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THIS NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is entered into between

NARRATIVE ADS LLC, a California LLC (the “Company”) and _____________________ (the
“Recipient”) as of _______________________ (the “Effec ve Date”), to protect the
confiden ality of certain confiden al informa on of the Company to be disclosed to the
Recipient solely for use in Recipient’s independent contractor and consul ng work in the
crea on, management, execu on, marke ng, op miza on, conceptualiza on of video ads, as
well as future business opportuni es related thereto (the “Permi ed Use”).

1. As used herein, “Confiden al Informa on” will mean any and all technical and
non-technical informa on provided by the Company to the Recipient, which may include
without limita on informa on regarding: (a) patent and patent applica ons; (b) trade secrets;
(c) proprietary and confiden al informa on, ideas, techniques, sketches, drawings, works of
authorship, models, inven ons, know-how, processes, apparatuses, equipment, algorithms,
so ware programs, brand source documents, and formulae related to the current, future, and
proposed products and services of the Company, including without limita on the Company’s
informa on concerning clients, contacts, research, experimental work, development, design
details and specifica ons, engineering, financial informa on, procurement requirements,
purchasing, manufacturing, customer lists, investors, employees, business and contractual
rela onships, business forecasts, sales and merchandising, marke ng plans and informa on the
Company provides regarding third par es; and (d) all other informa on that the Recipient knew,
or reasonably should have known, was the Confiden al Informa on of the Company.

2. Subject to Sec on 3, the Recipient agrees that at all mes and notwithstanding any
termina on or expira on of this Agreement it will hold in strict confidence and not disclose to
any third party any Confiden al Informa on, except as approved in wri ng by the Company, and
will use the Confiden al Informa on for no purpose other than the Permi ed Use. The
Recipient will also protect such Confiden al Informa on with at least the same degree of care
that the Recipient uses to protect its own Confiden al Informa on, but in no case, less than
reasonable care. The Recipient will limit access to the Confiden al Informa on to only those of
its employees or authorized representa ves having a need to know and who have signed
confiden ality agreements containing, or are otherwise bound by, confiden ality obliga ons at
least as restric ve as those contained herein.

3. The Recipient will not have any obliga ons under this Agreement with respect to a
specific por on of the Confiden al Informa on if the Recipient can demonstrate with
competent evidence that such Confiden al Informa on:
(a) was in the public domain at the me it was disclosed to the Recipient;
(b) entered the public domain subsequent to the me it was disclosed to the
Recipient, through no fault of the Recipient;
(c) was in the Recipient’s possession free of any obliga on of confidence at the
me it was disclosed to the Recipient;
(d) was righ ully communicated to the Recipient free of any obliga on of
confidence subsequent to the me it was disclosed to the Recipient; or
(e) was developed by employees or agents of the Recipient who had no access
to any Confiden al Informa on.

4. Notwithstanding the above, the Recipient may disclose certain Confiden al

Informa on, without viola ng the obliga ons of this Agreement, to the extent such disclosure is
required by a valid order of a court or other governmental body having jurisdic on, provided
that the Recipient provides the Company with reasonable prior wri en no ce of such disclosure
and makes a reasonable effort to obtain, or to assist the Company in obtaining, a protec ve
order preven ng or limi ng the disclosure and/or requiring that the Confiden al Informa on so
disclosed be used only for the purposes for which the law or regula on required, or for which
the order was issued.

5. The Recipient will immediately no fy the Company in the event of any loss or
unauthorized disclosure of any Confiden al Informa on.

6. Upon termina on or expira on of this Agreement, or upon wri en request of the

Company, the Recipient will promptly return to the Company all documents and other tangible
materials represen ng any Confiden al Informa on and all copies thereof.

