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Arkusz maturalny nr 3 w formule 2023

Język angielski

Poziom rozszerzony
Wynik _______ / 60

Zadanie 1. _____ / 6
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną
z treścią nagrania.

W zadaniach 1.1.–1.2. zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.

Tekst 1.
1.1. Which of the following is stated as a fact, not an opinion?
A. Katie is a very good candidate for the vacancy.
B. Daniel is impolite and lacks patience.
C. Amber deliberately worked slowly that day.

Tekst 2.
1.2. The speakers are:
A. two customers in a restaurant.
B. a customer and a waiter in a restaurant.
C. two friends eating at home.

W zadaniach 1.3.–1.6. zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B, C albo D.

Tekst 3. (do zadań 1.3.–1.6.)

1.3. In the beginning of the talk, the speaker
A. warns people to avoid technology as much as possible.
B. explains that there is nothing wrong with our technology use.
C. points out that there are benefits to technology if we are careful.
D. suggests that the Internet is a temporary fashion.

1.4. Why does the speaker use the word ‘ironically’?

A. Because people don’t actually enjoy technology even though they use it a lot.
B. Because to reduce technology use, people are using technology.
C. Because it’s people who are fifty or more that get easily distracted by technology.
D. Because older people actually know more about the Internet than younger people.

1.5. When talking about banning phone use, which of these is not the speaker’s
A. Schools shouldn’t ban phones in case there is an emergency at home.
B. Employers are more likely to ban phones due to financial reasons.
C. Parents should ring school secretaries if they want to contact children.
D. Parents don’t ban phones at meal times because they too want to use them.

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Strona 1 z 12
1.6. What does the speaker say about Internet security?
A. The majority of crime now takes place online.
B. People make mistakes due to a lack of information.
C. There is no effective way of reducing the risks online.
D. Some people don’t take enough care both online and in the real world.

Zadanie 2. _____ / 5
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć wypowiedzi na temat stylu życia. Do każdej wypowiedzi
(2.1.–2.5.) dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–F). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

This speaker mentions

A. putting other people’s needs first.
B. falling out with someone over a lifestyle change.
C. being influenced by someone else’s home life.
D. being ashamed of their appearance.
E. changing their lifestyle very briefly.
F. achieving something despite other people’s doubts.

2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5.

Zadanie 3. _____ / 4

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedź przewodniczki oprowadzającej turystów

po wystawie malarstwa. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu uzupełnij luki
3.1.–3.4. w poniższej notatce, tak aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać sens
wysłuchanego tekstu. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.

 As well as creating and exhibiting his work, Sorolla had to find time to 3.1. _________
____________________________________________, which were in great demand.

 After visiting the Prado museum as a teenager, Sorolla started 3.2. _____________
_________________________________________ whose works he had seen there.

 The Vision of Spain collection wasn’t included in the exhibition in Britain because
3.3. ________________________________________________ of the paintings.

 The beach scenes are impressive because of how realistic 3.4. ________________
___________________________________________ in them.

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Strona 2 z 12
Zadanie 4. _____ / 5

Przeczytaj tekst, który został podzielony na cztery części (A–D), oraz pytania go
dotyczące (4.1.–4.5.). Do każdego pytania dopasuj właściwą część tekstu. Wpisz
rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga: w jednej z części tekstu znajdują się odpowiedzi na dwa pytania.

In which paragraph does the author Answer

4.1. mention an additional advantage of playing the sport?
4.2. speculate about the origin of a certain name of sport?
4.3. point out a financial advantage of this activity?
4.4. suggest that there are no winners or losers?
4.5. explain the practical origins of the sport?


