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For Session 2024-25

Resource Material



100% Easily
To the
updated as per Understandable
2023-24 Marks point
& effective
curriculum. Guaranteed Answers

Time Allowed: 1 minute Maximum Marks: 55

General Instructions:

1. A wire is bent into a ring of radius R is given a charge q. The magnitude of the electrical field [1]
at the centre of the ring is:

a) b) Zero

c) Two d) Infinite
2. Consider a uniform electric field E = . What is the flux of this field through a [1]
3 × 1 0 N/C

square of 10 cm on a side whose plane is parallel to the yz plane?

a) 30Nm /C
b) 20Nm /C

c) 40Nm /C
d) 25Nm /C

3. Two charges A = -2.50 μC and B = 6.0 μC are at a distance of 1 meter from each other. [1]
Distance from A at which the electric field is zero in meters is

a) 1.82 m b) 5.22 m

c) 2.92 m d) 4.03 m
4. A point charge of 2.0 μC is at the centre of a cubic gaussian surface 9.0 cm on edge. What is [1]
the net electric flux through the surface?

a) b)
5 2 5 2
2. 5 × 1 0 Nm /C 3. 1 × 1 0 Nm /C

c) d)
5 2 5 2
2. 26 × 1 0 Nm /C 1. 7 × 1 0 Nm /C

5. A charge Q is placed at the mouth of a conical flask. The flux of the electric field through the [1]
flask is
a) b) zero

Q 2

c) d) Q

2ϵ0 2ϵ0

6. A charged oil drop is suspended in uniform field of 3 × 104 V m-1 so that it neither falls nor [1]

rises. The charge on the drop will be : (take the mass of the charge 9.9 × 10-15 kg and g =10

a) C b) C
−18 −18
3 ⋅ 3 × 10 4 ⋅ 8 × 10

c) C d) C
−18 −18
1 ⋅ 6 × 10 4 ⋅ 3 × 10

7. A metallic solid sphere is placed in a uniform electric field. In the figure, which path will the [1]
lines of force follow?

a) 2 b) 1

c) 3 d) 4
8. Hollow spherical conductor with a charge of 500 C is acted upon by a force 562.5 N. What is E [1]
at its surface?

a) Zero b) 4.5 × 10

c) 1.125 NC-1 d) 2.25 × 10 N C

6 −1

9. A force of repulsion between two point charges is F, when these are at a distance 0.1 m apart. [1]
Now the point charges are replaced by conducting spheres of radii 5 cm each having the same
charge as that of the respective point charges. The distance between their centres is again kept
0.1 m, then the force of repulsion will:

a) remain F b) decrease
c) increase d) becomes 9

10. Two insulated charged copper spheres A and B have their centres separated by a distance of [1]
50 cm. What is the mutual force of electrostatic repulsion if the charge on each is
? The radii of A and B are negligible compared to the distance of separation.
6. 5 × 1 0 C

a) b)
−2 −2
3. 5 × 1 0 N 4. 5 × 1 0 N

c) d)
−2 −2
1. 5 × 1 0 N 2. 5 × 1 0 N

11. A point charge +10 μC is at a distance 5 cm directly above the centre of a square of side 10 cm, [1]
as shown in Figure. What is the magnitude of the electric flux through the square? (Hint:
Think of the square as one face of the cube with edge 10cm)

a) b)
5 2 5 2
3. 4 × 1 0 Nm /C 2. 55 × 1 0 Nm /C

c) 1. 88 × 1 0 Nm /C
5 2
d) 5
3. 0 × 1 0 Nm /C

12. A charge q is placed at the center of the line joining two equal charges Q. The system of the [1]
three charges will be in equilibrium if q is equal to

a) b)

5 2

c) Q
d) −Q

4 4

13. If a charge q is placed at the centre of the line joining two equal charges Q such that the [1]
system is in equilibrium, then the value of q is :

a) −
b) Q

2 4

c) −
d) Q

4 2

14. When a negatively charged conductor is connected to earth [1]

a) Electrons flow from the earth to the b) Protons flow from the conductor to
conductor the earth

c) No charge flow occurs d) Electrons flow from the conductor to

the earth
15. An electric dipole with dipole moment 4 × 10 Cm is aligned at 30 with the direction of a [1]
−9 ∘

uniform electric field of magnitude 5 × 10 4

N/C . Calculate the magnitude of the torque
acting on the dipole.

a) 1.0 × 1 0
Nm b) 1. 5 × 1 0

c) 2. 5 × 1 0
Nm d) 3. 5 × 1 0

16. If a positive charge is displaced against the electric field in which it was situated, then [1]

a) the intensity of the electric field b) work will be done by the electric
decreases field on the charge

c) energy of the system will decrease d) energy will be provided by external

source displacing the charge
17. Under the influence of the coulomb field of charge +Q, a charge −q is moving around it in an [1]
elliptical orbit. Find out the correct statement(s).