7. Confiden al Informa on is and shall remain the sole property of the Company. The
Recipient recognizes and agrees that nothing contained in this Agreement will be construed as
gran ng any property rights, by license or otherwise, to any Confiden al Informa on disclosed
under this Agreement, or to any inven on or any patent, copyright, trademark, or other
intellectual property right that has issued or that may issue, based on such Confiden al
Informa on. The Recipient will not make, have made, use or sell for any purpose any product or
other item using, incorpora ng or derived from any Confiden al Informa on. Neither this
Agreement nor the disclosure of any Confiden al Informa on hereunder shall result in any
obliga on on the part of either party to enter into any further agreement with the other, license
any products or services to the other, or to require the Company to disclose any par cular
Confiden al Informa on. Nothing in this Agreement creates or shall be deemed to create any
employment, joint venture, or agency between the par es.

8. Confiden al Informa on will not be reproduced in any form except as required to

accomplish the intent of this Agreement. Any reproduc on of any Confiden al Informa on will
remain the property of the Company and will contain any and all confiden al or proprietary
no ces or legends that appear on the original, unless otherwise authorized in wri ng by the

9. This Agreement will terminate five (5) year(s) a er the Effec ve Date, or may be
terminated by either party at any me upon thirty (30) days wri en no ce to the other party.
The Recipient’s obliga ons under this Agreement will survive termina on of this Agreement
and will be binding upon the Recipient’s heirs, successors, and assigns. The Recipient’s
obliga ons with respect to all Confiden al Informa on will terminate only pursuant to
Sec on.



11. This Agreement and any ac on related thereto will be governed, controlled,
interpreted, and defined by and under the laws of the State of California, without giving effect
to any conflicts of laws principles that require the applica on of the law of a different state. Any
disputes under this Agreement may be brought in the state courts and the Federal courts
located in Los Angeles County, California, and the par es hereby consent to the personal
jurisdic on and exclusive venue of these courts. This Agreement may not be amended except by
a wri ng signed by both par es.

12. The Recipient hereby agrees that its breach of this Agreement will cause irreparable
damage to the Company for which recovery of damages would be inadequate, and that the
Company will be en tled to obtain mely injunc ve relief under this Agreement, as well as such
further relief as may be granted by a court of competent jurisdic on.
13. If any provision of this Agreement is found by a proper authority to be unenforceable
or invalid, such unenforceability or invalidity will not render this Agreement unenforceable or
invalid as a whole and, in such event, such provision will be changed and interpreted so as to
best accomplish the objec ves of such unenforceable or invalid provision within the limits of
applicable law or applicable court decisions. Any waiver or failure to enforce any provision of
this Agreement on one occasion will not be deemed a waiver of any other provision or of such
provision on any other occasion.

14. The Recipient will not assign or transfer any rights or obliga ons under this
Agreement without the prior wri en consent of the Company and any a empted assignment,
subcontract, delega on, or transfer in viola on of the foregoing will be null and void.

15. The Recipient will not export, directly or indirectly, any U.S. technical data acquired
pursuant to this Agreement, or any products u lizing such data, in viola on of the United States
export laws or regula ons.

16. All no ces or reports permi ed or required under this Agreement will be in wri ng
and will be delivered by personal delivery, electronic mail, facsimile transmission or by cer fied
or registered mail, return receipt requested, and will be deemed given upon personal delivery,
five (5) days a er deposit in the mail, or upon acknowledgment of receipt of electronic
transmission. No ces will be sent to the addresses set forth at the end of this Agreement or
such other address as either party may specify in wri ng.

17. The Recipient agrees that the so ware programs of the Company contain valuable
confiden al informa on and agrees that it will not modify, reverse engineer, decompile, create
other works from, or disassemble any so ware programs contained in the Confiden al
Informa on without the prior wri en consent of the Company.

18. This Agreement is the final, complete and exclusive agreement of the par es with
respect to the subject ma ers hereof and supersedes and merges all prior discussions between
the par es with respect to such ma ers. No modifica on of or amendment to this Agreement
will be effec ve unless in wri ng and signed by the party to be charged.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the par es have caused this Non-Disclosure Agreement to be
executed as of the Effec ve Date.


By: Francisco Cheng


88 W Colorado Blvd, Pasadena CA 91105

Email: francisco@narra

By: ___________________________________ ________________________________

Name of Independent Contractor & Date Signature of Ind. Contractor




Personal E-mail: Phone #:

______________________________________ ____________________________________

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