If you’re feeling bored with football, basketball and tennis, why not check out something
A. Yukigassen would be a good sport to try out during a skiing holiday, and not just in Japan,
where it originates. Best of all, the only equipment you need is completely free. The
sport’s name translates as ‘snow battle’ and that’s what it is. Two teams of seven people
each make a total of ninety snowballs, although both the team size and number of
snowballs is completely flexible when playing this yourself. Simply throw the snowballs at
the other team and, if you hit someone, they are out. Either get all your opponents out or,
when all the snowballs have gone, see who has the most players left.
B. It is no surprise that the sport of picigin was invented in a Mediterranean country, Croatia.
To play, just get a small, light, rubber ball and stand in a circle with your friends in the sea.
Using your hand as a bat, you hit the ball to each other, trying to keep it from falling into
the sea and everyone works together rather than in opposition. You don’t score points, it’s
just a fun way of passing the time. It is recommended to play with five people, but it’s up to
you. The best thing is that, even if you leap to try to reach the ball and fail, you at least
have a chance to cool down in the water for a few seconds.
C. The Netherlands are famous for their picturesque canals but, having so much water can
cause problems, especially if there are no bridges nearby. Before fierljeppen became
a spectator sport, it was simply a method of overcoming this problem. Competitors use
a pole, similar to those used in the Olympic sport of pole vaulting, and attempt to cross
one of the canals without getting wet, landing on a sandy area on the other side of the
water. The winner is the athlete who travels the furthest, and the current record is
a distance of over twenty-two metres.
D. Finally, we have fives, for which you need a court that has walls on three or four sides.
The players wear a special glove which acts as a racket and hit the ball against the walls.
Some people assume it must have been invented at the exclusive public school, Eton, but
Eton fives is just one of several versions of the sport. The sport is fast and very
competitive with the players having to hit the ball above a line painted on the walls. The
ball is allowed to bounce on the ground but only once. The reason for the game’s name is
unclear as it is played by either two or four people, but it could refer to the points system
originally used.
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Strona 3 z 12
Zadanie 5. _____ / 5

Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto pięć zdań. Wpisz w każdą lukę (5.1.–5.5.) literę,
którą oznaczono brakujące zdanie (A–F), tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst.
Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.

The package holiday can be said to date back to 1855 when Thomas Cook organised a tour
of Belgium, Germany and France. 5.1. _____ This covered the USA, India, China, Japan,
Singapore and, finally, Egypt and lasted an astonishing 222 days.
It wasn’t until the 1950s that foreign holidays started to become possible for anyone other
than the rich and by the 1990s, package deals accounted for over fifty percent of all holidays
taken by British tourists. There were many reasons for their popularity, not least that, before
the age of the Internet, it was almost impossible to book accommodation and travel without
expert help. Package holidays also removed the language barrier. 5.2. _____ Not only was
accommodation with full-board provided but so were transfers between the airport and hotel
as well as optional excursions to places of interest.
By the early 2000s though, although the numbers of people going on package holidays had
risen, their share of the holiday market had fallen. 5.3. _____ For example, budget airlines
could take passengers all over Europe at minimal expense and, with the click of a mouse,
tourists could rent a car, book accommodation and find places of interest. Why pay someone
to do it for you when it was so easy? In addition, there was a growing feeling that resorts
which had grown up to cater for the mass-tourism market had become concrete jungles full
of English style restaurants and bars for people whose idea of a holiday was all the comforts
of home but with more sun.
It might be surprising to learn, therefore, that package holidays are making a comeback,
especially since the Covid pandemic. 5.4. _____ In contrast, if anything prevents a package
tour run by a reputable company from taking place, the customer is legally protected. They
may not have a holiday, but at least they will get their money back. The service has also
improved. 5.5. _____ These are experts who work with customers, using their knowledge
and experience to suggest the perfect choices for each person’s individual preferences.
Package tours are not for everyone but, for those whose aim is not an adventure but
a chance to escape from the pressures of life for a couple of weeks, they could well be the
perfect solution. And perhaps, their renewed success is due to the fact that more and more
of us have that need nowadays.