a) The linear momentum of the charge b) The angular velocity of the charge −q
−q is constant is constant

c) The linear speed of the charge −q is d) The angular momentum of the

constant charge −q is constant
18. If electric field in a region is radially outward with magnitude E = Ar. The charge contained in [1]
a sphere of radius r centred at the origin is:

a) b)
3 4πε0 A
4πε0 Ar

c) d)
1 A 1 3
⋅ 3
4πε0 r 4πε0

19. Gravitational force is the smallest between [1]

a) earth and the moon b) earth and the sun

c) two pens weighing 100 gm at a d) two books of weight 1kg each at a

distance of 0.4 m distance of 1 m
20. The electric flux emerging out from 1 C charge is [1]

a) 4π

b) 4π

c) d)

21. A conducting sphere of radius 10 cm is charged with 10 μC. Another uncharged sphere of [1]
radius 20 cm is allowed to touch it for some time. After that if the spheres are separated, then
surface density of charges on the spheres will be in the ratio of

a) 1 : 1 b) 2 : 1

c) 1 : 3 d) 1 : 2
22. A half ring of radius R has a charge per unit length equal to λ. The field at the center is [1]

a) zero b)

4πε0 R

c) λ
d) None of these
4πε0 R

23. Six charges, each equal to +q, are placed at the corners of a regular hexagon of side a. The [1]
electric field at the point of intersection of diagonals is -

a) 1
b) zero
4πϵo 2a

6q q
c) d)
1 1
. . 2
4πϵo a
2 4πϵo a

24. The unit of permittivity of free space (∈0 ) is [1]

a) C N-1 m-1 b) N m2 C-2

c) C2 N-2 m-2 d) C2 N-1 m-2

25. A tennis ball which has been covered with charges is suspended by a thread so that it hangs [1]
between two metal plates. One plate is earthed, while other is attracted to a high voltage
generator. The ball

a) swings backward & forward hitting b) is repelled by earthed plate and stays
each plate in turn there

c) is attracted to the high voltage plate d) hangs without moving

and stays there
26. Electric charge between two bodies can be produced by: [1]

a) sticking b) rubbing

c) passing AC current d) oiling

27. In Fig, two positive charges q2 and q3 fixed along the y axis, exert a net electric force in the + x [1]
direction on a charge q1 fixed along the x axis. If a positive charge Q is added at (x, 0), the

force on q1

a) shall increase along the positive x- b) shall point along the negative x-axis.

c) shall decrease along the positive x- d) shall increase but the direction
axis. changes because of the intersection
of Q with q2 and q3.

28. When air is replaced by a dielectric medium of dielectric constant K, the maximum force of [1]
attraction between two charges separated by a distance:

a) decreases K2 times b) decreases K times

c) increases K times d) remains unchanged

29. A uniformly charged conducting sphere of 2.4 m diameter has a surface charge density of [1]
. Find the charge on the sphere.

a) 1. 25 × 10
C b) 1. 55 × 10

c) 1. 45 × 10
C d) 1. 35 × 10

30. A pendulum bob of mass m carrying a charge q is at rest with its string making an angle θ [1]
with the vertical in a uniform horizontal electric field E. The tension in the string is
a) b) mg

qE mg
c) d)
sinθ sinθ

31. Five charges q1 , q2 , q3 , q4, and q5 are fixed at their positions as shown in Fig., S is a Gaussian [1]
surface. The Gauss’s law is given by ∮s E ⋅ ds = ε0

Which of the following statements is correct?

a) E on the LHS of the above equation b) E on the LHS of the above equation
will have a contribution from q1, q5, will have a contribution from all

and q3 while q on the RHS will have charges while q on the RHS will have
a contribution from q2 and q4 only.
a contribution from q2 and q4 only.

c) Both E on the LHS and q on the RHS d) E on the LHS of the above equation
will have contributions from q2 and will have a contribution from all
q4 only. charges while q on the RHS will have
a contribution from q1, q3, and q5
32. A point charge +q is placed at the mid point of a cube of side L. The electric flux emerging [1]
from the cube is

a) zero b) qL


q q
c) 2
d) ϵo
6L ϵo

33. Two equal unlike charges placed 3 cm apart in air attract each other with a force of 40 N. The [1]
magnitude of each charge in micro coulombs is:

a) 2 b) 20,000

c) 200 d) 20
34. A hollow conducting sphere is given a positive charge of 10μC . What will be the electric field [1]
at the centre of the sphere if its radius is 2 metres?

a) 20 NC-1 b) 8 NC-1

c) 5 NC-1 d) Zero

35. A hollow spherical conductor of radius 2m carries a charge of 500 μ C. Then electric field [1]
strength at its surface is

a) b) Zero
1. 125 × 1 0 N/C

c) d)
6 6
4. 5 × 1 0 N/C 2. 25 × 1 0 N/C

36. A long, hollow conducting cylinder is kept co-axially inside another long, hollow conducting [1]
cylinder of a larger radius. Both the cylinders are initially electrically neutral.
Which of the following statements is correct based on the above-mentioned condition?

