have the meaning that people assign to them. If a word is
used frequently to represent an object or idea, it will be included in the dictionary. This is
known as denotative meaning, which is the agreed-upon meaning that can be easily found in
a dictionary. (Judy C, 2017) However, there is a situation in which some words provide
meaning that differs from the dictionary but from the actual thinking, which is known as
connotative meaning.

It is a unique or personalised meaning that may be emotionally charged. Connotative usually

used in phrase’s positive and negative connotation. This happen because people represent
something good or bad things with a lot of word. Based on Prof. V. Chandra Sekhar Rao, the
denotation of a word refers to specific meaning. While a connotative, is a form of idea that
suggested by or linked with a word. (Rao, 2017).

For example:

• Denotation: blue (color blue)

• Connotation: blue (feeling sad)

Depending on whether you are using connotation or denotation, the sentence, “She was blue”
could mean she was literally blue or she was sad. (Betts, n.d.) So, we can see that, even
though we are using the same words, it can be two different meaning at one time. It is
important to know what the context or situation that you are going to use that word.

Language is also symbolic. Language is symbolic in the sense that each word gives a meaning
to object or idea but does not constitute the object or idea itself. Consider the fact that various
languages commonly use different words for the same object to comprehend the symbolic
nature of language. For examples, symbols can be communicated verbally (speaking the word
good bye), in writing (putting the letters G-O-O-D-B-Y-E together), or nonverbally (waving your
hand to the listener). (Minnesota, 2013). Language differs depending on a variable criterion of
the speaker, including their historical relationship. Language is arbitrary due to the way each
individual communicates, hears, and appears to think in its own language, which contains
slight variations on the agreed-upon meaning. It is influenced by many factors. The meaning
of words also changes when they are used in different contexts and situations. In addition,
language are connotation and denotation, both components of language and communication,
are two additional tools for determining the meaning of an unfamiliar term. A word's literal
meaning or its "dictionary definition," is its denotation. Connotation is a linkage with a word
that delivers rhetorical or emotional feelings. Finally, we recognise the importance of
connotation and denotation in language learning and literature comprehension. Other than
that, we can use language to represent ideas, objects, and feelings, so it is symbolic.


Abstract nouns are nouns that cannot be seen and felt by the senses, in short, they can be
called intangible nouns. The word is not the things, but the words can help to describe the
things and there are several rules for forming abstract nouns (intangible nouns), among others,
they can be formed from verbs, adjectives, and nouns themselves. Abstract words are usually
used to express thought in a writing or speech. S.I. Hayakawa, one of the linguists was
creating a concept that called the ladder of abstraction to describe a thing and describe how
language can evolve from concrete to abstract. Concrete is more details words that describe
the things than abstract which is a simple word but abstract and concrete words both
complement each other to make the receiver understand very well. I think this way is often
taught in school so that one can better understand in constructing a sentence and then be
able to communicate well with each other. Also, it can make the receiver understand the
sentence or the phrases very well because of using the ladder of abstraction. For example,
“the dog named Tina and Tina is four-legged, hairy carnivore with a bark and bite”. The
example of abstract language is there is no such thing as just war. There may be just causes,
but there can be no justification for the notion that arguments can be solved by force. Overall,
concrete and abstract are categories that show whether the object depicted is real or unreal
and concrete has a physical form while abstract does not.


As for the conclusion, we can see the importance of language and how language functions in
communication. Language has many characteristics that can create a variable type of how
people use the language to communicate. In these each type of characteristics, it can be
simplified that language defined by context, situation, culture, personal experience and more.
Language is that how we communicate with one another. Based on *Chaman Lal Banga,
people from all over the world communicate and exchange ideas as the concept of
globalisation has been introduced. Understanding a common language has aided people in
having conversations despite their origins in different parts of the world. Language has
become a vital means of communication between regions of the world, different cultures,
businesses and organisations, communities, and friends. (Banga, 2015). So, as a good
communicator, we must use the correct characteristics in a correct way. How we talk shows
who we are. In order to make people understand what we are saying, we must make the first
move by being a good speaker.


Effective communication is very important either in or out workplace because it allows the
speaker to deliver their messages to audience. Effective communication can make the worker
to be more productive and lessen unintended consequences that happened due to
miscommunication. By improving the effective communication process, it helps people to
understand what others are trying to pass on and will result in a better outcome. Relating to
the said issue, here are a few recommendations to have an excellent communication skills.

First thing first, to have an excellent communication skill, that person must practice active
listening (MasterClass, 2021). Active listening brings the meaning to practice of paying full
attention and interpreting what someone is saying so that the messages can be delivered
completely (Coursera, 7 Active Listening Techniques to Communicate Better, 2022). Active
listening expect the audience to pay more attention to what is being expressed in context of
verbally and nonverbally. The techniques of training active listening are including
paraphrasing, verbalizing emotions, asking, summarizing, clarifying, encouraging and
balancing (O'Bryan, 2022). The listener is encouraged to construe not only the content that
have been said by the speaker, but also the emotions present and the practice of body
language. As a result, it can deepen connections with people around and create a stronger
bond. It will also indirectly can improve someone’s communication skills.

Next, someone can try to study and understanding nonverbal communication (MasterClass,
2021). Understanding verbal hints and nonverbal gestures can benefits to avoid misperception
to other people around. Nonverbal communication always mistaken as body language, but it
actually involves more. It includes body movement, tone and pitch of the voice, posture, facial
expressions and eye contact, and several more. To practice an effective communication skills,
someone needs to pay attention to another party’s body language and facial expressions when
they are in situation with an expert. This will make them understand other people and can
secure that the messages are conveyed more clearly as long as the words and body
languages are consistent.

Lastly, someone is encouraged to ask for feedback in order to achieve an effective

communication. This is because proper feedback is a fundamental part of the communication
process that is another approach to help that particular person to learn and grow themselves.
The influence of genuine feedback comes from the fact that it is able to develop certain attitude
and allows the person to obtain a truthful point of view on their action. Thus, feedback is
valuable when it focuses on individual’s works and behaviours. Not only that, feedback in
communication has several benefits which are it keeps everyone on track, it helps someone
to avoid major mistakes, it can motivates people if it is a constructive feedback and it helps to
create a friendly environment (actiTIME, 2021). Furthermore, feedback is considered essential
because it will improve efficiency and encourages active listening that will lead to a better


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