A. A lot of people struggled to get refunds for cancelled holidays at that time.
B. The reason was that the independent holiday market was expanding much more quickly,
as it had become possible to research and book everything without help.
C. He soon came up with a much more adventurous itinerary.
D. Nowadays, as well as traditional travel agents, there are a growing number of personal
travel assistants.
E. Despite these disadvantages, there were still many reasons why customers preferred
a package tour.
F. From leaving the airport in Britain until their return, tourists were looked after by
English-speaking guides.

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Strona 4 z 12
Zadanie 6. _____ / 8

Przeczytaj dwa teksty związane z przeprowadzką. Wykonaj zadania 6.1.–6.8. zgodnie

z poleceniami.

Tekst 1.

It was June and Sally and her husband Aaron had just signed the contract to buy their first
home. All the searching and decision making of the previous eight months had finally paid
off. They had looked round bungalows in the suburbs, renovated Victorian terraced houses in
up-and-coming neighbourhoods and town-centre apartments. They’d rejected wonderful
houses of all sizes that they would never be able to afford and cheap, run-down properties
that they didn’t have the time or energy to make habitable. They’d found the perfect house at
a reasonable price on more than one occasion, only to reject it for being just a little too far
out of town or slightly too close to a main road.
In the end, they chose a terraced house on a new estate which, judging by the prams in
driveways and chalk on the pavement, was home to a lot of young couples like themselves.
Sally started imagining a future in which she too would watch over children happily playing
with their new neighbours, even grandchildren when her imagination ran away with her.
On the day of the move, with the sun shining and the removals men arriving on time, the
signs were optimistic. Even better, the removals men managed not to drop any of the many
boxes of possessions and a few of their new neighbours popped by to introduce themselves
and welcome the happy couple. One even brought a delicious cake. All of this perhaps
prevented them from noticing details which, if they had not been distracted, they would
quickly have been aware of. It wasn’t long, though, before they became apparent.
Exhausted after the long day, they went to bed only to be woken by a fierce storm and the
rattling of windows and slamming of doors. Sally’s first thought was that they had left
a window open, but it turned out that, even though everything was shut, there were large
enough gaps between the window frames and the walls for the wind to get in. They gave up
trying to sleep and went downstairs to put the kettle on for a cup of tea, where they
discovered that there had been a power cut.
On the following Monday at 9 a.m. exactly, they called the builders, Aaron leaving the task to
his wife, who was far more assertive than him. She demanded to speak to the owner of the
company. ‘I can’t understand it’ he said. ‘Feedback from residents of other houses we have
completed has always been very positive.’ This didn’t make Sally feel any better and her
mood didn’t improve when, later that day, some of their neighbours told her that they had had
also suffered problems with their homes and had made their displeasure very clear to the
owner and his employees.
The following three months were spent, during the working week at least, sharing their home
with builders attempting to correct their mistakes. It was a slow process and more than once
Sally, close to tears, said to friends and family members: ‘We have bought our dream house.
Unfortunately, the dream is a nightmare’.

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Strona 5 z 12
W zadaniach 6.1.–6.4. z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią
tekstu. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B, C albo D.

6.1. According to the writer, the couple rejected houses for all the following reasons
A. location.
B. price.
C. size.
D. condition.

6.2. From the second paragraph we can conclude that Sally

A. has got young children of her own.
B. is hoping to become a grandparent soon.
C. would like to start a family one day.
D. doesn’t plan to have children.

6.3. Which of the following happened first chronologically?

A. Other residents let the construction company know they were unhappy about the
quality of their homes.
B. Builders arrived to fix the problems in Sally's house.
C. The owner of the construction company expressed his surprise with Sally's
D. The couple discovered they were not the only ones to have problems with their

6.4. From the text we learn

A. how difficult it can be for couples to adapt to a new community.
B. about the technical problems facing construction companies.
C. how to choose a family-friendly house.
D. about one property developer’s dishonesty.

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Strona 6 z 12
Tekst 2.