a) No potential difference appears b) A potential difference appears

between the two cylinders when between the two cylinders when a
same charge density is given to both charge density is given to the outer
the cylinders. cylinder.

c) No potential difference appears d) A potential difference appears

between the two cylinders when a between the two cylinders when
uniform line charge is kept along the inner cylinder is charged.
axis of the cylinders.
37. A long string of charge per unit length λ passes through an imaginary cube of edge a. The [1]
maximum flux of the electric field will be

a) b)
aλ aλ
ϵ0 ϵ0

– 2
– 2

c) √3
a λ
d) √2

ϵ0 ϵ0

38. There is a uniform field of strength 103 Vm−1 along the y-axis. A body of mass 1g and charge [1]
C is projected into the field from the origin along the positive x-axis with a velocity of
. Its speed (in ms−1 ) after 10 second will be (neglect gravitation)

a) 10 √2 b) 20

c) 5 √2 d) 10
39. A body can be negatively charged by [1]

a) Giving some protons to it b) Giving excess of electrons to it

c) removing some electrons from it d) Removing some neutrons from it

40. Eight dipoles of charges of magnitude e are placed inside a cube. The total electric flux coming [1]
out of the cube will be-
a) b)

ϵo ϵo

c) Zero d)



41. Careful measurement of the electric field at the surface of a black box indicates that the net [1]
outward flux through the surface of the box is 8.0 × 10 . What is the net charge
3 2
Nm /C

inside the box?

a) 0.04 μC b) 0.06 μC

c) 0.05 μC d) 0.07 μC
42. If the amounts of electric flux entering and leaving an enclosed surface respectively are ϕ1 [1]
and ϕ2 , the electric charge inside the surface will be :

a) (ϕ2 + ϕ1 ) ε0 b) ( ϕ2 − ϕ1 )


c) ( ϕ2 + ϕ1 )
d) (ϕ2 − ϕ1 ) ε0

43. Electric charges under the action of electric forces is called: [1]

a) electric field lines. b) electrostatic

c) electric flux d) electric field

44. Law stating that force is directly proportional to the product of charges and inversely [1]
proportional to the square of the separation between them is called:

a) Newton's law b) Coulomb's law

c) Gauss's law d) Ohm's law

45. If the net electric flux through a closed surface is zero, then we can infer [1]

a) no net charge is enclosed by the b) electric potential varies from point

surface to point inside the surface

c) charge is present inside the surface d) uniform electric field exists within
the surface
46. Three concentric metallic spherical shells of radii R, 2R, 3R, are given charges Q1, Q2, Q3, [1]
respectively. It is found that the surface charge densities on the outer surfaces of the shells are
equal. Then, the ratio of the charges given to the shells, Q1: Q2: Q3, is

a) It is 1: 4: 9 b) It is 1: 8: 18

c) It is 1: 3: 5 d) It is 1: 2: 3
47. Which of the following is not true for a region with uniform electric field? [1]

a) it may contain dipoles b) it may have uniformly distributed


c) None of these d) it can have free charges

48. A particle of mass m and charge q is released from rest in a uniform electric field E. The [1]
kinetic energy attained by the particle after moving a distance x is

a) 2
q Ex b) qEx

c) qEx d) qE x

49. A point charge Q is placed at the mid point of a line joining two charges, 4q and q. If the net [1]

force on charge q is zero, then Q must be equal to:

a) +q b) -2q

c) -q d) +4q
50. A conducting sphere of radius 10 cm has an unknown charge. If the electric field 20 cm from [1]
the centre of the sphere is 1. 5 × 10 3
N/C and points radially inward, what is the net charge
on the sphere?

a) 6.67 nC b) 7.67 nC

c) 7.27 nC d) -6.27 nC
51. Consider a neutral conducting sphere. A positive point charge is placed outside the sphere. [1]
Then the net charge on the sphere is -

a) Negative and distributed uniformly b) Negative and distributed non–

over the surface of the sphere uniformly over the entire surface of
the sphere

c) Negative and appears only at the d) Zero

point on the sphere closest to the
point charge
52. Using mass (M), length (L), time (T) and current (A) as fundamental quantities, the dimension [1]
of permittivity is

a) ML-2T2A b) MLT-2A

c) ML2T-1A2 d) M-1L-3T4A2

53. A point charge q = -8.0 nC is located at the origin. Magnitude of the electric field vector at the [1]
field point x = 0.949 m, y = -1.643 m is

a) 25 N b) 20 N

c) 15 N d) 10 N
54. The Electric flux through the surface [1]

a) in Fig (iv) is the largest. b) in Fig. (iii) is the least

c) is the same for all the figures d) in Fig. (ii) is same as Fig. (iii) but is
smaller than Fig. (iv)
55. There is an electric field in the X-direction. If the work done in moving a charge of 0.2 C [1]

through a distance of 2m along a line making an angle of 60o with X-axis is 4 J, then what is
the value of E?

a) 20 NC-1 b) 4 NC-1


c) 5 NC-1 d) √3 NC-1

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