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Bimestre 1
AA1-B1. Grammar practice – Unit 1

Paulina Borbón Sánchez

Nombre: _______________________________________________________Grupo:
Level V 11:35-12:35

I. Spell the –ing form of the verbs.

1. Play - Playing
2. Swim - Swimming
3. Lie - Lying
4. Write
- Writing
5. Visit
- Stopping
6. Stop
7. Get - Getting
8. Die - Dying
9. Study - Studying
10. Use - Using

II. Spell the He/She/It form of the verb in Present Simple.

1. know - Knows
2. watch - Watches
3. carry - Carries
4. wash - Washes
5. go - Goes
6. enjoy - Enjoys
7. relax - Relaxes
8. play - Plays
9. marry - Marries
10. buy - Buys

III. Complete the questions. Use the Present Simple or the Present Progressive.
does Peter go swimming
1. How often __________________________________?
Peter goes swimming three times a week.
does he speak
2. How many languages __________________________?
He speaks German, Spanish and Russian.
are you crying
3. Why ________________________________________?
I’m crying because I’m so upset today.


do they spend their weekends

4. Where ______________________________________?
They usually spend their weekends in the country.
is Kate going
5. When ______________________________on holiday?
Kate is going on holiday at the end of the month.
does Paul finish his work
6. What time ___________________________________?
Paul finishes his work at 6.30.
is he studying
7. What ________________________________this term?
He is studying English and Literature this term.

IV. Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use the Present Simple and
the Present Progressive
isn’t going
1. Robert ______________ (not go) to Jane’s party next Saturday.
doesn’t have (not have) time.
2. There’s something wrong with Ted’s car at the moment, so he ‘s______________
(go) to work by bus today.
3. The river Thames ______________ (flow) through London.
4. Mary has got an exam soon, so she ‘s working
______________ (work) now.
are you wearing
5. Why ______________ (you / wear) a T-shirt? It’s so cold outside!
6. Please, switch the TV off! I ______________ (hate) this boring film.
is meeting
7. Mr. Brown ______________ (meet) his dentist this afternoon.
don’t like
8. Turn the volume down! I ______________ (not like) this music.
don’t write
9. You ______________ (not write) to your pen friend very often, but he
______________ (write) to you every week.
10. Whichone does your dad prefer (your dad / prefer): tea or coffee?
11. Ann ______________ (want) to be a teacher when she grows up.
12. ‘I ‘m meeting
______________ Do you want (you / want)
(meet) my friends at the cinema. ______________
to come with me?’
13. My Granny is very generous. Every Christmas she ______________ (buy) sweets
for all kids in her street.

V. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. Where’s dad? He’s in the kitchen. He makes tea.
→ Where’s dad? He’s in the kitchen. He is making tea.
2. Hi, Barb! Great to see you. What do you do here?
→ Hi, Barb! Great to see you. What are you doing here?


3. What are you thinking of my new hairdo? It’s great, I love it.
→ What do you think of my new hairdo? It’s great, I love it.
4. When I’m tired, I’m going to bed early, sometimes before 9 pm.
→ When I’m tired, I go to bed early, sometimes before 9pm.
5. Why do you wear sunglasses? Take them off. I can’t see your eyes.
→ Why are you wearing sunglasses? Take them off. I can’t see your eyes.
6. Listen. Do you hear that strange noise? Yeah, it’s dad. He learns how to use the
new printer.
→ Listen. Do you hear that strange noise? Yeah, it’s dad. He’s learning how to
use the new printer.
7. Do you like Desperate Housewives? Yes, I’m loving it. It’s one of my favorite TV
→ Do you like Desperate Housewives? Yes, I love it. It’s one of my favorite TV
8. I’m going to the shop. Are you needing anything?
→ I’m going to the shop. Do you need anything?
9. We think of buying a dishwasher. We hate washing the dishes by hand.
→ We are thinking of buying a dishwasher. We hate washing the dishes by

VI. Highlight the correct form; Present Simple or Progressive

1. Come on, let’s order. The waiter comes / is coming.
2. Kate doesn’t want / isn’t wanting to have dinner now. She isn’t hungry.
3. The head chef is ill, so he doesn’t work / isn’t working today.
4. The bill seems / is seeming very expensive to me.
5. We’ve had an argument and now we don’t speak / aren’t speaking to each other.
6. My mum thinks / is thinking my diet is awful these days.
7. Do we need / Are we needing to go shopping today?
8. Can I call you back? I have / I’m having lunch right now.
9. I didn’t use to like oily fish, but now I love / I’m loving it!
10. You cake is wonderful! It tastes / is tasting like one my mother used to make.

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