It is often said that moving house is one of the most stressful events in a person’s life but
why is that? Well, there are several reasons.
First of all, it is almost certainly the biggest financial decision a person will ever make. It is
not just the cost of the actual property but all the other fees as well, from solicitors and
surveyors to estate agents and, of course, once the home has been bought, many people
feel that they would also like to replace their old furniture at the same time. So, with all the
other worries associated with the move, there is this additional stress of not only using up
their life’s savings but perhaps also taking out a mortgage which will take twenty-five years to
pay off.
Secondly, moving takes up a lot of time, starting with the search for the perfect property,
followed by the legal paperwork and finally the redecoration and renovation needed to turn
‘a’ home into ‘your’ home. There is also the matter of packing. As well as furniture, kitchen
equipment, books and other bits and pieces, there could still be an attic full of old photos,
children’s school books and electronic equipment that has to be sorted out. And once it has
all been thrown away or packed up, there is the additional worry that the removal van may
get lost or the box containing all the best china and glass is dropped with everything inside
Another cause of stress is facing the unknown. It is one thing to imagine living in a new
home, but it is something entirely different to actually do it. First there is the sadness of
leaving a place filled with fond memories. Then there is the necessity not only to get to know
new people but, if the move is to a new town, to register with doctors and dentists, not to
mention finding a hairdresser and other reliable services.
The whole process is physically and mentally exhausting and can lead to a neglect of work
and a once healthy lifestyle, such as exercise, is forgotten while home-cooked meals are
replaced by more convenient takeaways. Sleep may also suffer from both lack of time and
a mind full of worries and doubts.
So, yes, moving house is stressful and there is little that can be done to prevent it. The best
thing is to be prepared and organised so that the disruption to your life is kept to a minimum.

Uzupełnij zdania 6.5.–6.8. zgodnie z treścią tekstu, tak aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie
oddać jego sens. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.

6.5. As well as compulsory payments, __________________________________________

is something a lot of people are willing to spend money on when moving.

6.6. The writer claims that you can’t consider a home really belongs to you until __________

6.7. It is impossible to know what it ______________________________________ until you

move into it.

6.8. Because people who are moving have less time than before, their health suffers as they
tend to give up ______________________________________ for themselves.

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Strona 7 z 12
Zadanie 7. _____ / 5

Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny
i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B, C albo D.


Potato crisps, or potato chips in American English, are one of the most common snacks in
the world, but probably very few people know how they became popular.
The snack is believed 7.1. _____ in Saratoga Springs, New York in 1853. The story
7.2. _____ that a customer (allegedly the millionaire, Cornelius Vanderbilt) complained about
the thickness of the fried potatoes he had ordered. After several servings were sent back to
the kitchen, the frustrated cook, George Crum, decided to slice the potatoes very thin before
deep-frying them and generously seasoning them with salt. He expected the client to hate
the dish. 7.3. _____, the customer loved it and asked for a second serving.
Before long the restaurant began offering the ‘Saratoga chips’ on their regular menu, and
a few years later Crum 7.4. _____ his own restaurant, Crum’s, near Saratoga Lake, where
customers were served this local delicacy as a side dish accompanying fancy meals.
Amazing to discover how a simple dish prepared by a cook who improvised and 7.5. _____
the bull’s eye resulted in one of the world’s most popular treats. Or just an interesting

7.1. 7.3. 7.5.

A. having invented A. Ideally A. scored

B. being invented B. Surprisingly B. shot

C. to have been invented C. Consequently C. hit

D. to be invented D. Admittedly D. won

7.2. 7.4.
A. has A. took off

B. is attached B. carried out

C. talks C. came down with

D. goes D. set up

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Strona 8 z 12
Zadanie 8. _____ / 4

Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (8.1.–8.4.), przekształcając wyrazy z ramki w taki
sposób, aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność
gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.
Uwaga: dwa wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.

access care cover inhabit shoot short

If you are searching for tropical sunshine and divine beaches, Paradise Island is a perfect
place for unforgettable holidays for both sun lovers and nature enthusiasts. Although the
island is very small, there is no 8.1. _____________ of things to do and everyone can find
plenty of attractions to enjoy and places to explore there twenty-four seven. The island is
ideal for snorkelling and diving thanks to its sandy coastline and crystal-clear blue waters. If
you do not want to lie in the sun, you can browse one of the elegant boutiques or visit a local
market. Fans of seafood will enjoy delicious cuisine 8.2. _____________ prepared with the
freshest ingredients. You can also hop on a boat for a day trip to Big Major Cay, commonly
known as Pig Island. The island takes its unofficial name from a small colony of pigs and
piglets, which together with some goats and cats are the only creatures living there, as the
place is 8.3. _____________ by people. As soon as your boat gets to the beach, you’ll be
greeted by twenty something friendly animals eager to play with you. If this were not enough,
Paradise Island also has something in store for 007 fans as two James Bond movies
8.4. _____________ here.

Zadanie 9. _____ / 5
Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach, tak aby otrzymać
logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność
ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.
Uwaga: w każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów.

9.1. I suggest you (żebyś posłuchał rad) ___________________________________ that

the doctor has given you. Following it will help you recover soon.

9.2. Two days after the event the headmaster (pogratulował nam wygrania) ____________
_______________________ the competition and wished our team good luck in the
next round.

9.3. We (niepotrzebnie przywieźliśmy) ___________________________________ all the

equipment with us. You can hire everything you need from the ski rental shop.

9.4. I’m convinced it was not Mark you ran into this morning. I (widziałam go, jak jechał)
___________________________________ a bike to school.

9.5. I wish I (nie zadzwoniłem do banku) ___________________________________ when

I got the security alert. All my savings wouldn’t have been stolen.

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Strona 9 z 12
Zadanie 10. _____ / 13
Wypowiedz się na jeden z poniższych tematów. Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200
do 250 wyrazów i spełniać wszystkie wymogi typowe dla formy wskazanej
w poleceniu.
Zaznacz wybrany przez Ciebie temat. Zakreśl jego numer.

1. Aby zachęcić młodzież do aktywności fizycznej, klub sportowy w twojej miejscowości

zorganizował tydzień darmowych zajęć, które były prowadzone przez znanych
Napisz artykuł do czasopisma młodzieżowego, w którym opiszesz przebieg akcji
i przedstawisz inne sposoby motywowania młodzieży do uprawiania sportu.

2. Rozwój technologiczny sprawił, że coraz więcej młodych ludzi uczy się języka obcego
wyłącznie przez Internet – na zajęciach grupowych, poprzez aplikacje lub indywidualnie
z nauczycielem.
Napisz rozprawkę, w której omówisz zalety i wady takiej formy nauki języka.


















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Strona 11 z 12
Karta odpowiedzi do zadań 1–9

Zadanie 1. _____ / 6
1.1. ____
1.2. ____
1.3. ____
1.4. ____
1.5. ____
1.6. ____

Zadanie 2. _____ / 5
2.1. ____
2.2. ____
2.3. ____
2.4. ____
2.5. ____

Zadanie 3. _____ / 4
3.1. _________________________________
3.2. _________________________________
3.3. _________________________________
3.4. _________________________________

Zadanie 4. _____ / 5
4.1. ____
4.2. ____
4.3. ____
4.4. ____
4.5. ____

Zadanie 5. _____ / 5
5.1. ____
5.2. ____
5.3. ____
5.4. ____
5.5. ____

Zadanie 6. _____ / 8
6.1. ____
6.2. ____
6.3. ____
6.4. ____
6.5. _________________________________
6.6. _________________________________
6.7. _________________________________
6.8. _________________________________

Zadanie 7. _____ / 5
7.1. ____
7.2. ____
7.3. ____
7.4. ____
7.5. ____

Zadanie 8. _____ / 4
8.1. _________________________________
8.2. _________________________________
8.3. _________________________________
8.4. _________________________________

Zadanie 9. _____ / 5
9.1. _________________________________
9.2. _________________________________
9.3. _________________________________
9.4. _________________________________
9.5. _________________________________

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Strona 12 z 12

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